Persuasive Essay Sample High School
Persuasive Essay Sample High School
Persuasive Essay Sample High School
Writing a persuasive essay, especially one tailored for a high school audience, presents its own set of
challenges. Firstly, selecting a compelling topic that resonates with both the writer and the intended
audience is crucial. High school students are a diverse group with varied interests and opinions, so
finding a topic that engages them can be challenging.
Crafting a persuasive thesis statement that clearly conveys the writer's stance is another hurdle. The
thesis must be specific, debatable, and interesting, setting the tone for the entire essay. Developing
strong supporting arguments and evidence is equally demanding. High school essays require
thorough research to provide credible and relevant information that persuades the reader.
Maintaining a coherent structure is essential for the essay's effectiveness. Balancing the introduction,
body paragraphs, and conclusion while ensuring a logical flow of ideas demands careful planning.
Furthermore, adapting the language and tone to resonate with a high school audience without
undermining the essay's persuasiveness adds an extra layer of complexity.
Moreover, the challenge lies in addressing potential counterarguments and effectively refuting them.
A successful persuasive essay anticipates opposing views and addresses them thoughtfully,
reinforcing the strength of the writer's position.
Editing and revising are integral steps in essay writing, requiring a keen eye for detail. Ensuring
clarity, coherence, and grammatical correctness demands time and effort. It's crucial to step back,
review the essay objectively, and make necessary revisions to enhance its overall impact.
In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay for a high school audience involves navigating through
multiple challenges, from topic selection to crafting a compelling thesis, presenting strong arguments,
maintaining a coherent structure, addressing counterarguments, and refining the language. It's a
process that demands dedication, critical thinking, and effective communication skills.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, there are resources
available. provides services to support your academic writing needs, offering a
range of essay examples and professional assistance to help you succeed in your writing endeavors.
Persuasive Essay Sample High SchoolPersuasive Essay Sample High School
Health Issues Of Health Informatics
Health Informatics has been around for ages, but over the pass ten plus years the
profession has increased with higher demand. Health informatics is one of the nation s
largest growth industries. Health informatics has grown as a discipline with
specialization in areas within the health profession. This field of study incorporates
procedure, theories and concepts from computer information science. As the medical
profession increases so do the health data security and privacy has become a major
growing concern. The main concern is protecting the privacy of medical patient
information. Over the past few years there have been numerous medical information
breaches, either by hackers or employees. Meanwhile, companies are being faced with
security issues that result in expensive fines. On the other hand, there s pro s and con s to
health information and with this is different kinds of software. Overall, health informatics
is changing along with health care.
On the contrary, health informatics is defined as study of resources and methods for the
management of health information. Meanwhile, the practice itself is supported by
medical practice which involves electronic health records, electronic medical records and
health information. These kinds of technology are used for patient care known as clinical
informatics. There are numerous sub specialties that go along with informatics here are a
few: Public Health, Biomedical, and Clinical Informatics. Informatics computer
Fog In North America
1). Introduction Fog is one of the dangerous weather, which reduces visibility for
drivers, and can cause accidents or even death. In North America, fog occurs
sometimes, but in some areas, it occurs almost every day. There are five places where
fog occurs almost every day. The names of those places are Grand Banks
(Newfoundland), Point Reyes (California), Cape Disappointment (Washington), and
San Francisco (California), Mistake Island (Maine), (Higgins 2015). To reduce
vehicular accidents in thick fog, every driver should reduce speed, check the weather
forecast before driving, and also public awareness in important. 1.1 Definition of Fog
According to the dictionary, fog is defined as a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water
droplets or... Show more content on ...
This type of fog can be seen on Pacific Coast during summer because the ground water
in this coast is very cold then the offshore (Ahrens, Samson 98). 3)Upslope Fog: When
mountains, plains, and slopes have an upward breeze, it causes upslope fog. This fog
can occur on the eastern side of the Rockies during the winter and spring (Ahrens,
Samson 99). 4)Evaporation Fog: Evaporation fog forms as a result of the mixing of
two unsaturated air masses. The steam fog means when the colder air passes over the
warm air. It is kind of evaporation fog ( Net Industries ). 2). Role Description It is a
fact that The North Pacific High is semi permanent. It s also an anticyclone located in
the pacific in the northeastern portion. Its geographical location is northeast of Hawaii
and west of California. California has a very dry summer and fall because of it. It s
also responsible for a wet winter and spring. Hawaii also sees year round trade winds
for this reason ( Wikipedia ). Wind power mills constructed off. Shore mostly on the
continental shelf produce electricity. Offshore wind produces much more energy than
land based farms. Offshore produces more energy, but it comes at a much higher cost (
Offshore wind
Huffington V. Tc Group, Llc, 637 F. 3d 18
Case: Huffington v. TC GROUP, LLC, 637 F. 3d 18 Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit 2011
This case takes place in the Supreme Court of Delaware. It is a civil case that has been
appealed by the plaintiff following a trial court decision. The Supreme Court agreed
with the entire of trial s court decision but denied part of the Defendants application. The
case was decided in April 18, 2012. Issue: Should the Court rule as time barred the
Plaintiff s claims which he makes under the Massachusetts Blue Sky securities fraud
statute and as lacking as a matter of law the Plaintiff s claim on the Defendants unfair
trade practices? Facts: the Plaintiff, Micheal Huffington, is a former Congressman and a
good investment experience. He describes himself as a conservative investor. On July 4,
2006, he learned of Carlyle and was introduced to its founder, principal, and managing
agent, David Rubenstein with whom he discussed Carlyles investments. The latter
described Carlyle as a firm that invests in private equity. Being as a conservative investor,
Huffington initially expressed his reservations about investing in private equity based
funds. Rubenstein assured him that he would look for low risk investment products that
would fit in with Huffington s conservative philosophy. On October 20, 2006, in another
meeting between the two, Rubenstein returned with the news that Carlyle had
conservative investment strategy with low risk investment. He went on to present