Arbitration vs. Mediation
Arbitration vs. Mediation
Arbitration vs. Mediation
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interchangeably. The Oxford English
Dictionary provides as one historical
definition of arbitration: "to act as for-
mal arbitrator or umpire, to mediate (in
a dispute between contending parties)."
The Statutes of Edward III (1606) refer-
ring to what today obviously would be
called a commercial arbitrationpanel,
provided: "And two Englishmen, two of
Lombardie and two of Almaigne shall
(be) chosen to be mediators of questions
between sellers and buyers." '
can best be understood by discussing "rights" involve the interpretation or application Hoc COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE HIGH COST OF LIT
of existing laws, agreements or customary prac- IGATION, 2 (July 13, 1978).
them in terms of the processes of arbitra- tices, disputes as to "interests" involve controver- 10. Paths to Justice: Major PublicPolicy Issues
tion and mediation. sies over the formation of collective agreements or of Dispute Resolution, REPORT OF THE AD Hoc
efforts to secure them where no such agreement is PANEL ON DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND PUBLIC POLICY,
yet in existence. Elkouri and Elkouri, supran. 3, at Appendix 2 (Washington, D.C.: National Institut6
The arbitration process 47. for Dispute Resolution, October, 1983).
7. Because of ethical considerations, the arbitra- 11. Id. See also EVALUATION OF COURT-ANNEXED
Arbitration has had a long history in this tor and mediator normally are different persons. It ARBITRATION IN THREE FEDERAL DISTRICT COURTS
country, going back to procedures car- should also be noted that mediation is frequently (Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center, 1981).
effective when it is attempted, with the concurrence 12. Cooley, supra n. 9, at 4, Elkouri and Elkouri,
ried over into the Colonies from mercan- of the parties, during the course of an arbitration supra n. 3, at 183-86. Domke on Commericial Arbi-
tile England. George Washington put an with a neutral other than the arbitrator serving as tration. §§14:00-14:05 (Rev. Ed. 1984). Arbitrators, if
the mediator. Often the unfolding of the opponent's chosen from a list maintained by an arbitration
arbitration clause in his last will and evidence during the course of arbitration leads to a organization or court-maintained roster, are nor-
testament to resolve disputes among his better appreciation of the merits of their respective mally compensated at the daily rate fixed by the
positions and hence an atmosphere conducive to organization or the court. Arbitrators selected inde-
heirs. Abraham Lincoln urged lawyers settlement discussions. pendently by the parties are compensated at the
to keep their clients out of court and 8. The stark distinction between mediation and daily or hourly rate at which they mutually agree.
arbitration was well made by a professional media- In such cases, the parties equally share the expense
himself arbitrated a boundary dispute tor who became chairman of the New York State of the arbitrator's services.