Nizza Butiu (Atty. Ostrea)
Nizza Butiu (Atty. Ostrea)
Nizza Butiu (Atty. Ostrea)
Atty. Ostrea
A. CONCEPT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Administrative Law International law
• Admin Law belongs to the field of public law1
• Entire system of laws under which the machinery of the State works and by which Lays down the rules which shall Cannot be regarded as binding
the State performs all government acts guide the officers of the upon officers of any government
• All laws that regulate or control the administrative organization and operations of administration in their actions as considered in their relation to their
the government, including the legislative and judicial branches (not including agents of the government own government, except insofar as
exercise of purely legislative and purely judicial functions, unless it is judicial it has been adopted into the
review of admin acts) administrative law of the state
• Purpose: Regulates private rights
• That part of the law which governs the organization, functions, and procedures of
administrative agencies of the government to which quasi-legislative powers are F. DISTINGUISHED FROM CONSTITUTIONAL LAW
delegated and quasi-judicial powers are granted, and the extend and manner to Administrative Law Constitutional Law
which such agencies are subject to control by the courts.
Gives and carries out the general Prescribes the general plan or
B. SCOPE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW plan in its minutes details framework of governmental
Embraces not only the law that governs administrative authorities (Constitution, organization
statutes, judicial decisions, appropriate principles of justice and equity in particular
cases), but also the law made by AAs (rules, regulations, orders, decisions) Treats individuals from the Treats the rights of the individual’
standpoint of the powers of the lays stress upon the rights
All those public officers and organs of the government that are charged with the powers of the government and
amplification, application, and execution of the law, except Congress and regular duties of the citizen
Indicates to individuals, remedies Prescribes limitation on powers of
D. CONCERNS OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW for the violation of their rights the government to protect the rights
1. Private rights- Protection of private rights of individuals against abuse in their
2. Delegated powers and combined powers- Officers and agencies exercise exercise
delegated powers. This results from a fusion of different types of
governmental powers in certain public officers which are part of the G. DISTINGUISHED FROM CRIMINAL LAW
executive branch of the government including a coercive power over
individuals, since the exercise of this type of power by this type of officer Administrative Law Criminal Law
runs afoul of the fundamental and traditional principle of separation of
powers Administrative rules can be Consists of body of penal sanctions
protected or enforce by penal which are applied to all branches of
sanctions, but are not divested of the law, including admin law
their administrative character
1 Branch of law which regulates the relations of the state with its subject.
1. General administrative law: Of general nature and common to all, or most,
Administrative Law Law of Public Administration AAs. It is chiefly, but not exclusively procedural law (ie. due process,
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies)
Refers only to the external aspect Has to do with the practical 2. Special or particular administrative law: Pertains to a particular agency.
of public administration; narrower management and direction of the Proceeds fro the particular statute creating such agency. Most substantive
branch but constitutes bulk of law various organs of the State and the administrative law falls within this group, and those procedural rules to be
of public administration execution of state policies by the applied only by a given agency in cases falling under its jurisdiction
executive and administrative
functions. 1. Recognition given as a distinct category of law: Only in the last few
decades with the rapid expansion of AAs and their increased functions that
I. PRINCIPAL SUBDIVISIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW a substantial body of jurisprudence has developed in the field and general
1. In general: Examined in its internal or external aspect recognition has been given to it as a distinct category of law
• Law of Internal Administration: Treats of the legal relations between the 2. Multiplication of government functions: As modern life became complex,
government and its administrative officers, and of the legal relations that one the subject of government regulations correspondingly increased, which, in
administrative officer or organ bears to another turn, caused a multiplication of government functions, necessitating an
• Considers the legal aspects of public administration on its institutional side enormous expansion of public administration.
(as a going concern) 3. Growth and utilization of AAs: Administrative law developed as the natural
2. Law of external administration: Legal relations between administrative accompaniment of the growth of AAs and their utilization in response to the
authorities and private interests. Four parts: needs of a changing society. One thrust of the multiplication of AAs is that
1. A survey of those powers and duties of administrative authorities that relate the interpretation of certain contracts and agreements and the
directly to private interests determination of private rights under them is no longer a uniquely judicial
2. An analysis of the scope and limits of such powers function exercisable only by our regular courts.
3. Some account of the sanctions attached to, or the means of enforcing, 4. Fusion of different powers of government in AAs:
official determination; 1. Extensive investigation, rule-making, and adjudicating powers
4. Examination of the remedies against official action 2. Vested with power to promulgate rules and regulations to better carry
out some legislative policies, and to decide on controversies within the
1. As to source: Draws a line between the law that governs or controls them, and 5. A law in the making
that which is made by AAs 6. Philippine Administrative Law: Substantial part derived from American and
1. The law that controls AAs: Constitution, statutes, judicial decisions, Eos of English jurisprudence on this branch of law. It merely has persuasive effect,
the President, AOs of administrative superiors to administrative but not controlling.
2. Law made by AAs: Both general regulations and particular determinations. L. SCOPE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS
It constitutes delegation of power embodied in statutory administrative law. • Scope includes the whole of the series of acts of an AA whereby the legislative
1. Examples: Presidential proclamations under flexible-tariff clause, rules delegation of a function is made effectual in particular situations
of practice and decisions of administrative tribunals, cease-and-desist
2. As to its purpose: 1. Advantages of AAs as compared with executive action: It, where practicable,
1. Adjective or procedural administrative law: Establishes the procedure insures greater uniformity and impersonality of action.
which an agency must or may follow in the pursuit of its legal purpose. 2. Limitation upon the powers of the Courts
Derived from Constitution, statute, or agency regulations 3. Trend toward preventive legislation: The mere existence of other laws such as
2. Substantive administrative law: Derived from same sources under adjective criminal law and law on torts and contracts sometime do not have enough
law, but differ in contents since this establishes primary rights and duties. deterrent effect, that the only thing they can do is to indemnify the person AFTER
2Instrumentality refers to an agency of the National Government, not integrated with the department framework vested with special functions or jurisdiction by law, endowed with some if not all
corporate powers, administering special funds, and enjoying operational autonomy, usually through a charter. This term includes regulatory agencies, chartered institutions and government-owned or
controlled corporacial charter, and vested by law with functions relating to specific constitutional policies or objectives. This term includes the state universities and colleges and the monetary
authority of the State.
3Office refers, within the framework of governmental organization, to any major functional unit of a department or bureau including regional offices. It may also refer to any position held or occupied
by individual persons, whose functions are defined by law or regulation.
• Secretary has power of supervision and control 5. consistent with law, rules and regulations, prescribe the form and fix the
• Undersecretary shall, among others, advise and assist the Secretary in the amount of all bonds executed by private parties to the government under
formulation and implementation of department objectives and policies. In the the laws pertaining to his bureau or office.
absence, inability, or vacancy of the office of the Secretary, he temporary 6. Prescribe forms and issue circulars or orders to secure the harmonious and
discharges his duties, unless otherwise provided by law efficient administration of his bureau or office. Penalties shall not be
• Assistant Secretary performs duties and functions as provided by law and as prescribed in any circular or order for its violations, unless expressly
given him by the Secretary allowed by law
7. issue orders regarding the administration of its internal affairs for the
E. DEPARTMENT SERVICES guidance of or compliance by its officers and employees;
• General rule: Each Department to have the following Department Services: • Bureaus are either staff or line
1. Planning Service: economical, efficient and effective services relating 1. Staff: Primarily perform policy, program development and advisory
to planning, programming, and project development, etc as provided by functions. It shall avail itself of the planning, financial and administrative
law. services in the department proper, if circumstances so warrant.
2. Financial and Management Service: • Director of staff bureau shall:
3. Administrative Service: economical, efficient and effective services (a) Advice and assist Office of Secretary on matters pertaining to Bureau’s
relating to personnel legal assistance, information, records, delivery area of specialization
and receipt of correspondence, supplies, equipment, collections, (b) Provide consultative and advisory services to regional offices of
disbursement, security and custodial work. department
4. Technical Service (c) Develop, plans, programs, operating standards, and techniques for
5. Legal Service: provided where the operations of the department involve attainment of objective and function of bureau
substantial legal work, in which case, the Administrative Service shall (d) Other duties as provided by law
not have a Legal Division. If not need for a Division, there shall be one 2. Line: directly implement programs adopted pursuant to department policies
or more legal assistants in the Office of the Secretary. and plans. It may have staff units, as may be necessary, corresponding to
• Exception: Otherwise provided by law the services of the department proper
• Director of line bureau shall:
F. ORGANIZATION OF BUREAUS (a) Exercise supervision and control over all divisions and other units,
• Bureau: any principal subdivision or unit of any department. For purposes of including regional offices, under the bureau;
Book IV, this shall include any principal subdivision or unit of any (b) Establish policies and standards for the operations of the bureau
instrumentality given or assigned the rank of a bureau, regardless of actual pursuant to the plans and programs of the department;
name or designation, as in the case of department-wide regional offices. (c) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out bureau
• Each bureau to be headed by a Director who may have one or more Assistant objectives, policies and functions; and
Directors as provided by law. (d) Perform such other duties as may be provided by law.
• It may have as many divisions as provided by law for efficient performance of
• Powers and duties of heads of bureaus: 1. Regional Offices: Established according to law defining field services area.
1. Shall exercise overall authority in matters within the jurisdiction of the • The administrative regions shall be composed of the National Capital Region
bureau, office or agency, including those relating to its operations, and and Regions I to XII.
enforce all laws and regulations pertaining to it; • Provincial and district offices may be established only by law whenever
2. appoint personnel to all positions in his bureau or office, in accordance with necessary.
law. In case of line bureau or office, he shall also appoint second level 2. Administration: Headed by a Regional Director who may be assisted by one
personnel of the regional offices, unless such power has been delegated. Assistant Regional Director, except as may be provided by law
3. Have authority to discipline employees in accordance with Civil Service Law 3. Supervision: under the supervision and control of the department proper or
4. Designate assistant head to act as chief of any division or unit within the line bureau concerned. The staff bureau or division shall perform primarily
organization, in addition to his duties, without additional compensation advisory or auxiliary functions and exercise in behalf of the department or
agency functional supervision over the regional offices.
• Notice and hearing, as the fundamental requirements of procedural due process, 1. Allowed as practical necessity: while the power to decide resides solely in the
are essential only when an AA exercises its QJ function administrative agency vested by law, this does not preclude a delegation of the
• In the performance of its executive or legislative functions, such as issuing rules power to other persons such as a hearing officer, examiner, or investigator, to
and regulations, AA need not comply with the requirements of notice and hearing receive evidence hold a hearing, and make reports on the basis of which the
(with exceptions) decision of the administrative agency will be made.
2. Essential that judgment and discretion are finally exercised by proper officer:
R. PROCEEDINGS IN WHICH NO HEARING IS REQUIRED Rule that requires an administrative officer to exercise his own judgment and
• Depends upon the circumstance. It varies with the subject matter and necessities discretion does not preclude him from utilizing, as a matter of practical
of the situation: administrative procedure, the aid of subordinates.
1. Where the purpose of an administrative determination is to decide whether 3. Essential that due process requirements are observed: As long as a party is not
a right or privilege which an applicant does not possess shall be granted to deprived of his right to present his own case and submit evidence in support
him or withheld in the exercise of a discretion vested by statute, notice and thereof, and the decision is supported by the evidence in the record
hearing is not necessary in the absence of an express or implied statutory 4. Essential that proper officer acts on his own independent judgment: The
provision officer who makes the determinations must personally consider and appraise
2. If no personal or property rights are involved, but only a privilege, notice or the evidence which justifies them.
hearing may not be essential to due process
3. Where a rights is granted conditionally and subject to termination, it may be U. EVIDENCE IN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS
withdrawn in accordance with the conditions subject to which it was 1. Application of strict rules of evidence: not bound by the strict rules governing
received, including the absence of any right to hearing the reception of evidence in court proceedings. The obvious purpose is to free
4. Nature of power exercised: administrative bodies from the compulsion of applying technical rules so that
1. Legislative, executive, administrative, ministerial: Notice and hearing the mere admission of matter which would be deemed incompetent in judicial
not essential (with exceptions) proceedings would not invalidate the administrative determination
2. General rule: Judicial, quasi-judicial, or adjudicatory, or government 2. Essential rules of evidence: While quasi-judicial bodies are not bound by the
engaged in the dispatch of its own internal affairs, notice and hearing technical rules of procedure in the adjudication of cases, this procedure should
essential not be construed as a license to disregard certain evidentiary rules.
1. Exceptions: 1. Among basic essential rules of evidence: giving of evidence under oath,
1. Summary abatement of nuisance per se the principle that evidence must have probative value, the proper allocation
of the burden of proof, the degree of proof, the right to know the evidence
based on the perspective of the ruling considered from the point of view of the Concerned with timing of judicial review of administrative action
court or tribunal litigating party against whom a ruling
was made
Gives “opportunity” T. R I P E N E S S D O CT R I N E A N D P R I M A RY J U R I S D I CT I O N D O CT R I N E
• Judicial review of executive or administrative decisions does not import a trial de 1. General rule: Judicial immunity from suit extends to government officials in
novo {i.e., a review of the evidence all over again) but only an ascertainment of respect to their acts of discretionary, judicial, or quasi-judicial nature
whether the administrative findings are not in violation of the Constitution or of the 2. Except:
laws and are free from fraud or imposition, and whether they find reasonable 1. Erroneous action, taken without hearing, results in positive injury to a person
support in evidence. and there is no other redress than by an action against the officer
2. Acting without jurisdiction, regardless of good faith
W. METHODS OR MODES OF RELIEF OR REVIEW 3. Dishonesty, bad faith, malice
1. Direct or collateral
2. Statutory or non-statutory