Group 1 - Perfect Competition
Group 1 - Perfect Competition
Group 1 - Perfect Competition
2. Homogeneous products
Supply Curve in Perfect Competition
• In perfect competition, firms sell – Recall that the supply of a good is the quantity
homogeneous products that are perfect of the good that firms are able and willing to
substitutes. sell at each price over a period of time, ceteris
paribus, and the supply curve shows the
3. Perfect knowledge
quantity supplied at each price. The portion of
• In perfect competition, consumers and firms the marginal cost curve above the average
have perfect knowledge about the price, variable cost curve of a perfectly competitive
quality, availability and production firm is the supply curve. As the supply curve
technology of the product. shows the quantity supplied at each price, this
means that given the price of a good, the
4. Price-takers quantity supplied is determined entirely by
the supply curve.
• Due to small market share, product
homogeneity and perfect knowledge,
perfectly competitive firms are price- Advantages of Perfect Competition
takers in the sense that they are unable to 1. Firms always achieve efficient allocation
influence the market price by changing
• Efficient allocation happen when the price of
their output levels.
the goods is equal to the marginal cost that
5. No Barriers to Entry produce the goods.
• In perfect competition, there are no barriers 2. Firms always achieve efficient production
to entry which means that firms can make • Firm production efficiency refers to the ability of
only normal profit in the long run. firms to produce goods at the minimum
average cost.
• In the long run, perfectly competitive firms earn
The Profit-maximizing Condition only normal profit at the equilibrium point.