Bo Peep Pure DK Free Digital Pattern Louis and Lilly
Bo Peep Pure DK Free Digital Pattern Louis and Lilly
Bo Peep Pure DK Free Digital Pattern Louis and Lilly
Instructions are given for 31cm, 12in, larger sizes are given
in square brackets. Yarn quantities are based on average
requirements and are therefore approximate. Ages and
skill levels are specified for guidance only.
Next Row: Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 2 [3:3:4:5] times more. 6 [7:10:10:10]sts.
Work 4 [4:8:8:8] rows dec 1 st at neck edge only in 3rd
and every foll 0 [0:4th:4th:4th] row. 5 [6:8:8:8]sts.
Work 2 [4:2:2:4] rows without shaping.
Buttonhole Border.
Change to 3.25mm needles and proceed as follows:-
Next Row: Knit to end, inc 2 [3:3:3:3]sts evenly across row.
7 [9:11:11:11]sts.
Commencing with 1st row of 1x1 rib
(a purl stitch will be at each end) work 2 rows.
Next Row: Rib 2 [3:4:4:4], cast off 2sts, rib 2 [3:4:4:4].
Next Row: Rib 3 [4:5:5:5], cast on 2sts, rib 2 [3:4:4:4].
Work 3 rows in rib.
Cast off in rib.
With rs facing, working on rem 23 [26:29:32:34]sts slip first
st onto a safety pin, rejoin yarn to rem 22 [25:28:31:33]sts
and knit to end.
Shape Armhole.
Next Row: Cast off 4 [4:4:5:5]sts, purl to end. 18 [21:24:26:28]sts.
Front Next Row: K2tog (neck edge), knit to last 4sts, K2tog, K2.
Next Row: P2, P2tog, purl to end. 15 [18:21:23:25]sts.
Using 3.25mm needles, thumb method, cast
on 49 [57:63:71:75]sts and work 7 [7:7:9:9] rows in 1x1 rib. Rep last 2 rows once more. 12 [15:18:20:22]sts.
Next Row: Rib 2 [2:3:3:5], rib2tog, (rib 12 [8:9:7:7], rib2tog) Next Row: K2tog, knit to last 4sts, K2tog, K2. 10 [13:15:18:20]sts.
3 [5:5:7:7] times, rib 3 [3:3:3:5]. 45 [51:57:63:67]sts. Next Row: Purl.
Change to 4mm needles and working in st-st (throughout) cont Rep last 2 rows 2 [3:3:4:5] times more. 6 [7:10:10:10]sts.
until Front measures 9 [11:14:17:20]cm, ending with a ws row.***
Shape Armhole and Divide for Neck. Work 4 [4:8:8:8] rows dec 1 st at neck edge only in 3rd
Next Row: Cast off 4 [4:4:5:5]sts, K17 [20:23:25:27]sts, turn, and every foll 0 [0:4th:4th:4th] row. 5 [6:8:8:8]sts.
leave rem 23 [26:29:32:34]sts on a stitch holder, working on Work 6 [8:6:6:8] rows without shaping.
these 18 [21:24:26:28]sts only proceed as follows:- Cast off.
Next Row: Purl.
Next Row: K2, s1, K1, psso, knit to last 2sts, K2tog (neck edge). Back
Next Row: Purl to last 4sts, P2togtbl, P2. 15 [18:21:23:25]sts. Work exactly as given for Front until *** is reached.
Rep last 2 rows once more. 12 [15:18:20:22]sts. Shape Armholes.
Next Row: K2, s1, K1, psso, knit to last 2sts, K2tog. Cast off 4 [4:4:5:5]sts at beg of next 2 rows. 37 [43:49:53:57]sts.
10 [13:16:18:20]sts. Next Row: K2, s1, K1, psso, knit to last 4sts, K2tog, K2.
Next Row: P2, P2tog, purl to last 4sts, P2togtbl, P2.
33 [39:45:49:53]sts.
Rep last 2 rows once more. 29 [35:41:45:49]sts.
Change to 3.25mm needles and proceed as follows:-
Next Row: Knit to end inc 2 [3:3:3:3]sts evenly across row.
7 [9:11:11:11]sts.
Commencing with 1st row of 1x1 rib work 7 rows.
Cast off in rib.
Join right shoulder seam. With rs facing, using
3.25mm needles pick up and knit 6sts evenly along edge
of Buttonhole Border, 16 [20:22:24:28]sts evenly down left
side of front neck to Safety Pin, pick up and knit stitch left
on Safety Pin, 20 [24:26:28:32]sts up right side of front neck
to shoulder, 7sts evenly down right side of back neck, knit
across 9 [11:13:15:17]sts left on a stitch holder at back of neck,
4sts up left side of back neck and 6sts along Button Band.
69 [79:85:91:101]sts.
Next Row: (P1, K1) 22 [25:27:29:32] times, P2togtbl, P1,
P2tog, (K1, P1) 10 [12:13:14:16] times. 67 [77:83:89:99]sts.
Commencing with 1st row of 1x1 rib proceed as follows:-
Next Row: Rib to centre 5sts, K2tog, K1, K2togtbl, rib to end.
65 [75:81:87:97]sts.
Next Row: K2, s1, K1, psso, knit to last 4sts, K2tog, K2. Next Row: Rib to centre 5sts, P2togtbl, P1, P2tog,
27 [33:39:43:47]sts. rib to last 5sts, cast off 2sts, rib 2. 61 [73:79:85:95]sts.
Next Row: Purl. Next Row: Rib 3, cast on 2sts, rib to end dec
Rep last 2 rows 2 [3:3:4:5] times more. 23 [27:33:35:37]sts. over centre 5sts as before. 61 [71:77:83:93]sts.
Work 2 [4:6:6:8] rows without shaping. Work 3 rows more dec over centre 5sts as before.
Shape Neck. 55 [65:71:77:87]sts.
Next Row: K7 [8:10:10:10]sts, turn and leave rem Cast off in rib, dec as before.
16 [19:23:25:27]sts on a stitch holder.
Working on these 7 [8:10:10:10]sts only proceed as follows:- Armhole Borders
Work 2 rows dec 1 st at neck edge in both rows. 5 [6:8:8:8]sts. Place Buttonhole Border over Button Band and secure at
Work 5 rows more without shaping. side. With rs facing, using 3.25mm needles pick up and knit
Cast off. 43 [49:55:61:67]sts evenly all round armhole edge.
With rs facing, working on rem 16 [19:23:25:27]sts, slip first Next Row: Knit.
9 [11:13:15:17]sts onto a stitch holder, rejoin yarn to rem Commencing with 1st row of 1x1 rib work 6 rows.
7 [8:10:10:10]sts and knit to end. Cast off in rib.
Work 2 rows dec 1 st at neck edge in both rows. 5 [6:8:8:8]sts.
Next Row: Purl. To make up
Button Border. Join side and Armhole Border seams. Sew on buttons.
See ball band for pressing and care instructions.
Isabella Florence
William Lucy
5 053682 569810
01535 664500
[email protected]