MTLB Ra. 5527

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5527 The Philippine Section 4: Compensation and Traveling

Expenses of Council Members
Medical Technology Act Chairman and members of the council:
- 25 pesos per diem, per meeting
Section 1: Title - 2 meetings per month max
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969. - Except government employees
- Are entitled to traveling expenses.
Section 2: Definition of Terms
Terms: Section 5: Functions of the Council of
- Medical Technology Medical Technology Education
- Pathologist The functions of the council shall be:
- Medical Technologist a) recommend the minimum required
- Medical Technician curriculum
- Accredited Medical Technology
Training Laboratory b) To determine and prescribe the
- Recognized School of Medical number of students
- Council
- Board c) To approve medical technology

Section 3: Council of Medical d) To require all medical technology

Technology Education, Its Composition schools to submit an annual report

Chairman: Secretary of Education or e) To inspect, when necessary, the

Director of Private Education different medical technology schools

Vice-Chairman: Director of the Bureau of f) To certify for admission into an

Research and Laboratories of the undergraduate internship students
Department of Health
completed three years of the
Members: medical technology course
- Chairman and 2 members of the
Board of Medical Technology to collect from said students the
- Dean of the Institute of Hygiene of amount of five pesos each
the University of the Philippines,
- Representative of the deans or g) Formulate and recommend
heads of the private schools of approval of refresher course for
medical technology applicants (failed 3x)
- Presidents of the Philippine
Association of Medical Technologists h) To promulgate and prescribe and
and the Philippine Society of enforce necessary rules and
Pathologists regulations
Section 6: Minimum Required Course Section 10: Compensation of Members
The medical technology course shall be: of the Board of Examiners for Medical
- Required at least 4 years, including Technology
a 12-month satisfactory internship in Each member of the Board shall receive 15
accredited laboratories, and shall - 10 pesos for each applicant
include specific subjects. examined and
- 5 pesos for each applicant granted
Section 7: Board of Examiners for a certificate of registration without
Medical Technology examination

Board of Examiners for Medical Technology: Section 11: Functions and Duties of the
- Chairman who is a pathologist Board
- Two members who are registered a) Administer the provisions
medical technologists b) Administer oaths
c) Issue, suspend and revoke
Members of the Board: certificates
- Marilyn A. Cabal-Barza (Chairman) d) Look into conditions affecting the
- Leila Lany M. Florento (Member) practice
e) Investigate such violations
First Board to be created f) Draft such rules and regulations
- Chairman shall serve for three
- One member for two years Section 12: Removal of Board Members
- third member for one year Any member of the Board may be removed
by the President of the Philippines for: - -
First members of the Board of Examiners - Neglect of duty
- shall be issued a certificate of - Incompetency
registration as Medical Technologist - Malpractice or
- Unprofessional, unethical, immoral
Section 8: Qualifications of Examiners or dishonorable conduct
1. is a Filipino citizen …after defending and proper investigation.
2. is of good moral character
3. is a qualified pathologist or duly Section 13: Accreditation of Schools of
registered medical technologist Medical Technology and of Training
4. has been in the practice of for at Laboratories
least ten years prior to appointment
5. is not a member of the faculty of any Department of Education
medical technology school - shall approve schools in accordance
to provision of the act
Section 9: Executive Officer of the Board Department of Health
The Commissioner of Civil Service - upon recommendation of council
- the Executive Officer of The Board, - approve laboratories for
- conduct examinations given by it. accreditation as training laboratories
Section 14: Inhibition Against the Section 17: Scope of Coverage and
Practice of Medical Technology Examination o
- Clinical Chemistry (20%)
No Valid Certificates = No Practice. - Microbiology & Parasitology (20%)
Registration not be required of the following: - Hematology (20%)
a) Duly registered physicians - Blood Banking and Serology (20%)
b) Medical technologists from other - Clinical Microscopy (10%)
countries called in for consultation or - Histopathologic Technique (10%)
as visiting or exchange professors to
colleges or universities Section 18: Report of Rating
c) Medical technologists in the service The board shall within 120 days after the
of the United States Armed Forces date of completion of the examination,
stationed in the Philippines report the results thereof to the:

Section 15: Examination Commissioner of Civil Service

Except as otherwise specifically allowed - Submit results to the President of
under the provisions of this Act the Philippines for approval.

All applicants are required to undergo a Section 19: Ratings of Examination

written examination In order to pass the examination:
- general average of at least 75%
Manila area, Cebu and Davao - No below 50% on major subjects
August or September - not failed in at 60% percent of the
subjects computed according to their
Written notices of such examination shall be relative weights
published in at least three newspapers of - 3x Fail = 12 months Refresher
national circulation Course in accredited laboratory

Section 16: Qualification for Examination

Section 20: Oath Taking
Every applicant for examination satisfactory
proof that he or she: Section 21: Issuance of Certificate of
a) Is in good health and is of good Registration
moral character Every applicant who has satisfactorily
b) Has completed a course of at least passed the required examination shall be
four years (BSMLS) issued a certificate of registration as
Medical Technologist:
Other paramedical in service for at least 5
years - 1 year undergrad internship - No certificates for applicants below
21 years of age
- All certificates shall be signed by
members of the Board and attested
by its Secretary.
- RMT is required to display his The suspension of a certificate of
certificate of registration on his registration shall be automatically lifted after
workplace suspension and certificate shall be
re-issued to the medical technologist.
Section 22: Fees
Section 27: Foreign Reciprocity
Section 23: Refusal to Issue Certificate - No foreigner shall be admitted to
The Board shall refuse to issue a certificate examination,
of registration: - or be given a certificate of
- to any person convicted by a court of registration
competent jurisdiction of any - unless his country permits Filipino
- guilty of immoral or dishonorable Medical Technologists to practice
conduct within its territorial limits
- unsound mind
- Incurable communicable disease, Section 28: Roster of the Medical
a written statement shall be incorporated in Technologists
the record of the Board. A roster prepared annually by the Secretary
of the Board .
Section 24: Administrative Investigation -
Revocation of Suspension of Certificates The roster shall contain the:
- name
Administrative Investigation Conducted by - address
- 2 members of board - citizenship
- 1 Legal officer - date of registration
- other data
SUSPENSION: 2 of 3 votes (MAJORITY) Section 29: Penal Provisions
Medical Act of 1959 as amended,
Is required to surrender his certificate of illegal practice of Medicine punishment
registration within thirty days after the
decision becomes final Fine:
- not less than 2000 pesos
Section 25: Appeal - not more than 5000 pesos
The revocation or suspension of a certificate Imprisonment
made by the Board shall be - not less than 6 months
- Subject to appeal to the Civil Service - not more than 2 years
- Decision shall become final thirty Violators:
days after its promulgation, a) Anyone who practice Medical
Technology being registered or
Section 26: Reinstatement, Reissue or exempted from registration
Replacement of Certificates
b) Registered medical technologist
without supervision of pathologist.
c) Medical technologist who made a
fraudulent laboratory report

d) RMT who refuse or fail to display his

certificate of registration in

e) Anyone attempting to use the

certificate of registration of another

f) Anyone who gives any false or

fraudulent device of any kind to the
Board of any member.

g) Anyone who impersonate any

registrant of a fake or the same

h) Anyone who is using a revoked or

suspended certificate

i) Anyone pretending or claiming to be

RMT without valid certificate of

j) Any person who shall violate any

provision of this Act

k) Anyone who violate the rules and

regulations of Board

Section 30: Separability Clause

Section 31: Repealing Clause

Section 32: Effectivity

This Act shall take effect upon approval.
- Approved: June 21, 1969
- Signed: Ferdinand E. Marcos

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