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8 Earthquake refers to the sudden shaking of the

earth surface resulting from the released of stored energy in the earth's
lithosphere that creating seismic waves. Earthquake also called earth tremor,
earthquake may happen to the large scale or small scale . The scientific study or
earthquake is known as Seismology while a person who study earthquake
scientifically is called seismologist.
The instrument used to record seismic waves by
measuring ground motion is known as seismometer. But in the ocean earthquake
is measured by hydrophone. The point where earthquake begin is called seismic
focus, from there seismic waves which travel and received at the point on the
surface called epicenter/hypocenter. The occurrences of earthquakes can be due
to anthropogenic factors or natural factors. The following are the explanation of
four factors for the occurrences of earthquake:-
Tectonic movement: this is about continents
motion, the largest blocks of the earth are floating on the molten material layer
called asthenosphere, and the mechanism of magma convection in
asthenosphere motivates the plates to move the movement result great frictions
between two plates. Hence earthquake occurs. For example tectonic movement
in California, when Pacific plate and North American plate slide from one
another the great earthquake happens.
Use of heavy dynamited explosion. Normal the
dynamites used in underground mining and in military purpose through testing
of atomic weapons. For example the historical unforgettable nuclear explosion
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan 1945. Caused great earthquake and destroy
Falling of heavy objects from the space. There
are several heavy objects include heavy rocks floating on the upper part of
space, for example meteorites and asteroid. These heavy bodies may fall on the
planet earth through various reasons. When they fall on the earth led
occurrences of big earthquake.
The occurrences of earthquake have very
dangerous effects. The following are the four effects of earthquake:-
8 Large number of deaths. When earthquake
takes place so many peoples die due to collapse of buildings, intensive fear etc.
For example. In chine at Shaanxi province 830,000 people killed by earthquake
also in Haiti 2010 earthquake killed about 222570 people. Also ir cannot be
forgotten, the earthquake in Sumatra Indonesia 2004, where 227898 died.
Destruction infrastructures and houses. The
destruction of earthquake measured by magnitude. For example the Chile
earthquake of 1960 destroyed many houses and led about 2000,000 homeless.
Also the Haiti earthquake destroys about 97294 houses.
The occurrences of fatal Tsunami. When
earthquake happen in the ocean result the rise of highest tidal called Tsunami
with high height and fast travel speed. This result flood and land destructions.
For example the great tsunami happened in Indonesia during 2004 and killed
about 227,898 people. Also another terrible tsunami happened in happen in
Chile several times and cause massive destructions of environment.
Subsided of the earth crust. The intensive
shaking of the lisosphere may result the sink down of some larger part. For
example in Chile earthquake a place known as Quellon sink down about six feet
and led flood.

The occurrences of earthquakes cabe illustrated

throtgh the following diagram:-
In general; to control earthquake is very
complex issue but the effects of it can be minimized by provision of
8 seismological information frequents to the citizens, avoiding larger dams
construction, banning the use of heavy explosive use of other scientific methods
in construction of houses and long building by using strong springs of steel in
building foundation.

The Question was:-

8. Explain four factors for the occurrences of earthquake and give its four
effects (NECTA-2019)

NOTE: Question is not written in the answer booklet, write only its number.
Answered by Shacksy
Tell: 0777779888

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