Topics For Exemplification Essay

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Topics For Exemplification Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Topics for Exemplification Essay" can pose a unique set of challenges.
The difficulty lies in the necessity to not only explore a broad range of potential subjects but also to
select those that are not only relevant but also provide ample examples for illustration. This task
requires a balance between creativity and practicality.

One of the challenges is the need to delve into diverse areas and identify themes that can be
effectively exemplified. It requires meticulous research to find suitable examples that not only
support the main points but also add depth to the content. Additionally, the essay should maintain a
coherent structure, ensuring a logical flow of ideas from introduction to conclusion.

Moreover, the process involves critical thinking to analyze potential topics and evaluate their
exemplification potential. It demands a keen understanding of the audience to choose subjects that
resonate with them and can effectively convey the intended message. Crafting a well-rounded essay
on this topic requires a combination of analytical skills, research abilities, and a creative mindset.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Topics for Exemplification Essay" is a challenging task that
demands a careful balance of creativity, research, and analytical thinking. It involves the exploration
of various subjects, the selection of relevant examples, and the construction of a coherent narrative.
Despite the difficulties, it's a task that can be accomplished with dedication and the right approach.

For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring , where you can
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Topics For Exemplification EssayTopics For Exemplification Essay
Why The Primary Industries Production Is Not Processed
Study Northern Ontario needs to study the question why our primary industries
production is not processed to manufactured finish end produce right hear in Northern

Northern. Ontario is an area richly endowed with metallic mineral resources. It is one
of the most important mineral resource regions in Canada if not in the world. One only
needs to look at the volume of mineral production to support this view. The region
produces nearly half of the world s nickel and a substantial portion of the nation s gold,
silver, copper, zinc, uranium, cobalt and platinum metals. For a hundred years the federal
and Provincial governments have mismanaged these non renewable mineral resources
and our renewable forestry resources and in doing ... Show more content on ...
The question is why is that the case? A good study should be able to give us some
answers. Why don t we have a strong secondary manufacturing sector in Northern Ontario
? Where do we start? A good start would be to do a study and inventory of all our
natural advantages like our land, stone, sand and gravel, water, energy like natural gas,
electrical power supply available. Natural resources be they renewable and none
renewable. Starting with our primary industries like metal ore mining and smelters
production, nickel copper lead zinc gold silver cobalt and the platinum group metals.
How much is shipped to Canadian smelters and how much is shipped to foreign
smelters? How much of the smelter production is processed to finish end produces in
Canada? The general idea is to build secondary manufacturing industries on the
production of our primary industries. Hydroelectric power potential in Manitoba,
Quebec, and Newfoundland Labrador and Ontario. Natural gas pipeline for our Energy
supplies from western Canada We have the great lakes and the St Lawrence Seaway
system for water transportation to world markets. The plan needs good long term
planning for deep sea harbors facilities in Thessalon and in Parry Sound, Expedition and
improvements of the Great lakes shipping facilities in general as required. We have all
the natural advantages; we have no policies, no management of our raw
Gary Ridgeway The Green River Killer
Gary Ridgeway, A.K.A, the Green River Killer, was one of the most notorious serial
killers in U.S history. Over the course of two years in the 1980s nearly 50 lives were
taken in the Seattle and Tacoma areas of Washington. This case was given this name
because of the location of all of the bodies. Most of the bodies were dumped either in or
around the Green River located in Washington. Upon discovery of these bodies, the king
county sheriff department formed a task force to attempt to solve these murders. One of
the interesting things the task force did was interview Ted Bundyto gain insight as to
what the killer may be planning next. In 1982 and again in 2001, Gary Ridgeway, was
arrested on charges that related to prostitution. This brought

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