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PDF 172583 96435
Objectives: Objective was to find personality traits in singers performing various music styles and with different singing status. Material and Methods:
The study consisted of 87 singers (66 females, 21 males; age: M±SD 25.5±8.2 years; 40 students, 22 professionals and 25 amateurs; 38 classical sing-
ers, 42 contemporary commercial music [CCM] singers; 55 solo singers and 22 choral singers). Participants filled in the NEO Five-Factor Inventory
questionnaire and demographic information form. Results: Median values compared to the Polish general population, suggest that solo, CCM,
student and professional singers have a high level of conscientiousness. Those who sing in a choir, classical music, amateurs and students have rela-
tively high level of agreeableness. High level of extraversion is observed among CCM singers and students. Students score higher on extraversion
then professionals (p < 0.001). Professionals score higher on extraversion then amateurs (p < 0.01). Professionals less frequently than amateurs
and students score high on agreeableness (p < 0.001). High scores on conscientiousness are significantly higher among professionals and students
compared to amateurs (p < 0.001 in both cases). Solo singers have higher level of conscientiousness (p < 0.001) and openness (p < 0.001) and lower
neuroticism (p < 0.01) than choral singers. Classical singers more often than CCM singers score low on openness (p < 0.01) and high on agreeable-
ness (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Classical singers have lower level of openness and higher level of agreeableness than CCM singers. Neuroticism is
higher among choir than solo singers and conscientiousness is higher among solo than choir singers. Amateurs had the highest level of neuroticism
and the lowest level of conscientiousness as compared with professional singers and students. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(4):541–50
Key words:
personality, personality traits, singing, singers, music styles, singer’s status
into all group members therefore the performer’s anxiety – H1: Singers score high on openness and extraversion
could be lower [17]. as compared to the general population.
Singing enables to express ideas and emotions which – H2: Classical singers are more conscientious than
cannot be said in words. However, in European classi- CCM singers, while CCM singers have higher level of
cal music and opera for several centuries, voices have openness and extraversion than classical singers.
been treated like musical instruments, which encouraged – H3: Choir singers have higher level of neuroticism and
composers to write melodies in higher pitch. Therefore, agreeableness than solo singers, who have higher level
the text could be more difficultly interpreted by a singer of conscientiousness.
and hardly understand by a listener. – H4: The highest conscientiousness is observed among
The growing importance of placing vocal expressivity professional singers followed by students and then –
before beauty, in the early 20th century leaded to cre- by amateurs, who on the other hand, have the highest
ation of a new music genre of contemporary commercial level of neuroticism.
music (CCM), previously described as “non-classical”
music [18]. Within this style many subgenres, like pop, MATERIAL AND METHODS
blues, jazz, country music, hip hop, or rock music, are Approval was obtained from the Polish Local Ethics Com-
encompassed. Nowadays CCM is much more popular mittee of the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland.
and is called “music of the people” unlike classical music,
which is dedicated for elite audience [18]. However, there Participants
are still young people who tend to classical singing instead Eighty-seven singers were included in the study. Table 1
of CCM performing and opposite. shows the demographic characteristic.
It is interesting why singers choose different styles of Singers were recruited from those who reported to Pho-
music and ways of singing (singing status). There are niatrics Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw,
many factors of music preferences, e.g., musical styles, Poland, and gave their consent to participate in the study.
gender, age and also personality traits [19]. There is The study was conducted between 2015–2020. Forty-one
important link between personality traits and music healthy singers reported to the Clinic for initial or control
preferences among listeners [5]. According to 5-factor voice assessment as a part of their voice training program
model research openness is connected with preference or for control voice assessment in those singers who sang
of rock soul and rhythm and blues music, conscientious- professionally. The remaining singers complained of tem-
ness with classical and extraversion seems to be positively porarily singing voice disorders due to muscle tension
linked to pop and dance [20]. There is still a great need dysphonia, laryngitis, or benign vocal fold lesions. All
to explore the connection between personality traits and participants were active singers. Furthermore, the inclu-
music preferences also among musicians [19]. It seems sion requirements meant that the participants should
to be interesting to find if singers with different singing have a minimum of 0.5 year singing experience and to be
status and performing different music styles present also at least 18 years old.
different personality traits. The purpose of this study was
to find personality traits in singers performing various NEO Five-Factor Inventory
music styles and with different singing status. The NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) by Paul T.
Based on the earlier studies it may be hypothesize that: Costa Jr. and Robert R. McCrae [1,3], in Polish adaptation
Table 1. Demographic characteristic of the singers participating – openness to experience (o) – curiosity, unconvention-
in the study conducted between 2015–2020 in Phoniatrics Clinic ality and a willingness to consider new ideas;
of the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
– agreeableness (a) – altruism, cooperation and a con-
Participants cern for others;
(N = 87)
– conscientiousness (c) – the tendency to act in a plan-
Age [years] ful, deliberate, and self-controlled fashion [22].
M±SD 25.5±8.2
Each dimension is given 12 items. Each of the items
Me (min.–max) 23.0 (18–59)
is measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0
Gender [n (%)]
(“strongly disagree”) to 4 (“strongly agree”).
male 21 (24.1)
female 66 (75.9)
Demographic information form
Singing’s time [years]
The demographic information form collected the infor-
M±SD 8.8±6.0
mation about age, gender, singing period, individual
Me (min.–max) 8.0 (1–33)
singing training, singing status and style and information
Individual singing training [years]
M±SD 4.2±3.3
about experience in solo and choir singing.
Me (min.–max) 3.0 (0–63)
Singing status [n (%)] Procedure
student 40 (46.0) Singers who reported to the Phoniatric Clinic at the Med-
professional 22 (25.3) ical University of Warsaw, Poland, were asked to partici-
amateur 25 (28.7) pate in the study. After a short explanation by the exam-
Singing solo/choral [n (%)] iner, participants filled in the NEO-FFI questionnaire and
choral 22 (25.3) demographic information form on the same day without
solo 55 (63.2) any additional help.
choral and solo 10 (11.5) Due to Polish adaptation of the NEO-FFI questionnaire,
Singing style [n (%)] according gender and age, the raw results were converted
classical 38 (43.7) into the sten values [22]. This allows to the comparison of
contemporary commercial music 42 (48.3) the obtained values for each groups of singers with norms
classical and contemporary commercial music 7 (8.0) of population, indicating the range in which the results
were found.
by Zawadzki et al. [21] was used to assess of personality
traits. In the questionnaire, the personality description is Statistical analysis
given in 5 dimensions: neuroticism, extraversion, agree- A statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical
ableness, openness and conscientiousness. Their charac- 15 package. The quantitative variables were summarized
teristic features might be summarized as: using descriptive statistics (mean [M], standard devia-
– neuroticism (n) – negative emotionality, impulsivity tion [SD], median [Me] and range, up and down quar-
and vulnerability to stress; tile). The distribution of each variable was checked for
– extraversion (e) – optimistic outlook, a sociable, active consistency with the normal distribution using the Kol-
lifestyle, and high levels of positive affect; mogorov-Smirnov test. Since the analyzed variables did
Table 2. NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) sten scores for the singers participating in the study conducted between 2015–2020
in Phoniatrics Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
not fill the condition of normal distribution the median high scores of NEO-FFI personality factors the χ2 test was
values were analyzed. The categorical data were presented applied, followed by the Bonferroni correction in case of
as the percentage. the singing status group. The results were considered sta-
The χ2 test was used to assess the relationship between tistically significant when the p-value was <0.017. In all
NEO-FFI standardized results [22] and subgroups of other cases probability values of <0.05 were considered
the singing status group, the singing solo/choral group statistically significant. Mean, SD, Me and range were cal-
and the singing style group. The Fischer exact test was culated for each studied parameter.
used when the expected cell counts were <5.
To find if there are any statistical differences between RESULTS
the subgroups according to style of singing the results of Table 2 shows the M, SD and the range of NEO-FFI sten
the NEO-FFI questionnaire were categorized at 3 levels scores for all participants.
including a low intensity of the tested feature (stens 1–3), The received mean results of all components are on
average results providing moderate intensity (stens 4–6) the average level. The Me value for agreeableness is 7
and high results providing high intensity of the tested fea- (higher than the M) indicating higher number of individ-
ture (stens 7–10). To compare categorical variables such uals scoring above the average on this dimension. How-
as percent of participants who received low, average and ever, the range of scores for this and other components
among amateurs (p < 0.01) while students more often than
professionals score high on this dimension (p < 0.001).
Professional singers less frequently than representatives
of 2 other groups (amateurs and students) score high
6 on agreeableness (p < 0.001 in both cases). On the other
5 hand, prevalence of high scores on conscientiousness is
4 significantly higher among professionals and students
compared to amateurs (p < 0.001 in both cases).
Me For singing solo versus choral subgroups, the authors
2 25–75%
Min.–max noticed statistical significance for 3 of the 5 personality
0 factors: neuroticism (p < 0.01), openness (p < 0.001) and
n e o a c
Personality factor conscientiousness (p < 0.001). These results indicate that
a – agreeableness; c – conscientiousness; e – extraversion; n – neuroticism;
solo singers have higher level of conscientiousness and
o – openness. openness and lower neuroticism than choral singers.
Figure 1. Distribution of personality factors for study group of the singers
The p value for singing style group, between classical and
participating in the study conducted between 2015–2020 CCM subgroups, was statistically significant (p < 0.01) in
in Phoniatrics Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland case of openness (classical singers more often than CCM
singers score low on this dimension) and agreeableness
(besides extraversion) is extended (from 1 or 2 to 10) sug- (high scores are more prevalent among classical singers).
gesting strong intergroup variability (Figure 1).
Table 2 show the M, SD and the range of NEO-FFI sten DISCUSSION
scores of each subgroups of singing status group, singing The main objective of this study was to assess personal-
solo/choral and singing style group, respectively. ity traits of singers. The results indicate that compared
Median values compared to the Polish general population, to the normalization sample of the NEO FFI test [22],
suggest that solo, CCM, student and professional singers the singers obtained average results on all Big Five com-
have a high level of conscientiousness. Those who sing in ponents. Therefore, the first hypothesis, that singers
a choir, classical music, amateurs and students have rela- score high on openness and extraversion as compared
tively high level of agreeableness. High level of extraver- to the general population, is not confirmed. Actually,
sion is observed among CCM singers and students. All the highest scores were observed for the agreeableness
other scores in studied groups are on the average level. (sten 7) what is in line with the results of Nogaj and
Table 3 includes a comparison of the results obtained by Ossowski study of Polish students of music schools [23].
each of the subgroups of singing status group, singing It is worth noting that previous research on musically
solo/choral and singing style group. gifted youth in Poland indicated a higher level of neuroti-
For subgroups of singing status group, the authors noticed cism and extroversion in this subpopulation [18].
statistical significance for 4 of 5 factors: neuroticism The results of Polish research, in general are not consis-
(p < 0.01), extraversion (p < 0.001), openness (p < 0.001) tent with the results of cited above Scandinavian [10,11]
and conscientiousness (p < 0.001). Among professionals and Portuguese [7] studies indicating that the most
Table 3. Comparison of distribution NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) sten scores in singers performing different singing styles, singing solo or choral
and with different singing status participating in the study conducted between 2015–2020 in Phoniatrics Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
(N = 87)
singing style singing solo/choral singing status
classical CCM solo choral professional amateur student
p p p
(N = 38) (N = 42) (N = 55) (N = 22) (N = 22) (N = 25) (N = 40)
Neuroticims score n.s. <0.01
low 28.9 38.1 35.2 22.7 40.9 24 30.8
average 52.6 52.4 53.7 50.0 40.9 52 59.0 <0.01
high 18.5 9.5 11.1 27.3 18.2 24 10.2
Extraversion score n.s. n.s.
low 2.6 2.4 1.9 9.1 0.0 8 2.6 pa <0.01
average 57.9 42.8 50.0 50.0 68.2 48 38.4 <0.001
high 39.5 54.8 48.1 40.9 31.8 44 59.0 ps <0.001
Openness score <0.01 <0.001
low 15.8 2.4 1.9 27.3 0.0 24 2.6
average 55.3 69.0 66.7 63.6 59.1 64 66.7 n.s.
high 28.9 28.6 31.5 9.1 40.9 12 30.7
Agreeablness score <0.01 n.s.
low 5.3 16.7 13.0 9.1 13.6 12 10.3 pa <0.001
average 31.5 42.8 40.7 31.8 45.5 28 38.5 <0.001
high 63.2 40.5 46.3 59.1 40.9 60 51.2 ps <0.001
Conscientiousness score n.s. <0.001
low 10.5 4.7 5.6 13.6 4.5 16 2.6 pa <0.001
average 47.4 41.9 37.0 59.1 40.9 60 35.9 <0.001
high 42.1 51.4 57.4 27.3 54.5 24 61.5 as <0.001
characteristic feature of musicians is their openness to experiences. But this would have to be checked in a cross-
experiences. This may reflect the national characters, as national survey.
the NEO FFI proved its useful in detecting differences in In the sample, the intra-group variation of all traits is very
national self-ratings [24]. In Hřebíčková et al. study [25], large (usually 1–10 sten), suggesting that singers are not
young Poles scored significantly higher than representa- a homogenous group of people. In this regard, the authors’
tives of 2 other Slavic (Czechs and Slovaks) nations on hypothesis on the differences between singers perform-
the openness to experiences scale. This may suggest that ing different types of music has been confirmed partially.
Poles in general, not only musicians, are rather opened to There are no statistically significant differences between
classical and CCM singers in conscientious (nor in neu- and students. Moreover, high scores on extraversion and
roticism and extraversion). But classical singers have agreeableness were the most uncommon among profes-
lower level of openness and higher level of agreeableness sionals. Especially surprising is the relatively low level of
than CCM singers. This may be interpreted from the per- extraversion among professional singers, as in literature
spective of the freedom for expression-related individual singer are described as extravert musicians [8,28]. But
performance in CCM [26] and the need for rather high to explain this, the comparison with non-singers and or
level of conventionality and readiness to cooperate in non-musicians is needed.
classical singing. Finally, the findings of this study have to be seen in light
The study results provide partial support for the hypoth- of some limitations. An increase in the size of the study
esis on the differences between choir and solo singers, groups may point the researchers in different directions,
too. The expected differences have been observed in neu- particularly when comparing subgroups for which no sta-
roticism (higher among choir than solo singers) and con- tistically significant differences were found. Therefore, fur-
scientiousness (higher among solo than choir singers). ther studies are needed with bigger sample size. Further-
As indicated in other studies, the performance anxiety, more, a further study with bigger sample size of subgroups
which is lower in case of choir singing, makes this type of should be performed to explore the differences between
activity more accessible for people vulnerable for stress. amateurs and professionals, classical and CCM singers.
Moreover, singing in a choir is beneficial for mental and
physical health and therefore, can be recommended as CONCLUSIONS
a remedy for people with high level of neuroticism [10,27]. Singers do not score high on openness and extraversion
On the other hand, self-control and ability to act in a plan- as compared to the general population. Classical singers
ful manner, i.e., key characteristics of conscientiousness, have lower level of openness and higher level of agree-
are extremely needed for solo singers. The authors also ableness than CCM singers. Neuroticism is higher among
assumed higher level of agreeableness among choir than choir than solo singers and conscientiousness is higher
solo singers, as a cooperation and concern for others are among solo than choir singers. Amateurs had the high-
required in this type of activity. But in this case the hypoth- est level of neuroticism and the lowest level of consci-
esis was not confirmed or more precisely – the differences entiousness as compared with professional singers and
did not reach the level of statistical significance. Surpris- students.
ingly, solo singers scored higher than choir singers on
openness to experiences. This result suggests similarities Author contributions
between solo singers in the studied sample and Scandina- Research concept: Ewelina M. Sielska-Badurek
vian and Portuguese musicians in general. Research methodology: Ewelina M. Sielska-Badurek
The authors’ last hypothesis concerned differences in 2 per- Collecting material: Ewelina M. Sielska-Badurek,
sonality traits (conscientiousness and neuroticism) Anna Cielecka
between singers with various professional status. Actual- Statistical analysis: Maria Sobol
ly, the cross-groups comparisons revealed significant dif- Interpretation of results: Ewelina M. Sielska-Badurek,
ferences in all, but 1 dimensions. As predicted amateurs Katarzyna Okulicz-Kozaryn
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