Using 20 Monitoring 20 To 20 Vendor 20 Managment

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Using Continuous Monitoring

Technology to Revolutionize
Vendor Risk Management
In the past, the job of a cybersecurity or third-party A process which once took weeks or months is
risk professional included a workflow that went now happening in a second — and beyond that, it’s
a little like this: Spend the workday reviewing as happening every second, so that the most up-to-date
much data as you can get your hands on; Analyze information is always just a click away.
that data manually for common themes and ideas;
Draw conclusions based on these ideas; Make or
suggest decisions based on these conclusions. Continuous monitoring represents a shift in
The data on these vendor risk managers’ desks vendor risk management that has brought
might have come in the form of monthly, quarterly, TPRM leaders new power when handling
or annual reports. Depending on the risk category, their cybersecurity programs.
perhaps they were financial reports, or maybe
strategic analyses from major consulting firms, but
either way the data was aggregated over the long-
term, analyzed using time-consuming processes, This strategy is called continuous monitoring, and
and deliberated over in order to reach decisions. it represents a shift in vendor risk management
Modern business no longer allows for this kind of that has brought TPRM leaders new power when
slow-and-steady risk management workflow. With handling their cybersecurity programs. In this
the takeover of big data and adoption of artificial Ebook, we’ll explore why continuous monitoring
intelligence, organizations are able to assess and has changed vendor risk management, how security
respond to risks faster than ever before. professionals can implement this approach into
their programs, and why continuous monitoring is a
Now, data is aggregated from millions of
transformation you should care about.
devices, sensors, and users every second. This
unprecedented volume of data is often combined First, we’ll briefly explore what it means to
with other vendor data sources, then analyzed by continuously monitor, and where you might have
software employing machine-learning algorithms seen examples of companies relying on continuous
to produce conclusions that are constantly updated monitoring in the past.
based on real-time changes to the data set. Vendor
risk management professionals then review the
conclusions for trends and anomalies, weighing the
information against their company’s risk tolerance
to make strategic decisions.
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

Continuously monitoring risks and your supply chain is not a new
concept, and in some areas of risk management it’s already left its
mark. Take cybersecurity for example. In this field, continuously
monitoring risk has become no less than necessary. Many
businesses have internal cybersecurity operations centers where
personnel are monitoring the network for incoming threats, then
deciding on appropriate remediation measures and neutralizing
them as soon as possible. With these monitoring processes turning
automated, the time saved in both recognizing and remediating
threats is exponential.
Cyber risk professionals, specifically third-party risk managers, rely
2020 exposed businesses on continuous monitoring solutions to keep tabs on cyber threats
and incidents on their expanding vendor networks — networks
to new risks as networks
which are becoming increasingly complex thanks to the proliferation
moved remote and of internet of things (IoT) devices and malicious actors continuing
to take more sophisticated approaches to assessing important data.
at-home employees
On top of that, 2020 exposed businesses to new risks as networks
expanded the threat moved remote and at-home employees expanded the threat
landscape for organizations across all industries.
landscape for organizations
In most areas of business, the idea of continuous monitoring risks
across all industries. to prevent detrimental business outcomes is nothing new. What is
new to many organizations, however, is the ability to use continuous
monitoring to identify and remediate risk effectively when managing
their third-party cybersecurity networks. The reason? Continuous
monitoring requires massive data sources, and now big data
and cloud technology has brought vast amounts of cybersecurity
data from a variety of sources to third party security and risk
professionals for management purposes.
With a continuous view into your program’s data, vendor security
managers can begin to fill in gaps where they were previously unable
to have visibility due to manual processes. | 3
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management


Cybersecurity professionals are constantly bombarded with
changing risk environments, whether they come in the form of
updated technology or unpredictable global pandemics. Finding
processes that work, and sticking to them, help security leaders stay
consistent. So why do we want you to consider a potentially new
change to your cyber security practices?
Continuous monitoring is a strategy your organization will only
benefit from over the course of your relationships with your vendors.
By providing your organization with a consistent, wider view
into your risk portfolio, totally monitoring your vendors shrinks
the exposure to risk through better, systemic third-party risk
management. Instead of gathering point-in-time assessment data
during the audit lifecycle, security managers can gain total visibility
through complete cyber risk monitoring and reduce the risk their
business takes on through working with vendors.

Your Vendors Have Access To More Than You Think

According to Gartner, “Vendor risk management (VRM) is the
process of ensuring that the use of service providers and IT suppliers
does not create an unacceptable potential for business disruption or
a negative impact on business performance.”
In other words, whenever vendors, suppliers, or other third parties
have access to your data, there is a risk that something bad might
happen to it. This risk is very real — according to Deloitte, 20.6% of
business leaders report having dealt with a situation where sensitive
customer data has been breached through third parties.
For a long time, questionnaires were one of the only ways to gather
IT security information about third party vendors. Now, many
companies rely on aggregating and analyzing externally observable
cybersecurity risk factors that finally enable the continuous
monitoring of vendor risk.
With continuous monitoring, risk and IT professionals can maintain
a real-time understanding of the risks they’re being exposed to by
every vendor in their portfolio. Organizations can monitor and
protect the data living outside their network in nearly the same way
they monitor and protect internally stored data. | 4
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

Threats Now Happen Faster, And At Greater Scale

Threats to businesses through cybersecurity avenues have adapted
greatly in the last five years. Malicious actors understand the
technology, and can access data quicker and wreak greater havoc
than ever before. Deloitte reports that “the financial impact of
[cybersecurity] failure by a third-party has at least doubled over the
past five years… one in five respondents believe the financial impact
has multiplied tenfold”.
Danger has always lurked on internal and third-party networks,
but the scale and speed at which those threats can become financial
hits and blows to business operations is now incredibly fast. Taking
the right steps to find efficient solutions to mitigate these evolving
threats might be what saves an organization when a threat arises.
Take the large-scale cyber breach of shipping giant Maersk in
Deloitte reports that 2017. The Danish company, the largest shipping organization in
the world, spent billions of dollars dealing with damage caused by
“the financial impact of Russian malware NotPetya. The attack originated on the network
[cybersecurity] failure of Maersk’s third-party tax-filing software based out of Ukraine,
and within 2 hours had caused enough damage within the network
by a third-party has at of almost 80,000 employees that the majority of the stunned
least doubled over the workforce was asked to turn their computers off and leave for an
undetermined period.
past five years… one in
After two weeks of 24/7 remediation efforts, the Maersk employees
five respondents believe started returning to work, but only after the company experienced
financial loss and extreme delays in their shipping operations. Some
the financial impact has subsidiaries turned to manual management of shipping operations
multiplied tenfold”. where they could, but the speed and severity of the breach prevented
operations from returning to normal for months, all of which could
have been avoided, or remediated more efficiently with continuous
monitoring third-party risk management.

Mature Your Program Faster

Committing to a continuous cyber risk monitoring strategy for
managing your vendors not only reduces the risk associated with
working with more and more vendors, but also helps mature your
TPRM program to handle more with less. A mature TPRM program
operates efficiently and proactively mitigates risk, instead of waiting
for risks to present themselves.
With the maturity that a continuous monitoring approach brings
to managing third party risk, organizations do not need to rely on
their vendors for visibility into their entire threat landscape.
Without a continuous monitoring approach, security managers are
stuck basing their third party risk management decisions on the
subjective data and responses their vendors submit. | 5
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

Besides of the time-management pressure to follow up with vendors

and receive the needed responses with enough time to make
business decisions, there is inherent risk associated with trusting
point-in-time data to be reflective of a vendor’s total risk portfolio
outside of the assessment period. It also can be time-consuming
to verify vendor assessment responses, so most third-party risk
managers rely on subjective assessment responses without knowing
their real level of accuracy.
There is no longer a need to rely on subjective vendor data when
security leaders have access to their own data pool through
continuously monitoring objective security indicators. This
can be true during the early stages of onboarding a vendor, as well
as during the assessment and offboarding phases. Where TPRM
leaders used to need vendor reports throughout the vendor lifecycle,
they can mature their program through continuously monitoring
their vendor pool and removing the need for customer-reliance
during the entire vendor lifecycle.

“Total Portfolio” Third Party Risk Management

Deloitte reports in their 2020 third-party risk management global
survey that “senior executives are extending their focus beyond
risk to include a broader view of third-party management, enabling
synergies in the long term…” representing the growing focus on
tackling cybersecurity from the portfolio management perspective.
The ultimate goal of implementing a continuous monitoring strategy
is not just to follow a cyber risk best practice, but to help create
more efficient processes through developing a total portfolio
perspective of managing third party vendors. When treating
your organization’s vendor risk as one big portfolio where each piece
is vital to the overall success and is handled the most efficient way,

1. See better alignment between all parties involved in third party

risk management, including security leaders, your board, and
your vendors.
2. Have broad visibility into every aspect of their TPRM programs,
instead of facing roadblocks where manual processes might still
be used, or ignore parts of the program completely.
3. Create a sense of consistency across the vendor lifecycle.
Continuous monitoring and other efficient vendor management
strategies are useful when applied at different parts of the TPRM
process, but value is truly found when these approaches are used
across the board with your entire third party program. | 6
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

By reaching a point where you can approach your third party risk
management program in a way that applies efficient processes
across the portfolio, organizations can get the most value out of
the resources they put into managing their vendors. Finding how
to implement continuous monitoring where you were previously
relying on more manual, or point-in-time assessments, is a critical
piece of reaching a total portfolio vendor risk management point.
Next, we will walk through how to implement a continuous
monitoring strategy in your vendor risk management program,
from different levels of continuous monitoring to where BitSight can
support your program.


Maturing your TPRM program by implementing a continuous
monitoring vendor management strategy doesn’t have to be
complicated. Monitoring technology has adapted to meet the needs of
security managers by easily merging with their processes at every stage
of vendor management and producing immediate, meaningful results.
Three key steps to start using a continuous monitoring approach to
manage your organization’s third party risk include:

1. Integrating your vendor risk landscape with a

monitoring technology, such as the BitSight for TPRM
product, to give the monitoring platform complete access
to your endpoints both internally and across your vendor
network. Instead of focusing just on the most obvious points
of risk in your program, integrating a continuous monitoring
capability gives visibility into each vendor’s risk landscape.
Your vendor risk profile might include more than you think.
It is important, and more efficient, to keep an eye on each
vendor’s cybersecurity posture with continuous monitoring
automation because you get visibility into critical
external vulnerability data like:
• On premise • Subsidiaries
cyber data & GEOs
• SIEMs • Cloud data
• Firewalls • Your expanding
digital footprint,
• Shadow IT and more
• Remote office
network accessed
by employees | 7
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

More informed, data-driven decisions can be made once

vendor security manager’s have full-access to their vendor’s
endpoints, instead of just manually monitoring the areas of
their vendor’s program that they deem the most important,
or have the time for.

2. Bringing the continuous monitoring technology to your

entire vendor risk management program. With
total program integration, security leaders can benefit
from automated, data-driven processes during the vendor
onboarding and assessment stages, all the way through the
end of the vendor lifecycle.
Becoming extremely efficient in one area of vendor lifecycle
management is great, but if you’re bogged down with
manual and outdated processes in other stages than your
progress might be useless. When continuous monitoring is
Using a solution like combined with other efficient vendor management processes,
including tiering your pool of vendors based on criticality to
security ratings, executives the business, your entire program can run more efficiently.
can track changes in When you tier your vendors, and then can continuously
monitor those tiers, the alerts and data you receive from your
actual cyber risk against monitoring software is more impactful and leads to better
the timelines of certain informed decision making.

solution implementations.
3. Satisfy your board with reliable metrics and
improved ROI. The final step to secure your complete
value from implementing a continuous monitoring strategy
is when you’re communicating your vendor management
results and status with the board. Continuous monitoring
allows for more updated metrics that your internal team
can pull whenever they need to put together a security
presentation for the board. Third party security leaders no
longer have to rely on the most recent audit period as the
vendor-representation the board sees.
You can also trust that your data and updated cybersecurity
metrics represent your complete vendor portfolio, instead
of just the pieces that you were able to manually pull.
With the real time data-access security leaders gain from
continuously monitoring their third parties, companies can
make quicker third-party risk decisions, reducing the time it
takes for the board to see the return on investment for their
cybersecurity spend. | 8
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

TPRM managers no longer need to perform as many

assessments when reassessing vendors with continuous access
to vendor data, saving time and money spent on assessments
each year. Onboarding vendors can also be done quicker with
the accuracy provided by a continuous view into potential
third-parties. Organizations don’t have to wait for new
vendors to provide subjective security data, they can monitor
and make third-party decisions efficiently on their own terms.

Continuous Monitoring With BitSight for Third Party

Risk Management
BitSight helps security managers implement the most efficient
processes throughout their vendor lifecycle. BitSight for Third Party
Risk Management includes continuous monitoring technology that
gives vendor risk managers a complete and trusted view into their
risk portfolio. Instead of relying on yearly assessments or security
For managers, much of information that is collected and reported out by the vendors
themselves, BitSight’s continuous monitoring software presents each
the work of risk-based
vendor’s security status with the BitSight Cybersecurity Rating.
reporting comes down to The BitSight rating reflects the cybersecurity posture of a third party
choosing the most relevant organization based on risk factors like botnet infections, out-of-
date devices, TLS/SSL certificates, file sharing behavior, and more.
performance indicators. With our continuous monitoring technology scanning vendor’s risk
vectors for changes in behavior or potential concerns, the rating is an
updated, total view into each of your vendor’s cybersecurity posture.

The Only Independently Verified Continuous

Monitoring Database
Not all continuous monitoring technology is the same, and in a
cybersecurity industry growing crowded with solutions claiming to
solve security managers’ problems, it’s important to find a reliable
continuous monitoring program that is worth spending your
resources on.
BitSight Cybersecurity Ratings have been proven to correlate with
the risk of data breaches. AIG research shows a company’s overall
BitSight rating, as well as their grades in given risk categories, can
reliably predict future security performance if they remain unchanged.
• Companies with a BitSight Security Rating of 400 or lower are
five times more likely to experience a breach than those with a
rating of 700 or higher.
• Organizations have a 3x higher chance of suffering a data breach
if 50% of your computers run outdated operating systems. | 9
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

• If your Botnet grade is B or lower, or the file sharing grade is B

or lower, or the grade for open ports is an F, you have 2x more
likelihood of suffering a breach.
Not only can organizations use BitSight ratings to protect against
vendors who have a higher likelihood of experiencing a cyberattack,
but BitSight customers can also trust that relying on BitSight for
continuous monitoring technology is a profitable business solution.
Solactive research shows that companies with strong cybersecurity
performance, including organizations with higher BitSight ratings,
financially outperform their market peers by up to 7%. Only BitSight
ratings have been used by organizations to link their cybersecurity
performance to overall company governance resulting in higher
financial performance. Cybersecurity actions, including monitoring
your vendors with BitSight’s continuous monitoring technology, can
enable your business and create measurable value.

Personalized Monitoring Options

Finding the right level of continuous monitoring technology
that meets the needs of your organization will help promote
efficiency across your TPRM program without overspending or
underutilizing the opportunity to gain visibility into your vendor
risk. BitSight’s TPRM product promotes efficiency and successful
TRPM management with our customers by allowing for flexible,
personalized continuous monitoring packages where organizations
can select the best level of monitoring for their business needs.
Each customer has unique needs for monitoring their vendors,
which is why BitSight offers customers the ability to customize their
continuous monitoring packages. Customers can select different
levels of monitoring for each vendor, prospect, or other organization,
based on their specific relationship with that organization:

1. Total Risk Monitoring - Some third-party program

managers get more out of focusing their resources and
attention on a handful of highly critical vendors. Total
Risk Monitoring provides an encompassing continuous
monitoring view into a selected vendor, usually critical
vendors and business partners connected to the most
sensitive company information and critical operations. This
all-inclusive monitoring option gives vendor risk managers:
• Daily ratings and data updates
• Access to historical data on the vendor or business
partner for the past year
• Constant visibility into a vendor’s risk posture | 10
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

2. Risk Monitoring - Following cyber risk best practices for

a mature TPRM program, organization’s shouldn’t ignore
the cybersecurity status of their non-critical vendors. With
a risk monitoring selection in the BitSight platform, vendor
security and risk professionals will be notified only when
critical updates occur for the selected organizations, usually
lower tier or early prospective vendors. The risk monitoring
level gives security leaders:
• Notifications only when the security posture of a third-
party becomes critical and needs attention
• A sense of security and visibility over lower-tiered
vendors, instead of sacrificing knowledge on non-critical
vendors for visibility into the top-tier

3. Risk Assessor - If a customer isn’t fully ready to assign

a specific level of monitoring to a vendor, or if they are
onboarding a new vendor and aren’t sure of the vendor’s
historical cybersecurity performance, the risk assessor tool
within the BitSight portal can be utilized to help guide a
monitoring selection. Risk assessor subscriptions can also
be applied to vendors that the organization needs more
information on as they are working to fix vulnerabilities
within their portfolio.

Full Coverage Packages





BitSight offers users suggested continuous monitoring packages

based on their organization’s third-party security needs.
Where continuous monitoring using a Total Risk Monitoring
approach for all vendors can provide a solid defense against cyber
threats, organizations are using vendors more and more. Monitoring
a pool of 5,000 vendors with updates every time there’s a change in
a vendor’s BitSight rating might get overwhelming, but finding the
best package that gives security managers the right level of visibility
into each vendor is possible with BitSight’s continuous monitoring
options. Users can also change their level of vendor monitoring
at any time to better meet the needs of a vendor, or to monitor a
vendor thoroughly during a critical use period. | 11
Using Continuous Monitoring Technology to Revolutionize Vendor Risk Management

Finding the time and motivation to make process changes to your
TPRM program is hard. Doing away with your current vendor
monitoring processes to adopt a continuous risk monitoring
approach is worth making the change. Bring your third-party risk
management program into the next level of maturity by tackling
your inherent vendor risk with a continuous monitoring approach
such as the different offerings included in BitSight’s TPRM
product. See effective results today when you introduce continuous
monitoring to your program, and expand it to integrate with your
entire program.
We are already faced with a world of change, it is time to start
implementing changes that will further your business for the better. | 12
Request a personalized demo with a BitSight representative
today to learn more about applying a continuous monitoring
approach to your third party risk management program.


About BitSight
BitSight transforms how organizations manage information cybersecurity risk
with objective, verifiable and actionable Security Ratings. Founded in 2011,
the company built its Security Ratings Platform to continuously analyze vast
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amounts of data on security issues. Seven of the top 10 largest cyber insurers,
Suite 2010 20 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and four out of the top five investment
Boston MA 02199 banks rely on BitSight to manage cyber risks. For more information, please visit
+1.617.245.0469, read our blog or follow @BitSight on Twitter.

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