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Delhi Publte SAoo

Hall YeakyExaminakn
Date sepa
Name AnuxoA
Clos X WordsOort

Isubyece otio0Sdenca
Hsery Ciie

he he togk Representig e poo ple

been gtve to s{dn" S by

Jean Poul-Mar at
es Dr. B.R. Ambedkas o Ae chaiman
Comn ttee o he Conitu ent oR emb ly
3 Motila0 Nehou ond 3Oh Indio Nakional Co ngse

(TNC) aembals drapked aCosthution PeTnda

Aquments put dora&sd against dano (ratu are

demo Craies, Tulert oep chanina ich

petitical Dtbility
1S a abous Pooer play E Poli
ACompeAko heve is Scope

Ohot s LoAe
Cowwon People not
Cooul e elect ound
ChooCe +ea

dermde raies , ou Peop\a had o be Couted

decdtion o l k c e a b t
ced RRmakian

tA lecdto Cotrupti
oalpd electeal om etihimn.
on huoD P oms
w 9
intkoduced u o n stem d e i ahs

Vome th demoocakt otgtR e enioy today

back o ren c e Pevotusi

lid Could ve tsaced


Kighk ko freedom nd 2qualtuy loefoe
1 Rigd to Sastice

Riataq ont plottat na

Kiit ho Speech aná exgsorsim

Crcumstantes o t end o 4e butbceak q evolu

thonasy Rotet frante oxe

Sod dlsrimingtiom eadte, Te Soctety and

Feep le dividedd tut 3
rance oece
ettntes aely - 4he 1extate Cclergy
The SeCond Etonte Cwobily Rnd

estale, Peopleeom clergy and NoLility

CnjouedCetai n fsivibgs by oirth Tkoay LOe
Ccemgthom prgyíg TonKos Th een
uDas Sotely m
Oere moltly po LS Ahgaled he people
3 ecke nd s Da reaton
POIPt Co Cauus Con ears aY had dsaire
he economic esouc ces & ran ce 1hy
ha oa very hu debt cxOnd 2bR
Ciwes Th State &not avet mmomyto
goverment tLes wtitutitns etc
had to ints esse tXes, b uoudun ares
vons oAay 6h 3 etate s heUergy
and nobihtu wese ecema vom Poui bRes
tcerse a K e Qnqoced Pecplz
belorivg etke
EconomiC Seions th Tequlokim fran te

milfra ín I1g, s had ineresued He de

- and Re
Lood ara ns s stlted , Hhe
eread rted up, but tha Lqs
Peop Re did not inerecuke ttu e ic
agel his Vod Puhed h e notisn ída

Subsi &ante Crsists

iv omctton e Ccl A neo cla emeraed
cench Soiey dusing 4is Rerio . hy
yeae e educated and middle cks peophe
3 d ectate. T h beifeveA ho qToup
Shoudd gven Priviags bick cnd t
buxden ins taxes tDld by kared bu o t
May phtlo sopher futpted People wrougk k Ae
tAmg Were oidel distes in
ubite places Suc Sloos, »llee
kop et.
w w . e d a k e

v Ourekult K Louis XVI had to G

@te 9eneNol m e i n o dsugy about
ne taxes the Tird etaseb had
fhexes should o aced by
3 etkes o t popogal u
sejeet ed& ech QAd had ont Oo-te

The estos-o e e ovqains

s pro pvsnl
vi These Were e lstsenk revolut
ioray Protes tn fan ce.
Chin Sinole Paty sken is ottouo ed
TO Conce n e t i A , onenuR e

Petm{stoA aom he Cines Communfst rarty

nly meMbos h s clinesa Communit

fary and tk otthe Smoller alies Con

Covket u eleims.

a0vesnment fn chino s lelmes yde

UhanugeCommwm et PAyEveay m

ince wdependence in
1av, he opuer ment is
P R T (Ln s4tuti ona 2evoluti
- av Paty). Th Porsty uses unfair Praci
tD oln in elechims.

tt) The teache 4h Gov enment nsiuons uted

otece PAKen b udunk to vote PRL

he media imorek h opPotik{ n oches and t

a chhes Od l&hoo Hn goti kvas and

Veesn Kxty kaaakiug i

olfiadt oa p.tople to ouo about e Protas

ond ideas OrFotiion Parie

1V Some hmes Th
TW olius boooths ere d asn
bne Place to her in +e o momenSMalw
diiult Cos hane vofe

Porechuy &en ends u omownk

wsny ampoigs Hhai Comdidates

Fso e aloove lede, e Con Conclude he
Chino and Mexico e do not hava democ

aLtic eleckionk
Greoqraphy fe Econories

Indla i he SaNa towntru iuu Hhe a

- tO oA erM& r e

Th tountries lavger an ka ase

i Canada
Onited Stakesot Amesica


h e Couwetres and ntinents today ch eq
eae aO Pov wnduOana land ase'
t ndi a
Austroli a
iti) oouet- Amen ca
|) Arica
Producion mesn proc Crectin neu mater
akg n&t qdubttaunces oom *he rou moutaials to
CaRs uwan nee AL


T PYO CeA Conveatn aRaud matestss into

VOusi o soods uman need s CARRed

rOdu elon

kacAoAs Cou ditn are

) 2abow
it) P s t cal Capitl
iu) thewaa Capifal

he majst patoarsaphic dtuilins Tndta are

e Rnalayaj
i) Te Novthern Plains
iV) e penindulaN qxeas
V) h re ndi n aesat d Thar desed
V Coot pains
The Tslandt
The o y Porolel Rovaes 4madaya as
VshAern mo Ona Tho Himadr
Te amge Couhern to nadsi.
h e i v alfk
t ) T e utermot sDng e
i)The ivAtK

S) Two Nentong 'pebple h Polannpa altepk to onk s

SoDes a n s cre

Pue o heswy Copotono o , People fomn

Sol bous OAS Cen used to accept to LOrk A

SomeAomes oen Smol otmeas Jonned Jo

- Duwed n y kom Caqe Medim ortnerS,
na Medium

Wocinn at heir
Keep ConX Ron, uch
Keep as
n Ader to aa
ede Jous e Woces

hom wone

asoorm a b o u r s ipalwpu len haad to

LoLoes 4el
6preod electidhy nplped people n Aa ollovo
ing w
etetr tim hod

alampus, had amojes fweatk bym he

irviaaio Sutemn olloto e oy os nes n 4ee
Belle accRss a elechic?y, Th Aosmeas uted
Yexs nn oheels AD anauo Sotel rom LAely 4o

isTiqae Smalt elds.

haA tnttallod
ALt acCA ele cidh, h a
Elecktd Yn AubaDells d a esk
Thetrct udo edeL pere

g0vesnment ou tea u eas hod

1nknled elecbiey Tn Auioesasls air
9onsuß ontely
As aAeult

The Aongitudi-ol extext Ta
6 and
The un sises in tL £ i t and le% iu

A Sun hakes u tnutes ko a oue a swa

Jongihude, i.e it t a e (oxu= 2o minudes) so

i thus e ealtern melt Qoint is

hows (1aD Munutes) rhead a n t e ehe

eter weik oint.
Conusion batseen He
tv his Ceakes

AOD S t t e as nd Sailwauiminq and

sta SSues

TO AvDta Conuion, Tu mtadle poi

ekuween 6 E AT 2 E is ava
StRndad Meidean Tndt a oid s 82 36E
hih Poses ucoug fuiZApA, Utr pYadah
erme al Me SstAnd arA MeAiam
ndi C,e ea3E) taken as he

we Lndioa Ond is to looe BUea

vit) Thods Ly e clocks n t at
Cujarn Anwvahal Pradakh
8h ole educakim in tuman Captkas Toomsion
eonCalion 1S Dna Ma{or determnant in 4t
uwwan apto ormaiom
Edutakin hetp People Aeeop e i K
Pd helos am t becomna
DAset to mationond tS elonom

7extonallty avna NaAion Consdouy

nes ki Vey portaunt indiuiauads

And helps W C r e aino

Feveoal And oRConutiona ELonom

inCree heir pcodu ckuty Andiher

tndldnl's ProduciA an& educatiom

qalihukis hees aNina uere

a Personatu and alko developS

he Moctiool
ot EAucati on a u Rn mni Tola
oupit omakim.

oekerminaht iu
wuwA CouPital femaion

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