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Greenhouse Automation Using

Wireless Sensors and IoT
Instruments Integrated with
Artificial Intelligence
Redmond R. Shamshiri, Ibrahim A. Hameed, Kelly R. Thorp,
Siva K. Balasundram, Sanaz Shafian, Mohammad Fatemieh,
Muhammad Sultan, Benjamin Mahns and Saba Samiei


Automation of greenhouse environment using simple timer-based actuators or

by means of conventional control algorithms that require feedbacks from offline
sensors for switching devices are not efficient solutions in large-scale modern
greenhouses. Wireless instruments that are integrated with artificial intelligence
(AI) algorithms and knowledge-based decision support systems have attracted
growers’ attention due to their implementation flexibility, contribution to energy
reduction, and yield predictability. Sustainable production of fruits and vegetables
under greenhouse environments with reduced energy inputs entails proper inte-
gration of the existing climate control systems with IoT automation in order to
incorporate real-time data transfer from multiple sensors into AI algorithms and
crop growth models using cloud-based streaming systems. This chapter provides an
overview of such an automation workflow in greenhouse environments by means of
distributed wireless nodes that are custom-designed based on the powerful dual-
core 32-bit microcontroller with LoRa modulation at 868 MHz. Sample results from
commercial and research greenhouse experiments with the IoT hardware and soft-
ware have been provided to show connection stability, robustness, and reliability.
The presented setup allows deployment of AI on embedded hardware units such as
CPUs and GPUs, or on cloud-based streaming systems that collect precise measure-
ments from multiple sensors in different locations inside greenhouse environments.

Keywords: LoRaWAN, Greenhouse, Datalogger, Internet of Things, AgroTech,

Leaf wetness

1. Introduction

Control and automation of microclimate and fertigation inside greenhouses

have contributed to improving the sustainability of closed-field environment agri-
culture by reducing water, fertilizer, and energy demand, while at the same time
increasing yield and profit [1]. The trend of environmental monitoring in modern
farming is towards shifting from offline systems to wireless and cloud-based data

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

collection architecture [2]. Advances in sensing technology have made possible

the best quality of greenhouse production with the capability of yield prediction.
Digital technology such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT) offers parallel solutions
for automation engineers, which can be customized specifically for greenhouse
applications. Wireless sensors and IoT enabled devices are used for real-time
monitoring and control of the greenhouse environment through a secure internet
connections on any mobile devices [3]. With multiple sensors that transmit data to
a central computer installed with knowledge-based automation software, growers
can monitor all internal and external data and apply any required changes to the
environment in real-time. For example, a fertigation control system that monitors
certain aspects of the irrigation, such as flow rate, electrical conductivity (EC),
and pH of the fertigation solution, as well as the external variables such as solar
radiation and external climate conditions can take advantage of the collected data
and incorporate them into models or artificial intelligence algorithms in a way
that particular control commands, such as triggering specific pumps or switch-
ing other processes, are sent to alter the greenhouse environment. In this aspect,
the flexibility of the monitoring system and the knowledge behind the control
algorithms are the key factors for an effective automation system. Figure 1 shows a
general architecture of wireless communication for IoT monitoring and control of
multiple greenhouses. The main justifications for the deployment of such infra-
structure can be summarized as (i) to provide real-time monitoring of the changes
and variations to ensure optimal growth environment and minimize the risk of
equipment malfunction, (ii) to share data with cloud-based decision support
systems, and (iii) to send instant responses to the wireless actuators for reducing
input costs and increasing yield and quality.
Research and development for adopting wireless communication technology in
monitoring and control of greenhouse environments began in the late 1990s and
early 2000s. One of the earliest reports of WSN application in greenhouse environ-
ment monitoring can be found in the work of [4]. The compact size, reliability, and
cost-effectiveness of WSN modules, as well as flexibility for developing custom
applications beside easy installation, have made this technology gain importance
and popularity for Closed-Field Environment Agriculture (CFEA). Various remote
systems, both prototype and commercial, have been designed for investigating
functionalities and limitations inside greenhouses.

Figure 1.
Schematic diagram of wireless communication between greenhouse sensor nodes and cloud storage. Image by
courtesy of Adaptive AgroTech.

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

An effective IoT-based solution should incorporate the use of wireless sensors

and mobile applications for displaying, processing, and analyzing data from remote
locations using cloud services which together provide new insights and recommen-
dations for better decision-making. Evaluation of greenhouse environments prior
to the actual cultivation is also of interest for many growers. IoT-based monitoring
systems have been used for evaluating and adjusting microclimate parameters with
LoRa sensors which are custom-designed to withstand hot and humid condition,
allowing the system to continuously operate on solar-charged battery in remote
areas where connections stability is of concern [2, 3]. An example of a modular
LoRaWAN sensor node with external solar-charged battery and aviation connec-
tor cables with plug-and-sense capability is shown in Figure 2. These devices are
customized specifically to operate in harsh agricultural condition and resist high
humidity, solar radiation, insects, and bugs. The quality of network connectivity
and stability in continuous data collection with 5 seconds intervals were tested in
extreme conditions a proof of reliability for use in digital agriculture applications.
A sample of air temperature dataset that was collected from a heat control chamber
experiment using these devices are plotted in Figure 3 to show the resolution and
stability of the wireless transfer.
It should be noted that in most studies that are related to wireless monitoring
of greenhouses, raw data are first collected via a wireless sensor network-based
system and are processed afterward. A drawback of this approach is that because
the collected data is not processed in real-time, they cannot immediately determine
the temporal and spatial variations in the environmental parameters, as well as

Figure 2.
A LoRaWAN wireless sensor node with an external solar-charged battery and different sensor shields used in
real-time monitoring of greenhouse microclimate parameters. Images by courtesy of Adaptive AgroTech.

Figure 3.
An example of IoT monitoring of air temperature using ADP-AgroTech 868Mhz LoRa sensor located inside a
metal heat control chamber that was isolated in a concrete basement for connectivity test. The gateway receiver
was located inside another building, approximately 50 m away from the transmitter. Data were collected every
5 seconds.

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

their deviation from optimal conditions. In addition, the available commercial

LoRaWAN and IoT sensors for use in agriculture and greenhouses environments are
expensive and range between 1000 and 5000 USD at minimum order of 5 units. The
presented chapter is an effort to respond to these problems, by presenting an over-
view of the components of an affordable multichannel wireless sensor node (WSN)
with LoRa modulation at 868 MHz that can be interfaced with onboard computers
such as Raspberry Pi for implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in
a way that they can perceive the greenhouse environment, make decisions, and take
proper actions. These devices are custom-designed to withstand harsh greenhouse
condition in order to provide real-time monitoring and control of crop growth
variables such as microclimate parameters, light condition, soil temperature, soil
moisture, and leaf wetness.

2. IoT sensing and data sharing in greenhouse production

Enabling commercial greenhouses with continuous sensing, communication

between devices, and data sharing with the greenhouse management system is
essential for disease prevention [5]. Some of the greenhouse diseases such as mil-
dew fungi can cause significant loss of yield up to 50% [6]. For example, in hot and
humid tropical climate conditions, extensive rainfall, fog, and high air temperature
contribute to exacerbating the development of fungi in the leaves [7]. IoT-based
sensor data fusion integrated with mathematical models provides growers with the
opportunity to have a prediction of the situation and apply the right actions before
an outbreak. The main elements of an IoT-based data acquisition and data shar-
ing system with multiple sensor nodes and repeaters are shown in Figure 4. This
framework provides growers with an evaluation of microclimate parameters with
respect to different greenhouse designs and covering materials prior to the actual
cultivation. The physical layer, software, and sensors layer in this scheme are linked
wirelessly through standard communication protocols for transmitting data to a
central base station for real-time or offline processing. This approach is required
to exhibit precision accuracy, connection reliability within the sensing coverage,
and low power consumption in order to be considered efficient for continuous
monitoring of greenhouse in all growing seasons. Other than the specifications and
characteristics of the sensors and communication algorithms that influence these
functional properties, the physical internal and external condition of the green-
house environment can also affect such a wireless monitoring framework.

2.1 Sensor probes

A sensor probe refers to any instrument or device that measures some physical
or chemical characteristics of the environment and sends the results as an electrical

Figure 4.
Major components of an IoT-based data acquisition and monitoring system for greenhouse environment [2].

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

signal to be received and interpreted by the main automation computer for decision
making and control purposes. For example, a pH sensor that continuously measures
the pH of the irrigation water will trigger an alarm and maintain optimum pH level
if it is too high or too low, eliminating the need for a grower to manually run pH
tests and pH control. Some of the essential parameters to measure in a greenhouse
environment include microclimate (i.e., air temperature, relative humidity, and
vapor pressure deficit), soil moisture, soil temperature, and light level (or solar
radiation) [6, 8–10]. Measurements from these sensors can indicate the presence of
mildew disease or condensation. Figure 5 shows some of the most widely used sen-
sors in greenhouse production. For example, concerning the microclimate param-
eters, the high precision BlueDot BME280 + TSL2591 is a tiny integrated digital and
cost-efficient sensor with great accuracy and range that provides a flexible solution.
The BME280 is a combined digital humidity, pressure, and temperature sensor
based on proven sensing principles. This sensor module is housed in an extremely
compact metal-lid LGA package with a footprint of only 2.5 × 2.5 mm2 with a height
of 0.93 mm. Its small dimensions and its low power consumption allow the imple-
mentation in battery-driven sensor nodes inside greenhouses and can achieve high
performance and accurate measurement. The BME280 also provides an extremely
fast response time for fast context awareness applications and high overall accuracy
over a wide temperature range. The pressure sensor is an absolute barometric
pressure sensor with extremely high accuracy and resolution and drastically low
noise. The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for low noise and high
resolution. Its output is used for temperature compensation of the pressure and
humidity sensors and can also be used for estimation of the ambient temperature.
Most soil moisture sensors such as 10HS measures the dielectric constant of
the soil using capacitance technology in order to find its volumetric water content
(VWC), for scientific research and greenhouse applications. These sensors usually
use 70 MHz frequency, which minimizes salinity and textural effects, providing
high-resolution measurements that allow daily or hourly tracking of soil moisture
content by sending analog voltage that is proportional to water content. These
sensors have low sensitivity to salt and temperature, and are low power consump-
tion. They can be connected directly or via interfaces to IoT boards for real-time

Figure 5.
Typical sensor probes used for measuring environmental variables in greenhouse crop production.

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

monitoring. Light level sensor, also known as Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
is an active sensor that is made of high accuracy, fast response, high resistance
semiconductor which is sensitive to light. It decreases resistance with respect to
receiving luminosity (light) on the component’s sensitive surface. The resistance
of a photo-resistor decreases with increasing incident light intensity (it exhibits
photoconductivity). In the dark, a photo-resistor can have a resistance as high as
several megaohms (MΩ), while in the light, a photo-resistor can have a resistance
as low as a few hundred ohms. It should be noted that the raw output data from this
sensor need to be calibrated for specific interpretation. The SQ-110 sensor, specifi-
cally calibrated for the detection of solar radiation, provides at its output a voltage
proportional to the intensity of the light in the visible range of the spectrum, a
key parameter in photosynthesis processes. The waterproof DS18b20 is a robust
and corrosion-free sensor that can be used for measuring soil temperature. This
sensor comes with different cable lengths of 1.8 and 3 m and provides 9-bit Celsius
temperature measurements. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire bus that by
definition requires only one data line (and ground) for communication with the
connectivity board. Another temperature sensor, Pt − 1000, works based on the
resistance that varies between approximately 920 Ω and 1200 Ω in the range consid-
ered useful in greenhouse applications (−20 ~ 50°C approximately), which results
in too low variations of voltage at significant changes of temperature for the resolu-
tion of the analog-to-digital converter. Most soil moisture sensors are in fact analog
sensors (non-rust capacitive hygrometer) that determine volumetric water content
(VWC) by measuring the dielectric constant of the media using capacitance/
frequency domain technology. An example is the analog sensor from Sun3Drucker
that can be inserted directly into the soil to send moisture feedback data in real-
time using capacitive sensing. A cable length of 1.5 m has been tested and found
to be noise-free for these sensors. The soil moisture sensor probe is corrosion-free
(no electrolysis on the electrodes) since it is using capacitive measuring method,
and therefore is free of electrolysis on the electrodes. Another soil moisture sensor,
the ECHO EC-5, determines volumetric water content (VWC) by measuring the
dielectric constant of the media using capacitance/frequency domain technology.
The EC-5 probe 70 MHz frequency minimizes salinity and textural effects, making
this sensor accurate in almost any soil or soilless media. Factory calibrations are
included for mineral soils, potting soils, Rockwool, and perlite.
Other than the mentioned sensors, some specific applications in greenhouse
production and research may require a custom-design sensor probe. For example,
in a greenhouse with misting or fogging systems, it is necessary to determine the
solution droplet deposition on the plants. Determining leaf wetness as a reference
measurement to avoid condensation inside greenhouse environments in certain
hours is also of interest. In large-scale commercial greenhouse production measur-
ing leaf surface wetness to determine the performance of spraying is required for
chemical depletion. For this purpose, the ADP-AgroTech leaf wetness sensor model
ADP-LWS2020 shown in Figure 6 has been designed with different shapes to mimic
the actual leaf shape, and to convert the moisture on the leaf surface into an analog
signal using capacitance change. This sensor has been optimized to eliminate noise
and generate high-resolution output under extreme greenhouse conditions. The
performance of this sensor has been tested under high temperature and humidity
in different tropical lowlands of Malaysia, and has been found to be stable and
resistant under direct solar radiation. It can be seen from Figure 6 that the surface
of this sensor is composed of several rows of dielectric constant capacitor that has
equal spacing and are connected to an electronic interface board for producing an
analog signal. The ADP-LWS2020 can mimic the wetness state of a real leaf and
detects the presence of surface moisture and calculates the duration of wetness.

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

Figure 6.
ADP-AgroTech leaf wetness sensor (model ADP-LWS2020) with different leaf shapes based on capacitive
method for determining leaf surface moisture and greenhouse condensation. Images by courtesy of Adaptive

The voltage at its output is inversely proportional to the humidity condensed on

the sensor, and can be read at the analog input of Adaptive AgroTech connectivity
boards. It can be used for greenhouse studies and control systems and for schedul-
ing irrigation. It also allows researchers to protect plants by giving early warnings
about fungus and insect attacks.

2.2 IoT connectivity boards and modular accessories

Different multi-channel connectivity boards with WiFi and LoRa antenna

that benefits from a modular design to be easily interfaced with sensor probes are
shown in Figure 7. These boards are custom-designed to make possible adding new
sensing capabilities to the existing wireless networks with minimum effort. In the
same way, defective sensor probes may be easily replaced in order to ensure the
lowest maintenance cost of the sensor network. The connectivity boards that are
shown in Figure 7 include all the electronics and sockets necessary to connect the
most typical sensors in wireless monitoring of greenhouse environment, includ-
ing BME280 (air temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure), DS18B20
(soil temperature), LDR Photoresistor (light sensor), SX239 (soil moisture), and
NEO-7 GNSS modules. The custom-designed version of these boards include the
necessary components for more specific research applications, such as Pt-1000,
ADP-AgroTech leaf wetness (shown in Figure 6), weather station (pluviometer,
anemometer, and vane), Luminosity sensor (TSL2561), and distance sensor
(TFmini from Benewake). For more robust and fast processing, the connectivity
boards in Figure 7 benefit from the powerful ESP32 and Atmega328P microcon-
trollers that are integrated with customized codes for high efficiency and ultra-low
power consumption (deep-sleep mode). The wireless communication between

Figure 7.
Sample prototype of WiFi and LoRa connectivity boards with onboard storage for real-time monitoring and
IoT control of greenhouse based on ESP32 and Atmega328P microcontroller. Images by courtesy of Adaptive

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

these transmitter boards and receiver (gateway) is realized through Lora technology
(433 MHz (Asia), 868 MHz (Europe) and 915 MHz (Australia and North America))
which covers 2 ~ 10 km distance in rural areas and is extendable to 100 km with
repeaters. By default these boards have been programmed to read and record mea-
surements every 10 seconds which can be adjusted according to the growers’ needs.
Data are stored on an onboard mini SD card or are transferred to an open-source
secure cloud database via WiFi connection. Data can be viewed online at http://iot.
adaptiveagrotech.com/ or by installing Adaptive AgroTech smartphone app.
The wireless sensor and controller boards as well as other electronic components
and modules are housed in sealed waterproof ABS enclosures that are rated as IP-66
in order to withstand harsh environmental conditions such as sunlight, dust, mois-
ture, high humidity, insects, and sudden changes in temperature. Figure 8 shows
a hybrid data acquisition system with modular components including the main
connectivity board, sensor probes, connector cables, external solar-charged battery,
and a solar panel. These components are interchangeable and can be connected to
the mainboard using standard aviation plug GX16 male and female metal sockets.
For greenhouse application, it is very important that all enclosures are high-quality
ABS flame retardant material, corrosion resistance, anti-UV and anti-aging,
antistatic, good sealing performance, long life, and suitable for all types of environ-
ments. The performance of these components and the metal sockets has been tested
for over 12 months in different open-field and closed-field agriculture production.
The external battery shown in Figure 8 is 5.0 V, 2400mAh that can be continuously
charged with a 5 V, 500mAh solar panel, and can last over two years without any
maintenance at 60 readings per hour when the mainboard is operating in deep-sleep
mode. The voltage of the battery can be adjusted and increased to 7.7 V or reduced
to 3.8 V for other applications. It is recommended that those sensor probes that are
not intended to be used during the data collection should not be connected to the
boards. Since several sensors share the same power line, a sensor that is not going
to be used and still connected to the board will entail an additional consumption,
resulting in a shorter life of the battery. Figure 8 also shows that the microclimate
sensor has been placed in a protective shell to withstand direct sunlight and mois-
ture, and to stabilize the air temperature and relative humidity for more accurate
measurement and preventing errors. Other types of shells for microclimate sensors
can be used for greenhouse depending on the application. These shells are water-
proof and will keep water from seeping into the body of the sensor and damaging it,
while at the same time airflow can pass through.

Figure 8.
A hybrid data acquisition system with modular solar charged external battery, plug-and-sense probes, 32GB
onboard, and multiple communication interfaces for data transfer including serial port, WiFi, and LoRa
868Mhz. Image by courtesy of Adaptive AgroTech.

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

2.3 Wireless communication and IoT-based monitoring and control

The trend in the monitoring of environmental parameters inside modern

greenhouses is towards shifting from offline systems to wireless and cloud-based
data collection architecture. Various remote systems, either by means of prototype
or commercial, have been used for improving the performance of greenhouse
monitoring. Some of the most recent examples include web-based, cloud-based,
and IoT data collection, monitoring and control system [2, 3], wireless sensor
networks [5, 8], field server-based monitoring [11], field router systems [12], and
distributed data acquisition with a local controller and management [9]. A compre-
hensive comparison between the existing remote monitoring system in agricultural
research is available in the work of [13]. It should be mentioned that the core part
of any IoT sensing and control system is the wireless communication between the
devices and the internet. A summary of the wireless communication that can be
used in the greenhouse industry is presented in Table 1 to provide a quick compari-
son between their frequency bands, sensitivity, and coverage range. Network health
analyzer software can also be used to check data transfer reliability.
IoT-based monitoring solutions [3] reduce data collection errors in greenhouse
environments, while at the same time increase the flexibility of the remote control
of devices. Real-time data generated from this process enables growers to have a
continuous evaluation of the crop growth environment through dynamic assess-
ment. The traditional techniques frequently suffer from great labor intensity, low
spatiotemporal resolution, a lack of mechanization and organization and also need-
ing much time in the growing of plants and observing the environmental aspects of
the greenhouse. To address these problems, an IoT controller board and a modular
wireless Datalogger system shown in Figure 9 were custom-designed to provide
communication between sensor nodes, end-users, and greenhouse actuators. The
controller has an onboard Raspberry Pi computer and two microcontrollers and is
capable of receiving command signals using WiFi connection to run an 8-channel
relay board, and two motor drivers. The control signals can be either generated by
the greenhouse crop models algorithms that are coded into the onboard computer, or
by the cloud-based streaming systems. At the same time, environmental sensors can
collect measurements, store data on a SD card, and transmit data directly to a web-
server, or via wireless communication to a gateway using LoRa 868Mhz frequency.
This platform allows real-time monitoring of the data on Adaptive AgroTech private
secure cloud system which is accessible at iot.adaptiveagrotech.com or by installing
the mobile application. A detailed description of this platform is available in [3].
Some of the specific application of the modular and flexible IoT automation system
shown in Figure 9 can be summarized as: multi-purpose application for real-time
monitoring in closed-field and open-field agriculture, measuring optimality degree
and comfort ratio of greenhouse environments, as well as yield prediction of tomato
using Simulink blocks and embedded crop growth models, prevention of plant
diseases based on predictive models, multiple voltage lines for DC actuators, 8-chan-
nel relay controller, two stepper and DC motor drivers, open-source programming,
LoRaWAN connectivity with built-in light sensor, GPS, and microclimate sensor,
and waterproof IP66 enclosure with external battery module and charging circuits.
The architecture of the data transmission from sensor nodes to cloud-storage and
from web-server to the controller is shown in Figure 10. A total of four layers, includ-
ing the farm layer (with sensor nodes), the backend layer, the wrapper later, and the
frontend later are integrated in a way that end users can access data from their phone
or desktop applications for real-time monitoring of the sensor measurements. In this
scheme, each request sender is treated as the client, and the response provider as the
server. The farm later has the role of (i) provider, in which wireless sensor nodes in

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

Radio Protocol Frequency Transmission Sensitivity Range* Certification

bands power
XBee-PRO 802.15.4 2.4 GHz 10 dBm -100 dBm 750 m CE
802.15.4 EU

XBee-PRO 802.15.4 2.4 GHz 18 dBm -100 dBm 1600 m FCC, IC,
802.15.4 ANATEL,

XBee 868LP RF 868 MHz 14 dBm −106 dBm 8.4 km CE

XBee 900HP RF 900 MHz 24 dBm −110 dBm 15.5 km FCC, IC


XBee 900HP RF 900 MHz 24 dBm −110 dBm 15.5 km ANATEL


XBee 900HP RF 900 MHz 24 dBm −110 dBm 15.5 km RCM


WiFi WiFi 2.4 GHz 17 dBm −94 dBm 500 m CE, FCC, IC,

4G EU/BR 4G/3G/2G 800, 850, 4G: class 3 4G: - km CE, ANATEL

(HTTP, 900, 1800, (0.2 W, −102 dBm - Typical
FTP, 2100, 23 dBm) base
TCP, UDP) 600 MHz station
GPS range

4G US 4G/3G/2G 700, 850, 4G: class 3 4G: −103 - km FCC, IC,

(HTTP, 1700, (0.2 W, dBm - Typical PTCRB,
FTP, 1900 MHz 23 dBm) base AT&T
TCP, UDP) station
GPS range

4G AU 4G (HTTP, 700, 1800, 4G: class 3 4G: −102 - km RCM

FTP, 2600 (0.2 W, dBm - Typical
TCP, UDP) MHz 23 dBm) base

Sigfox EU Sigfox 868 MHz 16 dBm −126 dBm km CE

- Typical

Sigfox US Sigfox 900 MHz 24 dBm −127 dBm km FCC, IC

- Typical

Sigfox AU Sigfox 900 MHz 24 dBm −127 dBm km —

/ APAC / - Typical
LATAM base

LoRaWAN LoRaWAN 868 MHz 14 dBm −136 dBm > 15 km CE


LoRaWAN LoRaWAN 902- 18.5 dBm −136 dBm > 15 km FCC, IC

US 928 MHz

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

Radio Protocol Frequency Transmission Sensitivity Range* Certification

bands power
LoRaWAN LoRaWAN 915- 18.5 dBm −136 dBm > 15 km —
AU 928 MHz
LoRaWAN LoRaWAN 865- 18.5 dBm −136 dBm > 15 km —
IN 867 MHz
LoRaWAN LoRaWAN 923 MHz 18.5 dBm −136 dBm > 15 km —
Line of sight and Fresnel zone clearance with 5dBi dipole antenna.

Table 1.
Standard wireless communications used in agricultural applications.

Figure 9.
A prototype IoT automation system used in real-time monitoring and control of greenhouse environments, (a) a
controller board with two WiFi modules, onboard computer, 8-channel relays, and 2 stepper motor drivers,
(b) a wireless LoRa sensor and Datalogger with modular components, (c) a custom-built sensor platform.

Figure 10.
A general architecture of a WSN based monitoring of greenhouse environment.

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

the farm collect data and transmit to a gateway device that has access to the internet
using WiFi protocol, or convert the data packet to JSON format before sending the
data to the backend layer using HTTPS protocol, (ii) client, in which each wireless
node sends requests to the backend and receive responses in JSON format via HTTP
protocol. The backend layer consists of a middle layer between the backend server
and the farm layer. A middle device or server in the backend layer that uses WiFi and
REST API providers first receive data from the farm layer and then transfer the pack-
ets to the backend layer. The programming language used in the backend server is C#
and the database is an SQL server. Received data are pre-processed, analyzed, and
then categorized using queries, crop models, and AI algorithms, and are then saved
in the database using controllers that have been implemented in the C# frameworks.
The queries can run on the database to receive responses in the defined format. The
communication between the backend server and SQL server is established using
HTTP protocol and JSON format. The wrapper layer includes the cloud storage in
which processed data from the backend are sent to IoT serve and are saved. This gives
the user the advantage of having a secure backup of the collected data. The provider
receives data from the backend layer and for further real-time assessment of the field
condition. The input of this layer is the transferred data which are collected every 5
or 10 minutes by the field layer (sensor nodes in the farm). The frontend layer, also
called the presentation layer, provides data visualization by means of real-time plots,
control buttons, and indicators on, mobile apps, webpages, or other platforms. The
frontend layer can have access to the collected data via the backend layer using send-
and-request protocols, and receive responses from the wrapper layer. The presented
wireless IoT framework was tested in various greenhouse environments and showed
that while the sensor measurement was 100%, the network mean packet reliability
was between 95 and 100% due to the packet losses. This failure can be related to the
high-density plants canopy which can significantly reduce the signal strength of the
sensor nodes. Graphical results of experimenting with the wireless sensor and IoT
controllers are provided in Figures 11 and 12.

2.4 Case study: verifying performance of a crop model with a WiFi sensor node

In order to improve greenhouse yield and profits, collected data from multiple
wireless sensors that are deployed in different parts of the greenhouse should be used
with knowledge-based software, and crop growth models. These models are often sen-
sitive to boundary inputs and may cause inaccurate simulation results. The objective of
this case study was to use a WiFi sensor node for collecting air temperature and light
data in order to evaluate parameter robustness of the reduced state-variable TOMGRO
model [14] for yield estimation of tomato in a random greenhouse. The hypothesis
was to test whether the model parameters are robust enough to translate an adverse
greenhouse environment (with air temperature so high to prevent any crop growth
development) to realistic biomass and yield. For this purpose, TOMGRO was first
implemented in Matlab Simulink in order to create a flexible platform for easier inter-
facing with the inputs and outputs. The final Simulink block was validated with the
Lakecity datasets of [14]. To produce boundary data, an experiment was carried out in
an empty glass-panels covered greenhouse under tropical lowlands climate conditions
by turning off all ventilation and cooling systems for creating an adverse microclimate
scenario with zero yield expectation. The glasshouse was located at the campus of
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Latitude: 2°59′24.7",
Longitude: 101°41’56.1”). Hourly measurements of air temperature and solar radiation
were continuously collected for 254 days using a WiFi sensor node similar to the one
shown in Figure 13. Plots of raw air temperature and solar radiation data from the
glasshouse experiment are also shown in Figure 13 followed by a detailed outlook of

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

Figure 11.
Sample of air temperature data collected every 60 seconds using Adaptive AgroTech LoRaWAN sensor located
inside a greenhouse storage room.

Figure 12.
Lab scale implementation of IoT monitoring and control of light level using LoRa 868 Mhz transceivers.

air temperature plots that shows daily maximum, averaged, and minimum values. It
can be seen that air temperature readings inside the glasshouse have reached to 68°C
in some specific hours, which not only prevents tomato growth, but can also have
serious negative impacts on the solar-charged battery of the WiFi sensor node. In
addition, daily averaged air temperature values between hours of 12:00 and 18:00 are
in the range of 30 to 50°C. The average, minimum and maximum values during the
entire experiment were equal to 34.5, 22.5, and 68.3°C, corresponding to a simulated
growth response of zero between hours of 12:00 and 18:00. Results of simulation with

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

Figure 13.
Performance of IoT monitoring with WiFi sensor node in an empty glasshouse without climate control for
testing the performance of the connectivity board and battery modules under adversely hot and humid

TOMGRO model showed that the estimated total above-ground dry weight (WT),
total fruit dry weight (WF), and mature fruit dry weight (WM) were equal to 0.576,
0.085 and 0.072 kg/m2 respectively. This study tested the claimed conclusion of [14]
that states “it is possible to use the same reduced model with parameters estimated
at one location to simulate leaf area and above-ground weight of tomato growing in
greenhouse conditions in other locations” using boundary data that were continu-
ously collected by a WiFi sensor node: Based on the consistency of the low estimated
fruit yield with the simulated growth responses, the hypothesis that the simplified
TOMGRO model with its initial parameters is not capable of estimating tomato yield
for a random greenhouse in a different geographical location was rejected. It can be
concluded that long-term historical data collected by IoT sensor nodes can be used
to improve the performance of crop models, as well as offering new insights to add
artificial intelligence algorithms to the automation system.

3. Artificial intelligence in greenhouse automation

Automation and control of greenhouse environments have to deal with various

uncertainties and disturbances that cannot be entirely modeled by mathematical
equations [1, 7, 15–17]. Adding artificial intelligence to greenhouse automation

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

means that the AI algorithm must coexist with all other pieces of the automation
system fluidly, including multiple sensors, physical systems that control devices
and actuators. The main justification for designing AI-based automation systems
in greenhouse environments such as those that operate with fuzzy logic or neural
network algorithms is to shift toward a robust, predictive, and adaptive control
command strategies that reduce production costs and improve yield. Artificial
intelligence is a computer system that is programmed to present intelligent behavior
by perceiving the environment, making decisions, and taking action. AI can con-
tribute to sustainable greenhouse production in different ways such as reducing the
electrical energy consumption of the climate control systems, or reducing water
and chemical demands for fertigation system. For example, AI algorithms can be
implemented for updating microclimate set-points (also known as reference values)
depending on a specific crop, growth stages, light conditions, and external variables.
These set-points are conventionally created manually by expert growers, or by means
of knowledge-based decision support systems such as adaptive management [18] or
dynamic assessment [19]. Set-points [6] are the core inputs of the microclimate con-
trol system and therefore must be calculated precisely, otherwise production failure
and crop loss can occur in a few hours. Results of an experiment with three different
tropical greenhouses in the lowlands of Malaysia that are shown in Figure 14 reveal
that without proper climate control algorithms, air temperature can reach 37°C or
60°C depending on the structural design and external condition [20, 21].
To overcome these challenges, a conventional greenhouse climate controller
that triggers ventilation, misting, or spraying in order to reduce air temperature
was developed and tested (Figure 15). During cold seasons, the controller was
interfaced with time-based or sensor-based actuators for triggering of the heat-
ing system. These approached however are not efficient for high-tech large-scale
greenhouses. An integrated climate control system should not only benefit from
the wireless and IoT automation technology, but also from the innovative cooling
and heating methods that operates based on AI algorithms. In this scheme, col-
lected data from multiple wireless sensors that are deployed in different parts of the
greenhouse are used to train machine learning algorithms that have been designed
based on knowledge-based systems and mathematical crop growth models. The
output commands and decision messages from this process are then used to control

Figure 14.
Wireless monitoring of microclimate inside three tropical greenhouses with different covering materials (A:
net-screen, B: polyethylene film, C: Polycarbonate panels) without proper climate control algorithms showing
that air temperature are significantly far from optimal set-points and can exceed 37 °C or 60 °C depending on
the structural design and outside condition.

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

Figure 15.
Lab-scale implementation of IoT monitoring and control of air temperature, (left): 4 PID plus 2 manual-
controlled fans, and (right): 4 PID plus 2 AI-controlled fans.

specific elements within the crop growth microenvironment while at the same time
they are optimized to reduce energy, chemicals, and water demands. An example
of this approach was implemented on a lab-scale greenhouse shown in Figure 15
by performing PID speed control on 4 ventilation fans, and manual speed control
on the other two fans (referred to as AI fans) for obtaining training dataset. The
presented platform allowed experimenting with various methods, including fuzzy-
logic self-tuning PID controller and machine learning to adjust the speed of the
two AI fans. The air temperature responses were then monitored in real-time using
WiFi sensor nodes and are shown by the two plots in Figure 15. A simple fuzzy logic
control algorithm was also implemented on a research tropical greenhouse shown
in Figure 16 to demonstrate the difference between air temperature response in a
timer-based control and intelligent control. A summary of the fuzzy logic rules is
presented in Tables 2 and 3.
Another example of AI application in greenhouses is the prediction of micro-
climate parameters as demonstrated in Figure 17. This prediction can be used for
advanced microclimate control systems such as adaptive or predictive control, energy
demand calculation, or for applications such as disease prevention, decision support
systems, and cost–benefit analysis. It should be noted that building a successful AI
algorithm for this purpose requires navigating the entire AI workflow and focusing
on more than just one training data set and model. In this example, several datasets
of the past 10 days from different tropical greenhouses were used to predict the 11th
day data. Extensive simulations with different numbers of days were used to find out

Figure 16.
A comparison between timer-based and fuzzy-logic based control of air temperature in an experimental
greenhouse under lowland climate conditions of Malaysia.

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

State Tsetpoint AirTinside AirTinside et et + 1 Δe Output

T(t) T(t + 1) (Ts- Tin (t)) (Ts- Tin (t + 1))
1 25 30 30 −5 −5 0 e= Cool
Negative, Normal
Δe = Zero
2 25 30 29 −5 −4 +1 e= Stop Cool
Δe =

3 25 30 31 −5 −6 −1 e= Cool Big
Δe =

4 25 25 25 0 0 0 e = Zero, Ideal
Δe = Zero

5 25 25 24 0 +1 +1 e = Zero, Warm
Δe = Normal

6 25 25 26 0 −1 −1 e = Zero, Cool
Δe = Normal

7 25 20 20 +5 +5 0 e= Warm
Positive, Big
Δe = Zero

8 25 20 19 +5 +6 +1 e= Warm
Positive, Very Big
Δe =

9 25 20 21 +5 +4 −1 e= Warm
Positive, Normal
Δe =

Table 2.
Example of a simple fuzzy logic control algorithm implemented on a research tropical greenhouse,: Ts = Tsetpoint,
Tin (t) = Tinside at Time (t), Tin (t + 1) = Tinside at Time (t + 1), et = error at Time (t) = Ts- Tin (t), et + 1 = error at Time
(t + 1) = Ts- Tin (t + 1), Δe = change of error = e (t + 1) - e (t).

errorΔerror Negative Negative Zero Positive Positive Big


Negative Big Cool Big Cool Big Cool STOP Warm

Cooling Normal
Negative Cool Big Cool Cool STOP Warm
Cooling Normal

Zero Cool Cool Current STOP Warm

condition Cooling Normal
Positive STOP STOP Warm Normal Warm Warm Big
Cooling Cooling Normal

Positive Big STOP Warm Warm Normal Warm Big Warm Big
Cooling Normal

Table 3.
The fuzzy logic rule table.

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

Figure 17.
Preliminary results of predicting the next 24 hours of air temperature, relative humidity, and vapor pressure
deficit in a naturally ventilated tropical greenhouse using feed-forward neural network and a 10-days dataset.

Figure 18.
IoT realization of the adaptive management framework using Simulink blocks, LoRa 868Mhz sensor node, and
raspberry Pi embedded board for evaluation and adjusting greenhouse microclimate.

that a dataset that includes at least the past 10 days’ measurement is required for the
AI algorithm to effectively predict the microclimate of the next day. In this example,
data preparation was more than having a lot of data or even pre-processing all of the
data to be consistent. This process involved adding human insight to the selection of
the training data, as well as considering augmenting data sets with synthetic data and
more samples, and providing clean labeled data. In this regard, choosing the right AI
algorithm, such as machine learning, deep learning, or a combination, and identify-
ing the optimal set of parameters will lead to the most robust and accurate prediction
model. As mentioned before, simulation techniques are extensively used to verify
the performance of AI algorithms in every situation and scenario, such as different
climate conditions, greenhouse structural design, covering materials, the crop that
is being cultivated, and the growth stage. An example of simulation is the adaptive
management framework [18] that allows growers to verify edge cases and test and

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

run hundreds of scenarios that would otherwise be too time-and-cost intensive.

In the example of microclimate prediction shown in Figure 17, the outputs of the
AI which are microclimate data of the next 24 hours are used with predictive and
adaptive control algorithms [18], therefore simulation enables validating the control
process before deploying the codes on the actual hardware.
The final AI-based automation algorithms can be deployed as computer codes or
Simulink blocks on cloud-based streaming systems, or on a local onboard computer
similar to the one shown in Figure 18, which demonstrates IoT sensor fusion in com-
bination with a comfort ratio model [2, 19, 20, 22] for real-time dynamic assessment
of microclimate parameters in commercial scale greenhouse production of tomato.
This method is based on the integration of wireless communication, distributed
data analyzing and a web-based data monitoring dashboard that is used for data
collection, processing, and monitoring. The wireless sensor node has shown a high
spatiotemporal resolution with excellent stability in data transfer at 10 readings per
minute within 1 km distance from the LoRaWAN gateway. The presented boards in
Figure 18 has been used as a proof-of-concept and showed the opportunity to use
these new tools for model-based investigation of the spatial and temporal variations
in the air temperature, relative humidity and, VPD inside greenhouse crop produc-
tion [3]. The implication is to provide growers with digital tools that can assist in
knowledge-based decision making for minimizing energy cost and yield loss due to
low fruit quality. Moreover, the IoT automation system and cloud data processing
contribute as a real-time online assessment tool to investigate effects of structure
design, covering materials, cooling techniques, and growing seasons on the optimal-
ity and comfortability of microclimate parameters and their correlation with yields.

4. Conclusion

This chapter provided an overview of the application of IoT sensors and control-
lers that can be integrated with crop models and artificial intelligence algorithms
for sustainable greenhouse production. Several affordable yet robust wireless
sensor nodes developed by Adaptive AgroTech that benefit from WiFi and LoRa
communication were presented with sample results from lab-scale and commercial-
scale greenhouses. The introduced wireless transceivers were shown to be flexible
and modular, which makes possible easy installation anywhere in the greenhouse
environments to overcome cable wiring difficulties for the sensors and the LAN
connection. Additionally, the flexibility in data sharing can be upgraded on the
cloud system with user experience. The generated commands and decisions that
are received by the IoT automation board from the cloud-based streaming system
are used to control specific elements within the crop growth microenvironment
while at the same time they can be optimized by the onboard computer to reduce
energy, chemicals, and water demands. It can be concluded that developing a robust
and affordable IoT automation system for greenhouse condition should take into
account the correct selection and combination of the battery and charging units,
the electronic housing box, connectors and plugs, data wire and cables, wireless
antenna, and the modularity and compatibility of the package components. Results
of experiments inside different greenhouses with high-density plants showed
that the major disadvantage of wireless sensor nodes in real-time monitoring is
the repeated loss of connection even in mesh applications. The water in the high
amount of biomass of the plants damps the radio signals and avoids communication
distances over long ranges. This can be solved by using different techniques (that
sometimes involve a huge amount of effort), including antennas with cable for
higher positions, higher mesh density, multiple gateway nodes, and higher output

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security

power. In general, it is a good practice to store all measurement data using devices
that benefits from local memory. Therefore, the asynchronous readout is enabled
for the user, and the data is not missed which an efficient practice for IoT is moni-
toring in large-scale commercial berry production. It is expected that this process
embraces the uncertainties, especially in the remote areas, and consequently
contributes to a higher yield with lesser inputs.


The authors acknowledge the funding support of Adaptive AgroTech

Consultancy International for accelerating the research and development phase in
prototyping the instruments and conducting the experiments. The technical and
editorial assistant received from Adaptive AgroTech members, Peyman Majidi,
Keyvan Majidi, Janet Ahmadi, Saeedeh Pourhanife, Batuhan Sakal, and Omid
Raftari, as well as the suggestions and guidelines received from Dr. Volker Dworak,
Dr. Jana Käthner, and Professor. Cornelia Weltzien of the Leibniz Institute for
Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy are duly acknowledged.

Greenhouse Automation Using Wireless Sensors and IoT Instruments Integrated with Artificial…
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.97714

Author details

Redmond R. Shamshiri1, Ibrahim A. Hameed2, Kelly R. Thorp3,

Siva K. Balasundram4, Sanaz Shafian5, Mohammad Fatemieh6, Muhammad Sultan7,
Benjamin Mahns1 and Saba Samiei8*

1 Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam-Bornim,


2 Department of ICT and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Information Technology and

Electrical Engineering, NTNUÅlesund, Norway

3 United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,

Maricopa, AZ, USA

4 Department of Agriculture Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra

Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

5 School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and

State University, Blacksburg, USA

6 Adaptive AgroTech Consultancy Int, Seaside, CA, USA

7 Department of Agricultural Engineering, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan,


8 Comfort.AI, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, New Zealand

*Address all correspondence to: saba@macso.ai

© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security


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