College Essay Forum
College Essay Forum
College Essay Forum
Crafting an essay on the topic of "College Essay Forum" poses a unique set of challenges that require
a delicate balance of personal expression, research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject
matter. First and foremost, the task demands a deep exploration of the intricacies surrounding college
essay forums, including their significance, evolution, and impact on the college application process.
One of the primary challenges lies in the need to strike a harmonious chord between personal
experiences and broader discussions related to the forum. The writer must navigate through their
own encounters with such platforms, articulating how these interactions have shaped their
understanding of the college application landscape. Simultaneously, they should incorporate a
broader perspective, delving into the experiences of other users and the overall dynamics of the
Furthermore, maintaining a balance between objectivity and subjectivity can be tricky. While sharing
personal anecdotes and reflections, the writer must remain unbiased in their assessment of the
advantages and disadvantages of college essay forums. This requires a keen analytical eye to
critically evaluate the effectiveness of these platforms without falling prey to personal biases or
anecdotal fallacies.
Research also plays a pivotal role in crafting a comprehensive essay. Staying abreast of the latest
trends in college admissions, the impact of forums on diverse student populations, and potential
drawbacks or controversies associated with these platforms is essential. This not only adds depth to
the narrative but also establishes the essay's credibility.
Structuring the essay poses yet another hurdle. Finding the right sequence to present arguments,
anecdotes, and supporting evidence requires careful consideration. The writer must ensure a logical
flow that engages the reader while maintaining clarity and coherence throughout.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic of "College Essay Forum" necessitates a multifaceted
approach. Successfully navigating through personal experiences, objective analysis, thorough
research, and effective structure is no small feat. Yet, it is through this intricate weaving of elements
that a compelling and insightful essay can emerge.
And for those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, a valuable
resource is , where a range of writing services can be accessed to simplify the
complexities of essay composition.
College Essay Forum College Essay Forum
Analyzing Hemingway s Short Story “Hills Like White...
Analyzing Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway s short story Hills like white elephants at first glance is difficult to
understand. It undoubtedly causes most readers to go over it multiple times to grasp
exactly what is taking place. The way the story is written is so complex with the 50/50
mixture of traditional storytelling and an abundance of character to character dialogue as
well. That s not the best part; the story s setting means everything to it. The Train station
setting ties in to the plot of the story, the characters behavior, and even the point of view
that the story is being told from.
The story is about a man and a woman discussing the sensitive subject of abortion. They
are at a train station waiting for their train while ... Show more content on
Far away, beyond the river, were mountains. The shadow of a cloud moved across the
field of grain and she saw the river through the trees. And we could have all this, she
said. And we could have everything and every day we make it more impossible. At that
time she was wondering if not going through with it was best for the two of them.
Shortly after that the girl sat back at the table she took a glance at the barren land
opposite of the train tracks and seemed a bit agitated as you can see from the quote.
Would you please please please please please please please stop talking? (119). Like
the green side this side also reflected what could be her future but if she gets the
procedure done. You do not get to find out what her decision is but the setting sure
played a part in the choice by putting the two sides into
##arison Of Realism In The Notorious Jumping Frog Of...
In the mid nineteenth century, a literary movement began in America as a form of
rejection of romanticism. This movement was called Realism. In contrast to
romanticism, which promoted idealism, positivism, and subjectivity, Realism was a
literary technique which attempted to portray the society as it was presented in the
ordinary life. One of the pioneer of Realism was Henry James. In his essay Art of Fiction
he described realism not as an attempt to picture someone s life experiences but rather
as a way to evoke a sense of reality in the mind (554) on the reader. Although Mark Twain
s short story The Notorious Jumping Frogof Calaveras County was written fifteen years
before this approach of realism, it is an example of realism as defined by Henry James,
for it succeeds to create an illusion of reality by using three capital tools: the plausibility
of the event, the emphasis on the characters, and the stress on the details of the
According to Henry James, one of the characteristics of realism is the plausibility of
the event. For him, a good novel uses imagination to create a story that can be
plausible in real life. He argues that experience is never limited, and it is never
complete; it is an immense sensibility, a kind of huge spider web of the finest silken
threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness, and catching every air borne
particle in its tissue (James 554), and [experience] is the very atmosphere of the mind
(James 554). He also gives
I Have A Dream Metaphor
I Have A Dream Literary Analysis The Martin Luther King speech is a well known,
powerful speech. It was given to fight for the black Civil Rights Movement. Martin
Luther King Jr. had a huge impact on the change of that time period due to his famous
speech. But what did Dr. King do to make his speech so memorable? I have a dream
was one line that stood out the most. That is because Dr. King made it into an anaphora.
He also got the crowd s attention by starting his speech strong with some metaphors.
These rhetorical devices really increased the speech s greatness. The main rhetorical
device Martin Luther King Jr. used was anaphora. He used this technique many times
throughout his speech. Dr. King started the speech with an anaphora. His... Show more
content on ...
In paragraph 3, Martin Luther King used his first metaphor. One hundred years later,
the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the
chains of discrimination. This metaphor is saying how society in 1963 limited blacks
rights. It s a metaphor because there can t be real chains on discrimination, but what
Dr. King means by this is that the Negroes still are being judged by the color of their
skin and they aren t aloud to do anything about it. In paragraph 5, Martin Luther King
uses another big metaphor. America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check
which has come back marked insufficient funds. America didn t really give the Negro
people a check, but what he means by this is that society doesn t care about the
Negroes and they won t help them out. African Americans in this time were very
looked down upon because they were viewed as lesser people. The white people acted
as if they were better than them and thought they shouldn t need to share public places
or objects with the blacks. That is what this metaphor is trying to express. The
metaphors in this speech go hand in hand with some of the anaphoras. The metaphor in
paragraph 3 follows before and after Dr. King s first anaphora, One hundred years later .
The metaphor in paragraph 5 leads before the anaphora, We refuse to
Individual Analysis of Working in a Group Situation Essay
Abstract In this paper I will describe and analyze my experience working in a group
situation, writing a paper on the movie 12 Angry Men. I will address therapeutic
communication techniques used in our group situation. I will address any conflicts
that arose in our group. Utilizing Tuckman s group process theory, I will also address
the effectiveness of our group process. Individual Analysis of Working in a Group
Situation Learning how to work effectively in a group situation is key to success in
many professions as well as in social situations. Groups vary from each other based on
the individuals that make up each group, all of us belong to various groups at one time
or another. The roles that we fulfill vary from group to... Show more content on ...
Our group was able to effectively function without a designated leader. As a group, we
had many strengths. I believe one of our biggest strengths was our effective
communication. When we met in person all the members of our group used therapeutic
communication such as active listening, paraphrasing, and summarizing. We were all
very respectful of each other and maintained eye contact and receptive nonverbal
communication. There were several times during the movie that we paused the movie to
discuss the jurors ages, professions, or the dynamics between the different jurors.
Normally it wouldn t be acceptable to repeatedly pause a movie for discussion, but it was
widely accepted among our group and did not cause any conflicts. Another form of
communication that our group used was the internet. It enabled us to receive papers via
email attachment, and then download, print, edit, and return the changes at our own
leisure. The only drawback with using the internet for communication is the lack of
acknowledgement. In the future I will make sure that I ask the recipient to acknowledge
that they have received my communication. Groups do not always start off fully formed
and functioning. Bruce Tuckman s model of the developmental sequence in small groups
suggests that groups grow through clearly defined stages, from their creation as groups of
Identity In A Double Impulse And In Another Country
The Journey to Identity in A Double Impulse and In Another Country
The narrator in A Double Impulse, by James D. and Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, faces
an issue with her identity. She is a young Japanese American in school that is starting
to realize that people see her differently because of race. People at her new school don t
expect her to speak English, she isn t allowed to be friends with some kids because of
their parents, and she is not allowed to join girl scouts with her friend. Her whole family
struggles because of the racial discrimination that they face.
In Ernest Hemingway s In Another Country, the narrator also faces an issue with his
identity. He is a wounded American soldier who is going through therapy at an Italian
hospital with
How Women Are Treated in India
In many parts of the world females still have very little rights. Indeed, equality between
men and women have been accepted by the majority of the developed countries, but
developing countries still struggle to see women as equals to men, and India is one of
the worst. Currently, the Indian National Congress Party is only 10% female, limiting the
say women get. In India, women are definitely not seen as equals to men are being
treated like second rate citizens. It also really says something about the inequality in a
country when its women are so used to being treated badly most of them do not even
recognize that they have rights. In India, men were always valued more than women,
which is why an estimated ten million female foetuses are aborted every year. The lack
of females in areas leads to crimes like human trafficking for sexual reasons like giving
birth to more children. Old traditions and beliefs are the main reasons to why millions
of female foetuses are aborted every year, but it is also the reason behind bride burning,
another serious issue in India.
Bride burning, also known as dowry death occurs quite frequently in India. It is when
the husband or the in laws decide that the dowry the bride offers is not enough and
demands more. If the bride refuses or is financially not able to increase her dowry, she
is tortured until she either agrees or dies; otherwise she is murdered by her family . The
husbands and the in laws usually disguise the deaths as accidents or