Comparative Essay Outline
Comparative Essay Outline
Comparative Essay Outline
Writing a comparative essay outline can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration and
analytical thinking. The process involves not only selecting two or more subjects for comparison but
also identifying meaningful similarities and differences between them. Crafting a well-organized
outline adds another layer of complexity, as it requires structuring the essay in a logical and coherent
One of the primary difficulties lies in conducting thorough research on the chosen topics. A
successful comparative essay demands a deep understanding of the subjects under scrutiny,
necessitating extensive reading, analysis, and note-taking. Gathering relevant information and
selecting appropriate sources can be time-consuming, and discerning which details are essential for
the comparison adds an extra layer of complexity.
Another challenge arises during the process of creating a clear and effective thesis statement. This
statement serves as the backbone of the essay, guiding the writer and readers through the
comparison. Formulating a thesis that succinctly captures the essence of the subjects while providing
a roadmap for the essay requires careful thought and precision.
The organizational aspect of the outline presents its own set of challenges. Deciding on the most
suitable structure to present the comparisons and contrasts can be perplexing. A well-structured
outline should seamlessly guide the reader through the interconnected ideas, making the essay easy to
follow and understand.
Moreover, maintaining a balanced analysis is crucial. Ensuring that both subjects receive fair
treatment in terms of depth and breadth of exploration can be demanding. Striking the right balance
between the subjects, avoiding bias, and providing objective insights are vital components of a
successful comparative essay.
In conclusion, writing a comparative essay outline involves navigating through various challenges,
including thorough research, crafting a precise thesis statement, organizing the content effectively,
and maintaining a balanced analysis. Overcoming these difficulties requires time, dedication, and a
keen analytical mindset.
For assistance with similar essays and more, one can explore resources , where
expert writers can provide valuable support in tackling the complexities of academic writing.
Comparative Essay Outline Comparative Essay Outline
Risk Taking Essay
Khendee Casallo Humanities 151 Do you feel that taking genuine risks in life is
necessary in order for us to be happy? Can people find fulfillment and happiness in life
by playing it safe and not courting any trouble or hardship from taking chances? The
word risk means the possibility of suffering a harmful event. Risk taking can bring
either positive or negative result because anytime we take risks in life, there is a
possibility of loss which can cause tension. There are a lot of people who take big
risks and appear not to be affected by them. But, many of us feel very uneasy when
faced with risk taking; we may become worried about the risk. Although some people are
content in life by just playing it safe and not courting any... Show more content on ...
It s the challenge itself that people learn from. There isn t any point to making things a
challenge for no good reason so it s about taking on the right challenges and calculating
risks to a point that justifies them when compared to the challenge that is faced to
accomplish them. Truth be told, it was a challenged for me to take that risk and slide
down the tube tunnel and I did not regret doing so because I know at that point thats
what I wanted. If it hadn t been for that challenge, I wouldn t be able to see what I am
capable of doing. Taking risks is done with some purpose in mind as well. There isn t
any point in taking risks that don t pay off. There are hundreds of things that require
risks in order to make them happen. Innovation is a big one of those. Innovation is
when you look for new ways of doing things, building things or perhaps new ideas.
This requires breaking new ground that no one has done before and so there are
always risks involved. People who are hesitant to take risks will become stagnant with
no ability to innovate or change for there is no such thing as constant in this world,
there are always going to be changes and new invention coming up. When we were
young we really didn t understand what risks were, we just did things as we saw fit to
do them. Sometimes as older individuals we need to take risks as we did when were
young. Instead of the over analyzing and the procrastination sometimes we just have to
River Runs Through It
A River Runs Through it A River Runs Through it is a story about the relationship
between two brothers. The younger brother Paul has problems. He is a gambler, a
drinker, and is short on cash, but his main problem is that he will not allow his older
brother, Norman, to help him. Paul refuses to accept his older brothers aid and
moreover refuses to even listen to what his brother has to say. In order to make his
brother listen Norman will be forced to confront his brother, something that he is not
willing to do. Norman and Paul have never fought physically. They are equally good at
street fighting and do not want to have to figure out who would win as this would cause
their relationship to be destroyed. Norman ultimately allows and... Show more content on ...
By acknowledging that his brother is really in trouble, Norman would have to first
confront his conscience and help Paul. Norman remains in this box because he never
gets up the courage to really confront his brother. Norman is not willing to take the
chance of fighting with his brother in order to help him. As the readers nears the end
of the book, they come across a conversation between Norman and his father. Help is
giving part of yourself to somebody who comes to accept it willingly and needs it
badly. This is figurative language because in order to help someone else we do not
literally have to give a piece of our body to another. Rather we have to be willing to put
in our time and show our feelings in order to help. Norman is clearly unwilling to give
himself to Paul. He is not willing to really share with Paul his thoughts and advice.
Therefore, the advice that Normans father gives to him is not all that useful. In
addition, Paul is not willing to accept it. The father says that it must be to someone
who comes to accept it willingly. Paul will never come to Norman because he does not
want to seem weak. Also, he is not at all willing to listen to Norman and allow his help.
Because of Norman and Pauls characteristics the advice that the father provides is not
really going to help. In the end this proves true because Norman does not give himself
up and Paul is not willing to accept.
Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory
The ecological theory of development that was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917
2005), is relevant to state all of our lives. Bronfenbrenner s research demonstrates how
our development is affected by the environment in which we live. The model consist of
five major systems; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and
chronosystem. Ecological systems theoryis an approach to study of human development
that consists of the scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation,
throughout the life course, between an active, growing human being, and the changing
properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this process
is affected by the relations between these settings, and by the larger... Show more content
on ...
She wanted to be able to advance in her current career and in order for advancement; a
Master s degree is required. Also by obtaining a Master s degree in Human Behavioral,
the student believes it would allow her to better communicate and understand the
clientele she works with.
The third level is the exosystem; it consists of social structures that directly or
indirectly affect a person s life: school, work, mass media, government and various
social networks (Crandell, Crandell, Vander Zanden 2009). For example, if a child s
parent, especially a one income family household, gets laid off and is without work
that may have negative effects on the child if her parents are unable to pay rent, buy
groceries, or provide the necessities. In contrast, if her parent receives a promotion and
a raise at work, this may have a positive effect on the child because her parents will be
better able to give her physical needs. This may have a positive effect on a child s
development and motivate them to work hard and obtain a good job as an adult.
Another example within this system would be the relationship between a child s school
and home, as the rules are often times different for a child at home and school and being
able to keep the two separate can prove challenging for a child.
This student related the exosystem to her decision because of the economical recession.
With all the rising cost of such things as gas,