Allen Ws Ecosystem

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Which of the following statements is not correct about

91. The rate of formation of new organic matter by energy flow in an ecosystem ?
consumers for next trophic level is called (1) Pyramid of energy is always upright
(1) NPP (2) Energy flow is always unidirectional
(2) Gross primary productivity (3) Only 10% of energy is passed from one
trophic level to another
(3) Secondary productivity
(4) Pyramid of energy is always inverted
(4) Primary productivity
98. Who is considered as the father of ecosystem
92. An ecosystem resists change because it is in a state
ecology ?
(1) Homoeostasis (1) A.G. Tansley
(2) Regular illumination (2) Reiter
(3) Static imbalance (3) Prof. Ram Deo Misra
(4) Food accumination (4) Odum
93. What is the biggest reservoir of carbon on earth ? 99. The humus is further degraded by some microbes
(1) Living things, since 49 % of dry weight of and release of inorganic nutrients occur by the
organisms is made of carbon. process know as.
(2) Fossil fuels deposited beneath the Earth (1) Sedimentation
surface (2) Nutrient immobilisation
(3) Carbon dissolved in oceans (3) Leaching
(4) Carbon present in the atmosphere
(4) Mineralisation
94. The biomass available for consumption to the
100. Main source of phosphorus is
heterotrophs is
(1) Sea water (2) Animal bones
(1) Gross primary productivity
(3) Rocks (4) Fossils
(2) Net primary productivity
101. Which one of the following is not a functional
(3) Gross secondary productivity aspect of an ecosystem ?
(4) Net secondary productivity (1) Energy flow (2) Decomposition
95. Total amount of living organic matter present at a (3) Productivity (4) Stratification
particular time in a particular trophic level is called
102. The pyramid of biomass is inverted in
(1) Tree (2) Desert
(1) Standing state (2) Standing crop
(3) Aquatic (4) Grassland
(3) Standing quality (4) Detritous
103. The bulk of nitrogen in nature is fixed by
96. Some of the stages Hydrarch succession are shown
(1) Lighting (2) Chemical industries
(3) Denitrifying bacteria (4) Symbiotic bacteria
I- Marsh meadow stage
II- Reed swamp stage
III- Submerged plant stage
IV- Phytoplankton stage
V- Submerged free floating plant stage
Arrange the following stages in the correct sequence
(1) III, V, I, II, IV (2) IV, V, III, I, II
(3) IV, III, V, II, I (4) IV, V, III, II, I
104. Given below is a simplified model of phosphorus 109. Which one of the following is a gaseous cycle
cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem with four blanks (1) Sulphur cycle
(A – D). Identify the blanks.
(2) Phosphorus cycle
Consumer C (3) Calcium cycle
(4) Carbon cycle
D 110.Detritus food chain starts from
(1) Producer (2) Consumer
Soil solution (3) Macroconsumer (4) Dead organic matter
111. Choose odd one out w.r.t. functional aspects of
B Ecosystem
(1) Energy flow
A B C D (2) Decomposition
(1) Rock (3) Species composition
Detritus Litter fall Producers
(4) Nutrient cycling
(2) Rock
Litter fall Producers Detritus 112. The productivity of the oceans is only --------- billion
(3) Rock tons.
Detritus Producers Litter fall (1) 70 (2) 55
(4) Rock (3) 170 (4) 32
Producers Litter fall Detritus 113. Choose the correct identification for the given stage
of succession and which stage comes before this
105. Which of these are the essential biotic respectively ?
components of an ecosystem ?
(1) Producers & macroconsumers
(2) Macroconsumers & decomposers
(3) Decomposers & producers
(4) Producers & primary consumer
106. What are the factors which affect decomposition
Options :-
(1) O2 concentration (1) Marsh meadow, read swamp
(2) Moisture (2) Submerged free floating, submerged plant
(3) Chemical composition of Detritus stage
(4) All of the above (3) Submerged plant, scrub stage
107. Succession on a bare rock where life never (4) Phytoplankton, marsh meadow
existed before is an example of 114. Nutrient immobilisation
(1) Primary succession (1) Makes nutrients unavailable for plants
(2) Secondary succession (2) Is incorporation of nutrients in microbes
(3) Teritiary succession (3) Is covalent linking of nutrients with one
(4) More than one option is correct another
108. The pyramid of numbers in grassland ecosystem will (4) More than one option is correct
(1) Upright (2) Inverted
(3) Irregular (4) Linear
115. Which ecosystem has maximum number of 123. In hydrarch succession, reed swamp stage is
producers in an unit area preceded by
(1) Pond (2) Grassland (1) Forest community (2) Scrub stage
(3) Forest (4) Tundra (3) Sedge meadow stage(4) Floating stage
116. The second trophic level in a lake is 124. Carbon constitutes ______ of dry weight of organism
(1) Phytoplanktons (2) Zooplanktons and ______ percentage is dissolved in oceans out
(3) Benthos (4) Fishes of total global carbon.
117.Which of the following ecosystem can be included in (1) 49%, 71% (2) 71%, 49%
least productive category? (3) 49%, 49% (4) 71%, 71%
(1) Coral reef 125. Which of the following trophic levels are occupied
(2) Desert by sparrow?
(3) Tropical rain forest (1) Primary consumer, primary producer
(4) Sugarcane field (2) Secondary consumer, top carnivore
118. Most important climatic factors that regulate the rate (3) Primary producer, secondary producer
of decomposition are (4) Primary consumer, secondary consumer
(1) Temperature and soil moisture 126. Amount of inorganic substances present in an
(2) Soil pH and aeration ecosystem is ______. Energy flow is a ______
feature of ecosystem.
(3) Aeration and temperature
(1) Standing crop, structural
(4) Moisture and soil pH
(2) Standing state, functional
119. The annual net primary productivity of whole
biosphere is ……………… with contribution of (3) Standing crop, functional
terrestrial ecosystem is approximately (4) Standing state, structural
…………………….. 127. The sequential events from initial stage till climax
(1) 170 billion tons, 55% stage in a succession are called
(2) 170 billion tons, 45% (1) Ecesis (2) Sere
(3) Nudation (4) Migration
(3) 115 billion tons, 33%
128. Ecosystem term coined by
(4) 170 billion tons, 70%
(1) Odum (2) Mishra
120. Humification results in the formation of
(3) Reiter (4) Tansley
_________ substance
129. Vultures in an ecosystem are
(1) Colloidal, Basic
(2) Acidic, Amorphous, Dark coloured (1) Predators (2) Scavangers
(3) Amorphous, Light coloured (3) Consumers (4) Top carnivores
(4) Light coloured, Colloidal 130. The maximum energy is stored at which of the
following trophic level in any ecosystem
121. What percentages of PAR can be captured by
plants? (1) Producers (2) Herbivores
(1) 1-5% (2) 2-10% (3) Carnivores (4) Top carnivores
(3) 20% (4) 50%
122. Major conduit of energy in land and aquatic ecosystem
is transferred through ____and _____respectively.
(1) GFC, DFC (2) PFC, GFC
(3) DFC, GFC (4) GFC, GF
131. The source of energy in an ecosystem is
(1) Sunlight (2) DNA
(3) ATP (4) RNA
132. Nepenthes (Insectivorous pitcher plant) is
(1) Producer (2) Consumer
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these
133. Which one is omnivorous
(1) Frog (2) Lion
(3) Deer (4) Man
134. A plant being eaten by a herbivore which in turn is
eaten by a carnivore makes
(1) Food chain (2) Web of food
(3) Omnivores (4) Interdependence
135. Bamboo plant is growing in a far forest then what
will be the trophic level of it
(1) First trophic level (T1)
(2) Second trophic level (T2)
(3) Third trophic level (T3)
(4) Fourth trophic level (T4)

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