IE5121 23S1 Quality Planning & Management
IE5121 23S1 Quality Planning & Management
IE5121 23S1 Quality Planning & Management
Continuous Assessment:
Project: 40% (Details will be given at a later date)
Prof Goh Thong Ngee
Industrial Systems Engineering
& Management Department Final Examination: 60% (3 hours; open book)
What is Quality?
Quality – What is it?
Webster’s Dictionary
degree of excellence of a thing
Quality: 3P ~ 3 levels
I: ABC (Personal)
II: ABC (Profession)
III: KPI (Performance)
Dimensions of Quality:
Dimensions of Quality: Service (more later)
Service (cont.)
Accessibility and convenience
How easy is it to obtain service?
Does a service representative answer you calls quickly?
How are customers treated by employees?
Are catalogue phone operators nice and are their
Is the service performed right every time?
voices pleasant?
Is your bank or credit card statement correct every month?
Consistency Responsiveness
Is the same level of service provided to each How well does the company react to unusual situations?
customer each time? How well is a telephone operator able to respond to a customer’s
Is your newspaper delivered on time every morning? questions?
Quality from the
Producer’s Perspective
Quality of Conformance
Making sure a product or service is produced according
to design
if new tires do not conform to specifications, they wobble
if a hotel room is not clean when a guest checks in, the hotel is
not functioning according to specifications of its design
Quality in the Marketplace Summary of Interpretations of Quality
Meaning of Quality
Fitness for
Consumer Use
Modern day customer satisfaction
Tangible & confined
SERVICE Immediate
Dispersed Locations