MTLB Ra. 5527
MTLB Ra. 5527
MTLB Ra. 5527
Board of Examiners for Medical Technology: Section 11: Functions and Duties of the
- Chairman who is a pathologist Board
- Two members who are registered a) Administer the provisions
medical technologists b) Administer oaths
c) Issue, suspend and revoke
Members of the Board: certificates
- Marilyn A. Cabal-Barza (Chairman) d) Look into conditions affecting the
- Leila Lany M. Florento (Member) practice
e) Investigate such violations
First Board to be created f) Draft such rules and regulations
- Chairman shall serve for three
- One member for two years Section 12: Removal of Board Members
- third member for one year Any member of the Board may be removed
by the President of the Philippines for: - -
First members of the Board of Examiners - Neglect of duty
- shall be issued a certificate of - Incompetency
registration as Medical Technologist - Malpractice or
- Unprofessional, unethical, immoral
Section 8: Qualifications of Examiners or dishonorable conduct
1. is a Filipino citizen …after defending and proper investigation.
2. is of good moral character
3. is a qualified pathologist or duly Section 13: Accreditation of Schools of
registered medical technologist Medical Technology and of Training
4. has been in the practice of for at Laboratories
least ten years prior to appointment
5. is not a member of the faculty of any Department of Education
medical technology school - shall approve schools in accordance
to provision of the act
Section 9: Executive Officer of the Board Department of Health
The Commissioner of Civil Service - upon recommendation of council
- the Executive Officer of The Board, - approve laboratories for
- conduct examinations given by it. accreditation as training laboratories
Section 14: Inhibition Against the Section 17: Scope of Coverage and
Practice of Medical Technology Examination o
- Clinical Chemistry (20%)
No Valid Certificates = No Practice. - Microbiology & Parasitology (20%)
Registration not be required of the following: - Hematology (20%)
a) Duly registered physicians - Blood Banking and Serology (20%)
b) Medical technologists from other - Clinical Microscopy (10%)
countries called in for consultation or - Histopathologic Technique (10%)
as visiting or exchange professors to
colleges or universities Section 18: Report of Rating
c) Medical technologists in the service The board shall within 120 days after the
of the United States Armed Forces date of completion of the examination,
stationed in the Philippines report the results thereof to the: