IE5121 23S1 Quality Planning & Management

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IE5121 23S1

IE5121 Quality Planning & Management

Quality Planning and
Class time:
Tuesdays, 6:00pm – 9:00pm (EA 06-03)

Continuous Assessment:
Project: 40% (Details will be given at a later date)
Prof Goh Thong Ngee
Industrial Systems Engineering
& Management Department Final Examination: 60% (3 hours; open book)

IE5121 Quality Planning & Managment

Preliminary Schedule

Calendar Topics (Subject to variation)

Wk 1 Course overview
Wk 2 Internal & external perspectives
Wk 3 Quality monitoring & improvement
Wk 4 Analytical modeling
Wk 5 Process capability analysis
Wk 6 Control chart principles
Wk 7 Six Sigma framework
Wk 8 Data techniques
Wk 9 Empirical quality improvement
Wk 10 Modelling & applications
Wk 11 Alternative strategies & screening
Wk 12 Industrial R&D
Wk 13 Overall review
Final Examination
[A journal of ASQ – American Society for Quality]

All related to Quality….

What is Quality?
Quality – What is it?

 Webster’s Dictionary
 degree of excellence of a thing

 American Society for Quality

 totality of features and characteristics that
satisfy needs

 Consumer’s and Producer’s Perspectives

Quality: 3P ~ 3 levels
I: ABC (Personal)
II: ABC (Profession)
III: KPI (Performance)

A: Attitude (internal to the person)

B: Behavior (actual work of the person)
C: Capabilities – training; knowledge; application (potential of the person)

A: Academia – exploration of ideas and creation of techniques

B: Business – actual application of ideas and techniques
C: Customers – ultimate objective and judgment of Q; can be individuals or market-wide

K: Knowledge – knowing what techniques are available and applicable

P: People – responsible for tools selection, also judgment, strategies, organization, etc
I: Innovation – assurance of business competitiveness; sustainability
“Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for
efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write". Various Perspectives on Quality

Quality from the

Consumer’s Perspective
 Fitness for use
 how well product or service
does what it is supposed to
 Quality of design
 designing quality
characteristics into a product
or service
 A Mercedes and a Ford are
equally “fit for use,” but with
different design dimensions
Dimensions of Quality: Dimensions of Quality:
Manufactured Products Manufactured Products (cont.)
 Performance
 Conformance
 basic operating characteristics of a product; how well
a car is handled or its gas mileage  degree to which a product meets pre–established
 Features
 “extra” items added to basic features, such as a  Durability
stereo CD or a leather interior in a car  how long product lasts before replacement
 Reliability  Serviceability
 probability that a product will operate properly within  ease of getting repairs, speed of repairs, courtesy and
an expected time frame; that is, a TV will work
without repair for about seven years competence of repair person
Dimensions of Quality: Dimensions of Quality:
Manufactured Products (cont.) Service (primary considerations)
 Aesthetics
 Time and Timeliness
 how a product looks, feels, sounds, smells, or
tastes  How long must a customer wait for service, and is
it completed on time?
 Safety
 Is an overnight package delivered overnight?
 assurance that customer will not suffer injury
or harm from a product; an especially  Completeness:
important consideration for automobiles  Is everything customer asked for provided?
 Perceptions  Is a mail order from a catalogue company complete
 subjective perceptions based on brand name, when delivered?
advertising, and the like

Dimensions of Quality:
Dimensions of Quality: Service (more later)
Service (cont.)
 Accessibility and convenience
 How easy is it to obtain service?
 Courtesy:
 Does a service representative answer you calls quickly?
 How are customers treated by employees?
 Accuracy
 Are catalogue phone operators nice and are their
 Is the service performed right every time?
voices pleasant?
 Is your bank or credit card statement correct every month?
 Consistency  Responsiveness
 Is the same level of service provided to each  How well does the company react to unusual situations?
customer each time?  How well is a telephone operator able to respond to a customer’s
 Is your newspaper delivered on time every morning? questions?
Quality from the
Producer’s Perspective

 Quality of Conformance
 Making sure a product or service is produced according
to design
 if new tires do not conform to specifications, they wobble
 if a hotel room is not clean when a guest checks in, the hotel is
not functioning according to specifications of its design
Quality in the Marketplace Summary of Interpretations of Quality
Meaning of Quality

 Consumer’s and producer’s perspectives

depend on each other Producer’s Perspective Consumer’s Perspective

 Consumer’s perspective: PRICE

Quality of Conformance Quality of Design
 Producer’s perspective: COST
Production • Conformance to Marketing
 Consumer’s view - must dominate? specifications
• Quality characteristics
• Price
• Cost

Fitness for
Consumer Use
Modern day customer satisfaction

Tangible & confined
SERVICE Immediate

Dispersed Locations


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