Commander Achievement
Commander Achievement
Commander Achievement
n oinForces J
Pay at least five mana, for a spell with Join Forces, cast by another player
n ommandTower C
Cast your Commander using mana from a Command Tower
n aaliasTrifecta K
Control an Angel, a Demon, and a Dragon creature
n ikusMirrorGallery R
Control at least two creature tokens that are copies of other creatures you control
n econdinCommand S
Cast or control a Legendary creature that isnt your Commander
n havesSporeCloud G
Control at least seven saproling creature tokens at the same time
n etintoit! G
Make applicable sound effects or emphasis when you cast a spell or activate an ability (if the majority of the table agrees!)
n eGiftsofZedruu Th
Have each of your opponents control a permanent you own at the same time
n ungerofTheMimeoplasm H
Have The Mimeoplasm enter the battlefield with at least five +1/+1 counters and two keyword abilities
Ultimate Endings
n irstBlood F
Be the first player to deal damage to an opponent
n eathDealer D
Eliminate another player
n Mega-Kill
Kill four creatures at the same time (this could be done through combat, destroy effects, exile, sacrifice, etc)
n PileofCorpses
Have 15 or more cards in your graveyard
n otAccordingtoPlan N
Be the first player eliminated from the table
n anks,Illhaveanother Th
Draw five or more cards in one turn
n RoyalAssassin
Kill three or more Commanders your opponents control during a single game (Destroy, exile, force sacrifice, legend rule, etc.) n n n
n TasteoftheirOwnMedicine A
Eliminate another player with their own Commander
n IsThatAllYouGot?
Survive being attacked for lethal damage
n ImTakingYouAllWithMe!
Eliminate all remaining players from the game at the same time (including yourself)
n Kill,butDontTouch
Deal 20 or more points of non-combat damage in a single turn
n awnsintheGame P
Return a card from your graveyard to the battlefield
n PowerOverwhelming
Attack with one or more creatures whose power totals 50 or greater in a single combat step
n ifeSaver L
Save another player from losing the game (destroy a creature thats attacking for lethal damage, fog, etc.)
n NoOneisSafe
Attack two or more players in a single combat step
TM & 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. Illustrations by Jason A. Engle. B9468