1st LESSON PLAN Earth Science

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School Grade Level Grade 11

DAILY Teacher Learning Earth
LESSON Area Science
PLAN Teaching Semester: First
Dates and Quarter: 2

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of how the planet

Earth evolved in the last 4.6 billion years.
Performance The learners should be able to describe the possible events that
Standard occurred in a certain area based on the rock layers found therein.
Learning The learners should be able to describe the history of the Earth
Competencies through geologic time. (S11ES-IIj-39)
Learning Specifically, the learners should be able to:
Objectives 1. identify the different subdivisions of the geologic time scale;
2. describe the events that occurred in every period based on
the geologic time scale.

TOPIC Describing the History of Earth Through Geologic Time

References G. Tyler Miller, J., Spoolman, S., Owen, C., Pirie, D., & Draper, G.
(2019). Earth Science. Manila City: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Materials Pictures Marker Glue
Paper Pen Duct Tape

• Preliminary I. Prayer
Activities II. Checking of Attendance through Menti.com
In this part, the teacher will conduct a simple survey
regarding the cultural and religious background of the learners
III. Implementation of Classroom Rules:
During the class, the learners must:
• arrange the chairs properly;
• avoid unnecessary talking during the class discussions;
• not roam around during the class discussions;
• avoid using cellular phones unless allowed by the teacher;
• raise their hands before reciting.

• ENGAGEMENT Activity 1: Bring Me Something Historical!

Indicator 5
Established a The learners will bring materials found at home that have
historical or sentimental value to their family’s culture or religion.
culture by using
teaching strategies
The learners will then present its cultural, historical or sentimental
that respond to their value. They will then answer the following questions through oral
linguistic, cultural, recitation based on their tribe (Hiligaynon, Cebuano, T’boli, Manobo,
socio-economic and etc.):
backgrounds. 1. Does it have historical, cultural, or sentimental value? Why
do you say so?
Indicator 8 2. How old is the figure you brought?
Adapted and used 3. Why is it important to keep things with cultural or historical
culturally appropriate
value through time?
teaching strategies to
address the needs
of learners from
indigenous groups.
• EXPLORATION Activity 2: Arrange the Block!
• Prerequisites:
Paper strips, marker/pen, pair of scissors, glue
• Directions:
1. The learners will be divided into five groups. Each group will
present a simple shoutout or greetings based on their
cultural background.
2. Each group will arrange the following subdivisions of
geologic time from the largest block of time to the smallest
Period Eon Epoch Era
3. Each group will then arrange the following divisions of
phanerozoic eon:
Cenozoic era Paleozoic era Mesozoic era
Indicator 1 4. Each group will also arrange the following events from
Applied knowledge earliest to latest. Each group will also classify to which
of content within biological kingdom each of these organisms belongs:
and across • Flying reptiles
curriculum teaching • Primitive corals
areas. • Modern humans
• Evolution of bacteria and algae
• First amphibians
• Early flowers
• Existence of primitive fish
• Existence of dinosaurs
The Six Kingdoms of Life:
Kingdom Eubacteria Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Animalia Kingdom Plantae

• EXPLANATION In portraying the Earth’s history, the most important tool

used is the Geologic Time Scale. The age of rocks and fossils,
including the events that formed them, are described in the said
standard timeline.
It is broken into a hierarchical set of divisions. The generally
accepted divisions are eons which are the largest blocks of time on
Indicator 5 the geologic time scale. Eons are split into eras. Eras are divided
Established a into periods, and periods are further divided into epochs. There are
learner-centered two highest levels of the hierarchy shown on the left side of the scale,
culture by using the Precambrian and Phanerozoic.
teaching strategies There are three major divisions of the Phanerozoic eon: the
that respond to their
Cenozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Paleozoic Eras. The suffix "zoic"
linguistic, cultural,
comes from the root "zoo", which means animal. "Cen" means
socio-economic and
religious recent, "Meso" means middle, and "Paleo" means ancient.
Activity 3: The Geologic Song
Indicator 8 Each group of learners will think of a rhythm of a Philippine
Adapted and used indigenous or cultural folk song or write a poem and put the
culturally appropriate following periods as lyrics or content of the song/poem:
teaching strategies to Cambrian Triassic
address the needs Ordovician Jurassic
of learners from Silurian Cretaceous
indigenous groups. Devonian Tertiary
Carboniferous Quaternary
• ELABORATION Activity 4: Feature Article on Dinosaur Extinction

Indicator 3 The teacher will provide a feature article for the learners to
Applied a range of read. The learners will then answer the following through a
teaching strategies to simple concept map.
develop critical and
creative thinking, as Task 1: Create a concept map describing how the dinosaurs
well as other higher- become extinct. Present also the evidence of the scientific claims.
order thinking skills.

Indicator 2
Used a range of Task 2: Based on the given article, calculate the amount of a
teaching strategies sample using the formula:
that enhance learner
achievement in 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
Remaining amount =
literacy and 2𝑛
numeracy skills.
Note: n = number of half-lives
• EVALUATION Directions: This formative quiz contains two parts. This will be
done through interactive simulation with a link provided in the
group chat.

Multiple-Choice Test: The learners will select the correct option

for every item. The test will be done through an interactive

1. Which are the first life forms on planet Earth that occurred
during the Archean between 4,000 and 2,500 billion years
A. Eukaryotes C. Trilobites
B. Protists D. Prokaryotes
2. Based on the Geologic Time Scale, how old is the Earth?
A. 4.6 billion years C. 541 million years ago
B. 251.9 million years ago D. 0.01million years ago
3. What is the largest division in the Geologic Time Scale?
A. Period B. Era C. Eon D. Epoch
4. Which is the correct hierarchy of divisions in the geologic
time scale from the largest to the smallest?
A. epoch – period – era – eon
B. eon – epoch – era - period
C. period – era – epoch – eon
D. eon – era – period – epoch
5. What is known as the Age of Dinosaurs or Reptiles?
A. Mesozoic Era C. Paleozoic Era
B. Precambrian D. Cenozoic Era
Part B. Essay
Describe the events that occurred in your three selected
periods based on the geologic time scale.

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