Using 20 Monitoring 20 To 20 Vendor 20 Managment
Using 20 Monitoring 20 To 20 Vendor 20 Managment
Using 20 Monitoring 20 To 20 Vendor 20 Managment
Continuously monitoring risks and your supply chain is not a new
concept, and in some areas of risk management it’s already left its
mark. Take cybersecurity for example. In this field, continuously
monitoring risk has become no less than necessary. Many
businesses have internal cybersecurity operations centers where
personnel are monitoring the network for incoming threats, then
deciding on appropriate remediation measures and neutralizing
them as soon as possible. With these monitoring processes turning
automated, the time saved in both recognizing and remediating
threats is exponential.
Cyber risk professionals, specifically third-party risk managers, rely
2020 exposed businesses on continuous monitoring solutions to keep tabs on cyber threats
and incidents on their expanding vendor networks — networks
to new risks as networks
which are becoming increasingly complex thanks to the proliferation
moved remote and of internet of things (IoT) devices and malicious actors continuing
to take more sophisticated approaches to assessing important data.
at-home employees
On top of that, 2020 exposed businesses to new risks as networks
expanded the threat moved remote and at-home employees expanded the threat
landscape for organizations across all industries.
landscape for organizations
In most areas of business, the idea of continuous monitoring risks
across all industries. to prevent detrimental business outcomes is nothing new. What is
new to many organizations, however, is the ability to use continuous
monitoring to identify and remediate risk effectively when managing
their third-party cybersecurity networks. The reason? Continuous
monitoring requires massive data sources, and now big data
and cloud technology has brought vast amounts of cybersecurity
data from a variety of sources to third party security and risk
professionals for management purposes.
With a continuous view into your program’s data, vendor security
managers can begin to fill in gaps where they were previously unable
to have visibility due to manual processes. | 3
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management | 4
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management | 5
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management | 6
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management
By reaching a point where you can approach your third party risk
management program in a way that applies efficient processes
across the portfolio, organizations can get the most value out of
the resources they put into managing their vendors. Finding how
to implement continuous monitoring where you were previously
relying on more manual, or point-in-time assessments, is a critical
piece of reaching a total portfolio vendor risk management point.
Next, we will walk through how to implement a continuous
monitoring strategy in your vendor risk management program,
from different levels of continuous monitoring to where BitSight can
support your program.
solution implementations.
3. Satisfy your board with reliable metrics and
improved ROI. The final step to secure your complete
value from implementing a continuous monitoring strategy
is when you’re communicating your vendor management
results and status with the board. Continuous monitoring
allows for more updated metrics that your internal team
can pull whenever they need to put together a security
presentation for the board. Third party security leaders no
longer have to rely on the most recent audit period as the
vendor-representation the board sees.
You can also trust that your data and updated cybersecurity
metrics represent your complete vendor portfolio, instead
of just the pieces that you were able to manually pull.
With the real time data-access security leaders gain from
continuously monitoring their third parties, companies can
make quicker third-party risk decisions, reducing the time it
takes for the board to see the return on investment for their
cybersecurity spend. | 8
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management | 9
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management | 10
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management
Finding the time and motivation to make process changes to your
TPRM program is hard. Doing away with your current vendor
monitoring processes to adopt a continuous risk monitoring
approach is worth making the change. Bring your third-party risk
management program into the next level of maturity by tackling
your inherent vendor risk with a continuous monitoring approach
such as the different offerings included in BitSight’s TPRM
product. See effective results today when you introduce continuous
monitoring to your program, and expand it to integrate with your
entire program.
We are already faced with a world of change, it is time to start
implementing changes that will further your business for the better. | 12
Request a personalized demo with a BitSight representative
today to learn more about applying a continuous monitoring
approach to your third party risk management program.
About BitSight
BitSight transforms how organizations manage information cybersecurity risk
with objective, verifiable and actionable Security Ratings. Founded in 2011,
the company built its Security Ratings Platform to continuously analyze vast
111 Huntington Avenue
amounts of data on security issues. Seven of the top 10 largest cyber insurers,
Suite 2010 20 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and four out of the top five investment
Boston MA 02199 banks rely on BitSight to manage cyber risks. For more information, please visit
+1.617.245.0469, read our blog or follow @BitSight on Twitter.