Structures Module 3 Notes Full
Structures Module 3 Notes Full
Structures Module 3 Notes Full
a) Use of codes of practice.
Visual grading
Stress grading
Fibre stress
Permissible stress
Modification factors
b) 2). Design of joists.
Moment of resistance
Section modulus
Safe load
c) 3). Design of ties.
Safe load
d) 4). Timber connection and connectors.
Z = bd2/6
Effective length
Slenderness ratio.
Cased and uncased sections.
Angle sections
Double angle sections
Tee sections.
Universal sections
Rectangular hollow sections.
Circular hollow sections.
a. Rolling loads
Influence lines for beams and girders.
Influence lines applied to pinned arches.
a. Definition of terms in:
b. Modes of failure
Shear failure
Timber may be used for temporary timbering to trenches, scaffolding, etc.
It may also be used permanently to trusses, joists, Posts, etc.
Timber may be used in various forms e.g. solid build-up, laminated, etc.
a) Visual grading
Visual grading
This is based on the number of defects, their size and the position and
associated grain disturbances.
Before the technique of visual stress grain is applied, the strength of the
timber must be determined.
The strength tests are made on a small clear specimen 20 x 20mm taken
from a wide range of species.
The code requires for six strength tests and two physical tests on each
specimen mainly:
i. Static bending
iv. Hardness
vi. Cleavage
The physical tests are usually done for the, moisture content and specific
gravity (gs) or Ss.
Once the strength values are known the first stage is to do the basis tree
from these tests, which is in effect as safe stress for an ideal structural
member free from all strength reducing characteristics.
Natural defects
i. Spray knot:
It is the measure of direction of the fibres from the longitudinal axis of the
If the fibres occur at an angle, then any forces applied between any
longitudinal axes will create components of force on those fibres thus
reducing strength.
Timber is much weaker across the grains than along the grains and so
excessively cross grained timber is undesirable.
Their existence reduces the cross section area resisting shear and bending
f). Bowing, springing, twisting and cupping.
These defects do not affect the strength of timber and grading rules are
generally for obvious visual and practical reasons.
h). Decay
Visual stress grading has the disadvantage of not being capable to see the
main body content of timber and therefore it cannot separate the naturally
weak from the naturally strong.
BS 4978 allows for machine stress grading of GS and SS and they carry their
prefix m to give MGS and MSS as the recognized approved markings. Other
grades are designated as M50 and M75.
CP 112 gives basic grading rules for visual assessment. They are formulated
by fixing various strength ratios and specifying limitations for the natural
defects such that they give the required ratios.
Four ratios are fixed at 40%, 50%, 65%, 75% and the design stresses are
applied accordingly. These stresses are commonly known as ‘’numerical
grades’’ and are now recognized to be accurate in comparison to the ratio
and machine grading rules.
i. Basic stress
v. Connector
One which the laminations are parallel to the neutral axis (N.A).
One which the laminations run at right angles to the neutral axis (N.A).
The area of the cross sectional areas of a knot(s) to the full cross sectional
area of the lamination or the ratio of the total width of a face knot to the
total width of the lamination.
1. End joints
i. Finger joint
Slopes vary from 1 in 6 to 1 in 12 Cp112 gives efficient rating for plan scarf
joint used in glue laminated construction. If joints are clamped by nailing,
the nail head must be recessed to avoid damage if surface preparation
v. Pre-punched plates
Flat galvanized plates with pre-punched holes used for end to end
splicing ,jointing, trusses, etc.
As the name implies, it is used for holding down the ends of trusses over
wall plates
Usually basic loads are given for certain nails. Nails can be driven into holes
i.e. pre-holed holes or without preparation of a pre-hole.
3. Screwed joint
As for nailed joint but there are several types of screws available but the
most common is the slotted countersunk head which is generally driven
into a countersunk hole or finished flush with the surface of the timber.
Size vary from 1.52 – 6.30mm diameter with length from 6.4 – 63.5mm
4. Bolts
Bolts and nuts in conjunction with timber connectors are the two types of
fasteners commonly used in structural timber connection that must sustain
quite sizeable loads.
5. Connector joints
Types of connectors
i. Split-ring
They are available in 62, 64, 100 and 104mm internal diameter and require
Available in 50 – 100mmdiameters.
They are installed like the split rings but it is flush with the timber face
Once installed are used , back to back in timber connection or singly while
connected to a steel plate
Light but effective shear developers. Mostly used for soft wood as they are
easily embedded.
They consist of a thin gauge plate with the edge cut at regular intervals
and pieces of edge twisted to produce jointed tooth ready for timber
Two types are available; 2-sided and single sided in a range of 50, 62 and
75mmeither square or circular in shape.
Double toothed plates are for woo-to-wood connection and are generally
used for permanent joints on or off site.
v. Spike grids
May be circular, flat and single styled. Embedded in the wood surface by
Wood to wood connection in heavy frame: e.g. highway and railway truss
roof formwork .
This modification factor relates to the load duration e.g. long term loading,
medium, short term and very short term loading and re shown in table 17
of BS 5268.
Table 17 BS5268
The grading bending stresses given in table 8of BS5268 only apply to timber
sections having a depth (h) of 300mm .
Fot other depth of beams the grade bending stresses are multiplied by the
depth factor K7 defined in clause 14.6 of BS5268as follows:
The load shearing factors given in table 9 apply to individual members e.g.
isolated beams and columns.
When four or more members e.g. rafters, joists or wall studs are spaced a
maximum of 610mm centre to centre act together to resist a common
load ,the great spaces will be multiplied by a load shearing factor K8 , i.e. a
value of 1.1.
Square sections are placed so that the diagonal is vertical, i.e. the load is
placed in the direction of the diagonal.Type equation here.
K = 1.18√ 2
<5 1.25
5 1.25
10 1.23
20 1.20
30 1.17
40 1.13
50 1.08
60 1.00
70 0.90
80 0.707
90 0.68
100 0.58
120 0.42
140 0.32
160 0.25
180 0.20
200 0.16
220 0.14
240 0.12
250 0.11
i. Condition of exposure
It should never be exposed to adverse weather conditions unless surfaces
are protected.
ii. Direction of grains
Timber is usually stronger when loads are perpendicular to the grains unlike
when grains are parallel to load.
The scope of grain should be given consideration to bending, shock, and
compressive stress.
iii. Strength
Consideration should be given to the direction of grains to give maximum
iv. Deteriorating defects
Includes effects from dry rot, wet rot, termites etc.
Hence dimensions of the beam can be obtained if the ratio of b:d is given.
2. Shear
The maximum shear in a rectangular section is given by:
qmax. = b . d
b = breath of section
d = depth of section
This value must not be greater than the permissible shear stress in timber
parallel to grains i.e. fq < Pq
3. Bearing
There should be adequate bearing area at the support so that the
permissible stresses in compression perpendicular to the grains is not
exceeded by the bearing stress at the supports.
Bearing stress = b . x
4. Deflection
The permissible deflection = 0.003 x span.
The maximum actual deflection is obtained from the appropriate standard
formula for various loading conditions e.g.
i. Simply supported uniformly distributed loads.
5 wL
δ =
384 EI
ii. Point load simply supported
δ =
48 EI
iii. Point load cantilever
δ =
3 EI
iv. Cantilever carrying uniformly distributed loads
δ =
8 EI
The maximum actual deflection must not exceed the allowable permissible
Example 1
Permissible stresses
K3 = 1.25; K8 = 1.1
i. Bending
Section: 75 x 225 mm
bd 2 75 x 225
Z provided = 6 = 6
= 6.33 x 105 mm3
Mmax 2.70 x 10
Z required = f = = 2.62 x 105 mm3
300 300
K7 = ( h )0.11 = ( 225 )0.11 = 1.03
2.62 x 10
Z required = = 2.54 x 105 mm3
ii. Shear
Shear force Q = 2 = 1.35 x 4/2 = 2.70 KN
1.5Q 1.5 x 2.7 x 10
Maximum shear stress qmax = b . d =
75 x 225
= 0.24 N/mm2
iii. Bearing
Q 2.7 x 103
Bearing stress = b . x = 75 x 100 = 0.36 N/mm
iv. Deflection
4 5 x 1.35 x 4000
5 wl
Maximum deflection = = 384 x 9.9 x 10 3 x 225 3 x 75 = 6.38 mm
384 EI
Example 2
Grade stresses:
Depth/breadth ratio =3
2 2
wl 1.125 x 3.6
B.Mmax = = = 1.823 KNM
8 8
Permissible stresses
K3 = 1.25; K8 = 1.1
i. Bending
2 2
fbd 10.175 x bd
From Mmax = = 1.823 x 106 =
6 6
But b
Therefore d = 3b
10.175 x b .9 b
Therefore 1.83 x106 =
3 1.823 x 6 x 10
b = = 119443 mm3
10 .175 x 9
b = √3 119443 = 49.25 mm
Adopt b = 50mm
d = 150mm
2 2
bd 50 x 150
Z provided = = = 1.88 x 105 mm3
6 6
Mmax 1.823 x 10
Z required = f = 10.175
= 1.79 x 105 mm3
300 300
K7 = ( h )0.11 = ( 150 )0.11 = 1.08
1.78 x 10
Z required = = 1.66x 105 mm3
ii. Shear
Shear force Q = 2 = 1.125x 3.6/2 = 2.025 KN
1.5Q 1.5 x 2.025 x 10
Maximum shear stress qmax = b . d = = 0.405N/mm2
50 x 150
iii. Bearing
Q 2.025 x 10
Bearing stress = b , x = = 0.27N/mm2
50 x 150
iv. Deflection
4 5 x 1.125 x 3600
5 wl
Maximum deflection = = 384 x 9.9 x 10 3 x 150 3 x 50 = 17.67 mm
384 EI
Example 3
A timber flat joist of effective length 2.5 m spaced at 450 mm c/c end bearing on
walls. Design the joist for bending and shear only.
Take loadings:
Permissible stresses
i. Loadings
B.Mmax = Mr
Zf =1.14 x106
10.31 x bd
= 1.14 x106
But d = 3b
Therefore = 1.14 x 106
b = 3 1.14 x 6 x 10 = 41.9 mm
9 x 10.31
Adopt b = 50mm
d = 150mm
Permissible stresses
K3 = 1.25; K8 = 1.1
ii. bending
Section: 50 x 150mm
2 2
bd 50 x 150
Z provided = = = 1.88 x105 mm3
6 6
Mmax 1.14 x 10
Z required = f = = 110572 mm3
1.106 x 10
Z required = = 1.024 x 105 mm3
iii. Shear
w.l 1.46 x 2.5
Shear force Q = 2 = 2
= 1.825 KN
1.5Q 1.5 x 1.825 x 10
Maximum shear stress qmax = b , d = = 0.365N/mm2
50 x 150
Example 4
A timber beam having a clear span of 6.0]m is supported on 250]mm at each end.
The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 15 KN/m over the entire span.
E = 8KN/m2
i. Bending
From Mmax = = 73.24 x 106
But b = 2
Therefore d = 2b
2 3
4 fb, b 4 fb
Therefore 73.24 x 106 = =
6 6
3 73.24 x 6 x 10
b = = 10986000 mm3
4 x 10
Adopt b = 250 mm
d = 500 mm
2 2
bd 250 x 500
Z provided = = = 10.42 x 106 mm3
6 6
Mmax 73.24 x 10
Z required = f
= = 7.32 x106 mm3
ii. Shear
Shear force Q = 2 = 15 x 6.25/2 = 46.88 KN
1.5Q 1.5 x 46.88 x 10
Maximum shear stress qmax = b . d = = 0.56N/mm2
500 x 250
Allowable deflection = 300 = 20.83mm
Effective length
The effective length of compression members may be found from the
following table or from the distance between the adjacent points of zero
bending between which the member is in single curvature.
Slenderness ratio
This is found by dividing the effective length (le) by the radius of gyration
The slenderness ratio should not exceed 180 of the compression member if
carrying dead loads and imposed loads other than wind loads or where the
member’s deflection will adversely affect the stress in other members
carrying dead and imposed loads rather than wind loads.
Slenderness ratio up to 250 is allowed for only members normally subject
to tension of combined tension and bending.
Axial compression
If the slenderness ratio of the compression member is less than five (<5)
and there is little eccentricity (e) of loading, the permissible stress is the
grade compression stress parallel to the grains ,modified appropriately for
a member size , moisture content, duration of loading and load shearing in
the usual way.
δc.a.//. ¿ δc.adm.//
δm . a ./¿ δc . a/¿
δm . adm./¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ + δc . adm/¿ ≤ 1
Example 1
A timber column 100 x 100mm square end is restrained both in position and not
direction. Assuming that the actual height of the column is 3.75m calculate the
maximum axial load a long term load that the column can carry using the data
Radius of gyration = 2 I
But Ixx = 12
r =
√ 2 I
2 100 x 1003
12 x 100 x 100
= 28.867
Le = 3750mm
Therefore Slenderness ratio = 28.867 = 129.9 < 180
Modification factors
K3 = 1.0
Therefore Emin/δ .a// = 6.8 x 1.0 = 852.9
From tables
Emin/δc.// ¿
Slenderness ratio ƛ = r
100 120 129.9 140
800 0.28 0.217
852.9 x z y
900 0.304 0.237
900 – 800 = 100
0.304 – 0.28 = 0.024
x = 852.9 – 800 = 52.9
= 0.28 + [ 52.9 x 0.024
100 ]
= 0.293
y = 0.237 – 0.217 = 0.02
= 0.217 + [ 100 ]
52.9 x 0.02
= 0.028
z = x –y
[ 9,9
z = 0.293 – 20 x 0.065 = 0.261 ]
Therefore K12 = 0.261
Permissible stress in compression// grains
δc.adm// = δc.a.// .K3.K12
A sound timber column of cross section 100 x 100 mm and actual length 3.2 m is
restrained at both ends in position and at one end in direction only and is
required to carry an axial load (dead and imposed)of 35 KN. Check the adequacy
of the section given :
K3 = 1.25
Radius of gyration = 2 I
But Ixx =
r =2 I
√ A
=2 100 x 1003
12 x 100 x 100¿
¿ = 28.868
Modification factors
K3 = 1.25
Therefore Emin/δ .a// = 8.7 x 1.25 = 652.87
From tables
Emin/δc.// ¿
Slenderness ratio ƛ = r
100 110.85 120
600 0.307 0.226
652.87 x y z
700 0.341 0.254
100 = 0.034
52.87 = 52.87 x 100 = 0.018
100 = 0.028
52.87 = 52.87 x 100 = 0.015
y = z -x
y 120 – 100 = 20
= 3.039 N/mm2
= 30.39 KN
i. Aesthetics
ii. Thermal protection
iii. Corrosion protection
iv. Add to compression strength
i. The section is of single web and I-form or of double open channel form with
webs not less than 40 mm apart.
ii. The beam is unpainted and is solidly encased in ordinary concrete with 10
mm aggregates and of a work strength not less than 21 N/mm 2 at 28 days
when tested in accordance to BS 1881.
iii. The minimum width of solid casing is equal to (b+100) mm where b is the
overall width of the steel flange in millimetres.
iv. The surfaces and edges of the flanges of the beam have a concrete cover of
not less than 50 mm.
v. The casing is effectively reinforced with wire links or binders to BS 449.
Permissible stresses
Allowable stresses in bending is obtained from table 3a
Pbc =?
Slenderness ratio = ryy
Where ryy = 0.2(b + 100)
L = effective length of the beam under consideration in millimetres.
NB. Pbc (cased) ¿1.5Pbc uncased
= as for uncased section.
A simply supported beam spans 6 m and carries a total imposed uniformly
distributed load of 150 KN. The beam is supported by means cleated flange
connections into universal column stanchions. There are no intermediate
lateral supports for the compression flange and load is not free to move
sideways. Select a suitable grade 43 steel universal beam.
i. Load per metre run = 6 = 25 KN/m
wl 25 x 6
Reaction 2 = 2 = 75KN
ii. Select a suitable universal beam cased section
2 2
wl 25 x 6
B.M. max. = = = 112.5 KNm
8 8
M 112.5 x 10
Zxx = Pbc = = 681.82cm3
Try 406 x 140 x 46kg/m universal beam Zxx = 777.8cm3
Properties of section
A= 59.0 cm2
B = 142.4 mm
D = 402.3 mm
rxx -16.29 cm
ryy = 3.02 cm
Breath of section = B + 100 =142.4 + 100 = 242.4mm ¿ 250 mm
Depth of section = D + 100 = 402.3 + 100 =502.3mm = 510 mm
iii. Loading
Area of section cased = 510 x 250 mm = 127500 mm2
Area of steel from tables = 5900 mm2
Area of concrete 127500 – 5900 = 121600 mm2
Weight of concrete = 121600 x 10−6 x 24 = 2.918 KN
46 x 9.8
Weight of steel = 1000 = 0.45 KN
u.d.l. = 25 KN
Total loading = 28.365KN
iv. Maximum bending moments
2 2
wl 28.37 x 6
B.M. = = =127.67KNm
8 8
Actual stress
M 127.67 x 10 2
fbc = Z = 3 = 164.14 N/mm
xx 777.8 x 10
Therefore fbc = 164.14 N/mm2
Permissible stress
Pbc = ?
3 3
L 6 x 10 6 x 10
ryy 0.2(B+100)
= = 123.76 = 124
= 36.0
From table 3 page 29 BS 449
Pbc = ?
By interpolation Pbc = 132 N/mm2
Pbc ¿fbc i.e. 164.14 N/mm2 ¿ 132 N/mm2
Not okay
Hence provide a bigger section
Say 406 x 178 x 54kg/m U.B.
Properties of section
A= 68.4 cm2
B = 177.6 mm
D = 402.6 mm
rxx -16.50cm
ryy = 3.85 cm
Breath of section = B + 100 =177.6 + 100 = 277.6 mm ¿ 280 mm
Depth of section = D + 100 = 402.6 + 100 =502.6 mm = 510 mm
Area of beam = 0.510 x 0.280 =0.1428 m2
Area of concrete = 0.1428 – (68.4 x 10−4 ¿ = 0.13596 m2
Weight of concrete = 0.13596 x 24 = 3.263 KN
54 x 9.81
Weight of steel = 1000 = 0.529 KN
u.d.l. = 25.000 KN
Total loading = 28.793 KN
Maximum bending moments
2 2
wl 28.793 x 6
B.M.max. = 8
= 8
= 129.6 KNm
Actual stress
M 129.6 x 10 2
fbc = Z = 3 = 140.1 N/mm
xx 925.3 x 10
Permissible stress
Pbc = ?
3 3
L 6 x 10 6 x 10
ryy 0.2(B+100)
= = 108.1
D 402.6
= 10. .9 = 36.935 = 37
From table 3a page 29 BS 449
Pbc = 147 N/mm2
Fbc ¿ Pbc i.e. 140.1 N/mm2 ¿147 N/mm2
Check for uncased section
Pbc cased ¿1.5 Pbc uncased
L 6000
38 , 5
= 155.8
= 37.0
From table 3a page 29 BS 449
Pbc = 36 N/mm2
Pbc cased ¿1.5 Pbc uncased
147 N/mm2 ¿ 1.5 x 36 N/mm2
147 N/mm2 ¿ 54 N/mm2
Not okay
Hence try a bigger section
Modes of failure
i. Yielding of material in axial compression – crushing for short columns
ii. Buckling in the weaker axis normally the y-y axis for universal column
sections, for long (slender) columns.
ii. Effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in direction at one
end or pinned on top fixed at bottom. L = 0.85L
iii. Effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained in direction or
pinned at both ends. l = L
iv. Effectively held in position and restrained in direction at one end and at
the other partially restrained in direction but not held in position or free
to move freely at one end within given limit and fixed at the bottom . l =
v. Effectively held in position and restrained in direction at one end but not
held in position or restrained in direction at the other end or free on one
end and fixed at one end (can move in any direction). L = 2.0L
Maximum slenderness ratio
The rules governing the maximum slenderness ratio for struts are taken
from clause 33 of BS 449.
They are:
i. For a member carrying wind loads only so long as no stress increased
occurs the maximum slenderness ratio is 250
ii. For a member carrying dead loads or imposed loads the maximum
slenderness ratio is 180.
Effective length l
Slenderness ratio = least radius of yration = r
Where r = least second moment of area
area of section
= √ I
Axially loaded stanchions
Stanchions, columns and struts primarily resist axial loads. Stanchions are
vertical members supporting floors or roofs.
Some of the sections used for stanchions are shown below; rolled
compounds and built-up sections are used.
Page 80
Safe load of a strut
The safe load that a stanchion can carry depends on:
a) Member dimensions: area, shape, length, etc
b) End connections
c) Slenderness ratio = r
,r= √ l
A = area of section
r = least radius of gyration of the section. This measures the effectiveness of
the shape of the section.
l= effective length which depends on the actual length L and the end
condition of the strut.
A 356 x 368 x 202kg/m universal column has an actual length of 4.2m. calculate
the safe axial load for:
a) Fixed ends
b) Pinned ends
Section properties
A = 257.9 cm2
B = 474.4 mm
D = 374.7 mm
ryy = 9.57 cm
rxx = 16.0 cm
L = 4.2 m
(a) Fixed ends (b) Pinned ends
l ( 4.2 x o .7 ) x 1 oo l ( 4.2 x 1 ) x 1 oo
r yy
= = 30.72 r yy
= = 43.89
9.57 9.57
NB: a strut, column, stanchion which is fixed at both ends will carry more
loads than one with pinned ends.
A 203 x 203 x 52k/m universal column has an actual length of 3.6m.
Calculate safe load for:
a) Fixed ends
b) Pinned ends
a) Assume fixed ends (l = 0.7L)
Properties of the section are:
A = 66.4 cm2
B = 203.9 mm
D = 206.2 mm
ryy = 8.90 cm
rxx = 5.16 cm
L = 3.6 m
yy 5.16
From table 17a BS 449
Pc = 134 N/mm2
Safe load = Pc x area of steel section
134 x 66.4 x 100
= 3 = 889.76 KN ≅ 890 KN
NB: columns with fixed ends carry more loads than those with pinned ends.
A steel column shown below is required to carry an axial load of 500KN.
Select a suitable grade 43 universal column with an actual length of 4.0 m
Force 500 x 10
Area (min) = stress = = 3225.9 mm2 = 32.26 cm2
NB: assuming a short column the permissible stress will be maximum i.e.
165N/mm2 (table 17) for grade 43 steel.
With a minimum area of 32.26cm2 select a suitable section i.e. (table 2
universal columns 0 i.e. try 152 x 152 x 30k/m which gives a minimum area
of 38.2 cm2.
a) Calculate applied stress (fc)
Force 500 x 10
Therefore fc = Area = 2 = 131N/mm
38 ,2 x 10
b) Permissible stress = ?
l 0.7 x 4000
r yy
= 73.3
From table 17
Pc = 111.7 N/mm2
Therefore fc ¿ Pc i.e. 131N/mm2 ¿111.7 N/mm2
Not okay
NB: since actual stress is higher than permissible try a bigger section
Try 152 x 152 x 37kg/m universal column which gives a minimum area of
47.4 cm2
Force 500 x 10
Therefore actual applied stress fc = Area = 47.4 x 10
2 = 105.5 N/mm
Permissible stress = ?
l 0.7 x 4000
r yy
= 72.4
From table 17
Pc = 113 – 0.4 = 112.6 N/mm2
Therefore fc ¿ Pc i.e. 105.5 N/mm2 ¿112.6 N/mm2
Hence provide 152 x 152 x 37kg/m universal column
A steel column of the type shown in the figure 2 is required to carry an axial
load of 900 KN. Select a suitable grade 43 universal column with an actual
length of 4.0 m.
900 x 10
Minimum area = = 5454.55 mm2 = 54.55cm2
Using minimum area = 54.55cm2, the suitable section is 203 x 203 x 46kg/m
universal column
Force 900 x 10
Applied actual stress fc = Area = 58.8 x 10
2 = 153.1N/mm
Axial load (W) = 450 KN
Load from beam = w x l = 10 x 4 = 40 KN
Total loading on column = 450 + 40 = 490 KN
Load 490 x 10
Minimum area = Pbc = = 2969.7 mm2 29.7 cm2
Using minimum area = 29.7 cm2, the suitable section is 152 x 152 x 30kg/m
universal column.
Force 490 x 10
Applied actual stress fc = Area = 38.2 x 10
2 = 128.3 N/mm
Pbc = the permissible bending compressive stress for the steel obtained in
table 2 (maximum = 165N/mm2)
The allowable axial load (P) on the cased strut is given by
P = PcAs + (Pconc x Ag)
As = area of steel section
Ag = the gross cross sectional area of cased section
In calculating the gross cross sectional area any cover in excess of 75 mm is
ignored. The axial load on the cased column must also not exceed twice
that which would be permitted on the uncased section.
The slenderness ratio (SR) based on the actual length of the column must
not exceed 250 mm for uncased columns
Check the adequacy of 203 x 203 x 60 kg/m universal column in grade 43
steel when cased in accordance with the requirements of BS 449. Use the
following information:
Axial load on column = 1200 KN
Actual length of column = 3.5 m
Pbc = 165 N/mm2
Given section 203 x 203 x 60 kg/m universal column
Steel section properties
A = 75.8 cm2
B = 205.2 mm
D = 209.6 mm
ryy = 5.19 cm
rxx = 8.96 cm
i. Steel section (uncased)
l 0.7 x 3.5 x 100
Slenderness ratio = r
= 51.9 = 47.2
From table 17 a
P c = 135 N/mm2
Safe load = Pc x area of steel
135 x 75 , 8 x 100
= 10
3 = 1023.3 KN
ii. Cased steel section
Breadth of section = 205.2 + 100 = 305.2 = 310 mm
Depth of concrete = 209.6 + 100 = 309.6 = 310 mm
L 3500
Slenderness ratio of full length = r
= 51.9
=67.4 ¿250 okay
ryy = 0.2(B + 100) = 0.2(205.2 + 100) = 61.04 mm = 6.104 cm
l 0.7 x 350
r yy = 6.104
= 40.12
From table 17a
Pc = 139 N/mm2
Pc . Ag 139 x 310
Safe load = Pc. As + 0.19 Pbc = (139 x 75.8 x 100) +
0.19 x 165
= 1053620 N + 426089.32 N
= 1479709.3 N x 10−3 = 1479.71 KN
Check that:
2 x 1023.3 ¿1479.7 KN
2046.6 KN ¿ 1479.7 KN
Hence okay
Therefore the load of 1480 is safe. Hence 203 x 203 x 60kg/m universal
column is adequate.
An internal stanchion in a building has an actual length of 4.5 m centre to
centre of floor beams. The steel section is 254 x 254 x 107kg/m universal
column. Calculate the safe axial load that the strut can carry if cased in
accordance to clause 30b BS 449.
Section size 254 x 254 x 107 kg/m universal column.
A = 136.6 cm2
B = 258.3 mm
D = 266.7 mm
ryy = 6.57 cm
rxx = 11.3cm
Check the adequacy of 152 x 152 x 23 kg/m universal column in grade 43
steel when cased in accordance with the requirements of BS 449. Use the
following information:
Axial load on column = 500 KN
Actual length of column = 4.0 m
Column held in position and direction
Pbc = 165 N/mm2
Given section 152 x 152 x 23 kg/m universal column
Steel section properties
A = 29.8 cm2
B = 152.4 mm
D = 152.4 mm
ryy = 3.68 cm
rxx = 6.51 cm
i. Steel section (uncased)
l 0.7 x 3.5 x 100
Slenderness ratio = r
= 36.8 = 76.08
From table 17 a
P c = 108 N/mm2
l 0.7 x 400
r yy = 5.048
= 55.5 = 56
From table 17a
Pc = 129 N/mm2
Pc . Ag 129 x 260
Safe load = Pc. As + 0.19 Pbc = (129 x 29.8 x 100) +
0.19 x 165
= 384420 N + 271693.78 N
= 656113.78 N x 10−3 = 656.11 KN
Check that:
2 x 321 ¿656.11 KN
642 KN ¿ 656.11 KN
Hence not okay
Therefore the load of 656.11KN is not safe. Hence provide a bigger section.
Try 152 x 152 x 23 kg/m universal column.
Check the adequacy of 203 x 203 x 86 kg/m universal column in grade 43
steel when cased in accordance with the requirements of BS 449. Use the
following information:
Axial load on column = 550 KN
Actual length of column = 5.6 m
Column held in position and direction
Pbc = 165 N/mm2
Given section 203 x 203 x 86 kg/m universal column
Steel section properties are:
A = 110.1 cm2
B = 208.8 mm
D = 222.3 mm
ryy = 5.32 cm
rxx = 9.27 cm
i. Steel section (uncased)
l 0.7 x 5.6 x 100
Slenderness ratio = r
= 53.2 = 73.68 = 74
From table 17 a
P c = 111 N/mm2
Permissible stress
These are Pc and Pbc and are obtained as previously in case of axially
loaded columns and beams in bending respectively.
ey = (100 + t/2) + clearance
ex = (100 +D/2) + clearance
Size of section 305 x 305 x118 kg/m universal column.
Properties of section
A = 149.8cm2 = 14980mm÷
B = 306.8mm
D = 314.5mm
ryy = 7.75cm = 77.5mm
rxx = 13.6cm
Zxx = 1755cm3 = 1755 x 103mm3
Zyy = 587cm3 = 587 x 103mm3
D/t = 16.8
t = 11.9mm
Minimum area = load/Pbc = 500000/165 = 3,030.3mm2
Try 203 x 203 x 86 kg/m universal columns.
Properties of section
A = 110.1cm2 = 11,010mm
B = 208.8mm
D = 222.3mm
From table 3a
Pbc = 165 N/mm2
Size of section 254 x 254 x 86 kg/m universal columns.
Properties of section
A = 92.9cm2 = 9290mm
B = 254.0mm
D = 254.0mm
ryy = 6.46 = 64.6mm
rxx = 11.1cm
fc/Pc + fbcx/Pbc + fbcy/Pbc ≤ 1.0
116.26 /139 + 50.75/165 + 61.55/165 ≤ 1.0
0.84 + 0.308 + 0.373 ≤ 1.0
1.521 ˃ 1.0
Not okay
The section is inadequate. Hence try a bigger section.
Say 254 x 254 x 107 kg/m universal column.
Ku Kl Ku Kl
If Kl / or Ku /Ku >1.5, then Mu = ( Ku +Kl)m and Ml = Kl +Ku, where K
is the stiffness given by K = L .
If Ku/Kl or Kl/Ku <1.5, Mu = Ml = M/2
Example 1
The figure below shows the elevation and plan of a side stanchion,
ground floor and second floor level.
Design the bottom length of stanchion for the following lengths.
Given data:
Edge beam reactions = 60KN.
Axial load from 2nd floor and floors above = 800KN
Main beam reaction from 1st floor loads = 250KN.
Self weight of the column to assume 1.5KN/m length.
Assume the same section is used for the upper and lower lengths.
Use structurally cased grade 43 steel.
Assume that appropriate load deduction has been made for imposed
For effective lengths refer figs.6 and 6 BS 449.
Edge beam reactions
60 x 2 = 120KN
Axial load = 800KN
Main beam reactions = 250KN
Self-weight of column = 5.4KN
Total working axial loads = 1175.4KN.
Actual stress
fc = total axial loads/actual area of section
fc = 1175.4 x103/110.1 x 102 = 106.757N/mm2 = 106.8N/mm2.
Permissible stress
Pc = (l/ry) uncased = 0.7 x 5000/53.2 = 65.8N/mm2
Pc = 120.2N/mm2 from table 17(a).
Pc = 128.34N/mm2.
From table 3
Pbc = 165N/mm2
Pconc = Pc/0.19Pbc
Permissible load
P(cased) =Pc.As + Pconc.Ag
= (128.3 x 110.1 x 102) + (128.3 x 3252/0.19 x 165)
= 1519380 + 464952.15
= 1984332.15N
= 1844.85KN
Therefore 1844.85KN > 1175.4KN
Hence okay
P(uncased) = Pc.As
= (120.2 x 110.1 x 102) x 10-3
= 1323.5KN
But P(uncased) x 2 > P(cased)
Therefore 2 x 1323.5 > 1844.85
That is 2647KN > 1844.85KN
Therefore okay
Actual stresses
Fbc = M/Zxx = P x e/Zxx
M = p x e = 250 x (0.2223/2 + 0.1) = 53KNm
Ku = Iu/3.6 ; Kl = IL/5.0
Ku = I/3.6 ; Kl = I/5.0
Ku/Kl or Kl/Ku ; I/3.6 = 5.0/I = 1.3888 = 1.4
Therefore 1.4 <1.5
Mu = Ml = 53/2 = 26.5KNm
Fbc = M/Z = 26.5 x 106/851.5 x 103 = 31.12N/mm2
Final check
fc/Pc + fbc/Pbc < 1.0
106.8/135.6 += 31.12/165 < 1.0
0.788 + 0.188 <1.0
0.976 < 1.0
It is okay; hence a 203 x 203 x 86 kg/m universal columns is adequate.
Example 2
Figure below shows the plan of 203 x 203 x 60kg/m grade 43 steel
universal column 3.5m height centres.
Total axial load = 820KN
From beams(210 + 34 + 99 + 5) = 348
Mx = (34 – 5)(D/2 + 100)
= [29(209.6/2 + 100)] x10-3 = 5.94KNm
My = (210 – 99)(t/2 + 100)
= 111(9.3/2 +100) x 10-3 = 11.62KNm
For given section; D = 209.6mm, B = 206.2mm.
Take section of 310 x 310mm
Pc = 138.87N/mm2 = 139N/mm2
Pbc = 165N/mm2
Pconc =(Pc)cased/0.19Pbc = 139/0.19 x 165 = 4.43
Allowable load
P(uncased) = Pc x As(uncased)
= [135.8 x 75.8 x102] x 10-3
= 1029.4KN
P(cased) = [(139 x 75.8 x102) + (4.43 x 3102)] x 10-3
= 1479.34KN
Actual stresses
fbcx = Mx/Zxx = 5.94 x 106/581.1 x 103 = 10.22N/mm2.
When shared it becomes 10.22/2 = 5.11N/mm2 each (because mid-column).
fbcy = My/Zyy = 11.62 x 106/199 x 103 = 58.4N/mm2.
When shared it becomes 58.4/2 = 29.2N/mm2 each (because mid-column).
1st check
fc/Pc + fbcx/Pbc + fbcy/Pbc ≤ 1.0
1168/1479.34 + 29.2/165 + 5.11/165 ≤ 1.0
0.7895 + 0.177 + 0.0309 ≤ 1.0
0.9975 ≤ 1.0
Therefore okay
2nd check
P(uncased x 2 > P(cased)
2 x 1029.4KN > 1479.34KN
2058.8KN > 1479>34KN
Therefore it is okay, hence 203 x 203 x 60kg/m universal column grade 43
steel is adequate.
Example 3
A universal column is to support an axial load of 850KN. The column which
is effectively held in position and direction at both ends has an actual
length of 5.35m. Select the most suitable section in grade 43 steel from the
Assuming a short column Pcc = 155N/mm2.
1st 152 x 152 x 30kg/m universal column gives are = 38.2cm2 hence ruled
NB. The remaining section would not work since it is quite uneconomical.
Provide the most suitable and economical section i.e.203 x 203 x 60kg/m
universal column
Example 4
A universal beam serial size 457 x191 x 89kg/m universal beam is simply
supported on a span of 12.0m as shown below.
Determine the safe uniformly distributed load the beam can carry and
check for:
i. Web shear
iv. Deflection
d = 407.9mm
D/T = 26.3
Zxx =1770cm3
D = 463.6mm
t = 10.6mm
= 103.014KNm
= 5.723KN/m
= 248.24mm
= 13.04N/mm2
Pc = 119.3N/mm2
Therefore Pc > fc .i.e. 119.3N/mm2 > 7.5N/mm2.
v. Check deflection
= 15.17mm
Therefore δ(actual) < δ(allowable), i.e. 15.17mm < 33.33mm hence okay in
continuous beam.
Such a beam when loaded will be deflected with convexity upwards, over
the intermediate supports and with concavity downwards over the mid of
the spans.
The intermediate supports of a continuous beam are always subjected to
some bending moments.
But the end supports, if fixed, will be subjected to fixing moments and the
slope of the beam, at the fixed ends will be zero.
Multiplying the above equation by x, and integrating the same for the
a1 X 1 L1
EI1iB = L1
+ (M A + 2MB) 6 ……………………………….(iii)
a1 X 1 L1
Or E.iB = I L + (MA + 2MB) 6 I
1 1 1
Similarly, in the span BC, taking C as the origin and x positive to the
left, we get;
a2 X 2 L2
E.i;B = I L + (MC + 2MB) 6 I ………………….………………..(iv)
2 2 2
a2 = Area of the u-diagram in the span BC.
x-2 = Distance of centre of gravity of u-diagram from C in the span BC
a’2 = Area of the u’-diagram in the span BC.
x-’2 = Distance of centre of gravity of u’-diagram from C in the span BC
i’B = Slope of the beam BC at B.
a1 X 1 L1 a2 X 2 L2
Or I L + (MA + 2MB) 6 I =¿ I L + (MC + 2MB) 6 I
1 1 1 2 2 2
L1 L2 a1 X 1 a2 X 2
(MA + 2MB) I + (MC + 2MB) I =-6 I L -6 I L
1 2 1 1 2 2
a1 X 1 a2 X 2
MAL1/I1 + 2MBL1/I1 + MCL2/I2 + 2MBL2/I2 = - (6 I 1 L1
+ 6 I 2 L2
L1 L1 L2 L2 a1 X 1 a2 X 2
MA( I ) + 2MB( I + I ) + MC( I ) = - (6 I L + 6 I L )
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
1) For the sake of Simplicity, we have considered a continuous beam with two
spans only. But this equation can be extended for any number of spans.
2) If the moment of inertia of the beam is constant ,then
a1 X 1 a2 X 2
MA L1+ 2MB( L1 + L2) + MC( L2) = - (6 L + 6 L )
1 2
3) The shear force diagram for the beam may be drawn as usual.
4) The elastic curve of the beam may be drawn as usual as shown in figure c.
Example 1
A continuous beam ABC 10m long rests on supports A,B and C at the same
level and is loaded as shown in figure below. Determine the moment over
the beam, and draw the bending moment diagram. Also calculate the
reactions at the supports and draw the shear force diagram.
Span BC =L2 = 4m
Span AB = L1 = 6m
Load in AB W = 3KN
Distance AD a= 2m
Distance DB b= 4m
Load in BC w = 1KN/m
(i). Moments over the beam
Let MA = fixing moments at A.
MB = fixing moments at B.
MC = fixing moments at C
2 2
WL 1x 4
Similarly bending moment at mid of span BC = = = 2KNm
8 8
Draw the u-diagram.
32 10.67
0 + 2MB (6 + 4) + 0 = -(6 x 6 + 6 x 4
20MB = -(32 + 16) = -48
Or MB = - 20 = 2.4KNm.
Now complete the bending moment diagram.
(ii). S.F. diagram
Let RA = reactions at A
RB = reactions at B
RC = reactions at C
Taking moments about B,
(RA x 6) – (3 x 4) = -2.4
RC x 4 – 4 x 2 = -2.4
(−2.4 +8) 5 ,6
RC =
= 4
= 1.4KN
Therefore RB = (3 + 4) – (1.6 + 1.4) = 4.0KN
Draw the B.M. and S.F. diagrams.
A continuous bean ABCD, simply supported at A, B, C and D, is loaded as
shown in figure below. Find the moment over the beam and draw the
bending moment and shear force diagrams.
Span AB = L1 = 6m.
Span AB = L2 = 5m.
Span AB = L3 = 4m.
Load in AB =W1 = 9KN
Distance AE = a1 = 2m.
Distance AE = b1 =4m.
Load in BC =W2 = 9KN
Distance BF = a2 = 2m.
Distance FC = b2 = 2m.
Load in AB =w = 3KN/m.
(i). moments over the beam
MA = fixing moment at A
MB= fixing moment at B.
MC = fixing moment at C, and
MD = fixing moment at D.
First of all, let us consider the beam ABCD as a simply supported beam.
Therefore the moment at E:
w 1 a1 b1 9 x 2 x 4
ME = = 6 = 12KNm.
W 2 a2 b2 8 x 2 x 3
MF = L2
= 5
= 9.6KNm.
2 2
W L3 3X4
and bending moment at mid of the span CD = = = 6KNm
8 8
Now draw the u-diagram with the help of above bending moments.
[ 3
a1x-1 = [ ( ½ x 2 x 12 x 2 x ⅔)] + (½ x 4 x 12) x (2+ 3 ) = 96.0
[ 3
a2x-2 = [ ( ½ x 2 x 9.6 x 2 x ⅔) ]+ (½ x 3 x 9.6) x (2+ 3 ) = 56.0]
6 x 96 6 x 64
0 + 2MB (6 + 5) + MC x 5 = - ( 6
+ 5
22 M B + 5 M C = -172.8 ………………………………………………….(i)
Again using the three moment theorem equations for the spans BC and CD.
a2 X 2 a3 X 3
MBL2 + 2MC (L2 + L3) + MD L3 = = - (6 L + 6 L )
2 3
56 32
MB x 5 + 2MC (5+4) + 0 =- (6 x 5 +6x )
5MB + 18MC = 115.2 ………………………………………..(ii)
RA = reaction at A
RB = reaction at B
RC = reaction at C, and
RD = reaction at D
Taking moments about B
RA x 6 – 9 x 4 = -6.83
RA = 6
= 4.86KN
RA x 11 – 9 x 9 + RB x 5 – 8 x 3 = -4.5
RD x 4 – 12 x 2 = -4.5
(−4.4+24 )
RD = = 4.88KN
= 29 – 19.15 = 9.85KN
A continuous beam ABC of uniform section with span AB 8m and BC as 6m
is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C. The beam is carrying a
uniformly distributed load of 1KN/M throughout its length. Find the
moments along the beam and the reactions at the supports. Also draw the
bending moment diagram.
Span AB L1 = 8m
Span BC L2 = 6m
Load ω = 1KN/M
Moment along the beam
Since the beam is fixed at A, therefore assume a zero span to the left of A.
Let: Mo = Fixing moment at the left hand support of zero span.
MA = Fixing moment at A
MB = Fixing moment at B and,
MC = Fixing moment at C
First consider the beam AB as a simply supported beam.
2 2
ωL 1 1x 8
B.M. at the mid of the span AB = 8
= 8
= 8KNM
2 2
ωL 2 1x 6
Similarly, the B.M. at the mid of the span BC= 8
= 8
= 4.5KNM
Now draw the u-diagram with the help of the above B.M.
Now using the three moment equation for the spans OA and AB.
a0 ẋ 0 a1 ẋ 1
M 0 L 0 + 2 M A ¿ + L1) + M B L1 = -6( + L ¿
L0 1
0 + 2 M A ¿ + 8 ¿ + M B x 8 = -6(0 + ¿
16 M A+ 8 M B = -128………………………………………………………….(i)
Again using the three moment equation for the spans AB and BC
a1 ẋ 1 a2 ẋ2
M A L1 + 2 M B ¿ + L2) + M C L2 = -6( + L ¿
L1 2
170.67 54
M A X 8 + 2 M B ¿ + 6 ) + 0 = -6( + 6¿
8 M A + 28 M B = -182 ……………………………………………………………..(ii)
Solving the equations (i) and (ii)
16 M A+ 8 M B = -128 ……………………………………(i)
8 M A + 28 M B = -182 ………………………………………(ii)
−128−16 MA
From equation (i) MB = 8
= -16 – 2MA
Substituting in equation (ii)
8MA +28(-16 – 2MA) = -182
8MA – 448 – 56MA = -182
−182+ 448
MA = 48
= - 5.54KNM
In equation (i)
16(-5.54) + 8MA = -128
-88.64 +8MB = -128
MB = 8
= - 4.92KNM
Now complete the B.M. diagram.
Ii. Reactions at supports
RA = Reaction at A
RB = Reaction at B and
RC = Reaction at C
Taking moments about B
RC x 6 – 6 x 3 = -4.92
RC = 6
= 2.18KN
Now taking moments about A,
RC x 14 +RB x 8 – 14 x 7 = - 5.54
2.14 x 14 + 8RB – 98 +- 5.54
−5.54+98−30.52 61.94
RB = 8
= 8
= 7.74KN
Therefore RA = 14.0 – (2.18 + 7.74) = 14.0 – 9.92 = 4.08KN
Now draw the shear force diagram.
Use three moment theorem to analyze the beam shown below hence draw
the bending moment and shear force diagram and indicate the values at all
the critical points (points of loading)
1. Assume the spans to be simply supported and calculate the free bending
moments ( FBM).
Wab 60 x 3 x 4
Span AB FBM = L = 7
= 102.86KNM
2 2
WL 20 x 5
Span BC FBM =
= 8
= 62.5KNM
Wab 40 x 1.5 x 2.5
Span CD FBM = L = 4 = 37.5KNM
Span DE FBM = -WL = - 10 x 1.5 = - 15KNM
Also moment at D = 15KNM.
Also introduce a zero span at the fixed end at A.
2. Draw the FBM diagram.
Calculate aẋ’s for the respective span i.e. span A’A – AB, AB – BC, BC - CD
Span A”A – AB
a0 ẋ0
a1 ẋ1 =
3 ][ 1
x 120.86 x 4 x ( x 4) + x 102.86 x 3 x (4 + x 3)
3 ]
= 1320.04
Span AB - BC
a1 ẋ1 =
3 ][ 1
x 120.86 x 3 x ( x 3) + x 102.86 x 4 x (3+ x 4)
3 ]
= 1200.03
a2 ẋ2 = x 5 x 62.5 x 2.5 = 520.83
Span BC - CD
a2 ẋ2 = x 5 x 62.5 x 2.5 = 520.83
[ 2
2 ][ 1
a 3 ẋ 3 = x 37.5 x 2.5 x ( x 2.5) + x 37.5 x 1.5 x (2.5+ x 1.5)
2 3 ]
= 162.5
Apply the three moment theorem for respective spans.
Span A’A –AB
L1 L1 a0 ẋ 0 a1 ẋ 1
M 0 L0 + 2M ¿ +
) +M B
I1 = -6( L + 0 Io L1 Io
7 7 1320.04
0 + 2 MA¿ + ¿ + M B ( ) = - 6(0 + ¿
3I 3I 7 x3 I
MA MB 377.15
+ 2.33 I = - I
4.67 M A + 2.33 M B = -377.15 ………………………………………………………….(i)
Span AB -BC
L1 L L2 a1 ẋ 1 a 2 ẋ 2
+ 2 MB¿ + 2 ) + MC
= - 6( +
L1 I 1 L 2 I 2
7 5 5 1200.3 520.83
M A ( ) + 2 M B ¿+ ) + M C = - 6( + 2I x5 ¿
3I 2I 2I 3I x7
MA MB 2.5 655.36
+ 9.67 I
+ I
M C= -
2.33 M A+ 9.67 M B + 2.5 M C= -655 , 36 ………………………………………….(ii)
Span BC - CD
L2 L3 L3 a2 ẋ 2 a3 ẋ 3
I2 + 2M ¿ +
) +M D
I3 = - 6( L2 I 2 + L3 I 3
M B(
) + 2 M ¿+ 4I ) + M 4I = - 6( 520.83
2I x5
+ 162.5
I x4
+ 13 MC
- 15( 4
¿= -
2.5 M B + 13 M C – 60 = -556.25
41.752MB = - 1932.41
MB = 41.752 = - 46.28
Therefore MB = -46.28KNM
−496.25 – 2.5(−46.28)
MC = = - 29.27KNM
Calculate the reactions and draw the shear force diagram.
Span AB
Σ RB1 = 0
7RA – 60 x 4 -57.70 + 46.28 = 0
7RA = 251.42
RA = 7
= 35.92KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
RA - 60 + RB1=¿0
35.92 – 60 + RB1 = 0
Therefore RB1 = - 24.08KN
Span BC
Σ RC 1 = 0
20 x 5
5 RB2−¿ – - 46.28 + 29.27 = 0
5 RB2 = 267.01
RB2 = = 53.40KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
Span CD
Σ RD 1 = 0
4 RC 2−¿ 29.27– 40 x 2.5 + 15 = 0
5 RC 2 = 54.27
RC 2 = = 13.57KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
RC 2 - 40 + RD 1=¿0
RD 1 = 13.57 – 40 = - 26.43KN
Therefore RD 1 = - 26.43KN
Span DE
Σ ME = 0
1.5 RD 2−15– 10 x 0 = 0
1.5 RD 2 = 15
RD 2 = = 10KN
Now draw the shear force diagram indicating the critical or salient values.
Using three moment theorems analyze the beam shown below and hence
plot the shear force and bending moment diagrams.
Introduce zero span at both ends A and C.
Assume the spans to be simply supported and calculate their free bending
a0 ẋ0 = 0
a1 ẋ1 =
3 x9x6x3=
Span AB -BC
a1 ẋ1 =
3 x9x6x3=
[ 1 2
][ 1 1
a 2 ẋ 2 = x 18 x 3 x ( x 3) + x 18 x 3 x (3+ x 3) = 162
2 3 2 3
Span BC – CC’
a2 ẋ2 =
3 ][ 1
x 18 x 3 x ( x 3) + x 18 x 3 x (3+ x 3)
3 ]= 162
a0 ẋ0 = 0
iv. Apply the three moment equation for the respective spans.
Span A’A -AB
a0 ẋ 0 a1 ẋ 1
M 0 L 0 + 2 M A ¿ + L1) + M B L1 = -6( + L ¿
L0 1
0 + 2 M A ¿ + 6 ¿ + M B x 6 = -6(0 + ¿
12 M A + 6 M B = -108
2 M A+ M B = -18 ………………………………………………………….(i)
Span AB –BC
a1 ẋ 1 a2 ẋ2
M A L1 + 2 M B ¿ + L2) + M C L2 = -6( + L ¿
L1 2
108 162
6 M A + 2 M B ¿ + 6 ) + M C (6) = -6( + 6 ¿
6 M A + 24 M B + 6 M C = -270
M A + 4 M B + M C = - 45 ……………………………………………………………..(ii)
Span BC – CC’
a2 ẋ2 a0 ẋ 0
M B L2 + 2 M C ¿ + L0) + M O L0 = -6( + L ¿
L2 0
6 M B + 2 M C ¿ + 0 ) + 0 = -6( + 0¿
6 M B + 12 M C = -162
M B + 2 M C = -27 …………………………………………………………………….(iii)
Solve the equations (i), (ii) and (iii).
2 M A+ M B = -18 ………………………………………………………….(i)
M A + 4 M B + M C = - 45 ……………………………………..…………..(ii)
M B + 2 M C = -27 …………………………………………………………….(iii)
−18 – MB
From equation (i) MA = 2
= -9 – 0.5 MB
Substitute MA in equation (ii)
-9 – 0.5 MB + 4MB + MC = - 45
3.5MB + MC = - 36 ……………………………………………………….(iv)
MB +2MC = - 27
7MB +2MC = -72
-6MB = 45
MB = −6 = - 7.5KNM
Therefore MB = -7.5KNM
MA = -9 – 0.5MB
MA = -9 – 0.5 x (-7.5)
MA = -5.25KNM
MC = 2
−27 – (−7.5)
MC =
MC = −9.75 KNM
Span BC
Σ MRC = 0
6 RB2−¿ 7.5– 12 x 3 + 9.75 = 0
6 RB2 = 33.75
RB2 = = 5.625KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
RB2 - 12 + RC =¿0
RC = - (R B2 – 12)
¿−5,625+12 = +6.375KN
Therefore RC 1 = +6.375KN
Now draw the shear force diagram
A beam ABCD 9M long is simply supported at A, B and C, such that the span
AB is 3M, span BC is 4.5M and the overhanging CD is 1.5M. It carries a
uniformly distributed load of 1.5KN/M in span AB and a point load of 1KN
at the free end D. The moment of inertia of the beam in span AB is I and
that in span BC is 2I. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram
for the beam.
Span AB L1 = 4M
Span BC L2 = 4.5M
Span CD L3 = 1.5M
M.O.I. of span AB = I
M.O.I. of span BC =2II
M.O.I. of span CD = I
Load in AB ω = 1.5KN/M
Load at D = 1KN
(i) Bending moment diagram
Let MA = Fixing moment at A
MB = Fixing moment at B
MC = Fixing moment at C
First of all consider the beam as simply supported beam.
2 2
ω L1 1.5 x 3
Therefore B.M. at the mid span of AB =
= 8
= 1.69KNM
And the fixing moment at C, MC = - WL = - 1 x 1.5 = - 1.5KNM
Now draw the u-diagram with the help of above bending moments.
−10.14+3.375 6.765
Therefore MB = 10.5 =- 10.5 = - 0.65KNM
Now complete the bending moment diagram.
ii. Calculate the reactions and draw the shear force diagram.
Let RA = Reaction at A
RB = Reaction at B, and
RC = Reaction at C
Span AB
Σ RB1 = 0
RA x 3 – 1.5 x 3 x 1.5 – 0 + 0.65 = 0
3RA = 6.75 – 0.65
RA = 3 = 2.03KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
RA + RB1=¿1.5 x 3 = 4.5
RB1 = 4.5 – 2.03 = 2.47
Therefore RB1 = - 2.47KN
Span BC
Σ RC 1 = 0
4.5 RB2−¿ –0.65 + 1.5 = 0
4.5 RB2 = 0.85
RB2 = = 0.1889 = 0.19KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
RB2 + RC 1=¿0
RC 1 = 0 – 0.19 = - 0.19
Therefore RC 1 = - 0.19KNM
Span CD
Σ RD 1 = 0
1.5 RC 2−¿ 1.5−1.5 x 0= 0
1.5 RC 2 = 1.5
RC 2 = = 1KN
Now complete the shear force diagram.
A continuous beam ABCD is pinned at A and simply supported at B and C,
these points being at the same level, CD is an overhang. AB = 3M, BC =
3.6M and CD = 1.8M. it carries a point load of 10 KN at the midpoint of BC
and uniformly distributed load of 1.6KN/M run from A to D as shown in the
figure below.
Span AB L1 = 3M
Span BC L2 = 3.6M
Span CD L3 = 1.8M
Load in AD ω = 1.6KN/M
Load at E = 10KN
(ii) Bending moment diagram
Let MA = Fixing moment at A
MB = Fixing moment at B and
MC = Fixing moment at C
Since the beam is simply supported at A, therefore the fixing moment MA
will be zero.
First of all consider the beam as simply supported beam.
2 2
ω L1 1.6 x 3
e B.M. at the mid span of AB =
= 8
= 1.8KNM
Similarly the B.M. at the mid of span BC due to point load:
WL 10 x 3.6
M1 = = = 9.0KNM
4 4
And B.M. due to the uniformly distributed load
2 2
M 2 = WL = 1.6 x 3.6
= 2.6KNM
8 8
Therefore total B.M. at the mid of span BC = 9.0 + 2.6 = 11.6KNM
Fixing moment at C
2 2
W L3 1.6 x 1.8
MC =
= 2
= 2.6KNM
Now draw the u-diagram with the help of the above bending moments.
a1 ẋ1
x 3 x 1.8 x 1.5 = 5.4
[ 1 2
][ ]
5.4 40.39
0 + 2 M B ¿+ 3.6 ¿ + ( 2.6 x 3.6 ¿= -6( ¿
3 + 3.6
13.2MB + 9.36 = - (10.8 + 67.32)
13.2MB = - 78.12
MB = - 13.2 = - 5.92KNM
Now complete the B.M. diagram.
ii. Calculate the reactions and draw the shear force diagram.
Let RA = Reaction at A
RB = Reaction at B, and
RC = Reaction at C
Span AB
Σ M RB1 = 0
RA x 3 – 1.6 x 3 x 1.5 – 0 + 5.92 = 0
3RA = 7.2 – 5.92 = 1.28
RA = 3 = 0.43KN
ΣF ↑ = 0
RA + RB1=¿1.6 x 3 = 4.8
RB1 = 4.8 – 0.43 = 4.37
Therefore RB1 = - 4.37KN
Span BC
Σ MRC 1 = 0
4.5 RB2−¿ 5.92+ 2.6 = 0
4.5 RB2 = 3.32
ΣF ↑ = 0
RB2 + RC 1=¿10 + (1.6 x 4.5)
RC 1 = 17.2 – 0.74 = 16.46
Therefore RC 1 = - 16.46KNM
Span CD
Σ MRD1 = 0
1.6 RC 2−¿ 2.6−1.6 x 1.6 x 0.8= 0
1.6 RC 2 = 4.648
RC 2 = = 2.905KN
Now complete the shear force diagram.
Page 159
Abeam ABCDE has a built-in support at A and roller supports at B, C and D,
DE being an overhung. AB = 7m, BC = 5m, CD = 4m and DE = 1.5m. The
values of moment of inertia of the section over each of these lengths are 3I,
2I, I and I respectively. The beam carries a point load of 10KN at a point 3m
from A, a uniformly distributed load of 4.5KN/m over whole of BC and
concentrated load of 9KN in CD 1.5m from C and another point load of 3KN
at E, the top of overhung as shown in figure below
Load in AB W1 = 10KN
Load in BC w = 4.5KN/m
MA = fixing moment at A
Since the beam is fixed at A, therefore assume a zero span to the left of A.
= 120/7 = 17.14KNm
= 33.75/4 = 8.44KNm
NB: Now draw the u-diagram with the help of above bending moments.
Calculate a x-1s
a0x-0 = 0
and a3x-3 = {(1/2 x 2.5 x 8.44 x 2 x 2.5/3) + (1/2 x 1.5 x 8.44)(2.5 x 1.5/3)}
= 36.9
Now using three moments’ equations for the spans 0A and AB i.e.
Again using three moments’ equations for the spans AB and BC i.e.
Again using three moments’ equations for the spans BC and CD i.e.
MA = -8.78KNm
MB = -9.41KNm
MC = -6.43KNm
1. Riveted connections
A piece of round steel forged in place to connect two or more than two
steel members together is known as a rivet.
The rivets for structural purposes are manufactured from mild steel and
high tensile rivet bars.
A rivet consists of a head and a body (shank).
The rivets are manufactured in different lengths to suit different purposes.
The size of the rivet is expressed by the diameter of the shank.
The most used rivets in structural steel work are heated uniformly
throughout its length, without burning or excessive scaling, and shall be of
sufficient length to provide a head of standard dimension when those rivets
are driven, these rivets shall completely fill the hole.
These rivets are known as hot driven rivets.
For driving the rivets, they are heated till they become red hot and are then
placed in the hole keeping the rivet pressed from one side a number of
blows are applied and a head at the other end is formed.
The hot driven rivets are divided in the following three types:
a) Power driven rivets
b) Hand driven rivets
c) Field rivets
The rivets of the first category are more satisfactorily driven than the rivets
of the other two categories and rivets of second category are more
satisfactorily driven than rivets of the third category because of the
difference in workmanship.
The hot driven rivets of 16mm, 18mm, 20mm and 22mm diameter are used
for the structural steel works.
Some rivets are driven at atmospheric temperature. These rivets are known
as cold driven rivets.
The cold driven rivets need large pressures to form the head and complete
the driving.
Rivet Heads
The various types of rivet heads employed for different works are:
i. Snap head (round head or button head)
ii. Pan head
iii. Pan head with tapered neck
iv. Round countersunk head
v. Countersunk head
The proportions of various shapes of rivet heads have been expressed in
terms of diameter “D” of shank of rivet.
The snap head are used for rivets connecting structural members. The
countersunk head are used to provide a flush surface.
Rivet Holes
The rivet holes are made in the plates or structural members by one of the
following two methods:
i. Punching
ii. Drilling
When the rivet holes are made by punching, the holes are not perfect but
A punch damages the materials around the hole. The operation known as
reaming is done in the hole made by punching.
When the rivet holes are made by drilling, the holes are perfect and provide
good alignment for driving the rivets.
The diameter of a rivet hole is made larger than the nominal diameter of
the rivet by 1.5 mm or rivets less than or equal to 25 mm diameter and by 2
mm for diameter exceeding 25 mm.
Definition of terms used in riveting
a) Nominal diameter of a rivet
The nominal diameter of a rivet is the diameter of the cold rivet measured
before driving.
b) Gross diameter of rivet
The gross diameter of rivet is the diameter of the rivet measured after
driving and the diameter of the rivet hole is adopted as the gross diameter
of rivet.
c) Pitch of rivet (P)
The Pitch of rivet is the distance between two consecutive rivets measured
parallel to the direction of the force in the structural member lying on the
same rivet line.
It is the centre to centre distance between the individual fasteners.
d) Back Pitch
The center distance between two adjacent rows of rivets is defined as back
pitch. It is denoted by pb.
e) Diagonal Pitch
The smallest distance between centres of two rivet holes in adjacent rows
of a zig-zag riveted joint is called diagonal pitch. Denoted by pd.
f) Margin
g) It is the distance between centre of a rivet hole and nearest edge of the
plate. It is denoted by m.
h) Gauge distance of rivets (g)
The gauge distance is the transverse distance between two consecutive
rivets of adjacent chains (parallel adjacent lines of fasteners) and is
measured at right angles to the direction of the force in the structural
i) Gross area of rivet
The gross area of a rivet is the cross-sectional area of a rivet calculated
from the gross diameter of the rivet.
j) Rivet line
The rivet line is also known as scrieve line or back line or gauge line.
The rivet line is the imaginary line along which rivets are placed.
The standard position of rivet lines depends upon the flange widths in the
case of I- sections, channel sections, and tee - sections.
The standard position of rivet lines for the angle sections depends upon the
length of the legs.
k) Staggered pitch
The staggered pitch is also known as alternate pitch or reeled pitch.
The staggered pitch is defined as the measured distance along one rivet line
from the centre of a rivet on it to the centre of the adjoining rivet on the
adjacent parallel rivet line.
One or both the legs of an angle section may have double rivet lines. The
staggered pitch occurs between the double rivet lines.
Riveted joint
The plates to be jointed are often of the same thickness and their thickness
is denoted by t.
However, if the thicknesses are different, the lower one will be denoted by
t1. The thickness of the cover plate (also known as strap) in a butt joint will
be denoted as tc.
The rivet hole diameter is denoted by d. This diameter is normally large
than the diameter of the rivet shank which is denoted by d1.
of plates may occur, when strength of the plates is less than that of rivets.
The tearing failure occurs at the net cross sectional area of plates.
The plate at any other section is obviously stronger, and hence does not
If tensile force P is to cause tearing, it will occur along weakest section,
which carries the row of rivets. If only one pitch length g is considered; it is
weakened by one hole diameter d.
The area that resists the tensile force is
At = (g – d) t
If the permissible stress for plate in tension is Pt , then tensile strength of
the joint or tensile load carrying capacity of the joint
Pt = σt (g– d) t ……………………………………………………………………… (e)
If P is the applied tensile force per pitch length then the joint will not fail if
Pt ≥ P ……………………………………………………….. (f)
iv. Splitting failure of plates
The splitting failure of a plate may occur because of insufficient edge
distance in the riveted joint.
The splitting (cracking)of plate as shown below takes place in such failure.
v. Bearing failure of plates
The bearing failure of plates may occur because of insufficient edge
distance in the riveted joint.
The crushing of plate against the bearing as illustrated below takes place
in such failure.
vi. Bearing failure of rivets
The bearing failure of a rivet occurs when the rivet is crushed by the
The bearing, shearing and splitting failure of plates may be avoided by
providing adequate edge distance.
To safeguard a riveted joint against other modes of failure, the joint
should be designed properly.
Due to rivet being compressed against the inner surface of the hole, there
is a possibility that either the rivet or the hole surface may be crushed.
The area, which resists this action, is the projected area of hole or rivet on
diametral plane. The area per rivet is (see Figure 3.8).
Ac = dt
If permissible crushing or bearing stress of rivet or plate is c the crushing
strength of the joint or load carrying capacity of the joint against crushing
Pc = dt. σc …………………………………………………….. (g)
Figure 3.9 shows this mode of failure in which margin can shear along
planes ab and cd. If the length of margin is m, the area resisting this failure
Ams = 2mt
If permissible shearing stress of plate is τ s then load carrying capacity of the
joint against shearing of the margin is,
Pms = 2mt τ s
When the rivets are subjected to single shear, then the strength of one
π 2
riveted lap joint per gauge width is the least of P s1, Pb1, and Pt1 whichever is
less, where
π π
Ps1 = n x ( 4 d2 x τ s ) = 2 x ( 4 d2 x τ s) …………………………………………………(ix)
Pb1 = n x (d x t x σ b) = 2 x (d x t x σ b ) …………………………………………………. (x)
Pt1 = (b - d) x t x σ t ………………………………………………………………………………. (xi)
of riveted butt joint per gauge width is the least of Ps1, Pb1, and Pt1