1st LESSON PLAN Earth Science
1st LESSON PLAN Earth Science
1st LESSON PLAN Earth Science
• Preliminary I. Prayer
Activities II. Checking of Attendance through Menti.com
In this part, the teacher will conduct a simple survey
regarding the cultural and religious background of the learners
III. Implementation of Classroom Rules:
During the class, the learners must:
• arrange the chairs properly;
• avoid unnecessary talking during the class discussions;
• not roam around during the class discussions;
• avoid using cellular phones unless allowed by the teacher;
• raise their hands before reciting.
Indicator 3 The teacher will provide a feature article for the learners to
Applied a range of read. The learners will then answer the following through a
teaching strategies to simple concept map.
develop critical and
creative thinking, as Task 1: Create a concept map describing how the dinosaurs
well as other higher- become extinct. Present also the evidence of the scientific claims.
order thinking skills.
Indicator 2
Used a range of Task 2: Based on the given article, calculate the amount of a
teaching strategies sample using the formula:
that enhance learner
achievement in 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
Remaining amount =
literacy and 2𝑛
numeracy skills.
Note: n = number of half-lives
• EVALUATION Directions: This formative quiz contains two parts. This will be
done through interactive simulation with a link provided in the
group chat.
1. Which are the first life forms on planet Earth that occurred
during the Archean between 4,000 and 2,500 billion years
A. Eukaryotes C. Trilobites
B. Protists D. Prokaryotes
2. Based on the Geologic Time Scale, how old is the Earth?
A. 4.6 billion years C. 541 million years ago
B. 251.9 million years ago D. 0.01million years ago
3. What is the largest division in the Geologic Time Scale?
A. Period B. Era C. Eon D. Epoch
4. Which is the correct hierarchy of divisions in the geologic
time scale from the largest to the smallest?
A. epoch – period – era – eon
B. eon – epoch – era - period
C. period – era – epoch – eon
D. eon – era – period – epoch
5. What is known as the Age of Dinosaurs or Reptiles?
A. Mesozoic Era C. Paleozoic Era
B. Precambrian D. Cenozoic Era
Part B. Essay
Describe the events that occurred in your three selected
periods based on the geologic time scale.