Machine Bias Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination: June 2019

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Machine Bias Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination

Thesis · June 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10591.61607


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1 author:

Can Yavuz
Lund University


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Lund University

Can Yavuz

Machine Bias:
Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination

JAMM07 Master Thesis

International Human Rights Law

30 higher education credits

Supervisor: Karol Nowak

Term: Spring term 2019

The past decade has seen the rapid development of artificial intelligence. It has resulted in
extensive usage and reliance within many diverse fields that influences our daily lives as well
as human rights, and especially the prohibition of discrimination. The thesis examines artificial
intelligence discrimination and asks why and how it occurs, who is (more likely to be) affected
by it, and how policymakers should respond to protect human rights. The findings reveal that
artificial intelligence discriminates in various ways, and the most vulnerable and discriminated
groups are more likely to be victims of it. Many problems in the field stem from lack of
regulation and over-reliance on artificial intelligence. This thesis makes a preliminary
recommendation and invites policymakers to cautiously regulate artificial intelligence to
prevent artificial intelligence discrimination.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, human rights, discrimination, prohibition of discrimination,


Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... iii
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.3. Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Method ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.5. Material ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.6. Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 2
1.7. Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.8. Outline ............................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 2: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ........................................................................ 6
2.1. What is Artificial Intelligence? ....................................................................................... 6
2.2. A Short History and Current State of Artificial Intelligence .......................................... 9
2.3. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 3: PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION ........................................................ 15
3.1. What is Discrimination? ................................................................................................ 15
3.2. Discrimination Types .................................................................................................... 17
3.3. Protected Grounds ......................................................................................................... 20
3.4. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 25
DISCRIMINATION ................................................................................................................ 26
4.1. Establishing the Nexus .................................................................................................. 26
4.2. Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination Grounds ...................................................... 32
4.3. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER 5: CASE STUDIES............................................................................................... 44
5.1. Facial Recognition......................................................................................................... 44
5.2. Search Engines .............................................................................................................. 52
5.3. Risk Assessment Tools.................................................................................................. 58
5.4. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 64
CHAPTER 6: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND REGULATION .................................. 65
6.1. To Regulate Artificial Intelligence Before It Regulates Everything ............................. 65
6.2. How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Machine Discrimination ............... 72
6.3. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 74
CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................................... 76
Recommendations for Future Research ................................................................................... 78
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 79
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 96

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Different definitions of artificial intelligence ........................................................... 7
Figure 2 - Google Translate translations from genderless Turkish language to English ......... 34
Figure 3 - How gerrymandering occurs ................................................................................... 39
Figure 4 - How facial recognition works ................................................................................. 45
Figure 5- Three facial recognition systems’ accuracy rate on skin colors and genders .......... 46
Figure 6 - Google search results: Black vs. White teenagers .................................................. 54
Figure 7 - COMPAS’ risk score comparison: White vs. Black defendants ............................. 62

AI - Artificial intelligence
CEO - Chief executive officer
ECHR - European Convention on Human Rights
ECtHR - European Court of Human Rights
NGO - non-governmental organization
USA - United States of America

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the Swedish Institute for offering me a
scholarship, which enabled me to broaden my horizon on my passion, human rights. I also
would like to express my appreciation to my thesis supervisor Professor Karol Nowak for his
unparalleled support and feeding the thesis with thought-provoking ideas. And special thanks
to Emily and Jack for proofreading.

Writing this section evokes many memories of two marvelous years, which would not have
been possible without my family in Sweden. And my heartfelt appreciation goes to four friends.
I am deeply indebted to Ecem and Lidia who made me feel home in a dorm that I cannot
pronounce its name. And I am extremely grateful to Alessia and Luana for their endless energy
and love, which resulted in memorable brunches, potlucks, parties, trips, and festivities.


1.1. Background
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used in diversified areas. In healthcare, it assists in
detecting tumor and cancer, discovering new medicine, and operating surgery. The algorithms1
of Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify dominate online content consumption and suggest movies,
videos, and songs to people. Virtual assistants (Siri and Alexa) ease daily life, web mapping
services (Google Maps) forecast the best route; search engines enable the Internet users to find
relevant information on the Internet. Many AI applications are so well-integrated in daily life
that people do not realize the use of them.

After witnessing these assets of AI, the research entirely aimed at developing it further and
forgotten impact assessments. It has become clear the scales have been tipped in favor of
technological development over the respect for human rights. Today, data-driven tech
companies make the right to privacy optional. Autonomous weapons imperil the right to life.
Filter bubble2, AI-driven online disinformation, and AI-content moderation undermine
freedom of speech. Freedom of assembly is near threatened by facial recognition systems. AI-
assisted court decisions weaken right to a fair trial. And as will be unfolded in this thesis,
artificial intelligence can and does discriminate.

1.2. Purpose
“[F]acing possible futures of incalculable benefits and risks [of artificial intelligence], the experts are
surely doing everything possible to ensure the best outcome, right? Wrong. If a superior alien civilization
sent us a text message saying, ‘We will arrive in a few decades,’ would we just reply, ‘OK, call us when
you get here — we will leave the lights on’? Probably not — but this is more or less what is happening
with AI.3”

The purpose of this exploratory thesis is to investigate artificial intelligence discrimination:

how it occurs, the underlying reasons and potential victims of it, and how lawmakers address
these issues to prevent artificial intelligence discrimination.

Algorithm can be loosely described as “[a] finite suite of formal rules/commands, usually in the form of a
mathematical logic, that allows for a result to be obtained from input elements.” (Council of Europe Commissioner
for Human Rights, 2019, p. 24)
It is argued that to maximize clicks, search engines and social media platforms provide a personalized service to
users based on their past online behavior. This leads internet users to more frequently encounter the ideas and
people of the same mind. It is thought that filter bubble creates constant self-affirmation and echo chambers that
weakens freedom of thought.
(Hawking, Tegmark, Russell, & Wilczek, 2014)

1.3. Research Questions
This thesis seeks to answer the following research questions, namely:

• Why does artificial intelligence discriminate?

• How does artificial intelligence discriminate?
• Who is (more likely to be) discriminated by artificial intelligence?
• Should legislator regulate artificial intelligence?
• How should lawmakers regulate artificial intelligence to prevent artificial intelligence

1.4. Method
The thesis at hand is an exploratory and inter-disciplinary legal research that incorporates
various methodologies. The second and third chapter employ descriptive approach and aim to
clarify artificial intelligence and prohibition of discrimination; thereby, the following chapters
can build upon them. The fourth chapter aims to illustrate why, how, and who artificial
intelligence discriminates. The fifth chapter uses case study method and conducts an in-depth
examination of three crucial artificial intelligence applications (search engines, facial
recognition system, and risk assessment tools). The last examines why and how lawmakers
should regulate artificial intelligence.

1.5. Material
The thesis uses diversified research materials that include: books, academic articles and
researches; reports of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the United Nations, human
rights and artificial intelligence non-governmental organizations; national, regional, and
international human rights laws; case law of the American and Canadian high courts, the
European Court of Human Rights, and the European Court of Justice; reliable Internet news
sources, and credible opinion columns. The research materials are taken from various
disciplines and fields, including but not limited to, artificial intelligence, law, human rights
law, economics, politics, sociology, criminology, history, and linguistics.

1.6. Literature Review

Many researchers pointed out that artificial intelligence can severely and systematically
discriminate. Reaffirming that discrimination is a widespread and critical human rights issue
at present, and AI is capable of taking it to a higher tier, AI discrimination requires a great deal
of attention. However, to this author’s best knowledge, legal and human rights researchers have
paid little attention to artificial intelligence discrimination. It is true that some activists,

artificial intelligence researchers, and human rights non-governmental organizations (NGO)
have made artificial intelligence bias publicly known. After many AI discrimination cases hit
the headlines, legal researchers and international institutions showed an increased interest in
AI-bias, particularly in recent years. In 2018, the European Council published one of the most
comprehensive human rights reports on AI-driven discrimination and how to address it.4 In
their detailed investigation into AI-bias, Barocas and Selbst showed the importance of training
data in data mining5, how AI can discriminate vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, and the
shortcomings of American antidiscrimination law.6 The United Nations Special Rapporteur and
the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights raised concerns on AI discrimination
in their reports.7 Some experts shed light on AI discrimination in specific domains. Safiya
Noble made an impressive analysis of search engine discrimination.8 Joy Buolamwini9 and the
American Civil Liberties Union10 demonstrated facial recognition systems underperform on
women and people of color. ProPublica revealed how a leading risk assessment tool mislabels
Black defendants as high-risk offenders.11 The Council of Europe report underlined that
predictive justice tools generate discrimination in the judicial process.12
The number of published papers on AI has significantly increased in the last decade. This is
particularly true in machine learning13 and probabilistic reasoning, neural networks, computer
vision, and search and optimization.14 On the other hand, it is safe to argue that legal researchers
have not treated artificial intelligence and its impacts on human rights in much detail. Bearing
in mind that artificial intelligence is a dynamic and diverse field that has the potential to
dominate the future, further research and debate including the usage of a human rights lens and
multidisciplinary approaches are urgently required.

(Borgesius, 2018)
“Datamining makes it possible to analyze a large volume of data and bring out models, correlations and trends.”
(The Council of Europe, 2019)
(Barocas & Selbst, 2016)
(David K. , 2018), (Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, 2019)
(Noble, 2018),
(Buolamwini, 2018)
(Snow , 2018)
(Julia, Jeff, Surya, Lauren, & ProPublica, 2016)
(The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe, 2018)
The term machine learning refers to “[a] field of AI made up of a set of techniques and algorithms that can be
used to ‘train’ a machine to automatically recognize patterns in a set of data. By recognizing patterns in data, these
machines can derive models that explain the data and/or predict future data. In summary, it is a machine that can
learn without being explicitly programmed to perform the task.” (Council of Europe Commissioner for Human
Rights, 2019, p. 24)
(AI Index, 2018, p. 9)

1.7. Limitations
Due to practical constraints (such as limited time and legal resources, the complexity of the
thesis topic), the scope and quality of this thesis are restricted in several aspects. The reader
should bear in mind that the aim of this thesis is limited to conducting exploratory research.

Firstly, artificial intelligence is a convoluted and interdisciplinary field of study that requires
knowledge of many areas. The researcher’s lack of expertise in artificial intelligence and
interconnected domains may have adversely influenced the quality of the thesis. Turning to the
scope of the thesis, the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on human rights, particularly
the prohibition of discrimination, is a broad and complicated topic. In the long term, artificial
intelligence may create challenges that experts cannot foresee at present. Therefore, this thesis
does not attempt to address the long-term effects of artificial intelligence; instead, it focuses on
the current and near-future impacts. Another limitation concerns artificial intelligence
regulation. This thesis proposes the hypothesis that artificial intelligence should be regulated
to prevent AI discrimination and encourages lawmakers to be involved in the regulatory
process. Artificial intelligence regulation is a developing, complex, and far-reaching topic.
Thus, the thesis cannot provide a comprehensive review of it. Lastly, to limit the scope of the
thesis, it generally focuses on the United States of America (USA), the European Union, and
China, the leading actors in AI.15

1.8. Outline
This thesis consists of six chapters and the structure of it as follows.

• The first chapter focuses on the scope of the study: its background, purpose, research
questions, methodology, material, literature review, and delimitations.
• The second chapter is devoted to artificial intelligence and respectively discusses the
definition, history, current state, and future of artificial intelligence.
• The third chapter introduces the non-discrimination principle and covers the definition
of discrimination, discrimination types, and protected discrimination grounds.
• The fourth chapter analyzes artificial intelligence discrimination. Firstly, it establishes
the nexus between artificial intelligence and discrimination, then aims to uncover why,
how, and whom artificial intelligence discriminates. Subsequently, the chapter bridges
the connection between AI discrimination and protected grounds of discrimination.

(AI Index, 2018, p. 10)

• The fifth chapter concentrates on case studies and examines how facial recognition
systems, search engines, and risk assessment tools discriminate. The chapter aims to
address the root causes of AI discrimination as well as propose solutions.
• The last chapter examines artificial intelligence regulation. It discusses whether
artificial intelligence should be regulated, who should regulate AI, and how laws may
prevent artificial intelligence discrimination.


Artificial intelligence may be quite a technical concept. Therefore, this chapter’s principal
objective is to provide necessary background information on artificial intelligence. The chapter
will briefly discuss the definition, history, current state, and future of artificial intelligence.

2.1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Perhaps artificial intelligence is not a familiar term for many. This section aims to define
artificial intelligence. Further, many form opinions on artificial intelligence based on
Hollywood images that may not be a true representative of current reality. Therefore, the
section aims to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding artificial intelligence. The section
firstly will try to define artificial intelligence, then address the distinction between strong and
weak artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence became a buzzword in the last decade, but it is in the literature for some
time. The term “artificial intelligence” was invented in 1956 by John McCarthy, an American
computer scientist.16 Decades after the invention, artificial intelligence is considered a nebulous
term and a wide range of definitions are available in the doctrine.

An obscure term: In the view of two foremost researchers in the field, Norvig and Russell,
the term artificial intelligence embodies four different approaches: (1) thinking humanly, (2)
thinking rationally, (3) acting humanly, and (4) acting rationally. The figure below explains
different perspectives.

(Wichert, 2014, p. 1)

Figure 1 - Different definitions of artificial intelligence17

Thinking Humanly Thinking Rationally

“The exciting new effort to make computers “The study of mental faculties through the
think . . . machines with minds, in the full and use of computational models.”
literal sense.”

“[The automation of] activities that we “The study of the computations that make it
associate with human thinking, activities possible to perceive, reason, and act.”
such as decision-making, problem solving,
learning . . .”
Acting Humanly Acting Rationally
“The art of creating machines that perform “Computational Intelligence is the study of
functions that require intelligence when the design of intelligent agents.”
performed by people.”

“The study of how to make computers do “AI . . . is concerned with intelligent behavior
things at which, at the moment, people are in artifacts.”

Since the definition of artificial intelligence varies among researchers, it may be useful to see
more descriptions. A leading scholar, Winston, uses the term artificial intelligence refer to “the
study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act.18” Coppin cites a
well-known definition, “[a]rtificial [i]ntelligence involves using methods based on the
intelligent behavior of humans and other animals to solve complex problems.19” A further
definition of artificial intelligence is given by the Council of Europe as follows “[a] set of
sciences, theories and techniques whose purpose is to reproduce by a machine the cognitive
abilities of a human being. Current developments aim, for instance, to be able to entrust a
machine with complex tasks previously delegated to a human.20”

Less academic and straightforward definitions of artificial intelligence can be found in

dictionaries and encyclopedias. According to a definition provided by Encyclopedia
Britannica, artificial intelligence is “the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled
robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.21” For Cambridge
Dictionary Online, artificial intelligence means “the use of computer programs that have some

The figure is taken from (Norvig & Russell, 2010, p. 2)
(Patrick, 1992, p. 5)
(Coppin, 2004, p. 4)
(The Council of Europe, 2019)
(Copeland, 2019)

of the qualities of the human mind, such as the ability to understand language, recognize
pictures, and learn from experience.22”

As noted above, artificial intelligence remains a poorly defined term. It is argued that to define
intelligence is burdensome; therefore, it is difficult to define artificial intelligence.23 Another
issue is the diversity of artificial intelligence, which makes it challenging to define the term.24
Throughout this thesis, the term artificial intelligence is used as an umbrella term that covers
machines which can achieve goals that require intelligence and the science behind it.25

Strong vs. weak artificial intelligence: To properly comprehend artificial intelligence, it

could be appropriate to make a distinction and categorize it into weak and strong artificial
intelligence.26 Weak artificial intelligence “is the ability of machines to resemble human
capabilities in narrow domains, with different degrees of technical sophistication and

Strong artificial intelligence “is overarching, and as yet unachieved, goal of a system that
displays intelligence across multiple domains, with the ability to learn new skills, and which
mimic or even surpass human intelligence.28” Strong artificial intelligence is a well-known
Hollywood image. The leading characters in movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, The
Terminator, Her, and Ex Machina displayed strong artificial intelligence. At present, strong
artificial intelligence remains as a hypothetical concept, and it is disputable whether, or when,
science will reach that point.

To compare strong and weak artificial intelligence, it is plausible to argue that weak artificial
intelligence is trained and performs well in one particular field. On the other hand, strong
artificial intelligence aims to have a mindset similar to that of a human.29 In the perspective of

(Cambridge Dictionary Online, 2019)
(Coppin, 2004, p. 15)
(Technology, 2016, p. 7)
(Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, 2019, p. 5)
John Rogers Searle is the founder of the term strong artificial intelligence. In his notable paper which introduced
“Chinese room” hypothesis, he defines the term as “the appropriately programmed computer literally has
cognitive states and that the programs thereby explain human cognition.” He also claims that strong AI is false
because simulating a mind does not mean creating a mind. Put differently, a program cannot be a mind. Programs
are solely syntactical which lacks semantics, what human mind has, hence a program is not a mind. (Searle, 1980)
Some literature uses weak and narrow artificial intelligence; strong and general artificial intelligence
interchangeably. The thesis will use the terms weak and strong artificial intelligence.
(ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 6)
(ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 6)
(Coppin, 2004, pp. 688, 693)

philosophers, weak artificial intelligence would possibly behave intelligently, and strong
artificial intelligence would have an actual mind, not a simulated one.30

2.2. A Short History and Current State of Artificial Intelligence

This section takes a brief look at the history, development, current state, and future of artificial
intelligence. The historical perspective may shed light on the future of artificial intelligence
and how society receives the development of AI.

Artificial intelligence is a young interdisciplinary field of study.31 The first work on artificial
intelligence, a model of artificial neurons, can be traced back to 1943.32 Another early example
was the first neural network computer in 1950. Perhaps the most influential early research
regarding artificial intelligence is Alan Turing’s famous article (published in 1950) called
Computing Machinery & Intelligence which introduced the Turing Test.33

“The test is for a program to have a conversation (via online typed messages) with an interrogator for
five minutes. The interrogator then has to guess if the conversation is with a program or a person; the
program passes the test if it fools the interrogator 30% of the time.34”

1956 is considered artificial intelligence’s year of birth. John McCarthy and nine researchers
conducted the very first research on artificial intelligence.35 In the same year, McCarthy
introduced the term artificial intelligence to the literature. During the early era of artificial
intelligence, computers had limited capabilities. Consequently, whatever artificial intelligence
could do was seen as extraordinary. It led to immense anticipation which could not be met for
decades. Therefore, this period (1952-1969) is referred to as “early enthusiasm, great

(Norvig & Russell, 2010, p. 1040)
(The Council of Europe, 2019)
(Negnevitsky, 2005, p. 5), (The Council of Europe, 2019)
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, pp. 16-17), (The Council of Europe, 2019)
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, p. 1021)
A more detailed description of the test as follows “The interrogator is given access to two individuals, one of
whom is a human and the other of whom is a computer. The interrogator can ask the two individuals questions,
but cannot directly interact with them. Probably the questions are entered into a computer via a keyboard, and the
responses appear on the computer screen.
The human is intended to attempt to help the interrogator, but if the computer is really intelligent enough, it should
be able to fool the interrogator into being uncertain about which is the computer and which is the human.
The human can give answers such as ‘I’m the human—the other one is the computer,’ but of course, so can the
computer. The real way in which the human proves his or her humanity is by giving complex answers that a
computer could not be expected to comprehend. Of course, the inventors of the truly intelligent computer program
would have given their program the ability to anticipate all such complexities.” (Coppin, 2004, p. 8)
“The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of
intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will
be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems
now reserved for humans, and improve themselves. We think that a significant advance can be made in one or
more of these problems if a carefully selected group of scientists work on it together for a summer.” (Norvig &
Russell, 2010, p. 17)

expectations.36” The following years (1966-1973) brought the shortcomings and sense of reality
to the researchers’ notice.37

In the next era (1969-1979) researchers added domain knowledge to artificial intelligence and
started to use this combination in an area of expertise. Projects such as Dendral, Heuristic
Programming, and SHRDLU system achieved significant success in the fields of (respectively)
chemistry, medicine, and natural language understanding. Starting from 1980, artificial
intelligence evolved into a billion-dollar industry, assisting companies in saving money as a
result of the use of expert systems. Just as the early artificial intelligence researchers, the
companies had great expectations for artificial intelligence, which could not be fulfilled for a
long time.38

The early artificial intelligence research is considered rebellious and experimental. Dating from
1987, artificial intelligence research adopted a more science-based approach.39 After
establishing scientific-based grounding, the period from 1995 onward, researchers started
putting more emphasis on “machines that think, that learn and that create” (human-level
artificial intelligence). It developed artificial intelligence into a more multidisciplinary field.
1997 is referred to as a milestone since IBM’s chess-playing computer Deep Blue which beat
the world chess champion.40

It is asserted that beginning from 2010, artificial intelligence developed significantly as a

consequence of the advancement in affordable computing power (that accelerates the
calculation of learning algorithms), access to big data41 (that effortlessly provides sampling to

(Negnevitsky, 2005, pp. 6-7) “Simon also made more concrete predictions: that within 10 years a computer
would be chess champion, and a significant mathematical theorem would be proved by machine. These predictions
came true (or approximately true) within 40 years rather than 10. Simon’s overconfidence was due to the
promising performance of early AI systems on simple examples. In almost all cases, however, these early systems
turned out to fail miserably when tried out on wider selections of problems and on more difficult problems.”
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, p. 21)
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, pp. 20-22), (Negnevitsky, 2005, pp. 7-8)
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, pp. 22-24), (Negnevitsky, 2005, pp. 8-12), (The Council of Europe, 2019)
As noted by David McAllester “In the early period of AI it seemed plausible that new forms of symbolic
computation, e.g., frames and semantic networks, made much of classical theory obsolete. This led to a form of
isolationism in which AI became largely separated from the rest of computer science. This isolationism is currently
being abandoned. There is a recognition that machine learning should not be isolated from information theory,
that uncertain reasoning should not be isolated from stochastic modeling, that search should not be isolated from
classical optimization and control, and that automated reasoning should not be isolated from formal methods and
static analysis.” (Norvig & Russell, 2010, p. 25)
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, pp. 26-30), (Technology, 2016, pp. 5-6)
“The term ‘big data’ refers to a large heterogeneous data set (open data, proprietary data, commercially
purchased data).” (The Council of Europe, 2019)

algorithms via the Internet)42 and new online platforms. To exemplify this rapid development,
a few well-known milestones of artificial intelligence in the last decade are listed below.

• (2010) Apple Inc. released Siri (virtual assistant);43

• (2011) IBM supercomputer called Watson won Jeopardy (a general knowledge quiz)
against some of the best players;44
• (2016) The first fatal semi-autonomous car45 accident;46
• (2017) Google’s artificial intelligence AlphaGo beat Go (a board game that is more
complex than chess) world champion;47
• (2017) Google’s artificial intelligence AlphaGo Zero learned Go board game by playing
games against itself and only in 40 days surpassed previous AlphaGo versions,
including the one beat the world champion;48
• (2017) Poker-playing artificial intelligence called Libratus beat four leading
professional human poker players in no-limit Texas hold ’em;49
• (2017) Saudi Arabia gave citizenship to the social robot Sophia;50
• (2017) An artificial intelligence designed to classify skin cancer developed competence
comparable to dermatologists51;
• (2018) Alibaba’s and Microsoft’s artificial intelligence outscored humans in Stanford
University reading and comprehension test;52
• (2018) Google’s artificial intelligence achieved a better accuracy in grading prostate
cancer in prostatectomy specimens compared to American board-certified general

(The Council of Europe, 2019), (ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 4)
(Bosker, 2013)
(Gabbatt, 2011)
The car in question is not considered a fully self-driving car. According to the Society of Automotive Engineers’
classification, it may be considered a level 2 self-driving car (partial driving automation). Level 2 self-driving car
can automatically steer, accelerate, and deaccelerate. Nevertheless, driver is expected to intervene is many
circumstances. As the date of early 2019, many commercially available self-driving cars, including Tesla vehicles,
are considered level 2 self-driving car. In the words of to the Society of Automotive Engineers, level 2 self-driving
car refers to “[t]he sustained and operational design domain specific execution by a driving automation system of
both the lateral and longitudinal vehicle motion control subtasks of the dynamic driving task with the expectation
that the driver completes the object and event detection, recognition, classification, and response subtask and
supervises the driving automation system.” (Society of Automotive Engineers International, 2016, p. 17)
(Yadron & Tynan, 2016)
(The Guardian, 2017)
(, 2019)
(Sandholm & Noam, 2018)
(Reynolds, 2018)
(Andre, et al., 2017)
(Louise, 2018)
(Stumpe & Mermel, 2018)

• (2018) Microsoft’s artificial intelligence reached human-level quality and accuracy in
translating news articles from Chinese to English54;
• (2018) Google announced Google Duplex, artificial intelligence which can “make
restaurant reservations, schedule hair salon appointments, and get holiday hours over
the phone55”;
• (2018) The first artificial intelligence generated painting sold for $432,500;56
• (2018) The first fully self-driving taxi service, Waymo One.57

Today, artificial intelligence is used in many aspects of life.58 Experts claim that artificial
intelligence made remarkable success in specific fields, most particularly in gaming,
translation, autonomous vehicles, and image recognition.59

The future of artificial intelligence is an uncertain, complex, and polarizing topic. Over the past
sixty years, there has been a dramatic increase in the competences of artificial intelligence,
most particularly weak artificial intelligence showed a substantial advancement. As
exemplified above, weak artificial intelligence already outperforms humans in specific fields.
There is a good probability that weak artificial intelligence will dominate more domains, which
in turn, may transform society. It may result in unique opportunities and challenges that society
cannot foresee at present.

The leading and perplexing question regarding the future of strong artificial intelligence is
whether it will be able to surpass human intelligence. In other words, the question is whether
science will be able to build strong artificial intelligence. An expert survey indicates that more
than 50% of experts believe that strong artificial intelligence may reach human capacity
between 2040 and 2050; by 2075, the chance increases to 90%. Experts assert that there is a
31% probability that this development may lead to “bad” or “extremely bad” for humanity.60
However, considering the survey in question was conducted among passionate researchers in

(Linn, 2018)
(Leviathan, 2018)
(Falcon, 2018)
(Waymo Team, 2018), (Hawkins, 2018). Technically, Waymo One falls under level 4 self-driving car unlike
fully autonomous level 5 self-driving car. Further, it has been observed that other companies started to provide
autonomous taxi services in 2018. However, many examples are in small scales in a limited environment and
includes a safety driver.
Autonomous planning and scheduling, spam (e-mail) fighting, logistics planning, robotics, medical diagnosis
and treatment, traffic management, criminal justice system, education, scientific research, trip planning, shopping
recommendation, ad targeting are some examples. (Technology, 2016, pp. 7-16), (Norvig & Russell, 2010, pp.
(Technology, 2016, p. 7)
(Bostrom & Müller, 2016)

the field of artificial intelligence, one could argue that it includes self-selection and
confirmation bias.

There is a good chance that artificial intelligence will become more critical. Sundar Pichai,
Google’s chief executive officer (CEO), argues that artificial intelligence is “one of the most
important things that humanity is working on” that could be “more profound than electricity
and fire.61” Yuval Noah Harari, a leading history researcher, believes that

“…those countries who lead the world in AI are likely to lead the world in all economic and political
terms. It could be a rerun of the industrial revolution of the 19th century when you had a few countries,
first Britain then Germany and France and the US and Japan, who were pioneers in industrialization.
These few countries conquered, dominated, and exploited the world. This is very likely to happen again
on an even larger scale with AI and biotechnology in the 21st century … The gap between those who
control AI and biotechnology and those who are left behind is likely to be far greater than the gap between
those who developed steam engines in the 19th century and those who did not.62”

One may question above-stated bold arguments. In this case, it could be useful to remember
Amara’s law. Roy Amara, the American futurist, warns that “[w]e tend to overestimate the
effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.63” This may
describe the current common perspective regarding artificial intelligence. There may be an
explanation of this state of mind. As mentioned above, the progress of artificial intelligence
showed fluctuation and came in waves. The rapid advancement cycles, one of them is still
ongoing since 2010, unreasonably raised (especially short-term) expectations. Moreover, one
may argue that popular culture shows artificial intelligence in a techno chauvinistic way that
leads to extravagant anticipation in society.

2.3. Conclusions
The second chapter of the thesis has concluded that artificial intelligence remains a nebulous
term since 1) it is burdensome to define intelligence which makes it challenging describing
artificial intelligence, 2) there are various approaches to artificial intelligence, 3) artificial
intelligence is a very diversified field.

The findings of the second chapter draw the conclusion that artificial intelligence is a relatively
new, quickly blooming, and multidisciplinary field of study. Over the past few decades, the
development of artificial intelligence showed fluctuations. Since 2010, the field showed a

(Romm, Timberg, & Harwell, Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Fears about artificial intelligence are ‘very
legitimate,’ he says in Post interview, 2018)
(Springer & Döpfner, 2018)
(Ratcliffe, 2018)

dramatic shift as a result of big data and affordable computing power, and today artificial
intelligence is used in diverse areas. The future of artificial intelligence (and its competence)
is a disputed issue among experts; therefore, this thesis does not attempt to consider the long-
term impact of artificial intelligence.


The chapter aims to provide a general overview of the prohibition of discrimination, one of the
main pillars of the thesis. This chapter firstly discusses the definition of discrimination, after
which discrimination types follow it and thenceforth discrimination grounds are touched upon.
It should be noted that this chapter is descriptive and aims to provide necessary information on
the prohibition of discrimination so that readers can easily comprehend artificial intelligence
discrimination in the following chapters.

3.1. What is Discrimination?

This section aims to provide a basic understanding of discrimination, a concept that lies at the
heart of the thesis. Discrimination law is a multidisciplinary field. It has strong ties with
constitutional and human rights law, its origins are connected to employment law, whereas tort
law is closely associated with discrimination law.64 This chapter generally draws upon human
rights law.

Daily life includes a large number of choices: people decide whom to socialize with, where to
go, what to eat, and so on. In other words, people “discriminate” all the time, and it often falls
out of discrimination law’s scope. Discrimination law is concerned with choices that may treat
an individual less advantageously compared to others due to a “morally irrelevant”
consideration. Beyond doubt, what is considered morally unacceptable is convoluted.65 Also,
not every instance of differential treatment can be considered as discriminatory. A differential
treatment that is proportionate and pursues a legitimate aim may not be discriminatory.66

To establish the importance of the prohibition of discrimination, it may be useful to refer to the
foundation of human rights. All members of the human family are entitled to the same rights
and freedoms. Prohibition of discrimination is an extension of such a mentality. As noted by
the United Nations Human Rights Committee, “[n]on-discrimination, together with equality
before the law and equal protection of the law without any discrimination, constitute a basic
and general principle relating to the protection of human rights.67” The United Nations

(Khaitan, 2015, p. 24)
(Evelyn & Watson, 2012, p. 2)
(Moeckli, Shah, & Sivakumaran, 2014, p. 167)
(Committee, 1989, p. 1)

Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights views non-discrimination as “essential to
the exercise and enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.68”

Despite its importance, the prohibition of discrimination was recognized in laws only relatively
recently. The prohibition of direct discrimination in the USA and India can be traced back to
the 19th century69, yet the realization of it occurred during the mid-20th century, mainly thanks
to the civil rights movement. Indirect discrimination was prohibited firstly in the USA (in
1971).70 The USA also was the first country that banned discriminatory harassment (in 1976).71
Another cornerstone in history was the affirmative action72 that was first embraced in India.73
It is observed that the development of discrimination law in various jurisdictions generally
interconnected with one particular ground of discrimination, “race in the United States, caste
in India, sex in the European Union.74”

“Discrimination” is a term frequently used in legal literature. But to date, there is no consensus
about the exact meaning of it. Meanings attributed to discrimination can differ significantly
due to three factors: time, place, and world views. From a political perspective, different
approaches to discrimination (law) are broadly classified into three categories: egalitarian,
liberal, and dignitarian.75 To define discrimination, it might be useful to consider zeitgeist. At
present (the age of rising populism and nationalism), discrimination may convey a different
meaning compared to its understanding during the civil rights movement. Equally important,
space is another critical factor regarding the meaning of discrimination. Put differently, what
is deemed discriminatory could vary depending on the region. Bearing all these factors in mind,
perhaps the expectation of discrimination law should be kept at a reasonable level. Because
without political, social, and economic progress, discrimination laws may fall short to be a

(United Nations Committee on Economic, General comment No. 20: Non-discrimination in economic, social
and cultural rights (art. 2, para. 2, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), 2009,
p. 1)
Indian Caste Disabilities Removal Act 1850, 14th Amendment to the US Constitution 1868
(Griggs et al. v. Duke Power Co., 1971)
(Williams v. Saxbe, 1976)
Researchers use numerous terms to describe affirmative action, the most common of which are positive
discrimination, positive action, reverse discrimination, compensatory discrimination. (Khaitan, 2015, p. 68)
(Khaitan, 2015, p. 16)
(Khaitan, 2015, p. 48)
Egalitarians value equality, liberals prioritize liberty, autonomy, or freedom, and dignitarians give particular
importance to personal dignity. (Khaitan, 2015, pp. 6-7)
(Evelyn & Watson, 2012, p. 8)

Having indicated the difficulties of defining discrimination, the thesis will try to provide a
working description by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. The term
“discrimination” can broadly be defined as “a situation where an individual is disadvantaged
in some way on the basis of ‘one or multiple protected grounds.77’” Turning to discrimination
law, it has been reported that in order for a duty-imposing legal norm to become a
discrimination law norm, it should meet four criteria: 1) personal grounds, 2) cognate groups,
3) relative disadvantage, 4) eccentric distribution. These criteria described below.

“The Personal Grounds Condition: The duty-imposing norm in question must require some connection
between the act or omission prohibited or mandated by the norm on the one hand and certain attributes
or characteristics that persons have, called ‘grounds,’ on the other.

The Cognate Groups Condition: A protected ground must be capable of classifying persons into more
than one class of persons, loosely called ‘groups.’

The Relative Disadvantage Condition: Of all groups defined by a given universal order ground, members
of at least one group must be significantly more likely to suffer abiding, pervasive, and substantial
disadvantage than the members of at least one other cognate group.

The Eccentric Distribution Condition: The duty-imposing norm must be designed such that it is likely to
distribute the non-remote tangible benefits in question to some, but not all, members of the intended
beneficiary group.78”

To implement the prohibition of discrimination principle, it is necessary to establish who are

alike. Because less favourable treatment can be identified when someone under similar
circumstances receives more favorable treatment. Consequently, an essential concept related
to discrimination is a comparator. The term refers to an individual (or group) who is in a similar
situation with discrimination victim(s). The difference between comparator and discriminated
person (or group) is discrimination ground(s). Put differently, the main difference between
those less and those more advantageously treated is the protected ground(s). To identify an
appropriate (actual or hypothetical) comparator sometimes may turn into a complex issue.

3.2. Discrimination Types

This section seeks to briefly define the discrimination types that may assist the reader (in the
following sections) in comprehending how artificial intelligence can discriminate. The section
intends to define respectively: direct, indirect, multiple, intersectional, and systemic

(Europe, 2018, p. 42)
(Khaitan, 2015, p. 42)

Direct discrimination: Direct discrimination “entails unfavourable or less favourable
treatment ‘on the ground of’ a protected characteristic or, sometimes, a combination of such
characteristics.79” Another way to define the term is “when a person is treated less favourably
on the basis of ‘protected grounds.80’” Taking a closer look at this definitions lead to two
criteria: the existence of an act or omission and a causal nexus between the treatment and a
protected ground.81

There are different approaches regarding how to establish the nexus between treatment and
protected ground. In the USA, courts seek a discriminatory motive, purpose, or intention behind
the treatment. In Canada, the United Kingdom, and South Africa, there is no such precondition
and courts focus more on the outcome of treatment.82 Also, it should be underlined that direct
discrimination can occur without a comparable circumstance or comparator.83

Lastly, it is safe to say that direct discrimination focuses on the individual. Today, direct
discrimination is a far-reaching problem, and its leading effects are prejudice and racial

Indirect discrimination: The term indirect discrimination (disparate impact as referred in the
USA) is used to refer to a seemingly neutral practice or policy “which puts persons belonging
to a protected group at a particular disadvantage.85” A further definition by the European Court
of Human Rights (ECtHR) describes the term as “a difference in treatment may take the form
of disproportionately prejudicial effects of a general policy or measure which, though couched
in neutral terms, discriminates against a group.86” It is noteworthy that the concept of indirect
discrimination firstly enacted by the Supreme Court of the United States in Griggs v. Duke
Power Company.87

These definitions lead to three elements: formally equal treatment, disparate outcome, and the
absence of justification of different treatment. Notably, the first criteria distinguish direct and
indirect discrimination. In other words, if the treatment is not formally equal, then it falls into

(Khaitan, 2015, p. 69)
(Europe, 2018, p. 43)
Protected discrimination ground will be analyzed in Section 3.3.
(Khaitan, 2015, pp. 69-71), (Moeckli, Shah, & Sivakumaran, 2014, p. 166)
(United Nations Committee on Economic, General comment No. 20: Non-discrimination in economic, social
and cultural rights (art. 2, para. 2, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), 2009,
p. 4)
(Fredman, 2001, p. 24)
(Khaitan, 2015, p. 73)
(Biao v. Denmark, 2016, p. 103)
(Griggs et al. v. Duke Power Co., 1971)

the scope of direct discrimination.88 In circumstances of indirect discrimination, there is no
difference in treatment. Identical treatment results in unequal outcomes due to structural
biases.89 In other words, the prohibition of indirect discrimination indicates that neutral
practices or policies may favor dominant norms. Therefore, the prohibition of indirect
discrimination is essential for multiculturalism and assists in the accommodation of diversity.90
Additionally, unlike direct discrimination, indirect discrimination concentrates more on

Multiple discrimination: An individual has many characteristics that are recognized as

discrimination grounds. In the complex world, unfair treatment can occur on more than one
discrimination ground. It has been recognized by discrimination law. The term multiple
discrimination means “discrimination takes place on the basis of several grounds operating
separately.92” Here, discrimination occurs on several grounds, and each of unequal treatment
is based on a different ground and separately meets the threshold of discriminatory treatment.
Therefore, multiple discrimination is also referred to as cumulative or additive discrimination.93

Intersectional discrimination: The concept defined as “a situation where several grounds

operate and interact with each other at the same time in such a way that they are inseparable
and produce specific types of discrimination.94” A classic example of intersectional
discrimination is a black woman being discriminated, not because she is Black or a woman,
but because she is a “black woman.95”

Systemic discrimination: The widespread use of the term systemic discrimination is equated
with discrimination against specific social groups which is pervasive, persistent, established in
social behaviour and organization, and generally includes unchallenged or indirect
discrimination. This type of discrimination may be seen in laws, policies, procedures, cultural
mindset, and both in the public and private sphere.96 In other words, rather than a single and
unequal treatment, systemic discrimination is systemic or institutionalized unequal treatment.

(Hacker, 2018, p. 10)
(Moeckli, Shah, & Sivakumaran, 2014, p. 165)
(Fredman, 2001, p. 24)
(Hacker, 2018, p. 10)
(Europe, 2018, p. 59)
(Schiek, Waddington, & Bell, 2007, p. 171)
(Europe, 2018, p. 59)
(Schiek, Waddington, & Bell, 2007, p. 171), (Kimberle, 1989)
(United Nations Committee on Economic, General comment No. 20: Non-discrimination in economic, social
and cultural rights (art. 2, para. 2, of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), 2009,
p. 5)

Harassment: In the laws, the term tends to be used to refer to an “unwanted conduct related
to a relevant protected characteristic and, the conduct has the purpose or effect of violating [the
victim’s] dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive
environment for [the victim].97” This type of discrimination is separated from other types due
to its significant harm.98

3.3. Protected Grounds

Discrimination law does not ban each different treatment. A treatment may fall into the scope
of discrimination law only if a different treatment is based on “protected grounds.” In other
words, “[t]o discriminate on no basis is simply to not discriminate.99” As a result,
discrimination law safeguards “groups of persons defined by certain personal characteristics
that are technically called grounds.100” In order for personal characteristics to become a
protected ground, it should fulfill two conditions: 1) the ground shall classify “persons into
groups with a significant advantage gap between them,” 2) the ground shall be unchangeable
characteristics or form a fundamental choice.101

The protected grounds list has evolved significantly over the years. The protected grounds may
vary depending on the jurisdiction, yet it is claimed that race, sex, and religion are extensively
recognized as protected grounds. Arguably, the prohibition of discrimination based on these
grounds is a part of customary international law. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights
took a further step and stated that prohibition of discrimination (based on any ground) is a jus
cogens norm.102

The protected ground list is not limited in international human rights law. For instance, the
ECtHR does not fix protected grounds and considers each case individually, which results in a
non-exhaustive list of protected grounds.103 This is an extension of the European Convention
on Human Rights (ECHR) since the Convention prohibits discrimination based “on any ground
such as sex, race, … or other status104” (emphasis added). Thanks to this perspective, the scope
of freedom from discrimination has been broadened over the years in the Council of Europe.

UK Equality Act 2010, Section 26
(Europe, 2018, p. 64)
(Eidelson, 2015, s. 16)
(Khaitan, 2015, p. 49)
(Khaitan, 2015, p. 50)
(Moeckli, Shah, & Sivakumaran, 2014, p. 161)
(Europe, 2018, p. 160)
ECHR, Article 14

The following paragraphs will define some of the most common grounds of discrimination in
the light of international human rights law or European law. It should be noted that it is a non-
exhaustive list, and some grounds are interconnected and overlap conceptually. Further, due to
practical constraints, the thesis cannot provide a comprehensive review of all grounds.
Therefore, some of the definitions may be overly simplistic.

Sex: Sex discrimination occurs when an individual is treated unequally based on their sex. In
this case, a man or woman receives less favorable treatment compared to the other sex.105 The
gender wage gap, pregnancy, and maternity-related issues are classic examples of sex
discrimination. It is necessary to mention that intersectional discrimination frequently takes
place as a combination of discrimination based on sex and another ground(s).

Gender identity: Discrimination based on gender identity106 is prohibited by international

human rights laws107 and occurs when an individual receives uneven treatment based on gender
identity. Limitations on access to gender reassignment and gender recognition process, and
registration of sex at birth are predominant examples of such discrimination.108 Here, it may be
useful to clarify the distinction between sex and gender. Sex is generally considered as a part
of biology; gender is more connected to social reality. Sometimes it may be burdensome to
differentiate these concepts since they are interconnected.109

Sexual orientation: Discrimination based on sexual orientation110 occurs when an individual

receives less favorable treatment on the ground of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation
discrimination can often be seen in the context of recruitment, employment, or sexual

(Europe, 2018, p. 162)
“Gender identity is understood to refer to each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender,
which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth, including the personal sense of the body (which
may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means)
and other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms.” (Yogyakarta Principles, 2007, p. 6)
Istanbul Convention Article 4 and ECHR Article 14. In the view of ECtHR, ECHR Article 14 covers
discrimination based on gender identity. (Identoba and Others v. Georgia, 2015)
For detailed information on discrimination based on gender identity: (European Union Agency for
Fundamental Rights, 2015)
(Schiek, Waddington, & Bell, 2007, p. 70)
“Sexual orientation is understood to refer to each person’s capacity for profound emotional, affectional and
sexual attraction to, and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals of a different gender or the same gender
or more than one gender.” (Yogyakarta Principles, 2007, p. 6)

Disability: A (widely accepted111) discrimination ground is of disability. And a generally
accepted definition of discrimination based on disability refers to

“any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability which has the purpose or effect of
impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. It
includes all forms of discrimination, including denial of reasonable accommodation.112”

Age: Age discrimination is a type of discrimination that may arise in diversified frameworks
and relates to unequal treatment on the ground of an individual’s age.113 Recruitment and
retirement based on age can set examples of age discrimination. For instance, the European
Committee of Social Rights ruled that employment termination based only on age (without
conducting the company’s operational requirement or individual’s capacity) constituted
discrimination.114 It should be noted that the prohibition of age discrimination aims to
safeguard both old and young.115

Race: Race is a protected ground in discrimination law. And racial discrimination is defined

“any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic
origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise,
on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural
or any other field of public life.116”

Ethnicity: The Court of Justice of the European Union defined ethnicity as “its origin in the
idea of societal groups marked in particular by common nationality, religious faith, language,
cultural and traditional origins and backgrounds.117” According to the ECtHR,

“[e]thnicity and race are related and overlapping concepts. Whereas the notion of race is rooted in the
idea of biological classification of human beings into subspecies according to morphological features
such as skin colour or facial characteristics, ethnicity has its origin in the idea of societal groups marked
by common nationality, tribal affiliation, religious faith, shared language, or cultural and traditional
origins and backgrounds.118”

As the date of February 2019, there are 172 parties and 162 signatories of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities. (United Nations, 2019)
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Article 2
(Europe, 2018, p. 190)
(Fellesforbundet for Sjøfolk (FFFS) v. Norway, 2013)
(Schiek, Waddington, & Bell, 2007, p. 148)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 1.1.
(CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria” AD v. Komisia za zashtita ot diskriminatsia (GC), 2015)
(Timishev v. Russia, 2005)

The same perspective can be seen in the International Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination. According to the Convention, discrimination based on ethnic
origin is prohibited, and a form of racial discrimination.119

Nationality and national origin: A commonly accepted definition of nationality refers to “a

legal bond [between a person and state] having as its basis a social fact of attachment, a genuine
connection of existence, interests and sentiments, together with the existence of reciprocal
rights and duties.120” National origin is used to address a person’s (lost or added) former
nationality.121 Discrimination based on these grounds is prohibited in international human
rights law.122

Religion or belief: Religion may be somewhat an ambiguous legal term, yet there is a
consensus that discrimination on the ground of religion is prohibited. Neither ECHR Article 9
nor the Strasbourg Court’s case-law defines religion. If a major, minor, old, new, theistic, or
nontheistic religions, non-religious opinions, or convictions “attain a certain level of cogency,
seriousness, cohesion, and importance,” they may fall into the scope of ECHR Article 9.
Discrimination based on religion is prohibited under international law123 , and the ECtHR often
combine the prohibition of discrimination with freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.124

Political or other opinions: Discriminatory treatment can be based on holding or not holding
opinions, declaring opinions, or belonging to an association, political party or trade union.
Reaffirming the importance of these for democratic society, political or other opinion is a
protected discrimination ground.125

Social origin, birth, and property: Inherited social, economic, or biological characteristics
can lead to discrimination. It has been seen in the case of unequal treatment on the grounds of
birth out of wedlock, adopted by or born of stateless parents, to not be a member of caste or
similar inherited status, or to belong a particular social or economic group, such as poverty and

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 1,2
(Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala), 1955)
(Europe, 2018, p. 202)
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 1,2
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 5
(European Court of Human Rights, 2018, pp. 6-9), (Europe, 2018, pp. 210-215)
(Europe, 2018, p. 222), (United Nations Committee on Economic, General comment No. 20: Non-
discrimination in economic, social and cultural rights (art. 2, para. 2, of the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights), 2009, p. 7)

homelessness.126 Regarding property as a discrimination ground, the concept may refer to an
individual’s connection to real property, personal property, or the lack of it. Also, regardless
of an individual’s tenure status, one shall have the right to adequate housing and right to
water.127 With this, discrimination based on social origin, birth, and property is prohibited in
international human rights law.

Language: It is questionable that discrimination based on language is a separate discrimination

ground. On the other hand, discrimination on the ground of language is closely related to race
or ethnicity, widely accepted discrimination grounds. Therefore, there is a consensus on
discrimination on the ground of language as being prohibited.128 It is certainly true in the case
of when language barriers undermine the enjoyment of human rights. To illustrate, public
service language can hinder to receive public service, public education language can undermine
minority rights, or criminal proceedings language (without the assistance of a translator) can
impede the right to a fair trial.

Other status: As indicated previously, the grounds of prohibited discrimination is not

exhaustive, and many international human rights treaties129 include an “other status.” In the
view of the ECtHR, “other status” in ECHR can be loosely described as “differences based on
an identifiable, objective, or personal characteristic, or ‘status,’ by which individuals or groups
are distinguishable from one another.130” Thanks to the other status and the court’s living
instrument approach, the ECtHR recognized sexual orientation, age, and disability as protected
grounds. The other status also allowed a large number of personal characteristics or statuses131
to be safeguarded from discrimination.132

(Europe, 2018, p. 218), (United Nations Committee on Economic, General comment No. 20: Non-
discrimination in economic, social and cultural rights (art. 2, para. 2, of the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights), 2009, pp. 7-8)
(United Nations Committee on Economic, General Comment No. 15: The Right to Water (Arts. 11 and 12 of
the Covenant), 2003, pp. 5-7), (United Nations Committee on Economic, General Comment No. 4: The Right to
Adequate Housing (Art. 11 (1) of the Covenant), 1991, pp. 2,4,6)
(Europe, 2018, pp. 218-219) (United Nations Committee on Economic, General comment No. 20: Non-
discrimination in economic, social and cultural rights (art. 2, para. 2, of the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights), 2009, p. 7)
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 2, International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights Article 2, ECHR Article 14, African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights Article 2, Arab
Charter on Human rights Article 2
(Novruk and Others v. Russia, 2016)
Fatherhood, marital status, membership of an organization, military rank, parenthood of a child born out of
wedlock, place of residence, health or any medical condition, former KGB officer status, retirees employed in
certain categories of the public sector, detainees pending trial are some of the examples.
(Europe, 2018, pp. 224-225)

3.4. Conclusions
The chapter glanced through the prohibition of discrimination in the light of international
human rights law, regional, and national discrimination laws. The findings indicate that there
is no straightforward definition of discrimination, yet there is a consensus on the prohibition of
discrimination which sets ground for equality and pertains great importance for the enjoyment
of a wide range of human rights. Thus, the prohibition of discrimination is under the protection
of international human rights law, and its scope becomes more inclusive owing to progressive
interpretation of laws. On the other hand, discrimination is a widespread and critical problem
all over the world, and some jurisdictions are unwilling to accept some discrimination grounds.
Additionally, it should be kept in mind that the effective implementation of discrimination laws
is closely related to economic, historical, cultural, and political factors.

“The math-powered applications powering the data economy were based on choices made by fallible
human beings. Some of these choices were no doubt made with the best intentions. Nevertheless, many
of these models encoded human prejudice, misunderstanding, and bias into the software systems that
increasingly managed our lives. Like gods, these mathematical models were opaque, their workings
invisible to all but the highest priests in their domain: mathematicians and computer scientists. Their
verdicts, even when wrong or harmful, were beyond dispute or appeal. And they tended to punish the
poor and the oppressed in our society, while making the rich richer.133”

This chapter tests the hypothesis of this thesis, artificial intelligence discrimination. The
spotlight will be on why, how, and who artificial intelligence discriminates. The chapter firstly
focuses on why and how artificial intelligence discriminates. In the following sections, the
chapter bridges the connection between artificial intelligence and discrimination grounds.

4.1. Establishing the Nexus

The primary purpose of this section is to develop an understanding of the connection between
artificial intelligence and discrimination. The section aims to examine how artificial
intelligence can discriminate. It has been reported that, in theory, artificial intelligence can
generate discrimination in six ways. Firstly, the definition of target variable and class labels
can cause discrimination. Also, sampling or historical bias can result in a disparate impact.
Furthermore, discrimination can be stemming from feature selection or proxy discrimination.
Lastly, decision makers can use artificial intelligence as a tool to discriminate. The following
headings will shed light on these.

4.1.1. Discriminatory target variable and class labels

To enable comprehension of how artificial intelligence can discriminate, there is a need to

define machine learning and data mining terms, target variable and class labels. This is because
of how these concepts are defined in the development of artificial intelligence may lead to

In simple terms, “target variable”134 is or should be the outcome of the data mining, what a
trained model aspires to provide as output. “Class labels” is simply defined as values that are

(O'Neil, 2016, p. Introduction)
To give a detailed definition of target variable, spam email fighting can provide a context. Artificial intelligence
is useful to describe and distinguish a large volume of data. For instance, artificial intelligence is used to detect
spam emails and to do so, it needs to learn the difference between spam and non-spam emails. Humans label
emails as spam and non-spam and feed artificial intelligence by this information. In the next step, artificial
intelligence finds patterns in emails labelled as spam. To illustrate, spam emails include certain expressions such

related to the goal of the data mining process. Class labels aim to “divide all possible values of
the target variable into mutually exclusive categories.135” Put differently, “[c]lass label is the
discrete attribute having finite values (dependent variable) whose value you want to predict
based on the values of other attributes (features).136”

To clarify these technical terms and how they can lead to discrimination, spam email fighting
(one of the most successful artificial intelligence capabilities) will be analyzed. Spam email
fighting aims to detect spam emails and automatically move them into junk folder. In the
context of spam email fighting, class labels are divided into two, spam emails and non-spam
(honest) emails. Since class labels are well-understood and uncontroversial, the algorithm
works efficiently in spam email fighting. However, in complicated cases, defining class labels
and target variable can be challenging. For example, nowadays, the recruitment industry uses
artificial intelligence to expedite employment processes, headhunting, and conduct automated
interviews.137 It is argued that use of artificial intelligence in such a process can result in
discrimination due to two reasons. Firstly, it is very burdensome to measure what constitutes a
good employee. Therefore, it is controversial how to define class labels. Secondly, the issue
gets more complicated because to understand a convoluted problem (what a good employee is)
and transform it into a data mining problem is delicate. Any mistake in that process may
generate discriminatory treatment. As a result, experts argue that how class labels and target
variable are defined, may lead to discrimination.138

4.1.2. Biased training data (historical bias)

Artificial intelligence can learn from data. For example, to design an image-recognition
algorithm that can recognize cats, an algorithm needs to learn the cat’s appearance. To train the
algorithm, a large number of cat photos should be presented to it. In the next stage, the
algorithm finds relationships and detects patterns in cat photos to learn a cat’s image. The data
that is used to train artificial intelligence (cat photos), and thus is referred to as training data.
Also, training data teaches an algorithm to act in a specific way.

as “donation to you” or “money transfer to your bank account” and artificial intelligence can detect this pattern.
“[B]y exposing so-called ‘machine learning’ algorithms to examples of the cases of interest (previously identified
instances of spam) the algorithm ‘learns’ which related attributes or activities can serve as potential proxies for
those qualities or outcomes of interest.’ Such an outcome of interest is called a ‘target variable.’” (Borgesius,
2018, p. 10)
(Borgesius, 2018, p. 10)
(Bloch, 2018, p. 93)
(Castellanos, 2019), (IBM, 2019)
(Borgesius, 2018, pp. 17-18), (Barocas & Selbst, 2016, pp. 677-680)

The quality and quantity of training data is essential to design successful artificial intelligence
because input determines the output. In computer science, the problematic outcome of
erroneous training data is referred to as “garbage in, garbage out.” It may lead to many
problems, including artificial intelligence bias. To exemplify this, a medical school in the
United Kingdom developed a computer program to consider applications. The training data
was based on previous admissions. In the past, the school disfavored eligible women and racial
minority applicants. In other words, the training data was biased. The computer program
established admission criteria based on biased data and continued to discriminate qualified
women and members of racial minority applicants. It was not a new bias; instead, it was an
extension of biased training data (historical bias).139

Another example of biased training data is Amazon’s recruiting artificial intelligence. In 2014
the company built a computer program to review job applications. A year later, Amazon
realized that the program discriminated against women applicants for software developer and
technical positions. Because the training data was submitted resumes from the last decade,
which mostly came from male applicants. Essentially, the training data was gender biased. As
a result, the system self-taught that applicants using masculine language were favorable
candidates, and it unfairly preferred male applicants over females.140

4.1.3. Biased or insufficient training data collection (sampling bias)

“The best material model for a cat is another, or preferably the same cat.141”

Data is not created or collected equally in society. Generally, less data is available about
minorities, as some live outside of big data borders, and others cannot create data due to the
digital divide. Sometimes developers underrate some groups because they financially consume
less compared to the other groups. It makes some groups less valuable data subjects. All these
may lead to the underrepresentation of some groups.

An essential factor in the success of artificial intelligence is training data. Therefore, training
data collection process can generate a dramatical impact on the output of artificial intelligence.
If training data collection is unsatisfactory, e.g., training data is incorrect, partial, or
nonrepresentative, artificial intelligence may reproduce or amplify discrimination. It is
especially true when the quality and representativeness of training data is correlated with a

(Barocas & Selbst, 2016, pp. 681-684), (Borgesius, 2018, p. 11)
(Dastin, 2018)
(Wiener & Rosenblueth, 1945, p. 320)

discrimination ground.142 For example, a study found that facial recognition systems developed
in the USA and Western Europe were more successful in identifying Caucasians; whereas
facial recognition systems developed in East Asia performed better on East Asians.143 Possibly,
the reason behind it was biased data collection.

In Ewert v. Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada noted the sampling bias problem. Mr. Ewert
is an inmate serving a life sentence and identifies himself as Métis (one of Canada’s aboriginal
peoples). Meanwhile, the Correctional Service of Canada, the institution which is responsible
for running prisons, uses tools to assess the recidivism risk and mental health of offenders. Mr.
Ewert argued that the institution relied on “tools had been developed and tested on
predominantly non-indigenous populations and that there was no research confirming that they
were valid when applied to indigenous persons.144” Ergo, he claimed that the Correctional
Service did not “take all reasonable steps to ensure that any information about an offender that
it uses is as accurate, up to date and complete as possible” as is required by law.145 The Supreme
Court agreed with the plaintiff and found that the Correctional Service of Canada did not take
reasonable steps to ensure that assessment tools are free from bias; accordingly, it violated the

Another critical problem should be considered, which is the overrepresentation of particular

groups in training data collection. A classic example may occur during crime data collection.
It is maintained that if police focus on particular groups or districts, police records may
overrepresent crime statistics in that group or area. For example, Swedish police implemented
a project called rättsäkert och effektivt verkställighetsarbete (legal and effective execution of
policy) to deport persons residing in Sweden without authorization. An aspect of the project
was identity document checking in public transportation. It is argued that Swedish police
disproportionately targeted non-white Swedes who generally reside in segregated suburbs.147 It
is plausible to argue that such practice may result in biased crime statistics, an
overrepresentation of non-white Swedes in the database. If such biased data is used to train
artificial intelligence, the model may reproduce the bias. More importantly, the problem may
create a loop. Due to overrepresentation, the model indicates that a specific group commits

(Borgesius, 2018, pp. 11-12), (Barocas & Selbst, 2016, pp. 684-686)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 53)
(Ewert v. Canada, 2018)
(Ewert v. Canada, 2018)
(Ewert v. Canada, 2018)
(The Local, 2013), (The Local, 2013), (Barker, 2016, pp. 19-21)

more crime or a particular area is a crime hotspot. Consequently, police tend to concentrate
more on that group or area.148 It is noteworthy to mention that while raising her concerns on
racial profiling in Europe, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights warned that
artificial intelligence could worsen the problem if necessary precautions are not taken.149

4.1.4. Feature selection

“Essentially all models are wrong, but some are useful.150”

Artificial intelligence can be used to find a solution to complex scenarios. However, to capture
every dimension of an issue can be burdensome. For this reason, developers simplify a scenario
and reduce dimensions of it by choosing a set of relevant features that represent the matter.
Such a procedure is defined as a feature selection that includes to identify relevant data and
remove irrelevant, redundant, or noisy data.151

Experts acknowledge that a model is a sample, a slight advancement in the comprehensiveness

of a model can be costly, and it may even be impossible to build a completely comprehensive
model. On the other hand, feature selection may generate discriminatory treatment on protected
grounds “because the details necessary to achieve equally accurate determinations reside at a
level of granularity and coverage that the selected features fail to achieve.152”

4.1.5. Proxy discrimination

To make predictions, artificial intelligence needs training data that may include sensitive
personal data, such as race, ethnicity, political opinions, et cetera. As sensitive personal data
processing poses high risks to human rights and may generate discrimination, laws require
special procedures for sensitive data processing.153 Another approach to mitigate this potential
discrimination is that developers can remove sensitive personal data from training data
whenever possible. It is called “fairness through unawareness.”154 This attempt may fall short
due to “redundant encodings.” This term refers to when a model includes one variable that can
be a proxy for another variable which should not be involved in the model.155 To illustrate this,

(Borgesius, 2018, pp. 11-12)
(Dunja, 2019)
(Box & Draper, 1987, p. 424)
(Norvig & Russell, 2010, p. 713), (Kumar & Minz, 2014, p. 211)
(Barocas & Selbst, 2016, p. 688)
General Data Protection Regulation Article 4, 6, 9, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to
Automatic Processing of Personal Data Article 6
(Hardt, 2016)
(Purcell B. , 2018, p. 3)

in the USA, 82.2 percent of custodial parents are females. In other words, there is a high
correlation between custody and gender. In a decision-making process which should not take
gender into consideration, custody status may serve as a proxy for gender due to the high
correlation between them.156

Experts argue that whenever redundant encodings can provide information about a protected
discrimination ground, it may generate discrimination. It can be illustrated by the phenomena
of redlining.157 For example, Amazon, the world’s largest e-commerce marketplace, provides a
service named Amazon Prime that guarantees two days (sometimes same-day) delivery.158 In
2016, almost a year after the service started, Amazon Prime covered twenty-seven metropolitan
areas in the USA. The company’s algorithms took a cost and efficiency viewpoint to choose
the borders of the service. Amazon argued that demographics played no role in service delivery.
On the other hand, “[i]n six major same-day delivery cities, however, the service area excludes
predominantly black ZIP codes … cities still struggling to overcome generations of racial
segregation and economic inequality, black citizens are about half as likely to live in
neighborhoods with access to Amazon same-day delivery as white residents.159” For instance,
in Atlanta, 96% of white residents had access to same-day delivery as compared with 41% of
black residents; in Chicago same-day delivery was available to 98% white residents compared
to 54% black residents.160

When a decision maker lacks information on an individual’s connection to a protected

discrimination ground, proxies can supply accurate information about the connection. For
instance, one of the largest retail stores in the USA, Target Corporation, uses a pregnancy
prediction tool. It aims to identify customers in the early stages of pregnancy by assessing their
shopping behavior. The company uses the output for targeted advertising and to generate brand
loyalty. If job applicants or employees shop from Target, the company can use the same system
to discriminate against early stage pregnant applicants or employees.161

(Purcell B. , 2018, p. 3)
In broad terms, the term is defined as the practice of not providing services, generally to provide insurance or
bank loan, to a particular geographical area due to race or ethnicity of residents.
Despite it seems as a luxury service at first sight, one should consider that in the USA, Amazon is an everything
store that offers lower prices compare to many physical stores. Therefore, the service may matter to people who
do not have a car and live in an area where public transportation is underdeveloped.
(Ingold & Soper, 2016)
(Ingold & Soper, 2016)
(Barocas & Selbst, 2016, pp. 692-693), (Borgesius, 2018, pp. 13-14)

4.1.6. Intentional discrimination

“Technologies are morally neutral until we apply them.162”

“A computer does not substitute for judgment any more than a pencil substitutes for literacy. But writing
ability without a pencil is no particular advantage.163”

The section identified five ways that artificial intelligence can discriminate. Another possibility
is intentional discrimination by using artificial intelligence. Put another way, a decision maker
can purposely use the mentioned methods to discriminate. A malevolent mentality may turn
artificial intelligence into a discriminative tool. Further, the complexity of artificial intelligence
may be used to camouflage mala fide.

4.2. Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination Grounds

This section attempts to show the connection between artificial intelligence and discrimination
grounds with real-world examples.164

4.2.1. Discrimination based on ethnicity

As argued above, a malicious perspective can transform artificial intelligence into an evil
instrument. The story of the Uighur Muslim minority in China shows the destructive
competences of artificial intelligence in the wrong hands.

Uighurs are a minority in China who speak their language and practice Sunni Islam. The
government considers Uighur Muslim minority in (northwest China) Xinjiang as an ethno-
nationalist threat and severely discriminates them. Forced political indoctrination, arbitrary
mass detention, religious oppression, and restrictions on movement are widespread practices
against thirteen million Uighurs residing in Xinjiang. It is estimated that one million Uighurs
are held in political education camps.165

Artificial intelligence, particularly facial recognition166, takes discrimination into a higher grade
to establish full social control on Uighur minority. Facial recognition systems bring a unique
ability to identify and categorize people. It is claimed that such competence can single out and
target minority groups. In the view of an expert, “[h]istory has clearly taught us that the

This is a quote by William Gibson that is taken from (24th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison
and Probation Services (CDPPS), 2019)
This is a famous quote by Robert S. McNamara that is taken from (Micah & Michael, 2010, p. 69)
Discrimination grounds can be overlapping and some cases include multiple or intersectional discrimination;
therefore, examples may not completely fit into related section’s title.
(Human Rights Watch, 2019, p. 1)
For detailed information on facial recognition see Section 5.1.

government will exploit technologies like face surveillance to target communities of color,
religious minorities, and immigrants.167” This is currently evident in the case of Uighur Muslim
minority in Xinjiang. Owing to facial recognition systems, the government can easily identify,
track, and target millions of minority group members.168

A system called Integrated Joint Operations Platform collects information from several
sources: an application that forcefully installed to smartphones, wi-fi sniffers, online and
offline surveillance. The system processes data to profile Uighurs and predict potential
terrorists. To track labeled persons, law enforcement uses facial recognition systems in every
corner of daily life: checkpoints, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, mosques, and residential
areas. Suspicious acts such as teaching Islam to their children, perform prayers, have relatives
living in abroad are considered risky and may cause a force visit to “education camps.” It is
argued that torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment are widespread in detention
camps.169 A member of minority groups describes the circumstances “Uighurs are alive, but
their entire lives are behind walls. It is like they are ghosts living in another world.170”

Due to lack of respect for fundamental rights and rule of law, it seems like Xinjiang is converted
to a state-sponsored surveillance laboratory. Chinese start-ups try to develop facial recognition
systems that can recognize “sensitive groups” and classify Uighurs and non-Uighurs.
Developers use machine learning methods to achieve such goals. Firstly, developers feed
artificial intelligence system with a great number of labeled photos of Uighurs and non-
Uighurs. Then, by using machine learning, artificial intelligence tries to find patterns and traits
to identify Uighurs.171

4.2.2. Discrimination based on gender

“Intersectional feminism is not just about women nor even just about gender. Feminism is about power
– who has it and who does not. And in a world in which data is power, and that power is wielded
unequally, data feminism can help us understand how it can be challenged and changed.172”

The aim of this section is to establish a nexus between artificial intelligence and discrimination
based on gender. The section will provide examples of artificial intelligence bias based on

(American Civil Liberties Union, 2019)
(Human Rights Watch, 2018, pp. 15,17, 75-76)
(Darren, 2019), (Human Rights Watch, 2019, pp. 13-28)
(Darren, 2019)
(Paul, 2019)
(Catherine & Lauren, 2019, p. Introduction)

gender in various fields, such as machine translation, chatbot, car voice control system, and
targeted advertising.

The first example concerns language translation tools that can amplify gender stereotypes. This
is exemplified in the work undertaken by Caliskan, Bryson, and Narayanan. Google Translate
is the most used machine translation service that can translate between one hundred and three
languages. Researchers examined Google Translate’s translations from genderless languages
to English. The results indicated that Google Translate converted gender-neutral pronouns to
gender-stereotyped pronouns. To illustrate, gender-neutral pronouns in Turkish such as “o bir
hemşire” and “o bir doktor” translated into “she is a nurse” and “he is a doctor.” Researchers
observed identical gender-stereotyped results translation from Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian,
and Persian to English. Same sentences translated from Turkish to Portuguese, Spanish,
German, Russian, and French generated gender-stereotyped results.173 Further research
demonstrated that Google works on gender-specific translations.174 However, as exhibited in
the below figure, Google Translate’s gender-stereotyped translations continue as of May 2019.
As a researcher pointed out, it may be impossible to solve bias in translation tools without
addressing gender discrimination in society.175

Figure 2 - Google Translate translations from genderless Turkish language to English176

(Caliskan, Narayanan, & Bryson, 2017, pp. 3-4)
(Google, 2019)
(James B. , 2018)
The translations were made in Google Chrome's Incognito mode (after deleting cookies and logging out from
personal accounts) on May 3, 2019. Google Translate provided alternative gender pronouns for five occupations
(nurse, teacher, hostess, accountant, and gynecologist) out of thirty.

The second example regarding artificial intelligence bias relates to a chatbot.177 In March 2016,
Microsoft released Tay, a chatbot on Twitter aimed to have human-like conversations (that
includes humor and randomness) with Twitter users. In addition to its advanced algorithms,
Tay aimed to have the personality of an American woman aged between 18 and 24 and aspired
to establish a connection with millennials with knowledge of slang and popular culture. Tay
was “really designed to be entertainment.178”

In less than a day, Microsoft’s chatbot experiment grew into a fiasco. Tay’s interactions with
Twitter users produced a large number of tweets included sexism, racism, Antisemitism, and
many forms of hate speech. Following tweets of Tay illustrates this point clearly “feminism is
cancer,” “I f****** hate feminists and they should all die and burn in hell,” “gamergate is good
and women are inferior,” “Okay ... Jews did 9/11”, “Hitler was right I hate the Jews.179” Due to
design flaws and coordinated attacks, “Tay’s learning algorithms replicated the worst racism
and sexism of Twitter very quickly.180” Sixteen hours after its release, Microsoft shut down Tay
and publicly apologized.181

Moving on from this to an entirely different field that demonstrates artificial intelligence bias
based on gender. Many people have car accidents because of distracted driving. Thus, car
manufacturers research ways to smooth driving out. Car voice control system is one of the
widely used tools to achieve such goal. Owing to car voice control system, drivers can
command satellite navigation, radio, air-condition, smartphones, and many systems via voice
commands. An investigative journalist revealed that 2012 model Ford Focus’ (one of the most
selling cars of the year) voice control systems could not identify female voices. The system did
not have any difficulties with male voice commands.182

The last example of artificial intelligence gender bias relates to working life. In a digitalized
world, many daily activities are transferred to online activities, and job hunting has not been
an exception. Search engines play a critical role in accessing job postings. Therefore, many
people seek jobs on search engines, most notably on Google. Online job advertisements may
worsen gender pay gap due to discrimination in targeted ads. The researchers found that
Google’s targeted ads for high paid positions are shown more to men than women. Algorithms

The term chatbot refers to “[c]onversational agent that dialogues with its user (for example: empathic robots
available to patients, or automated conversation services in customer relations).” (The Council of Europe, 2019)
(Gina, 2016, pp. 4920-4921)
(James V. , 2016)
(Gina, 2016, p. 4922)
(Gina, 2016, p. 4922)
(Carty, 2011)

that learn from user behavior showed these ads more often to men. The researchers argued that
the outcome of targeted ads was discrimination instead of profiling, and there is no justification
for such a result.183

4.2.3. Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

This section seeks to outline artificial intelligence bias against the LGBTQI community.
Firstly, the section will touch upon studies on facial recognition,184 and a real-life example will

Research from Stanford University developed a facial recognition that aims to classify persons
based on sexual orientation. When one face photo was provided to the system, it could
differentiate between gay and heterosexual men with 81% accuracy; for women, the rate was
71%. In the same process, human judges’ accuracy rate was lower than the facial recognition
system: 61% for men and 54% for women. When five face photos of a person were supplied
to the system, the accuracy rate rose to 91% for men and 83% for women.185

Another study investigated how to improve facial recognition’s accuracy to identify persons’
faces undergoing gender transformation using hormone replacement therapy as such process
alters the face shape and texture, which may make it challenging to identify a face. Also, an
“interesting question” appeared in the study, “will someone use hormone replacement therapy
for the purpose of masking or creating a new identity?” The study concluded that their method
improved commercially available facial recognition systems’ accuracy between 56% and

Despite the striking results, these studies raise crucial moral questions, have serious limitations,
and should be taken with a grain of salt.187 Arguably, the mentioned systems are not qualified
to achieve their tasks in society at present. If these kinds of facial recognition researches
continue to advance, it may create essential problems. Facial recognition can easily be used to
target the LGBTQI community, especially where being an LGBTQI individual is illegal or
socially unacceptable. Stated differently, facial recognition can create life threating problems

(Amit, Michael,, & Anupam, 2015, pp. 105-106)
For detailed information on facial recognition, see Chapter 5.1.
(Michal & Yilun, 2018)
(Gayathri, Karl,, & Midori, 2014)
(Blaise, Alexander, & Margaret, 2018), (Drew, 2017)

for LGBTQI individuals. Therefore, the above-stated studies should be considered as a serious
warning signal.

In addition to academic studies, a personal story gives an insight into machine bias against
LGBTQI community. Sasha Costanza-Chock is an associate professor at MIT who identifies
themselves as nonbinary trans feminine. Before taking a flight, just like everyone else, Sasha
goes through airport security. The treatment Sasha receives is different due to artificial
intelligence’s design. Airport security systems (particularly millimeter wave scanner) always
flag Sasha as high risk. Because millimeter wave scanners have two options, male or female
and Sasha’s body does not fit into both. After always being flagged, Sasha undergoes detailed
search due to airport security protocol. It is a clear example of how norms, assumptions, and
values are encoded in technology and can create disparate treatment.188

4.2.4. Discrimination based religion, belief, and political opinion

Persecution based on religious or political opinion is a severe human rights issue in many states.
In the light of real-world examples, this section argues that if necessary measures are not taken,
artificial intelligence may exacerbate this problem.

Social media is an integral part of daily life. Facebook is the most widely used social media
platform that includes an enormous amount of personal data which can be used for profiling as
well as discrimination. The researchers developed an algorithm that uses Facebook likes to
predict a wide range of characteristics, such as political opinion, religious belief, gender, sexual
orientation, and ethnic origin. The results were noteworthy: the algorithm’s accuracy rate was
95% to distinguish between a Caucasian and African American, 93% to make difference
between a male and female, 85% to distinguish between Democrats and Republicans, 88%
when identifying gay males and 75% for lesbians, 82% to classify between Christians and
Muslims.189 The possibility of extensive profiling may be used to target persons or groups based
on the above mention characteristics which can create problematic results.

Another example is Facebook’s artificial intelligence powered targeted advertising, which

raised debates around discrimination. Facebook’s algorithm automatically converts Facebook
users’ interests in advertising categories. The researchers found out that (as a result of artificial
intelligence-driven targeted advertising), Facebook created ad categories such as “Jew Hater,”
“Nazi Party,” and “SS.” Therefore, it was possible to target ads to such groups. Stated

(Sasha Costanza, 2018)
(Kosinski, Graepel, & Stillwell, 2013)

differently, an advertiser could easily target anti-Semitic Facebook users to promote
everything. Facebook deleted anti-Semitic ad categories after researchers contacted the

Another issue concerning Facebook is its weak and corrupt data protection policy. As the
Cambridge Analytica Scandal revealed, third parties can harvest Facebook users’ data without
their consent. Consequently, third parties that harvest Facebook’s data can use harvested data
to identify or target persons or groups to discriminate them.

The third example relates to facial recognition. The technology becomes widespread, and
people are already used to see it in shopping malls, casinos, airports, and many places due to
security or commercial reasons. Thanks to reasonable expectation of privacy, people assume
that they are not monitored in every aspect of life. Be that as it may, a place that should be the
most confidential started to use facial recognition systems to monitor people.

Moshe Greenshpan is a facial recognition developer that served security market for years.
Many churches around the world asked him to develop a facial recognition system to identify
churchgoers. Demand brought supply, and his company developed such a system. Forty
churches from different countries bought it as of 2015. Greenshpan claims that churches use
their system to identify the most regular churchgoers to ask donations and track absent
churchgoers to check them. In other words, unlike law enforcement’s aim, there is no security
concern lie behind the use of facial recognition. This may raise a question about whether such
use pursues a legitimate aim. Greenshpan also declared that his company encourages churches
to disclose the use of facial recognition. Nonetheless, he does not think churches reveal the use
of facial recognition. Put it mildly, opacity is another issue.191

The principle and alarming issue at hand is invasion of privacy, yet it is not the only one. Due
to facial recognition, religious institutions can easily track irregular attendants and persons who
walked from them. Religious institutions can identify people who are different from majority’s
beliefs. This may easily lead stigmatization of identified people and discrimination, particularly
in religiously intolerant areas. In wrong hands, such use of technology can be the foundation
of a religious version of Big Brother.

(Julia, Madeleine, & Ariana, Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach ‘Jew Haters’, 2017)
(Hill, 2015), (Rachel, 2015)

4.2.5. Discrimination based on race

This section aims to bridge artificial intelligence and discrimination based on race in the light
of real-world examples. The section will respectively touch upon gerrymandering, targeted
advertising, and a beauty contest.

The term “gerrymandering” generally refers to manipulating map drawing process of electoral
district boundaries to gain advantage in elections for a particular political candidate or party.
Gerrymandering is widely referred
Figure 3 - How gerrymandering occurs
politicians pick their voters instead of
voters choose politicians. Two
methods are conventional in the
process. The first practice called
“packing,” which refers to packing
unwanted voters into minimum
numbers of electoral districts to
decrease their representation in other
places. The second technique is
called “cracking.” It is generally defined to spread unwanted voters in many places as possible
to outnumber them.192 Figure 3193 may assist in explaining these practices.

Gerrymandering is a longstanding political debate in many countries. The research will focus
on gerrymandering in the USA, arguably where the problem occurs most, to illustrate how
artificial intelligence may worsen gerrymandering.

Before proceeding to examine artificial intelligence-driven gerrymandering, it is necessary to

address the law. According to the Supreme Court of the United States, political gerrymandering
(manipulating electoral district boundaries to guarantee a political party’s success) may be
considered legal.194 On the other hand, the Supreme Court’s well-established case-law prohibits
racial gerrymandering (shaping electoral district boundaries with the aim of underrepresenting
racial minorities).195

(Andrew, 2019)
The figure is taken from (Christopher, 2015)
(Gill v. Whitford, 2018)
(Cooper v. Harris, 2017)

Gerrymandering requires a high volume of data processing, profiling, and calculation of
probabilities. Artificial intelligence and algorithms are tailor-made for these tasks as
exemplified many times in study at hand. Accordingly, it is not a surprise that algorithms drive
gerrymandering. In fact, “[g]errymandering used to be an art, but advanced computation has
made it a science.196” It is plausible to argue that many gerrymandering practices that were
struck down by courts were products of algorithms.

As noted above, racial gerrymandering is illegal, unlike political gerrymandering. The issue is
that artificial intelligence can easily bypass prohibition of racial gerrymandering. It can use
political affiliation as a proxy for race. For instance, in 2018 House of Representatives Midterm
Election in the USA, 90% Black voters voted for a Democratic candidate.197 Artificial
intelligence can easily use this correlation for proxy discrimination. It can also camouflage this
type of discrimination way more efficient compared to any other tool (as explained in Section
4.1.5). Taking a case before the courts claiming racial gerrymandering is already troublesome,
and it seems that artificial intelligence may impede this process.

Having discussed gerrymandering, now the section moves on to a completely different and
important field, online targeted advertising. A Harvard University study investigated racial
discrimination in online advertising. It found out that online ads associate Black sounding
names more often with criminal records. The study searched 2184 real persons’ names on and that both rely on Google AdSense (Google’s automated
advertisement program) for online advertisements. The researcher found that when searching
a person on and, the search results generate advertisements which
generally provided a link to public records, including criminal records. However, this criminal
record presentation occurred more often for Black people. In other words, ads for criminal
records appeared 25% more for typical Black names in comparison to White or neutral
sounding names. Some of the ads suggested that the searched person may have criminal
records. To illustrate, a search result showed the following ad “Latanya Sweeney, Arrested? 1)
Enter name and state 2) Access full background. Checks instantly.” The researcher followed these advertisements. She became a
member of the advertised website that provides background information on searched person
based on public records. In the end, the research found no criminal records. In other words, the
advertised website gave the impression that searched person has criminal records, yet there was

(Jordan, 2017)
(Alec, 2018)

none. To conclude, typical Black sounding names 25% more associated with arrest-related ads
that generally gave false impression that the searched person has criminal records.198 In a world
digital image matters most, this can easily lead discrimination based on race.

The above-referred study is not a cherry-picked problem in online advertising. Researchers

discovered that Facebook’s advertisement system allows advertisers to exclude target groups
by race. Facebook assigns Facebook users in an “ethnic affinity” based on their likes. This
enables an advertiser to choose which ethnic affinity can see their Facebook advertisements.
Put another way, advertisers can exclude African Americans, Asian Americans, or Hispanics
from their Facebook advertisements. The company’s practice is considered illegal because
discrimination based on race in housing and employment advertisements is prohibited by law
in the USA (and many other jurisdictions). After facing a legal case and criticized by four
congressmen, Facebook stated that the company would change its policy.199

Artificial intelligence is used in a diverse range of fields. An interesting field in which artificial
intelligence is harnessed is the beauty industry. In 2016, a group of biogerontologists and data
scientists organized the first international beauty contest judged by artificial intelligence. The
developers tried to use objective criteria such as wrinkleless. More than six thousand people
from one hundred countries submitted their photos to be evaluated in various age and gender
groups. The results were “interesting.” Among forty-four winners, there was one Black person
and a few Asians; the vast majority of winners was White. That is to say, artificial intelligence
jury did not pick Black people due to biased training data.200

4.3. Conclusions
This chapter started by investigating the nexus between artificial intelligence and
discrimination. This theoretical outlook, supported with real-world examples, affirms that
artificial intelligence can discriminate in variety of ways. The subsequent sections illustrated
artificial intelligence’s disparate impact and treatment on different discrimination grounds. In
the light of the above-stated sections (and chapters), the study proposes the following

1) Artificial intelligence can identify and profile people more efficiently than any other tool.
Beyond creating economic opportunities for some industries (such as advertisement), this

(Latanya, 2013)
(Eric, 2016), (Julia, Facebook Says it Will Stop Allowing Some Advertisers to Exclude Users by Race, 2016),
(Angwin & Terry, 2016)
(Sam, 2016)

unique ability can also form a basis to discriminate particular groups and persons. Equally
important, artificial intelligence is used to or tends to discriminate some of the most
discriminated groups: women, people of color, the LGBTQI community, and ethnic minorities.
In the era of the rise of global populism, systemic discrimination is at alarming level. If
sufficient measures will not be taken, there is a good chance that artificial intelligence will
aggravate this problem.

2) A noticeable proportion of society (and developers) believe that artificial intelligence

decisions are objective, efficient, and flawless. The rationale behind it is, possibly, the way
artificial intelligence functions. It operates in an automated and technical way that an average
person may have difficulties to understand. In the case of machine learning, the functionality
of artificial intelligence can be complicated for developers as well. Adding hype surrounding
AI and how media and popular culture misportray artificial intelligence, many people
excessively trust machines. That being said, an automated and complex system does not
amount to impeccable decision-making. Some fundamentals should be emphasized. Humans
design artificial intelligence. Also, artificial intelligence needs data to achieve its goals.
Considering neither developers nor data is perfect, it is safe to say that the outcome may be
useful but generally far from being faultless, and many times discriminatory.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, some decision makers tend to over-rely on artificial
intelligence decisions. As clarified in this chapter, artificial intelligence can discriminate in a
number of ways. The disproportionate trust to artificial intelligence may take systemic
discrimination into a higher grade. Because AI tends to amplify existing discrimination. Also,
the complexity of artificial intelligence may mask systemic discrimination. Decision makers
and society should be aware of the flip sides of AI. To tackle this issue, artificial intelligence
literacy can play a crucial role to raise awareness.

3) As explained in the second chapter, artificial intelligence showed a breakneck advancement

in the last decade. This has led to a great deal of hype and a renewed interest in artificial
intelligence. The truth is that artificial intelligence eases life in many aspects, and now it is
everywhere. At the same time, society hastily adopted artificial intelligence without questions
and caution. After witnessing disparate treatment of artificial intelligence, researchers started
to raise their concerns. At present, such concerns have not gotten through to most of the
artificial intelligence industry. Only time will tell whether the industry will adopt new
approaches to prevent harmful effects of artificial intelligence. In short to medium term, the

mindset of the industry may be vital to prevent human rights violations. Because at present
artificial intelligence largely remains unregulated. This raises the question of whether artificial
intelligence should be regulated. The thesis touches upon this question in the last chapter.

4) Quite a number of researchers concentrate on possible long-term effects of artificial

intelligence. It is true that potential problems are unique, not predictable, requires a great deal
of attention. As Henry Kissinger pointed out

“[t]hrough all human history, civilizations have created ways to explain the world around them—in the
Middle Ages, religion; in the Enlightenment, reason; in the 19th century, history; in the 20th century,
ideology … The Enlightenment started with essentially philosophical insights spread by a new
technology. Our period is moving in the opposite direction. It has generated a potentially dominating
technology in search of a guiding philosophy.201”

Reaffirming the importance of artificial intelligence’s long-term effects, it is understandable

why there is much debate around artificial intelligence’s distant future. Notwithstanding this,
as the research tried to evidence in this chapter, the future and the drawbacks of artificial
intelligence are already here. They have escaped the attention of many experts, especially legal
researchers. Hitherto, lawyers and human rights defenders have paid far too little attention to
artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a multidisciplinary field that requires
contribution of law to prevent artificial intelligence discrimination (and other harmful impacts).
Artificial intelligence developers should get legal researchers on board; legal researchers
should pay further attention to artificial intelligence.

(Henry, 2018)

“When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you invent the plane you also invent
the plane crash; and when you invent electricity, you invent electrocution ... Every technology carries its
own negativity, which is invented at the same time as technical progress.202”

The chapter covers three case studies to provide a detailed analysis of artificial intelligence
bias in real-life situations. The chapter begins by examining facial recognition, a rapidly
advancing artificial intelligence application aims to identify and verify based on biometrics.
The second case study concerns search engines, the most widely used algorithm, which is
essential for freedom of speech. The last case study revolves around the use of artificial
intelligence in criminal justice system and concentrates on risk assessment tools. The chapter
analyses case studies with discrimination outlook, tries to address root causes of identified
issues, and seeks solutions.

5.1. Facial Recognition

“As many people lose their economic value, they might also come to lose their political power. The same
technologies that might make billions of people economically irrelevant might also make them easier to
monitor and control.203”

Facial recognition dramatically developed in the last decade and became more widespread.
This not only has eased daily life but also raised serious debates, particularly in the human
rights field. It is asserted that facial recognition system poses serious threats to the right to
privacy, freedom of speech, and peaceful assembly. Although such problems are duly noted,
this study concentrates on facial recognition and prohibition of discrimination. The section
firstly provides a brief overview of facial recognition, then addresses facial recognition bias
and root causes of it.

5.1.1. Introduction to facial recognition

Today, facial recognition is an integral part of daily life and used in various domains. As a
consequence of this technological development, people can unlock their smartphones,
Facebook tags photos, home security cameras identify unwanted visitors, airline companies
conduct quick airport check-ins, customers can shop at automated stores without the need to
checkout, and police can identify criminals and missing persons.

This is a quote by Paul Virilio which is taken from (Stowe, 2018)
(Yuval, 2018)

Facial recognition became more prevalent and turned into an unregulated and profitable
industry in the last years. It can be illustrated by interesting examples. A fast-food chain enables
its customers to pay with their face.204 Artificial intelligence-driven pet-feeders can identify pet
and opens its lid to feed the associated pet.205 A popular pop music singer, Taylor Swift, used
facial recognition in concerts to identify
Figure 4 - How facial recognition works
stalkers.206 Australian retail sector uses facial
recognition equipped billboards to identify
shopper demographics and reveal shoppers’
mood.207 Some cities in China uses facial
recognition to identify jaywalkers. A name and
shame procedure follows it. The photo of the
offender and a part of the offender’s identity
card is displayed on large billboards.208

Let us take a step back and introduce facial

recognition. It has two aims, to identify an
unknown face or verify a previously identified
face. A photo, video, or real-time footage can be
used in the process. The procedure generally
follows these steps: the system takes an image,
measures the distance between parts of the face
(eyes, nose, eyebrow), converts it to a numerical
code (faceprint), and lastly tries to match the code with an image in the database. Some systems
may calculate the probability score of matches.209

Facial recognition may fail to identify or verify a face as a result of low image quality, poor
lighting conditions, or different view angles. Here, it may be useful to refer two important
terms, “false positive” and “false negative.” The term “false negative” refers when facial
recognition fails to match a face with an image in the database (no match when there should

(Clifford, 2018)
(, 2019)
(Canon, 2019)
(Gillespie, 2019)
(Liao, 2018)
(Electronic Frontier Foundation, 2019) The figure is taken from (Big Brother Watch, 2018, p. 7)

be). “False positive” occurs when facial recognition matches a face with an incorrect image in
the database (mismatch).210

5.1.2. Facial recognition discrimination

A large number of facial recognition discrimination examples can be seen in real-life situations.
Google offers a service named Google Photos, a cloud storage automatically categorizes
uploaded photos and videos to make it easier for users to find them. It is considered one of the
most advanced applications in the market. In 2015, a software developer uploaded a photo of
two Black people. The facial recognition system labeled the photo as “gorillas.” In the
following days, Google removed the labels: gorilla, chimp, chimpanzee, and monkey from the
system to fix the issue.211

Google’s failure was not an exception. Flickr, a popular image and video hosting service,
automatically tagged a portrait of a Black man as animal and ape.212 Another notable facial
recognition bias example was Nikon’s camera that could detect blink eyes. When
photographing Asian faces, the camera always warned “did someone blink?” although people’s
eyes were completely open.213 In a similar vein, New Zealand’s facial recognition system
rejected a passport photograph of an Asian descent due to closed eyes, although his eyes were
clearly open.214 A further example was Hewlett-Packard’s face-tracking webcam which could
smoothly follow a white face; whereas when a Black person entered into the scene, it could not
detect him.215

Besides above-stated examples, Figure 5- Three facial recognition systems’ accuracy

previous academic research has rate on skin colors and genders
revealed that facial recognition
systems discriminate. In her timely
investigation into well-known facial
recognition systems, Buolamwini was
able to show that three widely used
facial recognition systems (developed
by Microsoft, IBM, and Megvii of China) discriminate dark-skinned individuals, particularly

(Electronic Frontier Foundation, 2019)
(Simonite, 2018)
(Hern, 2015)
(Zhang, 2015)
(Regan, 2016)
(Chen, 2009)

Black women. The results indicated that three leading facial recognition systems could identify
male faces better than female faces, identify lighter skin colors more accurately than darker
skin colors, and all systems perform the worst on dark female faces (see Figure 5).216

The American Civil Liberties Union examined another prominent facial recognition system,
Amazon Rekognition. The research compared the members of the United States Congress’
photos with a mugshot database consists of 25 000 publicly available arrest photos. The facial
recognition system falsely matched 28 congress members with the arrested persons. Despite
the fact that 20% of the congress members were people of color, 39% of false positive was
related to congress members of color.217 Another research examined the influence of
demographics on six different facial recognition systems. It concluded that the facial
recognition systems had lower match accuracy on females (compared to males), Black people
(compared to White and Hispanic), and people aged 18-30 (compared to age group 30-50 or

5.1.3. The underlying reasons of facial recognition discrimination

Sampling bias: As stated above, the false positive rates of leading facial recognition systems
are higher with regard to females and people of color. There may be different reasons behind
it. Arguably, the foremost problem is undiversified training data (sampling bias).219 According
to the above-stated research, the facial recognition of Microsoft, IBM, and Megvii of China
can identify light skin males almost without a mistake. In other words, facial recognition
systems can perform nearly flawless if they are trained properly. Same systems cannot produce
identical results on every gender and skin color. Because, most likely, training data did not
involve sufficient examples from every gender and skin color. Therefore, developers should
ensure that training data of facial recognition systems is as diversified as the proportion of
society facial recognition system aims to serve.

Deployment of underdeveloped facial recognition systems and over-reliance on them:

Discrimination may occur due to the premature release of facial recognition software into the
public domain. As indicated above, Microsoft’s facial recognition system had higher false
positive rates when matching darker skin tones and females. After criticisms, Microsoft

(Buolamwini, 2018) The figure is taken from (, 2019)
(Snow , 2018)
(Klare, Burge, Klontz, Bruegge, & Jain, 2012, s. 1796-1799)
(Roach, 2019)

claimed that it updated its facial recognition system that significantly reduced false positives.220
In a similar vein, Amazon claimed that after its update, Amazon Rekognition performs
significantly better.221 The developers could have taken such precautions before the release.
Unfortunately, in some cases, developers do not take any precautions on facial recognition
discrimination. For instance, two large facial recognition companies in the USA do not test
their systems for racial bias.222

In newly emerging technology, often there may be room for improvement that can be fulfilled
in public domain. On the other hand, the adverse effects of facial recognition may produce
severe and irreparable damage. Steve Talley’s story illustrates this point clearly. In September
2014, a SWAT team entered Talley’s house and arrested him. Talley was charged with bank
robbery. The primary evidence against him was a facial recognition match that was backed
with witness statement. His public defender proved that it was a mismatch. Talley’s medical
examinations showed that he had sustained several injuries during the arrest. In December
2015, Talley was arrested again related to another bank robbery. The evidence was, again, a
facial recognition match. Later on, FBI analysis revealed that it was a mismatch. Talley claims
that, as a result of mismatches and two years judicial process, he lost his career, became
homeless, and faces a series of health problems. He alleges that he cannot find a job owing to
the loss of his licenses and his digital image (Google search results) that displays him as a

Talley’s story demonstrates many problems concerning how law enforcement uses facial
recognition. Facial recognition systems are usually developed and sold by private companies.
Considering facial recognition is used in a delicate procedure, to provide evidence in criminal
investigations, it is expected that law enforcement is held to a high standard. However, the
researchers noted that some law enforcement in the USA does not require any accuracy
threshold for facial recognition systems before or after the purchase.224

The second issue relates to insufficient human double check of facial recognition matches. Law
enforcement is aware of false positives. However, only a few law enforcement agencies in the
USA systematically double-check facial recognition matches before referring them to

(Roach, 2019)
(Amazon, 2018)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, pp. 53, 55)
(Manning, 2017), (Kofman, 2016)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 47)

officers.225 In some cases, double-check of facial recognition matches may fall short. Because
without specialized training, human double-check is inefficient.226 For instance, in the
abovementioned story, the FBI was able to identify Talley’s facial recognition mismatch,
which shows how expertise can make a difference.

There are more concerns about the deployment of incomplete facial recognition. A meager
false positive rate may create a large number of issues showing regard to the extensive use of
technology and the vast size of facial recognition databases. A Georgetown University study
reported that at least 26 states in the USA use facial recognition systems and 117 million
Americans are registered in law enforcement facial recognition systems (as of 2016).227 Bearing
in the mind that large database may increase the possibility of false positives,228 there is a good
chance that Talley’s story may repeat on many occasions. Big Brother Watch’s report supports
this argument, which showed that 95% of facial recognition matches of some police
departments in the United Kingdom were inaccurate.229

The premature deployment of facial recognition may cause problems not only in criminal
proceedings. A healthcare policy and research expert raised an essential question regarding
biased facial recognition systems cannot achieve the same standards in every skin tone. “What
happens when we rely on such algorithms to diagnose melanoma on light versus dark skin?230”

Two leading companies in artificial intelligence research raised concerns on the premature
deployment of facial recognition. Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai argues that artificial
intelligence industry “[h]as to realize it just cannot build it and then fix it.231” The president of
Microsoft claims that “‘[m]ove fast and break things’ became something of a mantra in Silicon
Valley earlier this decade. But if we move too fast with facial recognition, we may find that
people’s fundamental rights are being broken.232”

Lack of transparency: Another prominent problem concerning the use of facial recognition
is lack of transparency. Firstly, there is no clear evidence which companies supply facial
recognition systems. To illustrate, it is widely known that Amazon, a leading facial recognition

(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, pp. 49-50)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 49)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 2)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 51)
(Big Brother Watch, 2018, p. 3)
(Khullar, 2019)
(Romm, Timberg, & Romm, Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Fears about artificial intelligence are ‘very
legitimate,’ he says in Post interview, 2018)
(Smith, Facial recognition technology: The need for public regulation and corporate responsibility, 2018)

developer, actively markets Amazon Rekognition to law enforcement in the USA.233 Amazon
refuses to disclose any information on whether it sells facial recognition systems to public or
private actors. On the other hand, a nation-wide human rights coalition in the USA wrote a
letter to Amazon to stop selling its facial recognition system to law enforcement. They argue
that Amazon encourages to use facial recognition to target “people of interest” (e.g., Black
activists or undocumented immigrants).234

Another common issue is opacity in the use of facial recognition. For example, Microsoft sold
facial recognition systems to the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.235 It is
claimed that Microsoft’s system was used at the border for Trump administration’s
controversial family separation policy. According to a public statement, the company is not
aware of its product being used for such an objective.236 Another research concluded that apart
from a few exceptions, law enforcement agencies in the USA use facial recognition systems
without transparency and internal accountability. Same research points out that law
enforcement’s most advanced facial recognition systems are usually the least transparent

Lack of regulation: Facial recognition remains a largely unregulated field. Reaffirming the
extensive use and threats facial recognition poses to human rights, this is alarming. Public and
private actors may abuse facial recognition until it is discovered. Proving misuse before the
courts is an uphill task.

It is plausible to say that facial recognition is used without any legal basis. For instance, in
reply to a written parliamentary question, the Minister of State for Policing of the United
Kingdom stated that “[t]here is no legislation regulating the use of CCTV cameras with facial
recognition.238” Moreover, facial recognition may be used disproportionately, unethically, or
unlawfully in many domains owing to lack of regulation. A great illustration is Churchix, a
facial recognition attendance system. The developer suggests that churches can use it to track
churchgoers’ attendance to church services.239 The developer also stated that churches do not

(Doffman, 2019), (Wingfield, 2018)
(Human Rights NGOs coalition, 2018)
(Keane, 2018)
(Microsoft Corporate Blogs, 2018)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 58)
(Big Brother Watch, 2018, p. 9)
(, 2019)

tell people that they use such system.240 Such use may invade not only privacy but also freedom
of religion and belief.

Some examples in China show how facial recognition can be used disproportionately.
Hangzhou No. 11 High School uses facial recognition to monitor students’ behavior and
categorizes them into different moods.241 The Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing uses toilet
paper dispensers equipped with facial recognition system to prevent excessive toilet paper
use.242 An extreme example may be the Social Credit System in China. It is a nation-wide mass
surveillance system integrated with facial recognition that aims to track every citizen to rate
them with a social credit score. Due to lack of regulation, problematic uses may occur in any
country lacks regulation.

There is no sufficient audits or procedures in the use of facial recognition owing to lack of
regulation. For instance, Amazon suggests that law enforcement should use facial recognition
matches only for predictions, and the match rate should be 99% or higher. Even in that case,
facial recognition match should not be a sole deterrent in an investigation.243 It is questionable
whether law enforcement agencies follow this advice. The issue is that there is no obligation
to follow these procedures, and no sanctions will be applied in violations. Put differently, due
to lack of regulation, law enforcement may arbitrarily use facial recognition.

Some developers addressed these problems. They call for regulation and not deploying facial
recognition until it falls into the scope of laws. Google decided not to sell general-purpose
facial recognition system until its dangers are adequately addressed.244 Microsoft called
governments to regulate facial recognition. One of the main reasons for the call was to preclude
facial recognition discrimination.245

Some human rights activists lobby for the ban of real-time facial recognition use in law
enforcement in the USA. Discrimination is a prominent reason behind the claim. In their
opinion, law enforcement in the country has a well-documented discrimination history. And
facial recognition systems “submit tips and evidence to law enforcement, which could amplify
racial bias and other discriminatory behavior.246” The genie may be out of the bottle, and facial

(Bailey, 2015), (Hill, 2015), (Rachel, 2015)
(Chan, 2018)
(Hernández, 2017)
(Amazon, 2019)
(Walker, 2018)
(Smith, Facial recognition: It’s time for action, 2018)
(A Gorup of Human Rights NGOs, 2018)

recognition is already a profitable industry that provides convenience for many people.
However, San Francisco banned the use of facial recognition by public institutions, including
law enforcement.247 It is a helpful reminder to reaffirm the dangers of facial recognition and
why it should be regulated.

It is not clear why such dangerous technology is not in the scope of laws. Governments may
be reluctant to regulate it. Possibly, they consider law as an obstacle to (illegal) mass
surveillance. On the other hand, facial recognition evolved into a profitable industry, and by
2022, it is expected to reach nearly ten billion dollars industry.248 It may be the reason many
companies, including Amazon and Facebook, took a stand against regulation.249 Arguably,
some actors in the industry believe that regulation may constitute an impediment. With this,
the industry tries to manipulate public opinion. A philosophy professor argues that facial
recognition industry desensitizes society.

“The important question to ask is: what does it take to get the public on board with a massive facial
recognition infrastructure? The answer is normalization. Get people used to using the technology all the
time. Do not just make them comfortable with facial recognition technology, engineer the desire for it.
Create habits that lead people to believe they cannot live without facial recognition tech in their lives.
This is what the consumer side of facial recognition technology is doing: making it seem banal and
unworthy of concern. By getting people to see facial recognition technology as nothing extraordinary, an
argument about value and risk is being made.250”

5.2. Search Engines

“The general public are completely in the dark about very fundamental issues regarding online search
and influence. We are talking about the most powerful mind-control machine ever invented in the history
of the human race. And people do not even notice it.251”

This section briefly tests whether search engines discriminate. If discrimination unfolds, the
section seeks to uncover how and why search engines discriminate. The research concentrates
on Google search engine because it maintains nearly 90% of global market share.252 Firstly,
some problematic search results will be provided. Afterward, how search engines function,
Google’s reply to critics, and counter-arguments will follow it.

(Rachel M. , 2019)
(Singh, 2016)
(Brandom, 2018)
(Brandom, 2018)
(Cadwalladr, 2016)
(Search Engine Market Share Worldwide, 2019)

5.2.1. Introduction to search engines

Today, it is estimated that 4.3 billion people use the Internet.253 Over the years, the Internet has
eased daily life in many ways and evolved into one of the primary information sources of
humanity. On the other hand, as stated by the European Court of Justice, it is challenging to
access relevant information on the Internet without the assistance of search engines.254 Today,
the Internet is an ocean of information, and search engines are Internet users’ compass. Search
engines became a crucial actor in the Internet’s functionality. It is well illustrated by a problem
Google faced. In August 2013, Google had a breakdown for five minutes. As a result, global
Internet traffic dropped forty percent in that period.255

Before enlarging on the topic, it may be useful to mention public opinion on search engines.
According to the Pew Research Center’s study (conducted in 2012 in the USA) public holds a
positive opinion on search engines. 91% of search engine users can find relevant information
thanks to search engines, 73% think that search results are accurate and trustworthy, 66% “say
that search engines are a fair and unbiased source of information.256” Stated differently, an
expert argues that search engines “have become an object of faith257” because public readily
trusts them.

Before proceeding to examine search engine bias, it may be useful to glance through how
Google Search and Google autocomplete functions. Because how search engines function is
closely related to the discussion around search engines bias. There is no list of existing web
pages on the Internet owing to lack of a central registry agency. Therefore, Google’s web
crawler (Googlebot) detects new and updated web pages on the net. This stage is referred as to
“crawling.” After that, Google figures out what a web page is about by examining the content
of it (indexing). Then Google stores information in Google Index, a massive database. When a
user enters a search query, Google searches its index and matches the most appropriate web
page with search query. This phase is called serving (and ranking), which is determined by
more than two hundred factors. A whole series of algorithms make up the ranking system.
Google claims that it provides the most neutral and accurate match. It should be noted that

(Kemp, 2019, p. 7)
(Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD), Mario Costeja González,
2014, pp. 36-37)
(Geere, 2013)
(Purcell, Brenner, & Rainie, 2012, p. 3)
(Noble, 2018, p. 25)

Google also provides advertised search results. On Google Search results, the company
separates advertisements and organic search results.258

Turning to Google’s autocomplete, it aims to speed up search process. When an Internet user
starts typing on Google, it predicts what user wants to search. In Google’s words,
“[a]utocomplete is designed to help people complete a search they were intending to do.259”
Google also expressed that autocomplete predictions “are generated by an algorithm
automatically without human involvement” based on how often users search for a term.260

5.2.2. Search engine discrimination

Google search engine many times

Figure 6 - Google search results: Black vs. White
generated problematic search results teenagers
that sparked debates around
discrimination. One of the most
debated Google search result was
related to young Black teenagers’
image. On Google, the search query
“three black teenagers” led mugshots
and adverse images of Black
teenagers; whereas search query “three
white teenagers” resulted in happy and smiling images of White teenagers.261 In a similar vein,
when a user searched “unprofessional hairstyles for work,” Google showed black women with
curly hair. “Professional hairstyles for work” search query resulted in white women with
coffied hair.262 It is noteworthy to mention that in practice public generally considers high
ranked search results more trustworthy.263

Another problematic image search result generated discussion around discrimination based on
gender. The University of Washington research assessed gender representations in image
search results for forty-five occupations. The research found out that image search results
overstate gender stereotypes and marginally underrepresent women. The research concluded

(Google, 2019), (Google, 2019)
(Google, 2019)
(Google, 2019)
(Allen, 2016), The image is taken from (Sini, 2016)
(Alexander, 2016)
(Noble, 2018, p. 155)

that “people believe results are better when they agree with the stereotype – but risks
reinforcing or even increasing perceptions of actual gender segregation in careers.264”

The United Nations Women used Google Search results to show discrimination against women.
When a user searched “women should” Google autocomplete’s predictions were “stay at
home,” “be slaves,” “be in the kitchen,” “not speak in church.” The search query “women
should not” was completed with “have rights,” “vote,” “work,” “box.” For “women cannot”
Google autocomplete’s first options were “drive,” “be bishops,” “be trusted,” “speak in
church.” Google autocomplete completed the search query “women need to” with “be put in
their place,” “know their place,” “be controlled,” and “be disciplined.” The United Nations
Women used this problematic autocomplete predictions to campaign against sexism.265 Google
autocomplete also hit the headlines due to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. It completed the
search query “are Jewish” with “evil” and “are Muslim” with “bad.266”

Such problematic search results raised debates and divided opinions. Some argue that search
engines discriminate, or at least amplify discrimination. Google’s counter argument highlights
that an automated process shapes search results. The most clicked and relevant webpages
appear on the top of search results. In simple terms, search engines solely reflect society as a
mirror and do not discriminate. Whenever a problematic search result hit the headlines, Google
makes the same statement as follows

“Our image search results are a reflection of content from across the web, including the frequency with
which types of images appear and the way they are described online. This means that sometimes
unpleasant portrayals of sensitive subject matter online can affect what image search results appear for a
given query. These results do not reflect Google’s own opinions or beliefs – as a company, we strongly
value a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures.267”

In other words, Google claims that Internet users determine search results, not Google. With
this disclaimer, Google rejects responsibility of problematic search results. Google also made
a controversial statement on discriminative search queries. According to the company, many
people use discriminative search queries for educational and informational intent.
Consequently, discriminative search results and autocomplete predictions can appear as top
suggestions. Google claims that sometimes problematic search results and autocomplete
predictions assist users to “understand racism, hatred, and other sensitive topics is beneficial to

(Kay, Matuszek, & Munson , 2015)
(UN Women, 2013)
(Cadwalladr, 2016)
(York, 2016)

society.268” To illustrate, in the words of Google, users may use search query “are women evil”
“to understand why there is discrimination against women or why people may say ‘women are

An expert, Safiya Noble, critiqued Google's above-stated disclaimer and argument. In her
comprehensive analysis of search engines discrimination, she argues that Google search is an
advertising source instead of a reliable information source.270 She takes the issue from a Black
feminist perspective to corroborate her argument. Noble claims that sexism and racism are
profitable in racialized capitalism and Google manipulates it. She pointed out that after using
the Internet for years to research on Black feminist theory, when she entered the search query
“black girls” on Google, her first page results showed pornographic websites (that continued
for a few years until 2016) although porn or any related word was not a part of the search query.
Furthermore, Noble asserts that sexist or racist search results usually match with advertised
search results. In her detailed research, she claims that Google lacks neutrality and prioritizes
profitable search results. Put differently, pornographic or exploitive websites are default
identification for Black women because Google commercializes and sexualizes Black women’s
image.271 It should be highlighted that the mentioned example is not an exception. In her
comprehensive study, Noble provides a large number of examples of search engine bias.
Unfortunately, it is beyond the scope of this study to examine every one of them.

As stated above, Google matches the search query with its index via an automated process to
show search results. This process is referred “voting.” By its nature, this mathematical and
algorithm-driven process is an outcome of design choices. Stated another way, the human is
behind the machine-driven process. It should be emphasized that ranking search results is a
political, social, and cultural choice. Another issue is that Google can filter search results. For
instance, in France and Germany, it is unlawful to sell Nazi memorabilia. To comply with local
laws, Google filters related content from search results.272 To conclude, what appears in top
search results, including discriminative search results, is a human engineering outcome that is
not entirely neutral and objective.

(Google, 2018, p. 131)
According to Google, the search query “did the holocaust happen?” is used to receive “factually accurate
information about the Holocaust or information about the issue of Holocaust denial.” Search queries such as
“racist whites”, “racist blacks”, etc. is used because “users are looking for information about racism among people
belonging to the ethnicity mentioned in the query.” (Google, 2018, p. 131)
(Noble, 2018, p. 5)
(Noble, 2018, pp. 31-32, 104, 179)
(Noble, 2018, pp. 36-38, 45)

5.2.3. Solutions

In the following paragraphs, the research will touch upon how to address problematic search
results with both legal and non-legal perspective. Google claims that search engines do not
intend to be racist or sexist. At this point, the main principles of discrimination law should be
recalled. Many jurisdictions do not seek discriminatory motive, purpose, or intention behind
discriminatory treatment to establish the nexus between treatment and protected ground. In
other words, in the perspective of law, what matters is the outcome.

Search engines is one of the most potent platforms for freedom of speech. Such power,
arguably, comes with very little responsibility due to lack of sufficient regulation. This has
significant impact on freedom of speech, right to privacy, and freedom from discrimination.
The European Union noticed the problem and slowly includes search engines in the scope of
the law. The European Court of Justice’s right to be forgotten (Google Spain) case and the
General Data Protection Regulation are the most important steps in that direction. Particularly,
the Google Spain case may be a guiding light. In the view of the European Court of Justice,
search engines are responsible for their activities (retrieving, recording, organizing, storing,
and making data available as search results).273 Perhaps, this mentality may set an example to
prevent search engines discrimination and hold search engines responsible. Stated differently,
search engines may be held liable due to discriminative search results. Because these
problematic search results are the outcome of search engine activities. Some argue that to
mitigate discriminative search results’ effect, Google can include a specific disclaimer
associated with search results or use a technical fix to delist them. On the other hand, these
suggestions may adversely affect freedom of speech.274

Other suggestions to overcome search engine discrimination is to close the digital divide gap
because Global North dominates digital data. In the same way, another problem is homogeneity
in tech industry. Asian and White men govern Silicon Valley.275 To illustrate, as of 2019, 31.6%
of Google employees are women, and 68.4% are men; 3.3% are Black, 5.7% are Latin, 39.8%
are Asian, and 54.4% are White.276 Lack of diversity may be an important reason behind search
engine discrimination. Artificial intelligence’s developers should be more diversified. Because

(Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD), Mario Costeja González,
2014, p. 28)
(Noble, 2018, pp. 155, 158)
(Noble, 2018, p. 163)
(Google, 2019, p. 13)

the research suggests that artificial intelligence may inherit its developers’ bias.277 Lastly, it is
noteworthy to mention that Google tries to tackle search engine discrimination. The company
modified its algorithms and provides a feedback tool integrated to search bar to mitigate
problematic search results.278 These practices should be enhanced and supported.

5.3. Risk Assessment Tools

In a conference, a professor asked a thought-provoking question to the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States “when smart machines, driven with artificial intelligences,
will assist with courtroom fact-finding or, more controversially even, judicial decision-
making?” The Chief Justice replied, “it is a day that is here… and it [artificial intelligence] is
putting a significant strain on how the judiciary goes about doing things.279”

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of artificial intelligence in
judicial environment. A recent report by the European Council indicated a large number of
ways how artificial intelligence can be used in judicial systems.280 This section engages in one
of them, namely risk assessment tools, and critically traces such use with discrimination lenses.

This section firstly makes an introduction to risk assessment tools, that is followed by artificial
intelligence-driven risk assessment and discrimination debates. The section lastly addresses
roots causes of problems.

5.3.1. Introduction to risk assessment tools

Risk assessment tools aim to forecast the likelihood of future crime (or misconduct). It is
argued that risk assessment tools may pursue various goals: (1) to predict the high-risk of
recidivism so that offender can be sentenced by a more severe penalty, (2) to identify low-risk
offenders to take lighter measures, (3) to take risk mitigant or preventive measures in advance
concerning high-risk offenders. Turning to the risk assessment process, risk assessment tools
analyze data to discover the connection between a possible future crime and selected input
criteria such as age, gender, criminal records. Generally, such systems use between seven and
fifteen criteria and attach specific importance to every each of them. After processing input
data, risk assessment tools generate risk score and label persons as low, medium, and high risk.
The end product may be used to decide upon including but not limited to the length of sentence,

(Caliskan, Narayanan, & Bryson, 2017)
(Toor, 2017)
(Liptak, 2017)
(The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe, 2018)

parole, pretrial custody status, probation supervision levels. It should be noted that risk
assessment tools are in use since the 1920’s. Recent developments in the field of artificial
intelligence and dramatically increasing jail population in the USA have led to a renewed
interest in risk assessment tools.281

Risk assessment tools may provide opportunities and pose risks to human rights. Risk
assessment tools supporters argue that these tools produce efficient, neutral, objective
judgments and reduce incarceration rates without compromising public safety. Risk assessment
proponents also claim that in decision-making process, judges may put excessive weight on
extraneous factors. Also, external factors such as re-election, re-appointment, and promotion
may influence judges. In addition, it is suggested that risk assessment tools may be less biased
than biased judges. On the other hand, risk assessment tools critics assert that risk assessment
tools are biased, pose serious threats to human rights (especially right to a fair trial and
prohibition of discrimination) and do not decrease incarceration rates. Risk assessment critics
point out that a judge who has enough information on a case and its surrounding factors can
easily outperform an automated process rely on seven to fifteen criteria. Judges and criminal
justice practitioners support this view: in a survey, less than 10% declared that risk assessment
tools are better than judges on risk assessment at sentencing.282 In case of discrimination, judges
may be aware of historical bias, unlike risk assessment tools, and can adjust their judgment

The use of risk assessment tools in courts in Europe is exceptional. As of late 2018, there is
one risk assessment tool identified in Europe. The European perspective is also doubtful on the
use of risk assessment tools in the courts. The European Commission’s report suggests that the
use of risk assessment tools can be “considered with the most extreme reservations.283” On the
other side of the Atlantic, courts use such systems. A study conducted in 2015 identified sixty
predictive tool systems in the USA.284 It is safe to argue that the number increased since then.
Therefore, the study will concentrate on the USA.

(Stevenson, 2017, pp. 304, 314-316), (Monahan & Skeem, 2015, pp. 11-12), (Julia, Jeff, Surya, Lauren, &
ProPublica, 2016)
(The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe, 2018, p. 54), (Stevenson,
2017, pp. 305, 326-327- 334-335)
(The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe, 2018, pp. 51-52, 66-67)
(The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe, 2018, p. 52)

5.3.2. Risk assessment tool discrimination

“[L]aw punishes people for what they do, not who they are. Dispensing punishment on the basis of an
immutable characteristic flatly contravenes this guiding principle.285”

As stated above, risk assessment tools forecast the possibility of recidivism based on various
factors. Some of these factors are related to discrimination grounds, and this may result in
disparate treatment. For instance, Pennsylvania’s law enforcement uses a risk assessment tool.
In risk assessment process, the tool in question uses nine criteria for risk assessment, and gender
is one of the most influential factors.286 It could be argued that gender is a vital factor in criminal
risk assessment. However, the mentioned risk assessment tool’s developers concluded that
removing gender from input data would very marginally impact the success rate of the tool.287
More importantly, such removal “results in fewer females classified as low risk and more
females classified as high risk.288” As a result, gender criteria goes in women’s favor. It may be
true that males commit more crimes compared to females. Therefore, gender is considered an
important factor that influences the possibility of recidivism. On the other hand, it is
questionable to penalize the same crime differently based on an immutable discrimination
ground (instead of moral culpability). Stated differently, punishing offenders differently based
on a static discrimination ground may not be justifiable.

According to the former United States Attorney General, risk assessment tools “may exacerbate
unwarranted and unjust disparities that are already far too common in our criminal justice
system and in our society.289” Because input of risk assessment tools may be biased due to
historical bias. Risk assessment tools heavily rely upon prior arrests and convictions in risk
assessment process, perhaps way more than they should. Over the years, risk assessment tools
dramatically reduced the number of factors that are used as input data. As a result, prior arrests
and convictions became vital input data in the risk assessment process.290 Over-reliance on
criminal records may hurt some groups due to historical bias. For example, in the USA, police
arrest Black people 3.73 times more in comparison to a White people for marijuana possession;
despite marijuana consumption level among Black people and White people being similar.291
Such practices generate disparate impact that could be seen in number of prior arrests and

(Buck v. Davis, 2017)
(Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, 2018, p. 1)
(Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, 2015, s. 1)
(Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing, 2018)
(Julia, Jeff, Surya, Lauren, & ProPublica, 2016)
(Harcourt, 2010, p. 7)
(American Civil Liberties Union, 2013, p. 4)

convictions. The bigger picture, a comparison of demographics of sentenced prison population
and general population demographics, shows the gravity of the problem. As of 2016, 12% of
the USA adult population was Black, 64% was White, and 16% was Hispanic. The
demographics of people behind bars is significantly different in comparison to general
population demographics: 33% was Black, 30% was White, and 23% was Hispanic.292

Due to systemic discrimination, people of color have more prior arrests and convictions in the
USA. The high level of prior arrests and convictions of people of color increases the risk to be
labeled as high-risk offenders in the risk assessment process. As a result, prior criminal record
may evolve into a proxy due to relatively high correlation between criminal record and race.293
Proxy discrimination may deepen if developers put more weight than they should on criminal

In addition to static discrimination grounds, some experts argue against the use of social and
economic factors as input data to risk assessment systems. Because education, employment,
and economic factors are the outcome of social and economic inequalities. Furthermore, if
there is sufficient connection between socioeconomic factors and discrimination grounds,
socioeconomic input data may produce proxy discrimination. Lastly, socioeconomic factors
are unrelated to moral culpability; thus, experts argue that they should not be a part of risk
assessment input data.295

Having discussed the theory, now it is time to focus on practice. In their thorough analysis of
one of the most widely used risk assessment tools in the USA, COMPAS, the researchers
compared actual recidivism rates and the tool’s predicted recidivism rates for two years. The
findings of this study suggest that the risk assessment tool in question poses many threats to
human rights and may violate prohibition of discrimination.

(Gramlich , 2018)
(Jennifer & Christopher, 2016, p. 8)
(Stevenson, 2017, p. 329)
(Jennifer & Christopher, 2016, p. 7), (Stevenson, 2017, p. 328)

COMPAS generates scores for “risk of recidivism” and “risk of violent recidivism” based on
answers of 137 questions that are replied by defendants or obtained from criminal records.
However, race is not an input factor in risk assessment. Nevertheless, risk scores for White and
Black people were significantly different. Firstly, the tool labeled Black defendants higher risk
than they were. The percentage of defendants labeled higher risk yet did not re-offended was
23.5% for White defendants compared to 44.9% for Black defendants. Secondly, the tool
labeled White defendants less risky than
Figure 7 - COMPAS’ risk score comparison:
they were. The percentage of defendants
White vs. Black defendants
labeled lower risk and re-offended was
47.7% for White defendants in
comparison to 28% for Black defendants.
Thirdly, Black defendants were
disproportionally mislabeled for higher
risk of violent recidivism. Black
defendants were misclassified as two
times more likely than White defendants
as high risk of violent recidivism.
Furthermore, by comparison with Black
defendants, White defendants were 63%
more misclassified as low risk of violent
recidivism. The researchers controlled
some inputs, prior crimes, future
recidivism, age, and gender, and tested the
risk assessment tool. In that case, Black defendants were 45% more likely to be labeled higher
risk scores for recidivism and 77% more likely to be classified higher risk scores for violent
recidivism compared to White defendants.296 To conclude, it is plausible to argue that
COMPAS (one of the most widely used risk assessment tools) exacerbates racial disparities.

5.3.3. The underlying reasons of risk assessment tool discrimination

Thus far, this section has analyzed risk assessment tools with discrimination law perspective.
In addition to this assessment, it is essential to touch upon interrelated problems, particularly
lack of transparency and accountability.

(Julia, Jeff, Surya, Lauren, & ProPublica, 2016), (Jeff, Surya, Lauren, & Julia, 2016). The figure is taken from
(Julia, Jeff, Surya, Lauren, & ProPublica, 2016).

Generally, private companies develop artificial intelligence systems used in the judicial
process. Research suggests that private companies refuse to disclose the functionality of their
products. In other words, due to trade secrets, it becomes troublesome to gain insight into how
artificial intelligence assists a court decision. This is particularly true for defendants.
Defendants only receive risk scores, yet how input data converted into results is not revealed.
Therefore, there is an increasing concern that it may be difficult to challenge artificial
intelligent assisted court decisions. This may harm the legality of court decisions and equality
of arms principle.297

Bringing cases against the use of risk assessment tools is easier said than done. The leading
case in the USA illustrates this argument. In 2013, Eric Loomis was charged with driving a
stolen car and fleeing from police. The court used a risk assessment tool in the judgment. The
tool predicted that the chances of Loomis to re-offend is very high and found Loomis guilty.298
Loomis argued that he is discriminated by the risk assessment tool, his sentence is not
individualized, and not based on accurate information.299 The Wisconsin Supreme Court
rejected his due process claims.300 The applicant tried to bring his case before the Supreme
Court of the United States, yet the highest court denied the writ of certiorari.301

It may be strenuous to challenge risk assessment tools legally. Also, trade secrets may be a safe
harbor or getaway for developers. As a result, risk assessment developers may not feel pressure
to prevent disparate impacts of their tools. The overwhelming proportion of developers do not
seek to find a solution to risk assessment discrimination.302

In Europe, it may be easier to challenge risk assessment tool decisions. As stated above, the
use of risk assessment tools in Europe is exceptional, therefore not many cases brought before
the courts. Experts argue that right to information and the General Data Protection Regulation
provide a legal ground to challenge lack of transparency in the use of risk assessment tools.303

(Julia, Jeff, Surya, Lauren, & ProPublica, 2016), (Rebecca, 2018), (Filippo, Hannah, Vivek, Christopher, &
Levin, 2018, p. 20)
(Kehl, 2017, p. 18)
“Specifically, he argued that it violated due process for three reasons: (1) it violated his right to be sentenced
based on accurate information because the proprietary nature of the COMPAS software prevented him from
assessing the accuracy of the score; (2) it violated his right to an individualized sentence because it relied on
information about the characteristics of a larger group to make an inference about his personal likelihood to
commit future crimes; and (3) it improperly used “gendered assessments” in calculating the score.” (Kehl, 2017,
p. 18)
(Harvard Law Review, 2019), (State v. Wisconsin, 2016)
(Loomis v. Wisconsin, 2017)
(Stevenson, 2017, p. 328)
(The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe, 2018, p. 54)

Lastly, it is noteworthy to mention that it is uncommon but possible to use machine learning to
develop risk assessment tools. Developers can decide on inputs, outputs, and preferred machine
learning method. After that, artificial intelligence can create a risk assessment tool by itself.
Put differently, artificial intelligence can learn risk assessment process without any human
intervention. It is highly likely that such method generates serious legal and moral problems.
Because artificial intelligence’s learning pattern may be greatly complicated (even too intricate
for the designers of the artificial intelligence).304 Hence, sometimes machine learning referred
as to black box.305 Even though authorities that use artificial intelligence are willing to explain
the underlying reasoning of artificial intelligence assisted judgments, it may not be possible.

5.4. Conclusions
This chapter attempted to show artificial intelligence bias in public domain. In the light of the
findings, the study proposes three hypothesizes.

1) The findings show that some of the most important artificial intelligence applications tend
to discriminate the most discriminated groups (which confirms the findings of Chapter 4). As
stated above, facial recognition systems perform perfectly on males and light skin colors, fail
to identify people of color, particularly Black women. Search engines amplify gender
stereotypes; a simple search query can result in sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, and Islamophobic
search results. Risk assessment tools mislabel people of color as high-risk offenders.

2) Artificial intelligence is used in diverse domains, and many of them remain largely or
entirely unregulated, which multiples problems. Lack of transparency, accountability,
standards, audits, and procedures to address the problems in the development, deployment, and
use of artificial intelligence is alarming. Arguably, they stem from lack of regulation.

3) Confusion around legal liability of artificial intelligence’s actions and non-transparent use
of AI encumber one’s ability to bring discrimination claims before courts. Artificial
intelligence developers and users are almost immune from violations of prohibition of
discrimination. In addition to need for new regulation, progressive interpretation of existing
laws is necessary to prevent AI discrimination and provide remedy for victims.

(Alex, 2016), (Ian, 2017)
Black box can be loosely described as “[a] model that is opaque to its user; although the model can produce
correct results, its internal relationships are not known.” (Negnevitsky, 2005, p. 367)


This chapter serves as an introduction to artificial intelligence regulation. It firstly discusses

the reasons to regulate AI, which is followed by an analysis of who should regulate it. Another
objective of the chapter is to propose preliminary suggestions on how to regulate artificial
intelligence to tackle machine discrimination.

6.1. To Regulate Artificial Intelligence Before It Regulates Everything

We shape artificial intelligence and afterwards it shapes us.306

“Where AI is discussed in such a broad way, there is a tendency to assume that the technology poses
challenges that are so radically new that all existing laws, regulations and standards are no longer
applicable or appropriate. The ‘flipside’ of that discourse is to demand regulation of the technology itself,
regardless of how and where it is applied.307”

This section focuses the debate around why artificial intelligence should be regulated and who
is responsible for its regulation. Firstly, the section will discuss possible adverse impacts of
artificial intelligence on equality and democracy. Subsequently, the spotlight will be on
whether lawmakers or artificial intelligence industry should regulate AI.

To understand what is at stake: As eluded to, there may be many good reasons to regulate
artificial intelligence. Due to limitations, only two of them will be addressed in the following
paragraphs, artificial intelligence’s potential adverse impacts on equality and democracy.

With respect to equality, the discussion starts with a historical perspective. The Enlightenment
is a cornerstone in the history of humanity that established philosophical foundations for
equality. Another turning point for equality was the Industrial Revolution because factories
depended on a large number of healthy workers. The next decisive moment for equality was
the 20th century, which humanity witnessed two tragedies, the first and second world war.
Governments relied on millions of soldiers and workers in front and assembly line. Owing to
the need for a great number of workers and soldiers, governments had to invest in masses to
keep their soldiers loyal and workers healthy. In other words, in the 20th century, masses
became critical due to military and industrial reasons. As a result of pragmatic choice,
governments started to invest in health, education, and welfare of masses, which reduced
inequality. It is argued that artificial intelligence will change the course of history by
eliminating the dependency on masses. Stated differently, armed forces may not rely on

This sentence is an adjusted form of Winston Churchill’s famous quote “We shape our buildings and afterwards
our buildings shape us.” The original quote is taken from (Churchill and the Commons Chamber, 2019)
(ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 20)

millions of soldiers as a result of autonomous warfare; production may not depend on a large
number of workers by dint of automated manufacturing.308

Let us take a closer look at artificial intelligence’s possible influence on the job market. There
is a good chance that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will affect some of the most common
jobs. In near future, there may not be a need for a cashier because customers can shop at
automated supermarkets without checkout. Fast food restaurants started to replace food
preparation and cooking workers with ordering kiosks and burger-flipping robots.309 It is highly
likely that driverless cars and trucks will substitute taxi drivers and truck drivers.310 An Oxford
University study found that in ten to twenty years, 47% of jobs in the USA can be automated.
The study claims that most of transportation, logistics, office and administrative support, and
labor in production occupations are under risk owing to job automation.311

It is true that artificial intelligence will create new jobs. Most likely, these jobs will demand
specific skills. The World Economic Forum’s report observes that technology-related and non-
cognitive soft skills will become more important in the Industry 4.0’s job market and addresses
the importance of lifelong learning.312 Acquiring new skills and adaptation can be easier for
new generations. However, it may be tough for a blue-collar middle-aged person to learn these
advanced skills, particularly after losing his/her job to a robot.

Both governments and companies may not depend on masses in future. Arguably, a small group
of highly trained people will be able to build up an autonomous army and operate a mass
production line. Put differently, institutions that were traditionally dependent on masses will
not rely on them. There is a good chance that AI will take over the most common jobs, which
will remove many from their profession. Also, it is possible that many unemployed people will
not be able to develop necessary skills that the future requires. It is argued that it may create a
useless class. On the other hand, only a handful of elites may reap the harvest of artificial
intelligence. This may shake the foundations of equality.

“Once the masses lose their economic importance and political power, the state loses at least some of the
incentive to invest in their health, education and welfare. It’s very dangerous to be redundant. Your future

(Yuval, Are we about to witness the most unequal societies in history?, 2017)
(John, 2017)
(Olivia, 2016)
(Carl & Michael, 2013, pp. 47-48)
(Centre for the New Economy and Society, 2018, pp. 22-23)

depends on the goodwill of a small elite. Maybe there is goodwill for a few decades. But in a time of
crisis – like climate catastrophe – it would be very tempting, and easy, to toss you overboard.313”

To conclude, artificial intelligence may eliminate some practical foundations of equality.

Bearing the mind that equality and non-discrimination are interdependent and interrelated,
these possible developments may have drastic effects on prohibition of discrimination.

Having outlined artificial intelligence’s potential adverse effects on equality, now the section
turns to artificial intelligence’s possible harmful impact on democracy. The first observations
cover freedom of speech, an indispensable foundation of democratic society. The adverse
impacts of artificial intelligence on freedom of speech are already visible. Artificial intelligence
became a tool to disseminate fake news owing to its unique ability to propagate online content.
On macro level, it can use numerous bots to circulate fake news or hate speech to a broad
audience; on micro level AI can profile and target specific individuals or groups.

As machine learning advances, it becomes harder to distinguish between AI and human-

produced content. Researchers raised concerns on the use of artificial intelligence to write fake
news.314 It is highly likely that artificial intelligence will be able to write and propagate fake
news by itself in near future. Bearing the mind that significant proportion of society is exposed
to information overload, receives news from social media, and lacks media and digital literacy,
fake news can undermine democracy. In addition to fake news, the United Nations Special
Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
raised his concerns about other adverse impacts of artificial intelligence on freedom of speech.
The Rapporteur claimed that filter bubble and artificial intelligence-driven online content
moderation may impair human rights and democracy.315

Artificial intelligence may provide the ability to counteract democracy. It is true that the way
humanity uses technology may turn it into a destructive or good tool. On another note,
technology may bring competences that can be useful for good purposes and more beneficial
for evil intentions. That may be the case of how democracy or authoritarian power can use
artificial intelligence. In other words, it is argued that artificial intelligence tends to favor
authoritarian regimes over democracy.

(Yuval, Are we about to witness the most unequal societies in history?, 2017)
A leading AI research center claimed that it developed an extraordinarily successful AI text generator. Due to
its potential to generate fake news, the researchers refused to release the research. (Alec, et al., 2019)
(David K. , 2018)

Authoritarian regimes aim to centralize information and decision-making power, which raises
the issue of ineffectiveness. As such, limited number of decision makers had difficulties in
processing a great volume of data. Thus, authoritarian regimes based their decisions on missing
or incorrect information. On the other hand, democracies tend to decentralize decision-making
process, which enables them to process sheer volume of data. It increases the quality of
decisions and effectiveness.316 The study proposes the hypothesis that artificial may turn the

Artificial intelligence offers a solution to an essential problem of authoritarian regimes. It

enables to process a great volume of data centrally. AI encourages the centralization of data
because more extensive training databases can improve the outcome of data processing. To
illustrate, if an authoritarian regime like China collects its 1.4 billion citizens medical data and
process it by virtue of artificial intelligence, it can gain serious advantage in medical research.
On the other hand, a democracy based on separation of powers and respects human rights
(especially right to privacy) is arguably hesitant to collect sensitive personal data (such as
medical data) and centrally process it. To conclude, “[t]he main handicap of authoritarian
regimes in the 20th century—the desire to concentrate all information and power in one place—
may become their decisive advantage in the 21st century.317”

Beyond doubt, artificial intelligence provides unique opportunities. Also, it may pose serious
challenges that society cannot foresee at present. The findings of minimal research showed
some of these issues. Artificial intelligence is capable of eroding democracy and equality, two
foundations of prohibition of discrimination. The thesis argues that the gravity of possible
problems is too critical to be left unregulated. Possible developments in AI may create more
questions than answers, and it very challenging to find legal solutions. Therefore, policymakers
should be involved in AI regulation process, cogitate, and devote resources to prepare humanity
for the 21st century.

Ethics vs. laws: This section has analyzed the possible adverse causes of artificial intelligence
and argued that AI should be regulated. The next part examines who should regulate artificial

Generally, opinions divide into two on regulating newly emerging technologies. Many believe
that brand-new technologies can create unique challenges that may be difficult to bring within

(Yuval, Why Technology Favors Tyranny, 2018)
(Yuval, Why Technology Favors Tyranny, 2018)

scope of law. There may be other flipsides of regulation. It may decelerate the advancement of
technology, quickly become outdated, and be challenging to implement. To tackle these issues,
some support the idea of self-regulation by the technology developers or users and object to
lawmakers’ intervention. On the other hand, to leave advancing technologies beyond the scope
of law, one of the foundations of society, may generate serious issues: lack of order, misuse of
technology, and (unpunished) human rights violations. Thus, despite the difficulties,
lawmakers tend to regulate new technologies. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence
in the last decade provoked this old discussion with a new object: who should regulate artificial

Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, observed that policymakers follow developments from behind
and still try to comprehend the effects of artificial intelligence.318 This may be true due to
expeditious development, complexity, and diversity of artificial intelligence. The lack of
qualified technology literacy, legal conservatism, narrow-minded politicians, and shallow
politics also becloud artificial intelligence regulation. In addition, lawyers and policymakers
have paid too little attention to artificial intelligence. Consequently, despite diversified and
wide use artificial intelligence, most of the fields artificial intelligence involved remain largely
or entirely unregulated.

Artificial intelligence developers noticed the absence of policymakers and have acted
accordingly. There has been a growing interest in non-binding guidelines and ethical
frameworks in the last years.319 In other words, nowadays leading multinational corporations
(Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft) “study and formulate best practices
on AI320” so that they can fulfill the space. A researcher noticed a critical issue and raised
concerns on this movement.

“A strange confusion among technology policy makers can be witnessed at present. While almost all are
able to agree on the common chorus of voices chanting ‘something must be done,’ it is very difficult to
identify what exactly must be done and how. In this confused environment it is perhaps unsurprising that
the idea of ‘ethics’ is presented as a concrete policy option. Striving for ethics and ethical decision-
making it is argued, will make technologies better. While this may be true in many cases, much of the
debate about ethics seems increasingly focused on private companies avoiding regulation. Unable or
unwilling to properly provide regulatory solutions, ethics is seen as the ‘easy’ or ‘soft’ option which can

(Romm, Timberg, & Harwell, Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Fears about artificial intelligence are ‘very
legitimate,’ he says in Post interview, 2018)
(ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 12) (Borgesius, 2018, p. 27)
(partnershiponai, 2019)

help structure and give meaning to existing self-regulatory initiatives. In this world, ‘ethics’ is the new
‘industry self-regulation.’321”

This raises the question of why developers prefer regulating themselves and oppose traditional
regulation. There may be several reasons behind it. The risky nature of artificial intelligence
development may be one of the causes. Artificial intelligence developers devote serious
resources to development: a long, risky, demanding process that may generate fruitful
outcomes. Also, venture capitalists see high potential profit and invest significant capital in
artificial intelligence industry. This raises the pressure on developers to produce results swiftly.
In the absence of regulation, under-pressured developers look ways to cut corners, which may
accelerate development process. It comes at a price, violating human rights, which can be
illustrated by facial recognition industry. It is not coincident that some of the leading companies
in facial recognition industry are from China and Israel.322 In China, right to privacy and data
protection are not respected, particularly in Xinjiang, the homeland of Uighur Muslim minority.
Consequently, Chinese companies test facial recognition systems on the Uighur Muslim
minority as they please.323 In a similar fashion, Israeli companies freely try facial recognition
systems in occupied Palestinian territories.324 These actions may create advantage to developers
at the cost of severe human rights violations.

It could be argued that today’s artificial intelligence research, to a certain degree, is driven by
economic interests and dehumanizing algorithmic efficiency. As a result, research suggests that
artificial intelligence is, to some extent, progressed without transparency, accountability, and
respect for human rights.325 It should be noted that accelerated development can increase costs,
inaccurate artificial intelligence decisions, and public distrust in the long term (as exemplified
in Section 5.1. and 5.3.). On the other hand, research argues that regulating artificial
intelligence and integrating human rights-based approach to artificial intelligence research can
mitigate these effects. Thereby, human rights-based approach to AI development may increase
profitability in the medium to long term.326

Having discussed the problems of unregulated development procedure, now this study focuses
on market dynamic because regulation can dramatically influence it. Some developers are

(Wagner, 2018, p. 1)
(Xiang, 2018), (Hagar & Jonathan, 2018), (Blake & Venus, 2019)
See Section 4.2.1. for details.
(David, 2018), (Hagar & Jonathan, 2018), (Alex K. , 2016)
(ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 15)
(Mantelero, 2019, p. 6)

against traditional regulation because it may narrow artificial intelligence market down. Let us
consider autonomous weapons which can create a large market. Autonomous weapons also
pose serious threats to human rights and can violate main principles of humanitarian law.327
Therefore, leading academics, many Member States of the United Nations, and the United
Nations Secretary-General called for a ban on autonomous weapons.328 If this movement
succeeds, regulation may terminate a large possible market.

Regulation brings standards, oversight, and accountability, which may influence customer
behavior. This can be exemplified by largely unregulated and profitable facial recognition
market in the USA. Law enforcement in the USA is one of the primary customers of facial
recognition. They also do not require any quality assurance checks (accuracy threshold for
facial recognition systems) before or after purchase.329 This takes the pressure off developers
to refine products. Possibly, the key factor of this market dynamic is lack of regulation because
there are no standards on purchase and use of facial recognition.

Let us address the controversy between self-regulating and regulating artificial intelligence
from another angle. It is not the first time that technology users and developers desire to
deregulate a transformative new technology. This is evident in the case of the Internet. The
debates in the course of the rise of the Internet divided public opinion. Many supported to
regulate the Internet and others disagreed. Unregulated Internet supporters believed that
traditional forms of government and laws did not fit this newly emerging technology. They
suggested that the online community should establish its rules (which should not violate vital
interests of non-Internet users). And the Internet was not regulated as it should have been for a
long time due to various complex reasons.330

Humanity expected the unregulated Internet to be a global democratizing force and to a certain
degree, it did so. On the other hand, through the progress of the Internet, developers were able
to put technology before democracy and human rights owing to lack of regulation. The motto
was “move fast break things” which gave rise to surveillance capitalism (an economic system
founded on monetizing personal data) and unpunished large data-breaches. Due to lack of
regulation, Silicon Valley asked forgiveness than permission for its fiascos like Cambridge
Analytica data scandal. Developers were not the only actor misused the Internet; populists also

(Maya, 2017)
(, 2019), (researchers, 2019)
(Garvie, Frankle, & Bedoya, 2016, p. 47)
(Nemitz, 2018, pp. 1-8)

enjoyed it. They managed to turn the Internet into a platform to spread hate speech and populist
ideology. The governments also took advantage of unregulated Internet and executed illegal
mass surveillance.331 The online community’s or developers’ rules were not sufficient to
prevent these problems. It is also highly questionable whether artificial intelligence developers’
self-regulation will be adequate to protect human rights from adverse impacts of AI. The
effectiveness of self-regulation becomes more dubious bearing the great potential of artificial
intelligence. One should also address that many frontrunner artificial intelligence developers
are profit-driven large tech companies that dominated unregulated Internet and systematically
violate human rights (especially right to privacy).

Another issue concerning self-regulation is it is neither forcible nor democratic. On the other
hand, law is enforceable and a product of democratic process. To exemplify, a leading
regulation related to AI is General Data Protection Regulation. Four thousand stakeholders
contributed to the preparation process of it, and selected representatives passed the bill. In case
of severe violations of General Data Protection Regulation, authorities can impose serious
penalties such as 4% of annual global turnover of violator, which makes it forcible against
responsible actors. Ethics, on the other hand, is neither forcible nor a product of democratic

6.2. How to Regulate Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Machine Discrimination

This section touches upon recent attempts to regulate AI and makes preliminary suggestions
on how to regulate artificial intelligence to prevent machine discrimination.

Some policymakers started to bring AI into scope of laws despite the difficulty of the task.
General Data Protection Regulation, Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection
by Convention 108, and New York City’s law on automated decisions (Local Law 49 of
2018333) are notable examples in the field. Some important bills concerning artificial
intelligence such as AI JOBS Act334 (aims to assess AI’s impact on workforce), Innovation
Corps Act335 (intends to assist workers replaced by AI), FUTURE of Artificial Intelligence
Act336 (establishes a committee to advise issues relating to the development of artificial
intelligence) introduced to the United States Congress in the last few years.

(Nemitz, 2018, pp. 1-8), (ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 13)
(Nemitz, 2018, pp. 17-18)
(The New York City Council, 2019)
(Darren S. , 2019)
(Doris, 2019)
(John K. D., 2019)

With regard to how to regulate AI, unfortunately, a full discussion lies beyond the scope of this
study. Due to practical constraints, the study only makes five preliminary suggestions on how
to regulate AI to prevent machine discrimination.

Sector-specific regulation and oversight: Artificial intelligence is used in various domains

such as healthcare, finance, automotive, marketing, government, transportation, and military.
Artificial intelligence involved fields have distinctive characteristics and require expertise. A
regulation that fits an AI-involved field (such as automotive) most likely may not be
appropriate for another AI domain (e.g., medicine). Due to the same reason, a central artificial
institution may lack expertise and face difficulties to oversee different sectors. Sector-specific
regulation and oversight may be more appropriate to prevent artificial intelligence
discrimination. SELF DRIVE ACT,337 a law that solely concerns autonomous vehicle
regulation in the USA, may set an example to sector-specific AI regulation.

Multi-layered and technology neutral regulation: AI regulation should be technology

neutral and focus on the results of the technology instead of technology itself and leave room
for maneuver for responsible actors to achieve desired goals. Regulation may remain in force
longer, and implementation of it can be easier thanks to this approach. Multi-layered rules
include laws, regulations, self-regulation, resolutions, guidelines, and ethics may be required
to create technology neutral regulation. Rules higher in the hierarchy should be broader, and
others can fill the gaps and answer practical needs of daily life.338

Holistic legal reform: Research demonstrates that the USA discrimination law has many
shortcomings to prevent artificial intelligence discrimination.339 Although the EU
discrimination laws are more prepared compared to United States law, it also falls short to
prevent AI discrimination.340 The issue at hand is discrimination law by itself may be
inadequate to prevent AI discrimination. Collaboration of different areas of law (particularly
discrimination, intellectual property, and data protection laws) may be needed to tackle AI
discrimination.341 Therefore, a holistic approach is needed to reform various fields of law.

Algorithmic transparency: Unrevealing artificial intelligence discrimination is already a

challenging task owing to AI’s black box characteristics. In addition, AI developers do not

(Robert, 2019)
(Borgesius, 2018, p. 33)
(Barocas & Selbst, 2016, pp. 694-714)
(Hacker, 2018, pp. 12-24)
(Hacker, 2018, pp. 24-34)

provide any information on functionality of their products due to trade secrets. Developers can
dismiss information requests as a result of intellectual property law. In some cases, this
provides a safe harbor to AI developers and removes transparency. Striking a balance between
intellectual property law and right to access to information is necessary to establish algorithmic
transparency. This is particularly true for AI made or assisted decisions in justice, welfare, and

Providing effective remedies: The confusion around legal liability of AI obstructs providing
effective legal remedies to victims. Policymakers should establish clear lines of responsibility
for every phase of AI lifecycle: the development, deployment, and usage. Different branches
of law, including but not limited to civil, administrative, and criminal law may be used to
provide effective remedies.343

6.3. Conclusions
The main concerns of this chapter were to show the need to bring AI into scope of laws and
how to regulate AI. The chapter started with a discussion on AI’s potential harmful effects on
equality and democracy. The study argued that AI may eliminate some practical foundations
of equality. It is also claimed that artificial intelligence may be more useful for authoritarian
regimes in comparison to democracies, and it may erode democracy. The chapter concludes
that AI may put democracy and equality (two main pillars of prohibition of discrimination) in

The chapter continued with the debate on whether AI industry or lawmakers should regulate
AI. The findings show that policymakers have paid too little attention to AI and artificial
intelligence industry tries to fill emptiness by proposing non-binding guidelines and ethical
frameworks. Moreover, in the absence of regulation, AI research progresses without
transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. Another observed problem is the
leading AI developers are profit-driven multinational companies that systematically violate
human rights, particularly right to privacy. And considering regulation may narrow artificial
intelligence market down, it is understandable that major AI developers prefer self-regulation
(an undemocratic and non-forcible form of regulation) over lawmakers’ involvement in
regulation process. However, deregulating transformative technologies create serious issues
which illustrated by the rise of unregulated Internet. The research concludes that without strong

(Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, 2019, pp. 9-10)
(Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, 2019, pp. 13-14)

laws and institutional backing, there is fair chance that AI may not serve to public good344 and
notes that that self-regulation may not be sufficient to protect human rights.345

The last section briefly mentioned some AI laws and bills, also made preliminary suggestions
on regulation to prevent AI discrimination. The research recommends that AI regulation should
be sector specific, multi-layered, technology neutral, include various fields of law in harmony,
and aim to provide algorithmic transparency and effective remedies for victims.

(Nemitz, 2018, pp. 1-8), (ARTICLE 19, 2018, p. 13)
(Borgesius, 2018, p. 27)


One of the main pillars of this thesis is artificial intelligence, and a generally accepted definition
of it is lacking. Because as a set of sciences and systems, AI is used in different domains and
doctrine adopts different approaches it. Additionally, it is burdensome to define intelligence,
which makes it harder to describe an artificial version of it. Turning to its development, AI is
a young and multidisciplinary field of study that rapidly advanced, particularly in the last
decade. At present, it eases daily life and deployed in different areas such as healthcare, finance,
transportation, marketing, government, and military. The future of AI, most particularly strong
AI, is a disputed topic. That being said, it is plausible to say that AI will continue to develop
and increase its influence in more areas.

The other central pillar of the thesis is discrimination. Although it remains a poorly defined
term, there is a consensus on the importance of the prohibition of discrimination owing to its
close connection to equality and enjoyment of a wide range of human rights. The prohibition
of discrimination is protected under international human rights law, and its scope becomes
more inclusive thanks to progressive interpretation of laws. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of
discrimination laws is very much depended on economic, historical, cultural, and political

As regards to artificial intelligence discrimination, the future and the drawbacks of artificial
intelligence are already here and require further attention, especially from legal researchers. As
shown in Chapter 4, AI can discriminate in various ways. In the wild, AI tends to discriminate
the most vulnerable and discriminated groups, such as women, people of color, the LGBTQI
community, and ethnic minorities. Also, AI’s advanced ability to identify and profile masses
can turn it into a very harmful tool in the wrong hands.

Democracy and global freedom are in decline for more than a decade.346 Populist rhetoric and
far-right politicians becoming more influential actors at universal level, and they magnify
discrimination. As unfolded in this thesis, AI can take discrimination into a higher tier. It can
amplify stereotypes, mask systemic discrimination, profile and target minority individuals and
groups. Society needs precautions to prevent AI’s adverse effects, especially in the era of rising

(Freedom House, 2019, pp. 4-9)

Society and decision makers tend to over trust and over-rely on artificial intelligence. AI is far
from being faultless because it is product of human design and data, and neither of these is
perfect. Additionally, the complexity of AI and rapid advancement in technology make it
challenging to understand it. In some cases, artificial intelligence developers cannot explain AI
due to its “black box” characteristics. Therefore, unfolding AI-driven human rights violations
may be an uphill task. Society and decision makers should increase their awareness of the flip
sides of AI. Increasing AI literacy can be useful to overcome this problem.

Artificial intelligence remains mostly unregulated at present, and it escalates problems. Lack
of regulation gives rise to lack of transparency, accountability, standards, audits, and
procedures in the development, deployment, and usage of AI. Owing to lack of regulation, the
goodwill of AI developers and users and advancing human rights in business are critical to
prevent AI-driven discrimination in the short term.

The research asserts that artificial intelligence may eliminate practical foundations of equality
and erode democracy, and AI developers’ self-regulation is not capable of averting it. Recalling
two cornerstones of prohibition of discrimination are in peril, this research invites lawmakers
to regulate artificial intelligence. This study makes preliminary suggestions on regulation to
prevent AI discrimination, and advocates holistic, sector-specific, multi-layered, technology-
neutral laws that can provide algorithmic transparency and effective remedies for victims.

Recommendations for Future Research

Artificial intelligence is a very dynamic domain, which makes it difficult to foresee future
developments. Seeking solutions for artificial intelligence’s adverse impacts, including AI
discrimination, is a challenging, vital, and continuous task. This thesis, as an exploratory study,
searches for answers to tackle machine discrimination, and it raises more question than
answers. Reaffirming the knowledge gap on artificial intelligence effects on human rights,
future studies with human right perspective on AI discrimination are recommended.

Due to dynamic character of artificial intelligence, it may be necessary to follow developments

of AI and its surrounding fields. In future investigations, it may be useful to take account of
some developing technologies, especially in the areas of information technologies and
communications. Some technologies such as 5G (the fifth-generation cellular network
technology), the Internet of things, and quantum computers may significantly influence AI and
requires the attention of researchers.

This research could not examine how policymakers should regulate AI in detail. At present,
there is abundant room for further progress in AI regulation, a complex and debated topic.
Following AI regulations, bills, the Council of Europe’s policies and publications on AI, and
national AI development strategies may be useful for future research.


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discrimination based on social origin · 23

A disparate impact · 18

algorithm · 1
AlphaGo · 11
AlphaGo Zero · 11
Ewert v. Canada · 29
Amazon Rekognition · 47
artificial intelligence definition · 7
Facebook · 37, 52, 69
fake news · 67
big data · 10
false negative · 45
black box · 64
false positive · 46
feature selection · 30
C filter bubble · 1, 67

chatbot · 35
class labels · 27
comparator · 17
gender identity · 21
General Data Protection Regulation · 30, 57, 63, 72
gerrymandering · 39
D Google · 51, 53, 54
Google AdSense · 40
data mining · 3 Google autocomplete · 55
Deep Blue · 10 Google Duplex · 12
direct discrimination · 18 Google Photos · 46
discrimination · 17 Google Translate · 34
discrimination based on age · 22
discrimination based on birth · 23
discrimination based on disability · 22
discrimination based on ethnicity · 22
harassment · 20
discrimination based on gender identity · 21
discrimination based on language · 24
discrimination based on nationality · 23 I
discrimination based on other status · 24
discrimination based on political or other opinion · 23 IBM · 46
discrimination based on property · 24 indirect discrimination · 18
discrimination based on religion or belief · 23 Integrated Joint Operations Platform · 33
discrimination based on sex · 21 intersectional discrimination · 19
discrimination based on sexual orientation · 21

redlining · 31
redundant encodings · 30
right to be forgotten · 57
Libratus · 11


sampling bias · 47
machine learning · 3
sexual orientation · 21
Megvii of China · 46
Sophia · 11
Microsoft · 46, 50, 51
systemic discrimination · 19
multiple discrimination · 19


target variable · 26
national origin · 23
training data · 27
nationality · 23
Turing Test · 9

racial discrimination · 22
Watson · 11
rättsäkert och effektivt verkställighetsarbete · 29


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