Compound Curves

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Compound Curves
Compound Curves
Compound Curve consists of two or more
consecutive simple curves having different radius, but
whose centers lie on the same side of the curve, likewise
any two consecutive curves must have a common tangent
at their meeting point. When two such curves lie upon
opposite sides of the common tangent, the two curves
then turns a reversed curve. In a compound curve, the
point of the common tangent where the two curves join
is called the point of compound curvature (P.C.C.)
Elements of a Compound Curve
Problem 1
The common tangent AB of a compound curve is
76.42 m. with an azimuth of 268°30' The vertex V being
inaccessible. The azimuth of the tangents AV and VB
was measured to be 247°50' and 282°50', respectively.
If the stationing of A is 43 + 010.46 and the degree of
the first curve was fixed at 4° based on the 20 m.
chord. Using chord basis.
1. Determine the stationing of the P.C.
2. Determine the stationing of the P.C.C.
3. Determine the stationing of the P.T.
Problem 2
The long chord from the P.C. to the P.T. of a
compound curve is 300 meters long and the angles it
makes with the longer and shorter tangents are 12°
and 15° respectively. If the common tangent is parallel
to the long chord.
1. Find the radius of the first curve.
2. Find the radius of the 2nd curve.
3. If stationing of P.C. is 10+ 204.30, find the stationing
of P.T.
Problem 3
The locating engineer a railroad curve runs a 6°
curve to the P.C.C., 300 m. long from the P.C. of the
compound curve, thence from the P.C.C. a 1°40' curve
was run towards to the PT. 600 m. long. Use arc basis.
1. Determine the length of the long chord connecting
the P.C. and P.T.
2. Find the angle that the long chord make swith the
first tangent.
3. Find the angle that the long chord makes with the
2nd tangent.

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