T. B. L. Webster Plot-Construction in Sophocles
T. B. L. Webster Plot-Construction in Sophocles
T. B. L. Webster Plot-Construction in Sophocles
Author(s): T. B. L. Webster
Source: The Classical Review, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Sep., 1932), pp. 146-150
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Classical Association
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THIS is the first of what I hope will Tyrannus, Electra,' Philoctetes, Oedipus
be a series of studies on Sophocles. It Coloneus: some of my reasons for this
seemed to be worth while to try to p. 202, II., p. _57; for the Electra, ibid. II., p.
trace the development of his art with 89-below I try to show that the Electra must
the help of parallel analyses of the be nearer to the O. T. than to the Philoctetes.
The monody before the parodos is possible any
existing plays. For this purpose I have after the Hecuba, even if it is necessary to
assumed that the chronological order is time
assume that Sophocles could not have used it
Ajax, Antigone, Trachiniae,1 Oedipus before Euripides. Siess, WienerStud. XXXVI.,
arrives at the same conclusion but must be dis-
1 For the arguments for the early dating of the counted as his evidence makes the O.T. the
Trachiniae see Pohlenz, Griechische Tragbdie, latest play.
(and it is arguable that this is not con- To sum up, when Sophocles con-
sonant with his character),' and then structs a plot he chooses an action of
Sophocles is involved in an awkward a definite length and announces the
change of scene in the middle of an act. scope of it in the prologue; the suc-
In the Antigone the deed of defiance, cessive acts are always prepared be-
the burial of Polyneices, has to be done forehand, whether in the prologue or
off the stage, and the clash between afterwards; the first act gives us the
Antigone and Creon happens therefore character of the hero. The best con-
after the event. In the Trachiniae, structed plot is the Oedipus Tyrannus,
again, Heracles puts on the fatal robe where the story advances swiftly and
in Euboea, and the climax is inter- directly to the climax after the first act.
rupted while the robe is taken to Besides this development in the art of
Euboea and the news brought back. plot-construction, there is a develop-
The high-water mark of construction is ment in the realism of the action. In
the Oedipus Tyrannus. all the early plays there are certain
Of the closing scenes there is little to SXoyta;in the latest plays there is not
say, except that Sophocles emphasises only no discrepancy between what is
the end by providing for as many of the done on the stage and what is done off
characters as possible; that is why it, but the action on the stage is realist-
Eurydice commits suicide in the An- ically represented.
tigone and why Orestes is not pursued T. B. L. WEBSTER.
by Furies in the Electra.
1Pohlenz, of. cit., II., p. 47. University of Manchester.