Belonging Essays
Belonging Essays
Belonging Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Belonging" can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires a deep
exploration of a complex and nuanced concept. The difficulty arises from the subjective nature of
belonging, as it encompasses various dimensions such as personal identity, cultural affiliations, and
social connections. Capturing the essence of belonging requires a thoughtful analysis of one's
experiences, relationships, and the impact of external factors on the sense of belonging.
To begin with, delving into the personal realm involves introspection and self-awareness, which can
be an intricate process. Understanding the intricacies of one's identity, the factors that shape it, and
the dynamics of inclusion or exclusion can be both enlightening and emotionally taxing. Expressing
these reflections coherently in an essay demands a delicate balance between vulnerability and
analytical prowess.
Moving beyond the personal, addressing the broader societal aspects of belonging involves grappling
with cultural, social, and historical dimensions. It necessitates research and a comprehensive
understanding of various perspectives to present a well-rounded view. Juggling different viewpoints
while maintaining a cohesive narrative adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of belonging involves navigating the intricate landscape
of personal identity and societal dynamics. It requires a careful balance of introspection, research,
and critical thinking to effectively convey the complexity of this multifaceted concept. As with any
challenging task, seeking guidance and support can be beneficial. If you find yourself struggling,
remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on , providing a resource for those seeking additional support in tackling the
complexities of writing on diverse and intricate topics.
Belonging Essays Belonging Essays
Nineteen Eighty Four Essay
Research Paper Imagine being under surveillance every day and every second of the
day. A stranger always knowing where you are and what you are doing at all times. It
is really terrifying to know someone is ALWAYS watching, yet many people brush off
this fact. We live in America the land of freedom but are we really free? Today is the
future, and we have advanced in technology, all the way from robots automatically
mopping your floor to having a personal assistant that assists your every need or
question you have right on your phone, but is that all they do? Or do they do more
than we know? Technology today is marketed as if we need it, but in reality, they re
sold to us in order to violate our privacy and help the government spy on us.... Show
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In the article Big Brother Is Watching You, Long Beach: New Police Surveillance
System Unveiled , it claims, The Long Beach Police Department has unveiled Long
Beach Common Operating Picture, also known as Long Beach COP, a new system
linking 400 cameras citywide both publicly and privately owned that produce video
feeds of Long Beach s parks, beaches, business corridors and other city sources to the
police department s communications center (Lloyd 2012, pg 76). LBPD is
technically watching every move in the locations that were listed in the statement
without the knowledge of the Long Beach citizens. This real world situation is similar
to that of the Oceania in the novel 1984 where it reads, The telescreen received and
transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very
low whisper, would be picked up by it; above moreover, so long as he remained within
the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as
heard. (Orwell 1949 pg.3) This compares to Long Beach by both the LBDP and Big
Brother both surveillancing their
Whole Foods Pestle
PESTLE Analysis Political Factors A Healthier You Government Strategy Reporting of
organic prices. Safety Inspections Services. Evaluation: POSITIVE impact Economic
Factors GDP: ↑ 3.9% in the 3rd qtr Real Personal Consumption expenditures ↑3.0% in
3rd qtr Disposable Personal Income ↑ 6.1 % in the 3rd qtr US Business Cycle: At slump
/ Wages/Labour European Markets: Weak dollar against Euro, Surging Energy Prices,
Increasing Interest Rates Evaluation: MODERATE impact PESTLE Analysis Socio
cultural Factors Population Demographics: aging and longer life expectancies.
Increasingly more health conscientiousness population. Social pressures regarding the
environment and animal welfare. Trend towards eating out... Show more content on ...
SWOT Analysis Strengths Uniquely Mission Driven. High Quality Standards. Clearly
Positioned Brand Image. Large geographical spread of stores. First Mover Advantage
and Market Leader for 25 years Experienced, Innovative Merchandisers.
Knowledgeable, Friendly and Experienced Staff. First National Certified Organic
grocer by Quality Assurance International. Largest grocery store in Manhattan. Ranked
by Fortune magazine as one of top 100 companies to work for in America, 5th place in
2007. SWOT Analysis Weaknesses High Prices Availability of Suppliers Growth of
Sales has slowed from double digit figures in the 1990 s to 7 9 percent range in 2001
2005. Growth Stage of Business Life Cycle Leveling off Approx. 64 stores less than
30,000 square feet, against strategy Comparable Store Sales Growth fell in 2005.
Perishables accounted for 65% of sales, potential for high wastage. SWOT Analysis
Opportunities Scope for gaining market share of total grocery stores sales in US
(natural organic foods hold 5.5% 2005) Acquire/merge with competitors. Market mostly
18 to 24 yr olds and 55 to 64 year olds, target other groups e.g. convalescent, children.
Encourage greater sales in areas other than fresh fruit and vegetables. Use major stores as
advertisement opportunities Expansion within United States and internationally (stores
in 31 US states). Cost cutting measures and reduce prices. SWOT Analysis
The Roman Architecture And Engineering
Imagine what the world would be like today; it would be a huge mess if we didn t have
roads or helpful structures that we take for granted every day and barely even think
about, what we don t think about is the history behind these unique frames of stone,
concrete, and wood. In 476 C.E. when Rome fell to the barbaric tribes, the Roman Empire
was done for, and had no chance of coming back to greatness; so why is it still looked
upon as an amazing feat of ruling? A legacy is a reminder of something, like an empire,
that was once great and inspired many things today, the way Roman architecture and
engineering has. If we didn t have any of these great Roman architectural feats, then
many people today wouldn t have a roof over their heads, and it would take much longer
to get from place to place. The Roman legacies were the Roman architecture and
engineering that has inspired and impacted millions of structures and helpful inventions.
I think that it is safe to say that Roman architecture and engineering has had the greatest
impact on today s society. The three most important Roman architectural feats are arches
and aqueducts, the Coliseum, and Roman roads. These three inspirational Roman
structures and feats of engineering has inspired thousands of modern day buildings that
we visit and use every day. Arches are an important legacy of the Roman Empire. The
Romans realized that arches used less material than walls, which saved money and
space! It saved space
The Negative Effects Of Gender Segregation In Schools
Not only can gender separate schools change individual s perception of their own
identity; they can also change the way one gender views another. In a segregated
environment, even with good intentions, children infer the groups differ in important
ways and develop biases. The study of Keener, Mehta and Strough (2013) examined the
association between gendersegregated peer preferences and sexism to find out if there
are negative consequences of gender segregation in schools . The researched proved,
«sexism was related to gender segregated peer preferences at school» , especially «that
gender segregated peer preferences are associated with sexism towards women during
adolescence.» (Keener et al, 2013, p.827 828) . This finding proved that in gender
segregated environment students can not learn from each other, of their unique
differences and, thus, are more prone to having stereotyped attitudes towards another
gender . Single sex schools cut off gender communication and confine students to one
sex while interacting between each other is a part of human nature. Benjamin Carr
(2016) wrote about another study concerning gender separation and its link to bias
development. This research «assigned children to novel social groups based on t shirt
color in either segregated or integrated summer school classrooms» and found out that
children segregated by t shirt color developed more in group bias than those who were
integrated (p. 561) . Segregation by the color of the t shirt
U.S. Municipal Solid Waste
In 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that Americans generated 250
million tons of municipal solid waste, MSW1, of which only 87 million tons were
recycled or composted ( Municipal Solid Waste , 1). This value, however, does not
represent the total amount waste generated by the United States since MSW only
accounts for 2 percent of total wastegenerated. As more trash is generated, space to
construct more landfills becomes an issue. In order to reduce the amount of solid waste
produced, the federal government must implement and enforce a new waste disposal
method that emphasizes compostingfood waste.
To begin with, in the U.S., trash is most commonly sent to a landfill, unfortunately
though, once it arrives there little ... Show more content on ...
Across the country cities have taken the initiative to reduce their carbon footprint and
enact stricter regulations for sorting trash and collecting it. As stated by Phuong Le of
the Seattle Times, Striving to reduce the trash it sends to landfills, Seattle has banned
foam take out containers and plastic bags, told residents they must recycle cardboard and
compost food scraps... ( Seattle Idea ). In order to eliminate excess waste from entering
landfills, Seattle has prohibited the distribution of non decomposable items and
encouraged composting and recycling. By introducing strict regulations on non
decomposable materials entering the city and having its citizens sort their own trash,
the amount of waste that a city sends to landfills will be reduced. Wheeler, journalist
for the Baltimore Sun, states, Recycling that food waste instead of burning it or
burying can save money...and converting it to compost can help grow new food by
enhancing depleted soils ( Maryland Firm ). Wasted food can be converted into
compost instead of being discarded in landfills can be used in the growth of new foods
while enhancing the soil around it. Since compost is rich in nutrients, the city not only
saves money by recycling food waste but it can also profit since the compost can be sold
to local farmers and gardeners.
History of Rawls
John Rawls wrote several highly influential articles in the 19950`s and 1960`s, his first
book, A Theory of Justice (1971), revitalized the social contract tradition, using it to
articulate and defend a detailed vision of egalitarian liberalism. In Political Liberalism
[PL] (1993), he recast the role of political philosophy, accommodating it to the
effectively permanent reasonable pluralism of religious, philosophical, and other
comprehensive doctrines or worldviews that characterize modern societies. He explains
how philosophers can characterize public justification and the legitimate, democratic use
of collective coercive power while accepting that pluralism. (Richardson)
Rawls believes that in a situation where a society is established of people who are self
interested, rational, and equal, the rules of justice are established by what is mutually
acceptable and agreed upon by all the people. This scenario of negotiating the laws of
that society that will be commonly agreed upon and beneficial to