Basic Concept of Thermodynamics
Basic Concept of Thermodynamics
Basic Concept of Thermodynamics
Mr. P.K.Gupta
Asst.Prof. Mechanical Engineering
JIET,DAT. Jodhpur
Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
After going through this unit. We would be able
to understand the following:
Thermodynamic system and its types
Thermodynamics properties
Quasi-static process
Zeroth, I, II, and III law of thermodynamics
Concept of entropy
• Energy
• Entropy
• Equilibrium
Basic terms used in thermodynamics:
OPEN SYSTEM: The system which can exchange both mass and
energy with its surroundings is called an open system. In such a
system, flow type of processes occur.
EX. Piston – cylinder arrangement with valve.
Most of the engineering devices are open system.
ISOLATED SYSTEM: It is a type of system in which neither energy
nor mass interaction takes place.
Any change that a system undergoes from
one equilibrium state to another is called
a process, and the series of states through
Which a system passes during a process is
called the path of the process.
To describe a process completely, one should specify
the initial and final states of the process, as well as
the path it follow and interaction with surroundings.
A thermodynamic process (state i → state f ) is said to be
reversible if the process can be turned back such that both
the system and the surroundings return to their original
states, with no other change anywhere else in the universe.
lower temperature
lower one.
When a body ‘A’ is in thermal equilibrium with another body ‘b’, and also
separately in thermal equilibrium with a body ‘C’, then body ‘B’ and ‘C’ will
also be in thermal equilibrium with each other. This statement defines the
zeroth law of thermodynamics. The law is based on temperature
ΔS|Total ≥ 0