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Volume 35 | Issue 3 | September-December 2021

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Indian Journal of Pain • Volume 35 • Issue 3 • September-December 2021 • Pages ****-****
Letter to the Editor

Four‑Quadrant Transverse Abdominis Plane Block: A Relatively

New Frontier for Postoperative Analgesia after Major
Abdominal Surgery
Sir, nerves that must be blocked to provide analgesia for large
abdominal incision poses significant problems in the search for
Postoperative pain after major abdominal surgery is a challenge
suitable regional anesthesia techniques. The abdominal wall is
to treat effectively balancing the benefits and side effects of
supplied by the lower six thoracic and upper two lumbar sensory
the technique used. On one side adequate pain control is not
nerves, either through extensions of the intercostal branches
only the patient’s right but a requirement to prevent detrimental
or, for the more caudal nerves, through the musculature of the
effects on the recovery leading to morbidity as well as to prevent
abdominal wall. Intraoperative analgesia was maintained with
the persistent or chronic postsurgical pain syndrome recently
infusion of fentanyl in our patients. In our institute, epidural
getting favorable response is ultrasound‑guided (USG) truncal
analgesia would be the method of choice but in these cases,
blocks. Transverse abdominis plane (TAP) block provides an
because it was not feasible, we had to look for alternative
alternative to epidural analgesia, specifically in cases where
way to achieve good analgesia in the postoperative period.
putting an epidural catheter is contraindicated or not feasible With epidural analgesia and nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory
such as infection at the site of insertion, sepsis, coagulopathy, drugs (NSAIDs) (massive blood loss, around 5 l in both
or fixed cardiac output states.[1] The four‑quadrant TAP block cases) not an option, and growing evidence supporting the
has recently gain popularity in open as well as laparoscopic effectiveness of TAP blocks for various types of abdominal
abdominal surgeries and found to be an effective tool of surgeries, a “Four‑quadrant TAP block” was thought as a good
postoperative analgesia similar to thoracic epidural analgesia.[2] option. Subcostal TAP block is effective for upper abdominal
Levobupivacaine local anesthetic is generally well tolerated surgery where the surgical incision extends from T6 to T10
except that a dose adjustment may be needed in the elderly. dermatomes. Posterior TAP block is effective in providing
Levobupivacaine is a long‑acting local anesthetic with analgesia after lower abdominal surgery where the incision
a clinical profile closely resembling that of bupivacaine. extends from T10 to L1 dermatomes. Before extubation, under
However, current safety and toxicity data show an advantage GA, USG‑guided four‑quadrant TAP blocks were performed
for levobupivacaine over bupivacaine because it is less and four catheters were inserted and tunneled [Figure 1].
cardiotoxic.[3,4] About 15 ml of 0.2% levobupivacaine was given every
eight hourly through each catheter for 4 consecutive days.
We hereby wish to share, postoperative analgesia management The pain was assessed by our acute pain service team in the
in two patients who underwent major abdominal surgery postoperative period. As part of multimodal analgesia, both
where conventional neuraxial blockade was a dilemma. First, received paracetamol 8 hourly for 4 days, tramadol 8 hourly
a 65‑year‑old female known case of hypertension, diabetes, and for first 24 h following surgery, and single dose of NSAIDs on
hypothyroid, who underwent inferior vena cava (IVC) sarcoma POD 2 and 3 for first case only. Worst numerical rating scale
excision. The tumor mass on computerized tomography scan
was 14 cm × 9.3 cm × 8.4 cm arising from intrahepatic IVC,
encasing the descending aorta with angle of contact >180°
with a filling defect noticed in the right external and internal
iliac and right common femoral vein suggestive of thrombus.
Furthermore, Doppler USG was suggestive of acute thrombus
involving right external iliac vein, common femoral vein, a b
and superficial femoral vein. Preoperatively, she was started
on therapeutic dose of enoxaparin, with an advice to restart
enoxaparin again on 1st postoperative day (POD).
The second case was a 55‑year‑old male who underwent
retroperitoneal sarcoma resection, iliofemoral artery, and vein
c d
reconstruction, left ureterolysis with DJ stenting, and required
intraoperative as well as postoperative anticoagulation. Figure 1: a) Image showing ultrasound anatomy of subcostal transverse
abdominis plane (TAP), b) needle between posterior rectus sheath and
Surgical incision in both patients was extending from transverse abdominis muscle, c) needle insertion for TAP block; and d)
xiphisternum to pubic symphysis. The extensive origin of the four catheters for four-quadrant TAP block

254 © 2021 Indian Journal of Pain | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Letter to the Editor

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The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate
patient consent forms. In the form the patient(s) has/have
given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other
clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patients This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix,
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Pankaj Singh Rana, Reshma P Ambulkar, Manoj Maji, Sohan Lal Solanki
Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain, Tata Memorial Hospital,
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
How to cite this article: Rana PS, Ambulkar RP, Maji M, Solanki SL.
Four-quadrant transverse abdominis plane block: A relatively new frontier
Address for correspondence: Dr. Pankaj Singh Rana,
for postoperative analgesia after major abdominal surgery. Indian J Pain
Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain, 2nd Floor, Main Building,
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai ‑ 400 012, Maharashtra, India.
E‑mail: [email protected] © 2021 Indian Journal of Pain | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

Indian Journal of Pain ¦ Volume 35 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ September-December 2021 255

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