Anesthesia Management On Perioperative With DM Patients - A Literature Review
Anesthesia Management On Perioperative With DM Patients - A Literature Review
Anesthesia Management On Perioperative With DM Patients - A Literature Review
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a global burden. The aim of this work was to conduct a literature review that highlighted
some of the most recent innovations based on the evidence foundation by identifying the standard textbooks in
general. We utilized PubMed to search various databases, including Medline (January 2011 to June 2021), Google
Scholar and Science Direct. Articles providing a decent methodological design were selected after the bibliographic
survey. English seems to have its limitations. We found ten papers from France, Bangladesh, Portugal, the USA, as
well as other countries that reflected our study material. The success of anesthetic management in DM patients was
determined by managing pre-anesthesia blood glucose levels by setting a target for normal glucose levels and inten-
sively monitoring glucose levels during and after surgery, which also determines the success of anesthetic manage-
ment in DM patients. The predominance of postoperative complications requires thorough blood sugar monitoring
during perioperative anesthesia to minimize the risk of hypo/hyperglycemia.
tiredness, and weight loss (lipolysis, protein catabolism) is no more recently published material, were included
(12,13). Although there are several reviews that discuss in order to reflect current therapeutic practice, because
how to treat patients with DM in the surgical field, it there are no evidence-based guidelines for the best
is still often confusing so that the consideration of perioperative care for diabetic individuals. Several
assumptions and arguments in this situation needs to be management methods are discussed in this overview,
developed and emphasized (14–16). based on what has been published internationally.
DM is a set of symptoms induced by an increase in The WHO (31,33,34) also recommends that the diagnosis
blood glucose (BG) levels as a result of a gradual of diabetes mellitus be made when the plasma glucose
decrease in insulin secretion, which can occur as a concentration is greater than 11.1 mmol/L (whole
result of insulin resistance (5,6,10,25). According to the glucose concentration in venous blood is greater than
American Diabetes Association (ADA) (12) in 2019, DM 10 mmol/L) (34). Furthermore, a diagnosis of diabetes is
is a collection of metabolic illnesses with distinctive made when the fasting plasma glucose concentration is
hyperglycemia that arises owing to changes in insulin greater than 7 mmol/L at two different periods or when
production, insulin action, or both (12,25). If a person an oral glucose tolerance test is performed. Aside from
has classic symptoms, including polyuria, polydipsia, that, if the results of the oral glucose tolerance test are
and polyphagia, as well as a blood sugar level of 200 greater than 11.1 mmol/L, diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
mg/dl and a fasting blood sugar of 126 mg/dl, they are can be made (11,16,18,25).
diagnosed with diabetes (1,8,11,25–27).
The diagnosis of DM can be enforced in three ways:
DM Classification First, if a complaint is discovered, a BG check of 200
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus are heterogeneous mg/dL is adequate to confirm the diagnosis of DM
diseases because the clinical manifestations and course (13,15,35). For benchmark DM diagnosis, the second
of the disease can vary (15,25,26). Determination of result of fasting BG levels of 126 mg/dL is also used. (34)
classification is very important to determine therapy, but The findings of the testing of glucose levels in new blood
there are some individuals who cannot be classified with once are not normal for the group without symptoms
certainty as to whether having type 1 diabetes or type 2 indicative of DM, although they are strong enough to
diabetes at the time of diagnosis. The old paradigm that establish a clinical diagnosis of DM (36,37). Further
type 2 diabetes only occurs in adults and type 1 diabetes validation is required in this scenario by obtaining the
only occurs in children is no longer used because both number no normal, a good fasting BG level of 126 mg/
types can occur at any age (24). dL, or BG levels of 200 mg/dL on other days, or from
aberrant oral glucose tolerance test results. The last one,
Diagnosis of DM determined by the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT),
The diagnosis of DM is made on the basis of checking has 2-hour plasma glucose levels of less than 200 mg/dL
BG levels (20). In 2005, the WHO recommended that, (11.1 mmol/L). The OGTT must be performed according
as our guideline, the current WHO diagnostic criteria to WHO guidelines, with a glucose load of 75 grams of
for diabetes should be maintained at fasting BG level of glucose anhydrous dissolved in water (37–39).
7.0 mmol/l (126 mg/dl) or plasma glucose for 2 hours –
11.1 mmol/l (200 mg/dl) dl) (16,25,27,28). Despite the Preoperative Management
limitations of the data on which the diagnostic criteria The type of diabetes, glucose control, diagnostic time (a
for diabetes are based, the current criteria distinguish predictor of chronic problems), pharmacological therapy
between groups with increased premature death and (oral, noninsulin, or insulin injectable antidiabetic
increased risk of microvascular and cardiovascular medicines), dose and timing of drug administration
complications (1). On the other hand, the recommended should all be clarified during the initial examination
BG test is an enzymatic glucose test using venous plasma of DM patients.(40) The disorder’s dangerous risk
blood (7,13,27). factors for arterial blockages should be identified (sleep
deprivation, poor lifestyle such as smoking, lack of
The results of treatment can be monitored by using a exercise, hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history)
BG meter to perform capillary BG checks (29). The (11,18). Communication with the patient and family
diagnosis cannot be made based on the presence of prior to surgery is critical for confirming preoperative
diabetes. Various complaints can be found in DM insulin and fasting instructions (1,28,41,42). For all non-
patients. If presented with typical complaints, such emergency treatments, the patient should fast for up
as polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and unexplained to two hours before the procedure, glucose-free clear
weight loss, the possibility of DM should be considered fluids should be recommended to prevent hypovolemia,
DM (4). Other accompanying complaints are weakness, and sugar-containing clear fluids should be considered
tingling, itching, blurred eyes and erectile dysfunction in to treat hypoglycemia (38,43,44).
men, and genital itching in women (4,7,18).
Acceptance of patients undergoing elective surgery
The ADA states (30,31) that, when the BG level of should take place 1-2 days prior to surgery to ensure that
symptomatic patients is more than 11.1 mmol/L, the the goal BG value is met (18). If the patient’s BG value
diagnosis of DM must be established. Symptomatic is in the 180 mg/dl range, surgery can be scheduled
patients with fasting BG> 7 mmol/L (6.1 mmol/L BG) without further care, but if the number is between 181-
will be reviewed at another day (25). If it is still higher 300 mg/dl, an insulin pump may be considered before
than the limit, DM will be diagnosed (11,12,32). The surgery (39,40,44,45).
ADA defines fasting BG between 6.1 and 7.0 (5.6-6.1
concentration BG) as impaired fasting BG (12). In addition to the incidence of hyperglycemia, the
frequency of hypoglycemia must be assessed since it surgery lasts >2 hours and requires a long postoperative
interferes with preoperative medication management, fasting time) so that a DM patient, should be listed first
as well as the frequency of hospitalization for glycemic for surgery, shortening the preoperative fasting period
control (acute decompensation) (3,4,46). The patient’s and allowing food consumption. The fasting period
ability to measure his blood sugar and comprehend the for solid foods should last at least six hours, and the
concepts of diabetes medication should be assessed, as it fasting period for clear fluids (no milk, no carbonated
has an impact on their perioperative management (2,24). beverages) should last at least two hours (2,5,9).
The HbA1c test (hemoglobin A1c/glycohemoglobin) is
highly recommended in pre-anesthesia preparation for Diabetes patients may have regional or general
DM patients because it is an examination that measures anesthesia, but any type of anesthetic helps reduce
the average HbA1c or glycosylated hemoglobin level the stress reaction to surgery (5). For example, spinal
over three months, indicating how well BG has been or epidural anesthetic boosts catecholamine secretion,
controlled for the previous three months(40,47,48). preventing hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis, and this
effect might extend for several days after surgery, but
The following are the categories of HbA1c results, it can also create difficulties (28). Because severe
according to the American Diabetes Association: 6.0% hypoglycemia impairs consciousness, recovery from
for normal HbA1c, 6.0–6.4% for prediabetes, and 6.5% general anesthesia may be delayed. Beta blockers raise
for diabetic HbA1c. As a result, for persons who have blood sugar levels in those who don’t have diabetes, but
diabetes mellitus, in general, it is expected that good they also interfere with glucose homeostasis and hide
therapy would result in a positive outcome; HbA1c hypoglycemia symptoms in diabetics (1).
levels can fall to 6.5% (49–52).
To lessen the risk of stomach acid aspiration, patients
If the HbA1c test result is over the usual range, it with suspected gastroparesis should be given prokinetic
indicates the need to adopt diabetes-related lifestyle medications before receiving general anesthesia.
adjustments.(53) Meanwhile, the previous treatment Furthermore, the optimum hemodynamic regimen
for diabetes patients must be adjusted to the condition. should be applied on a continuous basis, with the
Changes in treatment are most likely to include the type understanding that hypotension can occur in diabetic
of medicine used and the dosage (23). autonomic neuropathy (1,2,23,29). During the
intraoperative stage, hemodynamic monitoring, which
The diabetes state of the patient, as well as surgical risk includes blood pressure, pulse, body temperature,
factors, should be assessed. The anesthetic method to and respiratory blood pressure, is performed every
be utilized, the specifics of the surgery to be done, and five minutes to avoid unexpected spikes, which might
laboratory values are all significant considerations.(54) further damage the ocular vessels and put the patient’s
Potential difficulties must be recognized, treated, and overall condition in jeopardy. Regularly checking skin
stabilized before surgery in the case of elective surgery. color and body temperature aids in the early detection of
The major goal of preoperative evaluation is to assess hypoglycemia (2,29). Precautions to take during surgery,
metabolic control and diabetes-related comorbidities both during anesthesia and surgery, include that aseptic
such as cardiovascular disease, autonomic illness, and sterile technique must be strictly adhered to in
neuropathy, and nephropathy (52,55). order to avoid problems, infection risk, and neuropathy
Furthermore, cardiovascular system abnormalities
such as ischemic events must be considered; therefore, Other considerations need to identify the administration
all DM patients should be tested at least with an ECG of general anesthesia and the type of anesthetic induction
echocardiogram.(3) Patients with diabetic autonomic drug, such as propofol, that will be responsible for the
neuropathy are more likely to develop perioperative decreased lipid metabolism ability in DM patients;
hypotension, thus there is a need to look for resting therefore, the drug should be used with caution. A
tachycardia, peripheral neuropathy, and orthostatic single dose of propofol is thought to be almost risk-
hypotension. To rule out the likelihood of diabetic free; however, prolonged intravenous/bolus/infusion
nephropathy, serum urea and creatinine clearance level for sedation in intensive care may raise the risk of
(CCR) should be assessed. Acute renal failure is more hyperlipidemia (4,5,24,25).
likely in diabetic people with inadequate creatinine
clearance or proteinuria (49,56,57). Furthermore, because DM patients usually have difficulty
with their airways (stiff joint syndrome), the intubation
Intraoperative Management protocol needs professional talents and experience with
Patients with diabetes should be treated with great these conditions, and the patient’s quality of life will
care, with intraoperative considerations and the use of increase significantly (1,5).
anesthetics and analgesics in the intraanesthetic induction
phase used sparingly. Analgesia and anesthesia are used a. Type 1 DM: If morning BG is at least 126 mg/dL,
to assist prevent stress hyperglycemia (21,26). Major half of the whole morning insulin should be given
subcutaneously. Blood sugar levels should be tested one result in a daily starting basal dose of 30 units of insulin
hour before surgery, at least once during operation, and (65). Dedicated pharmacists or diabetic specialists are
every two hours afterward. When the patient begins to available at some hospitals to assist with the transition
eat, routine insulin delivery begins(58). from IV to subcutaneous insulin. It has been established
that using a specialized team to manage diabetes in
b. Type 2 DM: Blood sugar should be monitored one patients reduces readmission rates by 30 days, lowers
hour before surgery and at least once throughout the diabetes inpatient costs, and improves follow-up and
procedure, and the oral hypoglycemic regimen stopped transition to care. Furthermore, if the diabetic team is
on the day of surgery. If the morning blood sugar level is consulted during the first 24 hours of admission, the
at least 126 mg/dL, patients previously receiving therapy length of stay is greatly reduced (28).
insulin should have subcutaneous insulin injection
with a dose equal to half of the whole morning dose In hospitals, insulin therapy is still the standard of care.
(55,59,60). Blood sugar levels need to be tested after During the perioperative period, there will be two
surgery. If the patient’s blood sugar level is at least groups of diabetic patients: those who were previously
150 mg/dL in the morning (other sources 126 mg/dL), on insulin and those who were not. Table I summarizes
patient insulin is usually given at half dose SC morning the various insulin kinds, as well as their onset and
administration, followed by infusion glucose 5% 1.5 cc/ duration of action, and divides them into basal and bolus
hour. categories for use in the following lectures (40,41).
Next, in the operating room, isolate other IV access for For glucose control, patients with diabetes who have
a 5% dextrose infusion from other fluid administration been treated with subcutaneous insulin, oral medicines,
channels. Check blood sugar every two hours or non-insulin injectable therapy but do not require
commencing after insulin administration, every one IV insulin infusions, frequently require basal insulin
hour intraoperatively, and 2-4 hours after surgery therapy in the hospital (1,5,20). If basal insulin demands
(10,14,21,32). When the patient’s blood sugar falls are unknown, 0.1 to 0.25 units/kg/day is a good place
below 100 mg/dL, dextrose supplements should be to start (66). Patients with insulin sensitivity (BMI type
given (every ml of 50% glucose can boost BG by about 1), the elderly, or having poor renal function should be
2 mg/day dL in adults weighing 70 kg). If intraoperative started at the lower end of the range. Obese or insulin-
hyperglycemia (>150-180 mg/dL) arises, intravenous resistant patients often require larger basal insulin doses.
insulin can be given at a dose utilizing a sliding scale. When the patient is eating well, pre-meal insulin (0.1
One unit of insulin can reduce blood sugar levels by 20 to 0.25 units/kg/day, or 0.03 to 0.08 units/kg/meal) is
to 30 milligrams per day (61–64). frequently required (67).
Basal Insulin Long-Acting: Reduce the dose by 20–25 percent the night before or the day Continue reduced dose while NPO
of operation.
Half-dose NPH (intermediate-acting)
All daily dosages are premixed, and the basal insulin is half as long-act-
All of your insulin should be pre-mixed.
Prandial If there is indications of over-covering on the day before surgery, reduce Hold until there is reliable prandial
Insulin coverage for the last meal. intake
The day of operation will be postponed.
NPO, nothing per Oral.
NPH, Neutral Protamine Hagedorn
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