Safety: Analysis

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Department Name: Department Name: YRD/Division / Unit Name: Operation /
South Tank Farm /
Facility: Sub-Station-SS#7&8
Job Title/Description: Replace High
Voltage Motor Control Equipment

Name(s) of Individuals Performing JAS

SA Project YRD Compliance
Company Advisor Site Manager Project Manager
Manager REP.


ESO REP. Operation REP.


Critical Steps Hazard(s) Control / Recommended Action

1-Job Preparation, Equipment  Covid-19  New Workers must be safety
mobilization & General  Work at restricted Area
By Department Safety Compliance
Requirement's.  Traffic and equipment Unit.
mobilization  Toolbox meetings shall be
 Failure of lifting equipment conducted
For all manpower prior commencing
and Materials
 Heat Stress  Ensure that all tools electrical
 Trip and fall extensions and cables are standard
 Unfamiliarity with work as
Per Saudi Aramco Standards
 Site and environment (Modified
Tools Are Strictly Prohibited).
 Obtain Required Work Permits with
Effective Joint Site Inspection refer
to GI- 2.100 (Work Permit System)
 Follow Saudi Aramco and Saudi
Government Traffic Rules
 All Drivers and Heavy Equipment
Operators must be certified.
 All Equipment must have valid
service Inspections.
 Follow Up YR Heat Stress Protocol
 Wear Proper PPE including
Gas Detectors (T-40)

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 All worker should wear clear (white)
Goggles during working in confined
space and or working in night time.
Barricade the work locations and
Use Warning Signs
 Work permit receiver must have
delegation litter if his permit
certificate is not issued from the
Proponent department.
 Follow up Aramco and Saudi
Government Covid-19 Health
 Always follow the basic rules of
manual handling,
 Awkward/poor body posture shall
o be avoided such as
o Stooping, twisting etc.
 All the rigging tools shall be certified
by third party and ARAMCO as well.
 Riggers should be ARAMCO
 All workers should wear at night &
working in confined space clear
safety glasses.
 Mobile and smart watch not allowed
inside substation to use.

2-Conduct Loading/unloading  Falling of Objects  Work Permit shall be obtained as

 Struck, run over, or crushed. per SA GI 2.100.
PCR (Temporary substation),  Traffic Hazards.  Inspect all Saudi Aramco,
New &Old MCC Panels, Switch  Contact with overhead power Contractor, or third-party mobile and
cables and process pipelines. fixed cranes prior to use with the
Gears, New Space Heater
 Incompetent Crane, Boom truck Saudi Aramco Crane Operator Daily
Panel, cable-bus, bus duct Cable Operator and Rigger. Inspection Checklist found in GI
tray by Crane or boom truck.  Inclement Weather Conditions 7.028.
 Poor Visibility  Operate only cranes and boom-
 Presence of adjacent trucks that have a valid inspection
 Structures. sticker from Saudi Aramco or a
 Moving/ Working under Saudi
 Suspended load. Aramco approved third party.
 Verify that supplemental lifting
 Exceeding SWL (Safe
Equipment used below the hook
Working Load). (e.g., spreader bars, man baskets)
 Working close to Excavated has a valid inspection sticker.
area.  Certified per the requirements of GI
 Not using outrigger pad. 7.025 for the mobile crane, fixed
crane, or extensions/attachments
indicated on the certificate, or
 Miscommunication between  Use universal hand or radio signals
the rigger and the Operator. for
 Using defective sling. communication between the
designated signal man, and crane
 Unstable ground conditions  Do not obstruct the crane operator's
 Adopting improper Line of sight to the designated
conditions signalman (Rigger).
 Keep all cab glass clean without
 Slinging method
Obstructions (e.g., curtains,
cardboard) or damage. Cab glass
must be safety glass.
 Use tag lines to control all
suspended loads, except when their
use may
Create a Greater hazard.

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Do not side load (i.e., be sure to
Center the hook directly over the
 Avoid suspending loads over
Personnel, equipment, or traffic
 Know the accurate weight of all
loads and lifting gear prior to the lift.
 Transport personnel only using
approved crane suspended
personnel platforms (man baskets).
 Keep the crane tires at least 2 in
above the ground.
 Use fully extended outriggers with
appropriate float pads and mats
Performing crane lifts. Do not
permanently secure mats to the
outrigger pads.
 Do not leave the crane cab
Unattended while a load is
suspended, unless the load is
properly secured to a load-bearing
structural member.
 Position (lower) hydraulic crane
Booms and secure the hook while
 Do not perform crane lifts at wind
speeds above 32 km/h (20 mph)
unless otherwise specified by the
 Do not perform crane-suspended
personnel platform (Man basket)
operations at wind speeds greater
than 25 km/h (15 mph).
 Maintain the following minimum
distances when conducting crane
operations near trenches sand
 Depth of the trench or excavation for
Class A soils.
 2X the depth of the trench or
excavation for Class B and C soils
(see the Excavation and Trenching
safety topic for soil classifications).
 Maintain the minimum distances
provided in Table 2 in the Electrical
Safety topic when operating cranes
around overhead power lines.
 Use Critical Lift Plans (see GI 7.028)
certain conditions and activities,
 Cranes operating around power
 Operating around hydrocarbons and
aboveground pressurized piping
areas, populated/traffic areas, and
 All loads of 40 tons or greater.
 All loads exceeding 85% of the rated
 Load capacity of the crane for that
specific lift.
 Tandem, multiple, or tailing lifts (any
lift requiring two or more cranes to
lift one load).
 Lifts involving crane-suspended

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

personnel platform (man basket). A
Crane Suspended Personnel
Platform (Man basket) Permit is
required (see GI 7.027).
 High level and/or long reach crane
 Lifts on barges, vessels, or loading
 On rubber or pick and carry lifts.
 Nighttime crane lifts, except as
approved during a turnaround and
inspection (T&I) or Shutdown.
 Blind lifts.
 Other lifts as determined by Saudi
Aramco management.
 Rig all crane loads using a certified
 Use accepted rigging techniques
when lifting loads.
 Use only is rigging equipment that is
rated for the load being lifted.
 Avoid sharp bends in slings; protect
slings from sharp edges and
 Rig loads off load-bearing structural
members only after prior approval.
Do not rig from process piping.
 Do not modify, repair, shorten, or
lengthen slings.
 Verify that the manufacturer's
Safe working load (SWL) and serial
number are clearly marked on each
 Does not use sling angles less than
30 degrees above the horizontal?
The recommended safe working
angle Is 60 degrees above the
 Completely close/bolt shackles and
other connecting devices.
 Do not use fasteners or other rigging
hardware manufactured in-house.
 Ensure a rigger certified per the
requirements of Gl 7.025 inspect all
slings, fittings, and shackles before
each use.
 Inspect slings and other rigging
hardware per applicable standards
every 6 months using a certified
 Maintain a job-site log of slings that
identifies the sling and periodic
inspection results. Record defective
slings in the log and remove them
promptly from the job site.
 Inspect and certify all "A-Frames" by
a certified inspector prior to
attaching any rigging equipment.

3-Removal & Re-instatement of  Slip, trip & fall  Work Permit shall be obtained as
per SA GI.2.100
side part of the substation  Perform all activities inside sub-
equipment cover. station only in presence of ESO or
SA operation.
 Erect the scaffolding required for
loosening and cleaning all bolts from

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

any rust.
 Install hook/ LIFITING EYE in the
top (FRONT) side of metallic door
from outside.
 Tie the top metal sheet by approved
and certified slings and load it by
boom truck.
 Push the metal sheet out of the wall
frame and put it on a clear
barricaded area.

4- Isolation (LOTO)  Electrocution  SA LOTO procedure as per Gl.

6.012 shall be followed
 Personnel Injury
 Material Damage  SA LOTO
procedure as per
Gl. 6.012 shall be
 Operation Release MCC for
isolation POD verify and ESO
ensure that correct MCC need to
 Utilize proper PPE
 EHR certified ESO
 Follow 1415 procedure
 ESO communicate to operation
through radio
 Remote Isolation
 Only authorized/required personnel
will be allowed during isolation
inside the substation. Non-essential
personnel are to stay outside the
 When isolation of the operation
loads has been completed, ESO o
will de- energize switchgear and
ensure that it contains no residual
 Check the load by meter and ensure
it zero
 Apply personal grounding by ESO,
POD and contractor
 Contractor and other organizations
or individuals working on equipment
shall also install their locks and tags
at locations identified by operations.
Multiple lockout clips shall be used if
 Working crew shall comply along
with basic arc flash level A.
 If using ladder, only fiber glass
nonconductive ladders shall be used
 12 Cal ARC rated clothing shall be
worn while working with HV power
 All the sharp edges of the panels will
be identified, and care must be
taken care while handling the
existing panels.
 Operation Release MCC for
isolation POD verify and ESO
ensure that correct MCC need to
 Utilize proper PPE
 EHR certified ESO
 Follow 1415 procedure
 ESO communicate to operation
through radio

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Remote Isolation
 Only authorized/required personnel
will be allowed during isolation
inside the substation. Non-essential
personnel are to stay outside the
 When isolation of the operation
loads has been completed, ESO o
will de- energize switchgear and
ensure that it contains no residual
 Check the load by meter and ensure
it zero
 Apply personal grounding by ESO,
POD and contractor
 Contractor and other organizations
or individuals working on equipment
shall also install their locks and tags
at locations identified by operations.
Multiple lockout clips shall be used if
 Working crew shall comply along
with basic arc flash level A.
 If using ladder, only fiber glass
nonconductive ladders shall be used
 12 Cal ARC rated clothing shall be
worn while working with HV power
 All the sharp edges of the panels will
be identified, and care must be
taken care while handling the
existing panels.

5.-Install old MCC Panels,  Electrocution  Work Permit shall be obtained as

 Falls per SA GI.2.100
Switch  Fire  Perform all activities inside sub-
Gears, Cable tray, conduit for  Personal injuries Hand Injury station only in presence of ESO or
 Fall of material SA operation.
 Manual handling hazards  Obtain Required Work Permits with
 Cumulative Back Injuries Effective Joint Site
5.1 Cable laying  Slip, trip and fall  Personnel performing the work must
 Sharp edges be trained and certified.
 Personnel who are present within
5.2 Reconnect the HV power minimum clearances of the electrical
cables. works must be trained and certified.
 Confirm at least one member of the
crew has obtained training and
certification in first aid and basic life
support prior conducting electrical
 Ensure all circuits are de-energized
before beginning work. Comply with
GI 6.012, CSM 5-1 and SMS
 Consider all electrical conductors to
energize unless properly Locked,
Tagged and Tried.
 Disconnect power sources, test
voltage, and grounding when
isolating electrical power equipment
and circuits operated at 480 volts
(V) or higher.
 Never work alone on energized
electrical equipment unless
permitted by Saudi Aramco

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Use Proper PPE as required in GI
2.721 when conducting works that
could involve exposure to an
electrical arc flash.
 Mats and blankets shall be required
to provide insulation from other
elements that are energized.
 Inspect and perform air test on
rubber insulating gloves.
 Use qualified testing laboratory to
test and tag insulated/insulating
PPE and hot sticks.
 Do not wear rings, wristwatches,
other jewelry, eyeglasses with metal
frames, or other similar metallic
 Maintain safe distances (Use
Minimum Safe Distances from
Energized Equipment Table).
 Ground noncurrent carrying metal
parts of electrical equipment.
 Never bypass, remove, modify,
 Destroy, or defeat electrical
 Remove blown fuses with approved
 fuse pullers and replace only with
the proper type and rated fuse
 Use only nonconductive ladders
(e.g., Fiberglass).
 Use residual current devices (RCDs)
Including ground fault circuit
interrupters (GFCIs) and earth leak
circuit breakers (ELCBS) for all
110/220 V portable electric power
tools and temporary wiring
 Only use equipment in electrically
classified locations that is properly
 rated and marked to show the class
group, and operating temperature
for which it is approved (Hazardous
Classified wiring and equipment not
to be use unless designed and
installed for the specific service

6- Cable splicing by using butane  Damage to equipment due  Work Permit shall be obtained as
per SA GI.2.100
gas canister torch, termination, to proximity to open flame
 Perform all activities inside sub-
and IR test and heat exposure station only in presence of ESO or
 Personnel injury/burns SA operation.
 Fire in the case of  Obtain Required Work Permits with
Effective Joint Site
flammable gases
 Personnel performing the work must
 Electrostatic discharges be trained and certified.
 Health issue from the fume  Personnel who are present within
during soldering of the cable minimum clearances of the electrical
works must be trained and certified.
 Confirm at least one member of the
 Manual handling of the crew has obtained training and
cylinder/bottles certification in first aid and basic life
 Over pressure of gas support prior conducting electrical
canister due to exposure to
 Need SA certified cable splicer
external temperature under supervision of S.A cable
(weather condition) POD.

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Flash back issue if flash  Butane gas torch / Heat gun UL
listed and cover the area by fire
back arrestors are not used
(This has to be verified that  Ensure that all combustibles
it's applicable materials removed from the working
 Assign fire watch with UL listed CO2
fire extinguisher.
 Wear special PPE,S for cable
splicing during using butane gas
canister torch like, fire resistance
gloves and face shield.
 Cover the area by fire barrier for
cable splicing job

7. - Demolishing and Removing  Work Permit shall be obtained as

per SA GI.2.100
existing MCC Panels, Switch  Electrocution  Perform all activities inside sub-
Gears, and Bus Duct  Personnel Injury Hand Injury station only in presence of ESO or
&HV/Control cables.  Fall of material SA operation.
 Manual handling hazards  Obtain Required Work Permits with
Effective Joint Site
 Cumulative Back Injuries
7.1- Modification (demolition and  Personnel performing the work must
 Slip, trip and fall be trained and certified.
re-preparation) of substation side  Personnel who are present within
 Sharp edges
wall panel from backside for minimum clearances of the electrical
cable termination and front side works must be trained and certified.
 Confirm at least one member of the
for removing old MCC,SWGR crew has obtained training and
and installation of new certification in first aid and basic life
support prior conducting electrical
 Ensure all circuits are de-energized
7.3-Install new MCC Panels, before beginning work. Comply with
GI 6.012, CSM 5-1 and SMS
Switch Gears, Cable Bus, Space Process.
Heater Panel, Cable tray,  Consider all electrical conductors to
conduit, (high-beam for cable energize unless properly Locked,
Tagged and Tried.
bus support at transformer  Disconnect power sources, test
yard ), cable bus support Voltage, and grounding when
isolating electrical power equipment
channel, fire proof sealant and
and circuits operated at 480 volts
duct seal installation (V) or higher.
 Never work alone on energized
electrical equipment unless
7.3 Reconnect the HV power permitted by Saudi Aramco
cables and IR test requirements.
 Use Proper PPE as required in GI
2.721 when conducting works that
could involve exposure to an
electrical arc flash.
 Mats and blankets shall be required
to provide insulation from other
elements that are energized.
 Inspect and perform air test on
rubber insulating gloves.
 Use qualified testing laboratory to
test and tag insulated/insulating
PPE and hot sticks
 Do not wear rings, wristwatches,
other jewelry, eyeglasses with metal
frames, or other similar metallic
objects. Maintain safe distances
Minimum Safe Distances from

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

Energized Equipment Table).
 Ground noncurrent carrying metal
parts of electrical equipment.
 Never bypass, remove,
modify, destroy, or defeat electrical
 Remove blown fuses with
approved fuse pullers and replace
only with the proper type and rated
 Use only nonconductive ladders
(e.g., fiberglass).
 Use residual current devices
(RCDs) including ground fault circuit
interrupters (GFCIs) and earth leak
circuit breakers (ELCBS) for all
110/220 V portable electric power
tools and temporary wiring
 Only use equipment in
electrically classified locations that is
properly rated and marked to show
the class group, and operating
temperature for which it is approved
(Hazardous Classified wiring and
equipment not to be use unless
designed and installed for the
specific service required).
 Need SA certified cable splicer
 Butane canister torch / Heat gun UL
 Cover the area by fire blanket
 Assign fire watch with UL listed
CO2 fire extinguisher for cable
splicing job

8-ERMS Modification Installation  Arc Flash Fires  Work Permit shall be obtained as
per GI.2.100
of Switch & Indication Lamp  Eclectic shock  Perform all activities inside sub-
8.1- Functional test for ERMS  Injury station
 Obtain Required Work Permits with
 Discharge of electricity. Effective Joint Site
 Unqualified Electricians  Personnel performing the work must
carry out works must be be trained and certified.
 Personnel who are present within
trained and certified work. minimum clearances of the electrical
 Defective electrical works must be trained and certified
equipment is used.  Confirm at least one member of the
 Electrical equipment is not crew has obtained training and
certification in first aid and basic life
grounded. support prior conducting electrical
 Electrical circuit has no work.
GF.C.I.  Ensure all circuits are de-energized
before beginning work. Comply with
 Use of improper voltage GI 6.012, CSM 5-1 and SMS
outlets. Process.
 Consider all electrical conductors to
 Damaged cords, plugs or energize unless properly Locked,
welding leads used. Tagged and Tried.
 Disconnect power sources, test
 Cable drum imbalance and voltage, and grounding when
Trapping isolating electrical power equipment
and circuits operated at 480 volts
(V) or higher.
 Never work alone on energized
electrical equipment unless
permitted by Saudi Aramco
 Use Proper PPE as required in GI

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

2.721 when conducting works that
could involve exposure to an
electrical arc flash.
 Mats and blankets shall be required
to provide insulation from other
elements that are energized.
 Inspect and perform air test on
rubber insulating gloves.
 Use qualified testing laboratory to
test and tag insulated/insulating
PPE and hot sticks.
 Do not wear rings, wristwatches,
other jewelry, eyeglasses with metal
frames, or other similar metallic
 Maintain safe distances (Use
Minimum Safe Distances from
Energized Equipment Table).
 Ground noncurrent carrying metal
parts of electrical equipment.
 Never bypass, remove, modify,
destroy, or defeat electrical
 Remove blown fuses with approved
fuse pullers and replace only with
the proper type and rated fuse.
 Use only nonconductive ladders
(e.g., fiberglass).
 Use residual current devices (RCDs)
including ground fault circuit
interrupters (GFCIS) and earth leak
circuit breakers (ELCBs) for all
110/220 V portable electric power
tools and temporary wiring
 Only use equipment in electrically
classified locations that is properly
rated and marked to show the class
group, and operating temperature
for which it is approved (Hazardous
Classified wiring and equipment not
to be use unless designed and
installed for the specific service
 Splicing is not permitted unless
necessary and to be performed by
certified technician.
 Do not wear rings, wristwatches,
other jewelry, eyeglasses with metal
frames, or other similar metallic
 Maintain safe distances (Use
Minimum Safe Distances from
Energized Equipment Table).
 Ground noncurrent carrying metal
parts of electrical equipment.
 Never bypass, remove, modify,
destroy, or defeat electrical
 Remove blown fuses with approved
fuse pullers and replace only with
the proper type and rated fuse.
 Use only nonconductive ladders
(e.g., fiberglass).
 Use residual current devices (RCDs)
including ground fault circuit
interrupters (GFCIS) and earth leak
circuit breakers (ELCBs) for all
110/220 V portable electric power
tools and temporary wiring
 Only use equipment in electrically
classified locations that is properly
rated and marked to show the class
group, and operating temperature
for which it is approved (Hazardous

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

Classified wiring and equipment not
to be use unless designed and
installed for the specific service
 Splicing is not permitted unless
necessary and to be performed by
certified technician.

9. Asphalt and concrete cutting  Persons Injury

 Work Permit shall be obtained as
by asphalt cutting machine  Dust
per GI 2.100.
pneumatic/electric jackhammer  Risk of hitting under- ground  Use gloves to prevent cuts on
utilities hands.
9.1 Asphalt concrete paving  Fire  Move all unnecessary persons away
 Use proper PPE
 Remove unwanted material from
 Experience person shall be
deployed for asphalt cutting job.
 Ensure approved excavation
penetration request and pre-
excavation check list with drawing
available at site to avoid Risk of
hitting under-ground utilities
 Use water for controlling dust.
 Valid inspection sticker for asphalt
cutting machine shall be allowed.
 Access area to be clear from all
 Ensure dust mask or respirator.
 Allot sufficient manpower.
 Explain proper manual handling
techniques during toolbox talk.
 Correct PPE to be worn by masons
(rubber boots with steel toe caps) as
per cement MSDS
 Trained fire watch to be provided.
 Fire extinguishers to be kept at
upwind direction nearby vibrator.
 Good housekeeping maintained in
working area
 Do not take water from the fire water
 All equipment like generator
compressor shall be certified by 3rd
party and maintain monthly and
daily inspection check list.

10- Manual excavation and back  Compressor and jack  Obtain Required Work Permits with
Effective Joint Site Inspection.
filling by hand tools. hammer
 During joint site inspection clearly
 Cave-in of the sidewall. check underground utilities by cable
 Build-up of toxic or detector.
flammable atmospheres.  Wear Proper PPE including
personnel Gas detectors.
 Oxygen deficiency or
 Compressor must be inspected by
enrichment third party sticker.
 Accidental contact with  Fire extinguisher
underground utilities.  Fire watcher and stand by man
 Air hoses with Whip lash and safety
 People or equipment falling
into the excavation.  An Excavation Safety Checklist (see
 Flooding. CSM II-1, Excavations, and shoring)
 Improper means of Access is required for:
 All excavations 1.2 m (4 ft.) and
and egress.
 Exposure to dust  Excavations deeper than 30

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Presence of insects /  cm (1 ft.) was buried pipelines or
cable may be present.
 Entry into excavations 1.2 m (4 ft.)
and deeper will require a CSE
 Determine the soil type prior to entry
(i.e., stable rock, or Type A, B, or C
 Determine the appropriate method
of protection against sidewall cave-
in benching, shoring, or sloping, or a
combination of methods depending
on space available, nature of
operations, and soil type.
 Develop an excavation plan by a
degreed engineer for the following:
 Excavations greater than 2.4m (8 ft)
deep in
 Type B or C soil.
 Excavations greater than 6 m (20 ft.)
Deep regardless of soil type.
 Maximum Allowable Slopes for
Height (h) less than 6 m (20 ft)
 Identify all utilities and lines and
notify appropriate parties before
beginning any digging or cleanup
 Locate spoil piles at least 0.6 m (2
ft) from the edge of the excavation.
 Position scaffold bases at least 1.5
times the depth of an excavation
away from the edges of the
Excavation (Including trenches).
 Do not use mechanical excavators
within 3 m (10 ft) of any
underground pipes, cables, Or other
 Do not operate motor vehicles or
heavy equipment within 2 m (6.5 ft)
or the depth of the excavation
(Whichever is greatest) for any
 Note: With the exception of
excavating and backfilling
equipment (e.g., track hoes, rock
breakers, backhoes, and front-end
 Do not operate cranes closer than
the depth of the excavation for Type
 A soils, and no closer than two times
the depth of the excavation for
 Type B and C soils.
 Perform a documented excavation
inspection using an excavation
competent person for the following:
 Before initially entering an
excavation or after a change in site
 Each morning for excavations
greater than 2.4 m (8 ft).
 Erect barricades and warning signs
at a safe distance from the
 Provide blinking warning lights at
excavations during hours of
 Only authorized personnel are

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

allowed to Enter an excavation
 Position personnel within the
excavation outside the operating
radius of any operating excavating
 Position personnel in an excavation
where they will not be exposed to a
possible cave-in and not within a
distance less than the depth of the
excavation away from the edge
were equipment is located.
 Ensure there is no water seepage
into the excavation.
 Provide ladders or other means of
access so that there is no more than
7.5 m (25 ft) of lateral travel distance
for personnel in all occupied
excavations. Ladders shall extend a
minimum of 1 m (3 ft) above the top
of excavation wall.
 Ensure there is an emergency
rescue plan for excavations
considered as confined spaces.
 Have the work crews discussed their
activities with each other
(Simultaneous Operation

11- Survey, Leveling, Grading,  Personal injury  Work Permit shall be obtained as
back-filling Compaction by  Equipment Damage
 Never leave the tools and survey
compactor  High noise unit on the road.
 Un authorized entry due to  Carry the stand always in vertical
Radiation Hazard position. Never point the sharp edge
11.1 Field density test to anyone.
 Incompetent Handling &
 Wear FRC (Flame Resistant
Transportation of FDT unit Clothing) while at the site.
 Uncertified Technician &  Equipment shall be inspected and
Equipment certified by third party.
 Compactor equipment use only
 Uncertified dosimeter &
competent operator
Survey Meter  Do not use any defected
 Adverse weather conditions equipment's for the operation and if
 Fire there is any defect developed during
operation shall be reported
immediately and do not continue the
operation until the repairs have been
carried out.
 Ensure that fire extinguishers are
available kept in work area.
 Use ear and hand protection.
 Implement job rotations.
 Implement work breaks.
 Spray water as required to reduce
the dust generation.
 The FDT to be conducted during the
silent hours.
 Barricade the area to maintain the
safe distance and restrict the area to
the authorized personnel
 Follow manufacturer
recommendation to manage the
radiation source
 Provide warning Signage around the
 Notify the adjacent work sites before

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

resuming the job.
 Certified Third Party Technician is
allowed to handle the FDT unit and
he must stay away and position
himself from the source as
 The FDT unit carrying vehicle
should not be parked elsewhere
except for the work area and leave
once the activity is completed.
 The FDT unit carrying vehicle
should not be parked elsewhere
except for the work area and leave
once the activity is completed
 Certified Equipment and qualified
trained and competent Technicians
with badge are only allowed to
perform the activities
 Medical Fitness of the Technician to
be provided by 3rd Party.
 Only third party calibrated personal
doze meter and radiation survey
meter shall be used
 Monitor weather condition frequently
no one allowed to perform the
activities during Raining, Sandstorm
and Poor illumination.

12-Foundation erection,  Hand Injury  Work Permit shall be obtained as

per SA GI 2.100
Foundation demolition, concrete  Fall of material
 All equipment shall be 3rd party
mixer truck entry, concrete  Manual handling hazards certified and monthly weekly or daily
paving (CIVIL WORK)  Cumulative Back Injuries inspection check list.
 Persons Injury  Use gloves to prevent cuts on
 Slip, trip and fall
12.1 Manual shifting of material  Move all unnecessary persons away
 Sharp edges of re-bar  If load is heavy take help of another
civil work  Protruding nails person
 Puncturing/brushing against  Use manual handling techniques.
12.2 Material stacking/ including Use proper PPE
sharp edges of concrete
 Remove unwanted material from
back filling of soil.  Fingers getting caught site.
between the forms  Experience person shall be
 Dust deployed for rebar fixing job.
12.3 Including rebar installation
 Trained steel cutter and trained steel
work  Improper manual
fixer shall be deployed for each
 handling work.
 Diesel spillage  Valid inspection sticker tools and
12.4-Installation / removal of plants shall be allowed.
 Contact with cement
Shuttering work & de nailing  Restricted entry only authorized
 chemicals
using hand tools.  Fire
persons allowed only in steel fixing
 Skin/eye irritation  Access area to be clear from all
12.5-Setting of concrete using obstructions.
 Use basket while lifting the material.
diesel concrete vibrator and
 Nails to be removed.
hand tools  Ensure dust mask or respirator.
 Allot sufficient manpower.
 Explain proper manual handling
12.6- Concrete curing with water techniques during tool box talk.
 Only trained operator to use
12.7-Modification (demolition and equipment
 Correct PPE to be worn by masons
re-preparation) of substation side (rubber boots with steel toe caps) as
wall for cable bus entry (civil job) per cement MSDS
 Trained fire watch to be provided.

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

12.8 Duct bank modification for  Fire extinguishers to be kept at
upwind direction nearby vibrator.
cable laying (civil job)  Good housekeeping maintained in
working area
 Do not take water from the fire water

13. Installation of pre-cast  Falling Objects.  Work Permit shall be obtained as

per SA GI 2.100.
foundation and high beam for  Struck, run over, or crushed.
 Perform all activities inside sub-
cable bus support by using crane  Traffic Hazards. station only in presence of ESO or
or boom truck  Contact with overhead SA operation
power cables and process  Inspect all Saudi Aramco,
contractor, or third-party mobile and
fixed cranes prior to use with the
 Incompetent Crane, Boom Saudi Aramco Crane Operator Daily
truck Operator and Rigger. Inspection Checklist found in Gi
 Inclement Weather (7.028.)
 Operate only cranes and boom-
trucks that have a valid inspection
 Poor Visibility sticker from Saudi Aramco or a
 Presence of adjacent Saudi Aramco approved third party.
structures.  Verify that supplemental lifting
equipment used below the hook
 Moving/Working under
(e.g., spreader bars, man baskets)
Suspended load. has a valid inspection sticker.
 Exceeding SWL (Safe  Certified per the requirements of GI
Working Load). 7.025 for the mobile crane, fixed
crane, or extensions/attachments
 Working close to excavated
indicated on the certificate, or
area.  Use universal hand or radio signals
 Not using outrigger pad. for communication between the
 Miscommunication between designated signal man, and crane
the rigger and operator.
 Do not obstruct the crane operator's
 Using defective sling. line of sight to the designated
 Unstable ground conditions signalman (Rigger).
 Adopting improper slinging  Keep all cab glass clean without
obstructions (e.g.) curtains,
cardboard) or damage.
 Cab glass must be safety glass
 Use tag lines to control all
suspended loads, except when their
use may create a greater hazard.
 Do not side load (i.e., be sure to
center the hook directly over the
 Avoid suspending loads over
personnel, equipment, or traffic
 Know the accurate weight of all
loads and lifting gear prior to the lift.
 Transport personnel only using
approved crane suspended
personnel platforms (man baskets).
 Keep the crane tires at least 2 in
above the ground.
 Use fully extended outriggers with
appropriate float pads and mats
when performing crane lifts. Do not
permanently secure mats to the
outrigger pads.
 Do not leave the crane cab
unattended while a load is
suspended, unless the load is
properly secured to a load- bearing

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

structural member.
 Position (lower) hydraulic crane
booms and secure the hook while
 Do not perform crane lifts at wind
speeds above 32 km/h (20 mph)
unless otherwise specified by the
 Do not perform crane-suspended
personnel platform (Man basket)
operations at wind speeds greater
than 25 km/h (15 mph).
 Maintain the following minimum
distances when conducting crane
operations near trenches and
 Depth of the trench or excavation for
Class A soils.
 2X the depth of the trench or
excavation for Class B and C soils
(see the Excavation and Trenching
safety topic for soil classifications).
 Maintain the minimum distances
provided in Table 2 in the Electrical
Safety topic when operating cranes
around overhead power lines.
 Use Critical Lift Plans (see GI 7.028)
for certain conditions and activities,
 Cranes operating around power
 Operating around hydrocarbons and
above ground pressurized piping
areas, populated/traffic areas, and
 All loads of 40 tons or greater.
 All loads exceeding 85% of the rated
load capacity of the crane for that
specific lift.
 Tandem, multiple, or tailing lifts (any
lift requiring two or more cranes to
lift one load).
 Lifts involving crane-suspended
personnel platform (man basket). A
Crane Suspended Personnel
Platform (Man basket) Permit is
required (see GI 7.027).
 High level and/or long reach crane
 Lifts on barges, vessels, or loading
 On rubber or pick and carry lifts.
 Nighttime crane lifts, except as
approved during a turnaround and
inspection (T&I) or shutdown.
 Blind lifts.
 Other lifts as determined by Saudi
Aramco management.
 Rig all crane loads using a certified
 Use accepted rigging techniques
when lifting loads.
 Use only rigging equipment that is
rated for the load being lifted.
 Avoid sharp bends in slings; protect
slings from sharp edges and

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Rig loads off load-bearing structural
members only after prior approval.
Do not rig from process piping.
 Do not modify, repair, shorten, or
lengthen slings. Verify that the
manufacturer's safe working load
(SWL) and serial number are clearly
marked on each sling.
 Does not use sling angles less than
30 degrees above the horizontal?
The recommended safe working
angle is 60 degrees above the
 Completely close/bolt shackles and
other connecting devices.
 Do not use fasteners or other rigging
hardware manufactured in-house.
 Ensure a rigger certified per the
requirements of Gl #7.025 inspects
all slings, fittings, and shackles
before each use.
 Inspect slings and other rigging
hardware per applicable standards
every 6 months using a certified
 Maintain a job-site log of slings that
identifies the sling and periodic
inspection results. Record defective
slings in the log and remove them
promptly from the job site.
 Inspect and certify all "A-Frames" by
a certified inspector prior to
attaching any rigging equipment.

14-Conduct welding, cutting  Fires.  Work Permit shall be obtained as

 Body Injuries (skins Burns, eye per SA GI 2.100
grinding & core cutting concrete  Use fire proof water hoses for
injuries etc.)
cutting by concrete-cutting  Heat
welding and grading activities
 Use approved PPE including when
machine.  Sparks providing help/ assistance.
 Flying Metal Particles.  Wear leather gloves car and body
 Combustible material protection, safety boots, and
 Defective or damaged leggings (as needed)to provide
equipment. protection against heat, sparks, and
 Oxygen enriched flying metal particles.
environments.  Do not wear pants and flying metal
tucked inside boots.
 Flammable or toxic materials
 Wear a welding helmet during
and fumes. welding operations, chemical
 Incompetent personnel cartage respiratory and a helmet or
 Improper storage of cylinders welding goggles during cutting and
 Accidental contact with hot Brazing operations.
surfaces.  Use shaded tempered glass or
 Contact with flames. shatter- resistant protective lenses
on all welding helmets and goggles.
 Using of unsuitable sockets
 Whenever possible move the object
and cords
to be welded inside a maintenance
 Not using GFCI shop or laydown yard.
 Using of incorrect  Remove combustible material from
 cutting Disc or modified grinder around the work area or protect
disc guard materials from sparks, slag, or heat
 Confirmed space hazards with fireproof material or wetting.
 Remove/protect combustible
material below an elevated welding
or cutting work area.

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Visually inspect equipment daily and
Complete Inspection Checklist for
Welding equipment (see Mobile
Equipment Inspection SMS),
immediately remove or
repair/replace defective or damaged
 Install ground cables for welding
equipment and the piping/equipment
being welded to dissipate static
electric charge buildup.
 Conduct welding and brazing
operations in well ventilated areas.
 Turn off all equipment and close
compressed gas cylinder valves
when unattended.
 Provide a portable fire extinguisher
near the hot work area. Cover all
sewers in hydrocarbon facilities
within 23 m (75 ft) of the work area.
 Maintain a trained fire watch during
welding and cutting operations and
for 30 minutes afterwards.
 Do not perform welding, cutting, and
brazing in oxygen enriched
environments (i.e., an oxygen
concentration greater than 23.5%).
 Verify the surface, pipeline, or
vessel/container to be cut, welded,
or brazed has been drained,
cleaned, and purged to remove all
flammable or toxic materials
(Including residue). Determine the
flammability of any coatings prior to
beginning work.
 Identify the presence of
hydrocarbons using gas testing
equipment if necessary (see Safety
Process 1: Hot Work Permit).
 Use mechanical ventilation and/or
local exhaust when welding, cutting,
or heating alloys that release toxic
material per Saudi Aramco
 Additional respiratory protection may
be required.
 If Cutting, Welding and Brazing
inside a confined space, Follow up
Confined Space Entry safety
precautions as per Saudi Aramco
CSM and SMS Process.
15-Scaffold erection and  Dropped object  Work Permit shall be obtained as
per SA GI.2.100.
dismantling.  Hand and foot injury
 Perform all activities inside sub-
 Personnel fall station only in presence of ESO or
 Scaffolding structure SA operation.
collapse  Trained and authorized worker
 Obtain Required Work Permits with
 Manual Handling
Effective Joint Site Inspection refer
 Overhead obstruction to GI-2.100 (Work Permit System)
 Follow risk assessment and method
 Conduct toolbox talks
 Barricade the area and post signage
 Safety coverage
 Proper supervision

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

 Use gin wheel, rope, and material
basket for manual lifting
 Maintain proper communication
during material handling
 Don't keep material near the edge
 Tools are equipped with a lanyard
 Use a full-body harness and 100%
tie- off lanyard with a substantial
anchorage point
 Use proper PPE
 Use red tag during erection,
dismantle and modification
 Use proper access
 Access egress always free from
 Do not overload scaffolding
 Stop the activity if the wind speed is
 Keep a safe distance from the
electric line (10 feet minimum) and
excavation (1.5 *deep)
 Avoid overreaching.
 Use handling aids
 Obtain good body posture
 Provide a safe technique of manual

16-Working at Height  Falls  Provide appropriate & standard fall -

Protection scaffolds.
 Falling objects
 Provide standard fall protection full
16.1 Work on ladder  Use of mobile scaffolds body harness, shock absorber shall
 Slippery surfaces (water, be used above 1.8 meters with 2
ice, snow) lanyards.
 Appropriate (mandatory) training
 Rolling or pinching
shall be imparted for personnel
objects working aloft.
 Sharp objects  All tools & parts should be secured
at height.
 Do not climb ladders when holding
tools, transport tools in appropriate
 Barricade the area below to restrict
the access.
 No one should stay on top of the
scaffold during manual shift.
 While working on scaffold brake to
be applied.
 Ensure stability during movement to
push the scaffold (slope, obstacles,
holes, and bumps)
 Maintain 3 points of contact when
Ascending and descending ladders.
 Ensure area at bottom of ladder is
free of obstructions and tripping
 Never carry tools in your hands
while ascending or descending a
 Utilize rope buckets to pull tools up
to you or tool belts.
 A spotter must hold the ladder if the
employee needs to climb the ladder
to tie the ladder off.
 When using an extension ladder, for
every 4' of rise, the base must come
out 1' (4 to 1 ratio) If working from a

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

ladder 6 ft. or higher, fall protection
is required.
 Fall protection is not required for
climbing ladders less than 20 ft. in
 Always use the proper ladder for the

17 - Install JBs, Open trench,  Personnel injury  Permit to work as per SA GI. 2.100
shall be applied.
cables laying, cable gladding,  Physically fit persons to be assigned
termination and cable IR test for any manual work.
 Conduct Toolbox Talk prior to work
start. Dedicate especial attention to
care to be taken regarding manual
handling of heavy equipment.
 Use hydraulic trolley for transferring
the load from substation entrance to
MCC location.
 Use leather gloves during this
 Ensure correct PPEs are used by
the workers.
 Exposed sharp edges shall be
protected and covered.
 To avoid back injury, follow safe
manual handling postures.
 Clear area and provide barricade
and warning signage's for mugger

18 - Confined Space Activities  Lack of oxygen or presence  Permit to work as per SA GI. 2.100
shall be applied.
of flammable / combustible /
 Obtain confined space entry permit
toxic gases. before entering to confined space as
 Poor visibility. per Saudi Aramco Work permit
 Poor ventilation. issuance procedure/GI 2.100 &
SACSM along with hot work/ cold
work permit depending on type of
job going to execute.
 Working in confined space during
 light or not enough for work or in
night must use the SA CSM
(11.7.17) for lighting
 Supervisor shall always presence
during all time and conducts TBT
before starting the installation of
JB's and cables in the substation
cellar room.
 . Be equipped with insulated
handles, have substantial guards
attached to the handle or holder,
and not have paper-lined metal
shell/guard if the light is powered by
alternating current (AC).
 Be certified by an independent
testing and certification service such
as UL, FM or KEMA-KEUR (or
equivalent as specified in writing by
the SA Loss Prevention
Department) and shall bear the
appropriate certifying agency mark.
 Be properly grounded with a
manufacturer installed three-prong
electrical plug is the light is powered

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

by AC.
 Not be used in a SA restricted area
without a hot work permit per Gl
2.100, except explosion-proof
 Be repaired or replaced if defective.
 Be inspected prior to issuing/using.
Frequent random on-site checks
shall be performed.
 Not be placed where heat generated
by the light could ignite combustible
materials (e.g., scaffold planks).
 Flashlights ("torches") shall be
explosion-proof (e.g., labeled "Ex" or
"UL 844") if used within a SA
electrically classified area.
 Every job that requires a confined
space entry shall have a designated
confined space entry supervisor
(CSES). If no work inside confined
space "DO NOT ENTERS" signs
shall be posted at entrance.
 Obtained established confined
space entry plan
 Confined space checklist shall be
 Conduct gas tests before entry for:
 Flammable, toxic, or oxygen
Deficiencies by trained gas tester.
 Certified stand by man shall be
assigned at the entry point.
 Certified stand by man shall be
maintaining the entry / exit log
 H2S monitor (Rattler) must be
available while working inside the
confine space.
 Lighting shall be provided as
needed to safely enter/ exit and
work inside a Confined space where
 Lighting shall be on a separate
electrical circuit from other electrical
equipment and tools used in the
confined space
 Mechanical ventilation shall be used
to ensure the removal of all
hazardous airborne contaminants in
confined spaces

19- Pre-commissioning- Conduct  Electrocution  Work permit shall be obtained as

per GI. 2.100
testing of old (for PCR) and new  Personnel injury
 Perform all activities inside
MCC panel, space heater panel,  Plant shutdown substation only in presence of ESO
old switch gear (for PCR) and  Fire or SA operation.
 Work permit shall be obtained
new switch gears.  Operatives doing the HIPOT test
(Point to point test, mechanical must wear the appropriate PPE (fire
retardant/ARC FLASH clothing and
check, relay test, insulation electrical resistance gloves properly
resistance test, end to end test) rated for the test volt supply).
19.1- HI POT- tests.  The test operator authorized eth
manufactured must properly trained
and certified for this type of activity
 Verify proper grounding back to
earth temporary grounding of

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

untested conductors with test lead.
 If using ladder, only fiber glass
nonconductive ladders shall be used
nonconductive ladders shall be
 E-ARC rated clothing shall be worn
while working with HV power
 All the sharp edges of the panels will
be identified and care must be taken
care while handing the existing
 Power barricade and use dip-tray
and UL/LISTED fire extinguisher for

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

6. Identify key steps as “STOP WORK TRIGGERS” (in the “Controls” column) if there are any
conditions, fob changes or distractions that will prompt personnel to stop all work activities associated
with the job until further assignment is conducted or additional controls are implemented.

JAS Approved By: --------------------------------------------------

Saudi Aramco Company General Use

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