Yearbook 2022
Yearbook 2022
Yearbook 2022
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Published by:
Executive Secretary, Indian Academy of Sciences
Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences
Activities – a profile ................................................................. 2
Council for the period 2022–2024 ............................................ 6
Office Bearers ......................................................................... 7
Former Presidents ................................................................... 8
The Academy Trust ................................................................. 9
Section B: Professorships
Raman Chair ........................................................................... 12
Jubilee Chair ........................................................................... 15
Janaki Ammal Chair ................................................................ 16
The Academy–Springer Nature Chair ...................................... 16
Section D: Associateship
Associates on roll .................................................................... 308
Associates selected in 2021 .................................................... 322
Former Associates .................................................................. 322
Section E: Committees
Sectional Committees ............................................................. 336
Raman Chair and Janaki Ammal Chair Sub-Committee ........... 341
Jubilee Chair Sub-Committee .................................................. 341
Publications’ Committee .......................................................... 342
Science Academies’ Education Panel ...................................... 343
Panel on Scientific Values ....................................................... 344
Panel on Women in Science .................................................... 345
Finance Committee ................................................................. 345
Standing Committee on Staff ................................................... 346
Section F: Publications
Journals’ Details ...................................................................... 348
Memorandum of Association
3. Selection of Associates:
6. Chair Professorships:
(i) Raman Chair: The Raman Chair was instituted in 1972 by the
Government of India to commemorate the founder of the
Academy, Sir C. V. Raman. Eminent scientists are invited to
occupy the Chair, for periods between six weeks and six
Previous President
Prof. Partha P. Majumder, NIBMG, Kalyani
Prof. Rohini M. Godbole, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. Vikram Jayaram, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. V.A. Raghunathan, RRI, Bengaluru
Dr Sharmila A. Bapat, NCCS, Pune
Prof. Umesh V. Waghmare (080) 2208 2842 (080) 2233 2774
(while in the Academy Office) (080) 2266 1239
(080) 2266 1203
Previous President
Prof. Partha P. Majumder (033) 2589 2150 (033) 2565 4314
(033) 2589 2151
Prof. Rohini M. Godbole (080) 2293 2845 (080) 2360 8357
(080) 2360 7798
Prof. Vikram Jayaram (080) 2293 3243 (080) 2337 5110
(080) 2293 2263
Prof. Nikhil Tandon (011) 2659 3433 (011) 2649 9100
(011) 2659 3237
Prof. S.K. Tandon 98104 37365 (0124) 422 7715
Prof. Renee M. Borges (080) 2360 2972 (080) 2341 7366
(080) 2293 3103
Prof. K. Vijayamohanan Pillai (0877) 250 0236 94422 26929
Prof. V.A. Raghunathan 94808 36154 (080) 2664 8940
5. Dr S. Varadarajan 1980–1982
*Chair and Managing Trustee
Prof. Umesh V. Waghmare, JNCASR, Bengaluru
*Ex-Officio Trustees
Prof. Partha P. Majumder, NIBMG, Kalyani
Prof. Renee M. Borges, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. K. Vijayamohanan Pillai, IISER, Tirupati
Prof. V.A. Raghunathan, RRI, Bengaluru
Prof. V.S. Chauhan, ICGEB, New Delhi
Prof. K.N. Ganesh, IISER, Tirupati
Prof. Anil Kumar, NCL, Pune
Prof. Sujatha Ramdorai, University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. S. Sivaram, IISER, Pune
Prof. S. Shivaji, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad
Prof. Anil K. Singh, Mumbai
The Raman Chair was instituted in 1972 by the Government of India
to commemorate the founder of the Academy, Prof. Sir C.V. Raman.
Eminent scientists are invited by the Council of the Academy to
occupy the Chair, for periods between 6 weeks and 6 months.
14 Section B: Professorships
The Jubilee Professorship was instituted during the Platinum Jubilee
Year of the Academy (2009). General guidelines are as follows:
(1) Eminent scientists from any country and from any scientific
discipline can be invited to occupy the Jubilee Professorship for
a minimum period of two weeks and up to one month.
(2) The Jubilee Professor may pursue any scientific activity and may
be based in any Laboratory or Institution in India. The Professor is
expected to visit smaller towns, universities for delivering
lectures, holding seminars and interacting with students, teachers
and researchers for scientific collaboration.
(3) The Jubilee Professor is entitled to an honorarium of Rs 80,000/-
per month in addition to local hospitality for the Jubilee Professor
and spouse/companion.
(4) The Academy will provide one business class air-fare from the
place of residence to India and back or two economy class
excursion fares if accompanied by spouse/companion.
(5) All travel expenses of the Jubilee Professor within India will be
met by the Academy.
Jubilee Professors who have occupied the Chair are:
1. Prof. Ashok R. Venkitaraman July–August 2012
University of Cambridge, UK
2. Prof. Nitash P. Balsara November 2014
University of California, Berkeley, USA
3. Prof. Madhu Sudan Dec. 2015–Jan. 2016
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, USA
4. Prof. Andrej Sali July–August 2017
University of California,
San Francisco, USA
5. Prof. Veena Sahajwalla August 2017
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia
6. Prof. Ken Ono December 2019
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, USA
The Academy instituted the Janaki Ammal Chair in the year 2017
based on the suggestion evolved during the Platinum Jubilee
Celebration of the Academy to establish a Chair for Women Scientists
in honour of Dr Ammal. Guidelines of Raman Chair Professorship of the
Academy are applicable for regulation of this Chair as well.
Janaki Ammal Chair Professors who have occupied the Chair are:
16 Section B: Professorships
Section C
Fellowship and
Honorary Fellowship
1999 Adhya, Samit, b. 1953, Ph.D. (New York), FNA, Res. 74-A, Park
Street, Kolkata 700 017, Tel. (033) 2280 0123, Mobile: 94326
69883, email: [email protected], sp. molecular genetics of
parasites; intracellular RNA trafficking; mitochondrial biology &
medicine; DNA diagnostics.
Abbreviations/Explanatory Note:
b. - year of birth Fax - Fax number
Tel. - telephone number email - electronic mail address
Off. - office sp. - fields of specialization
Res. - residence
Area code for telephone and fax numbers within India is given in brackets
before each telephone number. The country code and area code for telephone
numbers outside India are also given in brackets preceded by ‘+’ sign. The
number after a ‘slash’ sign indicates the extension number.
More abbreviations, see p. 209
1975 Agrawal, Hari Om, b. 1936, D.Sc. (Holland), FNASc, Res. Sri
Laxman Bhavan, 20/2, Indiranagar, Lucknow 226 016, Tel. (0522)
234 1586, Mobile: 93897 90504, sp. virology; microbiology;
10 environmental sciences; biotechnology.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 19
2004 Agrawal, Manindra, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, FTWAS, N Rama Rao Professor, Department of Computer
Science, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7338, Res. (0512) 259 8363, Mobile:
99350 62605, Fax (0512) 259 7586, email: [email protected],
URL:, sp. computational complexity
theory; computation number theory. Council Service: 2016–2021;
Vice-President: 2016–2021.
2005 Ali, Sher, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose National
Fellow, Distinguished Professor, Department of Life Sciences,
Sharda University, Greater Noida 201 306, Tel. Res. (011) 2674
1139, Mobile: 98180 04632, email: [email protected], sp.
molecular genetics of humans & animals; gene expression; cancer
& toxicogenomics & genomics of endangered species.
1974 Anand, Nitya, b. 1925, Ph.D. (Mumbai & Cantab), FNA, FNASc,
Res. Lumbini, B-62, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow 226 020, Tel.
(0522) 404 3229, Mobile: 96700 66999, email: nityaanand1925@, sp. organic chemistry; medicinal chemistry. Council
Service: 1980–82.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 21
2022 Anand, Ruchi, b. 1975, Ph.D. (Cornell), FNASc, Department of
Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7165, Res. (022) 2576 8154,
Mobile: 99301 24541, Fax (022) 2576 7152, email: ruchi@chem., URL:, sp.
structural biology; antibiotic resistance; biosensor development.
1987 Anil Kumar, b. 1941, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
INSA Emeritus Scientist, Department of Physics, NMR Research
Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Res.
(080) 2366 2757, Mobile: 98454 21938, email: [email protected],
URL:, sp. nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy & its applications to biomolecules and to quantum
2001 Anil Kumar, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc, FNA, Res. Flat C-6,
Megha Terrace Opp. Twin Towers, Near Wireless Colony,
Aundh, Pune 411 007, Tel. (020) 4862 4169, Mobile: 98220 74509;
75070 53053, email: [email protected]; sp. chemical
thermodynamics; physical organic chemistry; biophysical
2008 Apte, Shree Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS,
JC Bose National Fellow, Distinguished Professor, UM-DAE Centre
for Excellence in Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina
Campus, Santacruz, Mumbai 400 098, Tel. Off. (022) 2653 0229,
Res. (022) 2558 0177, Mobile: 98694 80205, Fax (022) 2653 2134,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular biology & biotechnology;
physiology & biochemistry; stress biology of bacteria & plants.
2005 Arora, Baldev Raj, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, Res. 36,
Janakpuri, Engineers Enclave, Phase III, GMS Road, Dehradun
248 001, Mobile: 98973 91661, email: [email protected], sp.
electromagnetic geophysics; seismotectonics; earthquake
precursors; geomagnetism.
2019 Ashraf, Mohammad Zahid, b. 1973, Ph.D. (JMI & Delhi), FNASc,
Department of Biotechnology, Shrinivasa Ramanujan Block,
Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110 025, Tel. Off.
(011) 2698 1717/3426, Res. (011) 2381 5024, Mobile: 98714 26706,
Fax (011) 2698 0229, email: [email protected], sp. high-altitude
40 medicine; cardiovascular biology; translational biology.
2010 Bag, Amulya Kumar, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Res. A-5/B, SFS
217, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110 063, Mobile: 96540 23365,
email: [email protected], sp. history of mathematics, astronomy
& technology in India.
1998 Bagchi, Bhaskar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta), Res. No. 1363,
10th Cross Road, Kengeri Satellite Town, Bengaluru 560 060,
Mobile: 96327 49948, email: [email protected], sp.
finite geometry; coding theory related to designs; combinatorial
topology; operator theory.
1991 Bagchi, Biman, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Brown), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Dean
of Science, and Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2926;
(080) 2293 2336, Res. (080) 2360 0236, Mobile: 97407 23401,
Fax (080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected], sp. physical &
biophysical chemistry; statistical mechanics of liquids; molecular
relaxation; chemical reaction dynamics in liquids & biological
50 systems; glass transition.
2020 Bal, Chandra Sekhar, b. 1960, M.D. (AIIMS, New Delhi), FNASc,
FAMS, Head, Department of Nuclear Medicine, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029,
Tel. Off. (011) 2659 3530/3210, Res. 98683 97182, Mobile:
90137 75659, Fax (011) 2658 8641, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. therapeutic nuclear medicine; nuclear
neurology; positron emission tomography in oncology.
1974 Bambah, Ram Prakash, b. 1925, Sc.D. (Cantab), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, Res. 1275, Sector 19B, Chandigarh 160 019, Tel.
(0172) 272 4863, Mobile: 94172 24863, email: bambahrp@, sp. number theory; discrete geometry.
1992 Basu, Sandip Kumar, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, FTWAS,
Res. FD 426, Sector 3, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 106, Mobile:
98914 98821; 96749 02629, email: [email protected], sp.
biochemistry; molecular biology & microbial genetics; cell biology.
Council Service: 1995–97.
2015 Bhandari, Nita, b. 1955, Ph.D. (JNU), Director, Centre for Health
Research and Development, Society for Applied Studies, 45, Kalu
Sarai, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 4604 3751-55, Res.
(011) 2601 3098, Mobile: 98991 44123, Fax (011) 4604 3756,
email: [email protected], sp. nutrition–infection interaction;
maternal and child health; clinical evaluation of vaccine.
1996 Bhisey, Rajani Avinash, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Res. 7, Yug
Prabhat Co-operative Housing Society, Sitaladevi Temple Road,
Mahim, Mumbai 400 016, Tel. (022) 2446 7356, Mobile: 98334 21249,
email: [email protected], sp. environmental carcinogenesis;
molecular epidemiology of cancer; occupational hazards in bidi
2006 Bose, Arup, b. 1959, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose
National Fellow, Statistics & Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical
Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033)
2575 3409, Res. (033) 2429 8922, Mobile: 98304 96250, email:
[email protected], URL:, sp. probability;
statistics; economics.
2022 Chandra, Poonam, b. 1975, Ph.D. (IISc), National Centre for Radio
Astronomy, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune
411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2571 9290, Mobile: 95277 30800, email:
[email protected], URL:,
sp. Astrophysics.
1988 Chaudhuri, Mihir Kanti, b. 1947, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), Dr. rer. nat.
(FRG), FNA, Education Adviser, Government of Assam, Assam
Sachivalaya, Dispur, Guwahati 781 006, Tel. Off. (0361) 223 7241,
Mobile: 99544 49454, email: [email protected]; chaudhurimihirk@, sp. inorganic chemistry; synthesis, structure &
reactivity; newer reagents, methodologies & green chemical
technology. Council Service: 2019–2021; Vice-President: 2019–
200 2021.
2005 Chokshi, Atul Harish, b. 1958, Ph.D. (USC, Los Angeles), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 1480;
(080) 2293 2684, Res. (080) 2848 2409, Fax (080) 2360 0472,
email: [email protected], sp. high temperature deformation &
failure; ceramics; nanomaterials.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 53
1992 Choudary, Boyapati Manoranjan, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA,
Res. Plot No. 154, New MLA and MPs’ Colony, Road No. 10C,
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033, Mobile: 91009 91400, email:
[email protected], sp. homogeneous & heterogeneous
210 catalysis; flow reactions; nanotechnology & nanomedicine.
2003 Das, Pijush Kanti, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, INSA
Senior Scientist, CSIR–Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4,
Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off.
(033) 2473 3491, Res. (033) 4003 6221, Mobile: 98304 01233;
98313 41358, Fax (033) 2473 5197, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biochemistry; cell biology; molecular
2018 Das Gupta, Maitrayee, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Bose Inst.), FNASc, FNA,
JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University
of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019,
Tel. Off. (033) 2461 4714, Res. (033) 2484 3966, Mobile:
98307 76131, Fax (033) 2461 4849, email: maitrayee_d@, sp. symbiotic nitrogen fixation; plant receptor
1992 Dasgupta, Chandan, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3278, Res. (080) 2334 5417,
Mobile: 97413 32417, Fax (080) 2360 2602, email: cdgupta@, URL:, sp.
theoretical condensed matter physics; statistical physics.
2015 Dash, Debabrata, b. 1958, MD & Ph.D. (Banaras), DSc (Utkal and
Banaras), FNA, FAMS, FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow,
Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542)
670 3243, Res. (0542) 236 9300, Mobile: 93369 10665; 96709 57414,
email: [email protected], sp. thrombus biology; platelet
biochemistry & signal transduction; translational nanomedicine
(biomedical applications of nanotechnology).
1996 Datta, Alok Kumar, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, Res. Calcutta
Greens, HIG-A (4/7/28), 1050/2 Survey Park, Kolkata 700 075,
Tel. (033) 2416 2995, Mobile: 98360 12725, email: alokdatta61@, sp. nucleic acid enzymology; protein chemistry;
parasitology; recombinant DNA technology.
1992 Datta, Asis, b. 1944, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Calcutta), D.S. (h.c.), FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, Distinguished Scientist, National Institute of
Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box 10531,
JNU Campus, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2750;
(011) 2673 5119, Res. (0124) 420 5590, Mobile: 98108 55666, Fax
(011) 2674 1759; (011) 2674 1658, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biochemistry; molecular biology;
genetic engineering.
2008 Dey, Gautam Kumar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNAE, FNA, Res.
C-704 Cielo, Lodha Splendora, Bhyanderpara, Ghorbunder
Road, Thane 400 615, Tel. (022) 4970 9364, Mobile: 99201 97258,
email: [email protected], sp. phase transformations in
metals & alloys; electron microscopy; metallic glasses &
nanocrystalline materials.
2016 Dhar, Suman Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (JNU), FNASc, FNA, Special
Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2572,
Res. (011) 2674 2476, Mobile: 98100 18272, Fax (011) 2674 1781,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:, sp. DNA replication;
cell cycle control; molecular parasitology; bacteriology.
2010 Ganguli, Ashok Kumar, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Institute Chair
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Deputy Director, Indian
Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016,
Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1511; (011) 2659 6452, Res. (011) 2659 1654,
Mobile: 98104 64112, email: [email protected]; ashok-
[email protected], URL:,
sp. microemulsions; nanostructured materials & devices; photo &
electro catalysis; complex metal oxides; superconducting
1992 Ganguli, Som Nath, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Bombay), Res. Flat No. 6,
Aspiration Apartments, 32, Francois Martin Street, Kuruchikuppam,
Puducherry 605 012, Tel. (0413) 234 4643, email: som_ganguli@, sp. high energy particle physics.
2007 Gokhale, Rajesh Sudhir, b. 1967, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, Staff
Scientist VII, National Institute of Immunology, Arun Asaf Ali
Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 3545, Fax
(011) 2674 2125, email: [email protected], sp. chemical biology;
Mycobacterium tuberculosis; immunometabolism; skin biology;
1997 Grover, Arun Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc, Res. No.
157, FF, Sector 16-A, Chandigarh 160 015, Mobile: 98153 35138,
email: [email protected], sp. magnetism & super-
conductivity; vortex state studies in superconductors; strongly
correlated systems; history of science. Council Service: 2016–18;
Vice-President: 2016–18.
1987 Gupta, Chhitar Mal, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Agra), FNA, FNASc, FAMS,
FTWAS, Distinguished Professor and Infosys Chair, Room No.
GF-18, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology,
Biotech Park, Electronics City, Phase I, Bengaluru 560 100,
Tel. Off. (080) 2852 8900-2/109, Res. (080) 4090 3534, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. membrane
biology; bio-organic chemistry; molecular biophysics & molecular
cell biology. Council Service: 1998–2000.
2010 Indrayan, Abhaya, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Ohio State), FAMS, Res. A-037,
Telecom City, B9/6, Sector 62, Noida 201 309, Tel. (0120) 454 9723,
Mobile: 98103 15030, email: [email protected], URL: http://, sp. biostatistics; medical statistics;
medical research methodology.
1983 Johri, Johri, Man Mohan, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, Res. Flat
No. 32, New Cosmos Co-operative Housing Society Limited,
Juhu-Versova Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053,
Tel. (022) 2670 3270, Mobile: 99305 64129, email: mjohri06915@, sp. plant biochemistry; molecular biology of
plants; genetic engineering
2004 Kant, Tarun, b. 1946, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,
Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7301, Mobile: 99691 64646, Fax (022)
2576 7302, email: [email protected]; tkant1946@gmail.
com, URL:, sp. solid & structural
mechanics; finite element methods; mechanics of composite
materials & structures.
1975 Kessar, Satinder Vir, b. 1932, Ph.D. (USC, LA), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Panjab
University, Chandigarh 160 014, Tel. Off. (0172) 254 1435, Res.
(0172) 274 7308, Mobile: 98786 39635, email: [email protected],
sp. synthetic & mechanistic organic chemistry.
1991 Khush, Gurdev Singh, b. 1935, Ph.D. (UC, Davis), D.Sc. (h.c.),
FNA, FRS, FNASc, Foreign Assoc. US Nat. Acad. Sci., Res.
39399, Black Hawk Place, Davis, CA 95616-7008, USA, Tel. &
Fax (+1-530) 750 2440, email: [email protected], URL: https://, sp. plant genetics
& breeding; biotechnology.
2008 Kundu, Tapas Kumar, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), D.Sc., FNASc, FNA,
FAMS, JC Bose National Fellow, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Bengaluru; Director, CSIR–Central Drug Research Institute, Sector
10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow 226 031,
Tel. Off. (0522) 277 1940, Mobile: 94494 56334, Fax (0522) 277 1941,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. epigenetic
regulation of gene expression; chemical biology and diseases.
2001 Lal, Shyam, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, INSA Senior
Scientist, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
380 009, Mobile: 94276 27076, email: [email protected], sp.
ozone & trace gases for atmospheric processes; environmental &
climatic changes.
1986 Lele, Shrikant, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, FNAE, Res.
377, Mahatma Society, Kothrud, Pune 411 038, Tel. (020) 2536 0906,
Mobile: 97664 33322, email: [email protected], sp. physical
metallurgy & materials science.
1986 Malhotra, Kailash Chandra, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, Res. 385,
Sector 29, Noida 201 301, email: [email protected],
sp. population genetics; human ecology.
1997 Mallik, Asok Kumar, b. 1947, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, Res. P-31, CIT Road, Scheme VI M(S), Kolkata 700 054,
Tel. (033) 2364 8833, email: [email protected]; asokiitk@, sp. vibration engineering; kinematics; dynamics of
530 machines.
2012 Mallik, Ranjan Kumar, b. 1964, Ph.D. (USC, Los Angeles), FNA,
FNAE, FNASc, FIEEE, FTWAS, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1049, Res. (011) 2659 1572,
Mobile: 98106 54162, Fax (011) 2658 1606, email: rkmallik@; [email protected], sp. electrical engineering
1987 Mishra, Santosh Kumar, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, Res. Flat 4,
163/24, Mausam Vihar, Park Avenue, Off DP Road, Aundh, Pune
411 007, Tel. (020) 2589 0369, email: skmishrapune@rediffmail.
com, sp. dynamic meteorology; numerical modelling of the
1972 Mitra, Asoke Nath, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Delhi & Cornell), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Res. 244, Tagore Park (Near Kingsway Camp), Delhi
110 009, Tel. (011) 4706 3061; (011) 2744 6153, email: anmitraph@, sp. theoretical, nuclear & quark physics. Council
570 Service: 1974–76.
1986 Mittal, Jai Pal, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Notre Dame), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, MN Saha Distinguished Professor (NASI), Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai; Res. 11-B, Rohini Co-op. Housing
Society, Sector 9A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel. Off.
(022) 2559 5245; (022) 2559 5246, Res. (022) 2766 4822, Fax
(022) 2550 5151, email: [email protected]; mittaljp@, sp. radiation chemistry & radiation biology; photo-
chemistry & photobiology; laser chemistry; chemical dynamics.
2000 Mukhi, Sunil, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook), FNA, FTWAS,
Professor of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008,
Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8116, Mobile: 98672 01156, Fax (020) 2025
1566, email: [email protected], sp. string theory; gravitation;
quantum field theory; supersymmetry.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 119
2010 Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc,
FNA, KUSUMA School of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off.
(011) 2659 1106, Mobile: 98108 87164, email: amitabha@, sp. cell biology; host–pathogen interactions;
drug delivery.
1987 Munjal, Manohar Lal, b. 1945, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,
AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor & INSA Honorary Scientist,
Facility for Research in Technical Acoustics, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2303; (080) 2360 3611, Res. (080)
2341 4855, Fax (080) 2360 0648, email: [email protected],
URL:, sp. technical acoustics;
noise & vibration control; mufflers & silencers.
1987 Narain, Prem, b. 1934, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Edinburgh), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, Res. 29278, Glen Oaks Blvd. W., Farmington Hills, MI
48334-2932, USA, email: [email protected], sp. statistical
genetics & statistics.
1979 Pai, Mangalore Anantha, b. 1931, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley), FNA, FNAE,
FIEEE, Emeritus Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-217) 344 0977, Mobile: (+1-217) 417 9725, email:
[email protected], sp. power systems: stability, control &
computation; smart grid.
2010 Pal, Amlan Jyoti, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,
JC Bose National Fellow, Director, UGC-DAE Consortium for
Scientific Research, Khandwa Road, Indore 452 001, Tel. Off.
(0731) 246 3945, Mobile: 94330 59564, email: [email protected],
URL:, sp. device
physics, experimental condensed matter physics, organic
electronics, scanning tunneling spectroscopy.
1996 Pal, Sankar Kumar, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Calcutta & London), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, FIEEE, SERB National Science Chair and
ISI Emeritus Professor, Soft Computing Research Center, Indian
Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off.
(033) 2575 2041; (033) 2575 2040, Res. (033)2577 2030; (033)
2464 8775, Mobile: 98311 01500, Fax (033)2578 8699; (033)
2578 3357, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL:, sp. pattern recognition &
machine learning; image processing; data mining; soft
computing; granular mining; machine-mind development; web
intelligence; computing with words; bioinformatics; social
network analysis; video analytics; safety analytics; deep learning.
2012 Pani, Amiya Kumar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, Institute
Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of
Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.
(022) 2576 7481, Res. (022) 2576 8481, Mobile: 97696 97481,
Fax (022) 2572 3480, email: [email protected], sp. numerical
analysis; partial differential equations; industrial mathematics.
1993 Pathak, Kare Narain, b. 1941, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, FNA,
Professor Emeritus, Panjab University, Chandigarh; Res. 382,
Sector 38A, Chandigarh 160 036, Tel. Off. (0172) 253 4467,
Res. (0172) 401 2647, Mobile: 99883 60009, Fax (0172) 278 3336,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics.
2010 Pati, Swapan Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FTWAS, FNA,
Theoretical Sciences Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080)
2208 2839, Mobile: 94485 60474, Fax (080) 2208 2767, email: pati@; [email protected], URL:,
sp. low-dimensional dipolar fermionic & bosonic systems; multi-
scale modeling for optimization of charge carrier mobility;
thermoelectic & photovoltaic behavior in various materials;
frustrated Lewis pair catalysis & heterogeneous catalysis; Na/
Mg-ion cathode and electrolytes & super-capacitors; quantum
many-body methods developments.
136 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
2021 Patil, Satish Amrutrao, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Bergische), Solid State &
Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2651, Res. (080) 4162 7808, Mobile:
98459 62434, email: [email protected], URL:, sp.
molecular electronics; organic solar cells; singlet fission.
1988 Patnaik, Lalit Mohan, b. 1946, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (IISc), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, FIEEE, NASI Senior Scientist & Adjunct
Professor, Consciousness Studies Programme, National Institute
of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science campus,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Res. (080) 2360 2635, email: patnaiklm@; [email protected], URL:, sp.
computer science & engineering; information technology;
2010 Patra, Amit Kumar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (S.V. Univ.), FNA, Director,
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Post Box No 123,
Tirupati 517 502, Tel. Off. (08585) 27 2001, Mobile: 99596 71098;
79936 95555, Fax (08585) 27 2021, email: [email protected],
sp. ionospheric electrodynamics & plasma instabilities; space
weather; radar probing techniques.
2016 Paul, Vinod Kumar, b. 1955, MD, Ph.D. (AIIMS), FAMS, FNASc,
FNA, Member, NITI Aayog, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001, Tel.
Off. (011) 2309 6809, Res. (011) 2658 9702, Mobile: 98110 42437,
email: [email protected], sp. paediatrics; newborn health;
public health.
2015 Podile, Appa Rao, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Sardar Patel), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, JC Bose National Fellow, School of Life Sciences, Univer-
sity of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4503,
Res. (040) 2301 0353, Mobile: 94907 49922; 91006 55777, Fax
(040) 2301 0120, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL:, sp.
molecular plant microbe interactions; microbial biotechnology.
1996 Rai, Shyam Sundar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (ISM, Dhanbad), FNA, FNASc,
Raja Ramanna Fellow and Emeritus Professor, Department of
Earth & Climate Science, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune
411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8255, Mobile: 98903 22705, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://, sp. geophysics; data analysis &
modelling; deep earth exploration. Council Service: 2013–15.
1985 Rama Rao, Alla Venkata, b. 1935, Ph.D. (Tech.) (Mumbai), D.Sc.
(Mumbai), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Chairman & Managing Director,
AVRA Laboratories Private Limited, AVRA House, 7-102/54,
Sai Enclave, Habsiguda, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off.
(040) 2717 8568; (040) 2717 8569, Res. (040) 2717 3360, Mobile:
98481 35163, Fax (040) 2717 5605, email: [email protected],
URL:, sp. organic chemistry; medicinal che-
mistry; drug technology.
1994 Ramakrishnan, Moni, b. 1940, Ph.D. (IISc), Res. Flat No. F-303,
Ananya’s Nana Nani Homes, Phase 3, Dhaliyur, Thondamuthur
P.O., Coimbatore 641 109, Tel. (0422) 298 8200, Mobile:
89037 15268 ; 99401 34126, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. Precambrian geology; geochemistry;
petrology; geochronology.
2012 Rao, Chebrolu Pulla, b. 1954, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose
National Fellow, Head, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology–Tirupati, Settipalli Post, Tirupati 517 506, Tel. Off.
(0877) 250 3036, Mobile: 99690 22554, Fax (0877) 250 3004, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. bioinorganic chemistry;
supramolecular chemistry; ion & molecular receptors; metallo-
proteins & metalloenzymes; nanobiomaterials; lectins &
2011 Rao, Madan, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IISc), National Centre for Biological
Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel.
Off. (080) 2366 6270, Res. (080) 2547 4705, Fax (080) 2363 6662,
email: [email protected], sp. non-equilibrium statistical mechanics;
soft condensed matter physics; biological physics; cell & tissue
1978 Rao, Palle Rama, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Banaras), F.Eng. (UK), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, Foreign Member-US Natl. Acad. Engg.,
International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy &
New Materials, Hyderabad; Res. Flat 301, Naimisam, Plot No. 22,
Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad 500 073, Tel. Off. (040) 2444 3167,
Res. (040) 6661 4475, Mobile: 98497 65123, Fax (040) 2444 3168,
email: [email protected], sp. deformation; fracture; materials
development. Council Service: 1989–2000; Vice-President: 1992–
94; President: 1995–97.
2010 Rao, Taduri Srinivasa Siva Rama Krishna, b. 1954, Ph.D. (ISI),
FNASc, Adjunct Professor, CARAMS, Manipal Academy of
Higher Education, Manipal; Res. 93, I Main, CHBS III Layout,
Vijayanagar, Bengaluru 560 040, Mobile: 74069 10270, email:
[email protected], sp. mathematics; functional analysis;
geometry of Banach spaces.
1993 Roy, Aditya Prasad, b. 1939, Ph.D. (McMaster), Res. Flat No.
16031, Prestige Ferns Residency, Haralur Road, Bengaluru
560 102, Mobile: 99202 53215, email: [email protected], sp.
condensed matter physics.
2009 Roy, Rajendra Prasad, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Dean,
Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR Biotech Science
Cluster, Faridabad-Gurugram Expressway, Faridabad 121 001,
Tel. Off. (0129) 284 8903, Mobile: 98105 77789, email: rproy@, sp. chemical biology; protein chemistry.
2001 Sahni, Girish, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, CSIR Bhatnagar
Fellow, CSIR–Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A,
Chandigarh 160 036, Mobile: 98883 71548, email: girishsahni@, sp. protein engineering; molecular biology; bio-
technology; enzymology.
2010 Sarin, Apurva, b. 1962, Ph.D. (JNU), Director, Institute for Stem
Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine, GKVK Campus, Bellary
Road, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 6194 8200, Fax (080)
2366 6462, email: [email protected], sp. immunology; cell
biology; apoptosis.
2005 Sarin, Shiv Kumar, b. 1952, D.M. (AIIMS), MD (SMS Jaipur), FNA,
FNASc, FAMS, Vice Chancellor, Institute of Liver and Biliary
Sciences, D1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070, Tel. Off.
(011) 4630 0000, Res. (011) 2687 3563, Fax (011) 2612 3504,
email: [email protected], sp. hepatology.
2008 Sarkar, Utpal, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, DAE Raja
Ramanna Fellow, Department of Physical Sciences, Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur
741 246, Mobile: 98985 86326, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. particle & astroparticle
1993 Sarma, Dipankar Das, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IISc), DSc (h.c.) FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, FNAE, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2360 7576; (080) 2293 2945, Fax (080) 2360 1310, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:
people/DDSarma/, sp. strongly interacting electron systems;
disordered systems; nanomaterials; energy materials. Council
890 Service: 2016–18.
1974 Satya Prakash, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, Res. c/o
Meena Rajgopal, 53 Sarah Way, Concord, MA 01742, USA,
email: [email protected], sp. planetary, atmospheric &
space plasmas.
2021 Saxena, Nitin, b. 1981, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, N Rama Rao
Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 679 7588, Res. (0512) 679 8615, Mobile:
89530 36836, email: [email protected], URL: https://, sp. algebraic complexity theory;
computational algebra; number theory; cryptology.
1991 Sen, Ashoke, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook), FNA, FNASc,
FRS, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road,
Jhunsi, Prayagraj 211 019, Tel. Off. (0532) 227 4302, Res.
(0532) 227 4002, Fax (0532) 256 9576, email: [email protected], sp.
superstring theory.
1992 Sen, Kalidas, b. 1948, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, INSA Senior
Scientist, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4809, Mobile: 96520 09749,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. electronic
structure theory; density functional theory & confined electronic
systems; information theory; statistical complexity, screened
Coulomb potentials.
2018 Sen, Ranjan, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, Staff Scientist
VII, Laboratory of Transcription, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and
Diagnostics, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad 500 039, Tel.
Off. (040) 2721 6103, Res. (040) 2715 8703, Mobile: 98661 22652,
Fax (040) 2721 6006, email: [email protected], URL:, sp. microbiology.
2002 Sharma, Anurag, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNA, FNASc, FNAE,
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, New
Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1350, Res. (011) 2686 7022,
Mobile: 98183 55884, email: [email protected], sp. fibre &
integrated optics; gradient-index optics; applied optics.
174 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
1989 Sharma, Ram Swaroop, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Basel), FNA, Res. 70/36,
Pratapnagar, Sector 7, Sanganer (RHB), Jaipur 302 033, Tel.
(0141) 279 0317, Mobile: 94148 88025, email: [email protected],
sp. metamorphic petrology; mineralogy; Precambrian geology.
2021 Sharma, Tilak Raj, b. 1965, Ph.D. (HP Agr. Univ.), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, Deputy Director-General (Crop Science), Indian Council
of Agircultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110 001,
Tel. Off. (011) 2338 2545, Mobile: 98183 86057, Fax (011)
2309 7003, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. plant genomics; plant disease resistance.
2022 Shukla, Arun Kumar, b. 1981, Ph.D. (Max Planck Inst.), FNASc,
Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512)
679 4251, Res. (0512) 679 4251, Mobile: 95590 02644, email:
[email protected], sp. structural biology; cellular signalling; drug
2012 Shukla, Ashok Kumar, b. 1947, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, Professor Emeritus, Solid State & Structural Chemistry
Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2795, Res. (080) 2337 4075, Mobile: 94482 74075, Fax
(080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected], sp. materials
electrochemistry; fuel cells; batteries & supercapacitors.
2001 Singh, Anil Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, Director
(Independent), Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Mumbai;
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai; Res.
A-1603, Lake Primrose, Lake Homes, Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
Tel. (022) 2847 1761, Mobile: 98207 47167, email: retinal@, sp. organic chemistry; bio-organic chemistry;
photochemistry; photobiology.
2013 Singh, Bhim, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNASc, FNAE, FIEEE,
FNA, FTWAS, SERB National Science Chair and Emeritus
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology–Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011)
2659 1045, Res. (011) 2659 1890, Mobile: 98115 02125, Fax (011)
2658 1606, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. power electronics, renewable energy generation.
1994 Singh, Tej Pal, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IISc), D.Sc.(h.c.), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, SERB Distinguished Fellow & Honorary Distinguished
Professor, Department of Biophysics, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off.
(011) 2658 8931, Res. (0120) 454 5295, Mobile: 93122 49508;
99538 30047, Fax (011) 2658 8663, email: [email protected],
URL:, sp. X-ray
crystallography; protein structures; peptide design; drug discovery.
1970 Singh, Virendra, b. 1938, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
Res. 51, New Cosmos, Juhu-Versova Link Road, Andheri (West),
Mumbai 400 053, Tel. (022) 2671 6681, email: vsingh1937@, URL:, sp. theoretical
physics; quantum mechanics; history & philosophy of science.
Council Service: 1977–82.
2000 Singhvi, Ashok Kumar, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, SERB Year of Science Chair Professor, Physical Research
Laboratory, Ahmedabad; Res. B-31, Shakti Enclave, Satya Marg,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380 054, Tel. 79402 99639, Mobile:
90990 61962, email: [email protected], sp. Quaternary geo-
chronology; earth surface processes; past climates; tectonics;
radiation effects in minerals.
2020 Sinha, Alok Krishna, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, Staff
Scientist VII, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna
Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 5188, Res.
(011) 2673 5142, Mobile: 98684 74090, Fax (011) 2674 1658, email:
[email protected], URL:
php, sp. plant molecular biology; plant biochemistry; plant
1971 Sinha, Krityunjai Prasad, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Pune & Bristol), FNA,
FNASc, INSA Honorary Scientist, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru; Res. Sterling Residency, D-105, RMV II Stage,
Dollars Colony, Bengaluru 560 094, Tel. Res. (080) 2351 8553,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. solid state
& theoretical physics; complex systems & non-equilibrium
quantum coupling; low-energy nuclear reactions; condensed
matter nuclear science.
2000 Sinha, Pratima, b. 1952, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc, Res. D7/9 SF,
Exclusive Floors, DLF City Phase 5, Gurugram 122 009, Tel.
(0124) 403 8150, Mobile: 99104 64794, email: pratima.sinha12@, sp. molecular genetics of yeast; molecular biology.
1991 Sood, Ajay Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
FRS, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 2238; (080) 2293 2964, Fax
(080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL:, sp. Raman spectroscopy;
time resolved ultrafast spectroscopy; nanosystems: graphene,
nanotubes; physics of soft condensed matter. Council Service:
2001–15; Secretary: 2001–06; Treasurer: 2007–09; President:
990 2010–12.
1974 Sukh Dev, b. 1923, Ph.D. (Panjab), D.Sc. (IISc), D.Sc. (h.c.),
FNA, FTWAS, Res. 120, ISCON Mega City, Bhavnagar 364 001,
Tel. (0278) 649 9072, email: [email protected], sp. organic
chemistry; synthesis; natural products; drug discovery.
2013 Sundar Rajan, Balaji, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FIEEE, FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2855, Res. (080) 2360 2085, Mobile: 98459 88753,
Fax (080) 2360 0563, email: [email protected], URL:, sp. wireless communication;
information & coding theory; network coding; signal processing &
algorithms for communications.
1987 Tandon, Shyam Narayan, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Bombay), Res. Flat 14,
Khagol Housing Society, Panchavati, Pashan, Pue 411 008, Tel.
(020) 2588 7051, email: [email protected], sp. cosmic rays;
infra-red astronomy; ultraviolet astronomy; instrumentation for
astronomy & space astronomy.
1995 Tyagi, Anil Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc, Res. No.
C-23, Second Floor, New Delhi South Extension, Part 2, New
Delhi 110 049, Mobile: 93122 66218, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. molecular biology; biochemistry;
1995 Wadhwa, Shashi, b. 1948, M.S. & Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNASc, FAMS,
Res. B114, Sector 30, Noida 201 303, Mobile: 99107 69909,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. human anatomy; neuroanatomy; developmental neuro-
1992 Wadia, Spenta Rustom, b. 1950, Ph.D. (New York), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Infosys Homi Bhabha Chair Professor & Emeritus
Professor, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Shivakote,
Hesaraghatta Post, Bengaluru 560 089, Tel. Off. (080) 4653 6010,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:, sp. string theory;
quantum gravity; statistical mechanics. Council Service: 2013–
2010 Yadav, Jhillu Singh, b. 1950, Ph.D. (M.S. Univ., Baroda), FNASc,
FNA, FTWAS, Director of Research, Indrashil University, Rajpur
P.O., Mehsana 382 730, Tel. Off. (02764) 27 8813; (02764)
27 8815, Mobile: 70690 76528, email: jsyadav@indrashiluniversity.
edu; [email protected], sp. total synthesis of biologically
active natural products; agrochemicals & pheromones;
development of new methodologies for sustainable chemistry.
N V Joshi - 2020
1990 Berry, Sir Michael Victor, b. 1941, FRS, Melville Wills Professor
of Physics (Emeritus), H H Wills Physics Laboratory, University
of Bristol, Royal Fort, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK,
Tel. Off. (+44-117) 928 8778, Res. (+44-117) 973 2240, email:
[email protected], URL:
1998 King, Sir David Anthony, b. 1939, FRS, Special Representative for
Climate Change, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, King Charles
Street, Whitehall, London SW1A 2AH, UK, email: dk@, URL:
1996 Palis, Jacob, b. 1940, National Institut for Pure and Applied
Mathematics-IMPA, Estrada Dona Castorina, 110-Jardim
Botanico, 22460-320, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tel. Off. (+55-21)
30 2529 5136, email: [email protected].
1991 Rees, Lord Martin (John), b. 1942, OM, Kt, FRS, Emeritus
Professor of Cosmology & Astrophysics, Institute of Astronomy,
University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA,
UK, Tel. Off. (+44-01223) 33 7548, Res. (+44-01223) 36 9043,
Fax (+44-1223) 33 8500, email: [email protected].
2014 Schmidt, Brian Paul, b. 1967, Nobel Laureate (Physics), FRS, Vice
Chancellor, The Australian National University, via Cotter Road,
Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia, Tel. Off. (+61-2) 6125 2510,
Fax (+61-2) 6125 0260, email: [email protected], URL:
Total Fellows: 56
Name Specialisation
Ali, Nahid Immunology, Parasitology
Ali, Sher Molecular Genetics of Humans & Animals, Gene Expression,
Cancer Genomics and Genomics of Endangered Species
Bhatnagar, Rakesh Vaccine Development, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology
Bhattacharya, Samir Molecular Basis of Disease, Reproductive Biology,
Comparative Endocrinology and Molecular Signalling
Borges, Renee M Evolutionary Biology & Behavioural Ecology, Plant-Animal
Insect-Fungus Interactions, Chemical Ecology, Sensory
Biology, Multi-Model Signalling, Olfactions & Visual Ecology
Chandola-Saklani, Asha Endocrinology, Clinical Data Management, Ornithology,
Epidemiology, Conservation Biology, Data Science, Science
Chattopadhyay, Joydev Mathematical Modelling on Ecology & Epidemiology and
Das Sarma, Jayasri Experimental Animal Model, Neurovirology,
Neuroimmunology, Neuropathology
Dighe, R R Molecular Endocrinology, Reproductive Biology,
Dube, Anuradha Parasite (Leishmania), Immunobiology, Drug Vaccine
Gadagkar, R Animal Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution
Gadgil, Madhav D Ecology, Ecological History, Environmental Management and
Traditional Knowledge Systems
Gore, A P Analysis of Clinical Trials, Non-parametric Inference and
Statistical Ecology
Hasan, Gaiti Transcriptomics, Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia, Neuro-
degeneration, Molecular Genetics, Drosophila, Calcium
Signalling in Neurons, Inositol Triphosphate Receptor
Inamdar, Maneesha S Stem Cell Biology, Cardiovascular Development,
Hematopoiesis & Angiogenesis
Jairajpuri, M S Plant Protection, Nematology, Biological Control,
Parasitology and Biological Diversity
Joshi, Amitabh Population & Quantitative Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics
and Population Ecology
Karanth, K Ullas Carnivore Ecology, Animal Population Analysis and
Conservation Biology & Conservation Policy
Lakhotia, S C Ayurvedic Biology, Cytogenetics, Gene Expression, Stress
Biology and Molecular Biology
Madhubala, Rentala Molecular Parasitology
Majumdar, Subeer S Animal Biotechnology, Transgenic Animals, Endocrinology
Majumder, H K Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Parasitology
Majumder, Partha P Biostatistics, Human Genetics and Population Genetics
Malhotra, K C Population Genetics and Human Ecology
Mallick, B N Neuropharmacology, Neurophysiology, Sleep-Wakefulness-
REM Sleep, Neuro-cognitive Biology
Mandal, Mahitosh Cancer Biology, Multidrug Resistance, Drug Delivery
Total Fellows: 104
Name Specialisation
Adimurthi, Adi Nonlinear Differential Equations
Athreya, K B Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes and Mathematical
Athreya, Siva R Probability Theory
Bag, A K History of Mathematics, Astronomy & Technology in India
Bagchi, Bhaskar Coding Theory related to Designs, Finite Geometry,
Combinatorial Topology and Operator Theory
Balaji, V Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory and Topology
Balasubramanian, R Analytic Number Theory
Bambah, R P Number Theory and Discrete Geometry
Bapat, R B Algebraic Graph Theory, Generalised Inverses
Bhat, B V Rajaram Quantum Probability, Operator Algebras and Operator Theory
Bhatia, R Analysis of Matrices and Operators in Hilbert Space
Bhatt, S J Banach & Topological Algebras, Operator Algebras &
Applications, Harmonic Analysis
Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar Operator Theory on Hilbert Spaces, Analysis of Several
Complex Variables
Bhatwadekar, S M Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Bhosle, Ushadevi N Algebraic Geometry
Biswas, Indranil Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry and Deformation
Bose, Arup Probability and Statistics, Economics
Bose, Sujit K Scientific Computations, Applied Mathematics, Solid
Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Sediment Transport
Chakraborty, Partha S Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum
Chaudhuri, Probal Robust & Nonparametric Statistics, Statistical Computing,
Statistical Methods in Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing, Modelling & Analysis of Genomic Data
Dani, S G Ergodic Theory, Dynamics, Measures on Lie Groups and
History of Mathematics
Datta, Basudeb Geometric Topology, Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics
Ghate, Eknath Automorphic Forms, Number Theory, Galois Representations,
Arithmetic Geometry
Total Fellows: 94
Name Specialisation
Acharya, S K Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Diseases
Aggarwal, Amita Lumps, Clinical Immunology, Rheumatology, Juvenile
Aggarwal, Rakesh Immunisation, Public Health, Gastrointestinal & Liver
Diseases, Viral Hepatitis, Epidemiology and Health
Agrawal, Anurag Pulmonary Disease, Intelligent Systems
Agrewala, Javed N Immunology, Vaccine, Drug Discovery, Gut Microbiota
Anand, Anuranjan Human Genetics & Genomics, Neurogenetics,
Developmental Genetics
Arankalle, Vidya A Virology, Molecular Biology, Vaccine, Hepatitis Viruses,
Emerging-Reemerging Viruses
Ateeq, Bushra Cancer Biology, Cancer Genomics, Molecular Targets &
Awasthi, Shally Paediatric Pulmonology, Infectious & Parasitic Diseases,
Clinical Trials
Bal, Chandrasekhar Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Neurology, Positron
Emission Tomography on Oncology
Balasubramanian, A S Neurochemistry and Enzymology
Balasubramanian, K A Oxidative Stress, Gastrointestinal Mucosa and
Bapat, Sharmila A Cancer Biology
Basu, Anirban Neurovirology, Neurobiology, Molecular Medicine, Drug
Bhandari, Nita Nutrition, Nutrition-Infection Interaction, Maternal & Child
Health Clinical Evaluation of Vaccine
Bhargava, Balram Cardiology, Medtech Innovation, Public Health
Total Fellows: 212
Name Specialisation
Agarwal, G S Nano & Biophotonics, Quantum Optics, Plasmonics,
Stochastic Processes
Agrawal, P C X-ray Astronomy and Experimental High Energy
Amritkar, R E Nonlinear Phenomena, Chaos and Statistical Physics
Ananthakrishna, G Theoretical Materials Science, Condensed Matter and
Dynamical Systems & Chaos
Ananthakrishnan, S Radio Sciences, Extragalactic Radio Astronomy, Sun &
Solar Wind, Antennas, Interferometry Techniques and
Analog RF Electronics
Antia, H M Solar Physics, Helioseismology and Numerical Techniques
Anupama, G C Time Domain Astronomy, Cataclysmic Variables,
Supernovae, Gamma-Ray Burst Sources, Active Galactic
Balakrishnan, V Statistical Physics, Stochastic Processes, Classical &
Quantum Dynamics
Banerjee, Dipankar Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Plasma Physics
Banerjee, Sunanda Experimental High Energy Physics
Barma, Mustansir Statistical Physics
Barman, Anjan Magnonics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics,
Magnetism & Spintronics, Ultrafast & High Frequency
Spectroscopy & Dynamics
Barua, A K Solid State Materials, Thin Film Technology and Thin Film
Solar Cells
Baskaran, G Theoretical Physics, Strongly Correlated Electronic
Systems and Quantum Processes in Biology
Basu, Jaydeep K Soft Matter Physics, Biological Physics, Quantum
Bharadwaj, Somnath Astrophysics, Cosmology
Bhat, S V Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State NMR,
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Magnetism and
Physics of Glass Transitions
Bhattacharjee, J K Critical Phenomena, Turbulence and Nonlinear Dynamics
1. Amritkar, R E (Physics)
2. Bhandari, Narendra (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
3. Bhardwaj, Anil (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
4. Goswami, J N (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
5. Goswami, Srubabati (Physics)
6. Haider, S A (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
7. Joseph, George (Engineering & Technology)
8. Joshipura, A S (Physics)
9. Lal, Shyam (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
10. Murty, S V S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
11. Pandey, P C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
12. Rindani, S D (Physics)
13. Sarin, Manmohan (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
14. Singhvi, A K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Sridharan, Rajagopal (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
1. Kartha, C C (Medicine)
1. Dash, A C (Chemistry)
2. Jena, P K (Engineering & Technology)
3. Kundu, G C (General Biology)
4. Maharana, J (Physics)
262 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
1. Balasubramanian, K K (Chemistry)
1. Acharya, S K (Medicine)
2. Agrawal, Anurag (Medicine)
3. Ahluwalia, J C (Chemistry)
4. Ashraf, Mohammad Z (General Biology)
5. Babu, C R (Plant Sciences)
6. Bag, A K (Mathematical Sciences)
7. Bal, Chandrasekhar (Medicine)
8. Bapat, R B (Mathematical Sciences)
9. Basak, Soumen (General Biology)
10. Batra, J K (General Biology)
11. Bhandari, Nita (Medicine)
12. Bhargava, Balram (Medicine)
13. Brahmachari, S K (General Biology)
14. Chakraborti, Pradip K (General Biology)
15. Chakraborty, Subhra (Plant Sciences)
16. Chandrasekhar, Srivari (Chemistry)
17. Chattopadhyay, Debasis (Plant Sciences)
18. Chauhan, V S (General Biology)
19. Choudhury, Debajyoti (Physics)
20. Chowdhary, Anuradha (Medicine)
21. Chowdhury, Shantanu (General Biology)
22. Das, Amita (Physics)
23. Das, Gobardhan (General Biology)
24. Das, Shankar P (Physics)
25. Dasgupta, Indranil (Plant Sciences)
26. Datta, Asis (General Biology)
27. Datta, Kasturi (General Biology)
28. Dhar, S K (General Biology)
29. Dutta Roy, S C (Engineering & Technology)
30. Ganguli, A K (Chemistry)
31. Garg, Naveen (Engineering & Technology)
32. Garg, Pramod K (Medicine)
33. Ghosh, Balaram (General Biology)
34. Gokhale, R S (General Biology)
35. Goswami, Ravinder (Medicine)
36. Grover, Anil (Plant Sciences)
37. Gupta, L C (Physics)
38. Hasnain, S E (General Biology)
39. Jain, Sanjay (Physics)
40. Jairajpuri, M S (Animal Sciences)
41. Kant, Rama (Chemistry)
42. Kapur, P C (Engineering & Technology)
43. Kapuria, Santosh (Engineering & Technology)
44. Khanna, Navin C (Medicine)
45. Khurana, Paramjit (Plant Sciences)
46. Kumar, Amit (Mathematical Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 265
47. Kumar, Lalit (Medicine)
48. Laxmi, Ashverya (Plant Sciences)
49. Madhubala, Rentala (Animal Sciences)
50. Mahajan, K K (Physics)
51. Maiti, Souvik (General Biology)
52. Majee, Manoj (Plant Sciences)
53. Malhotra, Pawan (Medicine)
54. Mallik, R K (Engineering & Technology)
55. Mande, Shekhar C (General Biology)
56. Mehta, C L (Physics)
57. Mitra, A N (Physics)
58. Mohanty, Debasisa (General Biology)
59. Mukherjee, S K (Plant Sciences)
60. Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha (General Biology)
61. Nayak, N C (Medicine)
62. Pal, Arup K (Mathematical Sciences)
63. Panchapakesan, N (Physics)
64. Panda, S K (Medicine)
65. Parthasarathy, K R (Mathematical Sciences)
66. Paul, V K (Medicine)
67. Pental, Deepak (Plant Sciences)
68. Prasad, G V R (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
69. Prasad, Surendra (Engineering & Technology)
70. Puri, Sanjay (Physics)
71. Raghava, G P S (General Biology)
72. Rajaraman, R (Physics)
73. Rajeevan, M (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
74. Ramakrishnan, P S (Plant Sciences)
75. Ramaswamy, R (Chemistry)
76. Rao, V Ramgopal (Engineering & Technology)
77. Roy, Rahul (Mathematical Sciences)
78. Salunke, D M (General Biology)
79. Sarin, S K (Medicine)
80. Sarkar, Chitra (Medicine)
81. Sarkar, D P (General Biology)
82. Saxena, R K (Medicine)
83. Sen, Sandeep (Engineering & Technology)
84. Sengupta, Sagar (General Biology)
85. Sharma, Amit P (General Biology)
86. Sharma, Anurag (Engineering & Technology)
87. Sharma, Surendra K (Medicine)
88. Sharma, T R (Plant Sciences)
89. Sharma, Y D (Medicine)
90. Singh, Bhim (Engineering & Technology)
91. Singh, Sarva Jit (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
92. Singh, T P (General Biology)
93. Singh, Yogendra (General Biology)
94. Sinha, Alok K (Plant Sciences)
266 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
95. Sinha, Subrata (Medicine)
96. Susheela, A K (Animal Sciences)
97. Talwar, G P (General Biology)
98. Tandon, Nikhil (Medicine)
99. Tandon, P N (Medicine)
100. Thelma, B K (Animal Sciences)
101. Tuteja, Narendra (Plant Sciences)
102. Tyagi, Akhilesh K (Plant Sciences)
103. Tyagi, Anil K (General Biology)
104. Tyagi, Jaya S (Medicine)
105. Varadarajan, S (Chemistry)
106. VijayRaghavan, K (General Biology)
1. Nagarajan, K (Chemistry)
1. Mukherjee, R N (Chemistry)
2. Singh, Pradeep K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
1. Ganguly, N K (Medicine)
2. Roy, Rajendra P (General Biology)
3. Sikka, S K (Physics)
4. Sopory, S K (Plant Sciences)
5. Vrati, Sudhanshu (Medicine)
1. Bhawalkar, D D (Physics)
2. Gupta, Pradeep K (Physics)
3. Narlikar, A V (Physics)
4. Pal, A J (Physics)
5. Pal, G P (Medicine)
6. Roy Barman, Sudipta (Physics)
1. Kaul, R K (Physics)
2. Reddy, D Srinivasa (Chemistry)
3. Uma Shaanker, R (Plant Sciences)
1. Sastry, G N (Chemistry)
1. Vairamani, M (Chemistry)
1. John, P I (Physics)
1. Yadav, J S (Chemistry)
1. Singh, K P (Physics)
1. Venkataraman, G (Physics)
1. Ananthakrishnan, S (Physics)
2. Anil Kumar, (Chemistry)
3. Arankalle, Vidya A (Medicine)
4. Banerjee, Anjan K (Plant Sciences)
5. Bapat, Sharmila A (Medicine)
6. Beig, Gufran-Ullah (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
7. Bhattacharya, Dipankar (Physics)
8. Bhatwadekar, S M (Mathematical Sciences)
9. Bose, Sukanta (Physics)
10. Chandra, Poonam (Physics)
11. Chengalur, J N (Physics)
12. Choudhary, V R (Engineering & Technology)
13. Deo, M G (Medicine)
14. Dhar, Deepak (Physics)
15. Dhavale, D D (Chemistry)
16. Dhurandhar, S V (Physics)
17. Gadgil, Madhav D (Animal Sciences)
18. Gadgil, Sulochana (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
19. Gadre, S R (Chemistry)
20. Galande, Sanjeev (General Biology)
21. Gangal, Sudha G (Medicine)
22. Gopal Krishna, (Physics)
23. Gopinath, C S (Chemistry)
24. Gore, A P (Animal Sciences)
25. Gupta, Yashwant (Physics)
26. Gurjar, M K (Chemistry)
27. Kamra, A K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
28. Kanekar, Nissim (Physics)
29. Kanhere, D G (Physics)
30. Kembhavi, A K (Physics)
31. Khare, A V (Physics)
32. Krishnan, Raghavan (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 279
33. Kulkarni, M G (Engineering & Technology)
34. Kulkarni, Sulabha K (Physics)
35. Lele, A K (Engineering & Technology)
36. Lele, Shrikant (Engineering & Technology)
37. Mashelkar, R A (Engineering & Technology)
38. Mishra, A C (Medicine)
39. Mishra, G C (General Biology)
40. Mishra, S K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
41. Mitra, Debashis (General Biology)
42. Mukhi, Sunil (Physics)
43. Nadkarni, V M (Engineering & Technology)
44. Narlikar, J V (Physics)
45. Ogale, S B (Physics)
46. Paranjpe, P A (Engineering & Technology)
47. Patwardhan, V S (Engineering & Technology)
48. Pucadyil, Thomas J (General Biology)
49. Rai, S S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
50. Rajappa, S (Chemistry)
51. Ramana, C V (Chemistry)
52. Rao, A Pramesh (Physics)
53. Ratnasamy, Paul (Engineering & Technology)
54. Saha, Bhaskar (General Biology)
55. Sahni, Varun B (Physics)
56. Sahu, A K (General Biology)
57. Sastry, Murali (Chemistry)
58. Sharma, Seema (Physics)
59. Shashidhara, L S (Animal Sciences)
60. Sitaramam, V (General Biology)
61. Sivaram, S (Engineering & Technology)
62. Srianand, R (Physics)
63. Subbarao, E C (Engineering & Technology)
64. Subramanian, K (Physics)
65. Tandon, S N (Physics)
66. Udgaonkar, J B (General Biology)
1. Lakshmanan, M (Physics)
2. Palaniandavar, M (Chemistry)
1. Ajayaghosh, A (Chemistry)
2. Das, Suresh (Chemistry)
3. George Thomas, K (Chemistry)
4. Gopidas, K R (Chemistry)
5. Gopinathan, M S (Chemistry)
6. Hariharan, Mahesh (Chemistry)
7. Jayakrishnan, A (Engineering & Technology)
8. Moorthy, J Narasimha (Chemistry)
9. Nair, G Balakrish (Medicine)
10. Nair, G V (Chemistry)
11. Narayana, Chandrabhas (Physics)
12. Pillai, M R (Medicine)
13. Prathap, Gangan (Engineering & Technology)
14. Suresh Babu, S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Suresh, C H (Chemistry)
16. Sureshan, K M (Chemistry)
1. Balasubramanian, A S (Medicine)
2. Balasubramanian, K A (Medicine)
3. Jacob John, T (Medicine)
4. Kang, Gagandeep (Medicine)
5. Mathews, Vikram (Medicine)
6. Rajshekhar, V (Medicine)
1. Malik, S K (Physics)
1. Menon, T K (Physics)
2. Ramdorai, Sujatha (Mathematical Sciences)
1. Dabholkar, A S (Physics)
1. Agarwal, G S (Physics)
2. Athreya, K B (Mathematical Sciences)
3. Chandrasekhar, J (Chemistry)
4. Chaudhari, R V (Engineering & Technology)
5. Cowsik, R (Physics)
6. Das, S R (Physics)
7. Deb, Kalyanmoy (Engineering & Technology)
8. Gopalan, K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
9. Jayaraman, Aiyasami (Physics)
10. Kasturi, T R (Chemistry)
11. Khush, G S (Plant Sciences)
12. Mantravadi, M V (Physics)
13. Mohan Kumar, N (Mathematical Sciences)
14. Narain, Prem (Animal Sciences)
15. Narayanamurti, V (Physics)
16. Nori, M V (Mathematical Sciences)
17. Pai, M A (Engineering & Technology)
1. Amarjit Singh
2. Banerjee, Kalyan
3. Banerjee, Rinti
4. Banerjee, Srikumar
5. Bhakuni, Dewan Singh
6. Bhattacharyya, Bhabatarak
7. Chopra, Kasturi Lal
8. Dua-Sharma, Sushil (deceased on 01 Feb., 2020)
9. Gaitonde,Bhikaji Balwant
10. Govil, Girjesh
11. Indira Nath
12. Jayannavar, Arun Mallojirao
13. Junjappa, Hiriyakkanavar
14. Kamal, Aditya Kumar (deceased on 19 Feb., 2018)
15. Khurana, Jitendra Paul
16. Krishnan, Rangachari
17. Kumar, Makarla Udaya
18. Kumar, Rajinder (deceased on 7 Feb., 2022)
19. Mande, Chintamani
20. Narasimhan, Mudumbai Seshachalu
21. Niazi, Iqbal Ahmad (deceased on 24 Feb., 2022)
22. Padmanabhan, Thanu
23. Parulkar, Gurukumar Bhalchandra
24. Passi, Inder Bir Singh
25. Pradhan, Trilochan
26. Sengupta, Surajit
27. Srinivasan, M Subrahmanya
28. Srinivasan, Narayanaswamy
29. Subramanian, Dubagunta
30. Sushil Kumar
31. Warke, Chindu Sona (deceased on 23 July, 2020)
Honorary Fellow
(i) The upper age limit is 35 years. Certain conditions are applicable
for an extended age of 38 years.
(ii) The Associateship is tenable for a minimum period of 3 years or a
maximum period of 6 years.
(iii) The extended tenure of Associateship is applicable for
candidates selected from 2019 onwards.
(iv) Associates are expected to contribute to the Academy’s activities,
a. Associates will be encouraged to attend meetings of the
b. Organize Lecture Workshops, Refresher Courses and mentor
students/teachers selected under the Summer Research
Fellowship Programme.
c. Help in publications of the Academy as authors and
participate in editorial activities of the Academy journals.
For the year 2022 the last date of receipt of nominations is 30 April.
Duly filled in nomination forms are to be uploaded in the link circulated
to the Fellowship.
Eligibility for Nomination and Age Limit: Nomination is open to a
researcher holding a PhD, working in an institution in India. However, it
is strongly recommended that candidates below 35 years only are
nominated (i.e. candidates born after 31/12/1987 for Associateship
starting in 2022). For the year 2022 candidates born after 31.12.1984
(i.e. up to 38 years of age) are considered. Candidates between 35
and 38 years of age should be nominated only in unusual
308 Section D: Associateship
circumstances (e.g. representing weaker sections, those working
against odds or in less endowed research institutions or in fields such
as medicine where researchers take longer to establish the career),
but have the potential to be outstanding scientists. Nominators may
justify this in the space provided in the nomination form. An age limit of
35 will generally apply to candidates from well endowed institutions. It
may be noted that a researcher who normally works in an institution in
India, but is on a short-term academic visit to an institution abroad may
be nominated. However, if such a nominee is selected as an Associate,
the Associateship shall become operational after she/he returns to
India, the date of which should be within six months of declaration of
the selection results normally during July. If a selected Associate does
not return to India within six months of declaration of the selection
results, the Associateship will automatically be cancelled. The total
period of Associateship will, however, be counted from the date of
declaration of the selection results. The total number of Associates is
limited to 100 (present strength is 67).
2019–2022 Charu Lata, b. 1981, Ph.D. (JNU), Senior Scientist & Head of
the Division, Traditional Knowledge Studies Division,
National Institute of Science Communication & Policy
Research, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 110 067,
Tel. Off. (011) 2696 4473, Res. (0120) 354 2368, Mobile:
99584 24684, email: [email protected]; charulata14@, URL:
Charu-Lata, sp. traditional knowledge; science communication;
agriculture; abiotic stress; plant-microbe interaction; plant
molecular biology & genetic engineering.
Sectional Committees are appointed by the Council. Their responsibilities
(a) screening of the list of candidates for election to the Fellowship
and reporting thereon to the Council;
(b) organising lectures and discussion meetings;
(c) preparation of articles and position papers for publication, and
(d) generally carrying out the programme of the Academy in their
areas of specialization.
Members of the Sectional Committees have the responsibility of
consulting other Fellows in carrying out their work.
I. Mathematical Sciences
Name Tel. Office Email
1. Tirthankar Bhattacharyya (080) 2293 2710 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
2. Probal Chaudhuri (033) 2575 3414, [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata (033)2575 3400
3. Eknath Ghate (022) 2278 2663 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
4. Sanoli Gun (044) 2254 3202 [email protected]
IMSc, Chennai
5. Amit Kumar IIT, (011) 2659 1286 [email protected]
New Delhi
6. Neela Nataraj (022) 2576 7468 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
7. Rahul Roy (011) 4149 3905 [email protected]
ISI, New Delhi
8. P Sankaran (044) 7196 1022 [email protected]
CMI, Chennai
II. Physics
Name Tel. Office Email
1. Amol Dighe (022) 2278 2423 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
2. Dipankar Banerjee (05942) 23 5136 [email protected]
ARIES, Nainital
III. Chemistry
Name Tel. Office Email
1. A K Ganguli (011) 2659 1511, [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi (Convener) (011) 2659 6452
2. A Ajayaghosh (0471) 249 3599, [email protected]
NIIST, 249 0324
3. Rahul Banerjee (033) 6136 0000/ [email protected]
IISER, Kolkata 1327
4. J K Bera (0512) 679 7336 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
5. Jyotirmayee Dash (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1405
6. T Punniyamurthy (0361) 258 2309 [email protected]
IIT, Guwahati
7. Subramaniam (080) 2293 2744 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
8. S Sampath (080) 2293 3315 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
9. R B Sunoj (022) 2576 7173 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
V. Medicine
Name Tel. Office Email
1. Anurag Agrawal (011) 2766 7298, [email protected];
IGIB, Delhi (Convener) 2766 7578 [email protected]
2. Amita Aggarwal (0522) 249 4284 [email protected]
SGPGI, Lucknow
3. Anirban Basu (0124) 284 5225 [email protected]
NBRC, Manesar
4. Madhu Dikshit 94151 11766 [email protected]
CDRI, Lucknow
5. Vikram Mathews (0416) 228 2891 [email protected];
CMC, Vellore [email protected]
6. Mitali Mukerji 98112 88052 [email protected]
IIT, Jodhpur
7. G Nageswara Rao (040) 3061 2609 [email protected]
LVPEI, Hyderabad
8. V Ravi (080) 2699 5126 [email protected]
NIMHANS, Bengaluru
Chief Editors
3. C S Rajan (Ashoka University, Sonepat)
Proceedings (Mathematical Sciences)
4. Giridhar U Kulkarni (JNCASR, Bengaluru)
Bulletin of Materials Science
5. S Natarajan (IISc, Bengaluru)
Journal of Chemical Sciences
6. Annapurni Subramaniam (IIA, Bengaluru)
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
7. D P Kasbekar (CDFD, Hyderabad)
Journal of Genetics
8. Renee M Borges (IISc, Bengaluru)
Journal of Biosciences
9. N V Chalapathi Rao (BHU, Varanasi)
Journal of Earth System Science
10. B Sury (ISI, Bengaluru)
Resonance – Journal of Science Education
11. Mewa Singh (Mysore University, Mysore)
Dialogue: Science, Scientists, and Society
12. J H Arakeri (IISc, Bengaluru)
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engg. Sciences (Mechanical Sciences)
13. K V S Hari (IISc, Bengaluru)
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engg. Sciences (Electrical Sciences)
14. R K Shyamasundar (IIT, Mumbai)
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engg. Sciences (Computer & Data Sci.)
15. Aswini Ghosh (IACS, Kolkata)
Pramana (Journal of Physics)
Name Tel. Off. Email
1. V A Raghunathan 94808 36154 [email protected]
RRI, Bengaluru
2. Renee M Borges (080) 2360 2972, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2293 3103
3. Financial Adviser & – [email protected];
Secretary, DST [email protected]
4. Rohini M Godbole (080) 2293 2845, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2360 7798
5. Anand Kamavisdar – [email protected]
DST, New Delhi
6. K Vijayamohanan Pillai (0877) 250 0236 k.vijayamohanan@
IISER, Tirupati;
[email protected]
7. N Maheshchandra (080) 2266 1203 [email protected]
Executive Secretary
IASc, Bengaluru
Vol. No. in
Journal E-mail (journal_id)*
1. Bulletin of Materials Science 45 matersci
2. Dialogue: Science, Scientists, 5 dialogue
and Society (online journal)
3. Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy 43 jaa
4. Journal of Biosciences 47 jbiosci
5. Journal of Chemical Sciences 134 chemsci
(formerly Proceedings:
Chemical Sciences)
6. Journal of Earth System Science 131 jess
(formerly Proceedings: Earth &
Planetary Sciences)
7. Journal of Genetics 101 jgenet
8. Pramana (Journal of Physics) 96 pramana
9. Proceedings (Mathematical Sciences) 132 mathsci
10. Resonance – Journal of Science 27 resonanc
Education (12 issues)
11. Sadhana – Academy Proceedings 47 sadhana
in Engineering Sciences
12. Current Science (published by the 122, 123 currsci
Current Science Association in (24 issues)
collaboration with the Academy)
The scope of each journal, information to contributors and subscription
details are indicated in the journals. From January 2020, the journals
have moved to continuous article publishing (CAP) mode and hence,
no print issues will be available except for Resonance and Current
Science. The journal will be accessed online only. More information is
available on the respective journal home pages (see Academy website which also include full text of
published articles available for free access.
1. Patrika – The Academy Newsletter
2. Year Book
Chief Editor
1. Giridhar U Kulkarni (080) 2208 2936 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru [email protected]
Associate Editors
2. Ayan Datta 98742 95938 [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata
3. M Eswaramoorthy 94488 29121 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru [email protected]
4. A K Ganguli 98104 64112 [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi [email protected]
5. M Ghanashyam Krishna 92488 44335 [email protected]
UoH, Hyderabad
6. S Krishna Prasad 94494 47002 [email protected]
CeNS, Bengaluru
7. Rabibrata Mukherjee 98310 96816 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur 94758 84339
8. Amitava Patra 94334 79982 amitavapatra.patra@
INST, Mohali
9. Ashok M. Raichur 94490 63238 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
10. M V Sangaranarayanan (044) 2257 4209 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
11. Avesh K Tyagi (022) 2559 5330 [email protected]
BARC, Mumbai 98694 43020
12. Praveen K Vemula 96860 11982 [email protected]
INSTEM, Bengaluru
Editor Outreach
6. Srikanth Sastry (080) 2208 2838 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
Journal of Biosciences
31. E D Jemmis (080) 2293 3347 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
32. Srinivasan Natarajan (080) 2293 2551 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
33. N Sathyamurthy – [email protected]
34. Richard N Zare (+1-650) [email protected]
Stanford University, USA 723 3062
Calendar of Meetings in
Council Meetings
First Meeting 19 February IASc, Bengaluru
(Virtual meeting)
Second Meeting 09 July IASc, Bengaluru
Third Meeting 03-04 December IASc, Bengaluru
General Ph. No.: +91-80-2266 1200 E-mail: <user_id>
Office (Direct) Mobile E-mail user_id
Maheshchandra, N. 2266 1203 90080 32004 mahesh
Executive Secretary
Brahmanandha, N. N. 2266 1224 99640 76324 brahma
Geetha, K. 2266 1210 81230 51203 geetha
Nalini, B. R. 2266 1205 98867 81301 nalini
Rajesh, P. 2266 1215 90080 32005 rajesh
Cicilia S. 2266 1250 98802 33156 cici
Geetha Sugumaran 2266 1245 81302 02933 geethas
Gracy Rani, R. A. 2266 1270 97403 24185 gracy
Jai Benjamin 2266 1252 97436 36291 joy
Mahabaleswara, T. D. 2266 1281 94496 36215 maha
Mary J. Mathai 2266 1251 99025 31781 mary
Nagesh, K. 2266 1244 98863 24220 nagesh
Padmaja, N. 2266 1268 94490 07041 padmaja
Pushpavathi, R. 2266 1243 99450 07273 pushpa
Shylaja, K. S. 2266 1242 99016 81773 shylaja
Srimathi, M. 2266 1248 98804 49261 srimathi
Sudarshana Dhar 2266 1279 99454 35868 sdhar
Sushila Rajagopal 2266 1249 99000 94263 sushila
Usha Susan Philip 2266 1247 94490 06692 usha
Supporting Staff
Gangadharaiah, H. 2838 1934 94485 06960
Govindaswamy, J. 2266 1221 88614 37221 govinda
Manjunath, N. – 98866 06380
Rathnamma, N. 2266 1217 –
Ravindra, M. 2838 1934 94482 24276 ravindra
Vijaya Kumar, R. P. 2266 1217 94482 46083
Anitha, M. K. 2266 1266 90002 68140 anitha
Anuradha, R. 2266 1264 99006 55618 anuradha
Arjun R Krishnan 2266 1266 94008 88898 arjun
Geetha, D. L. 2266 1265 93798 95857 dlgeetha
Priya, S 2266 1264 98455 34041 priya
Priya, V 2266 1212 89043 76070 priyav
Rajitha, V. 2266 1262 97312 11310 rajitha
Venkateswari, V. 2266 1263 90087 54808 bhuvana
Yoganarasimha, B. G. 2266 1209 96328 37127 narasimha
Supporting Staff
Ananthamurthy, H. R. 2266 1265 91643 42958 anantha
Temporary Staff
Subashini, N. 2266 1264 80954 33622 suba
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