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Yearbook 2022

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© 2022 Indian Academy of Sciences

Information in this Year Book is updated up to 15 March 2022

Editorial & Production:

Nalini, B.R.

Published by:
Executive Secretary, Indian Academy of Sciences

Text formatted by WINTECS Typesetters, Bengaluru (Mobile: 97310 01283)

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Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences
Activities – a profile ................................................................. 2
Council for the period 2022–2024 ............................................ 6
Office Bearers ......................................................................... 7
Former Presidents ................................................................... 8
The Academy Trust ................................................................. 9

Section B: Professorships
Raman Chair ........................................................................... 12
Jubilee Chair ........................................................................... 15
Janaki Ammal Chair ................................................................ 16
The Academy–Springer Nature Chair ...................................... 16

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Fellows on roll ......................................................................... 18
Abbreviations .......................................................................... 209
Honorary Fellows on roll .......................................................... 210
Fellows elected in 2021 ........................................................... 217
Subject-wise list of Fellows ...................................................... 218
Geographical Representation of Fellows.................................. 256
Fellows and Honorary Fellow deceased in 2021 ........................ 286
Fellows deceased since 1934 .................................................. 287
Honorary Fellows deceased since 1934................................... 305

Section D: Associateship
Associates on roll .................................................................... 308
Associates selected in 2021 .................................................... 322
Former Associates .................................................................. 322

Section E: Committees
Sectional Committees ............................................................. 336
Raman Chair and Janaki Ammal Chair Sub-Committee ........... 341
Jubilee Chair Sub-Committee .................................................. 341
Publications’ Committee .......................................................... 342
Science Academies’ Education Panel ...................................... 343
Panel on Scientific Values ....................................................... 344
Panel on Women in Science .................................................... 345
Finance Committee ................................................................. 345
Standing Committee on Staff ................................................... 346

Section F: Publications
Journals’ Details ...................................................................... 348

Section G: Calendar of Meetings in 2022

Annual Meetings ..................................................................... 374
Council Meetings .................................................................... 374
Sectional Committee Meetings ................................................ 374
Publications’ Committee Meetings ........................................... 374
Venues of Annual Meetings ..................................................... 375
List of Holidays in 2022 ........................................................... 376

Section H: Staff......................................................................... 378

Section I: Guest House Facility

Academy – RRI Campus ......................................................... 382
Academy Fellows’ Residency – Jalahalli .................................. 382

Contents namely MoA, RoA, Statutes and Ethics documents of the

Academy are not printed in the Year Book. These can be accessed in
the respective URLs:

Memorandum of Association

Role of the Academy



Scientific Values: Ethical Guidelines and Procedures

Section A

Indian Academy of Sciences

Activities – a profile

1. Publication of Scientific Journals: Among the activities

undertaken by the Academy since 1934, publication of scientific
journals has occupied pride of place. Some early decisions were
that papers for publication need not be communicated by Fellows,
and that all papers submitted would be subject to scrutiny by

The first issue of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of

Sciences appeared in July 1934. Proceedings was started as a
monthly and soon became two monthlies in July 1935, one section
devoted to physical sciences and the other to life sciences. In
1973, a new physics journal entitled Pramana – Journal of Physics
was added. 1977 onwards, the publications programme was
considerably enlarged, with the two sections of Proceedings split
into several theme journals devoted to mathematics, chemistry,
earth and planetary sciences, plant sciences, animal sciences,
experimental biology and engineering. The section on experimental
biology was renamed Journal of Biosciences in 1979, and in 1991,
Proceedings Animal Sciences and Proceedings Plant Sciences
merged with it. The section on engineering sciences was renamed
Sadhana in 1984. New journals in materials science and astro-
physics & astronomy were added. In 1985, the Academy took over
and revived the Journal of Genetics, one of the oldest journals in
genetics in the English language. The journal Resonance, added in
the year 1996, is aimed at improving the quality of science
education and teaching. The latest addition to the list of journals
are ‘Dialogue: Science, Scientists, and Society’ and ‘IASc Conference
Series’. These journals are online only journals.

The Current Science Association works with the Academy in

bringing out the fortnightly multidisciplinary journal Current
Science, published since 1932.

The number of journals currently published by the Academy is 12,

covering all major disciplines in science & technology. The
Academy is one of the biggest scientific journal publishers in the
country. Besides regular journals, special publications of topical
interest and Patrika – the newsletter of the Academy – are
frequently brought out.

Since January 2007, 10 journals of the Academy are being co-

published with Springer (http://www.springer.com). Springer provides
access to the journals’ content worldwide on its journal platform
Springer Link (http://link.springer.com). Springer also distributes
print edition of the 10 journals outside India, all international
2 Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences
subscription queries can be made to [email protected].
Also, during the term of co-publishing, Council members,
Fellowship, Chief Editors, Associate Editors of the journals, the
editorial staff of the Academy will have a complimentary online
access to Springerlink content of 10 journals of the Academy
(which is password enabled). Full and free access to the Academy
journals is available worldwide on the website of the Academy
(https://www.ias.ac.in/Journals/Overview/). Since 2020, all journals,
except Resonance (which is available both in print and online
formats) are online only journals.

2. Election of Fellows and Honorary Fellows: The Academy

annually elects distinguished scientists of the country to its
Fellowship; it also elects persons distinguished for contributions to
science or engineering, whose place of work is outside India, as
Honorary Fellows. The stringent annual exercise begins with
nominations by Fellows, and goes through evaluation and
shortlisting by Sectional Committees for the Council, and ends with
ballot open to all Fellows in December every year. As on 31
December 2021, the number of Fellows on roll was 1085, and
Honorary Fellows 47.

3. Selection of Associates:

The Associateship programme was introduced in 1983 to identify

and encourage promising young scientists working in India. The
Associateship is tenable for a minimum period of 3 years or a
maximum period of 6 years. This expanded tenure of Associateship
is applicable for candidates selected from the year 2019 onwards.

Fellows of the Academy (except members of the Council, Sectional

Committees) and other Heads of institutions of national importance
such as IITs, NITs, IISERs, CSIR laboratories, University
departments (limited to pure and applied sciences including
engineering). A nomination remains valid only for the year of
nomination. Nominations are solicited up to April 30, 2022. Please
refer to page no. 308 for more details.

4. Organizing Scientific Meetings: The Academy annually holds

scientific meetings, symposia and public lectures and encourages
other similar activities to provide means of exchange of scientific
knowledge among scientists and to bring new knowledge to the
attention of the whole scientific community. Of the Academy's two
annual meetings, the Mid-Year Meeting takes place in July and the
Annual Meeting in November. Please see page 374 for dates and
venues of these meetings. Fellows and Associates of the Academy,

Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences 3

invited college and university teachers and other invitees
participate in these meetings.

5. Repository of Publications of Fellows: This initiative is intended to

make available research and review papers published by Fellows
in peer-reviewed journals. At the end of February 2022, the
repository had 1,16,102 records with metadata, and around 22,692
of them with a fulltext PDF file.

6. Chair Professorships:

(i) Raman Chair: The Raman Chair was instituted in 1972 by the
Government of India to commemorate the founder of the
Academy, Sir C. V. Raman. Eminent scientists are invited to
occupy the Chair, for periods between six weeks and six

(ii) Jubilee Professor: The Jubilee Professorship was instituted

during the Platinum Jubilee Year of the Academy in 2009.
Eminent scientists from any country and from any scientific
discipline are invited to occupy the Jubilee Professorship for a
period of two weeks to one month.

(iii) Janaki Ammal Chair: The Academy instituted the Janaki

Ammal Chair in the year 2017 based on the suggestion
evolved during the Platinum Jubilee Celebration of the
Academy to establish a Chair for Women Scientists in honour
of Dr Ammal. Guidelines of Raman Chair Professorship of the
Academy are applicable for regulation of this Chair.

(iv) The Academy–Springer Nature Chair: The Academy–Springer

Nature Chair was established in 2017 (initially for two years) to
commemorate ten years of the co-publishing arrangement
between the Academy and Springer Nature. The Chair
Professorship will bring an eminent international scientist
working in the area of sustainability to lecture at research-
intensive institutions in India and the neighbouring countries,
as well as to deliver public lectures to address a wider

7. Science Academies’ Education Programme: Besides publication of

the science education monthly – Resonance, six main activities are
implemented towards attempts to improve the state of higher
education and teaching of science in the country. They are (a)
Participation of college and university teachers in Academy annual
meetings, (b) Summer Research Fellowships to students and

4 Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences

teachers, (c) Focus Area Science Technology Summer Fellowships
to students and teachers targetted at specific geographical
regions/specific topics, (d) Summer schools for students and
teachers on specific topics (e) Refresher courses for teachers, (f)
Lecture workshops for students and teachers. The Indian National
Science Academy, New Delhi, and the National Academy of
Sciences India, Prayagraj, have joined this Academy since April
2007 in implementing these programmes.

8. Women in Science: In January 2003 the Council of the Academy

constituted a committee to address issues concerning women
scientists. This led to the formation of the “Women in Science”
Panel in January 2005, whose objective is to study the current
status of Indian women scientists as well as the problems faced by
them, and to recommend to the Council suitable remedial
measures. Some of the major initiatives undertaken so far by the
Panel include – (a) Role model programme: This initiative aims to
organize national seminars aimed at inspiring and motivating
young women to take up a career in science. (b) Lilavati’s
Daughters: The book Lilavati's Daughters: the women scientists of
India, published by the Academy, is a collection of biographical
and autobiographical essays of about 100 women scientists of
India. (c) Discussion sessions on Women in Science and “Leaky
pipeline”: A survey on trained scientific women power, How much
are we losing and why? The WiS Panel undertook this study to
identify factors involved in the choices made by women to choose
careers outside science and to address the relevant issues.

9. Oral History Archive: The archive is intended to be a repository of

audio and video documentaries of some of the leading scientists of
the country from among Academy’s fellowship. It is hoped that the
documented glimpses of experiences and careers of eminent
personalities, while being a historical record, will also be of
inspirational value to new generations of students and scientists.
To start with, video memoirs on five past presidents of the
Academy have been produced.

For full details of the programme and activities of the Academy,

please refer to the www.ias.ac.in.

Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences 5

Prof. Umesh V. Waghmare, JNCASR, Bengaluru

Previous President
Prof. Partha P. Majumder, NIBMG, Kalyani

Prof. Rohini M. Godbole, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. Vikram Jayaram, IISc, Bengaluru

Prof. Nikhil Tandon, AIIMS, New Delhi

Prof. S.K. Tandon, IISER, Bhopal
Prof. Renee M. Borges, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. K. Vijayamohanan Pillai, IISER, Tirupati

Prof. V.A. Raghunathan, RRI, Bengaluru

Dr Sharmila A. Bapat, NCCS, Pune

Prof. Gautam Biswas, IIT, Kanpur

Prof. Nagasuma Chandra, IISc, Bengaluru

Prof. Arun Chattopadhyay, IIT, Guwahati

Prof. Swagata Dasgupta, IIT, Kharagpur

Prof. Jaya N. Iyer, IMSc, Chennai

Prof. V. Nagaraja, IISc, Bengaluru

Prof. Mythily Ramaswamy, ICTS–TIFR, Bengaluru

Prof. Ramgopal V. Rao, IIT, New Delhi

Dr Imran Siddiqi, CCMB, Hyderabad

Prof. D.C. Srivastava, IIT, Roorkee

6 Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences

Office Residence

Prof. Umesh V. Waghmare (080) 2208 2842 (080) 2233 2774
(while in the Academy Office) (080) 2266 1239
(080) 2266 1203
Previous President
Prof. Partha P. Majumder (033) 2589 2150 (033) 2565 4314
(033) 2589 2151
Prof. Rohini M. Godbole (080) 2293 2845 (080) 2360 8357
(080) 2360 7798
Prof. Vikram Jayaram (080) 2293 3243 (080) 2337 5110
(080) 2293 2263
Prof. Nikhil Tandon (011) 2659 3433 (011) 2649 9100
(011) 2659 3237
Prof. S.K. Tandon 98104 37365 (0124) 422 7715

Prof. Renee M. Borges (080) 2360 2972 (080) 2341 7366
(080) 2293 3103
Prof. K. Vijayamohanan Pillai (0877) 250 0236 94422 26929
Prof. V.A. Raghunathan 94808 36154 (080) 2664 8940

Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences 7


1. Prof. Sir C.V. Raman 1934–1970

2. Prof. T.S. Sadasivan 1971–1973

3. Prof. M.G.K. Menon 1974–1976

4. Prof. S. Dhawan 1977–1979

5. Dr S. Varadarajan 1980–1982

6. Prof. S. Ramaseshan 1983–1985

7. Prof. O. Siddiqi 1986–1988

8. Prof. C.N.R. Rao 1989–1991

9. Prof. R. Narasimha 1992–1994

10. Prof. P. Rama Rao 1995–1997

11. Prof. N. Kumar 1998–2000

12. Dr K. Kasturirangan 2001–2003

13. Prof. T.V. Ramakrishnan 2004–2006

14. Prof. D. Balasubramanian 2007–2009

15. Prof. A.K. Sood 2010–2012

16. Prof. Dipankar Chatterji 2013–2015

17. Prof. R. Ramaswamy 2016–2018

18. Prof. Partha P. Majumder 2019–2021

8 Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences

In pursuant to the decision of the Council of the Academy and duly
endorsed by the Academy Fellowship in the Business Meeting held
during November 2014, the Academy Trust (tAcT) was established
(under the Indian Trust Act).
The objectives of tAcT include organizing programmes on science
education for school and college students to augment the existing
curricula and to develop interest in science, encouraging internship
programmes with industries for student researchers and to develop
academia–industry interactions, encouraging visitors programme by
instituting endowment chairs, and collaborating with other agencies for
joint programmes to expand and improve research and education in
science. The office of tAcT is presently located at the premises of
Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru. More details about tAcT are
available at www.ias.ac.in/trust.
The Academy Trust is a non-governmental entity and a corpus fund
has been created to carry out its programmes and activities.
Donations are welcome from Fellows, Associates, well-wishers,
individual donors, donor institutions, philanthropists, private and public
enterprises, NGOs and others. Donations are exempted from income
tax u/s 80G and 12A of IT act.

*Chair and Managing Trustee
Prof. Umesh V. Waghmare, JNCASR, Bengaluru

*Ex-Officio Trustees
Prof. Partha P. Majumder, NIBMG, Kalyani
Prof. Renee M. Borges, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. K. Vijayamohanan Pillai, IISER, Tirupati
Prof. V.A. Raghunathan, RRI, Bengaluru
Prof. V.S. Chauhan, ICGEB, New Delhi
Prof. K.N. Ganesh, IISER, Tirupati
Prof. Anil Kumar, NCL, Pune
Prof. Sujatha Ramdorai, University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. S. Sivaram, IISER, Pune
Prof. S. Shivaji, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad
Prof. Anil K. Singh, Mumbai

*Office Bearers of Indian Academy of Sciences

Section A: Indian Academy of Sciences 9
Section B

The Raman Chair was instituted in 1972 by the Government of India
to commemorate the founder of the Academy, Prof. Sir C.V. Raman.
Eminent scientists are invited by the Council of the Academy to
occupy the Chair, for periods between 6 weeks and 6 months.

Raman Professors who have occupied the Chair are:

1. Prof. R. Hanbury Brown July–Oct. 1974

Chatterton Astronomy Department
University of Sydney (Australia)

2. Prof. Dorothy Hodgkin, Nobel Laureate Feb.–Mar. 1979

Chemical Crystallography Laboratory Nov. 1979
University of Oxford (UK)

3. Prof. N. Bloembergen, Nobel Laureate Sept.–Dec. 1979

Division of Applied Sciences,
Harvard University (USA)

4. Prof. Charles Frank Dec. 1979–Feb. 1980

The H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory
University of Bristol (UK)

5. Prof. K.R. Ramanathan Sept.–Dec. 1980

Physical Research Laboratory

6. Prof. George W. Series Oct. 1982–Feb. 1983

University of Reading (UK)

7. Prof. G. Pontecorvo Dec. 1982–Feb. 1983

Imperial Cancer Research Fund
London (UK)

8. Prof. J.B. Goodenough Dec. 1982–Mar. 1983

University of Oxford (UK)

9. Prof. B.S. Blumberg, Nobel Laureate Jan.–Apr. 1986

Fox Chase Cancer Center
Philadelphia (USA)

10. Prof. John T. Bonner Oct. 1990–Jan. 1991

Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey (USA)
12 Section B: Professorships
11. Prof. Anatol Roshko Dec. 1993–Jan. 1994
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California (USA)

12. Prof. A. K. Ramdas Nov. 1994–Jan. 1995

Purdue University
Indiana (USA)

13. Prof. Sir Hermann Bondi Dec. 1995–Feb. 1996

Churchill College
Cambridge (UK)

14. Prof. B.I. Halperin Sept.–Oct. 1996

Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)

15. Prof. Dan P. McKenzie Feb.–April 1997

University of Cambridge
Cambridge (UK)

16. Prof. T.N. Krishnamurti Dec. 1998

Florida State University Dec. 1999
Tallahassee (USA)

17. Prof. Itamar Procaccia Feb.–Mar. 2001

Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot (Israel)

18. Prof. Albert J. Libchaber Oct.–Nov. 2001

The Rockefeller University
New York (USA)

19. Prof. K.R. Sreenivasan June–July 2002

Yale University
New Haven (USA)

20. Prof. Philippe Nozieres Feb.–March 2003

Institut Laue-Langevin
Grenoble Cedex (France)

21. Prof. Robert Williams Dec. 2003–Jan. 2004

Space Telescope Science Institute
Baltimore, Maryland (USA)

22. Prof. Abhay Ashtekar Dec. 2004–Jan. 2005

Pennsylvania State University
Pennsylvania (USA)
Section B: Professorships 13
23. Prof. Anne McLaren Nov.–Dec. 2005
Cancer Research UK Oct.–Nov. 2006
Gurdon Institute, Cambridge (UK)

24. Prof. Sajeev John Dec. 2007–Jan. 2008

University of Toronto

25. Prof. S.R.S. Varadhan Jan.–Feb. 2009

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York (USA)

26. Prof. Marc Fontecave Apr. 2009

Universite Joseph Fourier Oct.–Nov. 2009
Grenoble (France)

27. Prof. Huzihiro Araki Jul.–Sep. 2010

Research Institute for Mathematical
Kyoto University, Kyoto (Japan)

28. Prof. Anthony K. Cheetham Sep.–Oct. 2011

University of Cambridge Dec. 2011
Cambridge (UK)

29. Prof. Sauro Succi Oct. 2011

Istituto Applicazioni Calcolo Jan.–Feb. 2012
Rome (Italy) July 2012

30. Prof. Michael L. Klein Feb.–Mar. 2014

Temple University Aug.–Sept. 2014
Philadelphia (USA) Jan. 2015

31. Prof. T.J. Pedley Feb.–Mar. 2016

University of Cambridge Nov. 2016
Cambridge (UK)

32. Prof. David Baker Dec. 2018–Jan. 2019

University of Washington
Seattle (USA)

33. Prof. Ben L. Feringa March 2019

University of Groningen
The Netherlands

14 Section B: Professorships
The Jubilee Professorship was instituted during the Platinum Jubilee
Year of the Academy (2009). General guidelines are as follows:

(1) Eminent scientists from any country and from any scientific
discipline can be invited to occupy the Jubilee Professorship for
a minimum period of two weeks and up to one month.
(2) The Jubilee Professor may pursue any scientific activity and may
be based in any Laboratory or Institution in India. The Professor is
expected to visit smaller towns, universities for delivering
lectures, holding seminars and interacting with students, teachers
and researchers for scientific collaboration.
(3) The Jubilee Professor is entitled to an honorarium of Rs 80,000/-
per month in addition to local hospitality for the Jubilee Professor
and spouse/companion.
(4) The Academy will provide one business class air-fare from the
place of residence to India and back or two economy class
excursion fares if accompanied by spouse/companion.
(5) All travel expenses of the Jubilee Professor within India will be
met by the Academy.
Jubilee Professors who have occupied the Chair are:
1. Prof. Ashok R. Venkitaraman July–August 2012
University of Cambridge, UK
2. Prof. Nitash P. Balsara November 2014
University of California, Berkeley, USA
3. Prof. Madhu Sudan Dec. 2015–Jan. 2016
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, USA
4. Prof. Andrej Sali July–August 2017
University of California,
San Francisco, USA
5. Prof. Veena Sahajwalla August 2017
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia
6. Prof. Ken Ono December 2019
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, USA

7. Prof. Ali Nesin Nov. 2021 (Virtual)

Nesin Foundation, Nesin Vakfi March 2022 (Virtual)
Istanbul, Turkey
Section B: Professorships 15

The Academy instituted the Janaki Ammal Chair in the year 2017
based on the suggestion evolved during the Platinum Jubilee
Celebration of the Academy to establish a Chair for Women Scientists
in honour of Dr Ammal. Guidelines of Raman Chair Professorship of the
Academy are applicable for regulation of this Chair as well.

Janaki Ammal Chair Professors who have occupied the Chair are:

1. Prof. Nina V. Fedoroff November 2018

Pennsylvania State University,
Pennsylvania, USA

2. Prof. Cathie Martin October 2021 (Virtual)

John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK

3. Prof. Christine H. Foyer March 2022 (Virtual)

University of Birmingham, UK


The Academy–Springer Nature Chair was established in 2017 (initially

for two years) to commemorate ten years of the co-publishing
arrangement between the Academy and Springer Nature and is
implemented by the Academy Trust (tAcT). The Chair Professorship
will bring an eminent international scientist working in the area of
sustainability to lecture at research-intensive institutions in India and
the neighbouring countries, as well as to deliver public lectures to
address a wider audience.

The Academy-Springer Nature Chair Professors having occupied/

occupying the Chair are:

1. Prof. Frank Shu December 2017

University of California, San Diego, USA

2. Prof. Andy Haines March 2019

London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, London, UK

16 Section B: Professorships
Section C

Fellowship and
Honorary Fellowship

2001 Acharya, Subrat Kumar, b. 1951, MD (Utkal), D.M. (AIIMS), FNA,

FNASc, Pro-Chancellor, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar; Res. 4B-
1481, Sector 11, CDA, Cuttack 753 015, Mobile: 98718 41769,
Res. (0671) 230 9879, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. gastroenterology; hepatology; liver

1999 Adhya, Samit, b. 1953, Ph.D. (New York), FNA, Res. 74-A, Park
Street, Kolkata 700 017, Tel. (033) 2280 0123, Mobile: 94326
69883, email: [email protected], sp. molecular genetics of
parasites; intracellular RNA trafficking; mitochondrial biology &
medicine; DNA diagnostics.

1996 Adimurthi, Adi, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, P.B. No. 6503,
Sharada Nagar, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru 560 065,
Tel. Off. (080) 6695 3742; (080) 6695 3700, Res. (080) 2953 1505,
Mobile: 96635 65354, Fax (080) 6695 3799, email: aditi@
math.tifrbng.res.in; [email protected], sp. nonlinear
differential equations.

1981 Agarwal, Girish S, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Rochester), D.Sc. (h.c.), FRS,

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Texas A & M University, College Station,
TX 77840, USA, Mobile: (+1-405) 714 1566, email: girish.agarwal@
tamu.edu, sp. quantum optics; nano & biophotonics; plasmonics;
stochastic processes.

Abbreviations/Explanatory Note:
b. - year of birth Fax - Fax number
Tel. - telephone number email - electronic mail address
Off. - office sp. - fields of specialization
Res. - residence
Area code for telephone and fax numbers within India is given in brackets
before each telephone number. The country code and area code for telephone
numbers outside India are also given in brackets preceded by ‘+’ sign. The
number after a ‘slash’ sign indicates the extension number.
More abbreviations, see p. 209

18 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2020 Agarwal, Vivek, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Victoria), FIEEE, FNAE, FNA,

Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7422, Mobile:
90045 52983, Fax (022) 2572 3707, email: [email protected],
URL: https://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~agarwal/, sp. electrical engineer-
ing; power electronics; renewable energy conversion; power

2012 Aggarwal, Amita, b. 1960, MD (AIIMS), D.M. (Lucknow), FNASc,

FAMS, Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences,
Lucknow 226 014, Tel. Off. (0522) 249 4284, Res. (0522)
249 4410, Mobile: 94735 84267, email: [email protected], sp.
clinical immunology; rheumatology; lupus; juvenile arthritis.

2007 Aggarwal, Rakesh, b. 1961, MD (AIIMS), DM (Chandigarh),

FNASc, FAMS, FNA, Director, Jawaharlal Institute of Post-
graduate Medical Education & Research, Dhanvantri Nagar,
Gorimedu, Puducherry 605 006, Tel. Off. (0413) 229 6002; (0413)
227 2901, email: [email protected], sp. gastrointestinal &
liver diseases; viral hepatitis; epidemiology; health economics;
immunisation; public health.

2021 Agrawal, Amit, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Delaware), FNAE, FNASc,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576
7516, Res. (022) 2576 8516, Fax (022) 2572 6875, email: amit.
[email protected], URL: http://www.me.iitb.ac.in/~amit.agrawal/,
sp. fluid mechanics; heat transfer; development of novel bio-

2019 Agrawal, Anurag, b. 1972, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, Director, CSIR–

Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Mall Road, Delhi
110 007, Tel. Off. (011) 2766 7298; (011) 2766 7578, Mobile:
98184 51946, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://www.igib.res.in/?q=director, sp. pulmonary disease;
intelligent systems.

1975 Agrawal, Hari Om, b. 1936, D.Sc. (Holland), FNASc, Res. Sri
Laxman Bhavan, 20/2, Indiranagar, Lucknow 226 016, Tel. (0522)
234 1586, Mobile: 93897 90504, sp. virology; microbiology;
10 environmental sciences; biotechnology.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 19
2004 Agrawal, Manindra, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, FTWAS, N Rama Rao Professor, Department of Computer
Science, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7338, Res. (0512) 259 8363, Mobile:
99350 62605, Fax (0512) 259 7586, email: [email protected],
URL: www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/manindra, sp. computational complexity
theory; computation number theory. Council Service: 2016–2021;
Vice-President: 2016–2021.

1990 Agrawal, Prahlad Chandra, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

Res. 405, Vigyan, Scientists' CHS, Plot No. 23, Sector 17, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel. (022) 2789 9894, Mobile: 98673
43442, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. X-ray astronomy; experimental high energy astrophysics.

2015 Agrewala, Javed Naim, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Agra), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, Bhatnagar Laureate, Centre for Biomedical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Ropar, Rupnagar 140 001,
Tel. Off. (01881) 23 2507, Mobile: 94178 69408, email: jagrewala@
iitrpr.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.iitrpr.ac.in/
javed/, sp. immunology; vaccines; drug discovery; gut microbiota.

1978 Ahluwalia, Jagdish Chander, b. 1935, Ph.D. (Purdue), FNA, Res.

186, SFS Apartments, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. (011)
2656 4519, Mobile: 92137 36359, email: [email protected],
sp. thermodynamics of biopolymers & surfactants in solutions;
solute–solvent interactions.

2004 Ahmad, Talat, b. 1955, Ph.D. (JNU), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose

National Fellow, Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir,
Hazratbal, Srinagar 190 006, Tel. Off. (0194) 227 2000, Mobile:
70516 66707, Fax (0194) 227 2086, email: tahmad001@gmail.
com; [email protected], sp. igneous petrology; geo-
chemistry; Himalayan geology.

2007 Ajayaghosh, Ayyappanpillai, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Calicut), FNA,

FTWAS, Director, CSIR–National Institute for Interdisciplinary
Science & Technology, Industrial Estate Post, Thiruvananthapuram
695 019, Tel. Off. (0471) 249 0324; (0471) 249 3599, Res.
(0471) 249 1592, Mobile: 94460 59059, Fax (0471) 249 1712,
email: [email protected], URL: http://niist.saturn.co.in/english/
scientists/ajayaghosh-a-/personal.html, sp. organic functional
materials; molecular self-assembly; organogels; molecular probes;
pi-conjugated systems.
20 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2013 Ali, Nahid, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, FTWAS, JC

Bose National Fellow & INSA Emeritus Scientist, CSIR–
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja SC Mullick
Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2499 5757,
Res. (033) 2328 0176, Mobile: 98300 34759, Fax (033) 2473 5197,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://iicb.res.in/
divisionwiselistofscientists/id/nali.html, sp. biochemistry; immu-
nology; parasitology.

2005 Ali, Sher, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose National
Fellow, Distinguished Professor, Department of Life Sciences,
Sharda University, Greater Noida 201 306, Tel. Res. (011) 2674
1139, Mobile: 98180 04632, email: [email protected], sp.
molecular genetics of humans & animals; gene expression; cancer
& toxicogenomics & genomics of endangered species.

1994 Amritkar, Ravindra Eknath, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Bangalore), FNASc,

Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
380 009, Tel. Res. (079) 2685 7041, Mobile: 90166 26694, Fax
(079) 2631 4900, email: [email protected], sp. nonlinear
phenomena; chaos; statistical physics.

2011 Anand, Anuranjan, b. 1965, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Molecular

Biology and Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off.
(080) 2208 2804, Res. (080) 4099 5014, Mobile: 98458 04923,
Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected], sp. human
20 genetics and genomics; neurogenetics; developmental genetics.

1997 Anand, Gargeshwari Venkatasubbiah, b. 1943, Ph.D. (IISc),

FNAE, Professor Emeritus, Dayananda Sagar University, Hosur
Main Road, Bengaluru 560 114, Tel. Res. (080) 2361 1263,
Mobile:98860 85273, email: [email protected], sp.
statistical signal processing; ocean acoustics; nonlinear

1974 Anand, Nitya, b. 1925, Ph.D. (Mumbai & Cantab), FNA, FNASc,
Res. Lumbini, B-62, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow 226 020, Tel.
(0522) 404 3229, Mobile: 96700 66999, email: nityaanand1925@
gmail.com, sp. organic chemistry; medicinal chemistry. Council
Service: 1980–82.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 21
2022 Anand, Ruchi, b. 1975, Ph.D. (Cornell), FNASc, Department of
Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7165, Res. (022) 2576 8154,
Mobile: 99301 24541, Fax (022) 2576 7152, email: ruchi@chem.
iitb.ac.in, URL: https://structuralbioiitb.wixsite.com/ruchianand, sp.
structural biology; antibiotic resistance; biosensor development.

1995 Ananthakrishna, Garani, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Texas, Austin), FNA,

Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2780, Res. (080) 4953 5791, Mobile:
99002 68902, Fax (080) 2360 0683, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. theoretical materials science;
condensed matter; dynamical systems & chaos.

1996 Ananthakrishnan, Subramaniam, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Adjunct Professor & INSA Honorary Scientist, Electronic
Science Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2569 9841, Res.
73508 29530, Fax (020) 2569 9841, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. radio science; extra-
galactic radio astronomy; sun & solar wind; interferometry
techniques & analog RF electronics.

2015 Anil, Arga Chandrashekar, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Karnatak), Chief

Scientist, CSIR–National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula,
Goa 403 004, Tel. Off. (0832) 245 0404, Res. (0832) 241 3765,
Mobile: 94238 19755, Fax (0832) 245 0615, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biological oceanography; marine
ecology; marine biology.

1987 Anil Kumar, b. 1941, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
INSA Emeritus Scientist, Department of Physics, NMR Research
Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Res.
(080) 2366 2757, Mobile: 98454 21938, email: [email protected],
URL: http://nrc.iisc.ac.in/anil/, sp. nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy & its applications to biomolecules and to quantum

2001 Anil Kumar, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc, FNA, Res. Flat C-6,
Megha Terrace Opp. Twin Towers, Near Wireless Colony,
Aundh, Pune 411 007, Tel. (020) 4862 4169, Mobile: 98220 74509;
75070 53053, email: [email protected]; sp. chemical
thermodynamics; physical organic chemistry; biophysical

22 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1999 Antia, Hormazad Maneck, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Raja

Ramanna Fellow, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic
Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus, Santacruz,
Mumbai 400 098, Mobile: 99695 06543, email: [email protected],
URL: www.tifr.res.in/~antia, sp. solar physics; helioseismology;
numerical techniques.

2016 Anupama, Gadiyara Chakrapani, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Bangalore),

FNASc, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, II Block, Koramangala,
Bengaluru 560 034, Tel. Off. (080) 2254 1344, Mobile: 98450 44770,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.iiap.res.in/people/personnel/
gca/gca.html, sp. time domain astronomy; cataclysmic variables;
30 supernovae; gamma-ray burst sources; active galactic nuclei.

1980 Appaji Rao, Naropantul, b. 1934, Ph.D. (Rajasthan), FNA, Res.

Room No. 3, Unit 2 Annexe., Panchavati, Prabjhudalaya, 748A
Nisarga Layout, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru 560 083,
Mobile: 96118 35935, email: [email protected], sp. biochemistry;
enzyme regulation; inborn errors of metabolism.

2008 Apte, Shree Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS,
JC Bose National Fellow, Distinguished Professor, UM-DAE Centre
for Excellence in Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina
Campus, Santacruz, Mumbai 400 098, Tel. Off. (022) 2653 0229,
Res. (022) 2558 0177, Mobile: 98694 80205, Fax (022) 2653 2134,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular biology & biotechnology;
physiology & biochemistry; stress biology of bacteria & plants.

2011 Arakeri, Jaywant Hanumappa, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNAE,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3228, Res.
(080) 2973 0067, Mobile: 77605 81256, Fax (080) 2360 0648,
email: [email protected], sp. fluid mechanics; heat transfer;

1991 Arakeri, Vijay Hanumappa, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Caltech), Department

of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2670; (080) 2293 2352,
Res. (080) 2367 2267, Fax (080) 2360 0683, email: vijay.arakeri@
gmail.com, sp. cavitation; hydrodynamics; two-phase flows.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 23

2010 Arankalle, Vidya Avinash, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Senior
Scientist, Interactive Research School of Health Affairs, Bharati
Vidyapeeth University, Katraj, Pune 411 043, Mobile: 93710
16417, email: [email protected], sp. virology, molecular
biology & vaccine; hepatitis viruses; emerging–re-emerging

2005 Arora, Baldev Raj, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, Res. 36,
Janakpuri, Engineers Enclave, Phase III, GMS Road, Dehradun
248 001, Mobile: 98973 91661, email: [email protected], sp.
electromagnetic geophysics; seismotectonics; earthquake
precursors; geomagnetism.

1993 Arunachalam, Vaidheeswara, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FNA,

FNASc, FNAAS, Res. Flat 1, Rams Bridgeview Apartments, 3,
Central Avenue, Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024, Tel.
(044) 2472 4198, Mobile: 89391 39327, email: vaiarunachalam@
hotmail.com, sp. quantitative & population genetics; plant
breeding; biodiversity (participatory plant breeding).

1979 Arunachalam, Vallampadugai Srinivasaraghavan, b. 1935, Ph.D.

(Wales), D.Engg (h.c.), D.Litt. (h.c.), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, Chairman & Founder, Centre for Study of
Science, Technology & Policy, Bengaluru; Res. Flat No.
C-2502, Karle Zenith Apartments, Karle Town Centre, Kempapura,
100 Feet Main Road, Bengaluru 560 045, Tel. Off.
(080) 6690 2509, Res. (080) 4375 8936, Mobile: 98801 44649,
Fax (080) 2351 4269, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: www.cstep.in, sp. science, technology & public policy;
materials science & engineering; energy technologies; defence
technologies; information & communications technology for
human development & application of infrastructure technologies
to development. Council Service: 1983–85.

2009 Arunan, Elangannan, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Kansas State), FRSC,

FNASc, Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2828,
Res. (080) 2962 0952, Mobile: 94498 21952, Fax (080) 2360 0282,
email: [email protected]; [email protected] URL: http://ipc.iisc.
ac.in/arunan.php, sp. molecular & van der Waals spectroscopy;
chemical kinetics & dynamics; hydrogen & other inter-molecular
bonding; shock wave interactions with molecules/materials;
24 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2019 Ashraf, Mohammad Zahid, b. 1973, Ph.D. (JMI & Delhi), FNASc,
Department of Biotechnology, Shrinivasa Ramanujan Block,
Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110 025, Tel. Off.
(011) 2698 1717/3426, Res. (011) 2381 5024, Mobile: 98714 26706,
Fax (011) 2698 0229, email: [email protected], sp. high-altitude
40 medicine; cardiovascular biology; translational biology.

2022 Ateeq, Bushra, b. 1976, Ph.D. (AMU), FNASc, Department of

Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 4083,
Res. (0512) 259 8683, Mobile: 96214 21208, Fax (0512) 259 4010,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
home.iitk.ac.in/~bushra, sp. cancer biology; cancer genomics;
molecular targets & therapeutics.

1974 Athreya, Krishna Balasundaram, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Stanford),

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Departments of Mathematics &
Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-515) 294 2617; (+1-515) 294 5864, Mobile: (+1-515)
779 1878, Fax (+1-515) 294 4040, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. probability theory; stochastic processes;
mathematical statistics.

2015 Athreya, Siva Ramachandran, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Washington),

Theoretical Statistics & Mathematics Division, Indian Statistical
Institute, RV College Post, Mysore Road, Bengaluru 560 059,
Tel. Off. (080) 2698 5465, Fax (080) 2848 4265, email: athreya@
isibang.ac.in, URL: http://www.isibang.ac.in/~athreya, sp. probability

2010 Awasthi, Shally, b. 1958, MD (Lucknow), FNA, FNASc, FAMS,

Head, Department of Paediatrics, King Georges Medical
University, Lucknow 226 003, Tel. Off. 92354 44824, Res. (0522)
401 1510, Mobile: 98392 21244, email: [email protected], sp.
paediatrics pulmonology; infectious & parasitic diseases; clinical

1990 Babu, Cherukuri Raghavendra, b. 1940, D.Phil. (Calcutta),

Distinguished Professor, Ambedkar University, Delhi; Professor
Emeritus, Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded
Ecosystems, Department of Environmental Studies, University of
Delhi, Delhi 110 007, Tel. Off. (011) 2766 6237, Mobile: 98105 86709,
Fax (011) 2766 6237, email: [email protected]; crbabu26@
gmail.com, sp. biosystematics; ecology; population genetics;
biodiversity conservation.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 25

1985 Babu, Padmanabhan, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Bombay), Res. No. 706,
7th Main, 11th Cross, J.P. Nagar III Phase, Bengaluru 560 078,
Tel. (080) 2658 7933, Mobile: 98459 46753, email: pbabu0@
gmail.com, sp. genetics & biotechnology.

2004 Bachhawat, Anand Kumar, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,

FNASc, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Mohali, Knowledge City, Manauli P.O., SAS Nagar 140 306, Tel.
Off. 98882 24948, Res. (0172) 504 5081, Fax (0172) 224 0226,
email: [email protected], sp. microbial genetics; molecular
genetics; microbial biochemistry.

2010 Bag, Amulya Kumar, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Res. A-5/B, SFS
217, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110 063, Mobile: 96540 23365,
email: [email protected], sp. history of mathematics, astronomy
& technology in India.

1998 Bagchi, Bhaskar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta), Res. No. 1363,
10th Cross Road, Kengeri Satellite Town, Bengaluru 560 060,
Mobile: 96327 49948, email: [email protected], sp.
finite geometry; coding theory related to designs; combinatorial
topology; operator theory.

1991 Bagchi, Biman, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Brown), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Dean
of Science, and Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2926;
(080) 2293 2336, Res. (080) 2360 0236, Mobile: 97407 23401,
Fax (080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected], sp. physical &
biophysical chemistry; statistical mechanics of liquids; molecular
relaxation; chemical reaction dynamics in liquids & biological
50 systems; glass transition.

2007 Bajpai, Sunil, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Panjab), FNASc, Head, Department

of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–Roorkee,
Roorkee 247 667, Tel. Off. (01332) 28 5079, Fax (01332) 28 5638,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
vertebrate paleontology; paleobiogeography; biostratigraphy;
paleoecology. Council Service: 2016–18.

26 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2020 Bal, Chandra Sekhar, b. 1960, M.D. (AIIMS, New Delhi), FNASc,
FAMS, Head, Department of Nuclear Medicine, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029,
Tel. Off. (011) 2659 3530/3210, Res. 98683 97182, Mobile:
90137 75659, Fax (011) 2658 8641, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. therapeutic nuclear medicine; nuclear
neurology; positron emission tomography in oncology.

2016 Balaji, Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IISc),

FNASc, FNA, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 3223, Res. (080) 2661 5625, Mobile: 81975 09682,
email: [email protected], URL: http://mcbl.iisc.ac.in/balaji/, sp.
immunology; infectious diseases.

2007 Balaji, Vikraman, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA, FNASc,

Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1, SIPCOT IT Park, Siruseri,
Kelambakkam, Chennai 603 103, Tel. Off. (044) 3298 3441-2, Res.
(044) 2235 2556, Mobile: 98843 92556, email: [email protected],
sp. algebraic geometry; representation theory; topology.

1994 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IISc), FNAE, FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Supercomputer Education & Research Centre,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2360 0325, Res. (080) 2351 6160, Fax (080) 2293 3438,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.serc.iisc.ac.in/faculty/prof-
n-balakrishnan/, sp. numerical electromagnetics; information
security; complex networks; aerospace electronic systems.
Council Service: 1998–2006; Secretary: 1998–2003, Treasurer:

1985 Balakrishnan, Venkataraman, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Brandeis),

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology–Madras,
Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off. (044) 2257 5879, Res. (044) 2431 0387,
Mobile: 94444 42927, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. statistical physics; stochastic
processes; classical and quantum dynamics.

2009 Balaram, Hemalatha, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), Molecular Biology &

Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2812,
Mobile: 99721 77547, Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected],
sp. biochemistry; molecular enzymology; molecular parasitology.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 27
1981 Balaram, Padmanabhan, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Carnegie-Mellon), FNA,
FNASc, DST Year of Science Chair Professor, National Centre for
Biological Sciences, Bengaluru; Emeritus Professor, Molecular
Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Res. (080) 2334 0962, Mobile: 99450 43004, email: pb@
iisc.ac.in, sp. bioorganic chemistry; molecular biophysics. Council
Service: 1995–2000.

1994 Balasubramanian, Aiylam Subramania, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Kerala),

FAMS, Res. 16/7A, First New Street, Thirunagar, Vellore 632 006,
Tel. (0416) 224 6260, email: [email protected], sp. bio-
chemistry; neurochemistry; enzymology.

1981 Balasubramanian, Dorairajan, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Columbia), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, FAAAS, Fellow, German Academy of Sciences,
Chevalier de Ordre National du Merite (France), Director of
Research, Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation, LV Prasad Eye
Institute, LV Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500 034,
Tel. Off. (040) 2354 3652; (040) 6810 2501, Mobile: 98850 19922,
Fax (040) 2354 8271, email: [email protected], sp. biophysical
chemistry; bio-chemistry of eye diseases; public understanding of
science. Council Service: 2001–12, Vice-President: 2004–06,
60 President: 2007–09.

1991 Balasubramanian, Kalpattu Kuppusamy, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Madras),

FNA, Adjunct Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute
of Technology, Chennai; Res. Apt No. 204 B, Block B, Arun
Excello Ziva Active Retirement Community, No.220/2, Perumal
Eri-Village, Mahabalipuram, Chengalpattu 603 104, Tel. Off.
(044) 2257 4200, Res. (044) 4743 5098, Mobile: 94449 10297,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. synthetic
organic chemistry; molecular rearrangements; heterocyclic
chemistry; carbohydrate chemistry; organic photochemistry.

2002 Balasubramanian, Kunissery Ananthasubramanian, b. 1945,

Ph.D. (Madras), FNASc, FAMS, Res. No. 49, Guruthoppu, Phase I,
II Street, Sathuvachari, Vellore 632 009, Tel. Off. (0416) 228 2052,
Res. (0416) 225 2879, Mobile: 94872 28314, Fax (0416) 228 2486,
email: [email protected], sp. oxidative stress; gastrointestinal
mucosa; pathophysiology.

28 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1987 Balasubramanian, Ramachandran, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, FNASc, Professor Emeritus, INSA Distinguished Professor,
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani,
Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3262, Res. (044) 2259 1626,
Mobile: 98400 17480, Fax (044) 2254 1586, email: balu@
imsc.res.in, sp. analytic number theory. Council Service: 2007–09.

2012 Balasubramanian, Sundaram, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IISc), Chemistry

and Physics of Materials Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel.
Off. (080) 2208 2808, Res. (080) 2356 6297, Mobile: 94482 87708,
Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected], sp. molecular
simulations; computational chemistry; ionic liquids; supra-
molecular polymers.

1974 Bambah, Ram Prakash, b. 1925, Sc.D. (Cantab), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, Res. 1275, Sector 19B, Chandigarh 160 019, Tel.
(0172) 272 4863, Mobile: 94172 24863, email: bambahrp@
rediffmail.com, sp. number theory; discrete geometry.

2020 Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNAE,

FNASc, FIEEE, Systems and Control Engineering Group, Indian
Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.
(022) 2576 7889, Res. (022) 2572 4424, Mobile: 96198 77889, Fax
(022) 2572 3480, email: [email protected]; bijnanbandyo-
[email protected], URL: https://www.sc.iitb.ac.in/~bijnan/, sp.
electronics & telecommunication engineering; control systems;
variable structure & sliding mode control.

2013 Bandyopadhyay, Uday, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc,

FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Director, Bose Institute, Unified
Academic Campus, Block EN-80, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata
700 091, Tel. Res. (03212) 22 7933, Mobile: 94740 03048, email:
[email protected], sp. free radical biology & apopto-
sis; gastric pathophysiology, malaria & antimalarials.

2021 Banerjee, Anjan Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc, Biology

Division, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research–Pune,
Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590
8057, Res. (020) 2569 1313, Mobile: 94223 14681, email: akb@
iiserpune.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.
iiserpune.ac.in/~akb, sp. plant developmental biology; long
distance micromolecular signalling; plant molecular biology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 29

2015 Banerjee, Arindam, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IISc), FRSc, Senior Professor,
School of Biological Sciences, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1504, Res. (033) 2381 8096,
Mobile: 96744 82237, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: bcab@
iacs.res.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.iacs.
res.in/biochem/bcab/, sp. bio-organic chemistry; molecular
assembly; soft materials & hybrid nano materials.

1992 Banerjee, Dipankar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,

Honorary Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2558,
Res. (080) 2343 5893, Fax (080) 2360 6742, email: dbanerjee@
iisc.ac.in, sp. metallurgy; titanium alloys; electron microscopy.

2020 Banerjee, Dipankar, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Bangalore), Director,

Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences,
Manora Peak, Nainital 263 001, Tel. Off. (05942) 23 5136, Res.
(05942) 23 5053, Mobile: 94489 08461, Fax (05942) 23 3439,
email: [email protected], URL: https://www.iiap.res.in/people/
70 personnel/dipu/, sp. astrophysics; solar physics; plasma physics.

2021 Banerjee, Rahul, b. 1977, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), Department of

Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education &
Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 0000/
1327, Mobile: 62979 76236, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.pmatlab.com/Home, sp. structural chemistry; crystal
engineering; porous materials; gas storage; COFs.

1993 Banerjee, Ranajit Kumar, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc,

FNA, Res. “Nature’s Nest”, Flat No. 1G, 140, PGH Shah Road,
Kolkata 700 032, Tel. (033) 2413 0396, Mobile: 98303 37787,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
molecular enzymology; membrane biochemistry; cell biology.

2006 Banerjee, Soumitro, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNA, FNAE,

FTWAS, FIEEE, Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute
of Science Education and Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur
741 246, Tel. Res. (033) 2502 5380, Mobile: 94325 98503, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
www.iiserkol.ac.in/people/faculty/dps/soumitro, sp. nonlinear
dynamics; switching dynamical systems.

30 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2002 Banerjee, Sunanda, b. 1952, Ph.D. (London), FNA, Visiting

Professor, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, 2320 Chamberlin Hall, 1150 University Avenue, Madison,
WI 53706-1390, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-630) 940 6351, Mobile:
84202 00288, email: [email protected]; banerjee.sunanda@
gmail.com, sp. experimental high energy physics.

1998 Bansal, Manju, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, INSA Honorary Scientist, Molecular Biophysics
Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru; Res. 103, 1st Main
Road, AECS Layout, Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru 560 094, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2534, Mobile: 98452 37560, Fax (080) 2360 0535,
email: [email protected], URL: http://nucleix.iisc.ac.in, sp. compu-
tational structural biology; computational genome analysis;
biomolecular modelling.

2000 Bapat, Ravindra Bhalchandra, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Illinois), FNA,

INSA Senior Scientist, Indian Statistical Institute, 7, SJS Sansanwal
Marg, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 4149 3934, Res. (011)
4987 5271, Fax (011) 4149 3981, email: [email protected]; rbbapat@
rediffmail.com, sp. algebraic graph theory; generalized inverses.

2015 Bapat, Sharmila Avadhut, Ph.D. (Pune), b. 1965, FNASc, Scientist

G, National Centre for Cell Science, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007,
Tel. Off. (020) 2570 8089, Mobile: 99215 12020, email: sabapat@
nccs.res.in, URL: http://www.nccs.res.in/bapat1.html, sp. cancer
biology. Council Service: 2019–.

1991 Barma, Mustansir, b. 1950, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook), Professor

Emeritus, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 36/P,
Gopanpally, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2020 3084, Res.
(040) 6776 8504, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
tifrh.res.in/~barma/, sp. statistical physics.

2020 Barman, Anjan, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), SN Bose National

Centre for Basic Sciences, JD Block, Sector 3, Salt Lake, Kolkata
700 106, Tel. Off. (033) 2335 5706-08, Res. (033) 4044 0100,
Mobile: 90078 89881; 85830 20719, Fax (033) 2335 3477,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
https://ufnml.weebly.com, sp. experimental condensed matter
physics; magnetism & spintronics; magnonics; ultrafast & high
80 frequency spectroscopy & dynamics.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 31
1987 Barua, Asok Kumar, b. 1936, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Sc. (h.c.), Res.
12, Green Park, Narendrapur, Kolkata 700 103, Tel. (033)
2477 2033, Mobile: 98300 59351, email: [email protected],
sp. solid state materials; thin film technology; thin film solar cells.

2006 Basak, Amit, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Phil. (Oxon), FNA,

FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Chemistry and
Head, School of Bioscience, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3300, Res.
(03222) 28 3301, Mobile: 94340 13294, Fax (03222) 28 2252,
email: [email protected], sp. DNA-interacting agents;
diradical chemistry; asymmetric synthesis; enzymology; capture

2021 Basak, Soumen, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, Systems

Immunology Laboratory, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna
Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 3853,
Mobile: 97119 84483, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
nii.res.in/research/soumen-basak, sp. cell signalling; immunology;
systems biology.

1997 Basavaiah, Deevi, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, Institution of

Eminence Research Chair Professor, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4812, Mobile: 99490
93977, email: [email protected]; basavaiahdeevi@
gmail.com, URL: http://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/~db/index.html, sp.
organic chemistry: Baylis–Hillman chemistry; chiral catalysis.

1989 Baskaran, Ganapathy, b. 1948, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FTWAS,

Distinguished Visiting Research Chair, Perimeter Institute for
Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; The Institute of
Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai
600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3303, Mobile: 99402 19203,
email: [email protected], sp. theoretical physics; strongly
correlated electronic systems; quantum processes in biology.
Council Service: 2013–15.

2013 Baskaran, Sundarababu, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, G.

Aravamudan Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off. (044)
2257 4218, Res. (044) 2257 6218, Mobile: 98401 30685, Fax (044)
2257 0545, email: [email protected], URL: http://chem.iitm.ac.in/
faculty/baskaran, sp. development of new synthetic methods;
green synthesis; synthesis of biologically active natural
32 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2018 Basu, Anirban, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FNA, Scientist

VII, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar 122 052, Tel. Off.
(0124) 284 5225, email: [email protected], URL: http://
w9.nbrc.ac.in/newweb/research/groups/anirban-basu, sp. neuro-
biology; neurovirology; molecular medicine; drug repurposing.

2020 Basu, Bikramjit, b. 1973, Ph.D. (Katholieke Universiteit) FNAE,

FNASc, FAMS, FNA, Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3256,
Mobile: 94825 70341, Fax (080) 2360 7316, email: bikram@
iisc.ac.in, URL: http://bikramjitbasu.in/, sp. biomedical engineering;
engineering ceramics & coatings; solar reflector/absorber

2021 Basu, Jaydeep Kumar, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Department of

Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 3281, Res. (080) 2351 7823, Mobile: 98863 24567, Fax
(080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected], URL: https://www.
physics.iisc.ac.in/~basu/, sp. soft matter physics; biological
physics; quantum nanophotonics.

2006 Basu, Joyoti, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, FTWAS, JC

Bose National Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Bose Institute,
93/1, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700 009, Tel.
Res. (033) 2475 3293, Mobile: 98300 44776, Fax (033) 2350 6790,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular microbiology;
90 mycobacteria; host–pathogen interactions.

1996 Basu, Mukul Kumar, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FRSC, FNASc,

Res. ‘Punascha’, 19/D, Dr Rajendra Road, Kolkata 700 020, Tel.
(033) 2475 0958, email: [email protected]; mukulkbasu@
gmail.com, sp. structure functions of bio-membranes; design
& testing of targeted delivery systems; host-parasite

1992 Basu, Sandip Kumar, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, FTWAS,
Res. FD 426, Sector 3, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 106, Mobile:
98914 98821; 96749 02629, email: [email protected], sp.
biochemistry; molecular biology & microbial genetics; cell biology.
Council Service: 1995–97.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 33

2005 Batra, Janendra Kumar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc, JC
Bose National Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, School of
Chemical and Life Sciences, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110 062,
Tel. Off. (011) 2605 9688/5513, Mobile: 98714 99411, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://www.
jamiahamdard.ac.in/profile_bio_chem/Profile_J_batra.pdf, sp.
molecular biology; biochemistry & protein chemistry.

2009 Beig, Gufran-Ullah, b. 1961, Ph.D. (PRL), Scientist G and Project

Director, SAFAR, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Homi
Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 4261,
Res. (020) 2295 3145, Fax (020) 2586 5142, email: beig@
tropmet.res.in, URL: http://safar.tropmet.res.in/beig, sp. atmo-
spheric sciences; atmospheric chemistry & air pollution;
environment and chemical-climate change; air quality forecasting,
health impacts of pollution.

2014 Bera, Jitendra Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 679 7336, Res. (0512) 679 8450, Mobile: 99563 90490,
Fax (0512) 679 6806, email: [email protected], URL: http://home.
iitk.ac.in/~jbera/, sp. organometallic chemistry; small molecule
activation; catalysis.

1989 Bhaduri, Sumit, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FNA, Res. 562,

Adenwala Road, Rustom Mansion, Mumbai 400 019, Tel.
(022) 2415 0255, email: [email protected]; sbhaduri26@
hotmail.com, sp. inorganic chemistry; organometallic chemistry;

2008 Bhalla, Upinder Singh, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNA, National

Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road,
Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6130, Res. (080) 2362 4030,
Fax (080) 2363 6662, email: [email protected], sp. systems
biology; computational neuroscience; systems neurobiology.

1990 Bhandari, Narendra, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

Science and Spirituality Research Institute, Ahmedabad; Res. 2,
Nilima Flats, Nilima Park Society, Vijay Crossing, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad 380 009, Tel. Res. (079) 4897 2569, Mobile:
98240 77890, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
nbhandari.com, sp. planetary sciences; nuclear geo-physics;
exploration of moon & mars.
34 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2015 Bhandari, Nita, b. 1955, Ph.D. (JNU), Director, Centre for Health
Research and Development, Society for Applied Studies, 45, Kalu
Sarai, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 4604 3751-55, Res.
(011) 2601 3098, Mobile: 98991 44123, Fax (011) 4604 3756,
email: [email protected], sp. nutrition–infection interaction;
maternal and child health; clinical evaluation of vaccine.

2004 Bhanu Sankara Rao, Kota, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Madras), FNAE,

Associate Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam; Pratt & Whitney Chair Professor, School of Engi-
neering Sciences and Technology, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad 500 046, Mobile: 94933 30125, email: kota.bhanu@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. mechanical metallurgy;
physical metallurgy; materials development and fabrication
100 technologies; welding science & technology.

1998 Bharadwaj, Parimal Kanti, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), FNA,

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Chemsitry, Indian
Institute of Technology, Mumbai; Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7340; (0512) 259 7034, Res. (0512) 259 8324,
Fax (0512) 259 0007, email: [email protected], sp. supramolecular
chemistry; inorganic chemistry; X-ray crystallography.

2021 Bharadwaj, Somnath, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Department of

Physics, Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur
721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3806, Res. (03222) 28 3807, Mobile:
94340 40929, Fax (03222) 25 5303, email: [email protected].
ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://iitkgp.ac.in/
department/PH/faculty/ph- somnath, sp. astrophysics; cosmology.

2020 Bharatam, Venkata Rama Surya Subrahmanya Visweswara

Prasad, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), FRSC, Department of
Medicinal Chemistry, National Institute of Pharmaceutical
Education and Research, Sector 67, Mohali, SAS Nagar 160 062,
Tel. Off. (0172) 229 2018, Res. 94175 03172, Mobile: 98771 62377,
Fax (0172) 221 4692, email: [email protected]; bharatampv@
yahoo.com, URL: www.niper.gov.in/pvbharatam.pdf, sp. organic
synthesis of computationally designed compounds; theoretical
organic chemistry; pharmacoinformatics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 35

2009 Bhardwaj, Anil, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose
National Fellow, Director, Physical Research Laboratory,
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009, Tel. Off. (079) 2631 4855;
(079) 2631 4854, Res. (079) 2630 1527, Mobile: 99471 49290,
Fax (079) 2630 0374, email: [email protected]; bhardwaj_spl@
yahoo.com, URL: www.prl.res.in/~abhardwaj, sp. planetary & space
sciences; multi-wavelength; planetary observations and missions &
solar system science and exploration.
2018 Bhargava, Balram, b. 1961, MD & DM (Lucknow), FRCP
(Glasgow & Edinburgh), FNASc, FAMS, Director General, Indian
Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029,
Tel. Off. (011) 2658 8204, Res. (011) 4175 0574, Mobile:
98111 32407, Fax (011) 2658 8662, email: balrambhargava@
yahoo.com; [email protected], sp. cardiology; medtech
innovation; public health.
2010 Bhargava, Purnima, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, CSIR–
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Tarnaka,
Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2719 2603, Fax (040) 2716 0591,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
biochemistry & molecular biology; eukaryotic transcription;
epigenetics & chromatin.
2006 Bhat, Badekkila Venkatramana Rajarama, b. 1966, Ph.D.
(ISI, Bangalore), FNA, Statistics & Mathematics Unit, Indian
Statistical Institute, RV College Post, Mysore Road, Bengaluru
560 059, Tel. Off. (080) 2698 5470, Res. (080) 2698 5504, Mobile:
98442 21578, Fax (080) 2848 4265, email: [email protected],
URL: www.isibang.ac.in/~bhat/, sp. quantum probability; operator
algebras; operator theory.
2006 Bhat, Ganapati Shankar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IISc), Centre for Atmospheric
& Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Res. (080) 2950 3340, Mobile: 94498 24340, Fax
(080) 2360 0865, email: [email protected], URL: http://caos.iisc.
ac.in/person.php?type=Faculty, sp. tropical convection; atmo-
spheric boundary layer; field experiments; ocean–atmosphere
coupling; extreme weather.
1997 Bhat, Subray Venkatraman, b. 1945, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA,
NASI Senior Scientist, Department of Physics, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2727;
(080) 2360 0880, Res. (080) 2341 0312, Mobile: 98455 57534, Fax
(080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. experimental condensed matter physics; electron paramagnetic
resonance; solid state NMR; magnetism & physics of glass
36 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1984 Bhatia, Chittranjan, b. 1936, Ph.D. (IARI), FNA, FNAAS, FNASc,

FTWAS, Res. No. 17, Rohini, Plot No. 29-30, Sector 9A, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400 703, Tel. (022) 2765 5178, Mobile: 98205 02810,
email: [email protected], sp. plant genetics; plant
110 breeding; biotechnology.

1993 Bhatia, Rajendra, b. 1952, Ph.D. (ISI), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

Professor of Mathematics, Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi
Education City, Sonepat 131 029, email: rajendra.bhatia@
ashoka.edu.in; [email protected], sp. analysis; operator
theory; matrix analysis and applications. Council Service: 2013–15.

1993 Bhatia, Suresh Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Fellow,

Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering,
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland,
St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia, Tel. Off.(+61-7)
3365 4263, Res. (+61-7) 3376 6429, Mobile: (+61-4) 1268 4655,
Fax (+61-7) 3365 4199, email: [email protected], sp. transport &
reaction in nanostructured porous media; adsorption; mathematical

2011 Bhatnagar, Rakesh, b. 1951, Ph.D. (NSI, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,

Vice Chancellor, Amity University, SP-1 Kant Kalwar, NH 11C,
RIICO Industrial Area, Jaipur 303 007, Mobile: 99711 52004,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://www.bhu.ac.in/admin/vc.php, sp. vaccine development;
genetic engineering; molecular biology.

2019 Bhatnagar, Shalabh, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FNAE, JC

Bose National Fellow, Department of Computer Science and
Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2987, Fax (080) 2360 2911, email: shalabh@
iisc.ac.in, URL: www.csa.iisc.ac.in/~shalabh/, sp. stochastic
approximation algorithms; optimization & control of random
dynamical systems; learning in robotics; smart grids; wireless &
vehicular traffic networks.

2010 Bhatt, Subhashchandra Jayantilal, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Gujarat),

Department of Mathematics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh
Vidyanagar 388 120, Tel. Res. (02692) 23 7115, Mobile: 96385
99826, email: [email protected], sp. Banach & topological
algebra; operator algebras & application; harmonic analysis.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 37

1993 Bhattacharjee, Jayanta Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Maryland),
FNASc, Distinguished Emeritus Fellow, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Mobile: 98307 47103; 99191 88606, email: jayanta.
[email protected], sp. critical phenomena; turbulence;
nonlinear dynamics.

2000 Bhattacharjee, Somendra Mohan, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Carnegie

Mellon), FNA, Department of Physics, Ashoka University, Rajiv
Gandhi Education City, Sonepat 131 029, Tel. Off. (0130) 230 0799,
Mobile: 94379 66448, email: [email protected], URL: www.
iopb.res.in/~somen, sp. statistical physics; biological physics;
condensed matter physics.

2015 Bhattacharya, Alok, b. 1951, Ph.D. (JNU), FNA, Department of

Biology, Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonepat
131 029, Mobile: 98108 81439, email: alok.bhattacharya@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. molecular
parasitology; computational genomics; rare genetic disorders.

2003 Bhattacharya, Dipankar, b. 1959, Ph.D. (IISc), Inter-University

Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ganeshkhind, Pune
411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2560 4206, Res. (020) 2560 4403, Mobile:
99236 97158, Fax (020) 2560 4699, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.iucaa.in/~dipankar/, sp. high energy astro-
physics; neutron stars; cosmic explosions. Council Service: 2007–

2006 Bhattacharya, Samaresh, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Inorganic

Chemistry Section, Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University,
Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2457 2122, Mobile: 98302 03354,
Fax (033) 2414 6223, email: [email protected]; samareshb.
[email protected], sp. inorganic chemistry;
120 coordination chemistry; organometallic chemistry.

1996 Bhattacharya, Samir, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc,

Adjunct Professor, The University of Burdwan, Rajbati, Burdwan
713 104, Mobile: 92325 67066; 94331 45002, email: bhatta-
[email protected], sp. comparative endocrinology; molecular
signalling & molecular basis of disease.

38 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2000 Bhattacharya, Santanu, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Rutgers), FNA, FTWAS,

JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2664,
email: [email protected], sp. chemical biology, medicinal chemistry,
membrane biophysics, soft matter, sensors, nanoscience &

2022 Bhattacharya, Satyaki, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Bombay), Saha Institute of

Nuclear Physics, AF Block, Sector 1, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata
700 064, Tel. Off. (033) 2337 5345/3431, Res. (033) 2571 9811,
Mobile: 90074 13570, Fax (033) 2337 4637, email: bhattacharya.
[email protected], sp. machine learning in high energy physics;
high performance computing in high energy physics.

1994 Bhattacharya, Sourendra Kumar, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNASc,

Res. 22, Pankajini Chatterjee Road, Tollygunge, Kolkata 700 033,
Mobile: 90732 34602, email: [email protected], sp. isotope
geochemistry; anomalous isotopic fractionation.

2001 Bhattacharya, Sudha, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IARI), FNASc, FNA, INSA

Senior Scientist, Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi Education City,
Sonepat 131 029, Mobile: 98184 76740, email: sbjnu110@
gmail.com, sp. molecular biology; molecular parasitology; genomics;
rare genetic diseases. Council Service: 2016–18.

2017 Bhattacharyya, Aninda Jiban, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc,

FNA, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Mobile: 99002 69068, email: anindajb@
iisc.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://
sscu.iisc.ac.in/faculty/dr-aninda-j-bhattacharyya/, sp. physical
chemistry; materials chemistry; electrochemistry.

2007 Bhattacharyya, Archana, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Northwestern), FNASc,

FNA, Res. No. 303 Mohnesh 3, Sector 21, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
400 706, Tel. (022) 2772 2014, Mobile: 96195 43004, email:
[email protected], sp. ionospheric physics;
geomagnetism; space weather.

2022 Bhattacharyya, Chiranjib, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IISc), FNAE,

Department of Computer Science & Automation, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2648, Res.
(080) 2351 7564, Mobile: 99800 17564, email: [email protected],
URL: https://www.csa.iisc.ac.in/~chiru/, sp. machine learning;
robust optimisation; cyber physical systems.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 39

2015 Bhattacharyya, Gautam, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,
FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, Director, Saha Institute of
Nuclear Physics, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064, Tel. Off.
(033) 2337 5345-49/2355, Mobile: 94330 28531, Fax (033) 2337
4637, email: [email protected]; gautam.sinp@
gmail.com, URL: http://www.saha.ac.in/web/theory-personal-
page?mid=70&tab=tab1, sp. particle physics phenomenology.

1997 Bhattacharyya, Kankan, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research–Bhopal, Bhopal Bypass Road, Bhauri,
Bhopal 462 066, Tel. Off. (0755) 669 1345, Mobile: 94330 71155;
82240 51722, Fax (0755)669 2392, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. experimental physical
chemistry; femtosecond laser spectroscopy; single molecule
130 spectroscopy.

1993 Bhattacharyya, Sankar Prasad, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Visiting

Professor, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,
Kolkata; Res. 15A, DPP Road, Naktala, Kolkata 700 047,
Tel. (033) 2381 8095, Mobile: 90512 85012, email: pcspb123@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. quantum chemistry.

2017 Bhattacharyya, Suvendra Nath, b. 1975, Ph.D. (Jadavpur),

FNASc, FNA, Senior Principal Scientist, Molecular Genetics
Division, CSIR–Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja SC
Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2499 5783,
Res. (033) 2427 9515, Mobile: 98316 33460, Fax (033) 2473 5197,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://
www.iicb.res.in/faculty/suvendra-bhattacharyya/, sp. biochemi-
stry; molecular cell biology; RNA biology.

2016 Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (ISI), FNA, FNASc,

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2710, Res. (080) 2360 0273, Mobile:
94482 79673, Fax (080) 2360 0146, email: [email protected],
URL: http://math.iisc.ac.in/~tirtha, sp. operator theory on Hilbert
spaces; analysis of several complex variables.

1998 Bhatwadekar, Shrikant Mahadeo, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

Visiting Professor, Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana, 56/14,
Erandwane, Damale Path, Off Law College Road, Pune 411 004,
Tel. Res. (020) 2542 8723, email: [email protected], sp.
commutative algebra; algebraic geometry.

40 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1986 Bhawalkar, Dilip Devidas, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Southampton), FNA,

FNASc, Director, Quantalase Enterprises Pvt. Ltd, 78B Industrial
Area, Rau (Extension), Indore 453 331, Tel. Off. (0731) 232 2707,
Res. (0731) 232 0031, Mobile: 93032 37573; 97849 65662,
email: [email protected], sp. lasers & laser instrumen-

1996 Bhisey, Rajani Avinash, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Res. 7, Yug
Prabhat Co-operative Housing Society, Sitaladevi Temple Road,
Mahim, Mumbai 400 016, Tel. (022) 2446 7356, Mobile: 98334 21249,
email: [email protected], sp. environmental carcinogenesis;
molecular epidemiology of cancer; occupational hazards in bidi

2000 Bhosle, Ushadevi Narendra, b. 1949, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc, FNA,

Res. Flat No. 256, Jal Vayu Towers, NGEF Layout, Benniganahalli,
Bengaluru 560 038, Mobile: 88616 96296; 99306 41136,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. algebraic

2018 Bhowmik, Santanu Kumar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Jadavpur),

Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of
Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222)
28 3390, Res. (03222) 28 3391, Mobile: 94340 41791, Fax
(03222) 28 2268, email: [email protected]; santanukbhowmik@
gmail.com, sp. metamorphic petrology; accessory mineral
petrology; tectonics.

2022 Biju, Akkattu Thankappan, b. 1977, Ph.D. (Kerala), Associate

Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2646, Res.
(080) 2950 9225, Mobile: 83906 89225, Fax (080) 2360 0529,
email: [email protected], URL: http://atbiju.in/, sp. synthetic organic
chemistry; catalysis; aryne chemistry.

2010 Biswas, Gautam, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), FNASc, FNAE,

FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0521) 259 7656, Mobile:
88110 86524, Fax (0521) 259 7408, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~gtm/, sp.
enhancement of heat transfer; computational fluid dynamics;
boiling; drops and bubbles; turbulence & microfluidics. Council
140 Service: 2019–.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 41
2003 Biswas, Indranil, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, School of
Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi
Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2220,
Res. (022) 2280 4832, Fax (022) 2280 4610-11, email: indranil@
math.tifr.res.in, sp. algebraic geometry; differential geometry;
deformation quantization.

2022 Biswas, Kanishka, b. 1982, Ph.D. (IISc), FRSC, New Chemistry

Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2678, Mobile:
99020 63469; 62910 14877, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://old.jncasr.ac.in/kanishka/,
sp. solid state chemistry; thermoelectrics.

2009 Borges, Renee Maria, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Miami), FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 2972; (080)
2293 3103, Res. (080) 2341 7366, Fax (080) 2360 1428, email:
[email protected], sp. evolutionary biology & behavioural
ecology; plant–animal & insect–fungus interactions; chemical
ecology; sensory biology; multimodal signalling; animal-built
structures and bioengineering. Council Service: 2019–; Secretary:

1993 Borkar, Vivek Shripad, b. 1954, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, FIEEE, FTWAS, FAMS, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 9405, Res. (022) 2576 4054,
Fax (022) 2572 3707, email: [email protected], sp. stochastic
control theory; applied probability.

2006 Bose, Arup, b. 1959, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose
National Fellow, Statistics & Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical
Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033)
2575 3409, Res. (033) 2429 8922, Mobile: 98304 96250, email:
[email protected], URL: www.isical.ac.in/~abose, sp. probability;
statistics; economics.

2000 Bose, Indrani, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, NASI Honorary

Scientist, Department of Physics, Bose Institute, 93/1, APC
Road, Kolkata 700 009, Tel. Off. (033) 2303 1184, Res. (033)
2352 3723, Mobile: 98306 06901, Fax (033) 2350 6790, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. theoretical
condensed matter physics; statistical physics; biological physics &
systems biology.

42 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1990 Bose, Sujit Kumar, b. 1938, D.Sc. (Calcutta), Res. BE-188, Salt
Lake City, Kolkata 700 064, Mobile: 94338 79408; 79805 77636,
email: [email protected], sp. applied mathematics; solid
mechanics; fluid mechanics & sediment transport; scientific

2022 Bose, Sukanta, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), Inter-University Centre

for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune
411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2560 4500, Mobile: 98198 63224,
Fax (020) 2560 4699, email: [email protected], URL: https://
www.gw.iucaa.in/sukanta-bose/, sp. gravitational wave astro-
nomy; relativistic astrophysics; classical & quantum gravity;

1991 Brahmachari, Samir Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

FNAE, FTWAS, CSIR–Institute of Genomics and Integrative
Biology, New Delhi; Res. B101, Karle Zenith Residences, 100ft
Kempapura Road, Nagavara, Bengaluru 560 045, Mobile:
98104 43272, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://samirbrah-machari.rnabiology.org/, sp. functional
genomics; genome informatics; systems biology; affordable
healthcare; and open source innovation.

2005 Budhani, Ramesh Chandra, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNASc,

FNA, Department of Physics & Centre of Laser and Photonics, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off.
(0512) 259 7185; (0512) 259 7955, Fax (0512) 259 0914, email:
[email protected], sp. renewable energy; nanoscale systems;
experimental condensed matter physics; superconductivity &
150 magnetism.

1993 Chaddah, Praveen, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc, Res.

Block 24, Flat 702, Heritage City, M G Road, Gurugram 122 002,
Tel. (0124) 428 0243, Mobile: 96301 28811, email: chaddah.praveen@
gmail.com, sp. superconductivity; low temperature physics;
phase transitions.
1997 Chakrabarti, Bikas Kanta, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,
Visiting Professor of Economics, Indian Statistical Institute,
Kolkata; Emeritus Professor, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics,
1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700 064, Tel Res. (033) 2370
9377, Mobile: 93395 11916, Fax (033) 2337 4637, email:
[email protected], URL: www.saha.ac.in/cmp/bikask.
chakrabarti/bikas.html, sp. statistical physics of fracture; quantum
spin glasses & quantum annealing; applications to social sciences:
econophysics & sociophysics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 43

2000 Chakrabarti, Partha Pratim, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur),
FNA, FNAE, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302,
Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3466, Res. (03222) 28 3467, Mobile:
94340 13691, Fax (03222) 27 7190; (03222) 28 2000, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. artificial
intelligence; computer aided design for VLSI & embedded
systems; cognitive science.

1998 Chakrabarti, Pinakpani, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Bose
Institute, P-1/12, CIT Scheme, VII M, Kolkata 700 054, Tel. Off.
(033) 2569 3253, Mobile: 98307 51009, Fax (033) 2355 3886, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://www.
jcbose.ac.in/faculty-details/pinakpani-chakrabarti, sp. X-ray
crystallography; structural biochemistry; bioinformatics.

2015 Chakrabarti, Soumen, b. 1969, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), FNAE, FNA,

JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7901, Fax (022) 2572 0022,
email: [email protected], URL: https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/
~soumen/, sp. text search; NLP; knowledge graphs, social

2014 Chakraborti, Asit Kumar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (IACS, Kolkata), FNA,

Raja Ramanna Fellow, IACS Emeritus Fellow, School of Chemical
Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Raja
SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033)
2473 4971/1406, Mobile: 94177 70515, email:asitkumarchakraborti@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. synthetic organic chemistry;
medicinal chemistry; green chemistry.

2010 Chakraborti, Pradip Kumar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Visva-Bharati),

FNASc, FNA, Department of Biotechnology, School of Chemical
and Life Sciences, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi
110 062, Tel. Off. (011) 2605 9668/5583, Mobile: 98158 63975,
Fax (011) 2605 9666, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biochemistry & molecular
biology; molecular microbiology; prokaryotic signal transduction.

44 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2018 Chakraborty, Partha Sarathi, b. 1973, Ph.D. (ISI), FNASc, Indian
Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off.
(033) 2575 3470, Mobile: 98402 95463, email: parthacsarathi@
yahoo.co.in, sp. operator algebras; noncommutative geometry;
quantum groups.

2016 Chakraborty, Subhra, b. 1964, Ph.D. (JNU), FNASc, FNAAS,

FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Director, National Institute of
Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 5186, (011) 2673 5169, Res. (011)
2613 9428, Mobile: 99719 23777, Fax (011) 2674 1658,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://www.nipgr.res.in/research/dr_schakraborty.php, sp. nutritional
genomics; plant immunity; plant proteomics; molecular biology &

2016 Chakraborty, Suman, b. 1973, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNAE, FNA,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off.
(03222) 28 2990, Res. (03222) 28 2991, Mobile: 98314 02939,
Fax (03222)28 2278, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/department/ME/faculty/me-suman, sp.
thermal & fluid science; micro & nanoscale transport; interfacial
160 phenomena & phase change; technologies for healthcare.

2015 Chakraborty, Tapas, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Senior

Professor, School of Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for
the Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur,
Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1470, Res. 89022 98116,
Mobile: 98314 90265, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.html?id=67,
sp. molecular spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; gas-phase &
atmospheric chemistry.

2003 Chakraborty, Tushar Kanti, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,

FNASc, Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2215, Fax
(080) 2360 0529, email: [email protected]; tusharkantichakraborty@
gmail.com, sp. peptides & peptidomimetics; organic

1995 Chakravarty, Akhil Ranjan, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,

FTWAS, Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080)
2293 2533, Res. (080) 2351 5407, Mobile: 94482 75407, Fax (080)
2360 1552, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://ipc.iisc.ernet.in/arc.html, sp. bioinorganic chemistry;
coordination chemistry; metal-based anticancer agents.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 45
2021 Chakravortty, Dipshikha Santosh Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D.
(NCCS), FNA, FNASc, Department of Microbiology & Cell
Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2842, Res. (080) 2360 6657, Mobile: 99027 89453, Fax
(080) 2360 2697, email: [email protected], URL: https://mcbl.iisc.ac.in/
dclab/index.html, sp. microbiology; infectious disease;

1975 Chakravorty, Animesh, b. 1935, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Sc. (h.c.),

FNA, FTWAS, Res. Flat 8/3, 6, Sunny Park, Ballygunge, Kolkata
700 019, Mobile: 94338 01715; 96744 08868, email: animeshc31@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. inorganic chemistry. Council
Service: 1986–91.

1981 Chakravorty, Dipankar, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Penn. State), D.Sc. (h.c.),

FNA, FTWAS, INSA Emeritus Scientist, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1580, Res. (033) 2476 1351,
Mobile: 98300 61734, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: mlsdc@
iacs.res.in; [email protected], sp. materials science;
nanomaterials. Council Service: 1992–97.

2020 Chandak, Giriraj Ratan, b. 1963, MD (BHU), Ph.D. (Osmania),

FAMS, FNASc, FNA, CSIR–Centre for Cellular & Molecular
Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off. (040)
2719 2748, Mobile: 98490 84365, Fax (040) 2716 0591, email:
[email protected], URL: https://www.ccmb.res.in/
Research/Research-Groups/G-R-Chandak, sp. genomics &
epigenomics of complex diseases; developmental programming of
metabolic syndrome; molecular diagnosis of monogenic and
complex disorders.

1993 Chander, Ramesh, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Columbia), Res. 290,

Sector 4, Mansa Devi Complex, Panchkula 134 114, Mobile:
98150 64872, email: [email protected], sp. seismology;

1992 Chandola-Saklani, Asha, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Banaras), Department

of Community Medicine, Himalayan Institute of Medical
Sciences, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Jolly Grant,
Dehradun 248 016, Mobile: 99588 85335, email: ashachandola@
srhu.edu.in; [email protected], sp. endocrinology;
clinical data management; ornithology; epidemiology; conservation
biology; data science; science education.

46 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2005 Chandra, Amalendu, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur,
Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7241, Res. (0512) 259 8446,
Mobile: 94150 45276, Fax (0512) 259 6806, email: [email protected],
URL: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~amalen, sp. statistical mechanics of
liquids & interfaces; classical & quantum simulations; molecular
170 modelling.

1979 Chandra, Hombegowda Sharat, b. 1938, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Centre for Human Genetics, Biotech
Park, Electronic City, Phase I, Bengaluru 560 100, Tel. Off.
(080) 2852 1831; (080) 2852 3596, Res. (080) 2663 9353, Fax
(080) 2852 1832, email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
genetics & evolution. Council Service: 1986–91, 1998–2000;
Secretary: 1986–91; Vice-President: 1998–2000.

2018 Chandra, Nagasuma, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Bristol), Department of

Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2892, Res. (080) 2349 2996, Mobile: 98457 83140,
email: [email protected], URL: https://biochem.iisc.ac.in/
nagasuma-chandra.php, sp. systems biology; bioinformatics;
protein structure analysis; genomic medicine. Council Service:

2022 Chandra, Poonam, b. 1975, Ph.D. (IISc), National Centre for Radio
Astronomy, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune
411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2571 9290, Mobile: 95277 30800, email:
[email protected], URL: http://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/~poonam/,
sp. Astrophysics.

1993 Chandrakumar, Narayanan, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,

MRI-MRS Centre and Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology–Madras, Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off. (044) 2257 4920,
Res. (044) 2679 1073, Mobile: 89391 88543, Fax (044) 2257 4202,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
magnetic resonance imaging; MR spectroscopy; dynamic
nuclear polarization; instrumentation; spin physics.

2021 Chandrasekar, Rajadurai, b. 1973, Ph.D. (Max Planck Inst.),

School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4824, Res. (040) 2313 6136, Mobile:
98481 55581, email: [email protected], URL: https://
www.rajaduraichandrasekar.com, sp. organic nanophotonics,
mechanophotonics, single-particle microscopy & spectroscopy,
materials chemistry & physics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 47

1989 Chandrasekaran, Srinivasan, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA,
FTWAS, Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2404, Res.
(080) 4165 1209, Mobile: 98860 88344, email: [email protected];
[email protected] sp. synthetic organic chemistry;
natural products; organometallic chemistry. Council Service:
2004–12, Secretary: 2004–09, Treasurer: 2010–12.

1992 Chandrasekhar, Jayaraman, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IIT, Madras), FNA,

Gilead Sciences, 199 E Blaine Street, Seattle, WA 98102, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-206) 454 7105, Res. (+1-425) 298 0560, email:
[email protected], sp. computational chemistry;
theoretical organic chemistry; drug discovery.

2011 Chandrasekhar, Srivari, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Osmania), FNASc,

FNA, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, New
Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2651 0068; (011) 2651 1439,
Mobile: 98480 35908, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. natural product synthesis; green chemistry; combinatorial
chemistry; drug discovery.

2003 Chandrasekhar, Vadapalli, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Centre Director & Distinguished Professor, Tata Institute
of Fundamental Research, 36/P, Gopanpally, Hyderabad 500 046,
Tel. Off. (040) 2020 3100-01, Mobile: 94151 32221, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. inorganic chemistry;
organometallic chemistry; inorganic rings & polymers; main-
group chemistry, molecular materials. Council Service: 2010–12.

2000 Chandrashekar, Tavarekere Kalliah, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Res. Kalpa 6, Axis Tatvam Villas, Near Art of
Living, Village Kagalipura, OB Choodahalli Cross, 184,
Kanakapura Main Road, Bengaluru 560 082, Tel. (080) 4951 5905,
Mobile: 98188 44936, email: [email protected], sp. bioinorganic
chemistry; synthetic inorganic chemistry; catalysis. Council
180 Service: 2013–15.

1996 Chandru, Vijay, b. 1953, Ph.D. (MIT), Adjunct Professor, Indian

Institute of Science, Bengaluru; Distinguished Adjunct Professor,
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani; Res. Ragini, 591,
3rd Main Road, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru 560 080, Tel. (080)
2361 5038, Mobile: 98452 02820, email: [email protected],
URL: http://vijaychandru.in, sp. computational mathematics;
computational biology; intelligent health systems.

48 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2008 Chandy, Mammen, b. 1949, MD (Madras), FRCP, Director,

Tata Medical Center, 14, Major Arterial Road (E-W), New
Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata 700 160, Tel. Off. (033) 6605 7582,
Mobile: 96744 67726, email: [email protected],
sp. hematology; bone marrow transplantation; molecular
genetics of blood diseases.

2001 Chattaraj, Pratim Kumar, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IIT, Mumbai),

FNA, FNASc, FRSC, FTWAS, JC Bose National Fellow,
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology,
Mumbai; Institute Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302,
Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3304, Res. (03222) 28 3305, Fax (03222)
25 5303, email: [email protected]; pratim.chattaraj@
gmail.com, URL: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/department/CY/faculty/cy-
pkc, sp. density functional theory; nonlinear dynamics; chemical
reactivity; aromaticity in metal clusters; noble gas compounds;
fluxionality; machine learning; hydrogen storage.

2014 Chattarji, Sumantra, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins), National

Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road,
Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6525, Res. (080) 2366 6474,
Mobile: 99800 33744, Fax (080) 2363 6675, email: [email protected],
URL: www.ncbs.res.in/shona, sp. neurobiology; biophysics;

2017 Chatterjee, Mitali, b. 1960, MD (Calcutta), Ph.D. (Jadavpur),

FRCP (London), FNASc, FAMS, FNA, FTWAS, Department of
Pharmacology, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education &
Research, 244 B, Acharya JC Bose Road, Kolkata 700 020,
Tel. Off. (033) 2204 1428, Res. (033) 2454 4567, Mobile:
98300 31523, Fax (033) 2223 4135, email: [email protected], sp.
immunopharmacology; leishmania biology; redox imbalance and
immune dysregulation.

1994 Chatterji, Dipankar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), D.Sc (h.c.), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru; Honorary
Professor, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2836; (080) 2360 0137,
Res. (080) 2539 2055, Mobile: 98454 04962, Fax (080) 2360 0535,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular biology; biophysical
chemistry; biomolecular spectroscopy. Council Service: 2007–18;
Secretary: 2010–12; President: 2013–15.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 49
2000 Chattopadhyay, Amitabha, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook),
FNA, FNASc, FRSC, FTWAS, CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, CSIR–
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad
500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2719 2578; (040) 2716 0059, Mobile:
98498 03092, Fax (040) 2716 0591, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://e-portal.ccmb.res.in/e-
space/amit/Pages/Index.htm, sp. membrane/receptor biophysics &
biology; molecular & cellular neurobiology; fluorescence
spectroscopy & microscopy.

2016 Chattopadhyay, Arun, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Columbia), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Guwahati, Guwahati
781 039, Tel. Off. (0361) 258 2304, Res. (0361) 258 4304, Mobile:
99540 06897, Fax (0361) 258 2349, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.iitg.ac.in/arun/, sp. physical chemistry; nanoscience;
nanotechnology. Council Service: 2022–.

2013 Chattopadhyay, Debasis, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc,

FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Staff Scientist VII, National
Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New
Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 5189, Res. (011) 2673 5148,
Mobile: 98682 40645, Fax (011) 2674 1658, email: debasis@
nipgr.ac.in, URL: www.nipgr.res.in/research/dr_dchattopadhyay.
php, sp. abiotic stress of plant; plant genomics.

2004 Chattopadhyay, Dhrubajyoti, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc,

Vice Chancellor, Sister Nivedita University, Newtown, Kolkata
700 156, Tel. Res. 98316 06793, Mobile: 98310 83791, email: vc@
snuniv.ac.in; [email protected], sp. transcription; molecular
virology; oxidative stress response; metagenomics, enzyme
190 biotechnology.

2008 Chattopadhyay, Joydev, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Agricultural

& Ecological Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203,
B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033) 2575 3231, Res.
(033) 2553 9920, Mobile: 98305 46490, Fax (033) 2577 3049,
email: [email protected], sp. mathematical modelling on ecology;
epidemiology & eco-epidemiology.

1995 Chattopadhyay, Kamanio, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, SERB Distinguished Fellow, Department of
Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2262; (080) 2293 3522, email:
[email protected], sp. physical metallurgy; materials science &

50 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Chattopadhyay, Nitin, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc,

Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032,
Tel. Off. (033) 2457 2776, Mobile: 94339 48648, Fax (033) 2414 6584,
email: [email protected]; nitink.chattopadhyay@
jadavpuruniversity.in, URL: http://sites.google.com/site/pcnitin/, sp.
photophysics & photochemistry; time-resolved spectroscopy;
biophysical chemistry; surface chemistry; fluorosensing.
2011 Chattopadhyay, Samit, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FNA,
FTWAS, JC Bose National Fellow, Chair Professor, Department
of Biological Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology and Science,
KK Birla Goa Campus, Zuarinagar, Sancoale 403 726, Tel. Off.
(0832) 258 0856, Res. (0832) 258 0709, Mobile: 98234 09155,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/goa/samitc/profile, sp. chromatin
remodeling, epigenetics & transcription regulation; cancer biology;
immunology and disease biology.
2009 Chattopadhyay, Sudip, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Bose Institute, Calcutta),
FNA, FNASc, Department of Biotechnology, National Institute
of Technology, Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur 713 209,
Tel. Off. 94347 88029, Mobile: 96792 66581, Fax (0343) 254 7375,
email: [email protected]; [email protected].
ac.in, sp. developmental biology; signal transduction.
1998 Chaturvedi, Subhash, b. 1950, D.Phil. (Waikato), FNASc,
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Bhopal, Bhopal Bypass Road, Bhauri, Bhopal 462 066,
Mobile: 99596 13709, email: [email protected], sp. mathematical
physics; quantum optics; quantum information & computation.
1986 Chaturvedi, Umesh Chandra, b. 1939, MD (Lucknow), FRC Path.
(London), FNA, FNASc, FAMS, FAAM, Res. 201, Annapurna Apart-
ments, No. 1, Bishop Rocky Street, Faizabad Road, Lucknow
226 007, Tel. (0522) 402 6202, Mobile: 94509 13506, email:
[email protected], sp. medical microbiology; virology;

1992 Chaudhari, Raghunath Vitthal, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNAE, Deane E Ackers Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Center
for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis, Chemical & Petroleum
Engineering Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
66047-1803, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-785) 864 1634, Res. (+1-785)
218 0036, email: [email protected], sp. homogeneous & hetero-
geneous catalysis; biomass conversion to fuels & chemicals; multi-
phase reactors & chemical reaction engineering; kinetics &

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 51

2008 Chaudhuri, Arabinda, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Rutgers), Raja Ramanna
Fellow, Department of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute
of Science Education and Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246,
Tel. Off. (033) 2502 8000/1339, Res. (033) 2358 3300,
Mobile: 94770 06857, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. designing receptor-selective
lipid-based nanoparticles for targeted drug and gene delivery.

1988 Chaudhuri, Mihir Kanti, b. 1947, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), Dr. rer. nat.
(FRG), FNA, Education Adviser, Government of Assam, Assam
Sachivalaya, Dispur, Guwahati 781 006, Tel. Off. (0361) 223 7241,
Mobile: 99544 49454, email: [email protected]; chaudhurimihirk@
gmail.com, sp. inorganic chemistry; synthesis, structure &
reactivity; newer reagents, methodologies & green chemical
technology. Council Service: 2019–2021; Vice-President: 2019–
200 2021.

2003 Chaudhuri, Probal, b. 1963, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), FNA, FNASc,

Theoretical Statistics & Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical
Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033)
2575 3414; (033) 2575 3400, Res. (033) 2558 0105, Mobile:
98317 89429, Fax (033) 2577 3071, email: [email protected], URL:
www.isical.ac.in/~probal, sp. robust & nonparametric
statistics; statistical computing; statistical methods in pattern
recognition & image processing; modelling & analysis of genomic

2005 Chaudhuri, Subhasis, b. 1963, Ph.D. (UC, San Diego), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, FIEEE, Director, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7001,
Res. (022) 2576 8000, Fax (022) 2572 3707, email: [email protected].
ac.in, URL: www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~sc, sp. computer vision; image
processing; machine learning; computational haptics.

1997 Chauhan, Virander Singh, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Delhi), D.Phil. (Oxford),

FNA, FNASc, Arturo Falaschi Emeritus Scientist, International
Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, Post Box No.
10504, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011)
2674 2317; (011) 2674 1358/61, Res. (011) 2669 3040, Fax
(011) 2674 2316, email: [email protected], sp.
peptide synthesis & structure; malaria immunology; malaria drug
development; self-assembly nanostructures in biomolecular
delivery; biomarker discovery particularly in tuberculosis.
52 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2011 Chengalur, Jayaram Narayanan, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Cornell),

FNASc, FNA, Distinguished Professor, National Centre for Radio
Astrophysics, Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune
411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2571 9248, Res. (020) 2571 9348, Fax
(020) 2569 7257, email: [email protected], sp. radio-
astronomy; galaxy evolution.

2012 Chhabra, Rajendra Prasad, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Monash), FNAE,

FNASc, FNA, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Ropar, Nangal Road, Rupnagar 140 001,
Tel. Off. (01881) 24 2212, Mobile: 98397 41317, email: chhabra@
iitk.ac.in, sp. transport phenomena; rheology; non-Newtonian

1974 Chidambaram, Rajagopala, b. 1936, Ph.D. and D.Sc. (IISc),

D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, DAE Homi Bhabha Professor,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, Tel.
Off. (022) 2550 5305, Res. (022) 2556 1315, Fax (022) 2550 5132,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. high pressure
physics; neutron crystallography; materials science; nuclear
technology. Council Service: 1989–97, Vice-President: 1992–97.

2009 Chitnis, Chetan Eknath, b. 1961, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), FNA,

Head, Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Unit, Institut
Pasteur, 28 Rue du Dr Roux, Paris 75015, France, Tel. Off. (+33-1)
4438 9428, Mobile: (+33-7) 8785 6133, Fax (+33-1) 4438 9428,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular parasitology;
vaccine development; malaria; molecular & cell biology.

2015 Chockalingam, Ananthanarayanan, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, Department of Electrical Communication
Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel.
Off. (080) 2293 3156, Res. (080) 2351 6637, Mobile: 89714 74971,
Fax (080) 2360 0563, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.ece.iisc.ernet.in/~achockal, sp. wireless communications;
wireless networking.

2005 Chokshi, Atul Harish, b. 1958, Ph.D. (USC, Los Angeles), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 1480;
(080) 2293 2684, Res. (080) 2848 2409, Fax (080) 2360 0472,
email: [email protected], sp. high temperature deformation &
failure; ceramics; nanomaterials.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 53
1992 Choudary, Boyapati Manoranjan, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA,
Res. Plot No. 154, New MLA and MPs’ Colony, Road No. 10C,
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 033, Mobile: 91009 91400, email:
[email protected], sp. homogeneous & heterogeneous
210 catalysis; flow reactions; nanotechnology & nanomedicine.

1993 Choudhary, Vasant Ramchandra, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc,

FNA, Res. Vasantasha Bungalow, 1-Green Park, Off. D.P. Road,
Aundh, Pune 411 007, Mobile: 92251 06141; 92844 72286,
email: [email protected], sp. heterogeneous catalysis; zeolites:
adsorption/catalysis; natural gas & lower alkane conversion/utilization;
green chemistry/processes.

2010 Choudhury, Debajyoti, b. 1964, Ph.D. (PRL) FNA, FNASc,

Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi
110 007, Tel. Off. (011) 2766 7061, Res. (011) 2726 1536, Mobile:
92132 11830, email: [email protected], sp. high
energy physics; cosmology.

2021 Chowdhary, Anuradha, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Radboud), FAMS, FRC

Path., (London), Department of Medical Mycology, VP Chest
Institute, Delhi 110 007, Tel. Off. (011) 2766 7560, Res. (011)
2730 8906; (011) 2730 2323, Mobile: 98103 00258, Fax (011)
2766 6549, email: [email protected]; chowdhary.anuradha@
gmail.com, sp. medical microbiology; medical mycology; fungal

2004 Chowdhury, Debashish, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc,

FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Physics, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off.
(0512) 259 7039, Res. (0512) 259 8465, Fax (0512) 259 0914,
email: [email protected], URL: https://sites.google.com/site/
debchphy/, sp. statistical physics; condensed matter physics;
biological physics.

2015 Chowdhury, Shantanu, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IICT, Hyderabad),

FNASc, Principal Scientist, CSIR–Institute of Genomics and
Integrative Biology, Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi
110 025, Tel. Off. (011) 2987 9487, Mobile: 98109 53135, Fax
(011) 2987 9111, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
igib.res.in/?q=ShantanuChowdhury, sp. structural & molecular
biology; genomics.
54 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1983 Cowsik, Ramanath, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Foreign Assoc., US Natl. Acad. Sci., Director Emeritus,
McDonnell Center for Space Sciences, James S. McDonnell
Professor of Space Sciences & Department of Physics,
Washington University in St. Louis, Campus Box 1105, One
Brookings Drive, St Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA, Tel. Off.
(+1-314) 935 4493, Res. (+1-314) 727 5959, Fax (+1-314)
935 6219, email: [email protected], URL: http://physics.
wustl.edu/people/cowsik_ramanath, sp. astrophysics; elementary
particle; cosmology; gravitation.

2007 Dabholkar, Atish Shripad, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Princeton), Senior

Research Scientist, International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
11, Strada Costiera, 34151 Trieste, Italy, Tel. Off. (+39-040)
224 0285, email: [email protected], sp. quantum gravity; superstring
theory; black holes.

2016 Damle, Kedar Suresh, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Yale), Department of

Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi
Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off.(022)
2278 2213; (022) 2278 2244, Fax (022) 2280 4610; (022) 2278 2777,
email: [email protected], URL: http://theory.tifr.res.in/~kedar,
sp. condensed matter theory.

1986 Dani, Shrikrishna Gopalrao, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Distinguished Professor, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence
in Basic Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus,
Santacruz, Mumbai 400 098, Mobile: 97572 82263, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. ergodic theory;
dynamics; measures on Lie groups; history of mathematics.
Council Service: 1998–2000.

2011 Das, Amita, b. 1965, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), Department of Physics,

Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi
110 016, Mobile: 98795 65174, email: [email protected], sp. plasma
physics; turbulence; electron magnetohydrodynamics; laser
220 plasma interaction; strongly coupled & dusty plasma systems.

2010 Das, Amitava, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, Department of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute
of Science Education and Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246,
Tel. Off. (033) 6136 1355, Mobile: 82752 25356; 94280 51283,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. mole-
cular recognition; nanostructured material; drug delivery; supra-
molecular chemistry & assembly; photoinduced processes.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 55

2001 Das, Bhudev Chandra, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, FAMS,
FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Chairman & HG Khorana Chair
Professor, Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine & Stem Cell
Research, and Dean, Health & Allied Sciences, Amity University,
Sector 125, Noida 201 313, Tel. Off. (0120) 458 6855, Mobile:
98105 66870; 98105 37835, Fax (0120) 439 2114, email: bcdas48@
hotmail.com; [email protected], sp. molecular oncology; molecular
virology; human genetics & stem cell biology.

2018 Das, Gobardhan, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IMTECH), FNASc, Special

Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 4559; (011) 2673 8824,
Res. (0124) 424 2351, Mobile: 99711 06287, Fax (011) 2674 1781,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
immunology; infectious diseases; cell biology.

2003 Das, Pijush Kanti, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, INSA
Senior Scientist, CSIR–Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4,
Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off.
(033) 2473 3491, Res. (033) 4003 6221, Mobile: 98304 01233;
98313 41358, Fax (033) 2473 5197, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biochemistry; cell biology; molecular

2017 Das, Prasanta Kumar, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Osmania), Senior Professor,

School of Biological Sciences, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1505, Res. (033) 2425 9997,
Mobile: 94331 78776, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.
html?id=46, sp. bio-organic chemistry; supramolecular self-
assemblies in enzymology and gelation; soft-nanocomposite in
cellular transportation.

2008 Das, Puspendu Kumar, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Columbia), Department

of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2662, Res. (080) 2360 2223,
Mobile: 94802 58065, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. physical chemistry; laser spectroscopy & dynamics;
nonlinear optics.

56 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Das, Samar Kumar, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), School of

Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel.
Off. (040) 2301 1007, Res. (040) 2301 0536, Mobile: 99594 25259,
Fax (040) 2301 2460, email: [email protected]; samar439@
gmail.com, sp. coordination chemistry; polyoxometalate based
cluster chemistry; inorganic supramolecular chemistry; dithiolene-
based materials; metal organic framework & zeolite-based
materials; electrocatalytic water oxidation.

2009 Das, Saumitra, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, Director, National Institute of Biomedical
Genomics, Netaji Subhas Sanatorium Post, Kalyani 741 251,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. molecular virology;
molecular biology; cell biology.

2005 Das, Shankar Prasad, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose National Fellow, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 8768,
Res. (011) 4039 1050, Mobile: 98996 74943, Fax (011) 2674 2580,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://www.
jnu.ac.in/Faculty/shankar, sp. statistical physics; stochastic
dynamics; non-equilibrium systems.

1998 Das, Sumit Ranjan, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Chicago), Department of

Physics & Astronomy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
40506, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-859) 257 4686, Fax (+1-859) 323 2846,
email: [email protected], sp. string theory; quantum field theory;
quantum aspects of black holes & holography; non-equilibrium;
230 statistical mechanics.

2005 Das, Suresh, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Newcastle), FNA, Emeritus

Professor, School of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research–Thiruvananthapuram, Maruthamala PO,
Vithura, Thiruvananthapuram 695 551, Tel. Off. (0471) 277 8206,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
photochemistry; photoresponsive materials; liquid crystals;
photosensitizing dyes; luminescent materials & photoinduced
electron transfer.

1998 Das Gupta, Chanchal Kumar, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,

FNASc, Res. EE-72/2, Salt Lake, Sector 2, Kolkata 700 091,
Mobile: 90078 89857, email: [email protected], sp.
genetic recombination; protein folding.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 57

2022 Das Sarma, Jayasri, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc,
Department of Biology, Indian Institute of Science Education &
Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 0000/
1202, Res. (033) 6136 0000/1802, Mobile: 97486 42423, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:
https://www.iiserkol.ac.in/~dassarmaj/index.html, sp. neurovirology
with special emphasis to Murine B-corona virus; neuroimmunology;
neuro cell biology of diseases.

1982 Dasannacharya, Balebail Anantha, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, Res. No. 4, Beach Resort CHS, Sector 10-A, Plot 1, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel. (022) 2766 3957, Mobile: 98690 24550,
email: [email protected], sp. neutron & X-ray spectro-
metry; condensed matter physics.

2018 Das Gupta, Maitrayee, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Bose Inst.), FNASc, FNA,
JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University
of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata 700 019,
Tel. Off. (033) 2461 4714, Res. (033) 2484 3966, Mobile:
98307 76131, Fax (033) 2461 4849, email: maitrayee_d@
hotmail.com, sp. symbiotic nitrogen fixation; plant receptor
1992 Dasgupta, Chandan, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3278, Res. (080) 2334 5417,
Mobile: 97413 32417, Fax (080) 2360 2602, email: cdgupta@
iisc.ac.in, URL: www.physics.iisc.ernet.in/~cdgupta/, sp.
theoretical condensed matter physics; statistical physics.

2010 Dasgupta, Indranil, b. 1958, Ph.D. (JNU), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, Department of Plant Molecular Biology,
University of Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi
110 021, Tel. Off. (011) 2411 1639, Res. (011) 4277 8520, Mobile:
99103 34110, Fax (011) 2411 1208, email: [email protected],
sp. molecular plant–virus interactions; transgenic viral resistance
in plants; virus-induced gene silencing in cereals.

2015 Dasgupta, Pallab, b. 1967, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), FNAE,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off.
(03222) 28 3470, Res. (03222) 28 3471, Mobile: 94340 16141,
Fax (03222) 27 7190, email: [email protected], URL: http://
cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~pallab, sp. formal methods; electronic design
automation; artificial intelligence.
58 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1997 Dasgupta, Somnath, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, INSA Senior Scientist, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata;
Res. Westwind, Block 4, Flat 3B, 78, Raja SC Mullick Road,
Kolkata 700 084, Mobile: 98311 67145, email: somnathdasg@
gmail.com, sp. metamorphic petrology; geochemistry;
precambrian geology.

2018 Dasgupta, Swagata, b. 1962, Ph.D. (RPI, USA), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur
721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3306, Res. (03222) 28 3923, Mobile:
94340 20640, Fax (03222) 25 5303, email: swagata@chem.
iitkgp.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/
department/CY/faculty/cy-swagata, sp. biophysical chemistry;
protein-protein interactions; protein-small molecule inter
240 actions. Council Service: 2022–.

1992 Dash, Anadi Charan, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Utkal), Res. 14(P)/369,

Gajapati Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751 005, Tel. (0674) 356 5503,
Mobile: 94377 77730, email: [email protected]; acdash41@
gmail.com, sp. physical inorganic chemistry.

2015 Dash, Debabrata, b. 1958, MD & Ph.D. (Banaras), DSc (Utkal and
Banaras), FNA, FAMS, FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow,
Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542)
670 3243, Res. (0542) 236 9300, Mobile: 93369 10665; 96709 57414,
email: [email protected], sp. thrombus biology; platelet
biochemistry & signal transduction; translational nanomedicine
(biomedical applications of nanotechnology).

2022 Dash, Jyotirmayee, b. 1976, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), School of

Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032,
Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1405, Res. 96353 50592, Mobile: 89102
18626, Fax (033) 2334 8092, email: [email protected]; dasj06@
gmail.com, URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.html?id=98, sp.
chemical biology; supramolecular chemistry.

2018 Dastidar, Parthasarathi, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), School of

Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032,
Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971, Mobile: 90077 92794, Fax (033) 2473 2805,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.html?id=41, sp. crystal engineering;
supramolecular gels; coordination polymers; drug delivery.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 59

1975 Dastidar, Pranab Rebatiranjan, b. 1933, Ph.D. (Manchester), Res.
F-3, Rajkunj Co-operative Housing Society, Wadhavli, Chembur,
Mumbai 400 074, Tel. (022) 2553 4498, email: pranabd2002@
yahoo.co.in, sp. electronics; controls; nuclear power.

1996 Datta, Alok Kumar, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, Res. Calcutta
Greens, HIG-A (4/7/28), 1050/2 Survey Park, Kolkata 700 075,
Tel. (033) 2416 2995, Mobile: 98360 12725, email: alokdatta61@
gmail.com, sp. nucleic acid enzymology; protein chemistry;
parasitology; recombinant DNA technology.

1992 Datta, Asis, b. 1944, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Calcutta), D.S. (h.c.), FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, Distinguished Scientist, National Institute of
Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box 10531,
JNU Campus, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2750;
(011) 2673 5119, Res. (0124) 420 5590, Mobile: 98108 55666, Fax
(011) 2674 1759; (011) 2674 1658, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biochemistry; molecular biology;
genetic engineering.

2009 Datta, Basudeb, b. 1957, Ph.D. (ISI), FNASc, Department of

Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel.
Off. (080) 2293 3211, Res. (080) 2360 3118, Mobile: 87623 12767,
Fax (080) 2360 0146, email: [email protected]; bdatta17@
gmail.com, URL: http://math.iisc.ac.in/~dattab/, sp. geometric
topology; algebraic topology; combinatorics.

1997 Datta, Kasturi, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

DBT Distinguished Biotechnology Professor, School of
Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 4327, Res. (0124) 420 5590, Mobile:
98103 26590, Fax (011) 2674 1502, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. biochemistry; molecular & cell biology;
rDNA technology & human genome function.

2017 Datta, Swapan Kumar, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,

FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS, Distinguished Biotechnology Research
Professor, University of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road,
Kolkata 700 019, Mobile: 87686 44777, email: swpndatta@
yahoo.com; [email protected], sp. plant biotechnology;
250 genetic engineering; crop improvement.

60 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1992 Dattagupta, Sushanta, b. 1947, Ph.D. (St. Johns Univ./

Brookhaven Natl. Lab), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, INSA Senior
Scientist, Bose Institute, Kolkata; Res. Uniworld City, "Heights" 6,
No. 002, New Town, Kolkata 700 160, Mobile: 94330 13858,
email: [email protected], sp. condensed matter physics;
non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Council Service: 2001–09;
Vice-President: 2004–09.
2019 David, Justin Raj, b. 1969, Ph.D. (TIFR), Centre for High Energy
Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 3146, Res. (080) 2351 1826, Mobile: 97400 91236,
email: [email protected], URL: http://chep.iisc.ac.in/Personnel/
justin.html, sp. string theory; quantum field theory; holography.
2022 Daya Sagar, Behara Seshadri, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Andhra), Systems
Science & Informatics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, RV College
Post, Mysore Road, Bengaluru 560 059, Tel. Off. (080) 2698 5540,
Mobile: 98808 93291, email: [email protected]; bsdsagar@
yahoo.co.uk, URL: https://www.isibang.ac.in/~bsdsagar, sp.
mathematical earth science; remote sensing; geographical
information science.

2022 De, Aditi Sen, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Gdansk), Harish-Chandra Research

Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Prayagraj 211 019, Tel. Off.
(0532) 227 4410, Res. (0532) 227 4177, Mobile: 97936 37732,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.hri.res.in/~aditi/, sp.
quantum Information & computation; condensed matter physics;
quantum optics.
1984 Deb, Bidyendu Mohan, b. 1942, D.Phil. (Oxon), FNA, FTWAS,
Res. 48/29 Swiss Park, Ground Floor, Kolkata 700 033,
Mobile: 98307 99629, email: [email protected], sp. theoretical
chemistry; chemical physics; Indian culture and civilization.
Council Service: 1995–2000.
2006 Deb, Kalyanmoy, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Alabama), FIEEE, FNA, FNAE,
Koenig Endowed Chair Professor, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48864,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-517) 930 0846, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/deb.htm, sp. optimization & design;
genetic algorithms; multi-objective optimization.
1980 Deekshatulu, Bulusu Lakshmana, b. 1936, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,
FNASc, FIEEE (USA), FTWAS, Distinguished Fellow IDRBT,
Hyderabad; Res. 10-3-123/3, East Maredpally, Secunderabad
500 026, Tel. (040) 2773 2423, Mobile: 99084 99081, email:
[email protected], sp. control systems; digital image
processing; pattern recognition; remote sensing; machine learning.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 61
1976 Deo, Madhav Gajanan, b. 1932, M.D., Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNA,
FNASc, FAMS, President, Moving Academy of Medicine and
Biomedicine, Pune; Res. C-13, Kubera Gulshan Apartments, D.P.
Road, Aundh, Pune 411 007, Tel. Res. (020) 2589 3128, Mobile:
99224 03266, email: [email protected], sp. pathology;
oncology; medical education.

2019 Deshmukh, Mandar Madhukar, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Cornell),

Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road,
Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2829, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
email: [email protected], URL: www.tifr.res.in/~deshmukh, sp.
2D materials; topological condensed matter; mesoscopic electron
transport; nanomechanics.

1974 Deshpande, Suresh Madhusudhan, b. 1942, Ph.D. (IISc), FNAE,

Consultant, Engineering Mechanics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. Res. (080) 2341 2029, Mobile: 94484 71243, email: smd@
jncasr.ac.in; [email protected], sp. aerospace engineering;
aerodynamics; computational fluid dynamics; meshfree methods;
separation aerodynamics by meshfree methods; data assimilation;
kinetic methods; high performance computing; adjoint based
optimization; direct numerical simulation (DNS); cloud flows;
260 rarefied gas dynamics; monte carlo methods.

1993 Desiraju, Gautam Radhakrishna, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Illinois), Solid

State Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, email: [email protected].

2006 Dev, Bhupendra Nath, b. 1953, Ph.D. (SUNY, Albany), FNASc,

Centre for Quantum Engineering, Research and Education, TCG
Centres for Research and Education in Science and Technology,
1st Floor, Tower 1, Bengal Eco Intelligent Park (Techna Building),
Block EM, Plot No 3, Sector 5, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091, Tel.
Off. (033) 7125 3719, Mobile: 94338 47131, email: bhupen.dev@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. surfaces, interfaces and
thin films, nanoscale physics, X-ray physics, ion-solid interactions,
quantum structures, quantum science and technology.

62 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2008 Dey, Gautam Kumar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNAE, FNA, Res.
C-704 Cielo, Lodha Splendora, Bhyanderpara, Ghorbunder
Road, Thane 400 615, Tel. (022) 4970 9364, Mobile: 99201 97258,
email: [email protected], sp. phase transformations in
metals & alloys; electron microscopy; metallic glasses &
nanocrystalline materials.

2012 Dey, Subhasish, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), FNA, FNAE,

FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Civil
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur
721 302, Tel. Off.(03222) 28 3418, Res. (03222) 28 3419, Mobile:
94347 13850; 94759 27882, Fax (03222) 28 2254, email: sdey@
iitkgp.ac.in, URL: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/department/CE/faculty/
ce-sdey, sp. fluid mechanics; hydrodynamics; turbulence;
sediment transport.

2012 Dhar, Abhishek, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Bombay), International Centre for

Theoretical Sciences, Shivakote, Hesaraghatta Post, Bengaluru
560 089, Tel. Res. (080) 2308 9117, Mobile: 91641 83540, Fax
(080) 4653 6270, email: [email protected], sp. non-
equilibrium statistical physics; condensed matter physics.

1990 Dhar, Deepak, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008,
Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8455, Mobile: 75069 46612, email:
[email protected], sp. statistical physics; stochastic
processes. Council Service: 2016–18.

2016 Dhar, Suman Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (JNU), FNASc, FNA, Special
Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2572,
Res. (011) 2674 2476, Mobile: 98100 18272, Fax (011) 2674 1781,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://www.jnu/ac.in/Faculty/sdhar/cv.pdf, sp. DNA replication;
cell cycle control; molecular parasitology; bacteriology.

1993 Dharmalingam, Kuppamuthu, b. 1949, Ph.D. (MKU), FNASc,

Director-Research, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, 1,
Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tel. Off. (0452) 435 6550, Res.
(0452) 245 9636, Mobile: 94431 48447, Fax (0452) 253 0984,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular genetics; genetic
engineering; proteomics of eye diseases; biotechnology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 63

2009 Dhavale, Dilip Dattatray, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc,
Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, Savitribai
Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007, Mobile: 94225 21594,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. synthesis of natural products; carbohydrate chemistry; peptide
chemistry; photochemistry; reaction mechanism; medicinal

2002 Dhurandhar, Sanjeev Vishnu, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2560 4123, Fax (020)
2560 4699, email: [email protected], sp. gravitational waves;
270 general relativity; theoretical astrophysics.

2013 Dighe, Amol, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNA, Department of

Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2423,
Res. (022) 2280 4699, Mobile: 99673 96593, Fax (022) 2278 2777,
email: [email protected], URL: http://theory.tifr.res.in/~amol/,
sp. particle physics phenomenology, astroparticle physics.

2010 Dighe, Rajan Ramakant, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, INSA Senior Scientist, Department of
Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3261, Res.
(080) 4372 0849, Mobile: 99019 03513, Fax (080) 2360 0999,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. molecular
endocrinology; reproductive biology; biochemistry.

2000 Dikshit, Madhu, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Kanpur), FNASc, FNA, FAMS, JC

Bose National Fellow, CSIR–Central Drug Research Institute,
Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow 226 031,
Mobile: 94151 11766, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. cardiovascular pharmacology;
molecular pharmacology; redox biology; neutrophils & nitric
oxide synthase. Council Service: 2016–18.

1999 Dileep Kumar, Maripi, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Andhra), FNA, FNASc,

Res. No. 500/22/F2, Sagar Ratna Housing Society, Filomena
Housing Colony, Alto-Santa Cruz, Bambolim 403 202, Mobile:
94044 34053, email: [email protected], sp. control of seawater
composition; biogeochemical cycles; global change & chemical

64 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2015 Dube, Anuradha, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Kanpur), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

JC Bose National Fellow, INSA Emeritus Scientist, Division of
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, CSIR–Central Drug
Research Institute, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur
Road, Lucknow 226 031, Tel. Off. (0522)277 1940, Mobile:
94509 31332, Fax (0522) 277 1941, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. parasite (leishmania); immunobio-
logy; drug/vaccine development; model development.

2012 Durga Prasad, Mallampalli, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Calcutta), School of

Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046,
Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4855, Res. (040) 2756 4164, Mobile: 94411 38784,
Fax (040) 2301 2460, email: [email protected], sp. theoretical
chemistry; molecular vibrations.

2021 Dutta, Amit, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Department of Physics,

Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7471, Mobile: 98389 72830, Fax (0512)
259 0914, email: [email protected], URL: https://sites.google.com/
site/amitduttaphysics/, sp. theoretical condensed matter physics;
nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; quantum information &

2012 Dutta, Pradip, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Columbia), FNAE, FNASc, FNA,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3225, Res.
(080) 2699 3249, Mobile: 98450 10520, Fax (080) 2360 4536,
email: [email protected], sp. heat transfer; energy studies.

1988 Dutta Roy, Suhash Chandra, b. 1937, D.Phil. (Calcutta),

FNA, FNAE, FNASc, Res. 164, Hauz Khas Apartments (SFS),
New Delhi 110 016, Tel. (011) 2696 3054, Mobile: 98714 70136,
email: [email protected], sp. signal processing; network
theory; electronic circuits.

1986 Easwaran, Kalpathy Ramaier Katchap, b. 1939, Ph.D. (IISc),

FNA, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Res. (080) 4094 3455, Mobile: 99866 22397,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. structural biology; membrane biophysics; molecular
280 biophysics.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 65
1990 Gadagkar, Raghavendra, b. 1953, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, International Member, US Natl. Acad. Sci., DST Year of
Science Chair Professor, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080)
2360 1429; (080) 2293 2340, Res. (080) 2308 9677, Fax (080)
2360 1428, email: [email protected], URL: http://ces.iisc.ac.in/hpg/
ragh, sp. animal behaviour; ecology; evolution. Council Service:
1995–2003; Secretary: 1995–2000.

1979 Gadgil, Madhav Dhananjaya, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Harvard), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, International Member, US Natl. Acad. Sci., Res.
A-18, Spring Flowers, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune 411 008,
Tel. (020) 2589 3424, Mobile: 98811 53413, email: madhav.gadgil@
gmail.com, sp. ecology; environmental management & traditional
knowledge systems; ecological history. Council Service: 1983–
85; Secretary: 1983–85.

1985 Gadgil, Sulochana, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Harvard), FNA, Res. A-18,

Spring Flowers, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune 411 008,
Tel. (020) 2589 3424, Mobile: 96577 13261, email: sulugadgil@
gmail.com, sp. meteorology; oceanography; evolutionary biology.

1991 Gadre, Shridhar Ramchandra, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,

Department of Scientific Computing, Modeling & Simulation and
Department of Chemistry, Savitribai Phule Pune University,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2569 3699, Res.
(020) 2421 4664, Mobile: 99606 24664, email: gadre@unipune.
ac.in; [email protected], sp. quantum chemistry; computer

2018 Gahalaut, Vineet Kumar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Roorkee), Chief

Scientist, CSIR–National Geophysical Research Institute, Uppal
Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2701 2517, Mobile:
98495 98161, email: [email protected], sp. seismology;
tectonic geodesy; geodynamics.

2010 Galande, Sanjeev, b. 1967, Ph.D. (IISc), Dean, School of Natural

Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Tehsil Dadri, Gautam Buddha
Nagar 201 214, Tel. Off. (0120) 717 0100, Mobile: 99233 63737,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://www.sglabepigenetics.com, sp. epigenetics; chromatin
biology; gene regulation; genomics & proteomics.

66 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1990 Gandhi, Kandukuri Sivananda, b. 1942, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley),

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2320, Fax (080) 2360 8121,
email: [email protected], URL: http://chemeng.iisc.ac.in/gandhi/,
sp. batteries and fuel cells; multiphase fluid systems; polymer
reaction engineering.

1993 Ganesh, Krishnarajanagar Nagappa, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Delhi &

Cambridge), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Director, Indian Institute of
Science Education and Research–Tirupati, Sri Rama College
(Transit Campus), Karkambadi Road, Mangalam Post, Tirupati
517 507, Tel. Off. (0877) 250 0210, Mobile: 97663 30320, Fax
(0877) 250 0450, email: [email protected], sp. bio-organic
chemistry; biomolecular spectroscopy; chemistry & biology of
nucleic acids; peptides & lipids. Council Service: 2013–18; Vice-
President: 2016–18; Editor of Publications: January–March 2016.

2016 Ganesh, Subramaniam, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc,

Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off.
(0512) 259 4040, Res. (0512) 259 8590, Fax (0512) 259 4010,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: home.iitk.ac.in/
~sganesh/, sp. human molecular genetics; neurobiology of
disease; stress biology.

1992 Ganeshaiah, Kotiganahalli Narayanagowda, b. 1953, Ph.D.

(UAS, Bangalore), FNA, FNAAS, Res. No. 7, Pungavee Santhosh
Vihar, 19th Cross, Jakkur Road, Bengaluru 560 092, Tel.
(080) 4127 5765, Mobile: 93421 60639, email: knganeshaiah@
gmail.com, sp. plant evolutionary biology; plant genetics &
breeding; foraging ecology of ants; biodiversity & conservation;
290 bio-resource databases.

2019 Gangadhar, Bangalore Nanjundaiah, b. 1955, MD (Bangalore),

D.Sc. (SVYASA), FAMS, Director, National Institute of Mental
Health and Neurosciences, Hosur Road, Bengaluru 560 029, Tel.
Off. (080) 2699 5001, Res. (080) 2699 5053, Mobile: 94480 62040,
Fax (080) 2656 4830, email:[email protected], URL: http://
www.nimhans.ac.in/director, sp. psychiatry; schizophrenia; yoga
therapy; electroconvulsive therapy.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 67

1996 Gangal, Sharad Vishwanath, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,
Director, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Kasturba Hospital,
Mumbai; Res. Lakshmi Niwas, opp. Santoshi Mata Temple,
(B-Cabin), Sane Guruji Path, Naupada, Thane 400 602, Tel.
(022) 2537 6961, Mobile: 93249 24307; 99300 46871, email:
[email protected], sp. allergy; immunology; bio-

1990 Gangal, Sudha Gajanan, b. 1934, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

Research Advisor, BSDT Ayurveda Research Center, Pune; Res.
4, Mahavishnu Apartments, Dahanukar Colony A, Kothrud, Pune
411 029, Tel. (020) 2538 4382, Mobile: 99216 37998, email:
[email protected], sp. cancer & basic immunology; cell
biology; genetic diseases. Council Service: 1995–97.

2010 Ganguli, Ashok Kumar, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Institute Chair
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Deputy Director, Indian
Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016,
Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1511; (011) 2659 6452, Res. (011) 2659 1654,
Mobile: 98104 64112, email: [email protected]; ashok-
[email protected], URL:http://web.iitd.ac.in/~ashokganguli/,
sp. microemulsions; nanostructured materials & devices; photo &
electro catalysis; complex metal oxides; superconducting

1992 Ganguli, Som Nath, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Bombay), Res. Flat No. 6,
Aspiration Apartments, 32, Francois Martin Street, Kuruchikuppam,
Puducherry 605 012, Tel. (0413) 234 4643, email: som_ganguli@
yahoo.co.in, sp. high energy particle physics.

1994 Ganguly, Chaitanyamoy, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNAE,

FNASc, Distinguished Professor, Department of Nuclear Science &
Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar;
Res. Caladia, 703, The Botanika, Kondapur, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
500 032, Mobile: 80082 22016, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. uranium, plutonium & thorium fuels
and nuclear fuel cycle; energy & environment; advanced ceramics
and powder metallurgy; additive & other advanced manufactur-
ing technology for metals and alloys.

68 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1995 Ganguly, Nirmal Kumar, b. 1941, MD (PGI, Chandigarh), D.Sc.

(h.c.), FAMS, FNA, FNASc, FRC Path., (London), FTWAS, Visiting
Professor of Eminence, Translational Health Science and Technology
Institute, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Faridabad–
Gurugram Expressway, PO Box No. 04, Faridabad 121 001,
Tel. Off. (011) 4656 4590, Res. (0172) 268 7172, Mobile:
98115 04314, email: [email protected]; gangulynk41@yahoo.
co.in, sp. microbiology; immunology; biotechnology; public

2014 Garg, Naveen, b. 1971, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), Department of

Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Techno-
logy–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off.
(011) 2659 1296, Res. (011) 2659 6941, Mobile: 97114 05176,
Fax (011) 2658 1060, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www/cse.iitd.ac.in/~naveen, sp. approximation algorithms;
combinatorial optimization; graph theory & algorithms.

2021 Garg, Pramod Kumar, b. 1963, DM (AIIMS), FNA, FNASc, FAMS,

Executive Director, Translational Health Science & Technology
Institute, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Faridabad–
Gurugram Expressway, Faridabad 121 001, Tel. Off.
(0129) 287 6400, Mobile: 98100 38116, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. pancreatology; gastroenterology;
internal medicine.

1985 Gaur, Vinod Kumar, b. 1936, Ph.D. (London), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Res. 101, Windsor Court, 17, Millers Road, Bengaluru
500 046, Mobile: 94490 67410, email: [email protected],
sp. geophysical inversion; earth system sciences. Council Service:
300 1992–97; Editor of Publications: 1995–97.

2003 Gavai, Rajiv Vasantrao, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Raja

Ramanna Fellow, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of
Science Education and Research–Bhopal, Bhopal Bypass Road,
Bhauri, Bhopal 462 066, Tel. Off. (0755) 269 1523; (0755)
269 2582, email: [email protected]; [email protected]; URL: http://
theory.tifr.res.in/~gavai, sp. high energy physics; quantum field
theory; lattice field theories; quark-gluon plasma; relativistic
heavy ion collisions & early universe.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 69

2019 George, Subi Jacob, b. 1977, Ph.D. (CUSAT), Associate
Professor, New Chemistry Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2964, Res. (080) 2369 0615, Mobile:
99167 29572, Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: www.jncasr.ac.in/george, sp. supra-
molecular chemistry; organic materials.

2008 George Thomas, Kakkudiyil, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Kerala), FNA,

School of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Thiruvananthapuram, Maruthamala PO, Vithura,
Thiruvananthapuram 695 551, Tel. Off. (0471) 277 8040, Res.
(0471) 254 2245, Mobile: 98473 56057, email: [email protected], sp.
photochemistry and photophysics; plasmonic and semiconductor
nanomaterials; chiroptical properties.

1976 Gharda, Keki Hormusji, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Michigan), Chairman and

Managing Director, Gharda Chemicals Limited, Gharda House,
5th Floor (next to ELCO Shopping Centre), 48, Hill Road,
Bandra West, Mumbai 400 050, Tel. Off. (022) 6626 5638, Fax
(022) 6626 5699, email: [email protected], sp. process design
of organic chemical plants; high performance pigments &

2014 Ghate, Eknath, b. 1969, Ph.D. (UC, Los Angeles), School of

Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi
Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2663, Res.
(022) 2280 4562, Mobile: 98201 94361, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
email: [email protected], URL: www.math.tifr.res.in/~eghate,
sp. number theory; automorphic forms; Galois representations;
arithmetic geometry.

2019 Ghorai, Manas Kumar, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc,

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur,
Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7518, Res.(0512) 259 8802,
Mobile: 94151 25895, Fax (0512) 259 6806, email: mkghorai@
iitk.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://home.iitk.ac.in/
~mkghorai/, sp. synthetic organic chemistry.

2000 Ghosh, Amit, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Sc.(h.c.) FNA, FNASc,

NASI Honorary Scientist, National Institute of Cholera & Enteric
Diseases, JICA Building, P-33, CIT Road, Scheme XM,
Beliaghata, Kolkata 700 010, Tel. Res. (033) 4603 3573, Mobile:
94336 92858; 70448 08282, email: [email protected], sp.
molecular biology of V. cholerae.

70 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1998 Ghosh, Amitabha, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, INSA Honorary Scientist, & Honorary
Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute of Engineering
Science & Technology, Shibpur, P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah
711 103, Tel. Off. (033) 2668 0521/441, Res. (033) 2668 2424,
Fax (033) 2668 2916, email: [email protected]; amitabhaiitk@
gmail.com, sp. manufacturing science; machine dynamics &
mechanisms; robotics; classical mechanics.

2018 Ghosh, Anish, b. 1979, Ph.D. (Brandeis), School of Mathematics,

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha
Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2282, Mobile:
95584 69829, Fax (022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected],
URL: http://sites.google.com/site/anishghoshtifr/, sp. ergodic
theory; lie groups; number theory.

2015 Ghosh, Arindam, b. 1969, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Department

of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3288, Res. (080) 6568 4779, Mobile:
98800 64200, Fax (080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected],
URL: www.physics.iisc.ernet.in/~arindam/, sp. experimental
310 condensed matter physics; semiconductor physics; nanodevice.

2017 Ghosh, Ashutosh, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Department of

Chemistry, University College of Science, University of Calcutta,
92, APC Road, Kolkata 700 009, Tel. Off. (033) 2241 3288, Res.
(033) 2359 9298, Mobile: 94333 44484, Fax (033) 2241 3222,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. co-
ordination chemistry; crystal structure, magnetic properties and
catalysis; analytical chemistry.

2009 Ghosh, Aswini, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, JC Bose National

Fellow, School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1314, Res. (033) 2425 8642,
Mobile: 90073 57514, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.
html?id=71, sp. condensed matter & materials physics; glasses,
polymers & nanomaterials; structure, broadband dielectric
spectroscopy; relaxation dynamics of charge carriers & scaling.

2010 Ghosh, Balaram, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose National Fellow, Distinguished Professor (AcSIR), CSIR–
Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology, Mall Road, Delhi
110 007, Tel. Off. (011) 2766 2580, Res. (011) 2786 0108, Mobile:
98713 86414, Fax (011) 2766 4771, email: [email protected], sp.
immunology; genomics; gene regulation.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 71

2013 Ghosh, Hirendra Nath, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, FNA,
JC Bose National Fellow, Institute of Nano Science and Techno-
logy, Knowledge City, Sector 81, Mohali, SAS Nagar 140 306,
Tel. Res. 99300 42720, Mobile: 99201 65111, Fax (0172) 221 1074,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. radiation
& photochemistry; quantum dot & nanomaterials; 2D materials;
plasmonic materials; ultrafast spectroscopy in condensed
phase; terahertz spectroscopy; ultrafast spectroscopy at
cryogenic temperature.

2000 Ghosh, Mrinal Kanti, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Department

of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3210, Mobile: 98802 67371, Fax
(080) 2360 0146, email: [email protected], sp. stochastic
control; stochastic differential games; stochastic finance.

2022 Ghosh, Nirmalya, b. 1974, Ph.D. (RR-CAT), Department of Physical

Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research–
Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 0000/1257,
Mobile: 97346 78247, Fax (033) 2502 8002, email: nghosh@
iiserkol.ac.in, URL: https://www/iiserkol.ac.in/~nghosh/, sp.
optical physics; photonics; spin optics; plasmonics; nano-

2016 Ghosh, Pradyut, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), School of Chemical

Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Raja
SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033)
2473 4971/1351, Res. 98753 88914, Mobile: 94331 38075,
Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.html'%20id=48, sp. molecular
recognition; chemical sensing; interlocked molecular systems;
molecular self-assembly; catalysis.

2010 Ghosh, Pushpito Kumar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Princeton), Distingui-

shed Professor, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai; Res.
A-604, Punit Park, Plot No. 182/C, Sector 17, Nerul, Navi
Mumbai 400 706, Tel. (022) 2770 1153, Mobile: 98203 63115,
email: [email protected], sp. membrane processes
for energy saving; water purification; study of pollutants in
phosphate fertilizers; sustainability research; R&D innovations.

72 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1998 Ghosh, Subir Kumar, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Bombay), Department of

Computer Science, School of Mathematical Sciences, Rama-
krishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math, Howrah
711 202, Tel. Off. (033) 2654 9999, Mobile: 98690 43223, Fax
(033) 2654 4640, email: [email protected], URL: http://
cs.rkmvu.ac.in/~sghosh/, sp. computational geometry &
applications; design and analysis of algorithms; robot motion
planning; geometric graph theory; discrete applied

1998 Ghosh, Subrata, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, INSA Senior

Scientist, School of Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for
the Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur,
Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1402, Mobile:
98304 50170, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. cycloaddition reactions; total synthesis
320 of natural products.

2022 Ghosh, Suhrit, b. 1976, Ph.D. (IISc), School of Applied &

Interdisciplinary Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032,
Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1563, Res. (033) 4603 4125, Mobile:
99034 56859, email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://www.sggroupiacs.com/, sp. polymer chemistry; supra-
molecular chemistry; organic materials.

2017 Ghosh, Sundargopal, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai
600 036, Tel. Off. (044) 2257 4230, Res. (044) 2257 6230, Mobile:
98844 32944, Fax (044) 2257 4202, email: [email protected],
URL: http://chem.iitm.ac.in/profghosh/index.html, sp. main group
chemistry; organometallic chemistry.

1991 Ghosh, Swapan Kumar, b. 1949, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), FNASc,

FTWAS, Distinguished Professor & Dean, Academic Affairs,
UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences,
University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus, Santacruz, Mumbai
400 098, Tel. Res. (022) 2754 9108, Mobile: 92229 89108, email:
[email protected], URL: sp. theoretical chemistry;
computational materials science; soft condensed matter

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 73

2006 Ghosh, Swarna Kanti, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, Res. No.
1, Lovedale Apartments, Minoo Desai Marg, Colaba, Mumbai
400 005, Tel. (022) 2088 0135, Mobile: 98672 04645; 95455 14645,
email: [email protected], sp. infrared astronomy; interstellar
medium; astronomical instrumentation.

1992 Godbole, Rohini Madhusudan, b. 1952, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony

Brook), D.Litt. (SNDTWU), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, JC Bose
National Fellow, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2845;
(080) 2360 7798, Res. (080) 2360 8357, Mobile: 94481 18357,
Fax (080) 2360 0683, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. elementary particle physics; field theory; phenomenology.
Council Service: 2019–; Vice-President: 2022–.

1994 Godwal, Budhiram Kulanand, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

Research Scientist, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Res.
28, Creekview Co-operative Housing Society, Plot No. 33-34,
Sector 9A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel. (022) 2780 1211,
email: [email protected], sp. high pressure physics; electron
states; dense plasma physics; planetary science.

2021 Goel, Atul, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Lucknow), CSIR–Central Drug

Research Institute, Sector 10, Janakipuram Extension, Sitapur
Road, Lucknow 226 031, Tel. Off. (0522) 277 2483, Res. (0522)
351 1424, Mobile: 99353 77134, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://www.cdri.res.in/1537.aspx?id=
1537, sp. bio-organic & medicinal science; biomedical science;
drug discovery; diagnostics; molecular medicine & imaging.

1992 Goel, Prem Shanker, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Bangalore), FNAE, FNASc,

FNA, FTWAS, Honorary Distinguished Professor, ISRO, Bengaluru;
Honorary Visiting Professor, National Institute of Advanced
Studies, IISc Campus, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2217 2150;
(080) 2218 5072, Mobile: 73826 18774, email: dr.psgoel@
gmail.com, sp. satellite control systems; space technology; earth

2007 Gokhale, Rajesh Sudhir, b. 1967, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, Staff
Scientist VII, National Institute of Immunology, Arun Asaf Ali
Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 3545, Fax
(011) 2674 2125, email: [email protected], sp. chemical biology;
Mycobacterium tuberculosis; immunometabolism; skin biology;

74 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2009 Gopakumar, Rajesh, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Director, International Centre for Theoretical
Sciences, Shivakote, Hesaraghatta Post, Bengaluru 560 089,
Tel. Off. (080) 4653 6020, Res. (080) 2369 1708, Mobile:
87624 68582, email: [email protected]; gopakumr@
gmail.com, sp. theoretical physics; primarily quantum field theory;
330 string theory.

2013 Gopal, Balasubramanian, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA,

Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3219, Res. (080) 2360 2838, Mobile:
98804 50577, Fax (080) 2360 0535, email: [email protected], URL:
http://mbu.iisc.ac.in/~bggrp/, sp. structural biology; synthetic
biology; molecular microbiology.

1993 Gopal Krishna, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc, INSA

Senior Scientist, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic
Sciences, Mumbai; Res. 18, Cozy Retreat, Road No. 3, Sindh
Society, Aundh, Pune 411 007, Mobile: 98504 15719, email:
[email protected], sp. astronomy; active galaxies; observa-
tional cosmology.

1988 Gopalakrishnan, Jagannatha, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FNASc, Professor Emeritus, Solid State & Structural Chemistry
Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2537, Res. (080) 2334 5163, Mobile: 94495 45185,
email: [email protected], sp. solid state chemistry; synthesis &
structure; chemistry of oxide materials.

2013 Gopalakrishnan, Srinivasan, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Purdue), FNAE,

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3019, Res. (080) 2360 4551,
Fax (080) 2360 0134, Mobile: 99805 42142, email: krishnan@
iisc.ac.in, URL: http://aero.iisc.ac.in/people/s-gopalakrishnan/, sp.
wave propagation; structural health monitoring; computational

1983 Gopalan, Kunchithapadam, b. 1938, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, Res.

38765 Adcock Drive, Fremont, California 94536, USA, Tel.
(+1-510) 386 4484; (+1-510) 792 4558, email: gopalank1@
rediffmail.com; [email protected], sp. geo- & cosmo-
chronology; isotope geology; mass spectrometry.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 75

2011 Gopidas, Karical Raman, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), CSIR Emeritus
Scientist, Chemical Sciences & Technology Division, CSIR–National
Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology,
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019, Tel. Off. (0471) 251 5390, Mobile:
94465 20537, Fax (0471) 249 1712, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. photochemistry; photoinduced electron
transfer; supramolecular chemistry.

2011 Gopinath, Chinnakonda Subramanian, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IIT,

Madras), Outstanding Scientist, Catalysis and Inorganic
Chemistry Division and Centre of Excellence on Surface Science,
CSIR–National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off.
(020) 2590 2043, Mobile: 70285 57277, Fax (020) 2590 2633,
email: [email protected], URL: http://academic.ncl.res.in/
cs.gopinath, sp. surface science; heterogeneous catalysis;
spectroscopy; water splitting; materials science.

1992 Gopinath, Gomathy, b. 1940, MS (AIIMS), FAMS, FNASc,

Res. Flat No. 001, Kanchanjunga Apartments, 122/2 Nagavara-
palya, 2nd Cross Road, C.V. Raman Nagar P.O, Bengaluru
560 093, Tel. (080) 2524 7584, Mobile: 98453 38134, Fax (080)
2524 7817, email: [email protected]; gomathyg@
hotmail.com, sp. developmental neurobiology; environment &
neural plasticity; neural transplantation.

1987 Gopinathan, Karumathil Puthanveetil, b. 1939, Ph.D. (IISc),

FNA, FNASc, Department of Microbiology & Cell Biology, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru; Res. Abhiman, 369, 11th Cross,
II Block, R.T. Nagar, Bengaluru 560 032, Tel. Off. (080)
2360 0090, Res. (080) 2333 3861, Mobile: 97314 40030, email: kpg@
iisc.ac.in, sp. molecular biology; recombinant DNA & genetic
engineering; molecular virology; biotechnology & developmental

1988 Gopinathan, Melethil Sankaran, b. 1942, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur),

FNA, Res. PLRA, 177, Kodunganur P.O., Vattiyurkavu, Thiruvanantha-
puram 695 013, Mobile: 94003 65155, email: msgopinathan@
gmail.com, sp. quantum chemistry; nonlinear dynamics in
340 chemistry & biology.

1997 Gore, Anil Purushottam, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Kentucky), Res. Bakul,

40, Empress Garden Society, Sopan Baug, Pune 411 001, Mobile:
94235 33339, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. non-parametric inference & statistical ecology; analysis of
clinical trials.
76 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1996 Goswami, Bhupendra Nath, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, SERB Distinguished Fellow, Department of
Physics, Cotton University, Guwahati 781 001, Mobile: 98602 01144,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.tropmet.
res.in/~bng/index.html, sp. tropical meteorology; monsoon
dynamics; predictability of weather & climate; air-sea
interactions. Council Service: 2010–12.

2015 Goswami, Debashish, b. 1972, Ph.D. (ISI, Delhi), Statistics and

Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road,
Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033) 2575 3420, Mobile: 98364 89980,
Fax (033) 2577 3071, email: [email protected]; debashish_
[email protected], sp. noncommutative geometry; quantum
groups; operator algebras.

1992 Goswami, Jitendra Nath, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
380 009, Tel. Off. (079) 2631 4516, Res. (079) 2685 4355, Fax
(079) 2630 0374, email: [email protected], URL: www.prl.res.in,
sp. solar system studies, planetary exploration; pre-solar (stellar)
processes; geochronology. Council Service: 2004–09.

2008 Goswami, Ravinder, b. 1963, MD (Maulana Azad Medical

College), D.M. (AIIMS), FNASc, FAMS, Department of Endocrinology
& Metabolism, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 4272, Res.
(011) 2658 9837, Mobile: 98181 30879, Fax (011) 2658 8641,
email: [email protected], sp. autoimmune endocrine
disorders; sporadic idiopathic hypoparathyroidism; metabolic
bone disorders including Vitamin D deficiency in India.

2004 Goswami, Sreebrata, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, Res. 13/2,

Madhusudan Banerjee Road, Belgharia, Kolkata 700 056, Tel. (033)
2541 6361, Mobile: 94330 06361, email:[email protected],
[email protected], sp. inorganic chemistry; chemical reactions
with metal-ligand co-operation; material design for ultra-low
energy computing.

2017 Goswami, Srubabati, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA,

FTWAS, JC Bose National Fellow, Senior Professor, Theory
Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380 009,
Tel. Off. (079) 2631 4471, email: [email protected], sp. high energy
physics; astroparticle physics; neutrino physics.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 77
2010 Govindarajan, Rama, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Inter-
national Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Shivakote, Hesaraghatta
Post, Bengaluru 560 089, Tel. Off. (080) 4653 6370, Res. (080)
2308 9166, Mobile: 81066 71309, email: [email protected], sp. fluid

1992 Gowrishankar, Jayaraman, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Melbourne), FNA,

FNASc, Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City, Manauli P.O., SAS
Nagar 140 306, Tel. Off. (0172) 224 0266, Res. (0172) 224 0113,
Mobile: 91604 30111, Fax (0172) 224 0124, email: director@
iisermohali.ac.in, sp. microbial & molecular genetics.

2007 Grover, Anil, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IARI), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS,

Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi South
Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110 021, Tel. Off.
(011) 2411 5097, Res. (011) 4309 0777, Mobile: 98716 18167,
Fax (011) 2411 5270, email: [email protected]; agrover@
350 south.du.ac.in, sp. plant abiotic stress biology.

1997 Grover, Arun Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc, Res. No.
157, FF, Sector 16-A, Chandigarh 160 015, Mobile: 98153 35138,
email: [email protected], sp. magnetism & super-
conductivity; vortex state studies in superconductors; strongly
correlated systems; history of science. Council Service: 2016–18;
Vice-President: 2016–18.

2021 Guha, Debatosh, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FIEEE, FNAE, FNASc,

Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta,
92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700 009,
Tel. Off. (033) 2350 9115-16; (033) 2350 9413/54, Res. (033)
2481 2263, Mobile: 89102 69258, email: [email protected], URL:
http://dguha.info, sp. antenna engineering; microwaves; applied

2021 Gun, Sanoli, b. 1975, Ph.D. (HRI), The Institute of Mathematical

Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off.
(044) 2254 3202, Res. (044) 2448 4044, Mobile: 94449 00254,
Fax (044) 2254 1586, email: [email protected], sp. modular
forms; special values of L- functions; algebraic number theory.

78 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1994 Gupta, Alok Krishna, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Pittsburgh), D.Sc. (h.c.)

(Burdwan), FNA, FNASc, Res. E-202, Green Valley Apartments,
Kaikhali Chiria More, Kolkata 700 136, Tel. (033) 2573 0548,
Mobile: 86013 50902, email: [email protected], URL:
www.alokkrishnagupta.com, sp. experimental petrology;
mineralogy; geochemistry; thermodynamics.

2008 Gupta, Anil Kumar, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, FNA,

FTWAS, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute
of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28
3368, Mobile: 94340 21903; 81266 61820, email: [email protected].
ac.in; [email protected], sp. paleomonsoon; paleo-
climatology; paleoceanography.

1987 Gupta, Chhitar Mal, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Agra), FNA, FNASc, FAMS,
FTWAS, Distinguished Professor and Infosys Chair, Room No.
GF-18, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology,
Biotech Park, Electronics City, Phase I, Bengaluru 560 100,
Tel. Off. (080) 2852 8900-2/109, Res. (080) 4090 3534, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. membrane
biology; bio-organic chemistry; molecular biophysics & molecular
cell biology. Council Service: 1998–2000.

1989 Gupta, Laxmi Chand, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Res. No. 62, PALMS, Plot 13B, Sector 6, Dwarka, New
Delhi 110 075, Mobile: 98195 42874, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. superconductivity & magnetism;
Quaternary borocarbide superconductors; NMR/NQR/Mu-SR;
valence fluctuations; heavy fermion phenomena, multiferroics.

2021 Gupta, Neena, b. 1984, Ph.D. (ISI, Kolkata), Theoretical Statistics

& Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, BT Road,
Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033) 2575 3421, Res. 98747 64925,
Mobile: 93310 27972, Fax (033) 2577 3071, email: neenag@
isical.ac.in, sp. commutative algebra; affine algebraic geometry.

2007 Gupta, Pradeep Kumar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Heriot Watt), FNASc,

Res. No. 23-B, Parmanu Nagar, Indore 452 013, Mobile:
91311 81110, email: [email protected], sp. lasers; bio-
medical applications of lasers; nonlinear optics, laser materials.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 79

1989 Gupta, Pushpendra Kumar, b. 1936, Ph.D. (Manitoba), FNA,
FNASc, FNAAS, Honorary Emeritus Professor, Department of
Genetics & Plant Breeding, CCS University, Meerut 250 004,
Tel. Res. (0121) 297 4526, Mobile: 94116 19105; 63953 72254, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. cyto-
360 genetics; genetics & plant breeding; crop biotechnology.

1987 Gupta, Santosh Kumar, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), FNASc,

FNAE, NASI Senior Scientist, Department of Chemical Engi-
neering, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Mobile: 95542 72320, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.iitk.ac.in/che/faculty/skgupta.htm, sp. polymer engineering &
science; bio-mimetic adaptations of multi-objective evolutionary
algorithms; experimental on-line optimal control.

1999 Gupta, Satish Kumar, b. 1953, Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNA, FNASc,

FAMS, Res. No. KG-04, Aura Mahindra, Bajghera Road, New Palam
Vihar, Sector 110A, Gurgaon 122 017, Tel. (0124) 490 5491,
Mobile: 98109 66357, email: [email protected], sp. repro-
ductive immunology; vaccines; antibody engineering.

2011 Gupta, Sourendu, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Department of

Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2245,
Res. (022) 2278 3245, Fax (022) 2278 2777, email: sgupta@
tifr.res.in; [email protected], sp. particle physics; lattice
field theory.

2008 Gupta, Yashwant, b. 1962, Ph.D. (UC, San Diego), FNASc,

Centre Director, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2571 9000; (020)
2571 9242, Res. (020) 2571 9342, Mobile: 98810 61930, Fax (020)
2569 7257, email: [email protected], sp. astronomy &
astrophysics; radio astronomy instrumentation; signal

1996 Gurjar, Mukund Keshao, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Nagpur & London),

FNASc, Director (R&D) & Chief Scientific Officer, Emcure
Pharmaceuticals Limited, P2, ITBT Park, Phase II, MIDC, Hinjwadi,
Pune 411 057, Tel. Off. (020) 3982 1350; (020) 3982 1300, Res.
(020) 2588 7674, Mobile: 98603 00001, Fax (020) 3982 1445,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.emcure.co.in,
sp. organic chemistry; carbohydrate chemistry; synthetic organic

80 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1996 Gurtu, Atul, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Panjab), Res. B-303, Vigyanshila,

Juhu-Versova Link Road, Seven Bungalows, Andheri (W),
Mumbai 400 061, Tel. (022) 2631 1621, Mobile: 96198 47035,
email: [email protected], sp. experimental high energy physics.

2006 Guru Row, Tayur Narasingarao, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FRSC, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2796, Res.
(080) 4174 1826, Mobile: 98805 09225, Fax (080) 2360 1310,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. chemical
crystallography; charge density analysis; functional materials;
polymorphism & drug design. Editor of Publications: April-
December 2016.

2016 Habib, Saman, b. 1968, Ph.D. (JNU), FNASc, FNA, Division of

Biochemistry & Structural Biology, CSIR–Central Drug Research
Institute, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow
226 031, Tel. Off. (0522) 277 2477/4447, Mobile: 93352 48113,
Fax (0522) 277 1941, email: [email protected]; saman.
[email protected], sp. molecular & cell biology; parasitology;

2010 Haider, Syed Aftab, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose National Fellow, Honorary Scientist A, Coordinator of
Planetary Sciences & Exploration Division and Senior Professor,
Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
380 009, Tel. Off. (079) 2631 4950, Mobile: 96623 27992,
Fax (079) 2631 4659, email: [email protected], URL:http://
www.prl.res.in/~haider, sp. planetary atmospheres; ionosphere
of Mars; magnetosphere of Mars.

1982 Hans-Gill, Rajinder Jeet, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Ohio), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, Panjab
University, Chandigarh 160 014, Tel. Off. & Fax (0172) 254 1132;
(0172) 253 4512, Res. (0172) 262 4837, Mobile: 98153 45850,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. number theory;
370 geometry of numbers; discrete geometry.

2022 Hariharan, Mahesh, b. 1977, Ph.D. (NIIST), Chemical Science

Block, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Thiruvananthapuram, Maruthamala PO., Vithura, Thiruvanantha-
puram 695 551, Tel. Off. (0471) 277 8101, Mobile: 90377 05564,
email: [email protected], URL: https://faculty.iisertvm.ac.in/
hariharan/, sp. photophysics; ultrafast spectroscopy; crystal

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 81

2016 Hariharan, Ramesh, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Courant Inst., NY, USA),
Chief Executive Officer, Strand Life Sciences, 5th Floor,
Kirloskar Business Park, Hebbal, Bengaluru 560 024, Tel.
Off. (080) 4078 7263, Res. (080) 2333 3366, Mobile: 98450 87669,
email: [email protected], URL: www.hariharan-ramesh.com,
sp. design & analysis of algorithms; computational biology;
molecular diagnostics.

2011 Haritsa, Jayant Ramaswamy, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), FNAE,

FNASc, FIEEE, FNA, Department of Computational & Data
Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2793, Res. (080) 2657 8609, Mobile: 94490 15894,
Fax (080) 2360 2648, email: [email protected], sp. database

1988 Harjit Singh, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Panjab), FNA, FNASc, Emeritus

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Guru Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar 143 005, Mobile: 94656 70668, email: harjit_gndu@
yahoo.co.in, sp. organic synthesis & heterocycles.

2006 Hasan, Gaiti, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FNA, FTWAS, SERB

Distinguished Fellow, National Centre for Biological Sciences,
GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560 065,
Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6140, Res. (080) 2361 3640, Fax (080)
2363 6462, email: [email protected], URL: www.ncbs.res.in/gaiti/
groups_gaiti.htm, sp. molecular genetics; drosophila; calcium
signalling in neurons; inositol triphosphate receptor; transcrip-
tomics; spino-cerebellar ataxia; neurodegeneration.

1995 Hasnain, Seyed Ehtesham, b. 1954, Ph.D. (JNU), D.Sc. (h.c.),

D.Med.Sc. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, National Science Chair,
Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology,
Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi
110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1001; (011) 2659 6109, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://www.iitd.
ac.in, sp. functional biology; molecular pathogenesis; new
diagnostics and novel interventions against human pathogens.
Council Service: 2004–06.

2020 Hazra, Rajat Subhra, b. 1982, Ph.D. (ISI), Assistant Professor,

Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, Niel Bohrweb 1.233
2311 Leiden, The Netherlands, Tel. Off. (+31) 71 527 27,
Mobile: 94339 17209, email: [email protected]; r.s.hazra@
math.leidenuniv.nl, URL: https://sites.google.com/site/rshazra/, sp.
probability; operator algebra; statistical physics.

82 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1996 Hegde, Manjanath Subraya, b. 1945, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), CSIR

Emeritus Scientist, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2614,
Res. (080) 2341 4573, Mobile: 94481 91880, Fax (080) 2360 1310,
email: [email protected], sp. X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy; solid state chemistry; nanomaterials; automative
exhaust catalysis.

1994 Hosur, Ramakrishna Vijayacharya, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Visiting Professor, UM-DAE Centre for
Excellence in Basic Sciences, Mumbai; Distinguished Visiting
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Mumbai
400 076, Mobile: 99870 51556; 77387 77336, email: hosur@
tifr.res.in; [email protected], URL: www.tifr.res.in/~hosur, sp.
structural biology; NMR spectroscopy; protein folding.

1991 Ila, Hiriyakkanavar, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,

Hindustan Lever Research Professor, New Chemistry Unit,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Bengaluru; Res. Apt. 002, Block VIII, Heritage Estate,
Yelahanka, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2714, Res.
(080) 4204 6874, Mobile: 99019 96421, email: [email protected]; sp.
synthetic organic chemistry; heterocyclic chemistry; medicinal
380 chemistry.

2017 Inamdar, Maneesha Shreedhar, Ph.D. (TIFR), Molecular Biology

and Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2818,
email: [email protected], URL: www.jncasr.ac.in/inamdar, sp.
stem cell biology; cardiovascular development; hematopoiesis
and angiogenesis.

2010 Indrayan, Abhaya, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Ohio State), FAMS, Res. A-037,
Telecom City, B9/6, Sector 62, Noida 201 309, Tel. (0120) 454 9723,
Mobile: 98103 15030, email: [email protected], URL: http://
indrayan.weebly.com, sp. biostatistics; medical statistics;
medical research methodology.

1995 Iqbal, Javed, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, Chairman, Incor

Renovis Pharma Private Limited, 48, Villa Greens, Gandipet,
Hyderabad 500 075, Mobile: 98497 99444, email: prof.javediqbal@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. organic synthesis;
medicinal chemistry; drug design & discovery; organometallic
chemistry; catalysis.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 83

1975 Irani, Jamshed Jiji, b. 1936, D.Met, F.Eng, Ph.D. (Sheffield),
FNAE, Res. No. 7, Beldih Lake, Northern Town, Jamshedpur
831 001, email: [email protected], sp. iron & steel making.

1990 Iyengar, Rangachar Narayana, b. 1943, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc,

FNAE, FGSI, Distinguished Professor & Director, Centre for
Ancient History & Culture, Jain University, CMS Complex, 25th
Main, JP Nagar 6th Phase, Bengaluru 560 078, Tel. Off.
(080) 4343 0400, Mobile: 98800 30082, email: rn.iyengar@
jainuniversity.ac.in; [email protected], sp. structural dynamics;
earthquake engineering; applied stochastics; rainfall studies;
history of science.

2013 Iyer, Jaya Naganathan, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

Professor H, Mathematics Group, The Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off.
(044) 2254 3306, Mobile: 90034 94708, Fax (044) 2254 1586,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
https://sites.google.com/site/homepagejniyer/, sp. algebraic
geometry. Council Service: 2022–.

1989 Jacob, Kallarackel Thomas, b. 1944, Ph.D. (London), D.Sc.

(Eng.) (London), FNA, FNASc, FNAE, Platinum Jubilee Fellow,
Emeritus Professor & NASI Senior Scientist, Department of
Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2494, Res. (080) 2525 2765,
Fax (080) 2360 0472, Mobile: 98454 79865, email: katob@
iisc.ac.in, URL: http://materials.iisc.ernet.in/faculty/ktj.html, sp.
thermodynamics of materials; phase equilibria; materials extraction
& synthesis; solid state sensors; fuel cells & electrolysers; high-
temperature corrosion.

1988 Jacob John, Thekkekara, b. 1935, Ph.D. (Madras), FRCP

(Edinburgh), FNA, FNASc, Res. 439, Civil Supplies Godown
Lane, Kamalakshipuram, Vellore 632 002, Tel. (0416) 226 7364,
Mobile: 78453 38188, email: [email protected], sp. infectious
diseases & virology.

2022 Jagadeesh, Gopalan, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IISc), FNAE, Department of

Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3030, Mobile: 98450 37782, Fax
(080) 2360 6250, email: [email protected]; jagadeeshgopalan@
gmail.com, sp. hypersonic aerothermodynamics; shock wave
dynamics; industrial applications of shock waves.
84 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2002 Jagannathan, Naranamangalam Raghunathan, b. 1954, Ph.D.

(Madras), FNASc, FAMS, FNA, Res. A-49, Flat No. S-2, SBI Colony
Main Hindu Colony, 12th Cross Street, Nanganallur, Chennai
600 061, Mobile: 99682 92772, email: [email protected],
sp. clinical and pre-clinical cancer research using
molecular imaging; magnetic resonance imaging & in-vivo
NMR spectroscopy; functional MR studies; metabolomics;
390 biophysics.

2013 Jagirdar, Balaji Rao, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Kansas State), Department

of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2825, Res. (080) 2360 2578,
Mobile: 96325 22161, Fax (080) 2360 1552, email: jagirdar@
iisc.ac.in, URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/brj.php, sp. organometallic
chemistry; materials chemistry; catalysis.

2007 Jain, Sanjay, b. 1960, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of Physics &

Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, Tel. Off.
(011) 2766 7725/1342, Res. (011) 2245 6389, Mobile: 88008
43604, Fax (011) 2766 7061, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://people.du.ac.in/~jain/,
sp. mathematical modelling of complex systems; origin
of life problem; theoretical systems biology; evolution of

1993 Jairajpuri, Mohammad Shamim, b. 1942, Ph.D. & D.Sc.

(Aligarh), D.Litt. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS, Res. Flat
No. 104, Ist Floor, Block-B, 274, Aslam Manzil, Jamia
Nagar (Okhla), New Delhi 110 025, Mobile: 95409 81665,
email: [email protected], sp. nematology/helminthology/
parasitology; biological diversity; plant protection & biological

1997 Jameel, Shahid, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Washington State), FNA, FNASc,

Visiting Professor, Trivedi School of Biosciences, Ashoka
University, Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonepat 131 029,
Tel. Res. (011) 2684 0631, email: [email protected];
jameelshahid@ gmail.com, sp. molecular biology; molecular

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 85

2001 Jayakrishnan, Athipettah, b. 1953, Ph.D. (IIT, Chennai), DAE-
Raja Ramanna Fellow, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology,
Thiruvananthapuram; Res. TC 7/1564-2, 7th Day School Road,
Thirumala P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 006, Tel. Off. (0471)
278 1219, Res. (0471) 235 3309, Mobile: 99467 92226, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. polymer
chemistry; biomaterials; controlled drug delivery.

2014 Jayananda, Mudlappa, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Bengaluru), FNASc, FNA,

Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University
of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 5309,
Mobile: 86184 21127, email: [email protected], sp. solid
earth geochemistry; geochronology; Archean tectonics and crustal

2003 Jayaram, Vikram, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Stanford), FNASc, FNAE, FNA,

FACerS, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3243;
(080) 2293 2263, Res. (080) 2337 5110, Fax (080) 2360 1198, email:
[email protected], URL: http://materials.iisc.ac.in/~qjayaram/,
sp. ceramics; thin films; electron microscopy; mechanical
properties. Council Service: 2019–; Vice-President: 2022–.

2006 Jayaraman, Achuthan, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Gujarat), Sir M.

Visvesvaraya – ISRO Chair Professor, Department of Physics,
Bangalore University, Bengaluru 560 056, Mobile: 70226 06214,
email: [email protected], sp. atmospheric science;
aerosols; radiative transfer.

1955 Jayaraman, Aiyasami, b. 1926, Ph.D. (Madras), Res. No. 1527

W. Augusta Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85021, USA, Tel. (+1-727)
644 9850, email: [email protected], sp. high pressure
physics. Council Service: 1956–61; Treasurer: 1956–61.

2011 Jayaraman, Narayanaswamy, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur),

Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2578, Res. (080) 2357 0147,
Mobile: 94484 63637, Fax (080) 2360 0529, email: jayaraman@
orgchem.iisc.ernet.in, sp. carbohydrate chemistry; dendrimer
400 chemistry; synthetic organic chemistry.

86 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1992 Jemmis, Eluvathingal Devassy, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, SERB Year of Science Chair Professor,
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Department, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3347-48,
Res. (080) 2367 0324, Mobile: 94835 98097, Fax (080) 2360 1552;
(080) 2360 0683, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/jemmis.php, sp. theoretical & compu-
tational chemistry. Council Service: 2001–03.

1975 Jena, Prafulla Kumar, b. 1931, Ph.D. (Utkal), Chairman, Institute of

Advance Technology & Environmental Studies, Bhubaneswar;
President, Natural Resources Development Foundation, Plot No.
80A-81A, Lewis Road, Bhubaneswar 751 002, Mobile:
94376 97999, email: [email protected]; iatesbbsr@
gmail.com, sp. extractive metallurgy; mineral processing;
environmental engineering; physical chemistry and materials

1974 Jha, Sudhanshu Shekhar, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Stanford), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Res. 402 Vigyanshila, Juhu-Versova Link Road,
Seven Bungalows, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 061, Tel.
(022) 2632 7413, Mobile: 98924 98234, email: [email protected],
sp. solid state theory; quantum computing; photonics. Council
Service: 1989–94; Vice-President: 1989–91.

2007 Jhunjhunwala, Ashok, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Maine), FNA, FNASc,

FNAE, FIEEE, Member-National Academy of Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off. &
Fax (044) 2257 0120, Res. (044) 2257 0202, Mobile: 94444 44408,
email: [email protected], sp. telecommunications; computer
networks; fibre optics; solar PV systems and solar DC systems;
ICT based education and healthcare; electric vehicles.

2007 Jog, Chanda Jayant, b. 1954, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook),

FNASc, FNA, FTWAS, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of
Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3285; (080) 2360 7703, Res. (080) 2334 2340,
Fax (080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected], sp. galactic dyna-
mics; interacting & star burst galaxies; interstellar molecular
clouds. Council Service: 2016–18.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 87

1995 John, Pucadyil Ittoop, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Aligarh), Consultant,
Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar; Res. 7C Skyline
Hillview, Kanjikuzhy, Kottayam 686 004, Tel. (0481) 257 0431,
Mobile: 85890 72431, email: [email protected], sp. plasma.
physics; intense particle beams; industrial applications of

1983 Johri, Johri, Man Mohan, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, Res. Flat
No. 32, New Cosmos Co-operative Housing Society Limited,
Juhu-Versova Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 053,
Tel. (022) 2670 3270, Mobile: 99305 64129, email: mjohri06915@
yahoo.co.in, sp. plant biochemistry; molecular biology of
plants; genetic engineering

1988 Joseph, George, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, FNAE, Res.

12/D1, Sterling City, Bopal, Ahmedabad 380 058, Tel. (02717)
23 1535, Mobile: 99782 88287, email: georgejoseph1938@
hotmail.com, URL: http://www.profgeorgej.com/, sp. electro-
optics; space instrumentation; remote sensing.

2005 Joseph, Kayyunnapara Thomas, b. 1956, Ph.D. (New York),

FNA, Raja Ramanna Fellow, Res. Flat No. 201, Sri Guru Deepam,
4th Main, 2nd Cross, Santhosh Nagar, Attur, Yelahanka,
Bengaluru 560 064, Mobile: 72591 50130, Fax (080) 6695 3799,
email: [email protected], sp. hyberbolic systems of conservation
laws; boundary layers & parabolic partial differential equations;
non-conservative zero pressure gas dynamics system & delta

2001 Joshi, Amitabh, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Washington State), FNASc, FNA,

Evolutionary & Organismal Biology Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2802-3, Mobile: 93413 54233; 70228 88742,
Fax (080) 2208 2766-7, email: [email protected], URL: https://
sites.google.com/view/ebl-jncasr/home, sp. population &
quantitative genetics; evolutionary genetics; population ecology.
410 Editor of Publications: 2017–2021.

88 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1991 Joshi, Jyeshtharaj Bhalchandra, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Tech.)

(Mumbai), FNA, FTWAS, FNAE, FNASc, Emeritus Professor of
Eminence, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai;
Emeritus Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai 400 094, Tel. Off. (022) 3361 2106;
(022) 2559 7625, Res. (022)2411 5448, Mobile: 98208 45915,
Fax (022) 3361 1020, email:[email protected], sp. chemical
engineering; fluid mechanics; reactor design; absorption of
NOx gases; solar energy; atomic energy and bio energy.

1996 Joshipura, Anjan Sidhvantlal, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Honorary Scientist, Theory Group, Physical Research
Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009, Tel. Off. (079)
2631 4938, Mobile: 95745 59082, email: anjanjoshipura@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. theoretical high energy

1995 Kailas, Swaminathan, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, INSA

Senior Scientist, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic
Sciences, University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus, Santacruz,
Mumbai 400 098, Tel. Res. (022) 2551 2291, Mobile: 99691 53075,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. nuclear optical model; heavy ion-induced fission/fusion;
accelerator-based multidisciplinary science.

1998 Kakodkar, Anil, b. 1943, B.E. (Mumbai), M.Sc. (Nottingham),

D.Sc. (h.c.), FNASc, FNAE, Res. Flat No. 1104, Building No. 5,
Accolade Co-op. Housing Society, Hajuri Dargah Road, Behind
Jeevan Chintamani Building (LIC), Thane (W), Mumbai 400 604,
Tel. (022) 2582 8899, email: [email protected]; kakodkar@
barc.gov.in, URL: www.anilkakodkar.in, sp. structural mechanics;
nuclear engineering.

2016 Kaliappan, Krishna Pillai, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7177, Res. (022) 2576 8177,
Mobile: 96197 47177, Fax (022) 2572 3480, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.chem.iitb.ac.in/~kpk, sp. organic synthesis;
total synthesis of natural products; synthesis of natural product
like molecules.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 89

1969 Kalyanaraman, Subramanian, b. 1934, MS (Neuro), Ph.D.
(Edinburgh), FRCS (Eng. & Edin.), Senior Consultant Neuro-
surgeon, 2, Central Street, Kilpauk Garden Colony, Chennai
600 010, Mobile: 98840 70469, email: kalyanaramanneurosurgeon@
gmail.com, sp. neurosurgery.

1998 Kamra, Adarsh Kumar, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Roorkee), FNA, INSA

Emeritus Scientist, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology,
Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off.
(020) 2590 4281; (020) 2590 4200, Mobile: 97645 36103,
Fax (020) 2586 5142, email: [email protected], sp. atmo-
spheric electricity; cloud physics; aerosol physics.

2019 Kanekar, Nissim, b. 1973, Ph.D. (Pune), Professor H, National

Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune University Campus,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2571 9246, Res.
(020) 2571 9346, Mobile: 99750 77018, Fax (020) 2569 2149,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/
~nkanekar, sp. galaxy formation & evolution; fundamental
constant evolution; the interstellar medium of galaxies.

2011 Kang, Gagandeep, b. 1962, Ph.D. (CMC, Vellore), FRC Path.,

FNASc, FNA, FRS, Professor of Microbiology, The Wellcome
Trust Research Laboratory, Division of Gastrointestinal
Sciences, Christian Medical College, Vellore 632 004,
Mobile: 98940 70266, Fax (0416) 228 2486, email: gkang@
cmcvellore.ac.in, sp. enteric infections; vaccines; nutrition;
public health.

1999 Kanhere, Dilip Govind, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), Distingui-

shed Professor, Center for Modelling and Simulations,
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 411 007, Mobile:
94210 06705, email: [email protected], sp. condensed
matter theory; computational physics; strongly correlated systems;
420 density functional theory; science education.

1984 Kannan, Kazhiur Kothandapani, b. 1939, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, Res.

F-206, Redwood, Raheja Residency, III Block, Koramangala,
Bengaluru 560 034, Tel. (080) 2550 5829, Mobile: 87627 80061,
email: [email protected], sp. X-ray & macromolecular
crystallography; macromolecular computer graphics.

90 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1992 Kannan, Varadachariar, b. 1946, Ph.D. (MKU), FNA, FNASc,

Department of Mathematics, SRM University, Guntur 522 503,
Mobile: 99491 93737, email: [email protected]; kannan.v@
srmap.edu.in, sp. analysis & topology.

2015 Kant, Rama, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of Chemistry,

University of Delhi, New Delhi 110 007, Tel. Off. (011)
2766 6646/188, Mobile: 98105 77668, Fax (011) 2766 6605,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://people.du.ac.in/~rkant, sp. theory of complex
electrochemical systems; fundamental electrochemistry and
polymers; nanoelectrochemistry.

2004 Kant, Tarun, b. 1946, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,
Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7301, Mobile: 99691 64646, Fax (022)
2576 7302, email: [email protected]; tkant1946@gmail.
com, URL: www.civil.iitb.ac.in/~tkant, sp. solid & structural
mechanics; finite element methods; mechanics of composite
materials & structures.

1974 Kapoor, Shyam Sunder, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

Res. A/3, Banganga, Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai
400 088, Tel. (022) 2550 4301, Mobile: 93235 04942, email:
[email protected], sp. nuclear physics; nuclear radiation
detectors; accelerator-based research, development & appli-
cations in nuclear energy.

1988 Kapur, Prakash Chand, b. 1935, Ph.D (UC, Berkeley), FNAE,

Foreign Assoc. US Natl Acad. Eng., Emeritus Professor,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur; Res. R-485, New
Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi 110 060, Mobile: 98108 16383,
email:[email protected], sp. mineral processing; particulate
science & technology; mathematical modelling & waste

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 91

2017 Kapuria, Santosh, b. 1968, Ph.D (IIT, Delhi), FNA, FNAE,
FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Applied
Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi 110 016, Tel.Off. (011) 2659 1218, Res. (011)
2658 1563, Mobile: 96547 28776, email: [email protected],
URL: http://web.iitd.ac.in/~kapuria/, sp. structural mechanics;
multifunctional structures; structural health monitoring.

1994 Karandikar, Rajeeva Laxman, b. 1956, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta),

FNA, Director, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1 SIPCOT IT
Park, Siruseri, Kelambakkam, Chennai 603 103, Tel. Off.
(044) 7196 1006; (044) 3298 3441, Mobile: 81448 13296, Fax
(044) 2747 0225, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. stochastic calculus; stochastic finance; stochastic filtering
theory; Markov processes; Monte Carlo techniques; psephology.

2008 Karanth, Kota Ullas, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Mangalore), Emeritus

Director, Centre for Wildlife Studies, 224, Rajnigandha, Garden
Apartments, 21, Vittal Mallya Road, Bengaluru 560 001,
Tel. Off. (080) 4148 7303, Mobile: 94483 84383, email: ukaranth@
gmail.com, sp. carnivore ecology; animal population analysis;
conservation biology; conservation policy.

1995 Kartha, Chandrasekharan Cheranellore, b. 1951, MD (AIIMS),

FRCP (London), FNASc, FIC (Path.), FAMS, FIACSc, Res. Flat
No. 10C, Dolphin SFS Aquagreens, East Desom, Aluva 683 102,
Mobile: 99472 64108, email: [email protected]; cckartha@
yahoo.com, sp. human pathology, mechanisms of diseases and
430 drug targets. Council Service: 2007–09.

1990 Kartha, Vasudevan Bhaskaran, b. 1934, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

Res. Apt.007, Bless Homes Pvt. Ltd., Chembarakky, Aluva
683 105, Tel. (0484) 288 2021, Mobile: 77384 33912, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. atomic,
molecular & laser spectroscopy; synchrotron spectroscopy;
application of lasers in medicine & biochemistry.

2005 Kasbekar, Durgadas Prabhakar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony

Brook), FNA, INSA Senior Scientist, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting
& Diagnostics, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad 500 039,
Tel. Off. (040) 2721 6165, Res. (040) 2717 3903, Fax (040)
2721 6006, email: [email protected], sp. Neurospora &
Dictyostelium genetics; sterol reductases. Associate Editor of
Publications: 2016–2018.

92 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1976 Kasturi, Tirumalai Rangachar, b. 1931, D.Sc. (IISc), Ph.D.

(Bombay), FNA, Res. 237, Senator Place Cincinnati, OH 45220,
USA, Mobile: 51382 71015, sp. synthetic, structural & mechanistic
organic chemistry; spectroscopy.

1986 Kasturirangan, Krishnaswamy, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, National Institute of
Advanced Studies, Bengaluru; Member, RRI Trust, Raman
Research Institute, CV Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru
560 080, Tel. Off. (080) 2361 0522, Fax (080) 2361 0492, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. high energy astro-
nomy; space systems and technology. Council Service: 1995–
2006, Vice-President: 1998–2000, President: 2001–03.

2007 Katoch, Vishwa Mohan, b. 1953, MD (AIIMS), FNASc, FNA,

FAMS, NASI-ICMR Chair for Public Health Research, Rajasthan
University of Health Sciences, Jaipur; Res. B-16, Govind Marg,
Opposite Baraf Khana, Raja Park, Jaipur 302 004, Tel. Off.
(0141) 279 5524, Res. (0141) 261 3992, Mobile: 99100 53701,
email: [email protected], sp. molecular biology
& functional genomics of mycobacteria; taxonomy &
epidemiology of mycobacterial diseases, public health and
policy research pertaining to health sciences. Council Service:

1993 Kaul, Romesh Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, Department of

Physics Indian Institute of Technology, Nagrota, Jammu 181 221,
Tel. Off. (0191) 274 1148, Mobile: 94449 24065, email: romesh.
[email protected], sp. particle physics; quantum field theory;
quantum gravity.

2003 Kaul, Sharika Nandan, b. 1949, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), FNA,

INSA Honorary Scientist, School of Physics, University of
Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4322, Res.
(040) 6748 5642, Fax (040) 2301 0227, email: sn.kaul@uohyd.
ac.in; [email protected], sp. condensed matter physics;
phase transitions & critical phenomena; magnetism &
magnetic materials; macroscopic quantum phenomena;
disordered systems & percolation; physics at nanometer length

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 93

2019 Kaur, Rupinder, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Panjab), FNASc, Staff Scientist
VI, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics, Inner Ring
Road, Uppal, Hyderabad 500 039, Tel. Off. (040) 2721 6137,
Res. (040) 4026 4614, Mobile: 97044 39996, Fax (040) 2721 6006,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.cdfd.org.in/labpages/
fungal_pathogenesis.html, sp. yeast molecular biology & genetics;
candida pathogenesis; host-pathogen interaction.

2009 Kembhavi, Ajit Keshav, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

Emeritus Professor, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy &
Astrophysics, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off.
(020) 2560 4117; (020) 2560 4100, Mobile: 98229 79161, Fax
(020) 2560 4699, email: [email protected], sp. high energy
astrophysics; active galactic nuclei; external galaxies; virtual
observatory; big data; deep learning.

2008 Kesavan, Srinivasan, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Pierre et Marie Curie),

FNASc, Res. 33/19, Barnaby Road, Kilpauk, Chennai 600 010, Tel.
(044) 2641 2839, Mobile: 94440 82801, email: [email protected],
sp. partial differential equations; homogenization; isoperimetric
440 inequalities.

1975 Kessar, Satinder Vir, b. 1932, Ph.D. (USC, LA), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Panjab
University, Chandigarh 160 014, Tel. Off. (0172) 254 1435, Res.
(0172) 274 7308, Mobile: 98786 39635, email: [email protected],
sp. synthetic & mechanistic organic chemistry.

1996 Khakhar, Devang Vipin, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Massachusetts), FNA,

FNAE, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.
(022) 2576 7212, Res. (022) 2576 8212, Mobile: 98206 05351,
email: [email protected], URL: https://www.che.iitb.ac.in/faculty/
devang-v-khakhar, sp. granular flow & mixing; polymer
processing. Council Service: 2010–12.

2012 Khan, Faiz Ahmed, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), FNASc,

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–
Hyderabad, Kandi, Sangareddy, Hyderabad 502 285, Tel. Off.
(040) 2301 6255, Mobile: 81250 27003, email: [email protected],
sp. synthetic organic chemistry; chemistry of natural products;
synthetic methodologies.

94 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Khanduja, Sudesh Kaur, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Panjab), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, INSA Senior Scientist, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research–Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City,
SAS Nagar 140 306, Tel. Off. (0172) 224 0266, Res. (0172)
405 1297, Mobile: 98152 04096, email: [email protected],
sp. algebra; valuation theory; algebraic number theory.

2017 Khanna, Navin Chandra, b. 1956, Ph.D (AIIMS), FNASc, FNA,

Arturo Falaschi Emeritus Scientist, Molecular Medicine,
International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology,
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2357,
Res. (011) 4176 1859, Mobile: 96501 00229, Fax (011) 2674 2316,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
www.icgeb.org/navin-khanna.html, sp. dengue subunit vaccine;
dengue botanical drug; recombinant proteins of medical use.

2022 Khare, Apoorva, b. 1980, Ph.D. (Chicago), Department of

Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2514, Mobile: 98233 86446, Fax (080)
2360 0146, email: [email protected], URL: https://www.math.iisc.ac.in/
~khare/, sp. positivity matrices & analysis; representation theory;
combinatorics; discrete mathematics.

2015 Khare, Avinash, b. 1954, Ph.D. (PRL), FNA, FNASc, Vice

Chancellor, Sikkim Central University, 6th Mile, Samdur, P.O.
Tadong, Gangtok 737 102, Tel. Off. (03592) 25 1468; (03592) 25
1073, Mobile: 97183 28154, email: [email protected]; khareavinash82@
gmail.com, sp. plasma physics; statistical mechanics; critical
phenomena; plasma astrophysics.

1991 Khare, Avinash Vasant, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, INSA

Senior Scientist, Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune
University, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Mobile: 97653 96369,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. high energy & elementary particle physics; supersymmetric
quantum mechanics; nonlinear dynamics.

2020 Khosla, Sanjeev, b. 1969, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, Director,

CSIR–Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A, Chandigarh
160 036, Tel. Off. (0172) 269 0785; (0172) 269 0684, Mobile:
99499 52300, Fax (0172) 269 0585; (0172) 269 0132, email:
[email protected], URL: http://www.imtech.res.in/contact/
staff/dr-sanjeev-khosla/312, sp. epigenetics; host-microbe
interaction; developmental biology.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 95
2010 Khurana, Paramjit, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS,
FTWAS, Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of
Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110 021,
Tel. Off. and Fax (011) 2411 5096, Res. (011) 2411 9090, Mobile:
97110 06512, email: [email protected], sp. plant biotechno-
450 logy; plant genomics; plant developmental biology.

1991 Khush, Gurdev Singh, b. 1935, Ph.D. (UC, Davis), D.Sc. (h.c.),
FNA, FRS, FNASc, Foreign Assoc. US Nat. Acad. Sci., Res.
39399, Black Hawk Place, Davis, CA 95616-7008, USA, Tel. &
Fax (+1-530) 750 2440, email: [email protected], URL: https://
www.khushfoundation.org/khush/about-g-s-khush/, sp. plant genetics
& breeding; biotechnology.

1990 Kochupillai, Narayana Panicker, b. 1939, MD (AIIMS), FNA,

FAMS, Res. Flat No. 401, ITPL Residence Complex, International
Technology Park, Whitefield, Bengaluru 560 068, email:
[email protected], sp. internal medicine; clinical endocrino-
logy; metabolism; diabetes; biotechnology.

2017 Kodiyalam, Vijay, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Purdue), FNASc, Professor H,

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani,
Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3212, Res. (044) 2442 2188,
Mobile: 82484 71469, Fax (044) 2254 1586, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.imsc.res.in/~vijay/, sp. planar algebras &
subfactor theory; commutative algebra.

2010 Kohli, Ravinder Kumar, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Amritsar), FNA, FNASc,

FNAAS, JC Bose National Fellow, Vice Chancellor, Amity
University, Mohali 140 306, Mobile: 98722 01516; 98770 34221,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: www.
rkkohli.com, sp. experimental ecology; eco-physiology weed
science; forestry & botany.

2021 Kolthur-Seetharam, Ullas, b. 1974, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc,

Department of Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Funda-
mental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005,
Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2721, Res. (022) 2280 4592, Mobile:
98672 34806, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://www.tifr.res.in/~dbs/faculty/ullas/index.html, sp.
epigenetics; gene expression; mitochondrial metabolism &
function; molecular physiology & aging.

96 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Kotha, Sambasivarao, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), FNA, FNASc,

FRSC, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7160, Mobile:
98693 92696, Fax (022) 2576 7152, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.chem.iitb.ac.in/people/Faculty/prof/sk.html, sp.
new synthetic methods; unnatural amino acids; transition metals
in organic synthesis.

2016 Krishna, Amalendu, b. 1971, Ph.D. (ISI), School of Mathematics,

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road,
Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2664, Res. (022) 2278 3187,
Mobile: 98691 37436, email: [email protected], sp. algebraic
cycles; algebraic K-theory; equivariant cohomology.

2002 Krishna, Kolluru Sree, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Andhra), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric
Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off.
(040) 2313 2669, Mobile: 97654 94935; 97653 21229, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolluru_Sree_Krishna, sp. lithospheric
dynamics; tectonics; plate tectonics; marine geophysics.

1979 Krishna, Padmanabhan, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, Trustee,

Krishnamurti Foundation India, Rajghat Fort, Varanasi 221 001,
Mobile: 94152 23667, email: [email protected]; pkrishna80@
gmail.com, URL: www.pkrishna.org, sp. crystallography;
imperfections in solids; education, science & society.

1989 Krishna, Rajamani, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Manchester), Van’t Hoff

Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam,
Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, Netherlands, Tel. Res.
(+31-20) 627 0990, Fax (+31-20) 525 5604, email: r.krishna@
460 contact.uva.nl, sp. separations using nanoporous materials.

2008 Krishna Kumar, Kanikicharla, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Pune), Qatar

Meteorology Department, Doha, Qatar, email: krishnakumar.
[email protected], sp. monsoon dynamics; predictability
& prediction; climate change & impacts; climate applications.

1993 Krishna Murty, Achyutuni Venkata, b. 1938, Ph.D. (IISc), Res. 8,

V Main, II Cross, NTI Layout, RMV II Stage, Nagashettihalli, Bengaluru
560 094, Tel. (080) 2341 0116, email: [email protected],
sp. aerospace engineering; structural mechanics; composites;
smart structures.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 97

1989 Krishna Swamy, Kittur Subbarao, b. 1938, Ph.D. (UC,
Berkeley), Res. Flat 1905, Tower C, Oberoi Springs, Opp. City
Mall, Andheri Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai 400 053, Tel.
(022) 2674 1864, email: [email protected], sp. astrophysics.

2008 Krishnakumar, Erumathadathil, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Gujarat), Raja

Ramanna Fellow, Emeritus Professor, Raman Research Institute,
C.V. Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru 560 080,
Tel. Off. 94808 36131, Mobile: 98690 13407, email: ekkumar@
tifr.res.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.tifr.res.in/
~ekkumar/, sp. atomic collision processes; molecular dynamics;
electron controlled chemistry; negative ions; electron ionization;
photoionization & photodetachment; electron & ion momentum
imaging; ultra-cold collisions.

2000 Krishnamoorthy, Guruswamy, b. 1950, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA, Res.

No. 213, 1st South Cross Street, Kapaleeshwar Nagar,
Neelankarai, Chennai 600 115, Mobile: 77380 41952, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. biophysical chemistry;
laser spectroscopy; protein dynamics & protein folding
dynamics; dynamics in nucleic acids; correlation of macro-
molecular dynamics with function.

2005 Krishnamoorthy, Krishnaswamy, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Kerala), FNA,

FNASc, Distinguished Visiting Scientist, Centre for Atmospheric &
Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3147, Mobile: 99455 30293; 94960 50095,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
atmospheric sciences; atmospheric aerosols: microphysics,
radiative interactions and climate forcing; equatorial aeronomy.

1991 Krishnamurthy, Hulikal Ramaiyengar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Cornell),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Honorary Professor, Department of
Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2360 8658; (080) 2293 3282, Res. (080) 2341 6627, Mobile:
98459 27227, Fax (080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://www.physics.iisc.ac.in/~hrkrish/,
sp. theoretical condensed matter physics; quantum many-body
theory; statistical physics.

2014 Krishnamurthy, Manchikanti, b. 1969, Ph.D. (TIFR), Tata

Institute of Fundamental Research, 36/P, Gopanpally, Hyderabad
500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2020 3069, Res. (040) 4776 6433, Mobile:
90046 80294, email: [email protected], sp. atomic & molecular
physics; intense laser plasma physics; optical sciences.

98 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1989 Krishnamurthy, Setharampattu Seshaiyer, b. 1940, Ph.D. (IISc),

FNA, Professor Emeritus, IPC Department, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru; Res. 394, 6A Cross, Tata Nagar,
Bengaluru 560 092, Tel. (080) 2351 6293, Mobile: 98454 57190,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. main group
chemistry; organometallic chemistry.

2017 Krishnan, Raghavan, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Pune), Executive Director,

Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical
Meteorology, Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel.
Off. (020) 2590 4301, Res. (020) 2952 8886, Mobile: 98817 37976,
Fax (020) 2586 5142, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.tropmet.res.in/Dr.%20R.%20Krishnan-5-Scientist, sp. mon-
470 soon and climate dynamics; atmosphere–ocean–land system.

1974 Krishnan, Sankaranarayanaiyer, b. 1934, Ph.D. (Kerala), Res.

49, II Cross, P&T Colony, R.T. Nagar, Bengaluru 560 032, Tel.
(080) 2333 3139, Mobile: 99004 19481, email: [email protected],
sp. electronics & digital systems.

1984 Krishnan, Varadachari, b. 1937, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FTWAS, Co-

ordinator, TWAS Regional Partner for Central & South Asia;
Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off.
(080) 2208 2759; (080) 2362 2518, Res. (080) 2341 9380, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. inorganic chemistry
& bio-inorganic chemistry. Council Service: 1989–1997;
Secretary: 1989–994.

1993 Krishnaswamy, Kamala, b. 1940, MD (Osmania), FNA, FNASc,

FAMS, FNAAS, FTWAS, Res. No. 150, LB Road, J7, Prime Terrace,
Chennai 600 041, Mobile: 98662 35238, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. internal medicine; nutritional sciences;
clinical pharmacokinetics.

2003 Krupanidhi, Saluru Baba, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNAE,

Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2781, Res. (080)
2341 8550, Mobile: 98450 34262, email: [email protected], sp. ferro-
electrics; III-V and III-nitride semiconductors; 2D materials, hybrid
hetero structures; thin films; epitaxy; solid state devices;

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 99

2014 Kulkarni, Giridhar Udapi Rao, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc,
FNAE, FNA, President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off.
080) 2208 2752; (080) 2362 2762, Res. (080) 2363 2814,
Mobile: 94488 25386, email: [email protected]; kulkarni@
jncasr.ac.in, sp. nanomaterials; nanolithography & fabrication;
neuromorphic devices; molecular systems & properties.

1996 Kulkarni, Mohan Gopalkrishna, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNAE,

Res. No. 704 Vishakha, DSK Akashganga, Nagras Road, Aundh,
Pune 411 007, Mobile: 94223 09762, e-mail: kulkmohan@
gmail.com, sp. polymer science & engineering; intellectual

1975 Kulkarni, Prabhakar Vasudeo, b. 1930, Ph.D. (Pune), Res. c/o Dr

Narendra P. Kulkarni, 202, Sadguru Co-op. Housing Society,
Sector 19, Flat 20, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410 210, Mobile:
99670 31930, email: [email protected], sp. atmospheric optics;
aeronomy; infrared astronomy.

2004 Kulkarni, Sulabha Kashinath, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc,

FNA, Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology, off. Dr Homi
Bhabha Road, Panchwati, Pune 411 008, Mobile: 88884 25978,
email: [email protected], sp. surface physics; materials
science; nanoscience.

2019 Kumar, Amit, b. 1976, Ph.D. (Cornell), Department of Computer

Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1286,
Res. (011) 2659 1693, Mobile: 98919 81286, Fax (011) 2658 2283,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~amitk/,
sp. approximation algorithms; online algorithms; combinatorial

2010 Kumar, Anurag, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Cornell), FNA, FNAE, FIEEE,

FTWAS, Honorary Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2281 Res. (080) 2341 5032, Mobile:
98450 06755, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. communication networks; wireless networks; cyber-physical
480 systems; stochastic modelling.

100 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2019 Kumar, Arun, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, Department of

Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080)2293 2998,
Res. (080) 2360 6226, Mobile: 99451 70548, Fax (080) 2360 0999,
email: [email protected], URL:https://mrdg.iisc.ac.in/arun-kumar/, sp.
human molecular genetics; cancer biology; molecular biology.

2004 Kumar, Gattamraju Ravindra, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,

Senior Professor, Department of Nuclear & Atomic Physics, Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai
400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2381, Res. (022) 2280 4609, Fax
(022) 2280 4610-1, email: [email protected], sp. interaction of intense
ultrashort light pulses with matter; high energy density science
and nonlinear optics.

1975 Kumar, Har Darshan, b. 1934, Ph.D. (London), FNA, FNASc,

Res. Mrigtrishna, B-32/32, HK 214, Saketnagar Colony, Naria,
Varanasi 221 005, Tel. (0542) 231 5180, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. algology; microbial biotechnology;
genetics; ecology; environment.

2010 Kumar, Lalit, b. 1957, MD (Agra), D.M. (Madras), FAMS, FNASc,

Head, Department of Medical Oncology, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off.
(011) 2659 3405, Res. (0124) 238 0828, Mobile: 98114 46828,
Fax (011) 2658 8663, email: [email protected], sp. stem cell
transplantation; multiple myeloma (haemato-oncology); gynaeco-
logic oncology. Council Service: 2016–18.

2002 Kumara Swamy, Kalasa Chandrasekhar Jois, b. 1957, Ph.D.

(IISc), FNA, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4856, Mobile: 98497 24004,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. organo-
phosphorus chemistry; catalytic organic transformations;
chemistry of main-group elements.

1999 Kumaran, Viswanathan, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Cornell), FNA, FNAE,

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3112, Res. (080) 2360 1034,
Fax (080) 2360 8121, email: [email protected], sp. hydrodynamic
stability; dynamics of complex fluids; granular flows.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 101

2006 Kundu, Gopal Chandra, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc,
Director, R&D, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Campus
XI, Patia, Bhubaneswar 751 024, Mobile: 94225 06548; 86985 78644,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
tumor biology; regulation of gene expression; targeted drug
delivery; angiogenesis; cancer stem cells; chemical biology and

2014 Kundu, Manikuntala, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Calcutta), CSIR Emeritus

Scientist, Department of Chemistry, Bose Institute, 93/1 Acharya
Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700 009, Tel. Off.
(033) 2303 1153, Res. (033) 2533 3454, Mobile: 98303 31255,
Fax (033) 2350 6790, email: [email protected]; mani@
jcbose.ac.in, sp. stress response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
immunology of the host cell response to Helicobacter pylori.

2008 Kundu, Tapas Kumar, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), D.Sc., FNASc, FNA,
FAMS, JC Bose National Fellow, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Bengaluru; Director, CSIR–Central Drug Research Institute, Sector
10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow 226 031,
Tel. Off. (0522) 277 1940, Mobile: 94494 56334, Fax (0522) 277 1941,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. epigenetic
regulation of gene expression; chemical biology and diseases.

2019 Kunnath, Sandeep, b. 1973, Ph.D. (TIFR), Professor H, TIFR Centre

for Applicable Mathematics, P.B. No. 6503, Sharada Nagar,
Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080)
6695 3744, Res. (080) 4958 7955, Mobile: 98456 50941, Fax
(080) 6695 3799, email: [email protected], sp. partial
490 differential equations; non-linear analysis; variational methods.

2022 Kurpad, Anura Viswanath, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Bangalore), RCP

(London), FAMS, Department of Physiology, St. John's Medical
College, Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru 560 034, Tel. Off. (080)
4946 6326, Res. (080) 2553 4124, Mobile: 96865 12233, email:
[email protected], sp. physiology; nutrition.

2005 Lahiri, Goutam Kumar, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7159, Res. (022) 2576 8159,
Mobile: 98195 81787, Fax (022) 2572 3480, email: lahiri@chem.
iitb.ac.in, sp. inorganic chemistry; organometallic chemistry;
102 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2005 Lahiri Majumder, Arunendra Nath, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Calcutta),

D.Sc. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, Res. No. 5B2, FJORD
Tower, Hiland Park, 1925, Chak Garia, Kolkata 700 094, Mobile:
94330 27050, email: [email protected]; alahirimajumder@
gmail.com, sp. plant biochemistry; molecular biology &

1994 Lakhotia, Subhash Chandra, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,

FNASc, SERB Distinguished Fellow, BHU Distinguished Professor,
Cytogenetics Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542) 236 8457;
(0542) 236 8145, Mobile: 94530 48657; 63925 69670, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. cytogenetics;
gene expression; molecular biology; stress biology, ayurvedic

1991 Lakshmanan, Muthusamy, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Madras), D.Sc.

(h.c., Burdwan), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, SERB National Science
Chair & Professor of Eminence, Department of Nonlinear Dynamics,
School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
620 024, Tel. Off. (0431) 240 7093; (0431) 240 7057, Res. (0431)
245 9386, Mobile: 99408 23079, Fax (0431) 240 7093, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. non-
linear dynamics; theoretical physics; mathematical physics.
Council Service: 2010–12.

2001 Lal, Shyam, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, INSA Senior
Scientist, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
380 009, Mobile: 94276 27076, email: [email protected], sp.
ozone & trace gases for atmospheric processes; environmental &
climatic changes.

2021 Laxmi, Ashverya, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, National Institute

of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 5180, Res. (011) 2673 5146, Mobile:
98917 82198, Fax (011) 2674 1658, email: laxmiashverya@rediffmail.
com; [email protected], URL: http://www.nipgr.ac.in/
research/dr_laxmi.php, sp. plant physiology; plant molecular
biology; plant biotechnology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 103

2010 Lele, Ashish Kishore, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Delaware), FNAE, Scientist,
Polymer Science & Engineering Division, CSIR–National Chemical
Laboratory, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 2199, Res. (020)
2589 3089, Mobile: 99600 65550, Fax (020) 2590 2618, email:
[email protected], sp. polymer dynamics, rheology & processing;
rheology of complex fluids; hydrogels & gelation; PEM fuel cells.
Council Service: 2017–18.

1986 Lele, Shrikant, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, FNAE, Res.
377, Mahatma Society, Kothrud, Pune 411 038, Tel. (020) 2536 0906,
Mobile: 97664 33322, email: [email protected], sp. physical
metallurgy & materials science.

2007 Lohia, Anuradha, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Vice Chancellor,

Presidency University, Kolkata 700 073, Mobile: 98310 79838,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. cell cycle of
protozoan parasites; molecular genetics & genomics; regulation of
500 gene expression. Council Service: 2010–12.

2021 Maddika, Subba Reddy, b. 1978, Ph.D. (Manitoba), Lab of Cell

Death & Cell Survival, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting &
Diagnostics, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad 500 039,
Tel. Off. (040) 2721 6168, Res. (040) 2980 6961, Mobile:
99639 00011, Fax (040) 2721 6006, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://www.cdfd.org.in/labpages/
ms_reddy.html, sp. cell biology; cell signalling; protein

2009 Madhubala, Rentala, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), FNASc,

FNAMS, FNA, FTWAS, Dr A S Paintal Distinguished Scientist
Chair of ICMR, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. & Fax (011) 2674 2630,
Res. (011) 2625 3934, Mobile: 98102 91801, email: madhubala@
mail.jnu.ac.in; [email protected], sp. molecular parasito

1974 Madhusudana, Nelamangala Vedavyasachar, b. 1944, Ph.D.

(Mysore), FNA, Res. No. 45, RBI Colony, H A Farm, Bengaluru
560 024, Tel. (080) 2333 3407, email: [email protected], sp. liquid

104 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2014 Madras, Giridhar, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Texas A&M), FNA, FNAE,
FNASc, Res. No. 516, V Block, Skyline Apartment, Nagarbhavi,
Bengaluru 560 072, email: [email protected], sp.
catalysis; polymers; supercritical fluids.

1990 Madyastha, Kattigari Madhava, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc,

Res. 162, Srikrishna, V Main, IV Cross, NGEF Layout,
Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru 560 094, Tel. (080) 2341 5584, email:
[email protected], sp. bio-organic chemistry; xenobiotics
metabolism; plant biochemistry; microbial transformations.

2014 Mahadevan, Priya, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IISc), SN Bose National

Centre for Basic Sciences, JD Block, Sector 3, Salt Lake, Kolkata
700 106, Tel. Off. (033) 2335 5708, Mobile: 98307 89935, Fax
(033) 2335 3477, email: [email protected]; priya.mahadevan@
gmail.com, URL: https://sites.google.com/view/priyamahadevan-
snbncbs/home, sp. electronic structure of materials; magnetism;
nanostructured materials.

2003 Mahadevan, Subramony, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Tufts), Res.

RV Enclave, C-201, 51, 6th Main Road, Malleswaram, Bengaluru
560 003, Tel. (080) 2334 7595, Mobile: 98452 08358, email:
[email protected], sp. regulation of gene expression in
bacteria; microbial physiology; microbial evolution.

1991 Mahajan, Kushal Kumar, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, Res.

C1/121, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058, Tel. (011) 2553 6334; (011)
4985 4698, Mobile: 98100 92120, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. atmospheric & space science;
ionospheres/atmospheres of earth & other planets.

2022 Mahajan, Meena Bhaskar, b. 1965, Ph.D. (IIT, Madras), The

Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani,
Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3307, Res. (044) 2457 0321,
Mobile: 94454 73300, Fax (044) 2254 1586, email: meena@
imsc.res.in, URL: https://www.imsc.res.in/~meena, sp. compu-
tational complexity theory; proof complexity; algorithms &

2012 Mahan, Mj, b. 1968, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), School of Mathematics,

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road,
Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2648, email: mahan.mj@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. geometric group theory;
510 geometric topology; hyperbolic geometry; Kaehler groups.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 105

2018 Mahapatra, Souvik, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), FIEEE, FNA,
FNAE, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.(022)
2576 7412, Res. (022) 2572 0408, Mobile: 98190 17412, Fax
(022) 2572 3707, email: [email protected]; mahapatra.souvik@
gmail.com, URL: https://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/wiki/faculty/souvik, sp.
microelectronics and VLSI; semiconductor device; device-circuit

2013 Mahapatra, Susanta, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), School of

Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046,
Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4826, Moblie: 94403 03184, email:
[email protected], URL: http://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/
~sm, sp. theoretical chemical dynamics; nonadiabatic processes.

1994 Maharana, Jnanadeva, b. 1945, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,

Raja Ramanna Fellow, Institute of Physics, Sachivalaya
Marg, Bhubaneswar 751 005, Tel. Off. (0674) 230 6403, Res.
(0674) 230 3444, Fax (0674) 230 0142, email: maharana@
iopb.res.in, sp. string theory; field theory; quantum gravity.

2010 Maiti, Kalobaran, b. 1967, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Dean,

Natural Sciences Faculty, Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off.
(022) 2278 2302, Res. (022) 2280 4919, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.tifr.res.in/~kbmaiti, sp.
quantum materials; correlated electron systems; magnetism &
superconductivity; topologically ordered systems; electron

2018 Maiti, Prabal Kumar, b. 1969, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), Department of

Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2865, Res. (080) 7963 9406, Mobile: 94484 77862,
Fax (080) 2360 2602; (080) 2360 0228, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: www.physics.iisc.ac.in/~maiti, sp.
molecular simulation; soft matter; DNA nanotechnology;
confined fluids.

2013 Maiti, Souvik, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Osmania), Scientist, CSIR–Institute of

Genomics and Integrative Biology, Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road,
Delhi 110 025, Tel. Off. (011) 2987 9108, Res. (0120) 248 5601,
Mobile: 98111 30093, Fax (011) 2766 7471, email: souvik@
igib.res.in, URL: http://www.igib.res.in/?q=SouvikMaiti, sp. bio-
physical chemistry; chemical biology; genome editing technologies.

106 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2018 Maiti, Sudipta, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania), Department of

Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2539,
Res. (022) 2280 4980, Mobile: 98694 61384, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
emai: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: www.
biophotonics.co.in, sp. biophysics; microscopy; optical spectro-

1998 Maitra, Uday, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Columbia), FNA, Department of

Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2360 1968; (080) 2293 2690, Res. (080) 2360 1774,
Fax (080) 2360 0529, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://orgchem.iisc.ac.in/uday-maitra/, sp. chemistry of bile
acids; organo & hydrogels; soft composite/hybrid materials;
photoluminescent sensors, Council Service: 2013–18; Secretary:

2022 Majee, Manoj, b. 1976, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, National Institute

of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 5193, Res. (011) 2673 5150, Mobile:
99106 73040, Fax (011) 2674 1658, email: [email protected],
URL: https://nipgr.ac.in/research/dr_mmajee.php, sp. plant
molecular biology; seed biology; stress biology.

2022 Maji, Samir K, b. 1974, Ph.D. (IACS), FNASc, Department of

Biosciences & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7774,
Mobile: 97696 88774, Fax (022) 2572 3480, email: samirmaji@
iitb.ac.in, URL: https://www.bio.iitb.ac.in/people/faculty/maji-sk/,
520 sp. biophysics; chemical biology.

2018 Maji, Tapas Kumar, b. 1974, Ph.D. (IACS), Chemistry and

Physics of Materials Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off.
(080) 2208 2826, Res. (080) 2953 0611, Mobile: 94835 40611,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: www.jncasr.
ac.in/tmaji, sp. porous materials; inorganic–organic hybrid soft
nanomaterials; molecule based magnetic and optoelectronic

2014 Majumdar, Subeer Suhash, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Nagpur), FNA,

FNASc, Director, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology,
Gopanpally, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2312 0102,
Mobile: 98181 70750, Fax (040) 2312 0130, email: subeer@
niab.org.in, sp. animal biotechnology; transgenic animals;

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 107

2015 Majumder, Gobinda, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, FNA,
Department of High Energy Physics, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005,
Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2378, Res. (022) 2278 3378, Mobile:
97574 88232, Fax (022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.tifr.res.in/~gobinda/, sp. experimental particle

2006 Majumder, Hemanta Kumar, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, JC Bose National Fellow, NASI Senior Scientist, CSIR–
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja SC Mullick Road,
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2499 5727, Res.
(033) 2359 1532, Mobile: 98319 26491, Fax (033) 2473 5197, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. bio-
chemistry; molecular biology; parasitology.

1998 Majumder, Partha Pratim, b. 1952, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, SERB National Science Chair; Emeritus
Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata; Distinguished
Professor, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Netaji
Subhas Sanatorium Post, Kalyani 741 251, Tel. Off. (033) 2589 2150;
(033) 2589 2151, Res. (033) 2565 4314, email: ppm1@
nibmg.ac.in, sp. biostatistics; human genetics; population
genetics. Council Service: 2016–; President: 2019–2021.

1986 Malhotra, Kailash Chandra, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, Res. 385,
Sector 29, Noida 201 301, email: [email protected],
sp. population genetics; human ecology.

2016 Malhotra, Pawan, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, Group Leader, Malaria Biology Group,
International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology,
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011)
2674 1358/457; (011) 2674 2895, Res. (011) 2511 0774, Mobile:
98107 79378, Fax (011) 2674 2316, email: [email protected],
sp. malaria parasite biology; molecular biology; drug & vaccine

1994 Malik, Satish Kumar, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Visiting

Professor, Centro Internacional de Fisica da Materia Condensada
(CIFMC), ICCMP, Universidade de Brasilia, C. Postal 04513,
70904-970 Brasilia DF, Brazil, Tel. Off. (+55-61) 3307 2571/24,
Mobile: (+55-61) 8495 0369, Fax (+55-61) 3307 1771, email:
[email protected], sp. rare earth magnetism; superconductivity;
strongly correlated electron systems.

108 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Mallick, Birendra Nath, b. 1956, Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNA, FNASc,

Director, Amity Institute of Neuropsychology & Neurosciences,
Amity University, Sector 125, Noida 201 313, Tel. Off. (011)
2670 4522, Mobile: 93113 79248; 98106 60572, email: bnmallick@
amity.edu; [email protected], URL: http://www.jnu.ac.in/
Faculty/bnmallick/, sp. physiology/neurophysiology; neuro-
pharmacology; neuro-cognitive biology; sleep-wakefulness-REM

1997 Mallik, Asok Kumar, b. 1947, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, Res. P-31, CIT Road, Scheme VI M(S), Kolkata 700 054,
Tel. (033) 2364 8833, email: [email protected]; asokiitk@
gmail.com, sp. vibration engineering; kinematics; dynamics of
530 machines.

2012 Mallik, Ranjan Kumar, b. 1964, Ph.D. (USC, Los Angeles), FNA,
FNAE, FNASc, FIEEE, FTWAS, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1049, Res. (011) 2659 1572,
Mobile: 98106 54162, Fax (011) 2658 1606, email: rkmallik@
ee.iitd.ernet.in; [email protected], sp. electrical engineering

2017 Mallik, Roop, b. 1970, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of Biosciences &

Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7769; (022) 2576 4789,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.bio.iitb.ac.in/~roop/, sp.
biophysics of molecular motors; phagosome dynamics; lipid
droplets; triglyceride secretion from liver.

1995 Mandal, Asit Baran, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FRSC, FNAE,

INAE Distinguished Professor, CSIR–Central Glass and Ceramic
Research Institute, 196 Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2322 3402; (033) 2473 5829, Mobile:
80561 43732; 99401 21703, Fax (033) 2473 0957; (033) 2483 9266,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
physical & biophysical chemistry; organized self-assemblies;
nanomaterials; ionic liquids; environmental S&T; colloids and
surface sciences; electrochemistry & thermodynamics.

2006 Mandal, Chitra, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

FAMS, Res. B-131, Survey Park, Kolkata 700 075, Mobile:
98310 36964, email: [email protected], sp. glyco-
biology; cancer biology; immunobiology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 109

2014 Mandal, Gautam, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Department of
Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2429,
Fax (022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected], URL:
http://theory.tifr.res.in/~mandal/, sp. quantum field theory;
gravity; string theory.

2018 Mandal, Mahitosh, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IICB), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, School of Medical Science and Technology,
Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302,
Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3578, Res. (03222) 28 3579, Mobile:
94348 96984, Fax (03222) 28 2221, email: [email protected].
ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/
department/MM/faculty/mm-mahitosh, sp. cancer biology;
multidrug resistance; drug delivery.

2006 Mandal, Nibir, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, Department of

Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032,
Tel. Off. (033) 2414 6666/2364, Mobile: 98754 43433, email:
[email protected]; sp. structural geology; solid earth
geophysics; tectonics.

1993 Mandal, Nitai Chandra, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc,

Res. E-5, Digantika, AH Block, Sector II, Salt Lake, Kolkata
700 091, Mobile: 94775 85894, email: [email protected],
sp. molecular genetics; molecular biology of prokaryotes.

2019 Mandal, Prabhat, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Department of

Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences, SN Bose
National Centre for Basic Sciences, JD Block, Sector 3, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700 106, Tel. Off. (033) 2335 5706-08, Fax (033) 2335 3477/
1364, Mobile: 7044682899, email:[email protected] ;
[email protected], URL: http://www.saha.ac.in/web/
ecmpd-personal-page?mid=47&tab=tab2, sp. topological
insulator & Dirac/Weyl semimetals; strongly correlated &
superconductivity; multi-functional oxides.

2021 Mandal, Swadin Kumar, b. 1973, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of

Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education &
Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 1227,
Res. (033) 6136 1827, Mobile: 99036 76563, email: swadhin.mandal@
iiserkol.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://swadhin-
540 mandal.weebly.com/, sp. organometallic chemistry; catalysis.

110 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2003 Mande, Shekhar Chintamani, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,
Secretary, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research and
Director General, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
Anusandhan Bhavan, 2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001, Tel. Off.
(011) 2371 0618, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. macromolecular crystallography; protein structure &

1984 Mani, Harihara Subra, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Columbia), FNASc, Adjunct

Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai; Res. 2,
Seethambal Illam, Fourth Cross Street, Durga Colony, Sembakkam,
Chennai 600 073, Tel. (044) 2228 1131, Mobile: 94447 04725,
email: [email protected], sp. elementary particle physics.

2008 Manna, Indranil, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Kharagpur), FNASc, FNAE, FNA,

FTWAS, DSc (h.c.) Vice Chancellor, Birla Institute of Technology,
Mesra, Ranchi 835 215, Tel. Off. (0651) 227 5402, Res.
(0651) 227 5401, Mobile: 81278 84422, email: imanna@
metal.iitkgp.ac.in; [email protected], sp. structure-property
correlation in engineering solids; nano-structured materials;
surface engineering; laser additive manufacturing; nano/ferro-

2018 Manoj Kumar, b. 1962, Ph.D. (GNDU, Amritsar), Department of

Chemistry, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar 143 005,
Tel. Off. (0183) 282 3257, Mobile: 94176 27758, Fax (0183)
225 8820, email: [email protected], sp. supramolecular
chemistry; physical organic chemistry; functional materials.

1975 Mantravadi, Murty Venkataradhakrishna, b. 1929, Ph.D.

(Rochester), Res. Apartment 108, 1045 Morning View Drive,
Escondido, CA 92026, USA, Tel. (+1-760) 655 2285, email:
[email protected], sp. optics; optical engineering.

2001 Marimuthu, Ganapathy, b. 1954, Ph.D. (MKU), D.Sc. (MKU),

FNA, FNASc, INSA Honorary Scientist, Madurai Kamaraj
University, Madurai; Res. No. 2/201, North 2 Street, Rajambadi,
Palkalai Nagar, Madurai 625 021, Tel. (0452) 245 8658, Mobile:
97916 96463, email: [email protected]; mailbox_gm@
rediffmail.com, sp. animal behaviour; chronobiology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 111

1983 Mashelkar, Raghunath Anant, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FRS, FTWAS, Foreign Assoc., US Natl. Acad. Sci.,
3rd Floor, Adams Court, Above Bank of Baroda, Baner, Pune
411 045, Tel. Off. (020) 4692 5703, email: [email protected],
URL: www.mashelkar.com, sp. polymer science & engineering;
molecular & convective diffusion; non-Newtonian fluid mechanics;
rheology. Council Service: 1989–2000; Vice-President: 1995–2000.

1993 Mathews, Cherian Kanjirathumkal, b. 1935, Ph.D. (McMaster),

Managing Director, Indus Scientific Private Limited, Bengaluru;
Res. 11/2B, Hennur Bande, Hennur Road, Bengaluru 560 043,
Tel. Off. (080) 2544 9762; (080) 2544 9764, Mobile: 98440 10286,
Fax (080) 2543 0914, email: [email protected]; ckmathews@
indusscientific.com, sp. high temperature chemistry; solid state
ionics & sensors; materials characterization; instrumentation.

1975 Mathews, Piravonu Mathews, b. 1932, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA,

Res. No. 22/20, Lady Madhavan Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai
600 034, Tel. (044) 2817 2098, Mobile: 73584 63621, email:
[email protected], sp. geoastronomy & geodynamics; quantum
theory of particles & fields; statistical mechanics & mathematical

2018 Mathews, Vikram, b. 1966, MD & DM (MGR Medical Univ.),

Department of Haematology, Christian Medical College, Vellore
632 004, Tel. Off. (0416) 228 2891, Res. (0416) 228 2340,
Mobile: 94433 39340; 99946 28232, Fax (0416) 222 6449, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://cmchaematology.org/dr-vikram-mathews.php, sp. haemato-
550 logy; acute leukaemia; allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

1993 Mathur, Asha, b. 1938, MD (Lucknow), FRC Path. (London), FNA,

FAMS, FNASc, FTWAS, Department of Pathology & Microbiology,
Saraswati Medical & Dental College, Lucknow; Res. 103,
Shalimar Estate, Birbal Sahni Marg, New Hyderabad, Lucknow
226 007, Tel. Off. (0522) 281 5044; (0522) 281 5045, Res.
(0522) 278 0325, Mobile: 96213 95580, email: asha.mathur@
gmail.com, sp. virology; immunology; medical microbiology.

1992 Mathur, Deepak, b. 1952, Ph.D. (London), FNA, FTWAS, Adjunct

Professor, Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Manipal
Academy of Higher Education, Manipal 576 104, Tel.
Off. (0820) 292 5071, email: [email protected]; deepak.mathur@
manipal.edu, sp. atomic, molecular & optical physics; intense &
ultrafast laser fields; molecular dynamics; biological physics.

112 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1996 Mathur, Pradeep, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Keele), D.Sc.(h.c.) (Keele), JC

Bose National Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute
of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, email:
[email protected], URL: www.chem.iitb.ac.in/~mathur, sp. organo-
metallics & cluster chemistry.

2002 Mayor, Satyajit, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Rockefeller), FNA, FTWAS,

Foreign Fellow–US Natl. Acad. Sci., JC Bose National Fellow,
Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, UAS-GKVK
Campus, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6301,
Res. (080) 2546 4058, Fax (080) 2363 6662, email: mayor@
ncbs.res.in, URL: http://www.ncbs.res.in/mayor, sp. cell biology;

1981 Meher-Homji, Vispy Minocher, b. 1932, D.Sc. (Toulouse), Ph.D.

(Bombay), FNA, FNASc, Res. 20D, Sagar Sangeet, 58, Colaba
Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. (022) 2215 0120, sp. plant ecology;
plant geography; bioclimatology.

1982 Mehta, Chandra Lal, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Rochester), Res. B-43,

Gyandeep Apartments, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, New Delhi 110 091,
Tel. (011) 2279 6410, Mobile: 90133 91375, email: mehtacl@
hotmail.com, sp. quantum & statistical optics; mathematical

1979 Mehta, Goverdhan, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Pune), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA,

FNASc, FRS, FTWAS, University Distinguished Professor & Dr
Kallam Anji Reddy Chair, School of Chemistry, University of
Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4848;
(040) 2301 0785, Res. (040) 2313 6145, Mobile: 80083 93737,
Fax (040) 2301 2460, email: [email protected]; gmehta43@
gmail.com, sp. synthetic organic chemistry; natural products
chemistry. Council Service: 1989–94, Vice-President: 1992–94.

1974 Menon, Thuppalay Kochugovinda, b. 1928, Ph.D. (Harvard),

Res. 106-2803 41st Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6N
4B4, Canada, Tel. Off. (+1-604) 822 0330, Res. (+1-604) 266 1789,
email: [email protected], sp. astrophysics.

1984 Merh, Sukumar Shyamlal, b. 1928, Ph.D. (London), FNA, FNASc,

Res. Flat 5, Ashdown Court, 5 Idmiston Road, Worcester Park,
Surrey KT4 7SE, London, UK, Tel. (+44-20) 8330 1225, sp.
structural geology; Himalayan geology; Quaternary geology.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 113
2011 Minwalla, Shiraz, b. 1972, Ph.D. (Princeton), Department of
Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2212,
Res. (022) 2287 5952, Mobile: 98670 50908, Fax (022) 2280 4610-
11, email: [email protected], sp. string theory; gravity;
560 quantum field theory.

2009 Mishra, Akhilesh Chandra, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, Director,

Interactive Research School of Health Affairs, Bharati Vidyapeeth
University, Katraj, Pune 411 043, Tel. Off. (020) 2436 6920,
Mobile: 99701 78555, email: [email protected], sp. human
viral infections and zoonotic disease of public health importance.

2005 Mishra, Gyan Chandra, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Udaipur), FNA, FNASc,

NASI Platinum Jubilee Chair, Distinguished Professor, National
Centre for Cell Science, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off.
(020) 2570 8283, Res. (020) 2720 1638, Mobile: 94225 22705,
Fax (020) 2569 7756, email: [email protected], sp.
immunology; cell biology.

1999 Mishra, Manoj Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Florida), FNASc, Res. A-

604, Blue Nile Apartment, Near Hiranandani Hospital, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, email: [email protected], sp. electronic
structure theory; photo/collisional dynamics.

2012 Mishra, Rakesh Kumar, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Allahabad), FNASc, FNA,

Distinguished Emeritus Professor, CSIR–Centre for Cellular and
Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off.
(040) 2719 2658, Mobile: 94419 02188, Fax (040) 2716 0591,
email: [email protected], sp. genomics; developmental
biology; chromatin; epigenetic regulations.

1987 Mishra, Santosh Kumar, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, Res. Flat 4,
163/24, Mausam Vihar, Park Avenue, Off DP Road, Aundh, Pune
411 007, Tel. (020) 2589 0369, email: skmishrapune@rediffmail.
com, sp. dynamic meteorology; numerical modelling of the

1999 Misra, Gadadhar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook), FNA,

FNASc, l Statistics & Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute,
RV College Post, Mysore Road, Bengaluru 560 059, Tel. Off.
(080) 2698 5474, Res. (080) 2341 2348, Mobile: 94498 17021,
Fax (080) 2360 0146, email: [email protected]; gadadhar.misra@
gmail.com, URL: http://math.isibang.ac.in/~gm/, sp. operator
theory; operator spaces. Council Service: 2007–09.

114 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1983 Misra, Krishna Behari, b. 1943, Ph.D. (IIT, Roorkee), FNAE, Res.
71, Vrindaban Vihar, Krishna Kutir, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302 019,
Tel. (0141) 482 4267, Mobile: 77279 69663, email: kbmisra@
gmail.com, URL: https://ramsconsultants.org/dr-krishna-b-misra/,
sp. reliability, maintainability, availability, risk & safety,
sustainability & performability engineering.

2003 Misra, Usha Kant, b. 1952, MD (Lucknow), FAMS, FRCP

(Edinburgh), FNA, FNASc, FAMS, Department of Neurology, Sanjay
Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rae Bareily
Road, Lucknow 226 014, Tel. Off. (0522) 249 4167, Res. (0522)
220 5931, Mobile: 94506 53685, Fax (0522) 266 8811, email:
[email protected], sp. clinical neurology; neurophysio-
logy; tropical neurology.

1975 Mistry, Kekhushroo Bamanshaw, b. 1936, Ph.D. (Delhi), Res. 52,

Sunshine, Dr Rajaballi Patel Lane, Mumbai 400 026, Tel.
(022) 2351 7387; (022) 2351 0564, Mobile: 97730 77329, sp. soil
science; fertilizers; agrochemicals.

1972 Mitra, Asoke Nath, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Delhi & Cornell), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Res. 244, Tagore Park (Near Kingsway Camp), Delhi
110 009, Tel. (011) 4706 3061; (011) 2744 6153, email: anmitraph@
gmail.com, sp. theoretical, nuclear & quark physics. Council
570 Service: 1974–76.

2013 Mitra, Debashis, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FNA,

Professor of Eminence, National Centre for Cell Science,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020)2570 8151, Mobile:
98230 59841, Fax (020) 2569 2259, email:[email protected], sp.
molecular virology; HIV/AIDS & anti-viral drug discovery;
molecular immunology.

1982 Mitra, Samaresh, b. 1940, D.Phil. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, Res.

Panchami, No. 508, Udita, 1050/1, Survey Park, Kolkata 700 075,
Tel. (033) 2418 8209, Mobile: 98312 73257, email: samaresh.
[email protected], sp. biological chemistry; inorganic biochemistry.

1986 Mittal, Jai Pal, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Notre Dame), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, MN Saha Distinguished Professor (NASI), Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre, Mumbai; Res. 11-B, Rohini Co-op. Housing
Society, Sector 9A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel. Off.
(022) 2559 5245; (022) 2559 5246, Res. (022) 2766 4822, Fax
(022) 2550 5151, email: [email protected]; mittaljp@
barc.gov.in, sp. radiation chemistry & radiation biology; photo-
chemistry & photobiology; laser chemistry; chemical dynamics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 115

2007 Mittal, Sanjay, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Minnesota), FNAE, FNA, FNASc,
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology– Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 679 7906,
Res. (0512) 679 8702, Fax (0512) 679 7561, email: smittal@
iitk.ac.in, URL: home.iitk.ac.in/~smittal, sp. unsteady aero-
dynamics; finite element analysis; low speed wind-tunnel testing;
high performance computing; experimental aerodynamics; bluff-
body flows; vortex induced vibrations; fluid-structure interactions;
high speed flows; flows in air-intakes; decelerator aerodynamics;
aerodynamic shape optimization; sports aerodynamics; traffic

1998 Mittra, Indraneel, b. 1943, M.B.B.S. (Delhi), Ph.D. (London),

FRCS (England), FNA, Dr Ernest Borges Chair in Translational
Research & Professor Emeritus, Department of Surgical
Oncology, Tata Memorial Centre, Dr Ernest Borges Road,
Mumbai 400 012, Tel. Off. (022) 2417 7285, Res. (022) 2497 6307,
Mobile: 97697 69720, Fax (022) 2417 7286; Advanced Centre for
Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer, Khargar, Navi
Mumbai 410 210, Tel. Off. (022) 2740 5136, Fax (022) 2740 5061,
email: [email protected], sp. cancer surgery; cancer
biology; cancer prevention. Council Service: 2004–06.

1999 Mohan, Anand, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, Registrar,

Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005,
Tel. Off. (0562) 257 0372, Mobile: 93369 07431; 70605 20949,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
metamorphic petrology; mineralogy; Precambrian geology;
disaster management & mitigation; consciousness studies.

2012 Mohan, Viswanathan, b. 1954, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Madras), FRCP

(London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Ireland), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
FRS (Edinburgh), Director, Madras Diabetes Research
Foundation & Dr Mohans Diabetes Specialities Centre, No. 6,
Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, Chennai 600 086, Tel Off.
(044) 4396 8888, Res. (044) 2431 1238, Mobile: 98400 97370,
email: [email protected], sp. diabetes & its compli-
cations; epidemiology; genomics; precision diabetes.

1993 Mohan Kumar, Neithalath, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Bombay),

Department of Mathematics, Washington University, One
Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1146, St. Louis, MO 63130,
USA, Tel. Res (+1-314) 726 2115, Fax (+1-314) 935 6839,
email: [email protected], URL: www.math.wustl.edu/~kumar, sp.
commutative algebra; algebraic geometry.
116 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
1999 Mohan Rao, Chintalagiri, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, JC Bose National Fellow, CSIR–Centre for
Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007,
Tel. Off. (040) 2719 5630, Res. (040) 2720 3931, Fax (040) 2719 5633,
email: [email protected], URL: www.ccmb.res.in/staff/mohan,
sp. molecular biology and biophysics; protein folding and
molecular chaperones in health and disease; role of heat shock
proteins in gene expression, cell cycle, differentiation and
apoptosis; DNA based diagnostics & nanobiology.

2017 Mohanty, Bedangadas, b. 1973, Ph.D. (IoP, Bhubaneswar), FNA,

FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, School of Physical Sciences,
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Jatni P.O.,
Khurda 752 050, Tel. Off. (0674) 249 4266, Res. (0674) 249 4200,
Mobile: 88955 84872, Fax (0674) 249 4004, email: bedanga@
niser.ac.in, URL: http://www.niser.ac.in/~bedanga, sp. experi-
mental high energy physics; phase diagram of quantum
580 chromodynamics; emergent properties of QCD; dark matter.

2012 Mohanty, Debasisa, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, National

Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 3749, Res. (011) 2670 3730, Mobile:
98187 47627, Fax (011) 2674 2125, email: [email protected], sp.
bioinformatics; computational & structural biology; biophysics.

1993 Mohanty, Uma Charan, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Moscow), FNASc, FNAE,

FNA, School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences, Indian
Institute of Technology–Bhubaneswar, Argul, Jatni P.O., Khurda
752 050, Tel. Off. (0674) 713 5505/5524, Res. (0674) 295 3164,
Mobile: 87638 62775; 87639 94797, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. numerical weather prediction;
monsoon dynamics; climate modelling; climate change studies,
tropical meteorology; mesoscale modelling system.

1993 Mohanty-Hejmadi, Priyambada, b. 1939, Ph.D. & MS

(Michigan), Res. c/o BC Mohanty & Sons, Rajabagicha, Cuttack
753 009, Mobile: 87632 84662; 77500 17996, email: mohantyhejmadi@
yahoo.com; [email protected], sp. developmental
biology; herpetology (amphibians & reptiles including the olive
ridley sea turtle).

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 117

2010 Mondal, Naba Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Bombay), D.Sc. (h.c.),
FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Raja Ramanna Fellow, Saha Institute of
Nuclear Physics, AF Block, Sector 1, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata
700 064, Tel. Off. (033) 2337 5345/1733, Res. (033) 4064 8539,
Mobile: 99875 37701, email: [email protected]; nkm@
tifr.res.in, sp. experimental particle physics; accelerator-based
and non-accelerator-based particle physics; neutrino physics.

2010 Moorthy, Jarugu Narasimha, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), Director, Indian

Institute of Science Education and Research–Thiruvananthapuram,
Maruthamala PO., Vithura, Thiruvananthapuram 695 551, Tel. Off.
(0471) 259 7421, Mobile: 94503 43016, email: director@iisertvm.
ac.in; [email protected], sp. organic photochemistry;
supramolecular chemistry; mechanistic organic chemistry and
organic synthesis.

2012 Mugesh, Govindasamy, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), FNASc,

FNA, FRSC (London), JC Bose National Fellow, Department of
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 2566, Res. (080)
2360 5888, Mobile: 94484 50108, Fax (080) 2360 2566, email:
[email protected], URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/gm.php, sp. bio-
inorganic chemistry; chemical biology; medicinal chemistry.

2014 Mujumdar, Pradeep Pralhad, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IISc), Department

of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2669, Res. (080) 2360 2668,
Mobile: 98452 15612, Fax (080) 2360 0290, email: pradeep@
iisc.ac.in, URL: http://civil.iisc.ac.in/~pradeep/, sp. hydrology;
uncertainty modelling; climate change impacts.

2001 Mukerjee, Rahul, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, Indian

Institute of Management, Joka, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata
700 104, Tel. Off. (033) 2467 8300, Res. (033) 2423 9712, Fax
(033) 2467 8307, email: [email protected], sp. design of
experiments; asymptotic theory; survey sampling.

2014 Mukerji, Mitali, b. 1967, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Head, Department

of Bioscience & Bioengineering Faculty, School of Artificial
Intelligence and Data Science, Indian Institute of Technology–
Jodhpur, Karwar, Jodhpur 342 037, Mobile: 98112 88052,
email: [email protected], sp. functional genomics; population
genomics; ayurgenomics.
118 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
2022 Mukherjee, Ashis Kumar, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Burdwan), Director,
Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology, Vigyan
Path, Paschim Boragaon, Garchuk, Guwahati 781 035,
Tel. Off. (0361) 227 0095, Mobile: 78960 03886, email: akm@
tezu.ernet.in; [email protected], URL: https://iasst.gov.in/
faculty-profile/?id=1, sp. microbial enzymes; Anti-Cancer drug
590 discovery from natural resources.

1987 Mukherjee, Debashis, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Sc. (h.c.),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Distinguished Chair Professor, Centres for
Research in Engineering, Science and Technology, 16th Floor,
Omega, BIPL Building, Blocks EP & GP, Sector 5, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700 091, Tel. Off. 96744 26420, Mobile: 93310 19518,
email: [email protected], sp. theoretical chemistry; quantum
science; theoretical spectroscopy.

2020 Mukherjee, Partha Sarathi, b. 1973, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FRSC,

Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3352, Res.
(080) 2360 0023, Mobile: 99862 48948; 99802 49842, Fax (080)
2360 1552, email: [email protected], URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/~psm/,
sp. inorganic chemistry; supramolecular chemistry/organic

1999 Mukherjee, Rabindra Nath, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA,

Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology–ISM, Dhanbad 826 004, Mobile: 99033 82482, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://www.iitk.ac.in/new//
rabindra-nath-mukherjee, sp. inorganic chemistry; bioinorganic

2005 Mukherjee, Sunil Kumar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook),

FNA, FTWAS, Dean (Faculty) & Professor of Physics, Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research–Pune, Dr Homi
Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8116,
Mobile: 98672 01156, Fax (020) 2025 1566, email: sunil.mukhi@
gmail.com, URL: www.sunilmukhi.in, sp. string theory; gravitation,
quantum field theory, supersymmetry.

2000 Mukhi, Sunil, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook), FNA, FTWAS,
Professor of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008,
Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8116, Mobile: 98672 01156, Fax (020) 2025
1566, email: [email protected], sp. string theory; gravitation;
quantum field theory; supersymmetry.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 119
2010 Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc,
FNA, KUSUMA School of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of
Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off.
(011) 2659 1106, Mobile: 98108 87164, email: amitabha@
bioschool.iitd.ac.in, sp. cell biology; host–pathogen interactions;
drug delivery.

1988 Mukhopadhyay, Dhrubajyoti, b. 1938, Ph.D. (London), FNA,

FNASc, INSA Emeritus Scientist, Raman Centre for Applied &
Interdisciplinary Sciences, Kolkata; Res. G-7, MIG Housing Estate,
25/3 Raja Manindra Road, Kolkata 700 037, Mobile: 94330 92581;
98302 72581, email: [email protected], sp. structural
geology; Precambrian geology.

2013 Mukhopadhyay, Sangita, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Utkal), FNASc, FNA,

Group Leader, Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Centre for
DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics, Inner Ring Road, Uppal,
Hyderabad 500 039, Tel. Off. (040) 2721 6134, Res. (040)
2988 6994, Mobile: 94907 51094, Fax (040) 2721 6006, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
www.cdfd.org.in/labpages/sangita.html, sp. immunology; cell
signalling; communicable disease.

2018 Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc,

HAG Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 0000/
1351, Mobile: 94153 16909, email: [email protected], sp.
theoretical high energy physics.

2018 Mukund, Madhavan, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Aarhus), Chennai Mathe-

matical Institute, H1, SIPCOT IT Park, Siruseri, Kelambakkam,
Chennai 603 103, Tel. Off. (044) 7196 1000, Res. (044) 2457 0321,
Mobile: 94449 92990, Fax (044) 2747 0225, email: madhavan@
cmi.ac.in, URL: https://www.cmi.ac.in/~madhavan/, sp. models for
600 concurrent and distributed systems; distributed algorithms.

1984 Mukunda, Hanasoge Suryanarayana Avadhany, b. 1943, Ph.D.

(IISc), FNAE, Chairman, Advanced Research Centre, Jain
University, Bengaluru; Adviser, ABETS, CGP Laboratory, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Res. (080)
2323 5014, Mobile: 98455 98200, email: [email protected],
sp. combustion aerodynamics; fluid mechanics; rocket propul-
sion; energy from bioresidues, fire safety science.

120 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1975 Mukunda, Narasimhaiengar, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Rochester), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Res. 103, 6th Main Road, Malleswaram,
Bengaluru 560 003, Tel. (080) 2334 8657, Mobile: 96329 19422,
email: [email protected], sp. theoretical particle physics;
mathematical physics; mechanics; theoretical optics. Council
Service: 1989–91, 1998–2012; Editor of Publications: 1998–2012,
Vice-President: 2001–12.

1994 Muniyappa, K, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, CSIR

Bhatnagar Fellow & Honorary Professor, Department of
Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0278; (080) 2293 2235, Res. (080) 4866 6966,
Fax (080) 2360 0814, email: [email protected], sp. molecular
genetics; genetic recombination; telomere biology.

1987 Munjal, Manohar Lal, b. 1945, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,
AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor & INSA Honorary Scientist,
Facility for Research in Technical Acoustics, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2303; (080) 2360 3611, Res. (080)
2341 4855, Fax (080) 2360 0648, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.mecheng.iisc.ac.in/frita/, sp. technical acoustics;
noise & vibration control; mufflers & silencers.

2017 Munshi, Ritabrata, b. 1976, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA, Statistics &

Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road,
Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off. (033) 2575 3400, Res. (033) 2332 2527,
Mobile: 90040 55057, Fax (033) 2577 3071, email: ritabrata-
[email protected], sp. analytic number theory; automorphic
forms; elliptic curves.

1998 Muralidhar, Kambadur, b. 1948, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, Res.

No. 303, 7-1-69/1/25, Shobhanadri Apartments, DK Road,
Ameerpet, Hyderabad 500 016, Mobile: 98109 27705, email:
[email protected]; [email protected],
sp. biochemistry; endocrinology; reproductive biology.

1992 Murthy, Mathur Ramabhadrashastry Narasimha, b. 1950,

Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Department of Biological
Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research,
Thiruvananthapuram; Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied
Biotechnology, Biotech Park, Electronic City, Phase I, Bengaluru
560 100, Tel. Res. (080) 2337 2981, Mobile: 99003 13742, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. macromolecular crystallo-
graphy; virus structure & assembly; protein structure & function;
X-ray diffraction.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 121

2004 Murthy, Mundur Venkatasubbiah Nagaraja b. 1953, Ph.D.
(Mysore), Res. 33/4, Ramappa Nagar Main Road, Perungudi,
Chennai 600 096, Mobile: 9840749613, email: murthymundur@
gmail.com, sp. particle physics; phenomenology; quantum
statistics; semi-classical methods.

2009 Murty, Budaraju Srinivasa, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNAE,

FNA, FTWAS, Director, Indian Institute of Technology–Hyderabad,
Kandi Sangareddy, Hyderabad 502 285, Tel. Off. (040) 2301 6002,
Res. (040) 2301 7245, Mobile: 83310 36001; 94440 77006, Fax
(040) 2301 6000, email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
www.mme.iitm.ac.in/murty, sp. nano materials/composites/phase

2002 Murty, Sripada Venkata Satyasuryanarayana, b. 1952, Ph.D.

(IIT, Kanpur), Res. Flat 3, Gargi Apartments, Lad Society Road,
Nehrupark, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Mobile: 90990 21758,
email: [email protected], sp. early solar system & pre-solar
processes; cosmochemistry of nitrogen & noble gases; mass
610 spectrometry & planetary exploration.

2002 Murty, Thutupalli Gopala Krishna, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Adelaide),

Res. 848, 8th B Main, 17th Cross, ISRO Layout, Bengaluru
560 078, Tel. (080) 2686 0808, Mobile: 99011 55660, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. optical
engineering; thin film technology; electro-optical instrumentation;
atmospheric science technologies.

2009 Murugavel, Ramaswamy, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, Department

of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7163, Res. (022) 2576 8163,
Mobile: 98208 03249, Fax (022) 2572 3480, email: [email protected],
URL: www.chem.iitb.ac.in/~rmv, sp. inorganic materials chemistry.

1990 Muthukkaruppan, Veerappan, b. 1934, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), FNA,

Advisor-Research, Aravind Medical Research Foundation, No. 1,
Anna Nagar, Madurai 625 020, Tel. Off. (0452) 435 6550, Mobile:
94432 79635, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. immunology; angiogenesis in ocular diseases; adult ocular
stem cells; genetics of retinoblastoma.

122 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1989 Nadkarni, Mahendra Ganpatrao, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Brown), FNA,

Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, University
of Bombay, Vidya Nagari, Kalina, Mumbai 400 098, Tel. Off.
(022) 2654 3349, Res. (022) 2444 1093, Mobile: 70390 37959,
email: [email protected], sp. ergodic theory; commutative
harmonic analysis.

1993 Nadkarni, Vikas Madhusudan, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Delaware),

Managing Director, Techcellence Consultancy Services Private
Limited, 5 Pushkaraj, Pushpak Park, Aundh, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off.
(020) 2588 1780, Res. (020) 2588 5146, Mobile: 98220 34477,
email: [email protected], URL: www.vikastech.com, sp. polymer
science & engineering; materials science; chemical engineering.

1992 Nag, Kamalaksha, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Calcutta), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA,

Res. B-26, Jayashri Park, Behala, Kolkata 700 034, Tel. (033)
2406 6575, Mobile: 96745 13756, email: [email protected];
[email protected]; sp. inorganic chemistry.

2010 Nagaraj, Donihakalu Shankar, b. 1958, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc,

FNA, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Tirupati, Opp. Sree Rama Engineering College (Transit Campus),
Karakambadi Road, Mangalam Post, Tirupati 517 507, Tel. Off.
(0877) 250 0400; (0877) 250 0421, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.iisertirupati.ac.in/people/faculty/nagaraj.php, sp.
mathematics; algebraic geometry; vector bundles.

1992 Nagaraj, Ramakrishnan, b. 1953, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

CSIR–Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road,
Hyderabad 500 007, Mobile: 98483 03895, email: nraj@
csirccmb.org; [email protected], sp. peptide conformation;
membrane biochemistry; host–defence peptides; peptide &
protein nanostructures.

1999 Nagaraja, Valakunja, b. 1954, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,

Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0668; (080)
2293 2598, Res. (080) 2341 8256, Fax (080) 2360 2697, email:
[email protected], URL: http://mcbl.iisc.ac.in/vn/, sp. protein–nucleic
acid interactions; restriction–modification systems; molecular
biology of mycobacteria; regulation of gene expression. Council
Service: 2019–.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 123

1974 Nagarajan, Kuppuswamy, b. 1930, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA, Res.
Block 1, Flat 007, Serene Urbana, Inside Ozone Urbana,
Kannamangala, Bengaluru 562 110, Tel. (080) 2972 8227,
Mobile: 98867 13958, email: [email protected], sp. natural
products; medicinal, pesticide & synthetic heterocyclic chemistry;
620 applications of NMR to structure & reactivity.

2001 Nagarajan, Radhakrishnan, b. 1942, B.Sc. (Hons), FNA, FNASc,

Emeritus Professor, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic
Sciences, Mumbai; Res. 303, Dnyaneshwar, off D. Gaikwad
Road (near Tambe Nagar Jain Temple), Mulund (West), Mumbai
400 080, Mobile: 93223 70689, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. superconductivity; magnetism; heavy
fermion behaviour; Mössbauer spectroscopy; instrumentation;

2022 Nagesh Kumar, Dasika, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of Civil

Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2666, Res. (080) 2972 0197, Mobile:
97390 50057, Fax (080) 2360 0404, email: [email protected],
URL: http://civil.iisc.ac.in/~nagesh, sp. climate change; impact on
water resource systems; remote sensing; GIS applications in

2004 Nageswara Rao, Gullapalli, b. 1945, MD (Ophthal.) (AIIMS),

D.Sc. (h.c.), D. Med., FAMS, FACS, FRCS, FNASc, Chair - LV
Prasad Eye Institute, LV Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad
500 034, Tel. Off. (040) 3061 2609, email: [email protected], sp.
cornea; community eye health; eye care policy & planning.

1999 Nair, Gopalan Vijayakumaran, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Banaras & British

Columbia), Honorary Scientist, Organic Chemistry Section,
CSIR–National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Techno-
logy, Thiruvananthapuram 695 019, Tel. Off. (0471) 249 0406,
Mobile: 98950 41707, email: [email protected]; vijaynair_
[email protected], sp. synthetic organic chemistry; heterocyclic
chemistry; organocatalysis.

2012 Nair, Gopinath Balakrish, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Annamalai), FNASc,

FNA, FTWAS, Res. No. 3E, SFS Palace Court, TC 5/2380(22),
Pipe Lane Road, Kowdiar, Thiruvananthapuram 695 003, Tel.
(0471) 243 3857, Mobile: 99998 29379, email: gbnair_2000@
yahoo.com, sp. clinical microbiology; molecular epidemiology;
diarrhoeal diseases.
124 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
2020 Namboothiri, Irishi Narayanan Narayanan, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc),
FNASc, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7196, Res.
(022) 2576 8196, Mobile: 99699 60735, Fax (022) 2576 7152, email:
[email protected], URL: http://www.chem.iitb.ac.in/~irishi, sp. synthetic
& physical organic chemistry.

2009 Nandi, Arun Kumar, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Emeritus

Scientist, Polymer Science Unit, School of Materials Science,
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick
Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1561,
Mobile: 94773 75279, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: psuakn@
iacs.res.in, sp. polymer crystallization & gelation; polymer
blends & hybrids; polymer nanocomposites; supramolecular

2018 Nandicoori, Vinay Kumar, b. 1969, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Director,

CSIR–Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road,
Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2716 0789, Res. (011) 2670 3790,
Mobile: 98914 97516, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://www.ccmb.res.in/People/Research-Group/Vinay-K-
Nandicoori, sp. molecular & cellular biology; cell signaling & cell

2008 Nangia, Ashwini, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Yale), FNA, FNASc, FRSC,

School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046,
Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4800, Res. (040) 2332 7570, Mobile: 98481 55416;
91722 06021, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. crystal engineering; supramolecular chemistry; polymorphism;
salt-cocrystals; drug formulation.

2019 Nanjundiah, Ravi Shankar, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IISc), Centre for

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences & Divecha Centre for Climate
Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 3072, Mobile: 94499 87293, Fax (080) 2360 0865,
email: [email protected], URL:https://caos.iisc.ac.in/ravi.html, sp.
monsoon studies using climate models; application of HPC/grid
computing for climate & weather studies; machine learning for
630 monsoon prediction & downscaling.

1984 Nanjundiah, Vidyanand, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Chicago), Centre for

Human Genetics, Electronic City (Phase 1), Bengaluru 560 100,
Tel. Off. (080) 2852 1831, Res. (080) 2667 0631, email: vidyan@
alumni.iisc.ac.in, sp. developmental biology; evolution. Council
Service: 2004–09.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 125

1995 Naqvi, Syed Wajih Ahmad, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Geochemistry Fellow, Distinguished Visiting Professor,
Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 2158, Res.
(0512) 259 8173, Mobile: 96433 14093, email: wajih_naqvi@
yahoo.com; [email protected], sp. chemical oceanography;
palaeo-oceanography; aquatic biogeochemistry; global change.

2009 Narahari, Yadati, b. 1959, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNAE, FIEEE,

FNA, Department of Computer Science & Automation, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2773,
Res. (080) 2331 0265, Fax (080) 2360 2911, email: narahari@iisc.
ac.in, URL: http://lcm.csa.iisc.ernet.in/hari, sp. game theory &
mechanism design; machine learning; design of auctions and

1987 Narain, Prem, b. 1934, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Edinburgh), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, Res. 29278, Glen Oaks Blvd. W., Farmington Hills, MI
48334-2932, USA, email: [email protected], sp. statistical
genetics & statistics.

1984 Narasimham, Vemuri Syamala, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNASc, Res. 202, Vigyan, Plot 23, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi
Mumbai 400 703, Tel. (022) 2766 6155, Mobile: 98197 14541,
email: [email protected], sp. cosmic ray physics;
particle physics.

2000 Narasimhan, Ramarathnam, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNA,

FNAE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2959, Res.
(080) 2341 9667, Fax (080) 2360 0683, email: [email protected],
sp. fracture mechanics; computational solid mechanics.

2021 Narasimhan, Shobhana, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Harvard), FNASc,

Theoretical Sciences Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel.
Off. (080) 2208 2833, Res. (080) 2341 3675, Mobile: 98806 41962,
Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics; materials science; nanoscience.

126 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Narayan, Kavassery Sureswaran, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Ohio State),

FNASc, FNA, Chemistry & Physics of Materials Unit, Jawaharlal
Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru
560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2822, Res (080) 2351 1402, Fax
(080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected], sp. organic/polymer
electronics; device physics; bioelectronics; electrophysiology;
photovoltaics, entrepreneur.

2018 Narayana, Chandrabhas, b. 1965, Ph.D. (IISc), FRSC, FNASc,

Director, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thycaud P.O.,
Poojapura, Thiruvananthapuram 695 014, Tel. Off. (0471) 234 7973;
(0471) 252 9400, Mobile: 94486 82721, Fax (0471) 234 9303,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics; light scattering in materials; high pressure
research; nano-biotechnology; drug discovery; bio-diagnostics;
structural biology.

1974 Narayanamurti, Venkatesh, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Cornell), Benjamin

Peirce Professor of Technology and Public Policy, Engineering
and Applied Sciences and Physics, Emeritus Harvard University,
Pierce Hall 107D, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02138, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-617) 384 8211, Res. (+1-774) 408 7641,
Fax (+1-617) 496 5264, email: [email protected], sp.
640 solid state; nanoscience; electronic materials; science policy.

2020 Narayanan, Rishikesh, b. 1974, Ph.D. (IISc), Molecular

Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3372, Mobile: 95350 22420, Fax (080) 2360 0535,
email: [email protected], URL: http://mbu.iisc.ac.in/~rngrp/, sp.
cellular neurophysiology; computational neuroscience; neural
coding & plasticity.

1988 Narlikar, Anant Vishnu, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Cantab), Sc.D. (Cantab),

FNA, FNASc, Res. No. 211-212, Peace Point Colony (Behind
Queens College, Khandwa Road), Limbodi, Indore 452 001,
email: [email protected], sp. superconductivity; low
temperature physics; STM & related techniques.

1974 Narlikar, Jayant Vishnu, b. 1938, Sc.D. (Cantab), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, Inter-University Centre for Astro-
nomy & Astrophysics, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off.
(020) 2560 4100, Res. (020) 2588 1150, Mobile: 94235 22142,
Fax (020) 2560 4698-99, email: [email protected], sp. cosmology;
general relativity; gravitation. Council Service: 1986–88.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 127

2021 Nataraj, Neela, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNASc, Department of
Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7468, Mobile: 98204 20708,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.math.iitb.ac.in/~
neela/, sp. numerical analysis; finite element methods; applied

1993 Natarajan, Kootalai Ananthaiyer, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Minnesota),

D.Sc. (IISc), FNASc, FNAE, NASI Honorary Scientist and
Emeritus Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2679,
Res. (080) 2364 6499, Mobile: 98802 50091, Fax (080) 2360 0472,
email: [email protected], sp. mineral processing; hydrometallurgy;
biomineral technology; corrosion engineering.

2009 Natarajan, Srinivasan, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Madras), FNASc, FNA,

Framework Solids Laboratory, Solid State & Structural Chemistry
Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2551, Res. (080) 2341 7591, Mobile: 94489 37430,
Fax (080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected]; rajan1960@
gmail.com, sp. inorganic materials chemistry; solid state

1981 Nath, Girishwar, b. 1932, Ph.D. (Budapest), Res. c/o Dr S.K.

Sinha, Type IV/17, KNIT Campus, Kamala Nehru Institute of
Technology, Sultanpur 228 118, sp. fluid mechanics; magneto-
hydrodynamics; turbomachines.

2019 Nath, Utpal, b. 1965, Ph.D. (NCBS), FNASc, FNA, Department of

Microbiology & Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2414; (080) 2293 3606,
Res. (080) 4114 8064, Mobile: 94489 70438, Fax (080) 2293 2697,
email: [email protected], URL: http://mcbl.iisc.ac.in/utpal-nath.html,
sp. organ morphogenesis; developmental biology; plant biology.

2010 Navalgund, Ranganath Ramarao, b. 1948, Ph.D. (TIFR), Res.

Esteem Gardenia Apartments, Dahlia 201, Sahakara Nagar,
Bengaluru 560 092, Tel. (080) 2362 0682, Mobile: 99000 36229,
email: [email protected], sp. remote sensing; space applica-
tions; magnetic resonance.

128 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1988 Nayak, Nabeen Chandra, b. 1931, MD (Lucknow), FRCPath.,

FNA, FAMS, Adviser, Department of Pathology, Sir Ganga Ram
Hospital, New Delhi; Emeritus Professor of Pathology, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029,
Mobile: 90138 20308, email: [email protected], sp. patho-
650 logy; oncology; liver diseases.

2014 Nayak, Shailesh, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Baroda), Director, National

Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 1969, Res. (080)
2973 0098, Mobile: 98682 62969, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. remote sensing; coastal & ocean
processes; oceanography; science diplomacy.

2013 Nayak, Tapan Kumar, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Michigan State), FNASc,

ALICE Collaboration, CERN, Switzerland; Visiting Professor,
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Jatni P.O.,
Khurda 752 050, Mobile: (+41) 7541 12171, email: Tapan.Nayak@
cern.ch, URL: http://nayak.web.cern.ch, sp. nuclear and high
energy physics experiments; phases of nuclear matter; QCD
phase transition and quark gluon plasma (QGP).

2001 Nitsure, Nitin, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Res. C-1811,

Maple Leaf, Raheja Vihar, Powai, Andheri East, Mumbai 400 005,
email: [email protected], sp. algebraic geometry.

2009 Nityanand, Soniya, b. 1962, MD (Lucknow), Ph.D. (Karolinska),

FNASc, Head, Department of Hematology, Sanjay Gandhi Post
Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rae Bareily Road,
Lucknow 226 014, Tel. Off. (0522) 266 8700; (0522) 266 8800,
Res. (0522) 278 8587, Mobile: 94150 18833, Fax (0522) 266 8017,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
immunology; haematology.

1986 Nityananda, Rajaram, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Bangalore), FNA, FNASc,

Res. B-701, Mahaveer Riviera, JP Nagar 7th Phase, Bengaluru
560 078, Mobile: 96117 89391, email: rajaram.nityananda@
gmail.com, sp. optics; statistical physics; astronomy; physics
teaching. Council Service: 1989–94.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 129

1987 Nori, Madhav Vithal, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Department
of Mathematics, University of Chicago, 5734, South University
Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-773) 702 7327,
Res. (+1-773) 684 1498, Fax (+1-773) 702 9787, email: nori@
math.uchicago.edu, sp. algebraic geometry.

1992 Ogale, Satishchandra Balkrishna, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc,

Director, Research Institute for Sustainable Energy, Kolkata;
Emeritus Professor, Department of Physics & Centre for Energy
Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off.
(020) 2590 8292, Res. (020) 2543 5200, Mobile: 98226 28242,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
clean energy harvesting & storage; nanoscience & nanotechno-
logy; metal oxide thin films & spintronics.

2015 Ojha, Devendra Kumar, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Strasbourg),

Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel.
Off. (022) 2278 2684, Res. (022) 2280 4969, Mobile: 98672 06969,
Fax (022) 2280 4610-11, email: [email protected], URL: http://
web.tifr.res.in/~ojha/, sp. infrared astronomy; star formation &
interstellar medium; astronomical instrumentation.

1984 Padmanaban, Govindarajan, b. 1938, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, NASI Senior Scientist, Department of Biochemistry,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. & Fax
(080) 2360 1492; (080) 2293 2540, Res. (080) 2334 2223, email:
[email protected], sp. molecular biology; recombinant
DNA; malarial parasite. Council Service: 1986–88, 1992–97; Vice-
President: 1992–97.

1994 Padmanabhan, Kuppuswamy Anantha, b. 1945, Ph.D. & Sc.D.

(Cantab), FNASc, FNAE, Professor of Eminence, Anna University,
Chennai; Member, Research & Innovation Advisory Board, Tata
Consultancy Services, Phase 2, Block A, IIT Research Park,
Kanagam Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off.
(044) 6616 0005, Res. (044) 2243 2373, Fax (044) 2235 7744,
Mobile: 80087 77664, email: [email protected]; kap@
annauniv.edu, URL: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~kap, sp. mechanical
metallurgy; metal forming; plasticity & superplasticity; nano-
660 technology/nanostructured materials.
130 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1979 Pai, Mangalore Anantha, b. 1931, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley), FNA, FNAE,
FIEEE, Emeritus Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-217) 344 0977, Mobile: (+1-217) 417 9725, email:
[email protected], sp. power systems: stability, control &
computation; smart grid.

2010 Pal, Amlan Jyoti, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, FNAE, FNASc,
JC Bose National Fellow, Director, UGC-DAE Consortium for
Scientific Research, Khandwa Road, Indore 452 001, Tel. Off.
(0731) 246 3945, Mobile: 94330 59564, email: [email protected],
URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.html%20%20id=73, sp. device
physics, experimental condensed matter physics, organic
electronics, scanning tunneling spectroscopy.

2012 Pal, Arup Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (ISI, Delhi), Theoretical

Statistics & Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 7, SJS
Sansanwal Marg, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 4149 3921,
Fax (011) 4149 3981, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://www.isid.ac.in/~arup/, sp. quantum groups, non-
commutative geometry, operator algebras.

1994 Pal, Gaya Prasad, b. 1950, MS (Indore), D.Sc. (S. Gujarat),

FNASc, FAMS, Emeritus Professor, MGM Medical College,
Indore; Director, Department of Anatomy, Index Medical College,
Indore 452 001, Tel. Res. (0731) 358 5033, Mobile: 94254 96354,
email: [email protected], sp. human anatomy; clinical
anatomy; biomechanics of spine.

1996 Pal, Sankar Kumar, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Calcutta & London), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, FIEEE, SERB National Science Chair and
ISI Emeritus Professor, Soft Computing Research Center, Indian
Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off.
(033) 2575 2041; (033) 2575 2040, Res. (033)2577 2030; (033)
2464 8775, Mobile: 98311 01500, Fax (033)2578 8699; (033)
2578 3357, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://www.isical.ac.in/~sankar, sp. pattern recognition &
machine learning; image processing; data mining; soft
computing; granular mining; machine-mind development; web
intelligence; computing with words; bioinformatics; social
network analysis; video analytics; safety analytics; deep learning.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 131

1996 Pal, Sourav, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, Director,
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 0012, Res.
(033) 6136 0013, Mobile: 98903 35662, Fax (033) 2502 8002,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
www.iiserkol.ac.in/people/faculty/dcs/s-pal, sp. electronic structure
theory; ab initio quantum chemistry; chemical reactivity; ab initio
molecular dynamics.

2004 Palaniandavar, Mallayan, b. 1951, Ph.D. (MKU), FNA, INSA

Senior Scientist, Professor of Eminence, Department of
Chemistry, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli; Res. 10,
Gokulam Colony, Khajamalai, Tiruchirappalli 620 023, Tel.
(0431) 245 7510, Mobile: 94436 44758, email: palanim51@
yahoo.com; [email protected], sp. bioinorganic
chemistry; activation of molecular oxygen; functional models for
metallo-proteins; interaction of metal complexes with DNA and
proteins; metal-based anticancer drugs.

2007 Palit, Dipak Kumar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

Emeritus Professor, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic
Sciences, Mumbai; Res. Flat No. B22-03, Neptune Building,
Suncity Housing Complex, A S Marg, Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
Tel. Res. (022) 2578 4128, Mobile: 99691 49589; 97690 46959,
email:[email protected]; [email protected], sp. ultrafast spectro-
scopy; photo & radiation chemistry; chemical reaction dynamics
in condensed phase.

1988 Panchapakesan, Natarajan, b. 1933, Ph.D. (Delhi), Res. K-110,

Ground Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. (011)
2656 1358, Mobile: 88519 28490, email: [email protected],
sp. general relativity; cosmology; astroparticle physics; black
hole physics; science education.

2022 Pancholi, Dishant Mayurbhai, b. 1976, Ph.D. (TIFR), The Institute

of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai
600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3309, Mobile: 80562 50426, Fax
(044) 2254 1586, email: [email protected], sp. geometric
670 topology; symplectic topology.

2008 Panda, Dulal, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FNA, FTWAS,

JC Bose National Fellow, Director, National Institute of Pharma-
ceutical Education & Research, Sector 67, SAS Nagar 160 062,
Tel. Off. (0172) 221 4690, Res. (0172) 297 0694, Mobile:
98203 91591, email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
biochemistry; cell biology; biophysics.
132 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1995 Panda, Subrat Kumar, b. 1954, MD (Path.) (AIIMS), FNA,

Department of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 4924;
(011) 2659 3493, Res. (011) 2658 8915; (011) 2658 8916, Mobile:
98104 77853, Fax (011) 2658 8663, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. liver pathology; viral hepatitis, molecular

2017 Panda, Sudhakar, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Utkal), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose

National Fellow, Director, National Institute of Science Education
and Research, Jatni P.O., Khurda 752 050, Tel. Off. (0674)
249 4001-02, Res. (0674) 249 4500, Mobile: 94375 59215,
Fax (0674) 249 4004, email: [email protected], URL: https://
www.niser.ac.in/users/panda#profile-main, sp. high energy
physics; string theory; string cosmology; quantum field theory.

2016 Pandey, Daya Shankar, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc,

Department of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi 221 005, Mobile: 94509 60400,
Fax (0542) 236 8127, email: [email protected], sp. co-ordination
chemistry; organometallic chemistry; bio-inorganic chemistry.

2000 Pandey, Dhananjai, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose National Fellow, School of Materials Science and
Technology, Indian Institute of Technology–BHU, Banaras Hindu
University Campus, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542) 236 8106;
(0542) 670 2078, Res. (0542) 231 4658, Mobile: 94530 48510,
Fax (0542) 236 8428, email: [email protected], sp.
condensed matter physics; materials science; crystallography;
structural phase transitions; ferroics & multiferroics.

1993 Pandey, Ganesh Prasad, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc,

Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, Institute of
Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005,
Mobile: 99701 71802, email: [email protected]; gp8577@
gmail.com, sp. organic synthesis.

1997 Pandey, Prem Chand, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Allahabad), D.Sc (h.c.),

FNASc, Adjunct Professor, Discipline of Earth Sciences, Indian
Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar; Res. No. 1/2, Aalay Apart-
ments, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Mobile: 87638 65350,
email: [email protected], sp. satellite oceanography;
atmospheric sciences; climate science; polar research.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 133

1985 Pandian, Thavamani Jegajothivel, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Madras),
Dr. rer. nat. (Kiel, Germany), D.Sc. (CIFE, Mumbai), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, FTWAS, Res. 9, Old Natham Road, Opp. Balamandiram,
Madurai 625 014, Tel. (0452) 264 0139, Mobile: 98421 64130,
email: [email protected], sp. genetics: aquaculture.

2008 Pandit, Aniruddha Bhalchandra, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FTWAS, FNAE, FNA, FNASc, Vice Chancellor, Institute of Chemical
Technology, N.P. Marg, Matunga, Mumbai 400 019, Tel. Off.
(022) 3361 1111-2, Res. (022) 2430 2660, Mobile: 98204 08037,
Fax (022) 3361 1020, email: [email protected]; ab.pandit@
ictmumbai.edu.in, sp. design of multiphasereactors; cavitation
phenomena; environmental & energy engineering.

1996 Pandit, Rahul, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Illinois), FNA, FTWAS, Department

of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel.
Off. (080) 2293 2863, Res. (080) 2664 7689, Mobile: 98452 30684,
Fax (080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected], sp. statistical
mechanics of phase transitions; condensed matter theory;
spatiotemporal chaos and turbulence in fluids, plasmas and in
680 mathematical models for cardiac tissue.

2012 Pani, Amiya Kumar, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, Institute
Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of
Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.
(022) 2576 7481, Res. (022) 2576 8481, Mobile: 97696 97481,
Fax (022) 2572 3480, email: [email protected], sp. numerical
analysis; partial differential equations; industrial mathematics.

2009 Parameswaran, Aryampilly Jayanthan, b. 1962, Ph.D.

(Bombay), FNA, School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Funda-
mental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off.
(022) 2278 2222, Mobile: 90041 99416, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. algebraic
geometry: singularity theory; vector bundles.

1997 Paranjape, Kapil Hari, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City, Manauli P.O., SAS Nagar
140 306, Mobile: 99152 69019, Fax (0172) 224 0266, email: kapil@
iisermohali.ac.in, URL: www.imsc.res.in/~kapil, sp. algebraic
geometry; topology; differential geometry. Council Service: 2016–
134 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1975 Paranjpe, Pramod Anand, b. 1934, D.Sc. Tech. (ETH, Zurich),

Res. Bahaar Bunglow, Plot 5, Road No. 13, Kalyaninagar, Pune
411 006, Mobile: 98223 95771, email: [email protected], sp.
turbomachinery; jet propulsion technology.

1988 Parimala, Raman, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc, Arts

and Sciences Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathe-
matics & Computer Science, Emory University, 400 Dowman
Drive W 401, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-404) 727 7577,
Res. (+1-404) 444 8870, Fax (+1-404) 727 5611, email: parimala@
mathcs.emory.edu, sp. algebra.

2008 Parnaik, Veena Krishnaji, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Ohio State), FNA,

Res. 103, Vinay Vihar, Street No. 11, Tarnaka, Hyderabad
500 017, Mobile: 98850 86220, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. cell biology; molecular biology;
lamins and nuclear organisation.

1974 Parthasarathy, Kalyanapuram Rangachari, b. 1936, Ph.D.

(Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, Indian
Statistical Institute, 7, SJS Sansanwal Marg, New Delhi 110 016,
Tel. Off. (011) 4149 3923; (011) 4149 3901, Res. (011) 4984 6959,
Fax (011) 4149 3981, email: [email protected], sp. probability theory;
group representations; quantum probability; quantum computing
& information.

1982 Parthasarathy, Rajagopalan, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Bombay), D.Sc.

(h.c.), FNA, FNASc, Res. Villa B-75, Ananya’s Nana Nani Homes,
Phase 3, Dhaliyur, Thondamuthur P.O., Coimbatore 641 109,
Mobile: 95002 33213, email: [email protected], sp.
representations of semi-simple Lie groups; topological dynamical

1988 Parthasarathy, Thiruvenkatachari, b. 1941, Ph.D. (ISI, Calcutta),

FNA, INSA Senior Scientist, SQC/OR Unit, Indian Statistical
Institute, 37/110, Nelson Manikham Road, Chennai 600 029, Tel.
Off. (044) 2374 0612; (044) 2374 0218, Res. (044) 2224 3130, Fax
(044) 2374 0256, email: [email protected], sp. mathematical
theory of games; operations research; global univalence.

1988 Pasupathy, Jagadisan, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Rochester), Res. 3286,

12th Main Road, HAL II Stage, Bengaluru 560 008, Tel.
(080) 2525 1592, Mobile: 99028 59450, email: [email protected],
690 sp. theoretical physics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 135

2018 Patel, Bhisma Kumar, b. 1965, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc,
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–
Guwahati, Guwahati 781 039, Tel. Off. (0361) 258 2307, Res.
(0361) 258 4307, Mobile: 99540 90963, Fax (0361) 258 2349,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.iitg.ac.in/patel/, sp.
organic synthesis; reaction mechanisms; green chemistry.

1993 Pathak, Kare Narain, b. 1941, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, FNA,
Professor Emeritus, Panjab University, Chandigarh; Res. 382,
Sector 38A, Chandigarh 160 036, Tel. Off. (0172) 253 4467,
Res. (0172) 401 2647, Mobile: 99883 60009, Fax (0172) 278 3336,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics.

2015 Pathak, Tanmaya, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Uppsala), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur
721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3342, Res. (03222) 28 3343,
Mobile: 94347 15239, Fax (03222) 28 2252, email:tpathak@
chem.iitkgp.ac.in, URL: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/department/CY/faculty/
cy-tpathak#resp-tab4, sp. synthetic organic chemistry;
nucleoside & carbohydrate modification; enzyme inhibition;
medicinal chemistry.

2013 Pati, Arun Kumar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, JC Bose

National Fellow, Professor H, Quantum Information and
Computation Group, Physics Division, Harish Chandra Research
Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Prayagraj 211 019, Tel. Off.
(0532) 227 4391, Mobile: 87566 12314, Fax (0532) 256 9576;
(0532) 256 7444, email: [email protected], URL: www.hri.res.in/
~akpati/, sp. quantum information theory; quantum computing;
foundations of quantum theory.

2010 Pati, Swapan Kumar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FTWAS, FNA,
Theoretical Sciences Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080)
2208 2839, Mobile: 94485 60474, Fax (080) 2208 2767, email: pati@
jncasr.ac.in; [email protected], URL: www.jncasr.ac.in/pati/,
sp. low-dimensional dipolar fermionic & bosonic systems; multi-
scale modeling for optimization of charge carrier mobility;
thermoelectic & photovoltaic behavior in various materials;
frustrated Lewis pair catalysis & heterogeneous catalysis; Na/
Mg-ion cathode and electrolytes & super-capacitors; quantum
many-body methods developments.
136 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2021 Patil, Satish Amrutrao, b. 1974, Ph.D. (Bergische), Solid State &
Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2651, Res. (080) 4162 7808, Mobile:
98459 62434, email: [email protected], URL: http://oesscu.in/, sp.
molecular electronics; organic solar cells; singlet fission.

1988 Patnaik, Lalit Mohan, b. 1946, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (IISc), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, FIEEE, NASI Senior Scientist & Adjunct
Professor, Consciousness Studies Programme, National Institute
of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science campus,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Res. (080) 2360 2635, email: patnaiklm@
yahoo.com; [email protected], URL: www.lmpatnaik.in, sp.
computer science & engineering; information technology;

2019 Patnaik, Rajeev, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Panjab), Centre of Advanced

Study in Geology, Panjab Unviersity, Chandigarh 160 014,
Tel. Off. (0172) 253 4250, Res. (0172) 254 3526, Mobile:
98151 04094, Fax (0172) 254 5459, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://geology.puchd.ac.in/show-
biodata.php?qstrempid=588&qstrempdesigcode=8, sp. verte-
brate evolution & palaeoecology; geological context of
primate/human evolution; impact of climate change on evolution.

2010 Patra, Amit Kumar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (S.V. Univ.), FNA, Director,
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Post Box No 123,
Tirupati 517 502, Tel. Off. (08585) 27 2001, Mobile: 99596 71098;
79936 95555, Fax (08585) 27 2021, email: [email protected],
sp. ionospheric electrodynamics & plasma instabilities; space
weather; radar probing techniques.

2016 Patra, Amitava, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FRSC, School

of Materials Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Science, Kolkata; Director, Institute of Nano Science and
Technology, Sector 81, Mohali 140 306, Mobile: 94334 79982,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
700 nanoscience; spectroscopy; photophysics.

1995 Patwardhan, Vilas Shridhar, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Purdue), FNAE, Res. 3,

Vibha Heights, Sanewadi, Baner Road, Aundh, Pune 411 007, Tel.
Off. (020) 2588 2058, Res. (020) 2588 2058, email: vspatw@
gmail.com, sp. computer simulation; mathematical modelling;
optimization; multiphase reactions; software development;
spreadsheet programming.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 137
2020 Paul, Aloke, b. 1973, Ph.D. (Eindhoven Univ. Tech., Netherlands),
Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3242, Mobile: 94807 98448,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://
sites.google.com/view/alokepaul/, sp. diffusion in solids; phase
transformation; microstructure.

2016 Paul, Vinod Kumar, b. 1955, MD, Ph.D. (AIIMS), FAMS, FNASc,
FNA, Member, NITI Aayog, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001, Tel.
Off. (011) 2309 6809, Res. (011) 2658 9702, Mobile: 98110 42437,
email: [email protected], sp. paediatrics; newborn health;
public health.

2000 Pental, Deepak, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Rutgers), D.Sc. (h.c.

Nottingham), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, Centre for Genetic Mani-
pulation of Crop Plants, University of Delhi South Campus, New
Delhi 110 021, Tel. Off. (011) 2411 2609; (011) 2411 5203, Mobile:
98108 43421, email: [email protected], sp. transgenic crops;
breeding of oilseed mustard.

1994 Periasamy, Mariappan, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, Emeritus

Professor, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad 500 046, Mobile: 99490 93904, Fax (040) 2301 2460,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
organometallic & chiral reagents; MP organic energy techno-
logies; self-charging and air-cooling organic batteries; organic

1994 Periasamy, Nallagounder, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Res. No. 303, Golf Manor, NAL Wind Tunnel Road,
Murugeshpalya, Bengaluru 560 017, Mobile: 97419 12592,
email: [email protected], sp. fluorescence spectroscopy &
applications; physical chemistry; materials chemistry; organic

2004 Pillai, Madhavan Radhakrishna, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Kerala),

FRCPath. (London), FNASc, FAMS, FNA, Res. No. 111, Sharada
Bhavanam, Darshan Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram 695 005,
Mobile: 92077 50099; 99951 99993, email: [email protected],
sp. disease biology, tumor biology, virology.

138 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1992 Pillai, Valliyil Narayanan Rajasekharan, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Kerala),

Vice Chancellor, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Vidyavihar
Campus, Ghatkoper East, Mumbai 400 077, Tel. Off. (022)
6728 3144; (022) 6728 3178, Res. (022) 6728 3187, Mobile:
91671 08010; 99958 24472, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. bio-organic chemistry; synthetic
organic chemistry; macro-molecular science.

2003 Pitchappan, Ramasamy, b. 1946, Ph.D. (MKU), FAMS, Advisor,

aDNA Programme, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai; Res. Flat
No. 676, 8th Street, Karpaga Nagar, K Pudur, Madurai 625 021,
Mobile: 94430 66798; 72006 69889, email: pitchappanrm@
yahoo.co.uk, URL: http://www.pitchappan.com/, sp. human
immunogenetics; human genomics; immunology of infectious
diseases; transplantation immunology.

1986 Pitke, Madhukar Vishwanath, b. 1936, Ph.D. (Bombay), FIEEE,

Res. 002, Buniyad, Yashodham A2-15, Goregaon (East), Mumbai
400 063, Tel. (022) 2841 5252, Mobile: 99670 31266, Fax
(022) 2843 1266, email: [email protected], sp. electronics;
telecommunication & information technology; technology transfer;
710 wireless communication.

2015 Podile, Appa Rao, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Sardar Patel), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, JC Bose National Fellow, School of Life Sciences, Univer-
sity of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4503,
Res. (040) 2301 0353, Mobile: 94907 49922; 91006 55777, Fax
(040) 2301 0120, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://sls.uohyd.ac.in/new/fac_details.php?fac_id=73, sp.
molecular plant microbe interactions; microbial biotechnology.

2009 Pradeep, Thalappil, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FNAE,

FRSC, FTWAS, FAAAS, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology–Madras, Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off. (044) 2257 4208,
Res. (044) 4201 4246, Mobile: 94455 60767, Fax (044)
2257 0509, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.dstuns.
iitm.ac.in/pradeep-research-group.php, sp. molecular &
nanoscale materials; nanoscience & nanotechnology; molecular
surfaces; ion scattering; instrumentation; water purification.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 139

2019 Pradhan, Narayan, b. 1972, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur), School of
Materials Science, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science,
Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off.
(033) 2473 4971/1733, Fax (033) 2473 2805, Mobile: 94338 52806,
email: [email protected], URL: http://iacs.res.in/faculty-profile.
html?id=102, sp. materials design & its properties; nano-

1992 Prakasa Rao, Bhagavatula Lakshmi Surya, b. 1942, Ph.D.

(Michigan State), FNA, FNASc, INSA Senior Scientist, CR Rao
AIMSCS, Hyderabad; Res. Apartment 510, Vishnu Residency, C
Block, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad 500 080, Mobile: 99491 85041,
email: [email protected], sp. statistics.

1995 Prakash, Vishweshwaraiah, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Mysore), FNASc,

FNAE, FNAAS, FRSC, Adjunct Professor, Ramaiah University of
Applied Sciences, Bengaluru and Institute of Chemical
Technology, Mumbai; Res. No. 58, 5A Main Road, Vontikoppal,
Mysore 570 002, Mobile: 98450 48854, email: prakashvish@
gmail.com, sp. physical biochemistry; chemistry &
thermodynamics of enzymes & macromolecules; biophysics of
proteins & enzymes; food chemistry; food biotechnology; applied
nutrition and nutraceuticals.

2020 Prasad, Amritanshu, b. 1975, Ph.D. (Chicago), The Institute of

Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai
600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3207, Mobile: 96001 87310, Fax (044)
2254 1586, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.imsc.res.in/~
amri, sp. representation theory; combinatorics; group

2015 Prasad, Bhagavatula Lakshmi Vara, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Hyderabad),

Director, Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences, Arkavathi
Campus, Survey No. 7, Shivanapura, Dasanapura Hobli, Bengaluru
562 162, Tel. Off. (080) 2693 0201, Mobile: 94220 31299, email:
[email protected], URL: https://www.cens.res.in/en/
faculty/blv-prasad/profile, sp. materials chemistry; self-assembly;
nanoparticle synthesis.

140 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1995 Prasad, Dipendra, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Harvard), FNA, FNASc,

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Mobile: 99309 88824, email:
[email protected], sp. automorphic forms; number

1984 Prasad, Gopal, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Raoul Bott

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, The University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1043, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-734) 647 4471,
Res. (+1-734) 585 5487, Fax (+1-734) 763 0937, email: gprasad@
umich.edu, sp. Lie groups; algebraic groups; arithmetic groups.

2003 Prasad, Guntupalli Veera Raghavendra, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Panjab),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Department of Geology, Centre for Advanced
Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, Tel. Off. (011)
2766 7073, Mobile: 98682 07140, email: guntupalli.vrprasad@
gmail.com, sp. vertebrate palaeontology: evolution of mesozoic
720 mammals in India; Cretaceous palaeo-biogeography of India.

2015 Prasad, Kavirayani Ramakrishna, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Pune),

Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2524, Res. (080) 2360 5415,
Mobile: 94484 73015, Fax (080) 2360 0529, email: prasad@
iisc.ac.in, URL: http://orgchem.iisc.ac.in/faculty/prasad/prasad.html,
sp. organic synthesis; total synthesis of natural products;
asymmetric synthetic methods.

2021 Prasad, Nagaraj Guru, b. 1974, Ph.D. (JNCASR), FNA,

Department of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science
Education & Research–Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City, SAS
Nagar 140 306, Tel. Off. (0172) 224 0266, Mobile: 98724 36249,
Fax (0172) 224 0266, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.ngprasad.com, sp. intersexual conflict; life history
evolution; evolutionary ecology of immunity.

1985 Prasad, Phoolan, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, Department

of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2711, Res. (080) 2337 1039, Mobile:
94484 61299, Fax (080) 2360 0146, email: phoolan.prasad@
gmail.com, URL: http://math.iisc.ac.in/~prasad/, sp. theory of
wave-propagation; partial differential equations; fluid mechanics.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 141
2000 Prasad, Rajendra, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Agra), FNASc, FNA, Director,
Amity Institute of Integrative Sciences & Health and Amity Institute
of Biotechnology, Amity University, Amity Education Valley, Gurugram
122 413, Tel. Off. (0124) 233 7015/1111, Res. (0124) 257 3443,
Mobile: 98109 74443, email: [email protected]; rp47jnu@
gmail.com, URL: http://www.amity.edu/faculty-detail.aspx?facultyID=
1285, sp. membrane biology; yeast genetics & molecular biology;
medical mycology.

1997 Prasad, Surendra, b. 1948, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNA, FNAE,

FNASc, Honorary Professor & INSA Senior Scientist, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz
Khas, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 6200; (011)
2659 1115, Res. (0124) 406 7489, Fax (011) 2658 2659, email:
[email protected], sp. signal processing; communication
theory & systems. Council Service: 2007–12.

2022 Prasad, Vandana, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Lucknow), Birbal Sahni Institute

of Palaeosciences, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226 007, Tel.
Off. (0522) 274 2901, Mobile: 98392 25422, Fax (0522) 274 0485,
email: [email protected], sp. evolutionary biology; biostrati-
graphy; quaternary palaeoclimate studies.

1991 Prasad, Yellapregada Venkata Rama Krishna, b. 1944, Ph.D.

(IISc), FNA, Res. B/2, Hospital Extension, Vinayaka Nagar,
Hebbal, Bengaluru 560 024, Tel. (080) 2333 0673, email: prasad@
processingmaps.com; [email protected], sp. deformation
processing; process modelling; deterministic chaos; micro-
structural control.

1994 Prasada Rao, Turaga Sundara Rama, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Andhra),

FNAE, Res. 705 Quisecent Heights, Opp. Westin Hotel, Raheja
Mindspace IT Park, Madhapur, Hyderabad 500 081, Mobile:
98103 38091, email: [email protected], sp. petroleum refining &
heterogeneous catalysis.

1991 Prathap, Gangan, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IIT, Chennai), FNA, Honorary

Professor, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, CET
Campus, Thiruvananthapuram 695 016, Tel. Off. (0471) 278 5627,
Res. (0471) 271 1956, email: [email protected], sp. structural mecha-
nics; finite element method; composite materials; information
142 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2021 Pucadyil, Thomas John, b. 1976, Ph.D. (CCMB), FNA, Indian

Institute of Science Education & Research–Pune, Dr Homi
Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8204,
Res. (020) 2590 8503, Mobile: 78756 24566, email: pucadyil@
iiserpune.ac.in; [email protected], URL: https://www.pucadyillab.
730 com, sp. cell biology; membrane biology; biophysics.

2016 Punniyamurthy, Tharmalingam, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur),

FRSC, FNASc, Dean of Faculty Affairs and Professor of
Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Guwahati, Guwahati
781 039, Tel. Off. (0361) 258 2309, Res. (0361) 258 4309, Mobile:
94351 02462, Fax (0361) 258 2349, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.iitg.ernet.in/scifac/tpunni/public_html/, sp. synthetic
organic chemistry.

2006 Puri, Sanjay, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Illinois), FNA, School of Physical

Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off.
(011) 2670 4634, Res. (011) 2674 1084, Mobile: 98185 52477,
Fax (011) 2619 4137, email: [email protected], URL: www.jnu.ac.in/
Faculty/spuri, sp. statistical physics; condensed matter physics;
nonlinear dynamics.

2003 Purnachandra Rao, Venigalla, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Andhra), INSA

Senior Scientist, Department of Civil Engineering, Vignan’s
University, Vadlamudi 522 213, Tel. Off. (0863) 2344 761, Mobile:
94224 16008, email: [email protected], sp. marine geology;
authigenic minerals; palaeo-sea levels; palaeoclimate.

2000 Radhakrishna, Tallavajhala, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Andhra), CSIR

Emeritus Scientist, GITAM University, NH 207, Doddaballapur
Taluk, Nagadenehalli 561 203, Tel. Off. (080) 2809 8000, Mobile:
97462 87943, email: [email protected], sp. geochemistry &
igneous petrology; palaeomagnetism; geodynamics.

2007 Radhakrishnan, Jaikumar, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Rutgers), FNA,

School of Technology & Computer Science, Tata Institute
of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai
400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2311, Res. (022) 2278 3311, Fax
(022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected], sp. algorithms;
computational complexity; information theory; combinatorics;
quantum computing.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 143
2004 Radhakrishnan, Thavarool Puthiyedath, b. 1960, Ph.D.
(Princeton), FNA, FNASc, School of Chemistry, University of
Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4827,
email: [email protected], URL: http://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/~tpr/, sp.
materials chemistry. Council Service: 2019–2021.

2009 Raghava, Gajendra Pal Singh, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Panjab), FNASc,

FNA, Head, Department of Computational Biology, Indraprastha
Institute of Information Technology, Okhla Phase 3, New Delhi
110 020, Tel. Off. (011) 2690 7444, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.iiitd.ac.in/raghava/, sp. bioinformatics; cancer
genomics; immunoinformatics; drug design.

2011 Raghavan, Komaranapuram Navaneetham, b. 1964, Ph.D.

(Purdue), FNASc, Professor I, The Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off.
(044) 2254 3264, Res. (044) 2844 1505, Mobile: 94456 31505,
Fax (044) 2254 1586, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://www.imsc.res.in/~knr/, sp. representation theory.

2016 Raghavan, Sathees C, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc,

Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2674,
Mobile: 97310 17736, Fax (080) 2360 0814, email: sathees@
iisc.ac.in, sp. DNA double-strand break repair; genomic
instability; cancer therapeutics; cancer genetics.

2014 Raghavarao, Karumanchi Srisaila Mallikarjuna Srinivasa,

b. 1960, Ph.D (Bombay), FNAE, FNAAS, Director, CSIR–Central
Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570 020,
Tel. Off. (0821) 251 7760, Res. (0821) 234 0988, Mobile:
94835 40988, Fax (0821) 251 6308, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. food engineering; biotechno-
740 logy; chemical engineering.

1999 Raghavendra, Agepati Srinivasa, b. 1950, Ph.D. (SV Univ.),

FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS, Department of Plant Sciences,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040)
2988 1003; (040) 2313 4555, Res. (040) 4851 4460, Mobile:
98491 07190, Fax (040) 2301 0145, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. plant molecular physiology;
plant biochemistry; plant metabolomics. Council Service: 2010–12.

144 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1974 Raghunathan, Madabusi Santanam, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, FRS, Honorary Fellow, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research, Mumbai; Distinguished Visiting Professor,
UM–DAE Centre for Excellece in Basic Sciences, Mumbai; Res.
503, Atlantis, Raheja Acropolis-1, Deonar Pada Road, Mumbai
400 088, Tel. Res. (022) 2550 4766, Mobile: 98690 13889, email:
[email protected], sp. Lie groups & algebraic groups.
Council Service: 1983–91.

2005 Raghunathan, Velayudhan Anandavally, b. 1960, Ph.D.

(Mysore), Raman Research Institute, C.V. Raman Avenue,
Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru 560 080, Tel. Off. 94808 36154, Res.
(080) 2664 8940, Fax (080) 2361 0492, email: [email protected],
sp. soft matter physics; scattering techniques. Council Service:
2019–; Treasurer: 2019–.

2016 Raghuram, Anantharam, b. 1971, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of

Mathematics, Fordham University at Lincoln Center, 113, West
60th Street, New York, NY 10023, USA, Mobile: (+1-609) 937 3346,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
https://sites.google.com/site/math4raghuram/, sp. automorphic
forms; number theory; representation theory.

1996 Rai, Shyam Sundar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (ISM, Dhanbad), FNA, FNASc,
Raja Ramanna Fellow and Emeritus Professor, Department of
Earth & Climate Science, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune
411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8255, Mobile: 98903 22705, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
www.iiserpune.ac.in/~shyamsrai/, sp. geophysics; data analysis &
modelling; deep earth exploration. Council Service: 2013–15.

2005 Rai Choudhuri, Arnab, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNASc, FNA,

FTWAS, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3284, Res. (080) 2360 3664,
Mobile: 99005 51702, email: [email protected], sp. theoretical
astrophysics; magnetohydrodynamics; solar physics; history of

1985 Rai Choudhury, Sudhendu, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Delhi), Res. A4/101,

Blue Sky Apartments, Aakriti Eco City, Bhopal 462 039, Mobile:
90394 21948, email: [email protected], sp. particle
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 145
1974 Rajagopalan, Sundarapandium Rama, b. 1931, Ph.D. (Madras),
Res. B4/1, Vijay Kiran Apartments, 32, Victoria Road, Bengaluru
560 047, Tel. (080) 4866 6990, Mobile: 94484 67655, email:
[email protected], sp. electrochemistry.

1990 Rajamani, Vedharaman, b. 1944, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook),

FNA, Res. H-430, Brigade Courtyard, HMT Factory Main Road,
Jalahalli, Bengaluru 560 013, Mobile: 99101 81299, email:
[email protected], sp. geochemistry; rock weathering;
soil/sediment genesis; farmland geology.

2005 Rajan, Conjeeveram Srirangachari, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, Professor of Mathematics, Ashoka University, Rajiv Gandhi
Education City, Sonepat 131 029, Mobile: 98690 63353,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. auto-
750 morphic forms; arithmetic geometry; representation theory.

1982 Rajappa, Srinivasachari, b. 1934, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA, Res. B-1,

Melody Apartments, Plot No. 12, ICS Colony, Pune 411 007, Tel.
(020) 2552 8395, Mobile: 98901 47478, email: pad.raj1939@
gmail.com, sp. synthetic organic chemistry.

1978 Rajaraman, Ramamurti, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Cornell), FNA, Emeritus

Professor, School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 4785, Res.
(011) 2612 3485, Mobile: 98181 60651, email: doug0700@
mail.jnu.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://www.jnu.ac.in/
Faculty/rajaraman, sp. theories of elementary particles; quantum
field theory & nuclear many-body theory; quantum Hall systems;
military and civilian nuclear policy.

1974 Rajaraman, Vaidyeswaran, b. 1933, S.M. (MIT), Ph.D. (Wisconsin),

D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc, FNAE, Emeritus Professor, Super-
computer Education & Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0811, Res. (080) 2341 9672,
Fax (080) 2360 0805, email: [email protected], URL:
www.serc.iisc.ac.in/~rajaram/, sp. computer science; information
systems design.

146 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1983 Rajasekaran, Guruswamy, b. 1936, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNA,

FNASc, Adjunct Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute,
Chennai; Professor Emeritus, The Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off.
(044) 2747 0228; (044) 2254 3206, Res. (044) 2441 3395, Fax
(044) 2254 1586, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
imsc.res.in/~graj/, sp. quantum field theory; high energy physics.

2006 Rajasekharan, Ram, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNAAS, FNA,

JC Bose National Fellow, CSIR–Central Food Technological
Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, Tel. Off. (0821) 251 7760,
Fax (0821) 251 6308, email: [email protected], sp. fats & oils meta-
bolism; plant biotechnology.

2012 Rajeevan, Madhavan Nair, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Pune), FNA, FNASc,

MoES Distinguished Scientist, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Prithvi
Bhavan, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003, Mobile: 85059 02700,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. climate variability & change; monsoon dynamics & prediction.

2011 Rajshekhar, Vedantam, b. 1959, M.Ch. (Vellore), FAMS,

Department of Neurological Sciences, Christian Medical College,
Vellore 632 004, Tel. Off. (0416) 228 2767, Res. (0416) 228 4214,
Mobile: 98947 74423, Fax (0416) 223 2103, email: rajshekhar@
cmcvellore.ac.in, sp. neurosurgery; cysticercosis, cervical spine

2005 Raju, Trichur Ramaswamy, b. 1952, Ph.D. (ANU), Visiting

Distinguished Professor, SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru; Dr
A S Paintal Distinguished Scientist Chair of ICMR, National Institute
of Mental Health & Neurosciences, P.B. No. 2900, Bengaluru
560 029, Tel. Off. (080) 2699 5955, Mobile: 99802 30115, Fax
(080) 2656 4830, email: [email protected]; trraju.nimhans@
gmail.com, sp. ALS; Glial biology and neuronal plasticity.

2001 Ram Sagar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Gorakhpur), FNASc, NASI Honorary

Scientist, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Sarjapur Road,
Koramangala, Bengaluru 560 034, Tel. Off. (080) 2254 1221,
Mobile: 98864 43436, email: [email protected]; ramsagar@
iiap.res.in sp. astronomy & astrophysics; high energy physics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 147

1969 Rama, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNAAS, Res. Y-4, Lane-1,
Sector 9, CBD, Navi Mumbai 400 614, Tel. (022) 2757 0081,
Mobile: 97572 03290, email: [email protected], sp. isotope
760 hydrology.

1985 Rama Rao, Alla Venkata, b. 1935, Ph.D. (Tech.) (Mumbai), D.Sc.
(Mumbai), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Chairman & Managing Director,
AVRA Laboratories Private Limited, AVRA House, 7-102/54,
Sai Enclave, Habsiguda, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off.
(040) 2717 8568; (040) 2717 8569, Res. (040) 2717 3360, Mobile:
98481 35163, Fax (040) 2717 5605, email: [email protected],
URL: www.avralab.com, sp. organic chemistry; medicinal che-
mistry; drug technology.

2017 Ramachandra, Nallur Basappa, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Mysore), UGC-

BSR Faculty Fellow, Department of Studies in Genetics &
Genomics, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore
570 006, Tel. Off. (0821) 241 9781, Res. (0821) 355 4283,
Mobile: 98800 33697, email: [email protected]; ramachandra@
genetics.uni-mysore.ac.in, URL: http://www.ramachandralab.com/,
sp. drosophila genetics & evolution; human genetic disorders;
genome genetics.

1990 Ramachandran, Raghavan, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNASc,

Res. No. 44 Gopalpuram, IIT Co-operative Housing Society,
Kanpur 208 016, Mobile: 94220 04597, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. particle physics; physics education.

1974 Ramachandran, Sundaresan, b. 1930, D.Sc. (MIT), Res. Vidya

Theertha Kripa, No. 1, Siva Sundar Avenue, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai
600 041, Tel. (044) 2952 0185, email: sundaresan.ramachandran@
gmail.com, sp. alloy & stainless steel making; process
metallurgical design & development.

2019 Ramachary, Dhevalapally B., b. 1973, Ph.D. (IISc), FRSC,

FNASc, Catalysis Laboratory, School of Chemistry, University of
Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040)
2313 4816, Fax (040) 2301 2460, Mobile: 96520 10273, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/~dbr/index.htm, sp. asymmetric supra-
molecular-organocatalysis; sequential one-pot multi-component
reactions; reaction methodology & total synthesis.
148 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1998 Ramadas, Trivandrum Ramakrishnan, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1, SIPCOT IT Park,
Siruseri, Kelambakkam, Chennai 603 103, Mobile: 87545 76434,
email: [email protected], sp. geometry; mathematical physics.

2010 Ramaiah, Danaboyina, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, BK

Birla & Sarala Birla Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Hyderabad Campus,
Jawaharnagar, Hyderabad 500 078, email: [email protected]
pilani.ac.in; [email protected], sp. bioorganic chemistry;
photobiology; biophysical chemistry; organic photochemistry.

2006 Ramakrishna, Balakrishnan Siddartha, b. 1952, MD, DM, Ph.D.

(Madras), FNA, FAMS, Director, Insitute of Gastroenterology,
SRM Institute for Medical Science, Vadapalani, Chennai; Res.
Flat 202-203, GVSPL Green Park, 32 Vaidyanathan Street,
Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034, Tel. Off. (044) 2362 6314,
Mobile: 99946 14890, email: [email protected], sp. gastro-
enterology; nutrition; inflammatory bowel disease; gastrointestinal
microbiome; stem cells.

1994 Ramakrishnan, Moni, b. 1940, Ph.D. (IISc), Res. Flat No. F-303,
Ananya’s Nana Nani Homes, Phase 3, Dhaliyur, Thondamuthur
P.O., Coimbatore 641 109, Tel. (0422) 298 8200, Mobile:
89037 15268 ; 99401 34126, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. Precambrian geology; geochemistry;
petrology; geochronology.

1975 Ramakrishnan, Palayanoor Sivaswamy, b. 1936, Ph.D.

(Banaras), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, INSA Honorary Scientist, School
of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 4326, Res. (0124) 408 5970, Mobile:
99585 14140, Fax (011) 2674 1262, email: krishnanpoonam@
gmail.com, sp. socio-ecological systems; environment &
770 sustainable development.

2002 Ramakrishnan, Srinivasan, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Bombay),

Department of Condensed Matter & Materials Science, Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai
400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2257; (022) 2278 2410, Res.
(022) 2280 4628, Mobile: 98672 30590, Fax (022) 2280 4610-1,
email: [email protected], sp. low temperature physics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 149

2006 Ramakrishnan, Subramaniam, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Massachusetts),
Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2744, Mobile:
94498 18794, Fax (080) 2360 1552, email: [email protected],
URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/raman.php, sp. polymer synthesis; polymer
folding & assembly; hyperbranched polymers; polymerizable
surfactants; porous polymers.

1980 Ramakrishnan, Tiruppattur Venkatachalamurti, b. 1941, Ph.D.

(Columbia), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, FRS, Emeritus Professor,
Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; DST
Year of Science Chair Professor, Distinguished Associate,
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2581; (080) 2360 0228, Mobile:
94483 63379, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. condensed matter physics; statistical mechanics. Council
Service: 2004-09; President: 2004-06.

2022 Ramakrishnan, Uma, b. 1972, Ph.D. (Univ. Calif., San Diego),

FNA, National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus,
Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6030, Mobile: 98454 36445,
Fax (080) 2363 6862, email: [email protected], sp. ecology &
evolution; conservation biology; population genomics.

2010 Ramamritham, Krithivasan, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Utah), FNAE,

FNASc, FIEEE, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
Mobile: 98206 33683, Fax (022) 2572 0022, email: krithi@
cse.iitb.ac.in, sp. databases; real-time systems; use of informa-
tion & communication technologies for socio-economic development.

1986 Ramamurthy, Vaidhyanathan, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Hawaii), Depart-

ment of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-305) 284 1534, Mobile: (+1-305) 332 3794,
email: [email protected], sp. photochemistry; supramolecular
chemistry; organic solid state chemistry; chemistry in confined
spaces; science and scientists.

1991 Ramamurthy, Valangiman Subramanian, b. 1942, Ph.D.

(Bombay), FNA, FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, Emeritus Professor,
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science
Campus, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2218 5127, Mobile:
99000 02178, Fax (080) 2218 5028, email: vsramamurthy@
nias.res.in; [email protected], sp. nuclear physics; appli-
cations of low energy accelerator; science & technology policy.

150 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Ramamurty, Upadrasta, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Brown), FNAE, FNA,

FTWAS, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Block
N3.2-02-05, Singapore 639 798, Tel. Off. (+65) 6790 4040, Fax
(+65) 6792 4062, email: [email protected], sp. mechanical
behaviour of materials; advanced materials & manufacturing.

1996 Raman, Rajiva, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, FNA,

Distinguished Professor, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Res. (0542) 257 0967,
Mobile: 93361 52694, email: [email protected], sp. human
molecular genetics & cytogenetics; gene expression & chromatin
organization in development; sex determination.

2014 Ramana, Chepuri Venkata, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), Division

of Organic Chemistry, CSIR–National Chemical Laboratory,
Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 2577, Mobile: 94235 82183,
Fax (020) 2590 2629, email: [email protected], URL: http://
academic.ncl.res.in/profile/vr.chepuri, sp. total synthesis; transition
780 metal catalysis; carbohydrate chemistry.

1974 Ramanan, Sundararaman, b. 1936, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Adjunct Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1,
SIPCOT IT Park, Siruseri, Kelambakkam, Chennai 603 103,
Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3376, Res. (044) 2434 1169, Mobile:
94445 49919, Fax (044) 2254 1856, email: [email protected],
sp. algebraic geometry & differential geometry.

2000 Ramaraj, Ramasamy, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Madras), D.Sc. (Japan),

D.Sc. (MKU), FNASc, FNA, Professor of Eminence & DAE Raja
Ramanna Fellow, School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj
University, Madurai 625 021, Tel. Off. (0452) 245 9084, Res.
(0452) 238 2399, Mobile: 89039 71420, email: [email protected],
sp. photoelectrocatalysis & chemically modified electrodes;
nanomaterials; solar energy conversion; catalysis; sensors.

1990 Ramasami, Thirumalachari, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Leeds), FNA, FNASc,

FNAE, FTWAS, Distinguished Professor of Eminence, Anna
University, Centre for Technology Development and Transfer,
Guindy, Chennai 600 025, email: [email protected], sp.
physical inorganic chemistry; bio-inorganic chemistry; leather
science & technology. Council Service: 2004–2009, Vice-
President: 2007–09.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 151

1992 Ramasesha, Suryanarayana Sastry, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT,
Kanpur), FNA, FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, Solid State and
Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2925, Mobile: 98452 12356, Fax
(080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected], sp. many-body
quantum chemistry; low-dimensional solids; molecular electronics;
molecular magnetism; nonlinear optics.

2002 Ramasubramanian, Sundareswaran, b. 1952, Ph.D. (ISI), Res.

Apartment No. 001, Ashirwad Apartments, Austin Town Layout,
Bengaluru 560 047, Mobile: 98807 16418, email: sunramin@
gmail.com, sp. stochastic models in insurance.

2007 Ramaswamy, Mythily, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Paris), FNASc, NASI

Senior Scientist, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences,
Shivakote, Hesaraghatta Post, Bengaluru 560 089, Tel. Res.
(080) 2334 1138, Mobile: 98453 35387, email: mythily54@gmail.
com, URL: math.tifrbng.res.in/~mythily, sp. nonlinear functional
analysis; partial differential equations; applications to control
problems. Council Service: 2019–.

1993 Ramaswamy, Ramakrishna, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA,

FTWAS, Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016,
Tel. Off. (011) 2659 7969, Mobile: 78930 93737, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. nonlinear
science; systems & computational biology; chemical dynamics.
Council Service: 2010–2021; Vice-President: 2013–15; Editor of
Publications: 2013–15; President: 2016–18.

1996 Ramaswamy, Sriram Rajagopal, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNA,

FNASc, FRS, Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, Department
of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3283; (080) 2360 2698, Res. (080) 2308 9166,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.physics.iisc.ac.in/~sriram/,
sp. nonequilibrium; soft-matter and biological physics.

1969 Ramdas, Anant Krishna, b. 1930, Ph.D. (Pune), Assoc. FTWAS,

Lark-Horovitz Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of
Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA,
Tel. Res. (+1-765) 463 2707, email: [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics; semiconductor physics; optical phenomena;
solid state spectroscopy.

152 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2004 Ramdorai, Sujatha, b. 1962, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA, FNASc,

Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 1984,
Mathematics Road, Vancouver V6T 1Z2, Canada, Tel. Off.
(+1-604) 822 3627, email: [email protected], URL: www.math.
ubc.ca/~sujatha, sp. algebra; quadratic forms; number theory;
790 Iwasawa theory.

2011 Ranade, Vivek Vinayak, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNAE, FNA,

Bernal Chair of Process Engineering, Bernal Institute, University of
Limerick, Limerick, V94 T9PX, Ireland, Tel. Off. (+353-61) 23 4778,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. multi-
phase flows & reactors; computational flow modelling; process
intensification. Council Service: 2016.

1987 Ranganath, Gobbalipur Shamanna, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Bangalore),

FNASc, Res. No. 422, Chitta, 10th Cross, 8th Main, Padma-
nabhanagar, Bengaluru 560 070, Tel. (080) 2669 2616, email:
[email protected], sp. liquid crystals; optics.

1995 Ranganath, Hassan Annegowda, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Mysore),

FNASc, FNA, Visiting Professor, Centre for Human Genetics,
Bengaluru; Res. No. 33, Flat No. 101, Jayalakshmi Residency,
2nd Main, 2nd Cross, Income Tax Layout, Chandra Layout,
Bengaluru 560 040, Mobile: 99023 00909, email: haranganath@
gmail.com, sp. zoology; genetics; evolution.

1976 Ranganathan, Srinivasa, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Cantab), FNA, FNAE,

FNASc, FTWAS, RQ14 Distinguished Fellow & NASI Platinum
Jubilee Senior Scientist, Department of Materials Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. & Fax
(080) 2360 1198, Res. (080) 2351 8521, Mobile: 98803 97490,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. physical
metallurgy & materials science; cultural heritage science; arts &
technology intersection.

2010 Rangarajan, Govindan, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Maryland), FNASc,

Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2360 0690, Res. (080) 2334 4736, Fax (080) 2360 0936,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://math.iisc.ac.in/~rangaraj/, sp. nonlinear dynamics & chaos;
time series analysis; mathematical biology.
2007 Rangarajan, Pundi Narasimhan, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc,
FNA, FAMS, Chair, Deparment of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2540, email:
[email protected], sp. eukaryotic gene expression; infectious
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 153
1981 Rangaswamy, Nanjangud Sreekantaiah, b. 1932, Ph.D. (Delhi),
FNA, FNASc, Res. Apartment No. 241, III Floor, Block B2,
Kendriya Vihar, Bellary Road, Yelahanka, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. (080) 2979 1511, Mobile: 96323 10700; 98711 82002, email:
[email protected], sp. reproductive physiology of seed plants;
plant tissue culture; biotechnology.

2021 Rangwala, Sadiqali Abbas, b. 1970, Ph.D. (TIFR), Raman

Research Institute, CV Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar,
Bengaluru 560 080, Tel. Off. 94808 36149, Res. (080) 2308 9482,
Mobile: 94498 39821, email: [email protected], sp. atomic
physics; molecular physics; quantum optics; cold atoms and ion

2020 Ranjan, Rajeev, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Banaras), Department of Materials

Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel.
Off. (080) 2293 2989, Res. (080) 2341 0989, Mobile: 99020 42989,
Fax (080) 2360 0472, email: [email protected]; ranjanrajeeb@
gmail.com, URL: https://materials.iisc.ac.in/faculty/rajeev-ranjan/,
sp. materials science; ferroelectrics; piezoelectrics.

1995 Ranu, Brindaban Chandra, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA,

INSA Honorary Scientist, School of Chemical Sciences, Indian
Association for the Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road,
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/1404,
Mobile: 94330 53856, Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. green chemistry; indium-mediated;
supported metal & metal nanoparticle-catalysed reactions;
800 visible light photocatalysed reactions; organic synthesis.

1993 Rao, Addicam Jagannadha, b. 1942, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

FAMS, INSA Honorary Scientist, Department of Biochemistry,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080)
2360 8660; (080) 2293 2308, Res. (080) 2650 7124, Mobile:
98458 02391, email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
regulation of placental function; role of estrogen in cellular
differentiation; primate biology; role of Brac1 in oocyte maturation.

2012 Rao, Arikkala Raghurama, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Bombay), Department

of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Mobile:
98694 58091, email: [email protected], sp. X-ray astronomy; X-ray
instrumentation; high energy astrophysics.

154 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1997 Rao, Aroor Pramesh, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Bombay), Res. Flat 7,

Khagol Housing Society, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune 411 008,
Mobile: 98507 45504, email: [email protected], sp. sun &
solar wind; wave propagation in random media; aperture
synthesis; radio imaging.

2013 Rao, Basuthkar Jagadeeshwar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FNASc, Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2301 0121; 2313 2000, Mobile: 90045 88909,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. genome dynamics;
biology of cellular adaptations; computational biology.

1974 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna, b. 1920, Ph.D. & Sc.D.

(Cambridge), D.Sc. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc, FRS, FTWAS, Member–
US Natl. Acad. Sci., Honorary Professor, C R Rao Advanced
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
Hyderabad; Research Professor, University at Buffalo, 29, Old
Orchard Street, Williamsville, NY 14221, USA, email: crr1@
psu.edu, sp. entropy; statistics with applications to quality control
& biology; signal processing; pattern recognition.

2012 Rao, Chebrolu Pulla, b. 1954, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, JC Bose
National Fellow, Head, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology–Tirupati, Settipalli Post, Tirupati 517 506, Tel. Off.
(0877) 250 3036, Mobile: 99690 22554, Fax (0877) 250 3004, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. bioinorganic chemistry;
supramolecular chemistry; ion & molecular receptors; metallo-
proteins & metalloenzymes; nanobiomaterials; lectins &

1965 Rao, Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra, b. 1934, D.Sc.

(Mysore), Ph.D. (Purdue), D.Sc. (h.c.), Sc.D. (h.c.), LL.D. (h.c.),
D.Litt. (h.c.), Dr. Engg. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc, FRS, FRS(C), Foreign
Associate-US Natl. Acad. Sci., FTWAS, Linus Pauling Research
Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2365 3075;
(080) 2208 2761, Res. (080) 2360 1410, Fax (080) 2208 2760,
email: [email protected], URL: www.jncasr.ac.in/cnrrao, sp. solid
state and materials chemistry; surface science; spectroscopy &
molecular structure. Council Service: 1971–94, President: 1989–
91; Vice-President: 1974–76, 1983–85; Secretary: 1977–82;
Editor of Publications: 1983–88.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 155
1999 Rao, Desirazu Narasimha, b. 1954, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,
Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2538, Res. (080) 2361 1677, Fax
(080) 2360 0814, email: [email protected], sp. protein–
DNA interactions using restriction-modification enzymes; DNA
mismatch repair proteins as model systems.

1983 Rao, Kalya Jagannatha, b. 1940, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), D.Sc.

(IISc), D.Sc. (h.c. Univ. Bordeaux), D.Litt. (h.c.), FNA, FNASc,
Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru; Res. No. 25, 1st Cross, 3rd Main, NTI Layout,
Nagasettihalli, Bengaluru 560 094, Tel. Res. (080) 2341 1129,
Mobile: 98801 55726, email: [email protected], sp. physical
chemistry of amorphous solids & ceramics; phase transitions.
Council Service: 1998–2003.

1993 *Rao, Kanury Venkata Subba, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Baroda).

(*Fellowship suspended pursuant to Council decision; meeting
810 held on December 1 & 2, 2018).

1992 Rao, Kaza Kesava, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Houston), Department of

Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2341, Res. (080) 2341 2695, Mobile:
99023 83295, Fax (080) 2360 8121, email: [email protected], sp.
flow of granular materials; defluoridation of drinking water.

2011 Rao, Madan, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IISc), National Centre for Biological
Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel.
Off. (080) 2366 6270, Res. (080) 2547 4705, Fax (080) 2363 6662,
email: [email protected], sp. non-equilibrium statistical mechanics;
soft condensed matter physics; biological physics; cell & tissue

1982 Rao, Maddali Nageswara, b. 1931, Dr. rer. nat. (Cologne),

Res.16931, Tower Ridge, Friendswood, Texas 77546, USA,
Tel. (+1-281) 993 9191, email: [email protected], sp.
solar system physics; earth & planetary sciences; lunar &
meteorite sample studies; Mars fundamental research; water on

156 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1988 Rao, Manchanahalli Rangaswamy Satyanarayana, b. 1948,

Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FAMS, FTWAS, Honorary Professor &
SERB Year of Science Chair Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre
for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2754; (080) 2208 2864, Res. (080) 2351 9131,
Fax (080) 2208 2758; (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected],
sp. molecular biology; cell biology; neuro-oncology; RNA
biology. Council Service: 2013–15; Vice-President: 2013–15.

2013 Rao, Nittala Venkata Chalapathi, b. 1969, Ph.D (Osmania &

Cantab), FNA, Department of Geology, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi 221 005, Mobile: 99356 47365, email:[email protected];
[email protected], URL: https://bhu.ac.in/science/geology/nvcrao.
php, sp. mineralogy; igneous petrology; mantle geochemistry;
geodynamics; mineral resources; EPMA & SEM.

1978 Rao, Palle Rama, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Banaras), F.Eng. (UK), FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, FTWAS, Foreign Member-US Natl. Acad. Engg.,
International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy &
New Materials, Hyderabad; Res. Flat 301, Naimisam, Plot No. 22,
Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad 500 073, Tel. Off. (040) 2444 3167,
Res. (040) 6661 4475, Mobile: 98497 65123, Fax (040) 2444 3168,
email: [email protected], sp. deformation; fracture; materials
development. Council Service: 1989–2000; Vice-President: 1992–
94; President: 1995–97.

1974 Rao, Paranandi Venkata Suryanarayana, b. 1936, Ph.D.

(Bombay), FNA, FNAE, FNASc, Res. Flat No. 601, Vigyan, Sector
17, Next to Garden, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel.
(022) 3556 3537; (022) 2789 0712, Mobile: 92255 18888, email:
[email protected], sp. computer science & speech research;
artificial intelligence; natural language processing; cursive script

1996 Rao, Pendyala Balarama, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Andhra), Res. Lotus

42, L&T Serene County, Urdu University Road, Telecom Nagar,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032, Tel. (040) 2300 3888, Mobile:
97047 52569, email: [email protected]; pbraonrsc@
gmail.com, sp. space physics; radio & radar techniques for
atmosphere & ionosphere probing.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 157

2001 Rao, Ramachandra Raghavendra, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Mysore), FNA,
FNASc, Res. No. 328, B-4, Kendriya Vihar, Yelahanka, Bengaluru
560 064, Mobile: 91132 15570; 94488 52356, email: raocimap@
gmail.com, sp. plant taxonomy; ethnobotany; phytogeography;
biodiversity & conservation.

2014 Rao, Ravi Achutha, b. 1954, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA, School of

Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi
Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Res. (022) 2430 9827,
Mobile: 98333 63678, Fax (022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected].
res.in, sp. classical algebraic K-theory; commutative algebra;
820 linear algebra.

2017 Rao, Sumathi, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stonybrook), FNASc, Harish-

Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, Prayagraj
211 019, Tel. Off. (0532) 227 4303, Res. (0532) 227 4002, Mobile:
99355 92313, Fax (0532) 256 7444, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.hri.res.in/~sumathi/, sp. theoretical condensed
matter physics; quantum field theory.

2010 Rao, Taduri Srinivasa Siva Rama Krishna, b. 1954, Ph.D. (ISI),
FNASc, Adjunct Professor, CARAMS, Manipal Academy of
Higher Education, Manipal; Res. 93, I Main, CHBS III Layout,
Vijayanagar, Bengaluru 560 040, Mobile: 74069 10270, email:
[email protected], sp. mathematics; functional analysis;
geometry of Banach spaces.

2020 Rao, Thota Narayana, b 1969, Ph.D. (SV Univ.), National

Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki, Tirupati 517 112,
Tel. Off. (0877) 250 0560, Mobile: 94413 44578, Fax (08585)
27 2018; (08585) 27 2021, email: [email protected]; drtnrao2001@
gmail.com, sp. radar meterology; microphysics & dynamics of
clouds precipitation; monsoon meteorology.

2009 Rao, Valipe Ramgopal, b. 1965, Dr-Ingenieur (Germany), FIEEE,

FNAE, FNASc, FNA, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016,
Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1701; (011) 2658 2020, Mobile: 98690 34490,
Fax (011) 2658 2659, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.iitd.ac.in/admn/, sp. nanoelectronics; nanotechnology.
Council Service: 2022–.

158 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2020 Rath, Sankar Prasad, b. 1972, Ph.D. (IACS), FNASc, Department

of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur
208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7251, Res. (0512) 259 8261, Mobile:
94503 46453, Fax (0512) 259 6806, email: [email protected], URL:
http://home.iitk.ac.in/~sprath/, sp. bio-inorganic chemistry; multi-
heme proteins/enzymes; chemical biology; medicinal inorganic

1989 Ratnasamy, Paul, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA, FNASc,

FNAE, Res. 4, Lalit Apartments, Gulmohar Park, ITI Road, Aundh,
Pune 411 007, Tel. (020) 2589 8058, Mobile: 73500 05192, email:
[email protected], sp. catalysis; zeolites; biofuels;
industrial chemistry.

2010 Ravi, Vasanthapuram, b. 1955, MD (JIPMER), FAMS, Department

of Neurovirology, National Institute of Mental Health and
Neurosciences, Hosur Road, Bengaluru 560 029, Tel. Off.
(080) 2699 5126, Res. (080) 2659 7290, Mobile: 93436 02246,
Fax (080) 2656 4830, email: [email protected], sp. neuro-
virology; viral diagnostics; molecular epidemiology of viral

2015 Ravikanth, Mangalampalli, b. 1966, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur),

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7176, Res.
(022) 2576 8176, Mobile: 98190 84270, Fax (022) 2576 7152,
email: [email protected], URL: www.chem.iitb.ac.in/people/
Faculty/prof/mr.html, sp. supramolecular chemistry; co-ordination
chemistry; photochemistry.

2012 Ravindran, Vajravelu, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Madras), The Institute of

Mathematical Sciences, IV Cross Road, CIT Campus, Taramani,
Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3208, Fax (044) 2254 1586,
email: [email protected], sp. perturbative quantum chromo-

2001 Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Mysore), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, FAMS, FAAAS, Director, Centre for Brain
Research, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3588, Res. (080) 2694 2958, Mobile:
90088 85529, email: [email protected], URL: https://www.cbr.iisc.ac.in/
people/prof-vijayalakshmi-ravindranath, sp. neuroscience;
830 toxicology; pharmacology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 159

2015 Ravishankar, Narayanan, b. 1970, Ph.D. (IISc), FRSC, FNAE,
Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3255, Res. 63619 31747, Mobile:
94493 49057, Fax (080) 2360 7316, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: https://nravigroup.github.io/, sp. nano-
materials; electron microscopy; energy applications.

1995 Ray, Deb Shankar, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, Emeritus

Professor, School of Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 5374, Mobile: 97481 68172,
Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected], sp. nonlinear
dynamics; nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.

2006 Raychaudhuri, Amitava, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Maryland), FNA,

FNASc, D.Sc. (h.c.), Professor Emeritus, University of Calcutta,
92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata 700 009, Tel. Off.
(033) 2352 5631, Res. (033) 2473 7519, Mobile: 98312 43624,
email: [email protected], sp. particle physics.

1993 Raychaudhuri, Arup Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Cornell), FNA,

FNASc, SERB Distinguished Fellow, CSIR–Central Glass and
Ceramic Research Institute, 196, Raja Subodh Chandra Mallick
Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2334 3341,
email: [email protected], sp. nanosciences &
technology; experimental solid state & low temperature physics;
instrumentation development. Council Service: 1998–2000.

2016 Raychaudhuri, Pratap, b. 1971, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of

Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Tata Institute
of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005,
Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2201, Res. (022) 2278 3201, Mobile:
98693 03774, Fax (022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected], sp.
thin films; superconductivity magnetism; low temperature scanning
tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy; high frequency electro-
dynamics of superconductors.

2003 Reddy, Arjula Ramachandra, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Osmania), Emeritus

Professor, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad; Res. Apartment No. 1008, Block 9, Rajapushpa
Atria, Kokapet, Hyderabad 500 075, Tel. Res. (040) 6776 8765,
Mobile: 97031 01477, email: [email protected]; arjulsl@
yahoo.com, sp. genetics; plant molecular genetics; plant
160 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2021 Reddy, Dumbala Srinivasa, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Hyderabad), FNASc,

JC Bose National Fellow, Director, CSIR–Indian Institute of
Integrative Medicine, Post Bag No. 3, Canal Road, Jammu
180 001, Tel. Off. (0191) 258 4999; (0191) 258 5222, Mobile:
98509 52349, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://academic.ncl.res.in/ds.reddy, sp. total synthesis;
medicinal chemistry; drug discovery.

2020 Reddy, Manjula, b. 1965, Ph.D. (JNU), Chief Scientist, CSIR–

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad
500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2719 2514, Mobile: 98667 06920, Fax
(040) 2716 0310, email: [email protected]; mreddy65@
gmail.com, URL: https://www.ccmb.res.in/index.php?view=
scientist&mid=0&id=63&grpid=27, sp. bacterial physiology;
genetics; biochemistry.

1991 Reddy, Vellenki Umapathi, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Missouri), FNA, FNAE,

FIEEE, Res. No. 37, Aparna Orchids, Near HITEX Grounds,
Izzatnagar, Kondapur, Hyderabad 500 084, Tel. (040) 2311 4725,
Mobile: 98481 35781, email: [email protected], sp. signal
processing; communications.

2009 Rindani, Saurabh Dilsukhray, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, INSA Senior Scientist, Theoretical Physics Division,
Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009,
Mobile: 94270 18152, Fax (079) 2631 4900, email: sdrindani@
840 gmail.com, sp. particle physics.

2021 Romshoo, Shakil Ahmad, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Tokyo), Vice-

Chancellor, Islamic University of Science and Technology,
Awantipora 192 122, Tel. Off. (01933) 24 7954, Res. (0194) 231 5391,
Mobile: 94190 10924, Fax (01933) 24 7955 email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: https://www.iust.ac.in/vice-chancellor.
aspx, sp. glaciology; climate change; geoinformatics.

1993 Roy, Aditya Prasad, b. 1939, Ph.D. (McMaster), Res. Flat No.
16031, Prestige Ferns Residency, Haralur Road, Bengaluru
560 102, Mobile: 99202 53215, email: [email protected], sp.
condensed matter physics.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 161

1989 Roy, Ashit Baran, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, Res. Flat No.
3/2G, Niloy Apartment, 46A, Ramanath Das Road, Kolkata
700 031, Tel. (033) 2405 3671, Mobile: 94330 87685, email:
[email protected], sp. Precambrian geology; geology of
Indian shield.

1989 Roy, Probir, b. 1942, M.A. (Cantab), Ph.D. (Stanford), FNA,

FNASc, Guest Scientist, Centre for Astroparticle Physics and
Space Science, Bose Institute, Kolkata; Res. CK 147, Sector 2,
Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 091, Tel. Res. (033) 4604 6628,
Mobile: 94325 97896, email: [email protected], sp. particle &
astroparticle physics; field theory; phenomenology.

2011 Roy, Rahul, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Cornell), Theoretical Statistics and

Mathematics Division, Indian Statistical Institute, 7 SJS Sansanwal
Marg, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 4149 3905, Res. (011)
4101 2960, Mobile: 98689 29236, Fax (011) 4149 3981, email:
[email protected], sp. probability & stochastic processes.

2009 Roy, Rajendra Prasad, b. 1962, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Dean,
Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR Biotech Science
Cluster, Faridabad-Gurugram Expressway, Faridabad 121 001,
Tel. Off. (0129) 284 8903, Mobile: 98105 77789, email: rproy@
rcb.res.in, sp. chemical biology; protein chemistry.

1983 Roy, Shasanka Mohan, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, INSA Honorary Scientist, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science
Education, V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088,
Tel. Off. (022) 2555 4712; (022) 2555 5242, Res. (022) 2788 8961,
email: [email protected], URL: http://theory.tifr.res.in/~shasanka/,
sp. quantum information; foundations of quantum theory.

1996 Roy, Siddhartha, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Delaware), FNA, FTWAS, JC

Bose National Fellow, Bose Institute, P1/12, CIT Scheme VII M,
Kolkata 700 054, Tel. Off. (033) 2355 9544, Res. (033) 2412 1261,
email: [email protected], sp. chemical biology; protein-
nucleic acid interaction; peptide therapeutics.

2008 Roy, Sujit, b. 1959, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), Professor of Chemistry,

School of Basic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bhubaneswar, Argul, Khurda 752 050, Mobile: 94393 65740, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. organometallic
chemistry; catalysis for fine chemicals; C–H functionalization;
metal-based ayurvedic drugs.
162 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2014 Roy, Syamal, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, Infectious

Diseases & Immunology Division, CSIR–Indian Institute of
Chemical Biology, 4, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur,
Kolkata 700 032, Mobile: 98745 32967, email: drsyamalroy@
yahoo.com, URL: http://iicb.res.in/divisionwiselistofscientists/
850 id/sroy.html, sp. immunology; parasitology; vaccine research.

2011 Roy Barman, Sudipta, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), Scientist H, UGC-DAE

Consortium for Scientific Research, Khandwa Road, Indore
452 001, Tel. Off. (0731) 246 3913/123, Res. (0731) 248 7346, Mobile:
98263 36110, Fax (0731) 246 2294, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. electron spectroscopy; surface science;
material studies.

2014 Roychoudhury, Susanta, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc,

Division of Molecular Genetics, CSIR–Indian Institute of Chemical
Biology, CN-06, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091, Tel. Res.
(033) 2358 1528, Mobile: 94331 02986, email: susantarc@
gmail.com, sp. cancer biology; human genetics; genomics.

2020 Sabu, Mamiyil, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Calicut), FNA, CSIR Emeritus

Scientist, Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute of Plant
Sciences, ZG College Post, Calicut 673 014, Tel. Off.
(0495) 243 0939, Res. (0495) 243 1545, Mobile: 94476 36333,
Fax (0495) 243 0939, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.gingersofindia.com, sp. taxonomy of angiosperms; repro-
ductive biology; anatomy; palynology.

2012 Saha, Bhaskar, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, Scientist F,

National Centre for Cell Science, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007,
Tel. Off. (020) 2570 8138, Res. (020) 2570 8044, Mobile: 94223 19945,
Fax (020) 2569 2259, email: [email protected], URL: www.nccs.res.in/
saha1.html, sp. immunology; signal transduction; parasitology.

2010 Saha-Dasgupta, Tanusri, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FTWAS,

FNASc, FNA, Director, SN Bose National Centre for Basic
Sciences, JD Block, Sector 3, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 106, Tel.
Off. (033) 2335 5707, Res. (033) 2324 1232, Mobile: 98312 09592,
Fax (033) 2335 3477, email: [email protected], URL:
http://www.bose.res.in/~tanusri/, sp. condensed matter physics;
computational materials science; electronic structure calculations.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 163

1987 Sahni, Ashok, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Minnesota), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
Res. 98, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Lucknow 226 001, Mobile:
99560 29934, email: [email protected], sp. vertebrate
palaeontology; palaeobiogeography; electron microscope
applications to biomineralization. Council Service: April–
December 2018.

2001 Sahni, Girish, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, CSIR Bhatnagar
Fellow, CSIR–Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A,
Chandigarh 160 036, Mobile: 98883 71548, email: girishsahni@
gmail.com, sp. protein engineering; molecular biology; bio-
technology; enzymology.

2003 Sahni, Varun Bhisham, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Moscow State), FNASc,

FNA, FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, Inter-University Centre for
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune
411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2560 4112, Res. (020) 2560 4406, Fax
(020) 2560 4699, email: [email protected], sp. general relativity &
gravitation; cosmology: dark matter & dark energy; formation of
Galaxies; superclusters & voids; cosmic microwave background

2021 Sahoo, Akhila Kumar, b. 1972, Ph.D. (Pune), FNASc, School of

Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off.
(040) 2313 4822, Mobile: 99082 21898, email: [email protected],
URL: https://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/~aks/, sp. organic synthesis;
organometallic/energetic materials; difunctionalisation of

2019 Sahu, Arvind Kesarilalji, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, Scientist G, National Centre for Cell
Science, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2570 8083,
Res. (020) 2986 0522, Fax (020) 2569 2259, Mobile: 94223 20062,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.nccs.res.in/index.
php/TeamMembersC/asahu, sp. complement biology; molecular
860 virology; protein chemistry.

1993 Saidapur, Srinivas Kishanrao, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Karnatak), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Res. TF-1, Trigunatmika Apartments, Haliyal
Road, Near Dasankoppa Circle, Bharati Nagar, Saptapur,
Dharwad 580 001, Mobile: 96633 78259, email: [email protected],
sp. biology of reproduction; comparative endocrinology;
herpetology; animal behaviour.

164 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2021 Sain, Kalachand, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Osmania), FNA, FNASc, Wadia

Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33, GMS Road, Dehra Dun 248 001,
Tel. Off. (0135) 252 5101, Res. (0135) 252 5622; (0135) 264 9434,
Mobile: 94409 64038, Fax (0135) 262 5212, email: director@wihg.
res.in; [email protected], URL: https://kalachandsain.
wixiste.com/saink, sp. gas-hydrates; sub-volcanic mesozoics; geo-
dynamics; glacial dynamics; geo-tectonics; artificial intelligence.

2001 Salunke, Dinakar Mashnu, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA,

FTWAS, Director, International Centre for Genetic Engineering
and Biotechnology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067,
Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2317, Fax (011) 2674 2316, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp.
structural biology; macromolecular crystallography; immune-
logy; biotechnology.

2003 Samanta, Anunay, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, School of Chemistry, University of
Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4813, Mobile:
94404 99681, email: [email protected]; anunay.samanta@
gmail.com, URL: http://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/~as/, sp.
spectroscopy & dynamics of short-lived species.

2010 Sami, Mohammad, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Moscow State), FNASc,

Director, Centre for Cosmology and Science Popularisation, SGT
University, Gurugram 122 505, Mobile: 99908 40273; 98211 03323,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
cosmology; modified theories of gravity; high energy physics.

2009 Sampath, Srinivasan, b. 1961, Ph.D. (IIT, Madras), FNA, FNAE,

FTWAS, Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3315,
Res. (080) 2308 9516, Mobile: 94837 42993, Fax (080) 2360 6867,
email: [email protected], URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/ss.php, sp.
interfacial (electro) chemistry; organic thin films; nanostructured
materials; layered chalcogenides; SERS; sensors; fuel cells;

1998 Sampathkumaran, Echur Varadadesikan, b. 1954, Ph.D.

(Bombay), FNASc, FNA, FTWAS, DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow,
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, V.N. Purav Marg,
Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088, Mobile: 98921 00402, email:
[email protected], sp. magnetism; superconductivity; Kondo
lattices; strong electron correlations; geometrical frustration;
spin-chain behaviour; multiferroics.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 165
1987 Sane, Prafullachandra Vishnu, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Alberta), FNA,
FNASc, Principal Adviser, Agri Biotech (R&D), Jain Irrigation
System Ltd, Jalgaon; Res. C-739/B, Sector C, Mahanagar
Extension, Lucknow 226 006, Tel. (0522) 495 2323, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. plant bio-
chemistry; plant molecular biology; photosynthesis.

2018 Sane, Sanjay Prafullachandra, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Univ. Calif.,

Berkeley), National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK
Campus, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6020, Res.
(080) 4097 0586, Mobile: 87627 06145, email: [email protected],
URL: www.ncbs.res.in/sane, sp. neuroethology; biomechanics;
fluid mechanics.

2010 Sane, Sharad Sadashiv, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), Chennai

Mathematical Institute, SIPCOT IT Park, Siruseri, Kelambakkam,
Chennai 603 103, Mobile: 99695 60519, email: sharadsane@
870 gmail.com, sp. finite geometries; design theory; graph theory.

1999 Sanjappa, Munivenkatappa, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Baroda), FNA,

FNASc, INSA Senior Scientist, Mahatma Gandhi Botanical Garden,
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru; Res. 504,
Block C-7, Kendriya Vihar, Bellary Road, Yelahanka, Bengaluru
560 064, Mobile: 99720 35160, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. plant taxonomy & conservation.

2016 Sanjay Kumar, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Banaras), Department of Physics,

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Res. (0542)
257 5896, Mobile: 94515 85427, Fax (0542) 236 8390, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:http://www.
bhu.ac.in/science/physics/skumar.php, sp. statistical physics;
condensed matter theory; biological physics.

2002 Sankara Rao, Kolluri, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Bangalore), Distinguished

Fellow, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2506; (080) 2293 2786/
261, Res. (080) 2341 1148, Mobile: 98453 39826, Fax (080) 2360 0814,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. plant
developmental biology; biotechnology; biodiversity informatics &
plant systematics.

166 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2020 Sankaran, Mahesh, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Syracuse), National Centre
for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru 560 065,
Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6220, Mobile: 96633 18733, email: mahesh@
ncbs.res.in, URL: https://www.ncbs.res.in/faculty/mahesh, sp.
climate change; ecosystem ecology; savanna ecology.

2007 Sankaran, Parameswaran, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Calgary), FNASc,

FNA, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1 SIPCOT IT Park,
Siruseri, Kelambakkam 603 103, Tel. Off. (044) 7196 1022, Mobile:
99401 39682, email: [email protected], URL: www.imsc.res.in/
~sankaran, sp. topology & Lie groups.

2010 Sankaranarayanan, Rajan, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

Group Leader, CSIR–Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology,
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2719 2832,
Res. (040) 2717 1504, Mobile: 98664 97744, Fax (040) 2716 0591,
email: [email protected], URL: http://e-portal.ccmb.res.in/e-space/
sankar/people.html, sp. structural biology; translation quality
control; enzyme mechanisms.

2017 Sankararaman, Sethuraman, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Victoria), Department

of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai
600 036, Tel. Off. (044) 2257 4210, Res. (044) 2257 6210, Mobile:
94443 85211, Fax (044) 2257 0545; (044) 2257 4202, email: sanka@
iitm.ac.in, URL: http://chem.iitm.ac.in/faculty/sankararaman/, sp.
synthetic & mechanistic organic chemistry; organometallic
chemistry; organic photochemistry.

2017 Sanyal, Kaustuv, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, FNASc, FAAM,

Molecular Biology & Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel.
Off. (080) 2208 2878, Mobile: 94498 10323, Fax (080) 2208 2766,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://
www.jncasr.ac.in/faculty/sanyal, sp. eukaryotic chromosome
segregation; epigenetic regulation by histone variants; genetics &
genomics of fungal pathogens.

2001 Sanyal, Milan Kumar, b. 1954, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Emeritus Professor, Saha Institute of Nuclear
Physics, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064, Tel. Off.
(033) 2321 4763, Res. (033) 4603 5577, Mobile: 98742 35010, Fax
(033) 2337 4637, email:[email protected]; milank.sanyal@
gmail.com, URL: http://www.saha.ac.in/web/scientific/personal-
page?mid=milank.sanyal&tab=tab1, sp. condensed matter
physics; surface physics; synchrotron X-ray scattering; quantum
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 167
2022 Sarawagi, Sunita, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Univ. Calif., Berkeley), FNAE,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.
(022) 2576 7904, Res. (022) 2576 8716, Mobile: 99693 45905,
Fax (022) 2572 0022, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~sunita, sp. machine learning; databases; data
880 mining.

2010 Sarin, Apurva, b. 1962, Ph.D. (JNU), Director, Institute for Stem
Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine, GKVK Campus, Bellary
Road, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 6194 8200, Fax (080)
2366 6462, email: [email protected], sp. immunology; cell
biology; apoptosis.

2000 Sarin, Manmohan, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, SERB

Distinguished Fellow, Physical Research Laboratory, Navrang-
pura, Ahmedabad 380 009, Tel. Off. (079) 2631 4939, Res. (079)
2685 8711, Mobile: 94267 27301, Fax (079) 2631 4900, email: sarin@
prl.res.in; [email protected], sp. atmospheric &
aerosol chemistry; chemical oceanography.

2005 Sarin, Shiv Kumar, b. 1952, D.M. (AIIMS), MD (SMS Jaipur), FNA,
FNASc, FAMS, Vice Chancellor, Institute of Liver and Biliary
Sciences, D1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070, Tel. Off.
(011) 4630 0000, Res. (011) 2687 3563, Fax (011) 2612 3504,
email: [email protected], sp. hepatology.

2012 Sarkar, Anindya, b. 1959, Ph.D. (PRL), FNA, Department of

Geology & Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3392, Res.
(03222) 28 3393, Mobile: 94340 43377, Fax (03222) 28 2268,
email: [email protected], sp. stable isotope geochemistry;
palaeoclimatology; geochronology.

1999 Sarkar, Chitra, b. 1955, MD (AIIMS), FRC (Path) (London),

FNASc, FAMS, FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, President, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences–Kalyani and Guwahati; Department
of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari
Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off. (011)2659 3371, Res.
(011) 2658 8390, Mobile: 98101 81945, Fax (011) 2658 8663,
email: [email protected], sp. neuropathology. Council
Service: 2013–15.
168 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2007 Sarkar, Debi Prasad, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, University of
Delhi South Campus, Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110 021, Tel.
Off. (011) 2411 1967, Res. (011) 2411 3869, Mobile: 98106 96767,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
biochemistry; molecular virology; cell biology; biotechnology;
membrane biology.

1990 Sarkar, Pranab Kumar, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, INSA

Honorary Scientist, Division of Neurobiology, CSIR–Indian
Institute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja SC Mullick Road,
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Res.(033) 2337 2927, Mobile:
94330 60022, email: [email protected]; sarkarpk@
gmail.com, sp. thyroid hormones & brain development; molecular
biology & endocrinology; neuro-degenerative diseases.

1997 Sarkar, Sabyasachi, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Gorakhpur), Honorary

Distinguished Professor, Nanoscience & Synthetic Leaf Cell,
Applied Chemistry, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belurmath,
Howrah 711 202, Tel. Off. (033) 2668 6464, Mobile: 94151 27635;
70035 52154. email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
http://home.iitk.ac.in/~abya/, sp. metallo-proteins; atherosclerosis;
nanocarbons; lifecycle bioimaging, drug-encapsulation &
delivery; harvesting earth’ s radiant energy.

2008 Sarkar, Utpal, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, DAE Raja
Ramanna Fellow, Department of Physical Sciences, Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur
741 246, Mobile: 98985 86326, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. particle & astroparticle

1993 Sarma, Dipankar Das, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IISc), DSc (h.c.) FNA,
FNASc, FTWAS, FNAE, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2360 7576; (080) 2293 2945, Fax (080) 2360 1310, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://sscu.iisc.ac.in/
people/DDSarma/, sp. strongly interacting electron systems;
disordered systems; nanomaterials; energy materials. Council
890 Service: 2016–18.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 169

2015 Sarma, Vedula Venkata Subrahmanya Srinivasa, b. 1969, Ph.D.
(Goa), National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre,
176, Lawsons Bay Colony, Visakhapatnam 530 017, Tel. Off
(0891) 253 9180, Res. (0891) 295 7779, Mobile: 98484 57779,
Fax (0891) 254 3595, email: [email protected], sp. biogeochemistry;
stable isotopes; remote sensing.

1969 Sasisekharan, Visvanathan, b. 1933, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA,

FNASc, Res. c/o Prof. Ram Sasisekharan, Department of
Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, Tel. (+1-781) 538 4045, email:
[email protected], sp. molecular biophysics.

2013 Sastry, Garikapati Narahari, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Hyderabad),

FNASc, FNA, FRSC, JC Bose National Fellow, Director, CSIR–
North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat 785 006,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. compu-
tational chemistry; theoretical chemistry; computer-aided drug
design, machine learning and data science.

2002 Sastry, Murali, b. 1959, Ph.D. (IIT, Madras), Distinguished

Professor, Departments of Materials Science, Engineering,
Chemical and Biological Engineering, Monash University,
Australia; Res. A20, Spring Flowers, Panchavati, Pashan Road,
Pune 411 008, Mobile: (+61-4) 4452 6278; 98197 14731,
email: [email protected], sp. surface physics; hybrid
materials; nano materials; nano biotechnology; plasmonic
materials; end-to-end innovation; technology commercialization.

2009 Sastry, Srikanth, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Boston), FNASc, FNA,

Theoretical Sciences Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2838, Fax (080) 2208 2928; (080) 2208 2766,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.jncasr.ac.in/sastry, sp.
statistical mechanics; liquids; glass transition; jamming;
mechanical behaviour of glasses; self assembly.

2010 Satheesh, Sreedharan Krishnakumari, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Kerala),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, Divecha Centre for Climate Change &
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3070; (080)
2293 3585, Res. (080) 2357 0274, Mobile: 94483 60274, Fax
(080) 2360 0865, email: [email protected]; URL: http://
dccc.iisc.ac.in/sks.html, sp. aerosols; radiation; climate.
170 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1990 Sathyamurthy, Narayanasami, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State),

FNA, FTWAS, Honorary Professor, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research, Mohali; Res. A306 GCorp Mahalakshmi
Apartments, 23A Cross, 3rd Main, Sahakarnagar, Bengaluru
560 092, Mobile:97791 44905, email: [email protected],
sp. molecular reaction dynamics & theoretical chemistry; atomic
& molecular clusters; atoms & molecules in a confined
environment. Council Service: 2001–2006.

1974 Satya Prakash, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, Res. c/o
Meena Rajgopal, 53 Sarah Way, Concord, MA 01742, USA,
email: [email protected], sp. planetary, atmospheric &
space plasmas.

2020 Saurabh, Saket, b. 1980, Ph.D. (HBNI), Professor H, Theoretical

Computer Science Group, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off. (044)
2254 3213, Mobile: 97890 18975, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: https://sites.google.com/view/
sakethome, sp. theoretical computer science; graph algorithms &
graph theory; parameterized complexity.

1993 Savithri, Handanahal Subbarao, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, NASI Senior Scientist,
Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Res. (080) 2337 2981, Mobile: 94483 79380,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. plant
900 molecular virology; protein chemistry; enzymology.

2021 Saxena, Nitin, b. 1981, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, N Rama Rao
Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016,
Tel. Off. (0512) 679 7588, Res. (0512) 679 8615, Mobile:
89530 36836, email: [email protected], URL: https://
www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/nitin/, sp. algebraic complexity theory;
computational algebra; number theory; cryptology.

1993 Saxena, Rajiv Krishna, b. 1951, Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose National Fellow, Professor Emeritus, INSA Senior Scientist,
Faculty of Life Sciences & Biotechnology, South Asian University,
Akbar Bhawan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021, Tel. Off.
(011) 2419 5297, Mobile: 99100 48241, Fax (011) 2412 2511, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:
www.rajivsaxena.info, sp. immunology; nanotoxicology; nano-
particles; hematopoiesis.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 171

1994 Sebastian, Kizhakeyil Lukose, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,
Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (04923) 22 6511, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2385, Mobile: 96329 28096, email: [email protected],
URL: https://ipc.iisc.ac.in/~kls/, sp. theoretical chemistry. Council
Service: 2016–18; Vice-President: 2016–18.

1995 Sen, Abhijit, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Tennessee), FNA, FNASc, Emeritus

Professor & INSA Honorary Scientist, Institute for Plasma
Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar 382 428, Tel. Off. (079) 2396 2048;
(079) 2396 9023, Mobile: 98250 51578, Fax (079) 2396 9016,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. plasma physics;
nonlinear dynamics; free electron lasers. Council Service: 2010–

1991 Sen, Ashoke, b. 1956, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook), FNA, FNASc,
FRS, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road,
Jhunsi, Prayagraj 211 019, Tel. Off. (0532) 227 4302, Res.
(0532) 227 4002, Fax (0532) 256 9576, email: [email protected], sp.
superstring theory.

2001 Sen, Diptiman, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA, FNASc, Centre

for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2974, Res. (080) 2360 7073, Fax (080)
2360 0683, email: [email protected], URL: http://chep.iisc.ac.in/
Personnel/pages/diptiman/index.html, sp. theoretical condensed
matter physics; quantum field theory.

1992 Sen, Kalidas, b. 1948, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, INSA Senior
Scientist, School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4809, Mobile: 96520 09749,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. electronic
structure theory; density functional theory & confined electronic
systems; information theory; statistical complexity, screened
Coulomb potentials.

2018 Sen, Ranjan, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, Staff Scientist
VII, Laboratory of Transcription, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and
Diagnostics, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad 500 039, Tel.
Off. (040) 2721 6103, Res. (040) 2715 8703, Mobile: 98661 22652,
Fax (040) 2721 6006, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
cdfd.org.in/labpages/ranjan_sen.html, sp. microbiology.

172 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2007 Sen, Sandeep, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Duke), FNA, Department of

Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1293, Res.
(011) 2659 1605, Mobile: 98681 14462, Fax (011) 2658 1060,
email: [email protected], URL: www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~ssen, sp.
sequential & parallel algorithms; probabilistic analysis &
randomization; computational geometry.

2012 Sengupta, Krishnendu, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Maryland), FNASc, FNA,

Department of Theoretical Physics, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Raja SC Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata
700 032, Tel. Off. (033) 2473 4971/2192, Mobile: 98301 78500,
Fax (033) 2473 2805, email: [email protected]; ksengupta1@
910 gmail.com, sp. condensed matter theory.

2011 Sengupta, Pulak, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), FNA, Coordinator,

Center of Advanced Study, Department of Geological Sciences,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, Mobile: 97483 59495,
email: [email protected], sp. metamorphic petrology; Pre-
cambrian geology; geochemistry.

2017 Sengupta, Sagar, b. 1968, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, FNA, Staff

Scientist VII, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf
Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2670 3786; (011)
2671 5025, Fax (011) 2674 2125, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www1.nii.res.in/research/sagar-sengupta, sp. cancer biology; cell
signalling; mitochondrial biology.

2020 Senthilkumaran, Balasubramanian, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Banaras),

FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, Department of Animal Biology, School of Life
Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off.
(040) 2313 4562, Res. (040) 2301 1854, Mobile: 94401 40637;
94402 46518, Fax (040) 2301 0120, email: senthilkumaranb@
yahoo.com; [email protected], URL:
http://sls.uohyd.ac.in/new/fac_details.php?fac_id=71, sp. repro-
ductive biology; molecular endocrinology of fishes; endocrine

1986 Sethunathan, Nambrattil, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA, FNAAS,

FNASc, Res. Flat No. 103, Ushodaya Apartments, Sri Venkateswara
Officers’ Colony, Ramakrishnapuram, Secunderabad 500 056,
Tel. (040) 2799 0758, email: [email protected], sp. environ-
mental microbiology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 173

2003 Shah, Nimish Arun, b. 1967, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc, Department of
Mathematics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-614) 292 5088, Fax (+1-614) 292 1479, email:
[email protected], URL: https://people.math.osu.edu/shah.595/,
sp. ergodic theory; Lie groups; number theory.

2005 Shaha, Chandrima, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose Distinguished Chair Professor, Indian Institute of Chemical
Biology, 4, Raja SC Mullick Road, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off.
(033) 2499 5700/947, Mobile: 99584 20001, email: cshaha0@
gmail.com, URL: http://www1.nii.res.in/research/chandrima-
shaha, sp. cell biology & biochemistry. Council Service: 2013–15.

1993 Shaila, Melkote Subbarao, b. 1945, Ph.D. (IISc), Professor

Emeritus, Department of Microbiology & Cell Biology, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2702,
Mobile: 98451 89481, Fax (080) 2360 2697, email: [email protected],
sp. molecular virology & viral immunology.

2004 Shanbhag, Bhagyashri Achut, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Karnatak), FNA,

FNASc, Res. FF4, Trigunatmika Apartments, Haliyal Road,
Saptapur, Dharwad 580 001, Mobile: 94481 84536, email:
[email protected], sp. comparative endocrinology
& reproduction (vertebrates); herpetology; animal behaviour.

2011 Shankar, Doraiswamy, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Goa), FNASc, CSIR–

National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa 403 004,
Tel. Off. (0832) 245 0312, Mobile: 94233 19557, email: shankar@
nio.org; [email protected], sp. tropical ocean dynamics;
ecosystehm dynamics; ocean–atmosphere interaction; monsoons.

2012 Sharma, Amit Prakash, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Northwestern), FNASc,

Group Leader & Staff Scientist, International Centre for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New
Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 1731, Res. (011) 2613 8674,
Mobile: 98101 11336, email: [email protected], sp. structural
920 biology; malaria; protein translation.

2002 Sharma, Anurag, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNA, FNASc, FNAE,
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, New
Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1350, Res. (011) 2686 7022,
Mobile: 98183 55884, email: [email protected], sp. fibre &
integrated optics; gradient-index optics; applied optics.
174 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1999 Sharma, Ashutosh, b. 1961, Ph.D. (SUNY, Buffalo), FTWAS, FNA,

FNAE, FNASc, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off.
(0512) 259 7026, email: [email protected], URL: www.iitk.ac.in/
che/as.htm, sp. soft nanotechnology & micro/nano-fabrication;
nanomechanics; thin films & self-organization; functional
interfaces; colloid & interface science; carbon nanomaterials,
devices & composites in health, energy and environment.
Council Service: 2013–15.

1974 Sharma, Man Mohan, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Cantab), D.Sc. (h.c.),

D.Engg. (h.c.), L.L.D. (h.c.), FNA, FRS, Emeritus Professor,
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai; Res. 2/3, Jaswant
Baug, Runwal Park, Behind Akbarally, V.N. Purav Marg,
Chembur, Mumbai 400 071, Tel. (022) 2529 1539, email:
[email protected], sp. multiphase reactions/reactors;
separations. Council Service: 1986–88.

1989 Sharma, Ram Swaroop, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Basel), FNA, Res. 70/36,
Pratapnagar, Sector 7, Sanganer (RHB), Jaipur 302 033, Tel.
(0141) 279 0317, Mobile: 94148 88025, email: [email protected],
sp. metamorphic petrology; mineralogy; Precambrian geology.

1990 Sharma, Rameshwar Prasad, b. 1940, Ph.D. (IARI/Agra), FNA,

FNASc, FNAAS, INSA Emeritus Scientist, National Research
Centre on Plant Biotechnology, Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi; Res. C-II-204, Eldeco Ananda Apartments,
Sector 48, Noida 201 301, Mobile: 98106 78220, email:
[email protected], sp. developmental genetics; mutagenesis;
molecular biology; biotechnology.

2021 Sharma, Seema, b. 1979, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of Physics,

Indian Institute of Science Education & Research–Pune, Dr Homi
Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8228,
Mobile: 95525 45568, email: [email protected], sp. experi-
mental high energy physics; particle detectors & simulation;
data analysis & big data mining.

2003 Sharma, Shobhona, b. 1953, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA, INSA Honorary

Scientist, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai; Res. 1103
A, Tulsigagan Building, Plot No. 28 & 29, Sector 21, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai 410 210, Tel. (022) 2774 3426, Mobile: 98923 52830,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. molecular
parasitology; parasite immunology; parasite metabolism.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 175

2010 Sharma, Surendra Kumar, b. 1951, MD (PGIMER, Chandigarh),
Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Res. E-18,
Basement South Extension Part-1, New Delhi 110 049, Mobile:
98990 88092, email: [email protected], sp. internal
medicine; pulmonary & critical care & sleep medicine; infectious
diseases; environmental medicine.

2008 Sharma, Surinder Mohan, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

FNA, Res. C-32, Building No. 27, Kendriya Vihar Cooperative
Housing Society, Sector 38, Nerul (W), Navi Mumbai 400 706,
Mobile: 98197 67483, email: [email protected], sp.
condensed matter physics under high pressures; synchrotron
beamlines; molecular dynamics & first principles calculations.

2021 Sharma, Tilak Raj, b. 1965, Ph.D. (HP Agr. Univ.), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, Deputy Director-General (Crop Science), Indian Council
of Agircultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110 001,
Tel. Off. (011) 2338 2545, Mobile: 98183 86057, Fax (011)
2309 7003, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. plant genomics; plant disease resistance.

2000 Sharma, Yagya Dutta, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Rohilkhand), FNA, FNASc,

Res. C-65, Golf View Apartments, Saket, New Delhi 110 017,
Mobile: 98108 44106, email: [email protected]; ydsharma@
hotmail.com, sp. molecular biology; molecular malariology;
protein chemistry.

2008 Sharma, Yogendra, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Calcutta), FNASc, FNA, JC

Bose National Fellow, Dean, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Berhampur, Berhampur 760 010, Mobile:
99086 30358, email: [email protected]; yogen.ccmb@
gmail.com, sp. biophysics; biochemistry; protein structure &
function; calcium-binding proteins.

1988 Shashidhar, Ranganathan, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Mysore), Senior Vice-

President, Polestar Technologies Inc., 220-3, Reservoir Street,
Needham Heights, Massachusetts, USA; Res. No. 8802, Edward
Gibbs Place, Alexandria, VA 22309, USA. Tel. Off. (+1-703)
615 1023, Res. (+1-703) 303 6904, email: rshashidhar@
polestartech.com; [email protected], sp. liquid crystals;
nanoscience, nanotechnology & nanostructured materials;
molecular & organic electronics; infectious diseases; sensors &
detectors for CB agents & explosives; biofuel cells; medical
diagnostic devices; graphene-based sensors for gas vapor

176 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2007 Shashidhara, Lingadahalli Subrahmanya, b. 1963, Ph.D.

(Cambridge), FNA, FNASc, Ashoka University, Sonepat; Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research–Pune, Dr Homi
Bhabha Road, Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 8001,
Mobile: 98234 32303, email: [email protected], sp.
developmental biology; evolution; genetics; cancer biology.

1988 Shastry, B Sriram, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Distinguished Professor, Department of Physics,
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA, Tel. Off.
(+1-831) 459 5849, Fax (+1-831) 426-3115, email: sriram@
physics.ucsc.edu, [email protected], URL: physics.ucsc.edu/
~sriram/sriram.html, sp. strongly correlated fermi systems;
quantum integrable systems.

2007 Shenoi, Sadananda Satheesh Chandra, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Cochin),

FNASc, Res. Villa 15, SRR Ridge, Bachupally, Nizampet P.O.,
Hyderabad 500 090, Mobile: 94410 13377, email: shenoi1958@
gmail.com, sp. physical oceanography; ocean-atmosphere
interaction; satellite oceanography.

1992 Shenoy, Subodh Raghunath, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Yale), Tata Institute

of Fundamental Research, 36/P Gopanpally, Hyderabad 500 046,
Tel. Off. (040) 2020 3090, Mobile: 99491 98515, Fax (040) 2020 3105,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
condensed matter physics; statistical physics.

2013 Shenoy, Vijay Balakrishna, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Brown), Department

of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel.
Off. (080) 2293 2888, Res. (080) 2360 5620, Mobile: 94490 55620,
Fax (080) 2360 2315, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.physics.iisc.ernet.in/~shenoy/, sp. condensed matter
theory; strongly correlated systems; cold atom physics.

1998 Shetty, Hunthrike Shekar, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Mysore), FNAAS,

FNASc, Life-time Honorary Distinguished Professor, Department
of Studies in Applied Botany & Biotechnology, University of
Mysore, Mysore; Res. No. 72, 19th Cross, Vijaynagara 3rd Stage,
C-Block, Mysore 570 030, Tel. Res. (0821) 295 2426, Mobile:
94498 37566; 70193 21432, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. seed biology; seed pathology
& technology; molecular plant pathology; biotechnological
approaches for stress management in plants.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 177
1992 Shetye, Satish Ramnath, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Washington), FNA,
FNASc, Res. Yashoda, No. C-14/162, Tonca, Caranzalem, Panaji,
Goa 403 002, Tel. (0832) 246 1660, Mobile: 90110 56605, email:
[email protected], sp. physical oceanography. Council
940 Service: 1998–2003.

2011 Shivaji, Sisinthy, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNASc, Director Emeritus

and Distinguished Scientist, Prof. Brien Holden Eye Research
Centre, LV Prasad Eye Institute, LV Prasad Marg, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad 500 034, Tel. Off. (040) 3061 2511, Mobile: 98496 50285,
Fax (040) 2354 8271, email: [email protected], sp. antimicrobial
resistance; gut microbiome & eye diseases; ocular microbiome:
conservation biology; mammalian sperm function; bacterial
biodiversity of cold habitats; cold adaptation.

1985 Shivanna, Kundaranahalli Ramalingaiah, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Delhi),

FNA, FNAAS, FNASc, Res. Odekar Farms, Nandihalli, via
Thovinakere, Tumkur 572 138, Mobile: 94495 43848, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. pollen biology;
reproductive ecology; conservation biology.

2010 Shivashankar, Ganaganor Visweswara, b. 1968, Ph.D.

(Rockefeller), Head, Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology, Professor
of Mechano-Genomics, ETH Zurich, Paul Scherrer Institute,
Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland, Tel. Off.
(+41-56) 310 4250, email: [email protected]; shiva.gvs@
gmail.com, sp. biophysics; cell biology; gene expression.

1985 Shorey, Tarlok Nath, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

Adjunct Faculty, National Institute of Advanced Studies,
Indian Institute of Science campus, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2218 5112, Res. (080) 4956 2205, email: tarloknathshorey@
gmail.com, sp. theory of numbers.

2022 Shukla, Arun Kumar, b. 1981, Ph.D. (Max Planck Inst.), FNASc,
Department of Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512)
679 4251, Res. (0512) 679 4251, Mobile: 95590 02644, email:
[email protected], sp. structural biology; cellular signalling; drug

178 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2012 Shukla, Ashok Kumar, b. 1947, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FNAE, Professor Emeritus, Solid State & Structural Chemistry
Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2795, Res. (080) 2337 4075, Mobile: 94482 74075, Fax
(080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected], sp. materials
electrochemistry; fuel cells; batteries & supercapacitors.

1993 Shyamasundar, Rudrapatna Kallikote, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IISc),

FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, FNAE, FIEEE, JC Bose National Fellow and
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7708,
Res. (022) 2572 0001, Fax (022) 2572 3480, Mobile: 98183 20188;
99871 30188, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~rkss/, sp. specification &
verification; real-time & logic programs; mobile computing;
computer & information security. Council Service: 2013–15.

2018 Siddavattam, Dayananda, b. 1957, Ph.D. (SV Univ.), FNASc, FNA,

Department of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences, University of
Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4578,
Mobile: 98498 85348, Fax (040) 2301 0120, email: sdsl@uohyd.
ac.in; [email protected], sp. environmental microbiology;
biodegradation; bioremediation.

2008 Siddiqi, Imran, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Oregon), FNA, Scientist, CSIR–

Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad
500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2719 2570, Res. (040) 2715 8119, Mobile:
98666 33195, Fax (040) 2716 0591, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. genetics; plant development; genetic
recombination. Council Service: 2019–.

2012 Sikdar, Sujit Kumar, b. 1957, Dr.Med.Sci. (Kyushu), Molecular

Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2844; (080) 2293 3220, Res. (080) 2341 1580,
Fax (080) 2360 0535, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. cellular neurophysiology; ion channels physiology,
pharmacology & biophysics; calcium dynamics; in vitro neuronal
950 networks.

1990 Sikka, Satinder Kumar, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, FNASc,

Res. No. 538, Sector 17, Faridabad 121 002, Tel. (0129)
408 6016, Mobile: 99588 57056, email: [email protected],
sp. high pressure physics; X-ray & neutron diffraction; band
theory; nuclear explosions.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 179
1991 Simon, Rajiah, b. 1948, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, SERB Distinguished
Fellow, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus,
Taramani, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off. (044) 2254 3120, Mobile:
82203 33595, Fax (044) 2254 1586, email: [email protected],
sp. quantum & classical optics; quantum information science;
foundations of quantum theory.

2001 Singh, Anil Kumar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNASc, Director
(Independent), Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Mumbai;
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai; Res.
A-1603, Lake Primrose, Lake Homes, Powai, Mumbai 400 076,
Tel. (022) 2847 1761, Mobile: 98207 47167, email: retinal@
chem.iitb.ac.in, sp. organic chemistry; bio-organic chemistry;
photochemistry; photobiology.

1989 Singh, Balwant, b. 1940, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, Res. 105,

Vaigyanik Society, Plots 58-59, Sector 14, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
400 703, Tel. Res. (022) 2788 2238, Mobile: 98924 50089, email:
[email protected], sp. algebraic geometry; commutative

1974 Singh, Bam Bahadur, b. 1938, Ph.D. (Shrivenham, UK), FNASc,

D-7, Fair Lawn, V.N. Purav Marg, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071,
Tel. (022) 3567 3965, Mobile: 98210 05336, email: drbbsingh2010@
gmail.com, sp. radiation biology; biophysics; intellectual property
rights, nuclear law, personal & constitutional laws and medical

2013 Singh, Bhim, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IIT, Delhi), FNASc, FNAE, FIEEE,
FNA, FTWAS, SERB National Science Chair and Emeritus
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology–Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011)
2659 1045, Res. (011) 2659 1890, Mobile: 98115 02125, Fax (011)
2658 1606, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. power electronics, renewable energy generation.

2007 Singh, Harkesh Bahadur, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Lucknow & Aston),

FNASc, FNA, Res. B-305, Blue Nile, Pacific Enclave, CHS, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Mobile: 93238 40676, email: chhbsia@
chem.iitb.ac.in; [email protected], sp. main group chemistry;
organo-chalcogen chemistry; organometallic chemistry.
180 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1985 Singh, Jamuna Sharan, b. 1941, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Professor Emeritus, Department of Botany, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542) 236 8399,
Res. (0542) 257 0120, Mobile: 93351 78355, Fax (0542) 236 8174,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. plant ecology;
ecosystems analysis; eco-physiology.

2000 Singh, Kulinder Pal, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, FNA,

Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research, Mohali; Res. 28A, Bank Colony, Patiala
147 001, Mobile: 90048 38965, email: [email protected], sp.
X-ray instrumentation for astronomy; active galactic nuclei; hot
interstellar & intracluster medium; stellar coronae; cataclysmic
variables & binary X-ray sources.

2020 Singh, Maya Shankar, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, JC

Bose National Fellow, CNR Rao Rotating Chair Professor,
Department of Chemistry, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542) 236 8127, Mobile:
94153 72614, Fax (0542) 236 8127, email: mayashankarbhu@
gmail.com; [email protected], URL: http://www.bhu.ac.in/science/
chemistry/mssingh.php, sp. synthetic organic chemistry;
chemistry of dithioesters & related systems; visible-light
960 mediated photocatalytic reactions; electro-organic synthesis.

2008 Singh, Mewa, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Mysore), FNA, FNASc, SERB

Distinguished Fellow, Life-time Honorary Distinguished Professor,
Institution of Excellence, Vijnana Bhavan, University of Mysore,
Manasagangotri, Mysore 570 006, Tel. Off. & Fax (0821)
241 9372, Res. (0821) 295 2327, Mobile: 94486 03506, email:
[email protected]; [email protected],
URL: http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/dr-mewa-singh/, sp. animal
behaviour; wildlife ecology; sociobiology.

2021 Singh, Pradeep Kumar, b. 1963, Ph.D. Engineering (Clausthal),

FNASc, CSIR–Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Barwa
Road, Dhanbad 826 001, Tel. Off. (0326) 229 6023, Res. (0326)
229 6299, Mobile: 94311 24155, Fax (0326) 229 6025, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. rock
mechanics; mining methods; rock excavation technologies; coal
characterisation & clean coal technologies.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 181

1994 Singh, Randhir, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Panjab Agri. Univ.), FNA,
FNASc, FNAAS, Director General, Doon Valley Group of Institutes,
Sector 17, Outside Jundla Gate, Karnal 132 001, Tel. Off.
(0184) 227 0060-61, Fax (0184) 225 4670, Mobile: 82954 21000,
email: [email protected], sp. plant biochemistry &

1988 Singh, Rishi Narain, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, Visiting

Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar; Res. No.
202, Block 9, IIT Campus, Palaj, Gandhinagar 382 355, Mobile:
93463 52339, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. geophysics; geophysical, environmental & earth system

1993 Singh, Sarva Jit, b. 1939, Ph.D. (Kurukshetra), FNA, FNASc,

Res. 22A, Navyug Adarsh Apartments, F Block, Vikas Puri,
New Delhi 110 018, Tel. (011) 2854 9222, Mobile: 93122 50454,
email: [email protected], sp. theoretical seismology; applied

2016 Singh, Sunil Kumar, b. 1971, Ph.D. (PRL), Director, CSIR–

National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa 403 004,
Tel. Off. (0832) 245 0500, Mobile: 96070 17855, Fax (0832) 245 0602,
email: [email protected], URL: https://www.prl.res.in/~sunil/, sp. low
temperature elemental & isotope geochemistry; biogeochemistry
of trace elements & isotopes; earth surface & ocean processes.

1994 Singh, Tej Pal, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IISc), D.Sc.(h.c.), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, SERB Distinguished Fellow & Honorary Distinguished
Professor, Department of Biophysics, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off.
(011) 2658 8931, Res. (0120) 454 5295, Mobile: 93122 49508;
99538 30047, Fax (011) 2658 8663, email: [email protected],
URL: https://www.aiims.edu/en/faculty-staff.html?id=715, sp. X-ray
crystallography; protein structures; peptide design; drug discovery.

2005 Singh, Vinod Kumar, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Baroda), D.Sc.(h.c.), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute
of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7291,
Res. (0512) 259 8429, Mobile: 99811 44455, email: vinodks@
iitk.ac.in, URL: https://home.iitk.ac.in/~vinodks, sp. synthetic
organic chemistry.

182 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1970 Singh, Virendra, b. 1938, Ph.D. (UC Berkeley), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
Res. 51, New Cosmos, Juhu-Versova Link Road, Andheri (West),
Mumbai 400 053, Tel. (022) 2671 6681, email: vsingh1937@
gmail.com, URL: http://theory.tifr.res.in/~vsingh/, sp. theoretical
physics; quantum mechanics; history & philosophy of science.
Council Service: 1977–82.

1991 Singh, Yashwant, b. 1944, D.Phil. (Calcutta), FNA, FNASc, INSA

Senior Scientist, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542) 670 1562, Mobile:
94159 91459, Fax (0542) 236 8468, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. condensed matter physics;
970 statistical mechanics; biological physics.

2011 Singh, Yogendra, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNASc, FNA, JC Bose

National Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi,
Delhi 110 007, Mobile: 98710 95673, email: [email protected],
sp. bacterial pathogenesis; biochemistry; cell biology.

1986 Singhi, Navin Kumar Madhavprasad, b. 1949, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, Res. 1601, Montreal Tower, Shastri Nagar, Lokhandwala,
Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 053, Mobile: 93241 11460, email:
[email protected], sp. discrete mathematics; designs & finite

2000 Singhvi, Ashok Kumar, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, SERB Year of Science Chair Professor, Physical Research
Laboratory, Ahmedabad; Res. B-31, Shakti Enclave, Satya Marg,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380 054, Tel. 79402 99639, Mobile:
90990 61962, email: [email protected], sp. Quaternary geo-
chronology; earth surface processes; past climates; tectonics;
radiation effects in minerals.

1974 Sinha, Akhoury Purnendu Bhusan, b. 1928, Ph.D. (London),

FNA, Res. 107, Brighton Avenue, No. 202, Albany, California
94706, USA, email: [email protected], Tel. (+1-510) 525 7263,
sp. solid state materials.

2020 Sinha, Alok Krishna, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc, Staff
Scientist VII, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna
Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2673 5188, Res.
(011) 2673 5142, Mobile: 98684 74090, Fax (011) 2674 1658, email:
[email protected], URL: http://www.nipgr.ac.in/research/dr_asinha.
php, sp. plant molecular biology; plant biochemistry; plant

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 183

2004 Sinha, Bikash Chandra, b. 1945, Ph.D. (London), D.Sc.
(London), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, INSA Senior Scientist, Variable
Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064,
Tel. Off. (033) 2337 0032, Res. (033) 2475 2206, Mobile:
98312 90838, email: [email protected], sp. nuclear physics; high
energy physics; quark gluon plasma; early universe cosmology;
nuclear medicine; helium from thermal springs.

1986 Sinha, Kalyan Bidhan, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Rochester), FNA, FTWAS,

Professor Emeritus, Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru; INSA
Senior Scientist & Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064,
Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2997, Mobile: 99001 44612, email: kbs@
jncasr.ac.in, sp. spectral theory of operators; non-commutative
geometry; stochastic processes. Council Service: 1992–97,
2010–12; Vice-President: 1995–97, 2010–12.

1971 Sinha, Krityunjai Prasad, b. 1929, Ph.D. (Pune & Bristol), FNA,
FNASc, INSA Honorary Scientist, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru; Res. Sterling Residency, D-105, RMV II Stage,
Dollars Colony, Bengaluru 560 094, Tel. Res. (080) 2351 8553,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. solid state
& theoretical physics; complex systems & non-equilibrium
quantum coupling; low-energy nuclear reactions; condensed
matter nuclear science.

2000 Sinha, Pratima, b. 1952, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNASc, Res. D7/9 SF,
Exclusive Floors, DLF City Phase 5, Gurugram 122 009, Tel.
(0124) 403 8150, Mobile: 99104 64794, email: pratima.sinha12@
gmail.com, sp. molecular genetics of yeast; molecular biology.

2021 Sinha, Rajiv, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FNASc, Department of

Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur
208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 679 7317, Res. (0512) 679 8218, Mobile:
99355 58218, Fax (0512) 679 6469, email: [email protected], URL:
http://home.iitk.ac.in/~rsinha, sp. quaternary geology; river
science; lakes and wetlands; satellite remote sensing and UAV
980 applications in geomorphology.

1999 Sinha, Somdatta, b. 1951, Ph.D. (JNU), FNA, FNASc, Adjunct

Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–
Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Mobile: 89687 44849, email:
[email protected], sp. theoretical biology; complex
systems in biology; nonlinear dynamics; computational biology.
Council Service: 2007–12.

184 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2003 Sinha, Subrata, b. 1958, MD (AIIMS), Ph.D. (MRC, UK), FNA,

FNASc, FAMS, Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off.
(011) 2659 4483; (011) 2658 9617, Res. (011) 2696 6586,
Mobile: 98119 01376, Fax (011) 2658 8641, email: sub_sinha@
hotmail.com; [email protected], sp. molecular oncology
& immunology; neurobiology of dyslexia.

2010 Sinha, Sudeshna, b. 1962, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA, FTWAS,

Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research–Mohali, Sector 81, Knowledge City,
Manauli P.O., SAS Nagar 140 306, Mobile: 99156 62755, email:
[email protected], URL: https://web.iisermohali.ac.in/dept/
physics/Sudeshna_Sinha.html, sp. nonlinear dynamics; chaos;
complex systems; dynamical networks.

1991 Sitaram, Alladi, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Washington), Res. 2B, Clairmont

Apartments, 12, Rest House Crescent, Bengaluru 560 001, Tel.
(080) 2558 6103, Mobile: 98441 29153, email: sitaram.alladi@
gmail.com, sp. harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces & on Lie
groups. Council Service: 2001–03.

1990 Sitaramam, Vetury, b. 1946, M.B.B.S. (Madras), Ph.D. (IISc), Res.

No. 18, S. No. 245, Anant Co-operative Housing Society, Aundh,
Pune 411 067, Tel. (020) 2729 7808, Mobile: 98600 03258, email:
[email protected], sp. bioenergetics; biomembranes; bio-

1992 Sivaram, Swaminathan, b. 1946, Ph.D. (Purdue), D.Sc (h.c.,

Purdue), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, FNAE, Honorary Professor Emeritus
& INSA Emeritus Scientist, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411 008, Tel.
Off. (020) 2590 8434, Res. (020) 4120 5731, Mobile: 98607 99954,
email: [email protected]; sivaramswaminathan01@
gmail.com, URL: http://www.swaminathansivaram.in, sp. polymer
chemistry & technology; polymer surfaces & interfaces;
structured polymers; polymers for energy applications. Council
Service: 2007–12; Vice-President: 2007–12.

1995 Sivasanker, Subramanian, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Madras), Res. No. 19,

Ignacy Maistri Street, Puducherry 605 001, Mobile: 98401 03865,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
industrial catalysis; petroleum refining & petrochemical production;
green chemistry.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 185
2008 Somasundaram, Kumaravel, b. 1962, Ph.D. (MKU), FNASc,
FNA, FAMS, Department of Microbiology & Cell Biology, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 7171,
Mobile: 98808 54150, Fax (080) 2360 2697, email: skumar1@
iisc.ac.in; [email protected], sp. cancer biology;
genetics & virology.

2006 Sonti, Ramesh Venkata, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Utah), FNASc, FNAAS,

FNA, Department of Biology, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research–Tirupati, Opp. Sree Rama Engineering
College (Transit Campus), Karakambadi Road, Mangalam Post,
Tirupati 517 507, Tel. Off. (0877) 250 0431, Mobile: 94410 55295,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
plant-microbe interactions; plant genetics; bacterial genetics.

1991 Sood, Ajay Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS,
FRS, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 2238; (080) 2293 2964, Fax
(080) 2360 2602, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: www.physics.iisc.ac.in/~asood/, sp. Raman spectroscopy;
time resolved ultrafast spectroscopy; nanosystems: graphene,
nanotubes; physics of soft condensed matter. Council Service:
2001–15; Secretary: 2001–06; Treasurer: 2007–09; President:
990 2010–12.

1992 Sopory, Sudhir Kumar, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc,

FNAAS, FTWAS, SERB Distinguished Fellow, International Centre
for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi; Res. No.
584, Sector 14, Faridabad 121 001, Tel. (0129) 222 2208, Mobile:
98114 31741, email: [email protected], sp. molecular plant
physiology; plant tissue culture & transformation. Council
Service: 2001–06.

2013 Souradeep, Tarun, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Pune), Director, Raman

Research Institute, C. V. Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar,
Bengaluru 560 080, Tel. Off. (080) 2361 1012; 94808 36002,
Res. 94808 36003, Mobile: 94226 44463, Fax (080) 2361 0492,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
www.rri.res.in/~tarun, sp. gravitation and cosmology; high energy
physics; early universe.

186 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2010 Sowdhamini, Ramanathan, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, Associate

Professor, National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus,
Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6250,
Res. (080) 2366 6473, Mobile: 93425 99179, Fax (080) 2363 6662,
email: [email protected], URL: http://caps.ncbs.res.in, sp. structural
bioinformatics; protein domain superfamilies; genome-wide
survey & function annotation of genes.

2020 Sreenivasan, Binod, b. 1972, Ph.D. (Cambridge), Centre for

Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3470; (080) 2293 3401, Res. (080) 2360 0553,
Mobile: 94518 03296, Fax (080) 2293 3405, email: bsreeni@
iisc.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://ceas.iisc.ernet.in/~
bsreeni/, sp. earth & planetary magnetism; dynamo theory;

2008 Srianand, Raghunathan, b. 1969, Ph.D. (Utkal), Scientist I, Inter-

University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Post Bag 4,
Ganeshkhind, Pune University Campus, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off.
(020) 2560 4220, Res. (020) 2560 4412, Fax (020) 2560 4699,
email: [email protected], sp. QSO spectroscopy; cosmology;
structure formation.

1989 Sridharan, Asuri, b. 1937, D.Sc. (IISc), Ph.D. (Purdue), FNA,

FNAE, Res. No 40, West Park Road, Malleswaram, Bengaluru
560 003, Tel. (080) 2334 1046, Mobile: 98458 06379, email:
[email protected], sp. engineering properties of
clays & clay mineralogy; foundation engineering.

1995 Sridharan, Rajagopal, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNASc, NASI

Honorary Scientist, Physical Research Laboratory, Navaran-
gpura, Ahmedabad 380 009, Tel. Res. (079) 2675 1361, Mobile:
94291 99824, email: [email protected]; sridharan@
prl.res.in, sp. solar terrestrial physics; space physics; optical
aeronomy; planetary atmospheres.

1975 Sridharan, Ramaiyengar, b. 1935, Ph.D. (Columbia), FNA, FNASc,

Adjunct Professor, Chennai Mathematical Institute, H1, SIPCOT IT
Park, Siruseri, Kelambakkam, Chennai 603 103, Tel. Off.
(044) 2747 0227/1231, Res. (044) 2451 1692, email: rsridhar@
cmi.ac.in, sp. algebra.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 187
1994 Srinivas, Vasudevan, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Chicago), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Distinguished Professor, School of Mathematics, Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai
400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2217, Res. (022) 2280 4966, Fax
(022) 2280 4610, email: [email protected], sp. algebraic
geometry; algebraic K-theory; commutative algebra.

1984 Srinivasan, Ganesan, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Chicago), Res. 190, I Main

Road, I Block, BEL Layout, Vidyaranyapura, Bengaluru 560 097,
Mobile: 96118 39690, email: [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics; statistical physics; astrophysics. Council Service:
1986–2003; Secretary: 1986–88; Editor of Publications: 1989–94;
1000 Treasurer: 1995–2003.

1992 Srinivasan, Jayaraman, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Stanford), FNA, FNAE,

Distinguished Scientist, Divecha Centre for Climate Change,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 3068, Res. (080) 2331 4998, Fax (080) 2293 3425,
email: [email protected], sp. climate science & solar energy.
Council Service: 2007–15; Secretary: 2007–12; Treasurer: 2013–15.

1975 Srinivasan, Ramaswami, b. 1931, Ph.D. (Madras), Res. 143, V

Cross, III Main Road, I Stage, Vijayanagar Extension, Mysuru
570 017, Mobile: 98804 00475, email: [email protected], sp.
lattice dynamics; cryogenics; laser cooling of atoms.

1992 Srinivasan, Ramaswamiah, b. 1943, Ph.D. (Mysore), FNA,

FNASc, Visiting Professor, Divecha Centre for Climate Change,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru; Res. 114, Kshitija,
Ramanashree Nagar, SOS Post, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru
560 076, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3426, Res. (080) 2643 2614, Mobile:
96323 19090, Fax (080) 2360 0865, email: [email protected], sp.
Precambrian geology; Archaean sedimentation; tectonics;
stratigraphy; palaeobiology; geochemistry.

1998 Srivastava, Deepak Chandra, b. 1956, Ph.D. (ISM, Dhanbad),

FNA, FNASc, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Earth
Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–Roorkee, Roorkee
247 667, Tel. Off. (01332) 28 5558, Mobile: 94563 81281, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp.
structural geology & fluid inclusions. Council Service: 2019–.
188 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2011 Srivastava, Rajesh Kumar, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc,

Centre for Advanced Study, Department of Geology, Institute of
Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, Mobile:
94158 12079; 93369 06925, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. igneous petrology; geochemistry;
precambrian tectonics.

1985 Subba Rao, Ganugapati Sree Rama, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Manchester),

D.Sc. (Andhra), FNA, Res. 22914, Wrencrest Drive, Calabasas,
CA, 91302, USA, Mobile: (+1-818) 585 6875, gsrsrao@
yahoo.com, sp. synthetic & mechanistic organic chemistry;
natural products chemistry.

1974 Subbarao, Eleswarapu Chinna, b. 1928, Ph.D. (Penn. State),

FNA, FNAE, Res. Daamini, 6 Pallod Farms, Baner Road, Pune
411 045, email: [email protected], sp. materials science;
renewable energy; R&D management.

1991 Subbarao, Kaigala Venkata, b. 1942, Ph.D. (SV Univ.), Res. B-

403, Mahindra Ashvita Apartment Complex, Sy. No. 78/2 & 78/3,
Near Hitech MMTS Railway Station, Hafeezpet Village,
Hyderabad 500 085, Tel. (040) 6581 3178, Mobile: 99896 64093,
email: [email protected], sp. volcanology; igneous
petrology; palaeomagnetism; natural history.

1993 Subrahmanya, Chelur Ramachandra, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Bombay),

Res. Flat 503, ‘Raghu Serenity’, 698-699 15th Cross, JP Nagar
2nd Phase, Bengaluru 560 078, Mobile: 87623 86088, email:
[email protected], sp. real time signal processing for radio
telescopes; observational cosmology; satellite orbit estimation.
Have sent email – awaiting response

2018 Subrahmanyan, Ravi, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, Space &

Astronomy, CSIRO, 26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington WA 6151,
Australia, email: [email protected]; subrahmanyan.ravi@
1010 gmail.com, sp. radio astronomy; observational cosmology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 189

2014 Subramaniam, Annapurni, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Bangalore), FNASc,
Director, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru
560 034, Tel. Off. (080) 2254 1354, Res. (080) 2553 2088, Mobile:
98451 71233, Fax (080) 2553 4043, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.iiap.res.in/people/personnel/purni/index.html, sp.
star clusters; stellar evolution; stellar population; nearby
galaxies, galactic dynamics; Astrosat mission & UV studies;
developmental activities of thirty meter telescope.

2019 Subramaniam, Kuppuswamy, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), Department

of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai
600 036, Tel. Off. (044) 2257 4119, Res. (044) 2257 6119, Mobile:
94454 36062, Fax (044) 2257 4102, email: [email protected],
URL: https://biotech.iitm.ac.in/index.php/k-subramaniam/, sp.
developmental biology; genetics; cell biology.

2010 Subramanian, Kandaswamy, b. 1957, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA,

Distinguished Professor & Dean, Visitor Academic Programmes,
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Post Bag
4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2560 4101, Res.
(020) 2560 4410, Mobile: 80073 24440, Fax (020) 2560 4699,
email: [email protected], sp. cosmic magnetic fields; structure
formation; cosmology.

1989 Subramanian, Sankaran, b. 1942, Ph.D. (Leicester), FNA, Res.

2/3A, Ayodhya Colony, First Street, Velachery, Chennai 600 042,
Tel. (044) 2243 0942, Mobile: 95001 12796, email: subukannan@
gmail.com, sp. NMR; EPR; theoretical chemistry; magnetic
resonance imaging.

2014 Subramanian, Venkatesan, b. 1962, Ph.D. (Madras), FNASc,

Outstanding Scientist, Centre for High Computing and Inorganic
& Physical Chemistry Laboratory, CSIR–Central Leather
Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai 600 020, Tel. Off. (044)
2443 7150; (044) 2441 1630, Res. (044) 2238 3031, Mobile:
98402 64151, Fax (044) 2491 2150, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://www.clri.res.in/subramanian/
index.html, sp. computational chemistry; non-covalent interactions;
functional and nanomaterials; biomolecular simulations.

190 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2022 Sudarshan, Sundararajarao, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison),

FIEEE, FNAE, FNASc, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai
400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7714, Res. (022) 2576 8714,
Mobile: 98197 04745, email: [email protected], URL: https:/
www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~sudarsha, sp. database systems.

2017 Sujith, Raman Pillai Indusekharan Nair, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Georgia

Inst. Tech.), FNAE, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off.
(044) 2257 4012, Res. (044) 2257 6012, Mobile: 90030 67438,
Fax (044) 2257 4002, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.ae.iitm.ac.in/~sujith/, sp. thermoacoustic instability; complex
systems theory.

1974 Sukh Dev, b. 1923, Ph.D. (Panjab), D.Sc. (IISc), D.Sc. (h.c.),
FNA, FTWAS, Res. 120, ISCON Mega City, Bhavnagar 364 001,
Tel. (0278) 649 9072, email: [email protected], sp. organic
chemistry; synthesis; natural products; drug discovery.

1986 Sukhatme, Suhas Pandurang, b. 1938, Sc.D. (MIT), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Technology,
Mumbai; Res. 2-A/8-C, Anjaneya Co-op. Housing Society, Orchard
Avenue, Opp. Hiranandani Foundation School, Powai, Mumbai
400 076, Tel. Res. (022) 2570 1052, Mobile: 98696 16911, email:
[email protected], sp. heat transfer; solar energy. Council
Service: 1998–2000.

2000 Sukumar, Raman, b. 1955, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, JC

Bose National Fellow, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0382;
(080) 2293 3102, Res. (080) 4091 4760, Mobile: 94482 75600,
Fax (080) 2360 2280, email: [email protected], URL: http://
ces.iisc.ac.in/rsukumar, sp. wildlife ecology; forest ecology;
1020 climate change.

1999 Sundar, Chakram Sampathkumaran, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Madras),

FNASc, FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Res. No. 3/33, Ramappa
Nagar Main Road, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096, Tel. (044)
2748 1192, Mobile: 97905 22807, email: [email protected],
sp. condensed matter physics & materials science; experimental
techniques of positron annihilation spectroscopy; infrared

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 191

2005 Sundar, Shyam, b. 1953, MD (Banaras), FNASc, FAMS, FNA,
FRCP, FTWAS, Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Institute of
Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; Res. No.
6, S K Gupta Nagar, Lanka, Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542)
236 9632, Mobile: 94530 48500, Fax (0542) 236 7568, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp.
infectious diseases; visceral leishmaniasis; HIV-AIDS.

2013 Sundar Rajan, Balaji, b. 1958, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FIEEE, FNA,
FNASc, FNAE, Department of Electrical Communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2855, Res. (080) 2360 2085, Mobile: 98459 88753,
Fax (080) 2360 0563, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
ece.iisc.ernet.in/~bsrajan/index.html, sp. wireless communication;
information & coding theory; network coding; signal processing &
algorithms for communications.

1965 Sundaram, Subramania, b. 1930, M.Sc. (Tech.), FRSC, Res. 3B,

Raghava Apartments, 41C (New No. 66), Beach Road,
Kalakshetra Colony, Chennai 600 090, Mobile: 94440 51565,
email: [email protected], sp. textile technology;
chemical plant & synthetic fibre technology.

1992 Sundararajan, Govindan, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Ohio State), FNA,

FNASc, FNAE, Distinguished Emeritus Scientist, ARCI,
Hyderabad; Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology–Madras, Chennai 600 036, Tel. Off.
(044) 2257 4759, Fax (044) 2257 4752, email: gsundararajan@
iitm.ac.in; [email protected], sp. surface engineering;
development of novel coating technologies; high temperature
deformation & fracture; high strain rate deformation; ballistic
penetration. Council Service: 2013–15; Vice-President: 2013–

2020 Sundaresan, Athinarayanan, b. 1963, Ph.D. (IIT, Mumbai),

School of Advanced Materials and Chemistry & Physics of
Materials Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2824,
Res. (080) 2362 2218, Mobile: 98800 02184, email: sundaresan@
jncasr.ac.in, URL: http://www.jncasr.ac.in/sundaresan/, sp.
superconductivity; magnetism; multiferroics.

192 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1995 Sunder, Ramasubbu, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Kiev), Research Director,

BISS Division, ITW India (P) Ltd, 41A, 1st A Cross, AECS 2nd
Stage, RMV Extension II, Bengaluru 560 094, Tel. Off. (080)
2836 0184, Res. (080) 2341 4133, Fax (080) 2836 0047 email:
[email protected], sp. fatigue & fracture testing for strength & endurance;
durability & performance of materials; materials and structural test

1992 Sunder, Viakalathur Shankar, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Indiana), FNASc,

FNA, Res. E1, Block III, Shivani Apartments, 40, East Coast
Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai 600 041, Tel. (044) 2451 6082,
Mobile: 94449 50534, email: [email protected], URL:
www.imsc.res.in/~sunder/, sp. von Neumann algebras &
subfactors. Council Service: 2004–06.

2016 Sunil Kumar, Palakurissi Balagopal, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Bangalore),

Director, Indian Institute of Technology–Palakkad, Ahalia
Integrated Campus, Kozhipara P.O., Palakkad 678 557,
Tel. Off. (04923) 22 6501, Mobile: 98403 29487, email: sunil@
iitpkd.ac.in, URL: https://iitpkd.ac.in/people/sunil, sp. soft conden-
sed matter physics; biological physics; computational physics.

2017 Sunoj, Raghavan B, b. 1974, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7173, Res. (022)
2576 8173, Mobile: 91673 57173, Fax (022) 2576 7152, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://www.
chem.iitb.ac.in/~sunoj/, sp. computational chemistry;
1030 asymmetric catalysis; machine learning.

2022 Suresh, Cherumuttathu Hariharan Nair, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Pune),

Senior Principal Scientist, Chemical Sciences & Technology
Division, National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science &
Technology, Thiruvananthapuram 695 019, Tel. Off. (0471)
251 5472, Res. 94972 37242, Mobile: 94465 52294, Fax
(0471) 249 1712, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.niist.res.in/chsuresh/, sp. computational chemistry; electronic
structure theory; homogeneous catalysis.

2008 Suresh, Venapally, b. 1966, Ph.D. (TIFR), FNA, FNASc, Depart-

ment of Mathematics, Emory University, 400, Dowman Drive,
Atlanta, GA 30024, USA, email: [email protected], sp.
algebra; quadratic forms & division algebras; arithmetic geometry.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 193

2021 Suresh Babu, Surendran Nair, b. 1976, Ph.D. (Kerala), Space
Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thumba
Post, Thiruvananthapuram 695 022, Tel. Off. (0471) 256 2404,
Mobile: 94469 80533, Fax (0471) 270 6535, email: s_sureshbabu@
vssc.gov.in; [email protected], sp. atmospheric
science; aerosol-radiation interaction; radiative forcing & climate.

2020 Sureshan, Kana Meethaleveetil, b. 1973, Ph.D. (Pune), FRSC,

School of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education &
Research–Thiruvananthapuram, Maruthamala Post, Vithura,
Thiruvananthapuram 695 551, Tel. Off. (0471) 277 8064, Mobile:
96453 07400, Fax (0471) 277 8064, email: [email protected],
URL: https://kms514.wixsite.com/kmsgroup, sp. supramolecular
chemistry; crystal engineering.

1987 Surolia, Avadhesha, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Vellore), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, SERB Distinguished Fellow & Honorary Professor,
Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 2763; (080) 2293 2714, Res. (080)
2336 0149, Fax (080) 2360 0535, email: [email protected],
sp. protein chemistry; protein folding; function & design for
therapeutics; immunity & neuroscience.

2002 Surolia, Namita, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Allahabad), FNASc, Molecular

Biology & Genetics Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced
Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off.
(080) 2208 2820; (080) 2208 2821, Res. (080) 2341 0149, Fax
(080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected], sp. molecular
parasitology; biochemistry; molecular biology.

1987 Susheela, Andezhath Kumaran, b. 1937, Ph.D. (Baroda), FAMS,

FNASc, Executive Director, Fluorosis Research & Rural Development
Foundation, B-1 Saransh, 34, Indraprastha Extension, Delhi
110 092, Tel. Off. (011) 7960 7577, Res. (011) 3557 3286, Mobile:
98105 35228, email: [email protected], sp. fluorosis disease
management & research.

1959 Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan, b. 1925, Ph.D.

(Cambridge), D.Sc. (h.c.), FRS, FNA, FTWAS, Emeritus Chairman
& Chief Mentor, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, III Cross
Street, Taramani Institutional Area, Chennai 600 113, Tel. Off.
(044) 2254 2790; (044) 2254 1229/1698, Res. (044) 2434 5312,
Fax (044) 2254 1319, email: [email protected], sp. genetics;
cytogenetics; plant breeding. Council Service: 1968–73, Vice-
President: 1971–73.

194 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2013 Swaminathan, Soumya, b. 1959, MD (AIIMS), FNASc, FAMS,
FNA, Chief Scientist, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue
Appia, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, email: doctorsoumya@
yahoo.com, sp. paediatrics; tuberculosis; HIV/TB; public health.

2007 Swamy, Musti Joginadha, b. 1959, Ph.D. (IISc), FNASc, School

of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, Tel.
Off. (040) 2313 4807, Mobile: 98660 07530, email: mjswamy@
uohyd.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://chemistry.uohyd.
ac.in/mjs.htm; http://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/~mjs/, sp. biophysical
1040 chemistry & chemical biology.

1995 Swarup, Ghanshyam, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA, CSIR–

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad
500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2719 2616, Res. 95026 41429, Mobile:
99891 33201, Fax (040) 2716 0591, email: [email protected],
sp. molecular & cell biology; molecular basis of disease; cell
signalling; autophagy; membrane vesicle trafficking.

2007 Tahseen, Qudsia, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Aligarh), FNASc, FNA,

Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
202 002, Tel. Off. (0571) 270 0921-23/3440, Mobile: 93196 24196,
email: [email protected], sp. nematology; classical &
molecular taxonomy; developmental biology; ecology & functional
diversity of soil & freshwater nematodes.

1974 Talwar, Gursaran Parshad, b. 1926, Docteur es Sciences, D.Sc

(h.c.), FAMS, FNASc, FNA, Director Research, The Talwar
Research Foundation, E-6&8, Neb Valley, New Delhi 110 068,
Mobile: 88003 22055, email: [email protected], sp. mission
oriented research in reproductive health; vaccines against leprosy
& tuberculosis; drugs resistant cancers.

2014 Tandon, Nikhil, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Cambridge), FNASc, FAMS,

FRCP (London), Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism, All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
110 029, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 3433; (011) 2659 3237, Res.
(011) 2649 9100, Mobile: 98182 11663, Fax (011) 2658 8663,
email: [email protected], sp. endocrinology; chronic
disease epidemiology. Council Service: 2019–; Vice-President:

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 195

1983 Tandon, Prakash Narain, b. 1928, MS, D.Sc. (h.c.), FRCS, FNA,
FNASc, FAMS, FTWAS, Res. No. 1, Jagriti Enclave, Vikas
Marg Extension, Delhi 110 092, Tel. Off. (0124) 233 8929, Res.
(011) 2216 3272, Fax (0124) 233 8928, email: [email protected],
sp. neurosciences; neurosurgery.

1987 Tandon, Sampat Kumar, b. 1945, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, Adjunct Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research, Bhopal & Professor Emeritus, University of Delhi,
Delhi; Res. A566C, Sushant Lok, Phase I, Gurugram 122 002,
Tel. Res. (0124) 422 7715, Mobile: 98104 37365, email: sktand@
iiserb.ac.in, sp. sedimentology; physical stratigraphy;
geomorphology & Quaternary geology; river science. Council
Service: 2019-; Vice-President: 2019–.

1987 Tandon, Shyam Narayan, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Bombay), Res. Flat 14,
Khagol Housing Society, Panchavati, Pashan, Pue 411 008, Tel.
(020) 2588 7051, email: [email protected], sp. cosmic rays;
infra-red astronomy; ultraviolet astronomy; instrumentation for
astronomy & space astronomy.

1985 Taqui Khan, Mirza Mohammad, b. 1931, Ph.D. (Clark), FNA,

FNASc, Res. 17-3-479, Yakutpura, Hyderabad 500 023, Tel.
(040) 2452 4371, sp. co-ordination chemistry; bioinorganic
chemistry; catalysis.

2012 Tatu, Utpal Shashikant, b. 1964, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of

Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2823, Res. (080) 2360 2559, Mobile: 99455 67901,
Fax (080) 2360 0814, email: [email protected], sp.
cell biology; biochemistry; molecular chaperones; infectious

1991 Thakur, Vikram Chandra, b. 1940, Ph.D. (London), Res. 9/12

(Lane 9), Ashirwad Enclave, Dehradun 248 001, Tel.
(0135) 276 1271, Mobile: 98970 46455, email: thakurvc12@
gmail.com, sp. structural geology; Himalayan geology & tectonics;
1050 active tectonics.

196 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2015 Thangaraj, Kumarasamy, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Madras), FNA, FNASc,

JC Bose National Fellow, Chief Scientist, Centre for Cellular and
Molecular Biology, Hyderabad; Director, Centre for DNA Finger-
printing and Diagnostics, Inner Ring Road, Uppal, Hyderabad
500 039, Tel. Off. (040) 2721 6003; (040) 2721 6000, Mobile:
99082 13822, Fax (040) 2721 6006, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: https://www.ccmb.res.in/People/
Research-Group/K-Thangaraj, sp. population & medical genomics;
ancient DNA & forensic genetics.

1997 Thangavelu, Sundaram, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Princeton), FNA,

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3206, Res. (080) 2360 1132, Mobile:
82773 97409, Fax (080) 2360 0146, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. harmonic analysis on Lie groups; partial
differential equations; classical analysis.

2006 Thelma, Bittianda Kuttapa, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc,

Department of Genetics, University of Delhi South Campus,
Benito Juarez Road, New Delhi 110 021, Tel. Off. (011)
2411 8201; (011) 2411 7399, Res. (011) 2411 3548, Fax (011)
2411 2761, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. human genetics; pharmacogenetics; medical genomics.

1995 Thiagarajan, Pazhamaneri Subramaniam, b. 1948, Ph.D. (Rice),

FNASc, Department of Computer and Information Science,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA, email:
[email protected], sp. computational systems biology;
distributed probabilistic systems.

2020 Tiwari, Virendra Mani, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNASc, FNA,

Director, CSIR–National Geophysical Research Institute, Uppal
Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel. Off. (040) 2343 4600,
Res. (040) 2701 2555, Mobile: 94403 28269, Fax (040) 2343 4651,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
exploration geophysics; hydrology; geodynamics.

2011 Tole, Shubha, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNASc, FNA, Department

of Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2878,
Res. (022) 2280 4710, Fax (022) 2280 4610, email: shubhatole@
gmail.com, sp. neuroscience; developmental biology.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 197

2020 Tripathi, Anil Kumar, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA, FNASc,
FNAAS, Director, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi 221 005, Tel. Off. (0542) 236 9670, Res. (0542) 236 7790,
Mobile: 94515 25811; 88871 61518, email: tripathianil@rediffmail.
com; [email protected], URL: http://www.bhu.ac.in/science/
biotechnology/aktripathi.php, sp. bacterial genetics & genomics;
plant microbe interaction; bacterial diversity.

2006 Trivedi, Sandip Parimal, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNA,

Distinguished Professor & Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off.
(022) 2278 2306, Res. (022) 2280 3424, Fax (022) 2280 4501,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. string
theory; particle physics; quantum field theory.

2022 Trivedi, Vijaylaxmi Girijashankar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Bombay), School

of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi
Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2392, Res.
(022) 2280 4966, Mobile: 98672 04966, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
email: [email protected], sp. commutative algebra; algebraic
geometry; positive characteristic methods.

1997 Tuli, Rakesh, b. 1953, Ph.D. (Gujarat), FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, JC

Bose National Fellow, Senior Research Advisor, University
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Sector
25, Chandigarh 160 014, Tel. Off. (0172) 254 4107, Res.
(0172) 257 0765, Mobile: 99150 35511, Fax (0172) 254 7986,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. plant biotechno-
1060 logy; genetic engineering; molecular biology; secondary metabolism.

2009 Tuteja, Narendra, b. 1955, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Lucknow), FNA,

FNASc, FNAAS, FTWAS, International Centre for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
110 067, Tel. Off. (011) 2674 2357, Mobile: 98112 33350,
Fax (011) 2674 2316, email: [email protected], sp. plant
molecular biology; biotechnology, microbiology; DNA replication;
DNA & RNA helicases; plant abiotic stress tolerance; calcium-
powered forisomes; stress tolerant genes from plants &
Piriformospora indica; tissue culture & plant transformation; crop
improvement; plant-microbes interactions; mango malformation.

198 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2004 Tyagi, Akhilesh Kumar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Delhi). FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, FNAAS, Department of Plant Molecular Biology,
University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi 110 021, Mobile:
98712 77558, email: [email protected], sp. genomics;
regulation biology; biotechnology.

1995 Tyagi, Anil Kumar, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNA, FNASc, Res. No.
C-23, Second Floor, New Delhi South Extension, Part 2, New
Delhi 110 049, Mobile: 93122 66218, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. molecular biology; biochemistry;

2013 Tyagi, Avesh Kumar, b. 1964, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc, FRSC,

Director, Chemistry Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, Tel. Off. (022) 2559 5330, Res. (022)
2550 3020, Mobile: 98694 43020, Fax (022) 2550 5151, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. chemistry of
functional materials; energy materials; nanomaterials; nuclear
materials and hybrid materials.

2008 Tyagi, Jaya Sivaswami, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Delhi), FNASc, FNA,

Honorary Visiting Professor, Translational Health Science and
Technology Institute, Faridabad; NASI Senior Scientist, Department
of Biotechnology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi 110 029, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 3549, Mobile: 98104 09761,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. molecular
biology; gene regulation & mycobacteriology.

1997 Udgaonkar, Jayant Bhalchandra, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Cornell),FNA,

FTWAS, Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research–Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off.
(020) 2590 8009; (020) 2590 8001, email: [email protected],
sp. physical biochemistry; protein folding.

1992 Uma Shaanker, Ramanan, b. 1956, Ph.D. (UAS, Bengaluru),

Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Jammu, Nagrota, Jammu 181 221, Mobile:
98452 03561, email: [email protected]; umashaanker@
gmail.com, sp. plant evolutionary biology; conservation genetics;
biodiversity; bioprospecting; endophytes.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 199

2004 Umapathy, Siva, b. 1959, Ph.D. (Otago, New Zealand), Director,
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research–Bhopal,
Bhauri Campus, Bhopal 462 066, Tel. Off. (0755) 269 2316;
(0755) 269 2320, Mobile: 94480 88381, Fax (0755) 269 2392,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
ultrafast dynamics; instrumentation development; laser
spectroscopy; photochemistry; biophotonics; microspectro-

2021 Vaidya, Vidita Ashok, b. 1970, Ph.D. (Yale), FNA, Department of

Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2608,
Res. (022) 2280 4859, Mobile: 84549 48703, Fax (022) 2280 4610,
email: [email protected], URL: https://www.tifr.res.in/~dbs/
faculty/vvlab/research.html, sp. Neuroscience; pharmacology;

2000 Vairamani, Mariappanadar, b. 1950, Ph.D. (IIT, Madras), Dean,

School of Bio-Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and
Technology, Kattankulathur 603 203, Tel. Off. (044) 2741 7812,
Mobile: 97909 46095, email: [email protected]; dean.
[email protected], sp. mass spectrometry; organic
1070 chemistry.

1977 Valiathan, Marthanda Varma Sankaran, b. 1934, Ch.M. (Liverpool),

FRCS (England, Edinburgh & Canada), FRCP (London), D.Sc. (h.c.),
FNA, FNASc, FNAE, FAMS, FTWAS, National Research Professor,
Manipal School of Life Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher
Education, Manipal 576 104, Tel. Off. (0820) 292 2342; (0820)
257 1201/22342, Mobile: 94483 81547, Fax (0820) 257 1919;
(0820) 257 0062, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. cardiac surgery; cardiovascular
materials; ayurveda. Council Service: 1980-91; Vice-President:

2002 Vankar, Yashwant Dattatraya, b. 1950, Ph.D. (Banaras), FNA,

Res. 2104/2105, Montreal Towers, Shastri Nagar, Andheri (West),
Mumbai 400 053, Mobile: 99350 62562, email: ydvankar@
gmail.com; [email protected], sp. synthetic organic chemistry;
synthetic carbohydrate chemistry of biological relevance.

200 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1997 Vanninathan, Muthusamy, b. 1951, Ph.D. (Pierre et Marie Curie,

Paris), TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, P.B. No. 6503,
Sharada Nagar, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel.
Off. (080) 6695 3790, email: [email protected], sp. partial
differential equations; numerical analysis; asymptotic analysis;
homogenization; control of PDE; fluid–structure interaction.

2001 Varadarajan, Raghavan, b. 1960, Ph.D. (Stanford), FNA,

Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2612, Res. (080) 2360 2332,
Fax (080) 2360 0535, email: [email protected], URL: http://
mbu.iisc.ac.in/~rvgrp, sp. protein structure & folding. Council
Service: 2013–2021; Secretary: 2013–15; Treasurer: 2016–18;
Vice-President: 2019–2021.

1972 Varadarajan, Srinivasan, b. 1928, Ph.D. (Delhi & Cantab), D.Sc.

(h.c.), D.Litt. (h.c.), FNA, FNAE, FTWAS, Res. 4-A, Girdhar
Apartments, 28, Feroz Shah Road, New Delhi 110 001, Tel.
(011) 2371 2512, email: [email protected], sp. organic &
biological chemistry; molecular biology; engineering design
technology development transfer; human nutrition policy; energy
management systems. Council Service: 1974–88; Vice-President:
1977–79, President: 1980–82.

2021 Varma, Manik, Ph.D. (Oxford), FNAE, Microsoft Research India,

9, Lavelle Road, Bengaluru 560 001, Tel. Off. (080) 6658 6000,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.manikvarma.org,
sp. machine learning; artificial intelligence.

2019 Varshney, Rajeev Kumar, b. 1973, Ph.D. (CCS University),

FAAAS, FTWAS, FNA, FNASc, FNAAS, Director, Centre of
Excellence in Genomics & Systems Biology, International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru 502 324,
Tel. Off. (08455) 68 3305, Res. (08455) 68 3674, Mobile:
99499 94070, Fax (08455) 68 3074-75, email: r.k.varshney@
cgiar.org; [email protected], sp. applied
genomics; molecular breeding; crop biotechnology; capacity

2002 Varshney, Umesh, b. 1957, Ph.D. (Calgary), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, JN Tata Chair Professor, Department of Microbiology &
Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0169; (080) 2293 2686, Res. (080) 2341 7828,
Fax (080) 2360 2697, email: [email protected], sp. molecular
biology; protein biosynthesis; DNA repair.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 201
1999 Vasudevan, Sukumaran, b. 1953, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), FNA,
Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2661,
Res. (080) 2308 9570, Mobile: 94480 54448, Fax (080) 2360 1552,
email: [email protected], sp. physical chemistry of materials;
intercalation chemistry; heterogeneous catalysis.

2019 Veerappa Gowda, Gaddemane Dyavappa Gowda, b. 1955,

Ph.D. (Paris-Dauphine), FNA, FNASc, TIFR Centre for Applicable
Mathematics, P.B. No. 6503, Sharada Nagar, Yelahanka
New Town, Bengaluru 560 065, Tel. Off. (080) 6695 3743,
Mobile: 97408 18971, Fax (080) 6695 3799, email: gowda@
math.tifrbng.res.in, sp. partial differential equations; numerical
1080 analysis.

2002 Veluthambi, Karuppannan, b. 1953, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

Res. Plot 3, North 1st Street, Kalvi Nagar, Madurai 625 021,
Tel. (0452) 245 8458, Mobile: 94439 27365, email: kveluthambi@
rediffmail.com, sp. plant genetic engineering; plant biotechnology;
plant molecular biology.

2018 Venkataraman, Chandra, b. 1963, Ph.D. (Univ. Calif., Los

Angeles), FNAE, FNASc, FNA, Shobha Dixit Chair Professor,
Interdisciplinary Programme in Climate Studies and Department
of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7224, Res. (022)
2576 8224, Mobile: 98196 70388, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://www.climate.iitb.ac.in/en/
employee-profile/prof-chandra-venkataraman, sp. aerosol science
& engineering; environmental & climate science; atmospheric

1974 Venkataraman, Ganesan, b. 1932, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Res. W6, A14-15 Mandir, Prasanthi Nilayam 515 134, Tel.
(08555) 28 6142, email: [email protected], sp. condensed
matter physics; parallel computers. Council Service: 1983–85.

2002 Venkataramana, Tyakal Nanjundiah, b. 1958, Ph.D. (Bombay),

FNA, School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off.
(022) 2278 2224, Res. (022) 2280 4831, Fax (022) 2280 4610-1,
email: [email protected], sp. rigidity & arithmeticity of lattices;
cohomology of arithmetic groups; Shimura varieties; monodromy

202 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2016 Venkatesh, Kareenhalli Viswanath, b. 1967, Ph.D. (Purdue),
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7223,
Res. (022) 2572 3018, Mobile: 98202 34251; 75062 48223, Fax
(022) 2572 6895, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.che.iitb.ac.in/
faculty/kvv/index.html, sp. systems & synthetic biology; biosystems
engineering; metabolic engineering.

1990 Venkatesh, Yedatore Venkatakrishnaiya, b. 1942, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA,

FNAE, Res. 521, 5th Cross, 8th A Main, Tata Nagar, Kodigehalli,
Bengaluru 560 092, email: [email protected], sp.
machine & computer vision; neural networks for pattern recogni-
tion; signal processing; compressive sampling; multi- & hyper-
spectral data analysis; system theory; stability & instability analyses.

2003 Venkateswara Rao, Gundabathula, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IISc), FNAE,

Res. No. 502, Reliance Mariam Villa, Street No. 6, Plot No. 70,
West Maredpally, Secunderabad 500 026, Mobile: 95020 36831;
93913 68231, email: [email protected], sp. finite element
method; structural analysis (linear & nonlinear); smart structures;
functionally graded materials.

2015 Verma, Kaushal Kumar, b. 1971, Ph.D. (Indiana), Department

of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3216, Res. (080) 2351 8802, Mobile:
74830 64269, email: [email protected], sp. complex analysis.

2020 Verma, Mahendra Kumar, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Maryland), FNA,

FNASc, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 7396, Res.
(0512) 259 8515, Mobile: 93997 46029, Fax (0512) 259 0912, email:
[email protected], URL: https://sites.google.com/view/mahendra-
verma, sp. turbulence; nonlinear dynamics; nonequilibrium
statistical physics.

2011 Verma, Sandeep, b. 1966, Ph.D. (Illinois), FNA, FNASc, FRSC,

FNAE, JC Bose National Fellow, Secretary, Science and
Engineering Research Board, New Delhi; Center for Nano-
Science, and Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 679 7643,
Res. (0512) 679 8786, Mobile: 99350 81810, Fax (0512) 679 6806,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. chemical
neuroscience; new antibiotics; small molecule-stem cell
1090 engineering.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 203

1992 Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli, b. 1947, Ph.D. (Wisconsin), FRS, FNA,
FNAE, FTWAS, SERB National Science Chair & Distinguished
Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad; Chair
Emeritus, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer
Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA, Tel. Res.
(040) 3585 2676, Mobile: 98480 50451; (+1-646) 610 3175, email:
[email protected]; URL: http://www.iith.ac.in/~m_vidyasagar/,
sp. control & system theory; machine learning.

2017 Vijay Kumar, Panganamala, b. 1955, Ph.D. (Univ. Southern

Calif.), FNA, FNAE, FIEEE, JC Bose National Fellow, Department
of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3155, Mobile: 99451 79215,
Fax (080) 2360 0563, email: [email protected], URL: https://
ece.iisc.ac.in/~pvkece/, sp. error-correcting codes; low-
correlation sequences; wireless communication.

2008 Vijayamohanan, Kunjukrishna Pillai, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IISc),

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Tirupati, Opp. Sree Rama Engineering College
(Transit Campus), Karakambadi Road, Mangalam Post, Tirupati
517 507, Tel. Off. (0877) 250 0236, Mobile: 94422 26929, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:http://
iisertirupati.irins.org/profile/95601, sp. electrochemistry; materials
chemistry; batteries, fuel cells and supercapacitor; two
dimensional materials. Council Service: 2022–; Secretary: 2022–.

1983 Vijayan, Mamannamana, b. 1941, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNASc,

FTWAS, NASI Platinum Jubilee Senior Scientist, Molecular
Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0765; (080) 2293 2590, Res. (080) 2334 0031,
Fax (080) 2360 0535, email: [email protected], URL: http://
mbu.iisc.ac.in/~mvlab/, sp. X-ray crystal structure analysis;
protein & crystallography; molecular biophysics. Council Service:
1989–94, 2001–03.

1975 Vijayaraghavan, Ramanuja, b. 1931, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, Res. Flat 305, Vigyanik Co-operative Housing Society, Plot
58, Sector 14, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703, Tel. (022) 2766 7554,
email: [email protected], sp. solid state physics; magnetic
resonance; materials science; superconductive electronics.

204 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1997 VijayRaghavan, Krishnaswamy, b. 1954, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNA,

FNASc, FTWAS, Foreign Associate-US Natl. Acad. Sci., FRS,
Distinguished Professor, National Centre for Biological Sciences,
Bengaluru; Principal Scientific Adviser to Governemnt of India,
Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi
110 011, Tel. Off. (011) 2302 2112, Fax (011) 2302 2113, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. developmental
biology; genetics; neurogenetics. Council Service: 2007–

2007 Vijayraghavan, Usha, b. 1961, Ph.D. (Caltech), FNA,

Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2360 0168, Res.
(080) 2341 8504, Mobile: 98443 32445, Fax (080) 2360 2697,
email: [email protected], sp. plant developmental genetics; microbial
genetics; gene regulation.

2009 Vinayachandran, Puthenveettil Narayana Menon, b. 1964,

Ph.D. (IISc), Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Indian
Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3065,
Mobile: 98457 40257, email: [email protected], URL: http://
caos.iisc.ac.in/vinay.html, sp. physical oceanography; ocean
modelling; physical-biological interactions in the ocean; ocean-
river interactions.

2002 Vishveshwara, Saraswathi, b. 1946, Ph.D. (CUNY), FNASc, NASI

Honorary Scientist, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2611, Res.
(080) 2341 6467, Fax (080) 2360 0535, email: [email protected],
sp. computational biology; biomolecular structure & function,
biological networks.

1987 Viswanadham, Nukala, b. 1943, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FTWAS,

FNAE, INSA Honorary Scientist, Department of Computer
Science & Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3571, Res. (080) 2351 9864, Mobile:
81976 89868, Fax (080) 2360 2111, email: n.viswanadham@
gmail.com, URL: http://lcm.csa.iisc.ernet.in/nv/, sp. business
models; blockchain & supply chain networks. Council Service:
1100 1992–97; Secretary: 1992–97.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 205

2006 Visweswariah, Sandhya Srikant, b. 1957, Ph.D. (IISc), FTWAS,
FNA, JC Bose National Fellow, Department of Molecular Repro-
duction, Development & Genetics and Centre for Biosystems
Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2542, Mobile: 99028 18616, email:
[email protected], sp. biochemistry; protein structure & function;
signal transduction.

2004 Vrati, Sudhanshu, b. 1960, Ph.D. (ANU, Canberra), FNA, FNASc,

Executive Director, Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR
Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad-Gurugram Expressway,
Faridabad 121 001, Tel. Off. (0129) 284 8801, Res. (0129)
284 8802, Mobile: 98110 07944, email: [email protected], sp.
molecular virology; vaccinology; biotechnology.

1995 Wadhwa, Shashi, b. 1948, M.S. & Ph.D. (AIIMS), FNASc, FAMS,
Res. B114, Sector 30, Noida 201 303, Mobile: 99107 69909,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. human anatomy; neuroanatomy; developmental neuro-

1992 Wadia, Spenta Rustom, b. 1950, Ph.D. (New York), FNA, FNASc,
FTWAS, Infosys Homi Bhabha Chair Professor & Emeritus
Professor, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Shivakote,
Hesaraghatta Post, Bengaluru 560 089, Tel. Off. (080) 4653 6010,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
https://www.icts.res.in/people/spenta-wadia, sp. string theory;
quantum gravity; statistical mechanics. Council Service: 2013–

2008 Waghmare, Umesh Vasudeo, b. 1968, Ph.D. (Yale), FNASc,

FNA, FNAE, Theoretical Sciences Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel.
Off. (080) 2208 2842, Res. (080) 2233 2774, Mobile: 94482 87711,
Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: [email protected], URL:
www.jncasr.ac.in/waghmare, sp. multi-functional oxides & related
smart materials; nanostructures & materials for energy and
environment; geometric phases & electronic topology of materials.
Council Service: 2016–; Secretary: 2016–2021; President: 2022–.

206 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


2017 Yadav, Ganapati Dadasaheb, b. 1952, Ph.D. (Bombay), D.Sc.

(h.c. FNA, FNASc, FTWAS, FNAE, FRSC, JC Bose National
Fellow, Res. No. A1201, Palm Springs CHS, Plot No. 11-12-13,
Sector 7, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 400 708, Mobile: 98330 90510,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp. green
chemistry & engineering; catalysis science & engineering;
biotechnology; energy engineering.

2010 Yadav, Jhillu Singh, b. 1950, Ph.D. (M.S. Univ., Baroda), FNASc,
FNA, FTWAS, Director of Research, Indrashil University, Rajpur
P.O., Mehsana 382 730, Tel. Off. (02764) 27 8813; (02764)
27 8815, Mobile: 70690 76528, email: jsyadav@indrashiluniversity.
edu; [email protected], sp. total synthesis of biologically
active natural products; agrochemicals & pheromones;
development of new methodologies for sustainable chemistry.

2012 Yadav, Ram Ratan, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Lucknow), FNASc, Wadia

Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33, General Mahadev Singh
Road, Dehradun 248 001, Mobile: 94526 94759; 94503 94957,
email: [email protected], sp. palaeoclimatology; tree-ring
analysis; climate change & biodiversity.

2007 Yadav, Veejendra Kumar, b. 1956, Ph.D. (Baroda), Res. 6/2

Vipul Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 226 010, Mobile:
94151 34082, email: [email protected], URL: veejendrakyadav.com,
sp. computational organic chemistry.

1985 Yajnik, Kirit Surendra, b. 1936, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), Honorary

Scientist, CSIR–Fourth Paradigm Institute, Bengaluru; Res. F2,
Regal Manor, 2/1 Bride Street, Richmond Town, Bengaluru
560 025, Tel. Res. (080) 2227 9321, Mobile: 77601 88022, Fax
(080) 2522 0392, email: [email protected]; [email protected], sp.
modelling and simulation of marine biogeochemical processes;
climate data analysis; modelling of mechanical systems; fluid
1110 mechanics.

1996 Yashonath, Subramanian, b. 1956, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, Solid State

& Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2568, Res. (080) 2671 0482,
Fax (080) 2360 1310, email: [email protected]; yashonath@
gmail.com, URL: http://sscu.iisc.ac.in/faculty/s-yashonath/, sp.
computational chemistry; intermolecular forces; diffusion within
porous & dense media; ionic conduction in solutions; nanomorpho-
logy & condensed matter properties; non-equilibrium studies;
novel separation methods.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 207

1989 Yathindra, Narayanarao, b. 1944, Ph.D. (Madras), Distinguished
Professor, Institute of Bioinformatics & Applied Biotechnology,
Biotech Park, Electronic City, Phase I, Bengaluru 560 100,
Tel. Off. (080) 2852 8900-03, Res. (080) 2344 3434, Fax (080)
2852 8904, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. computational structural biology.

2004 Yegnanarayana, Bayya, b. 1944, Ph.D. (IISc), FNA, FNAE,

FIEEE, INSA Senior Scientist, International Institute of Information
Technology, Hyderabad; Res. 201, Savitrinilayam, Lane 23, Road
1, Ravindranagar, Habsiguda, Hyderabad 500 007, Tel.
Res. (040) 2955 4626, Mobile: 94418 86526, email: yegna@
iiit.ac.in; [email protected], sp. signal processing; speech
& vision; artificial neural networks.

2017 Yusuf, Seikh Mohammad, b. 1965, Ph.D. (Bombay), FNASc,

Director, Physics Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, Tel. Off. (022)2559 5608, Res. (022)
2754 7160, Mobile: 98339 83074, Fax (022) 2550 5151, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], sp. magnetism &
advanced magnetic materials; neutron scattering; condensed
1114 matter physics.

Resignation to the fellowship

Milind G. Watve - 2019

N V Joshi - 2020

208 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


AEC, Atomic Energy Commission

AIIMS, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
ANU, Australian National University
BHU, Banaras Hindu University
CCMB, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
CSIR, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
DAE, Department of Atomic Energy
FAMS, Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences
FIEEE, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
FNA, Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy
FNAAS, Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
FNAE, Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
FNASc, Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences
FRS, Fellow of the Royal Society
FRSC, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
FTWAS, Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences
IISc, Indian Institute of Science
IISER, Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research
IIT, Indian Institute of Technology
INSA, Indian National Science Academy
ISI, Indian Statistical Institute
ISRO, Indian Space Research Organization
JNCASR, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
JNU, Jawaharlal Nehru University
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MKU, Madurai Kamaraj University
NASI, National Academy of Sciences, India
NCCS, National Centre for Cell Science
PRL, Physical Research Laboratory
RRI, Raman Research Institute
TIFR, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
TIFR-CAM, TIFR-Centre for Applicable Mathematics
UAS, University of Agricultural Sciences
UGC, University Grants Commission

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 209


1996 Ashtekar, Abhay, b. 1949, Member-US Natl. Acad. Sci., Evan

Pugh Professor of Physics, Eberly Chair, and Founding Director,
Institute for Gravitation & the Cosmos, 104 Davey Lab,
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
16802-6300, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-814) 863 9605, Res. (+1-814)
867 8406, Fax (+1-814) 863 9608, email: ashtekar@gravity.
psu.edu, URL: http://www.gravity.psu.edu/people/Ashtekar/.

2020 Atal, Bishnu S, b. 1933, Affiliate Professor, Department of Electrical

Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA;
Res. 6226, 95th PL SW, Mukilteo, WA 98275, USA, Tel. Res.
(+1-425) 353 2762, Mobile: (+1-314) 882 7946, email: bsatal@
uw.edu; [email protected].

2009 Bai, Chunli, b. 1953, Honorary President, Presidium Division,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, 52, Sanlihe Road, Beijing 100864,
China, Tel. Off. (+86-10) 8261 4810, email: [email protected].

1990 Berry, Sir Michael Victor, b. 1941, FRS, Melville Wills Professor
of Physics (Emeritus), H H Wills Physics Laboratory, University
of Bristol, Royal Fort, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK,
Tel. Off. (+44-117) 928 8778, Res. (+44-117) 973 2240, email:
[email protected], URL: http://michaelberryphysics.

2017 Bhargava, Manjul, b. 1974, Fellow-US Natl. Acad. Sci., R.

Brandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-609) 258 4192, Fax
(+1-609) 258 1367, email: [email protected], URL:

2008 Chakravarti, Aravinda, b. 1954, Director, Centre for Human

Genetics & Genomics, New York University School of Medicine,
435 East 30th Street SB 802/803, New York, NY 10016,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-212) 263 8023, email: aravinda.chakravarti@

210 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

2001 Cheetham, Sir Anthony Kevin, b. 1946, FRS, Materials
Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
93106, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-805) 452 8087, email: [email protected].

1999 Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Nessim, b. 1933, Nobel Laureate

(Physics), Honorary Professor, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Ecole
Normale Superieure, College de France, 24, rue Lhomond, 75231
Paris Cedex 05, France, Tel. Res. (+33-1) 4535 0218, email:
[email protected]; [email protected].

2011 Friend, Richard Henry, b. 1953, FRS, F.R. Eng., Cavendish

Laboratory, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 OHE, UK,
Tel. Off. (+44-1223) 33 7218, email: [email protected].

2015 Geim, Sir Andre K, b. 1958, FRS, Regius Professor, University of

Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK, Tel. Off.
(+44-161) 275 4120, email: [email protected], URL: http://
10 www.condmat.physics.manchester.ac.uk/people/academic/geim/.

1980 Goodenough, John Bannister, b. 1922, Virginia H. Cockrell

Centennial Professor of Engineering, Department of Mechanical
Engineering and Materials Science, University of Texas at Austin,
ETC 9.184, 204E. Dean Keeton St. Stop C2200, Austin, Texas
78712, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-512) 471 1646, email: jgoodenough@

2004 Griffiths, Phillip Augustus, b. 1938, Professor Emeritus of

Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive,
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-609) 734 8041, email:
[email protected].

2007 Gross, David Jonathan, b. 1941, Nobel Laureate (Physics),

Chancellors Chair Professor of Theoretical Physics, Kavli
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kohn Hall, University of California,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4030, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-805) 893 7337,
Res. (+1-805) 963 8324, Fax (+1-805) 893 2431, email: gross@
kitp.ucsb.edu, URL: http://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/.

2011 Hartl, Daniel L, b. 1943, Higgins Professor of Biology, Department of

Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, The Bio-
logical Laboratories, 16, Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02138, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-617) 496 5540, email: dhartl@oeb.
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 211
2017 Jagadish, Chennupati, b. 1957, Distinguished Professor & Head,
Semiconductor Optoelectronics & Nanotechnology Group,
Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School
of Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
2601, Australia, Tel. Off. (+61-2) 6125 0363, Fax (+61-2) 6125 0511,
email: [email protected], URL: https://physics.

2008 Jansen, Martin, b. 1944, Director, Max-Planck-Institut fuer

Festkoerperforschung, Heisenbergstr 1, D 70569, Stuttgart,
Germany, Tel. Off. (+49-711) 689 1500, Fax (+49-711) 689 1502,
email: [email protected].

2013 Kailath, Thomas, b. 1935, Hitachi America Professor of Engineer-

ing, Emeritus, Information Systems Laboratory, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305,
USA; Res. 346 Greenoaks Drive, Atherton, CA 94027, USA,
Tel. (+1-650) 494 9401, email: [email protected], URL: http://

2012 Khosla, Pradeep K, b. 1957, Chancellor, University of California,

San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive #0005, La Jolla, California 92093,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-858) 534 3135, Mobile: (+1-412) 708 4831,
Fax (+1-858) 534 6523, email: [email protected]; pkhosla@
ucsd.edu, URL: http://chancellor.ucsd.edu/

1998 King, Sir David Anthony, b. 1939, FRS, Special Representative for
Climate Change, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, King Charles
Street, Whitehall, London SW1A 2AH, UK, email: dk@
camkas.co.uk, URL: http://www.csap.cam.ac.uk/network/david-king/.

2006 Klein, Michael Lawrence, b. 1940, FRS, Director, Institute for

Computational Molecular Science, Temple University, College of
Science & Technology, SERC Building 704E, 1925 North
12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-215)
20 204 1327, Fax (+1-215) 204 2257, email: [email protected].

2012 Kulkarni, Shrinivas Ramchandra, b. 1956, FRS, George Ellery

Hale Professor of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-626) 395 3734; (+1-626)
395 4010, Fax (+1-626) 568 9352, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~srk.
212 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
2022 Laurencin, Cato Thomas, b. 1959, Chief Executive Officer, The
Connecticut Convergence Institute for Translation in Regenerative
Engineering, University of Connecticut, 263, Farmington Avenue,
Room E7036, Farmington, CT 06011, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-860)
679 4086; Res. (+1-860) 888 2902, Fax (+1-860) 679 1515,
email: [email protected], URL: https://facultydirectory.uchc.edu/

1991 Lehn, Jean-Marie Pierre, b. 1939, Nobel Laureate (Chemistry),

ISIS, CNRS UMR 7006, Université de Strasbourg, 8 allée
Gaspard Monge, 67000 Strasbourg, France, Tel. Off. (+33-368)
85 5145, email: [email protected].

2004 Livage, Jacques, b. 1938, Chimie de la Matière Condensée,

UPMC, Tour 44, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France,
Tel. Off. (+33-1) 4427 6162, Res. (+33-6) 6797 5839, email:
[email protected].

2011 Marks, Tobin Jay, b. 1944, Department of Chemistry, North-

western University, 2145, Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-847) 491 5658, email: t-marks@northwestern.
edu, URL: https://sites.northwestern.edu/tobinmarksgroup/.

2016 Narayan, Ramesh, b. 1950, FRS, Member (Natl. Acad. Sci.),

FTWAS, Thomas Dudley Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences
& Professor, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
Harvard University, 60 Garden Street, MS-51, Cambridge, MA
02138, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-617) 496 9393; (+1-617) 495 7093,
Fax (+1-617) 495 7053, email: [email protected], URL:

2007 Nicolaou, Kyriacos Costa, b. 1946, BioScience Research

Collaborative (BRC), Department of Chemistry, Rice University,
6100 Main Street, MS 602, Houston, TX 77005, USA, Tel. Off.
(+1-713) 348 8860, Fax (+1-713) 348 8865, email: [email protected].

2013 Nocera, Daniel George, b. 1957, Patterson Rockwood Professor

of Energy, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology,
Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-617) 495 8904, email: [email protected], URL:
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 213
1998 O’Nions, Sir (Robert) Keith, b. 1944, FRS, Chairman of
Cambridge Enterprise, University of Cambridge, Hauser Forum,
3 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge CB3 0GT, UK, email:
[email protected].

1996 Palis, Jacob, b. 1940, National Institut for Pure and Applied
Mathematics-IMPA, Estrada Dona Castorina, 110-Jardim
Botanico, 22460-320, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tel. Off. (+55-21)
30 2529 5136, email: [email protected].

2012 Parkin, Stuart Stephen Papworth, b. 1955, Alexander von

Humboldt Professor, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg,
Germany; Director, Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics,
Weinberg 2, D-06120, Halle, Germany, Mobile: (+49-174)
180 1802, email: [email protected]; stuart.parkin@

1995 Patel, Chandra Kumar Naranbhai, b. 1938, Distinguished

University Professor, University of Central Florida; Professor
Emeritus of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA, and President & CEO,
Pranalytica, Inc., 1101, Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401,
USA, Tel. Off. (+1-310) 458 0808, Res. (+1-310) 471 6505, Fax
(+1-310) 458 0171, email: [email protected].

2014 Paulraj, Arogyaswami J, b. 1944, Emeritus Professor, Electrical

Engineering Department, Stanford University, 232, David Packard
Electrical Engineering Building, 350 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA
94305-9510, USA, email: [email protected], URL: http://

2014 Ramanathan, Veerabhadran, b. 1944, Edward A. Frieman

Endowed Presidential Chair in Climate Sustainability, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego,
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0221, La Jolla, CA 92093-0221, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-858) 534 0219, email: [email protected], URL: http://

1992 Ratajczak, Henryk, b. 1932, Vice President, Faculty of Chemistry,

University of Wroclaw, 14, Joliot-Curie Street, 50-883 Wroclaw,
Poland, Tel. Off. (+48-71) 375 7318, Res. (+48-71) 351 9899, Fax
(+48-71) 328 2348, email: [email protected].
214 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
1993 Raveau, Bernard, b. 1940, Professor, University of Caen, ENSICAEN-
CNRS, 6 Boulevard Maréchal Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex 4, France,
Tel. Off. (+33-2) 3145 2616, Res. (+33-2) 3144 3040, Fax (+33-2)
3145 1302, email: [email protected].

1991 Rees, Lord Martin (John), b. 1942, OM, Kt, FRS, Emeritus
Professor of Cosmology & Astrophysics, Institute of Astronomy,
University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA,
UK, Tel. Off. (+44-01223) 33 7548, Res. (+44-01223) 36 9043,
Fax (+44-1223) 33 8500, email: [email protected].

1997 Roesky, Herbert Walter, b. 1935, Director a.D., Institut fuer

Anorganische Chemie der Universitaet Goettingen, Tammannstrasse
4, D-37077 Goettingen, Germany, Tel. Off. (+49-551) 393 3001, Fax
(+49-551) 393 3373, email: [email protected], URL: www.roesky.

2019 Sachdev, Subir, b. 1961, Herchel Smith Professor, Department of

Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-617) 495 3923, Fax (+1-617) 496 2545, email: sachdev@
g.harvard.edu, URL:http://sachdev.physics.harvard.edu/.

2014 Schmidt, Brian Paul, b. 1967, Nobel Laureate (Physics), FRS, Vice
Chancellor, The Australian National University, via Cotter Road,
Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia, Tel. Off. (+61-2) 6125 2510,
Fax (+61-2) 6125 0260, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
40 mso.anu.edu.au/~brian/.

2003 Sreenivasan, Katepalli R, b. 1947, University Professor and

Eugene Kleiner Chair, 1053 Physics Department, New York
University, 726 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, USA, Tel. Off.
(+1-347) 410 4509, email: [email protected].

2005 Suresh, Subra, b. 1956, President, Carnegie Mellon University,

5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA, Tel. Off.
(+1-412) 268 2200, email: [email protected].

2000 Sutherland, Bill, b. 1942, Department of Physics, University of

Utah, 115 S 1400 E Rm 201, Salt Lake City, Utah 8412-0830,
USA, Tel. Res. (+1-206) 463 4417, Fax (+1-801) 581 4801, email:
[email protected]; [email protected].

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 215

2001 van den Heuvel, Edward Peter Jacobus, b. 1940, Professor
of Astrophysics, Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek,
Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94249,
NL-1090GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel. Off. (+31-20)
525 7491, Res. (+31-35) 542 9568, Fax (+31-20) 525 7484, email:
[email protected]; [email protected].

2004 Varadhan, Sathamangalam Ranga Iyengar Srinivasa, b. 1940,

Professor, Department of Mathematics, Courant Institute, New
York University, 251, Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012, USA,
Tel. Off. (+1-212) 998 3334, Res. (+1-212) 982 9883, Fax (+1-212)
995 4121, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.

2018 Verma, Inder Mohan, b. 1947, Member-US Natl. Acad. Sci.,

Res. 1620 Valdes Drive, La Jolla, California, 92037, USA, Tel.
(+1-858) 551 7558, Mobile: (+1-858) 967 9260, email: imohanv1@

2022 Yaghi, Omar M, b. 1965, Member-US Natl. Acad. Sci., Depart-

ment of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-
1460, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-510) 643 5507, email: yaghi@

2009 Zare, Richard Neil, b. 1939, Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor

in Natural Science, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305-5080, USA, Tel. Off. (+1-650) 723 3062, Fax
48 (+1-650) 725 0259, email: [email protected].

216 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

(effective January 2022)


1. Anand, Ruchi 17. Khare, Apoorva

2. Ateeq, Bushra 18. Kurpad, A V
3. Bhattacharya, Satyaki 19. Mahajan, Meena B
4. Bhattacharyya, Chiranjib 20. Majee, Manoj
5. Biju, A T 21. Maji, Samir K
6. Biswas, Kanishka 22. Mukherjee, Ashis K
7. Bose, Sukanta 23. Nagesh Kumar, D
8. Chandra, Poonam 24. Pancholi, D M
9. Das Sarma, Jayasri 25. Prasad, Vandana
10. Dash, Jyotirmayee 26. Ramakrishnan, Uma
11. Daya Sagar, B S 27. Sarawagi, Sunita
12. De, Aditi S 28. Shukla, Arun K
13. Ghosh, Nirmalya 29. Sudarshan, S
14. Ghosh, Suhrit 30. Suresh, C H
15. Hariharan, Mahesh 31. Trivedi, Vijaylaxmi
16. Jagadeesh, G


1. Laurencin, Cato Thomas

2. Yaghi, Omar M

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 217


Total Fellows: 56
Name Specialisation
Ali, Nahid Immunology, Parasitology
Ali, Sher Molecular Genetics of Humans & Animals, Gene Expression,
Cancer Genomics and Genomics of Endangered Species
Bhatnagar, Rakesh Vaccine Development, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology
Bhattacharya, Samir Molecular Basis of Disease, Reproductive Biology,
Comparative Endocrinology and Molecular Signalling
Borges, Renee M Evolutionary Biology & Behavioural Ecology, Plant-Animal
Insect-Fungus Interactions, Chemical Ecology, Sensory
Biology, Multi-Model Signalling, Olfactions & Visual Ecology
Chandola-Saklani, Asha Endocrinology, Clinical Data Management, Ornithology,
Epidemiology, Conservation Biology, Data Science, Science
Chattopadhyay, Joydev Mathematical Modelling on Ecology & Epidemiology and
Das Sarma, Jayasri Experimental Animal Model, Neurovirology,
Neuroimmunology, Neuropathology
Dighe, R R Molecular Endocrinology, Reproductive Biology,
Dube, Anuradha Parasite (Leishmania), Immunobiology, Drug Vaccine
Gadagkar, R Animal Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution
Gadgil, Madhav D Ecology, Ecological History, Environmental Management and
Traditional Knowledge Systems
Gore, A P Analysis of Clinical Trials, Non-parametric Inference and
Statistical Ecology
Hasan, Gaiti Transcriptomics, Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia, Neuro-
degeneration, Molecular Genetics, Drosophila, Calcium
Signalling in Neurons, Inositol Triphosphate Receptor
Inamdar, Maneesha S Stem Cell Biology, Cardiovascular Development,
Hematopoiesis & Angiogenesis
Jairajpuri, M S Plant Protection, Nematology, Biological Control,
Parasitology and Biological Diversity
Joshi, Amitabh Population & Quantitative Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics
and Population Ecology
Karanth, K Ullas Carnivore Ecology, Animal Population Analysis and
Conservation Biology & Conservation Policy
Lakhotia, S C Ayurvedic Biology, Cytogenetics, Gene Expression, Stress
Biology and Molecular Biology
Madhubala, Rentala Molecular Parasitology
Majumdar, Subeer S Animal Biotechnology, Transgenic Animals, Endocrinology
Majumder, H K Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Parasitology
Majumder, Partha P Biostatistics, Human Genetics and Population Genetics
Malhotra, K C Population Genetics and Human Ecology
Mallick, B N Neuropharmacology, Neurophysiology, Sleep-Wakefulness-
REM Sleep, Neuro-cognitive Biology
Mandal, Mahitosh Cancer Biology, Multidrug Resistance, Drug Delivery

218 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Marimuthu, G Animal Behaviour and Chronobiology
Mishra, Rakesh K Genomics, Developmental Biology, Chromatin Epigenetics,
Mohanty-Hejmadi, Developmental Biology and Herpetology
Mukherjee, Ashis K Microbial Enzymes, Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery from
Natural Resources
Muralidhar, K Biochemistry, Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology
Muthukkaruppan, V Genetics of Retinoblastoma, Immunology, Angiogenesis in
Ocular Diseases Adult and Ocular Stem Cells
Nanjundiah, V Developmental Biology, Evolution
Narain, Prem Statistical Genetics and Genomics
Pandian, T J Genetics and Energetics: Aquaculture
Parnaik, Veena K Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Lamins and Nuclear
Prasad, N G Intersexual Conflict, Life History Evolution, Evolutionary
Ecology of Immunity
Ramachandra, N B Drosophilla Genetics & Evolution, Human Genetic Disorders,
Genome Genetics
Ramakrishnan, Uma Molecular Ecology, Conservation Genetics, Biogeography
Raman, Rajiva Human Molecular Genetics & Cytogenetics, Gene
Expression & Chromatin Organization in Development and
Sex Determination
Ranganath, H A Zoology, Genetics and Evolution
Roychoudhury, Susanta Cancer Biology, Genomics, Human Genetics
Saidapur, S K Biology of Reproduction, Comparative Endocrinology,
Herpetology and Animal Behaviour
Sane, S P Neuroethology, Biomechanics, Fluid Mechanics
Senthilkumaran, B Reproductive Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, of Fishes,
Endocrine Toxicology
Shanbhag, Bhagyashri A Comparative Endocrinology & Reproduction (Vertebrates),
Herpetology and Animal Behaviour
Shashidhara, L S Cancer Biology, Developmental Biology, Evolution and
Shivaji, S Anti-Microbial Resistance, Gut Microbiome, Eye Disease,
Conservation Biology, Mammalian Sperm Function, Bacterial
Biodiversity of Cold Habitats, Cold Adaptation
Singh, Mewa Animal Behaviour, Wild Life Ecology and Sociobiology
Sinha, Somdatta Theoretical Biology, Complex Systems in Biology and
Nonlinear Dynamics, and Computational Biology
Subramaniam, K Developmental Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology
Sukumar, R Wild Life Ecology, Forest Ecology and Climate Change
Susheela, A K Fluorosis Disease Management & Research
Tahseen, Qudsia Nematology, Classical & Molecular Taxonomy,
Developmental Biology & Ecology & Functional Diversity of
Soil and Freshwater Nematodes
Thelma, B K Human Genetics, Pharmacogenetics and Medical Genomics
Vaidya, Vidita A Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Behaviour

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 219

Total Fellows: 204
Name Specialisation
Ahluwalia, J C Thermodynamics of Biopolymers & Surfactants in Solutions
and Solute-Solvent Interactions
Ajayaghosh, A Organic Functional Materials, Molecular Self-Assembly,
Molecular Organogels and Pi-Conjugated Systems
Anand, Nitya Medicinal Chemistry
Anil Kumar Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, NMR
Techniques & its Applications to Biomolecules and Quantum
Anil Kumar Chemical Thermodynamics, Physical Organic Chemistry and
Biophysical Chemistry
Arunan, E Molecular & Van Der Waal's Spectroscopy, Chemical
Kinetics & Dynamics, Astrochemistry/Astrophysics, Wave
Interactions with Molecular/Materials
Bagchi, Biman Glass Transition, Physical & Biophysical Chemistry,
Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Molecular Relaxation and
Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Liquids & Biological
Balasubramanian, K K Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Molecular Rearrangements,
Heterocyclic Chemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Organic
Balasubramanian, S Ionic Liquids, Moulding Enzymes, Supramolecular Polymers,
Molecular Simulations, Computational Chemistry
Banerjee, Arindam Molecular Assembly, Soft Materials & Hybrid Nanomaterials,
Bio-organic Chemistry
Banerjee, Rahul Structural Chemistry, Crystal Engineering, Porous Materials,
Gas Storage, COFs
Basak, Amit DNA Interacting Agents, Asymmetric Synthesis and
Enzymology, Diradical Chemistry, Capture Chemistry
Basavaiah, D Baylis-Hillman Chemistry and Chiral Catalysis
Baskaran, S New Synthetic Methods, Green Synthesis, Biologically Active
Natural Products
Bera, J K Organometallic Chemistry, Small Molecule Activation, Catalysis
Bhaduri, Sumit Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Bharadwaj, P K Supramolecular Chemistry, and X-ray Crystallography
Bharatam, Prasad V Organic Synthesis of Computationally Designed Compounds,
Theoretical Organic Chemistry, Pharmacoinformatics
Bhattacharya, Samaresh Co-ordination Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry
Bhattacharya, Santanu Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Membrane
Biophysics, Soft Matter Supramoecular Analytical Chemistry,
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Bhattacharyya, Aninda J Materials chemistry, Electrochemistry
Bhattacharyya, Kankan Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy, Single Molecule Spectroscopy
Bhattacharyya, S P Quantum Chemistry
Biju, A T Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Aryne Chemistry
Biswas, Kanishka Solid State Chemistry, Thermoelectrics
Chakraborti, Asit K Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Medicinal
Chakraborty, Tapas Atmospheric Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy, Mass
Spectrometry, Gas Phase Photochemistry

220 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Chakraborty, Tushar K Peptides & Peptidomimetics, Organic Synthesis
Chakravarty, A R Bioinorganic Chemistry, Co-ordination Chemistry and
Metal-based Anti-Cancer Agents
Chakravorty, Animesh Inorganic Chemistry
Chandra, Amalendu Statistical Mechanics of Liquids & Interfaces, Classical &
Quantum Simulations and Molecular Modelling
Chandrakumar, N Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation, Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, MR Spectroscopy & Instrumentation and Spin
Chandrasekar, R Mechanophotonics, Organic Nanophotonics, Single Particle
Microscopy & Spectroscopy, Materials Chemistry & Physics
Chandrasekaran, S Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Natural Products and
Organometallic Chemistry
Chandrasekhar, J Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Organic Chemistry
Chandrasekhar, Srivari Natural Product Synthesis, Green Chemistry, Combinatorial
Chandrasekhar, V Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Rings & Polymers and
Many-Group Chemistry
Chandrashekar, T K Bio-inorganic Chemistry, Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry and
Chattaraj, P K Machine Learning, Hydrogen Storage, Density Functional
Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chemical Reactivity,
Aromaticity in Metal Clusters
Chattopadhyay, Arun Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Chattopadhyay, Nitin Biophysical Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Photophysics &
Photochemistry, Time-resolved Spectroscopy, Fluorosensing
Chaudhuri, Arabinda Nanoparticles for Targetted Drug & Gene Delivery
Chaudhuri, M K Synthesis, Structure & Reactivity, Newer Reagents and
Methodologies and Green Chemical Technology
Choudary, B M Homogeneous & Heterogeneous Catalysis, Flow Reactions,
Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine
Das, Amitava Molecular Reactions, Supramolecular Chemistry, Assembly
Photo-included Processes
Das, Prasanta K Bio-organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Self Assemblies,
Enzymology, Soft Nanocomposite in Cellular Transportation
Das, Puspendu K Laser Spectroscopy & Dynamics and Nonlinear Optics
Das, Samar K Co-ordination Chemistry,Polyoxometalate-based Cluster
Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry
Das, Suresh Photochemistry, Photoresponsive Materials, Liquid Crystals,
Photosensitizing Dyes, Photoluminiscent Materials and
Photo-induced Electron Transfer
Dasgupta, Swagata Biophysical Chemistry, Protein-Protein Interactions, Protein-
Small Molecule Interactions
Dash, A C Physical Inorganic Chemistry
Dash, Jyotirmayee Chemical Biology, Supramolecular Chemistry
Dastidar, P Drug Delivery, Crystal Engineering, Supramolecular Gels,
Co-ordination Polymers
Deb, B M Theoretical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, Indian Culture
& Civilisation
Desiraju, G R
Dhavale, D D Peptide Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry,
Carbohydrate Chemistry, Photochemistry, Reaction
Mechanism, Medicinal Chemistry

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 221

Durga Prasad, M Theoretical Chemistry
Gadre, S R Quantum Chemistry and Computer Applications
Ganguli, A K Solid State & Materials Chemistry, Nanomaterials,
Superconducting Materials
George, Subi J Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Materials
George Thomas, K Chiroptical Properties, Photochemistry & Photophysics,
Nanostructured Materials and Photoresponsive Materials
Gharda, K H Process Design of Organic Chemical Plants/MFR High
Performance Pigments and Polymers
Ghorai, M K Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Ghosh, Ashutosh Co-ordination Chemistry, Crystal Structure, Magnetic
Properties & Catalysis, Analytical Chemistry
Ghosh, H N Cryogenic Temperature, 2-D Materials, Terahertz
Spectroscopy, Radiation & Photochemistry, Quantum Dot &
Nanomaterials, Ultrafast Spectroscopy in Condense Phase
Ghosh, Pradyut Molecular Recognition, Chemical Sensing, Interlocked
Molecular Systems, Molecular Self-Assdembly Catalysis
Ghosh, P K Membrne Processes for Energy Saving, Processes
Research, Water Purification, Renewable Energy, R&D
Ghosh, Subrata Cycloaddition Reactions and Total Synthesis of Natural
Ghosh, Suhrit Polymer Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic
Ghosh, Sundargopal Main-Group Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry
Ghosh, Swapan K Theoretical Chemistry, Computational Materials Science and
Soft Condensed Matter Physics
Gopalakrishnan, J Solid State Chemistry, Synthesis & Structure and Chemistry
of Oxide Materials
Gopidas, K R Photochemistry, Photo-induced Electron Transfer,
Supramolecular Chemistry
Gopinath, C S Water Splitting, Materials Science, Surface Science,
Heterogeneous Catalysis, Spectroscopy
Gopinathan, M S Quantum Chemistry and Nonlinear Dynamics in Chemistry &
Goswami, Sreebrata Co-ordination Chemistry, Chemical Reactions with Metal -
Ligand Co-operation, Material Design for Ultra-Low Energy
Gurjar, M K Carbohydrate Chemistry and Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Guru Row, T N Chemical Crystallography, Charge Density Analysis,
Functional Materials Polymorphism & Drug Design
Hariharan, Mahesh Photophysics, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Crystal Engineering
Harjit Singh, Organic Synthesis and Heterocycles
Hegde, M S X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Solid State Chemistry,
Nanomaterials, Automative Exhaust Catalysis
Hosur, R V Structural Biology, NMR Spectroscopy and Protein Folding
Ila, H Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry,
Medicinal Chemistry
Iqbal, Javed Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Design &
Discovery, Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Jagirdar, B R Organometallic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Catalysis
Jayaraman, N Carbohydrate Chemistry, Dendrimer Chemistry, Synthetic
Organic Chemistry

222 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Jemmis, E D Theoretical & Computational Chemistry
Kaliappan, K P Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products
Kant, Rama Theory of Complex Electrochemical Systems, Fundamental
Electrochemistry, Polymers, Nanoelectrochemistry
Kartha, V B Atomic, Molecular & Laser Spectroscopy, Synchrotron
Spectroscopy and Applications of Lasers in Medicine &
Kasturi, T R Synthetic, Structural & Mechanistic Organic Chemistry and
Kessar, S V Synthetic & Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
Khan, F A Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Natural Products, Synthetic
Kotha, Sambasiva R New Synthetic Methods, Unnatural Amino Acids, Transition
Metals in Organic Synthesis
Krishnamurthy, S S Main Group Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry
Krishnan, V Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Kulkarni, Giridhar U Nanomaterials, Nanolithography & Fabrications,
Neuromorphic Devices, Molecular Systems & Properties
Kumara Swamy, K C Organophosphorous Chemistry, Catalytic Organic
Chemistry, Transformations Chemistry of Main-Group
Lahiri, G K Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Madyastha, K M Bio-organic Chemistry, Xenobiotics Metabolism, Plant
Biochemistry and Microbial Transformations
Mahapatra, Susanta Nonadiabatic Processes, Theoretical Chemical Dynamics
Maiti, Sudipta Microscopy, Optical Spectroscopy
Maitra, Uday Photoluminiscent Sensors, Chemistry of Bile Acids, Organo &
Hydrogels, Soft Composite Materials
Maji, Tapas K Porous Materials, Inorganic-Organic Hybrid nanomaterials,
Molecule-based Magnetic& Optoelectronic Materials
Mandal, A B Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, Ionic Liquids,
Biophysical Chemistry, Organised Self-Assemblies and
Mandal, Swadin K Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis
Manoj Kumar Supramolecular Chemistry, Functional Materials
Mathews, C K High Temperature Chemistry, Solid State Ionics & Sensors,
Materials Characterization and Instrumentation
Mathur, Pradeep Organometallics and Cluster Chemistry
Mehta, G Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Natural Products Chemistry
Mishra, M K Electronic Structure Theory, Photo/Collisional Dynamics
Mitra, Samaresh Biological Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry
Mittal, J P Radiation Chemistry & Radiation Biology, Photochemistry &
Photobiology, Laser Chemistry and Chemical Dynamics
Moorthy, J Narasimha Organic Photochemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic
Mugesh, G Bioinorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Medicinal
Mukherjee, Debashis Quantum Science, Theoretical Chemistry and Theoretical
Mukherjee, Partha S Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Materials
Mukherjee, R N Bioinorganic Chemistry
Murugavel, R Inorganic Materials Chemistry

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 223

Nag, K Inorganic Chemistry
Nagarajan, K Natural Product, Medicinal, Pesticide & Synthetic
Heterocyclic Chemistry, Applications of NMR to Structure &
Nair, G V Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry,
Namboothiri, I N N Synthetic & Physical Organic chemistry
Nandi, Arun K Polymer Crystallisation & Gelation, Polymer Blends &
Hybrids, Polymer Nanocomposites, Supramolecular
Nangia, Ashwini Drug Formulation, Crystal Engineering, Supramolecular
Chemistry and Polymorphism Salt-Cocrystals
Natarajan, S Inorganic Materials Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry
Pal, Sourav Electronic Structure Theory, ab initio Quantum Chemistry,
Chemical Reactivity and ab initio Molecular Dynamics
Palaniandavar, M Bioinorganic Chemistry, Activation of Molecular Oxygen,
Functional Models for Metalloproteins, Interaction of Metal
Complexes with DNA & Proteins, Metal-based Anti-Cancer
Palit, D K Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Photo & Radiation Chemistry and
Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Condensed Phase
Pandey, D S Co-ordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry,
Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Pandey, G P Organic Synthesis
Patel, B K Organic Synthesis, Reaction Mechanisms, Green Chemistry
Pathak, Tanmaya Medicinal Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry,
Nucleoside & Carbohydrate Modification, Enzyme Inhibition
Pati, Swapan K Low-Dimensional Dipolar Fermionic & Bosonic Systems,
Generalised Charge Transfer Frustrated Lewis Pair Catalysis,
Heterogeneous Catalysis, Supercapacitors, Many-Body
Patil, Satish A Molecular Electronics, Organic Solar Cells, Singlet Fission
Patra, Amitava Nanoscience, Spectroscopy Photophysics
Periasamy, M Organometallics & Chiral Reagents, MP Organic Energy
Technologies, Organic Air Purifiers
Periasamy, N Fluorescence Spectroscopy & Applications, Materials
Pillai, V N R Bio-organic Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry &
Macromolecular Science
Pradeep, T Water Purification, Molecular & Nanoscale Materials,
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Molecular Surfaces, Ion
Scattering and Instrumentation
Pradhan, N Materials Design, Materials Properties, Nanomaterials
Prasad, B L V Materials Chemistry, Self-Assembly, Nanoparticle Synthesis
Prasad, K R Organic Synthesis, Total Synthesis of Natural Products,
Asymmetric Synthetic Methods
Punniyamurthy, T Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Radhakrishnan, T P Materials Chemistry
Rajagopalan, S R Electrochemistry
Rajappa, S Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Rama Rao, A V Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Technology
Ramachary, D B Asymmetric Supramolecular Organocatalysis, Sequential
1-pot Multi-component Reactions, Total Synthesis

224 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Ramaiah, D Bio-organic Chemistry, Photobiology, Biophysical Chemistry,
Organic Photochemistry
Ramakrishnan, Polymerizable Surfactants, Polymer Synthesis, Polymer
Subramaniam Folding & Assembly and Hyperbranched Polymers
Ramamurthy, V Chemistry in Confined Spaces, Photochemistry,
Supramolecular Chemistry and Organic Solid State
Ramana, C V Total Synthesis, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Transition Metal
Ramaraj, R Photoelectrocatalysis & Nanomaterials, Chemically Modified
Electrodes, Solar Energy Conversion, Catalysis and Sensors
Ramasami, T Physical Inorganic Chemistry, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry and
Leather Science & Technology
Ramasesha, S Many-Body Quantum Chemistry, Organic Solids, Molecular
Electronics, Molecular Magnetism and Nonlinear Optics
Ramaswamy, R Computational Biology, Nonlinear Science, and Chemical
Ranu, B C Visible Light Photocatalysed Reactions, Green Chemistry,
Indium-mediated Supported Metal and Metal Nanoparticle-
catalysed Reactions, Organic Synthesis
Rao, C Pulla Bioinorganic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Ion &
Molecular Receptors, Metalloproteins & Metalloenzymes
Rao, C N R Solid State Chemistry, Surface Science, Spectroscopy and
Molecular Structure
Rao, K J Amorphous Solids & Ceramics and Phase Transitions
Rath, S P Bioinorganic Chemistry, Multi-hemeproteins, Enzymes,
Chemical Biology, Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry
Ravikanth, M Supramolecular Chemistry, Co-ordination Chemistry,
Ray, D S Nonlinear Dynamics and Nonequilibrium Statistical
Reddy, D Srinivasa Total Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery
Roy, Sujit Metal-based Ayurvedic Drugs, Organometallic Chemistry,
Catalysis for Fine Chemicals, Dual & Biometallic Catalysis,
Carbon-Hydrogen Functionalisation
Sahoo, Akhila K Organic Synthesis, Organometallic/Energetic Materials,
Difunctionalisation of Ynamides
Samanta, Anunay Spectroscopy & Dynamics of Short-lived Species
Sampath, S Organic Thin Films, Layered Chalcogenides, Interfacial
Electrochemistry, Nanostructured Materials, Fuel Cells &
Supercapacitors, SERS and Electrochemical Sensors
Sankararaman, S Synthetic & Mechanistic Organic Chemistry, Organometallic
Chemistry, Organic Photochemistry
Sarkar, Sabyasachi Metalloproteins, Nanocarbons, Life Cycle, Bioimaging, Drug
Encapsulation & Delivery, Harvesting Earth's Radiant Energy
Sarma, D D Strongly Interacting Electron Systems, Disordered Systems,
Nanomaterials and Energy Materials
Sastry, G N Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Computer-
aided Drug Design, Machine Learning & Data Science
Sastry, Murali Plasmonic Materials, Surface Physics, Hybrid Materials and
Nano Materials
Sathyamurthy, N Molecular Reaction Dynamics & Theoretical Chemistry,
Atomic & Molecular Clusters and Atoms & Molecules in
Confined Environment

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 225

Sebastian, K L Theoretical Chemistry
Sen, K D Screened Coulomb Potentials, Density Functional Theory,
Confined Electronic Systems, Information Theory, Statistical
Shukla, A K Materials Electrochemistry, Fuel Cells, Batteries and
Singh, Anil K Bio-organic Chemistry, Photochemistry and Photobiology
Singh, Harkesh B Main Group Chemistry, Organochalcogen Chemistry and
Organometallic Chemistry
Singh, M S Electro-organic Synthesis, Synthetic Organic Chemistry,
Chemistry of Dithioesters & Related Systems, Visible-Light
Mediated Photocatalytic Reactions
Singh, Vinod K Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Sinha, A P B Solid State Materials
Subba Rao, G S R Synthetic & Mechanistic Organic Chemistry and Natural
Product Chemistry
Subramanian, S NMR, EPR, Theoretical Chemistry and Magnetic Resonance
Subramanian, V Functional & Nanomaterials, Computational Chemistry,
Non-Covalent Interactions, Biomolecular Simulations
Sukh Dev Synthesis, Natural Products, Drug Discovery
Sundaram, S Textile Technology, Chemical Plant and Synthetic Fibre
Sundaresan, A Superconductivity, Magnetism, Multiferroics
Sunoj, R B Machine Learning, Computational Chemistry, Asymeetric
Catalysis, Machine Learning in Chemistry
Suresh, C H Computational Chemistry, Electronic Structure Theory,
Homogeneous Catalysis
Sureshan, K M Supramolecular Chemistry, Crystal Engineering
Taqui Khan, M M Co-ordination Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Catalysis
Tyagi, Avesh K Hybrid Materials, Metastable Materials, Chemistry of
Functional Materials, Nanomaterials, Nuclear Materials
Umapathy, Siva Instrumentation Development, Microspectroscopy, Laser
Spectroscopy, Photochemistry and Ultrafast Dynamics
Vairamani, M Mass Spectrometry
Vankar, Y D Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Synthetic Carbohydrate
Varadarajan, S Organic & Biological Chemistry, Molecular Biology,
Engineering Design Technology Development Transfer,
Human Nutrition Policy, Energy Management Systems
Vasudevan, S Physical Chemistry of Materials, Intercalation Chemistry and
Heterogeneous Catalysis
Verma, Sandeep Chemical Neuroscience, New Antibiotics, Small-molecule
Stem Cell Engineering
Vijayamohanan, K Electrochemistry, Materials Chemistry, Batteries, Fuel Cells &
Supercapacitors, 2-dimensional Materials
Yadav, J S Biologically Active Natural Products, Agrochemicals &
Pheromones, Development of New Methodologies for
Sustainable Chemistry
Yadav, V K Computational Organic Chemistry
Yashonath, S Non-equilibrium Studies, Nanomorphology, Ionic Conduction
in Solutions, Computational Chemistry & Intermolecular
Forces and Diffusion within Porous & Dense Media

226 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Total Fellows: 93
Name Specialisation
Ahmad, Talat Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, Himalayan Geology
Anil, A C Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology, Marine Biology
Arora, B R Electromagnetic Geophysics, Seismotectonics and
Bajpai, Sunil Paleoecology, Vertebrate Paleontology, Biostratigraphy and
Beig, Gufran-Ullah Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry, Air
Pollution, Environment, Chemical Climate Change, Air
Quality Forecasting
Bhandari, Narendra Planetary Sciences, Nuclear Geophysics and Exploration of
Moon & Mars
Bhardwaj, Anil Planetary & Space Sciences, Multi-Wavelength Planetary
Observations & Missions, Solar system Science &
Bhat, G S Extreme Weather, Tropical Convection, Atmospheric
Boundary Layer Field Experiments, Ocean-Atmosphere
Bhattacharya, Sourendra K Isotope Geochemistry and Anomalous Isotope Fractionation
Bhattacharyya, Archana Ionospheric Physics, Geomagnetism and Space Weather
Bhowmik, S K Metamorphic Petrology, Accessory Mineral Petrology,
Chander, Ramesh Seismology and Geophysics
Dasgupta, Somnath Metamorphic Petrology, Geochemistry and Precambrian
Daya Sagar, B S Mathematical Earth Science, Remote Sensing,
Geographical Information Science
Dileep Kumar, M Control of Sea Water Composition, Biogeochemical Cycles
& Global Change and Chemical Oceanography
Gadgil, Sulochana Meteorology, Oceanography and Evolutionary Biology
Gahalaut, Vineet K Seismology, Tectonic Geodesy, Geodynamics
Gaur, V K Geophysical Inversion and Earth System Sciences
Gopalan, K Geo-& Cosmo-Chronology, Isotope Geology and Mass
Goswami, B N Tropical Meteorology, Monsoon Dynamics, Predictability of
Weather & Climate and Air-Sea Interactions
Goswami, J N Solar System Studies, Pre-Solar (Stellar) Processes and
Gupta, Alok K Experimental Petrology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Gupta, Anil K Paleomonsoon, Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography
Haider, S A Planetary Atmospheres, Ionosphere & Magnetosphere of
Jayananda, M Solid Earth Geochemistry, Geochronology, Archean
Tectonics, Crustal Evolution
Jayaraman, Achuthan Atmospheric Science, Aerosols and Radiative Transfer
Kamra, A K Atmospheric Electricity, Cloud Physics and Aerosol Physics
Krishna, K S Marine Geophysics, Lithospheric Dynamics, Tectonics,
Plate Tectonics
Krishna Kumar, K Monsoon Dynamics, Predictability & Prediction, Climate
Change & Impacts and Climate Applications

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 227

Krishnamoorthy, K Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Aerosols,
Microphysics, Radiative Interactions & Climate Forcing,
Equatorial Aeronomy
Krishnan, Raghavan Monsoon & Climate Dynamics, Atmosphere-Ocean-Land
System, Monsoon Hydrological Cycle
Lal, Shyam Ozone & Trace Gases for Atmospheric Processes and
Environmental & Climatic Changes
Mandal, Nibir Structural Geology, Solid Earth Geophysics and Tectonics
Merh, S S Structural Geology, Himalayan Geology and Quaternary
Mishra, S K Dynamic Meteorology and Numerical Modelling of the
Mohan, Anand Metamorphic Petrology, Mineralogy, Thermodynamics and
Precambrian Geology
Mohanty, U C Numerical Weather Prediction, Monsoon Dynamics, Climate
Modelling and Tropical Meteorology and Mesoscale
Modelling System
Mujumdar, P P Hydrology, Climate Change Impacts, Uncertainty
Mukhopadhyay, Dhrubajyoti Structural Geology, Precambrian Geology
Murty, S V S Early Solar System & Pre-Solar Processes, Cosmochemistry
of Nitrogen & Noble Gases, Mass Spectrometry and
Planetary Exploration
Nagesh Kumar, D Climate Change, Impact on Water Resource Systems,
Remote Sensing, GIS Applications in Hydrology
Nanjundiah, Ravi S Monsoon Studies using Climate Models, Application of
HPC/Grid Computing for Climate & Weather Studies,
Machine Learning of Monsoon Prediction & Downscaling
Naqvi, S W A Chemical Oceanography, Palaeo-Oceanography, Global
Change and Aquatic Biogeochemistry
Navalgund, R R Remote Sensing, Space Applications, Magnetic Resonance
Nayak, Shailesh Science Diplomacy, Remote Sensing, Coastal & Ocean
Processes, Oceanography
Pandey, P C Satellite Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Climate
Change and Polar Research
Patnaik, Rajeev Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeoecology, Geological Context of
Primate/Human Evolution, Impact of Climate Change on
Patra, Amit K Ionospheric Electrodynamics & Plasma Instabilities, Space
Weather, Radar Probing Techniques
Prasad, G V R Vertebrate Palaeontology, Mesozoic Mammals and
Cretaceous Palaeobiogeography
Prasad, Vandana Evolutionary Biology, Biostratigraphy, Quaternary
Palaeoclimate Studies
Purnachandra Rao, V Marine Geology, Authigenic Minerals and Palaeoclimate,
Radhakrishna, T Geochemistry & Igneous Petrology, Palaeomagnetism and
Rai, S S Geophysics, Data Analysis & Modelling Deep Earth Exploration
Rajamani, V Geochemistry, Rock Weathering, Soil/Sediment Genesis
and Farmland Geology
Rajeevan, M Climate Variability, Monsoon Prediction, Climate Change
Rama Isotope Hydrology

228 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Ramakrishnan, M Precambrian Geology, Geochemistry, Petrology and
Rao, M N Cell & Tissue Biophysics, Solar System Physics, Mars
Fundamental Research, Earth & Planetary Sciences and
Lunar & Meteorite Sample Studies
Rao, N V Chalapathi EPMA & SEM,Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology, Mantle
Geochemistry, Geodynamics, Mineral Resources
Rao, P B Space Physics, Radio & Radar Techniques, Atmospheric
Ionospheric Probing
Rao, T Narayana Radar Meterology, Microphysics & Dynamics of Clouds
Precipitation, Monsoon Meteorology
Romshoo, Shakil A Glaciology, Climate Change, Geoinformatics
Roy, A B Precambrian Geology and Geology of Indian Shield
Sahni, Ashok Vertebrate Palaeontology, Palaeobiogeography and
Electron Microscope Applications to Biomineralization
Sain, Kalachand Geodynamics, Geotectonics, Gas-Hydrates & Sub-volcanic
Mesozoics, Geotectonics & Earthquake Process, Aritificial
Sarin, Manmohan Atmospheric & Aerosol Chemistry and Chemical
Sarkar, Anindya Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Palaeoclimatology
Sarma, V V S S Biogeochemistry, Stable Isotopes, Remote Sensing
Satheesh, S K Aerosols, Radiation, Climate
Sengupta, Pulak Geochemistry, Precambrian Geology, Metamorphic
Shankar, D Ecosystem dynamics, Tropical Ocean Dynamics, Ocean-
Atmospheric Interactions
Sharma, R S Metamorphic Petrology, Mineralogy and Precambrian
Shenoi, S S C Physical Oceanography, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
and Satellite Oceanography
Shetye, S R Physical Oceanography
Singh, Pradeep K Rock Mechanics, Mining Methods, Rock Excavation
Technologies, Coal Characterisation & Clean Coal
Singh, R N Geophysics and Geophysical Environmental, Earth System
Singh, Sarva Jit Theoretical Seismology and Applied Mathematics
Singh, Sunil K Low Temperature Elemental & Isotope Geochemistry,
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements & Isotopes, Earth
Surface & Ocean Processes
Singhvi, A K Quaternary Geochronology, Earth Surface Processes and
Past Climates Tectonics and Radiation Effects in Minerals
Sinha, Rajiv River Science, Quaternary Geology, Satellite Remote
Sensing Applications, UAV Applications in Geomorphology
Sreenivasan, Binod Earth & Planetary Magnetism, Dynamo Theory,
Sridharan, Rajagopal Solar Terrestrial Physics, Space Physics, Optical Aeronomy
and Planetary Atmospheres
Srinivasan, Ramaswamiah Tectonics, Stratigraphy, Precambrian Geology, Archaean
Palaeobiology and Geochemistry
Srivastava, D C Structural Geology and Fluid Inclusions
Srivastava, R K Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, Precambrian Tectonics

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 229

Subbarao, K V Volcanology, Igneous Petrology and Palaeomagnetism,
Natural History
Suresh Babu, S Atmospheric Science, Aerosol-Radiation Interaction,
Radiative Forcing & Climate
Tandon, S K Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Physical Stratigraphy and
Quaternary Geology
Thakur, V C Structural Geology, Tectonics of Himalayan Geology and
Active Tectonics
Tiwari, V M Exploration Geophysics, Hydrology, Geodynamics
Venkataraman, Chandra Aerosol Science & Engineering, Environmental & Climate
Science, Atmospheric Science
Vinayachandran, P N Ocean-River Interactions, Physical Oceanography, Ocean
Modelling, Physical-Biological Interactions in Ocean
Yadav, R R Palaeoclimatology, Tree Ring Analysis, Climate Change,


Total Fellows: 146

Name Specialisation
Agarwal, Vivek Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, Conversion, Power
Agrawal, Amit Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Development of Novel
Agrawal, Manindra Computational Complexity Theory and Computation Number
Anand, G V Statistical Signal Processing, Ocean Acoustics and Nonlinear
Arakeri, J H Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Turbulence
Arakeri, V H Cavitation, Hydrodynamics and Two-phase Flows
Arunachalam, V S Materials Science & Engineering, Energy Technologies,
Defence Technologies and Science, Technology & Public
Balakrishnan, N Numerical Electromagnetics, Information Security, Complex
Networks, and Aerospace Electronic Systems
Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan Control Systems, Variable Structure & Sliding, Mode Control
Banerjee, Dipankar Metallurgy, Titanium Alloys and Electron Microscopy
Banerjee, Soumitro Nonlinear Dynamics, Switching Dynamical systems
Basu, Bikramjit Biomaterials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering
Ceramics & Coatings, Solar Reflector/Absorber Materials
Bhanu Sankara Rao, K Fabrication Technologies, Mechanical Metallurgy, Physical
Metallurgy and Materials Development
Bhatia, S K Transport & Reaction in Nanostructured Porous Media,
Adsorption and Mathematical Modelling
Bhatnagar, Shalabh Learning in Robotics, Stochastic Approximation, Algorithms
Optimisation, Control of Random Dynamical Systems, Smart
Grids, Wireless & Vehicular Traffic Networks
Bhattacharyya, Chiranjib Machine Learning, Robust Optimisation, Autonomous
Biswas, Gautam Enhancement of Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Boiling Drops & Bubbles Turbulence,

230 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Borkar, V S Stochastic Control Theory and Applied Probability
Chakrabarti, Partha P Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Aided
Design for VLSI and Cognitive Science
Chakrabarti, Soumen Text Search, NLP, Knowledge Graphs Social Networks
Chakraborty, Suman Technologies for Health Care, Thermal & Fluid Science,
Micro & Nanoscale Transport, Interfacial Phenomena &
Phase Change
Chakravorty, Dipankar Materials Science and Nanomaterials
Chandru, Vijay Computational Mathematics, Computational Biology,
Intelligent Health Systems
Chattopadhyay, Kamanio Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science & Engineering
Chaudhari, R V Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Biomass
Conversion; Multiphase Reactors, Chemical Reaction
Engineering and Kinetics & Mechanism
Chaudhuri, Subhasis Machine Learning, Computational haptics, Computer Vision
and Image Processing
Chhabra, R P Transport Phenomena, Rheology, Non-Newtonian Fluids
Chockalingam, A Wireless Communications, Wireless Networking
Chokshi, Atul H High Temperature Deformation & Failure, Ceramics and
Choudhary, V R Heterogeneous Catalysis, Zeolites: Adsorption/Catalysis and
Natural Gas Conversion/Utilization, Green
Dasgupta, Pallab Electronic Design Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Formal
Dastidar, P R Electronics, Controls and Nuclear Power
Deb, Kalyanmoy Optimization & Design, Genetic Algorithms and
Multiobjective Optimization
Deekshatulu, B L Machine Learning, Control Systems, Digital Image
Processing, Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing
Deshpande, S M Aerodynamics, Direct Numerical Simulations, Computational
Fluid dynamics, Meshfree Methods and Data Assimilation
Dey, G K Phase Transformations in Metals & Alloys, Electron
Microscopy and Metallic Glasses & Nanocrystalline Materials
Dey, Subhasish Fluid Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Turbulence, Sediment
Dutta Roy, S C Signal Processing, Network Theory and Electronic Circuits
Dutta, Pradip Heat Transfer, Energy Studies
Gandhi, K S Batteries and Fuel Cells, Multiphase Fluid Systems and
Polymer Reaction Engineering
Ganguly, C Fuel Cycle, Advanced Ceramics, Powder Metallurgy and
Uranium, Thorium & Plutonium Fuels
Garg, Naveen Approximation Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimisation,
Graph Theory & Algorithms
Ghosh, Amitabha Manufacturing Science, Machine Dynamics & Mechanisms,
Classical Mechanics and Robotics
Ghosh, Subir K Computational Geometry & Applications, Robot Motion
Planning and Geometric Graph Theory
Goel, P S Satellite Control Systems, Space Technology and Earth
Gopalakrishnan, S Wave Propagation, Structural Health Monitoring,
Computational Mechanics
Govindarajan, Rama Fluid Mechanics

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 231

Guha, Debatosh Antenna Engineering, Microwaves, Applied Electromagnetics
Gupta, Santosh K Polymer Engineering & Science, Bio-mimetic Adaptations of
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm and Experimental
Online Optimal Control
Hariharan, Ramesh Computational Biology, Molecular Diagnostics, Design &
Analysis of Algorithms
Haritsa, J R Database Systems
Irani, J J Iron & Steel Making
Iyengar, R N Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Applied
Stochastics and History of Science
Jacob, K J Thermodynamics of Materials, Phase Equilibria, Materials
Extraction & Synthesis, Solid State Sensors and Fuel Cells
Jagadeesh, G Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, Shock Wave Dyhnamics,
Industrial Applications of Shock Waves
Jayakrishnan, A Polymer Chemistry, Biomaterials and Controlled Drug Delivery
Jayaram, Vikram Ceramics, Thin Films, Electron Microscopy and Mechanical
Jena, P K Extractive Metallurgy, Mineral Processing, Environmental
Engineering and Materials Processing
Jhunjhunwala, Ashok Telecommunications, Computer Networks, Fibre Optics,
Solar PV & DC Systems, Electric Vehicles
Joseph, George Electro-optics, Space Instrumentation and Remote Sensing
Joshi, J B Atomic & Bioenergy, Fluid Mechanics, Reactor Design
Absorption of NOx Gases and Solar Energy
Kakodkar, Anil Structural Mechanics and Nuclear Engineering
Kant, Tarun Solid & Structural Mechanics, Finite Element Methods and
Mechanics of Composite Materials & Structures
Kapur, P C Mineral Processing, Particulate Science & Technology,
Mathematical Modelling and Waste Management
Kapuria, Santosh Structural Mechanics, Multi-Functional Structures, Structural
Health Monitoring
Kasturirangan, K High Energy Astronomy, Space Systems & Technology
Khakhar, D V Granular Flow & Mixing, Polymer Processing
Krishna Murty, A V Aerospace Engineering, Structural Mechanics, Composites
and Smart Structures
Krishna, R Separations using Nanoporous Materials
Krishnan, S Electronics and Digital Systems
Krupanidhi, S B Hybrid Heterostructures, Ferroelectrics, III-V & III-Nitride
Semiconductors, Thin Films, Epitaxy, Solid State Devices and
Kulkarni, M G Polymer Science & Engineering, Intellectual Property
Kumar, Anurag Communication Networks, Wireless Networks, Cyber-
Physical Systems, Stochastic Modelling
Kumaran, V Hydrodynamic Stability, Dynamics of Complex Fluids and
Granular Flows
Lele, A K PEM Fuel Cells, Polymer Dynamics, Rheology & Processing,
Rheology of Complex Fluids, Hydrogels and Gelation
Lele, Shrikant Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
Madras, Giridhar Catalysis, Polymers, Supercritical Fluids
Mahapatra, Souvik Microelectronics & VLSI, Semiconductor Devices, Device
Circuit Reliability

232 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Mallik, A K Vibration Engineering, Kinematics and Dynamics of
Mallik, R K Wireless Communications, MIMO & Space-Time Systems,
Co-operative Communications
Manna, Indranil Structure Property & Correlation of Engineering Solids,
Nanostructured Materials, Steel Surface Engineering, Laser
Additive Manufacturing, Nanofluids
Mashelkar, R A Polymer Science & Engineering, Molecular & Convective
Diffusion, Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Rheology
Misra, K B Reliability, Maintainability, Risk & Safety, Performability
Mittal, Sanjay Unsteady Aerodynamics, Finite Element Analysis, High
Performance Computing and Bluff-body Flows, Aerodynamic
Shape Optimization
Mukunda, H S Fire Safety Science, Combustion Aerodynamics, Fluid
Mechanics, Rocket Propulsion and Energy from Bioresidues
Munjal, M L Technical Acoustics, Noise & Vibration Control and Mufflers
& Silencers
Murty, B S Atom Probe Tomography, High Entropy Alloys,
Nanocrystalline Materials, Bulk Metallic Gases, In-situ
Composites, Nonequilibrium Processing
Murty, T G K Optical Engineering, Thin Film Technology, Electro-Optical
Instrumentation and Atmospheric Science Technologies
Nadkarni, V M Polymer Science & Engineering, Materials Science and
Chemical Engineering
Narahari, Y Game Theory & Mechanism, Design Machine Learning,
Design of Auctions & Markets
Narasimhan, R Fracture Mechanics and Computational Solid Mechanics
Natarajan, K A Mineral Processing, Hydrometallurgy, Biomineral Technology
and Corrosion Engineering
Padmanabhan, K A Nanostructured Materials, Mechanical Metallurgy, Metal
Forming, Plasticity & Superplasticity and Nanotechnology
Pai, M A Smart Grid, Power Systems, Stability, Control and
Pal, S K Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Image Processing,
Data Mining, Soft Computing, Granular MiningWeb
Intelligence, Social Network Analysis, Bioinformatics
Pandit, A B Design of Multiphase Reactors, Cavitation Phenomena and
Environmental & Energy Engineering
Paranjpe, P A Turbomachinery and Jet Propulsion Technology
Patnaik, L M Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Electronics
Patwardhan, V S Optimisation, Computer Simulation, Mathematical Modelling,
Multiphase Reactions and Software Development and
Spreadsheet Programming
Paul, Aloke Diffusion in Solids, Phase Transformation, Microstructure
Pitke, M V Electronics, Telecommunication & Information Technology,
Technology Transfer and Wireless Communication
Prasad, Surendra Signal Processing, Communication Theory and Systems
Prasad, Y V R K Deformation Processing, Process Modelling, Deterministic
Chaos and Microstructural Control
Prasada Rao, T S R Petroleum Refining and Heterogeneous Catalysis
Prathap, Gangan Structural Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Information
Science and Composite Materials

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 233

Raghavarao, K S M S Food Engineering, Biotechnology
Rajaraman, V Computer Science and Information Systems Design
Ramachandran, S Alloy & Stainless Steel Making and Process Metallurgical
Design & Development
Ramamritham, K Databases, Real-Time Systems, Use of Information &
Communication Technology for Socioeconomic Development
Ramamurty, U Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Advanced Materials &
Ranade, V V Multiphase Flows & Reactors, Computational Flow Modelling,
Process Intensification
Ranganathan, S Physical Metallurgy, Materials Science, Cultural Heritage
Science, Art & Technology Interactions
Rao, K K Flow of Granular Materials and Defluoridation of Drinking
Rao, P Rama Deformation, Fracture and Materials Development
Rao, P V S Artificial Intellgence, Computer Science & Speech Research,
Natural Language Processing and Cursive Script Recognition
Rao, V Ramgopal Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology
Ratnasamy, Paul Catalysis, Zeolites and Solid State Chemistry
Ravishankar, N Nanomaterials, Electron Microscopy, Energy Applications
Reddy, V U Signal Processing and Communications
Sarawagi, Sunita Statistical & Deep Learning, Diabetes, Data Mining
Sen, Sandeep Algorithms (Sequential & Parallel), Probabilistic Analysis &
Randomization and Computational Geometry
Sharma, Anurag Fibre & Integrated Optics, Gradient-Index Optics and
Applied Optics
Sharma, Ashutosh Composites, Soft Nanotechnology & Micro/Nano-fabrication,
Nanomechanics, Thin Films & Self-Organization, Colloid &
Interface Science and MEMS/NEMS, Carbon Nanomaterials
Sharma, M M Multiphase Reactions/Reactors, Separations
Shyamasundar, R K Specification & Verification, Real-Time Programs, Logic
Programs, Mobile Computing and Computer & Information
Singh, Bhim Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Generation
Sivaram, S Polymers for Energy Applications, Polymer Chemistry and
Technology, Polymer Surfaces & Interfaces, Structured
Sivasanker, S Industrial Catalysis, Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical
Production and Green Chemistry
Sridharan, A Engineering Properties of Clays, Clay Mineralogy and
Foundation Engineering
Srinivasan, J Climate Science and Solar Energy
Subbarao, E C Materials Science, Renewable Energy, and R&D Management
Sudarshan, S Database Systems, Query Processing & Optimisation
Sujith, R I Thermoaccoustic Instability, Complex Systems Theory
Sukhatme, S P Heat Transfer and Solar Energy
Sundar Rajan, B Wireless Communication, Information & Coding Theory,
Network Coding, Signal Processing, Algorithms for
Sundararajan, G Surface Engineering, Development of Normal Coating
Technologies, High Temperature Deformation & Fracture and
High Strain Rate Deformation & Ballistic Penetration

234 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Sunder, R Materials & Structural Test Technology, Fatigue & Fracture
Testing for Strength & Endurance, and Field Data Acquisition
Varma, Manik Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
Venkatesh, K V Biosystems Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Metabolic
Venkatesh, Y V Machine & Computer Vision, Neural Networks for Pattern
Recognition, Signal Processing and Compressive Sampling,
Multi- & Hyper-Spectral Data Analysis System Theory
Venkateswara Rao, G Finite Element Methods, Structural Analysis (Linear &
Nonlinear) and Smart Structures
Vidyasagar, M Control & System Theory, Machine Learning
Vijay Kumar, P Error-correcting Codes, Low-correlation Sequences, Wireless
Viswanadham, N Business Models, Blockchain & Supply Chain Networks
Yadav, G D Green Chemistry & Engineering, Catalysis Science &
Engineering, Biotechnology, Energy Engineering
Yajnik, K S Modelling & Simulation of Marine Biogeochemical Process,
Climate Data Analysis, Modelling of Mechanical Systems,
fluid Mechanics
Yegnanarayana, B Signal Processing, Speech & Vision and Artificial Neural


Total Fellows: 149

Name Specialisation
Adhya, Samit Mitochondrial Biology, Molecular Genetics of Parasites,
Intracellular RNA Trafficking and DNA Diagnostics
Anand, Ruchi Protein Crystallography, Structural Biology
Appaji Rao, N Enzyme Regulation and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Apte, S K Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Physiology and Stress
Biology of Bacteria & Plants
Ashraf, Mohammad Z High Altitude Medicine, Translational Biology, Cardiovascular
Babu, P Genetics and Biotechnology
Bachhawat, Anand K Microbial Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Microbial
Balaji, K N Immunology, Infectious Diseases
Balaram, Hemalatha Molecular Enzymology, Molecular Parasitology and Protein
Balaram, P Bio-organic Chemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Balasubramanian, D Biophysical Chemistry & Biochemistry of Eye Diseases and
Public Understanding of Science
Bandyopadhyay, Uday Gastric Pathophysiology, Malaria & Anti-Malarials, Free
Radical Biology & Apoptosis
Banerjee, R K Molecular Enzymology, Membrane Biochemistry and Cell
Bansal, Manju Computational Structural Biology, Computational Genome
Analysis and Biomolecular Modelling
Basak, Soumen Cell Signalling, Immunology, Systems Biology

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 235

Basu, Joyoti Molecular Microbiology, Mycobacteria, Host-Pathogen
Basu, M K Structure Functions of Bio-membranes; Design & Testing of
Targeted Delivery Systems and Host-Parasite Interactions
Basu, S K Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
Batra, J K Molecular Biology, and Protein Chemistry
Bhalla, Upinder S Systems Biology, Computational Neuroscience and Systems
Bhargava, Purnima Molecular Biology, Eukaryotic Transcription, Epigenetics &
Bhattacharya, Alok Molecular Parasitology, Computational Genomics, Rare
Genetic Disorders
Bhattacharya, Sudha Rare Genetic Diseases, Molecular Biology, Molecular
Parasitology and Genomics
Bhattacharyya, Suvendra N Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, RNA Biology
Brahmachari, S K Functional Genetics and Genome Informatics
Chakrabarti, Pinakpani X-ray Crystallography, Structural Biochemistry and
Chakraborti, Pradip K Biochemistry and Molecular Microbiology, Prokaryotic Signal
Chandra, H Sharat Genetics and Evolution
Chandra, Nagasuma Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Protein Structure Analysis,
Genomic Medicine
Chattarji, Sumantra Neurobiology, Biophysics, Physiology
Chatterji, Dipankar Molecular Biology, Biophysical Chemistry and Biomolecular
Chattopadhyay, Amitabha Receptor Biology, Membrane Biology, Molecular & Cellular
Neurobiology and Fluorescence Spectroscopy & Microscopy
Chattopadhyay, Enzyme Biotechnology, Transcription, Molecular Virology and
Dhrubajyoti Oxidative Stress Response
Chattopadhyay, Samit Chromatin Remodelling, Epigenetics, Transcription
Regulation, Cancer Biology, Immunology, Disease Biology
Chauhan, V S Peptide Synthesis & Structure, Malaria Immunology and
Malaria Vaccine Development, Biomarker Discovery
Chowdhury, Shantanu Structural & Molecular Biology, Genomics
Das, Gobardhan Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Cell Biology
Das, Pijush K Cell Biology, Molecular Parasitology
Das, Saumitra Molecular Virology, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology
Das Gupta, C K Genetic Recombination and Protein Folding
Datta, A K Nucleic Acid Enzymology, Protein Chemistry, Parasitology
and Recombinant DNA Technology
Datta, Asis Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
Datta, Kasturi Biochemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology, Human Genome
Function and rDNA Technology
Dhar, S K DNA Replication, Cell Cycle Control, Molecular Parasitology,
Dharmalingam, K Proteomics of Eye Diseases, Molecular Genetics, Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology
Easwaran, K R K Structural Biology, Membrane Biophysics and Molecular
Galande, Sanjeev Epigenetics, Chromatin Biology, Gene Regulation, Genomics
and Proteomics

236 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Ganesh, K N Bio-organic Chemistry, Bio-Molecular Spectroscopy,
Chemistry & Biology of Nucleic Acids and Peptides & Lipids
Ghosh, Balaram Immunology, Genomics, Gene Regulation
Gokhale, R S Chemical Biology, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis,
Immunometabolism, Skin Biology, Vitiligo
Gopal, B Synthetic Biology, Structural Biology, Molecular Microbiology
Gopinathan, K P Molecular Biology, Recombinant DNA & Genetic Engineering,
Molecular Virology, Biotechnology and Developmental
Gowrishankar, J Microbial & Molecular Genetics
Gupta, C M Membrane Biology, Bio-organic Chemistry and Molecular
Habib, Saman Parasitology, Molecular & Cell Biology
Hasnain, S E Drug Repurposing, Infection Biology, Molecular Pathogenesis
and Dissemination Dynamics of Human Pathogens
particularly M.Tuberculosis
Johri, M M Plant Biochemistry, Molecular Biology of Plants and Genetic
Kannan, K K X-ray & Macromolecular Crystallography and Macromolecular
Computer Graphics
Kasbekar, D P Neurospora Genetics, Dictyostelium & Plant Antimicrobials
and Sterol Reductases
Kaur, Rupinder Yeast Molecular Biology, Genetics, Candida Pathogenesis,
Host-Pathogen Interaction
Khosla, Sanjeev Epigenetics, Host-Microbe Interaction, Developmental
Kolthur-Seetharam, Ullas Epigenetics, Gene Expression, Mitochondrial Metabolism &
Function, Molecular Physiology & Aging
Krishnamoorthy, G Biophysical Chemistry, Laser Spectroscopy and
Macromolecular Dynamics
Kundu, G C Tumour Biology, Regulation of Gene Expression,
Angiogenesis Cancer Stem Cells, Chemical Biology &
Kundu, Manikuntala Stress Response in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis,
Immunology of Host Cell Response to Helicobacter Pylori
Kundu, Tapas K Regulation of Gene Expression, Chemical Biology
Lohia, Anuradha Cell Cycle of Protozoan Parasite, Molecular Genetics &
Genomics and Regulation of Gene Expression
Maddika, S R Cell Biology, Cell Signalling, Protein Modifications
Mahadevan, S Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria, Microbial
Physiology and Microbial Evolution
Maiti, Souvik Genome Editing Technologies, Biophysical Chemistry,
Chemical Biology
Maji, Samir K Biophysics, Chemical Biology
Mallik, Roop Molecular Motors, Phagosome Dynamics, Lipid Droplets,
Triglyceride Secretion from Liver
Mandal, N C Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biology of Prokaryotes
Mande, Shekhar C Macromolecular Crystallography and Protein Structure &
Mayor, Satyajit Cell Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry
Mishra, G C Immunology and Cell Biology
Mistry, K B Soil Science, Fertilizers and Agrochemicals

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 237

Mitra, Debashis Molecular Virology, Molecular Immunology, HIV/AIDS & Anti-
Viral Drug Discovery
Mohan Rao, Ch Molecular Biology, Protein Folding & Chaperones, Gene
Expression, Cell Cycle, Differentiation & Apoptosis,
Mohanty, Debasisa Bioinformatics, Computational & Structural Biology,
Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha Cell Biology, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Drug Delivery
Muniyappa, K Molecular Genetics, Genetic Recombination and Telomere
Murthy, M R N Macromolecular Crystallography, Virus Structure & Assembly,
Protein Structure & Function and X-ray Diffraction
Nagaraj, R Peptide Conformation; Membrane Biochemistry, Host-
Defence Peptides, Protein Nanostructures
Nagaraja, V Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Restriction-Modification
Systems, Molecular Biology of Mycobacteria and Regulation
of Gene Expression
Nandicoori, Vinay K Molecular & Cellular Biology, Cell Signalling, Cell Biology
Narayanan, Rishikesh Cellular Neurophysiology, Computational Neuroscience,
Neural Coding & Plasticity
Padmanaban, G Molecular Biology, Recombinant DNA and Malarial Parasite
Panda, Dulal Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Biophysics
Prakash, V S&T Policy, Physical Biochemistry, Chemistry of
Macromolecules, Biophysics of Proteins, Enzymes &
Thermodynamics, Food Chemistry, Nutrition, Food
Biotechnology and Food Science
Prasad, Rajendra Membrane Biology, Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology and
Medical Mycology
Pucadyil, Thomas J Membrane Biology, Cell Biology, Biophysics
Raghava, G P S Bioinformatics, Cancer Genomics, Immunoinformatics, Drug
Raghavan, S C DNA Double-Strand Break Repair, Genomic Instability,
Cancer Therapeutics, Cancer Genetics
Rajasekharan, Ram Fats & Oils Metabolism and Plant Biotechnology
Rao, A J Regulation of Placental Function, Cellular Differentiation,
Primate Biology, Oocyte Maturation
Rao, B J Genome Dynamics, Biology of Cellular Adaptations,
Computational Biology
Rao, D N Protein-DNA Interactions using Restriction-Modification
Enzymes and DNA Mismatch Repair Proteins as Model
Rao, K V S
Rao, M R S RNA Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Neurooncology
Reddy, Manjula Bacterial Physiology, Genetics
Roy, Rajendra P Protein Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Roy, Siddhartha Chemical Biology, Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction, Peptide
Roy, Syamal Immunology, Parasitology, Vaccine Research
Saha, Bhaskar Immunology, Signal Transduction, Infectious Disease Biology
Sahni, Girish Protein Engineering, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and
Sahu, A K Complement Biology, Molecular Virology, Protein Chemistry

238 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Salunke, D M Structural Biology, Macromolecular Crystallography and
Sankaranarayanan, R Proof Reading, Structural Biology, Translation Quality Control,
Enzyme Mechanisms
Sanyal, Kaustuv Eukaryotic Chromosome Segregation, Epigenetic Regulation,
Genetics & Genomics of Fungal Pathogens
Sarin, Apurva Immunology, Cell Biology, Apoptosis
Sarkar, D P Membrane Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Virology, Cell
Biology and Biotechnology
Sarkar, P K Thyroid Hormones & Brain Development, Molecular Biology
and Endocrinology, and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Sasisekharan, V Molecular Biophysics
Savithri, H S Plant Molecular Virology, Protein Chemistry, and Enzymology
Sen, Ranjan Microbiology
Sengupta, Sagar Cancer Biology, Cell Signalling, Mytochondrial Biology
Shaha, Chandrima Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Shaila, M S Molecular Virology and Viral Immunology
Sharma, Amit P Structural Biology, Malaria, Protein Translation
Sharma, R P Developmental Genetics, Mutagenesis, Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology
Sharma, Shobhona Molecular Parasitology, Parasite Immunology and Parasite
Sharma, Yogendra Calcium-binding Proteins, Biophysics, Biochemistry and
Protein Structure & Function
Shivashankar, G V Biophysics, Cell Biology, Gene Expression
Shukla, Arun K Structural Biology, Cellular Signalling, Drug Discovery
Siddavattam, D Environmental Microbiology, Biodegradation, Bioremediation
Sikdar, S K Cellular Neurophysiology, Ion Channels Physiology,
Pharmacology, Biophysics, Calcium Dynamics, In vitro
Neuronal Networks
Singh, B B Radiation Biology, Biophysics, Intellectual Property Rights,
Nuclear & Constitutional Law
Singh, T P X-ray Crystallography, Structural Biology, Protein Structures,
Peptide Design and Drug Discovery
Singh, Yogendra Bacterial Pathogenesis, Cell Biology
Sinha, Pratima Molecular Genetics of Yeast and Molecular Biology
Sitaramam, V Bioenergetics, Biomembranes and Biochemistry
Sowdhamini, R Structural Bioinformatics, Protein Domain Superfamilies,
Computational Genomics
Surolia, A Protein Chemistry, Protein Folding, Function & Design for
Therapeutics, Immunity & Neurosciences
Swamy, M J Biophysical Chemistry, Chemical Biology
Swarup, Ghanshyam Autophagy, Molecular & Cell Biology, Molecular Basis of
Diseases, Cell Signalling, Membrane Vesicle Trafficking,
Talwar, G P Reproductive Health, Vaccines against Leprosy,
Tuberculosis, Drug-Resistant Cancers
Tatu, Utpal S Molecular Chaperones, Infectious Diseases
Thangaraj, K Population & Medical Genomics, Ancient DNA & Forensic
Tole, Shubha Neuroscience, Developmental Biology
Tyagi, Anil K

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 239

Udgaonkar, J B Physical Biochemistry and Protein Folding
Varadarajan, Raghavan Protein Structure & Folding
Varshney, Umesh Molecular Biology, Protein Biosynthesis and DNA Repair
VijayRaghavan, K Developmental Biology, Genetics and Neurogenetics
Vijayan, M X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis, Protein & Crystallography
and Molecular Biophysics
Vishveshwara, Saraswathi Computational Biology, Biomolecular Structures, Function
Biological Networks
Visweswariah, Sandhya S Biochemistry, Protein Structure & Function and Signal
Yathindra, N Computational Structural Biology

Total Fellows: 104
Name Specialisation
Adimurthi, Adi Nonlinear Differential Equations
Athreya, K B Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes and Mathematical
Athreya, Siva R Probability Theory
Bag, A K History of Mathematics, Astronomy & Technology in India
Bagchi, Bhaskar Coding Theory related to Designs, Finite Geometry,
Combinatorial Topology and Operator Theory
Balaji, V Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory and Topology
Balasubramanian, R Analytic Number Theory
Bambah, R P Number Theory and Discrete Geometry
Bapat, R B Algebraic Graph Theory, Generalised Inverses
Bhat, B V Rajaram Quantum Probability, Operator Algebras and Operator Theory
Bhatia, R Analysis of Matrices and Operators in Hilbert Space
Bhatt, S J Banach & Topological Algebras, Operator Algebras &
Applications, Harmonic Analysis
Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar Operator Theory on Hilbert Spaces, Analysis of Several
Complex Variables
Bhatwadekar, S M Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Bhosle, Ushadevi N Algebraic Geometry
Biswas, Indranil Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry and Deformation
Bose, Arup Probability and Statistics, Economics
Bose, Sujit K Scientific Computations, Applied Mathematics, Solid
Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Sediment Transport
Chakraborty, Partha S Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum
Chaudhuri, Probal Robust & Nonparametric Statistics, Statistical Computing,
Statistical Methods in Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing, Modelling & Analysis of Genomic Data
Dani, S G Ergodic Theory, Dynamics, Measures on Lie Groups and
History of Mathematics
Datta, Basudeb Geometric Topology, Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics
Ghate, Eknath Automorphic Forms, Number Theory, Galois Representations,
Arithmetic Geometry

240 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Ghosh, Anish Ergodic Theory, Lie Groups, Number Theory
Ghosh, M K Stochastic Control, Stochastic Differential Games and
Stochastic Finance
Goswami, Debashish Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Groups, Operator
Gun, Sanoli Modular Forms, Special Values of L-Functions, Algebraic
Number Theory
Gupta, Neena Commutative Algebra, Affine Algebraic Geometry
Hans-Gill, R J Number Theory, Discrete Geometry and Geometry of
Hazra, R S Probability, Operator Algebra, Statistical Physics
Iyer, Jaya N Algebraic Geometry
Joseph, K T Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws, Boundary Layers,
Parabolic Partial Differential Equations, Nonconservative Zero
Pressure, Gas Dynamics, Systems & Delta Waves
Kannan, V Analysis and Topology
Karandikar, R L Psephology, Stochastic Calculus, Stochastic Finance,
Stochastic Filtering Theory Monte Carlo Methods and Markov
Kesavan, S Partial Differential Equations, Homogenization and
Isoperimetric Inequalities
Khanduja, Sudesh K Algebra, Valuation Theory, Algebraic Number Theory
Khare, Apoorva Positivity Matrices & Analysis, Representation Theory,
Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics
Kodiyalam, Vijay Operator Algebras, Subfactor Theory, Commutative Algebra
Krishna, Amalendu Algebraic Cycles, Algebraic K-Theory, Algebraic Geometry
Kumar, Amit Approximation Algorithms, On-line Algorithms, Combinatorial
Kunnath, Sandeep Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Variational
Mahajan, Meena B Computational Complexity Theory, Proof Complexity,
Algorithms & Combinatorics
Mahan, M J Kaehler Groups, Geometric Group Theory, Geometric
Topology, Hyperbolic Geometry
Misra, Gadadhar Operator Theory and Operator Spaces
Mohan Kumar, N Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Mukerjee, Rahul Design of Experiments, Asymptotic Theory and Survey
Mukund, Madhavan Concurrent & Distributed Systems, Distributed Algorithms
Munshi, Ritabrata Analytic Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Elliptic Curves
Nadkarni, M G Ergodic Theory and Commutative Harmonic Analysis
Nagaraj, D S Algebraic Geometry, Vector Bundles
Nataraj, Neela Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Methods, Applied
Nath, G Fluid Mechanics, Magnetohydrodynamics and
Nitsure, Nitin Algebraic Geometry
Nori, M V Algebraic Geometry
Pal, Arup K Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum
Pancholi, D M Contact & Symplectic Topology, Differential Topology,
Diffeential Geometry

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 241

Pani, A K Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Industrial
Parameswaran, A J Algebraic Geometry, Singularity Theory and Vector Bundles
Paranjape, K H Algebraic Geometry, Topology and Differential Geometry
Parimala, R Algebra
Parthasarathy, K R Probability Theory, Group Representations, Quantum
Probability, Computing and Information
Parthasarathy, R Representations of Semi-Simple Lie Groups, and Topological
Dynamical Systems
Parthasarathy, T Mathematical Theory of Games, Operations Research and
Global Univalence
Prakasa Rao, B L S Statistics
Prasad, Amritanshu Representation Theory, Combinatorics, Group Theory
Prasad, Dipendra Automorphic Forms and Number Theory
Prasad, Gopal Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups
Prasad, Phoolan Theory of Wave-Propagation, Partial Differential Equations
and Fluid Mechanics
Radhakrishnan, J Algorithms, Information Theory, Computational Complexity,
Combinatorics and Quantum Computing
Raghavan, K N Representation Theory
Raghunathan, M S Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups
Raghuram, A Number Theory, Representation Theory, Automorphic Forms
Rajan, C S Automorphic Forms, Arithmetic Geometry and Representation
Ramadas, T R Geometry and Mathematical Physics
Ramanan, S Algebraic Geometry and Differential Geometry
Ramasubramanian, S Stochastic Models in Insurance
Ramaswamy, Mythily Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations,
and Applications to Control Problems
Ramdorai, Sujatha Algebra, Quadratic Forms, Number Theory and Iwasawa
Rangarajan, Govindan Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos, Time Series Analysis,
Mathematical Biology
Rao, C R Statistics with Applications to Biology, Signal Processing and
Pattern Recognition
Rao, Ravi A Classical Algebraic K-Theory, Commutative Algebra, Linear
Rao, T S S R K Functional Analysis, Geometry of Banach Spaces
Roy, Rahul Probability, Stochastic Processes
Sane, S S Finite Geometries, Design Theory and Graph Theory
Sankaran, P Topology and Lie Groups
Saurabh, Saket Theoretical Computer Science, Graph Algorithms & Graph
Theory, Parametrised Complexity
Saxena, Nitin Algebraic Complexity Theory, Computational Algebra,
Number Theory, Cryptology
Shah, Nimish A Ergodic Theory, Lie Groups, Number Theory
Shorey, T N Theory of Numbers
Singh, Balwant Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra
Singhi, N K M Discrete Mathematics, Designs and Finite Geometries
Sinha, K B Spectral Theory of Operators, Non-Commutative Geometry
and Stochastic Processes

242 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Sitaram, A Harmonic Analysis on Euclidean Spaces and on Lie Groups
Sridharan, Ramaiyengar Algebra
Srinivas, V Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic K-Theory and Commutative
Sunder, V S Von Neumann Algebras and Subfactors
Suresh, V Algebra, Quadratic Forms & Division Algebras, and
Arithmetic Geometry
Thangavelu, S Harmonic Analysis on Lie Groups, Classical Analysis and
Partial Differential Equations
Thiagarajan, P S Distributed Probabilistic Systems, Computational Systems
Trivedi, Vijaylaxmi Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Algebra
Vanninathan, M Fluid-Structure Interactions, Partial Differential Equations,
Numerical Analysis, Asymptotic Analysis, Homogenization
and Control of PDE
Veerappa Gowda, G D Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis
Venkataramana, T N Monodromy Groups, Rigidity & Arithmeticity of Lattices,
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups and Shimura Varieties
Verma, Kaushal Complex Analysis

Total Fellows: 94
Name Specialisation
Acharya, S K Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Liver Diseases
Aggarwal, Amita Lumps, Clinical Immunology, Rheumatology, Juvenile
Aggarwal, Rakesh Immunisation, Public Health, Gastrointestinal & Liver
Diseases, Viral Hepatitis, Epidemiology and Health
Agrawal, Anurag Pulmonary Disease, Intelligent Systems
Agrewala, Javed N Immunology, Vaccine, Drug Discovery, Gut Microbiota
Anand, Anuranjan Human Genetics & Genomics, Neurogenetics,
Developmental Genetics
Arankalle, Vidya A Virology, Molecular Biology, Vaccine, Hepatitis Viruses,
Emerging-Reemerging Viruses
Ateeq, Bushra Cancer Biology, Cancer Genomics, Molecular Targets &
Awasthi, Shally Paediatric Pulmonology, Infectious & Parasitic Diseases,
Clinical Trials
Bal, Chandrasekhar Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Neurology, Positron
Emission Tomography on Oncology
Balasubramanian, A S Neurochemistry and Enzymology
Balasubramanian, K A Oxidative Stress, Gastrointestinal Mucosa and
Bapat, Sharmila A Cancer Biology
Basu, Anirban Neurovirology, Neurobiology, Molecular Medicine, Drug
Bhandari, Nita Nutrition, Nutrition-Infection Interaction, Maternal & Child
Health Clinical Evaluation of Vaccine
Bhargava, Balram Cardiology, Medtech Innovation, Public Health

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 243

Bhisey, Rajani A Environmental Carcinogenesis and Molecular Epidemiology
of Cancer, Occupational Hazards
Chakravortty, Dipshiakha S Microbiology, Infectious Disease, Immunology
Chandak, G R Genomics & Epigenomics of Complex Diseases,
Developmental Programming of Metabolic Syndrome,
Molecular Diagnosis of Monogenic & Complex Disorders
Chandy, Mammen Hematology, Bone Marrow Transplantation and Molecular
Genetics of Blood Diseases
Chatterjee, Mitali Pharmacology, Immunology, Parasitology
Chaturvedi, U C Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Chitnis, Chetan E Molecular Parasitology, Vaccine Development for Malaria
and Molecular & Cell Biology
Chowdhary, Anuradha Medical Microbiology, Medical Mycology, Fungal Infections
Das, B C Molecular Virology, Human Genetics and Stem Cell Biology,
Molecular Oncology
Dash, Debabrata Cell Biology, Signal Transduction, Nanobiotechnology
Deo, M G Pathology, Oncology and Medical Education
Dikshit, Madhu Redox Biology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Molecular
Pharmacology, Neutrophiles and Nitric Oxide Synthase
Ganesh, S Human Molecular Genetics, Neurobiology of Disease, Stress
Gangadhar, B N Psychiatry, Schizophrenia, Yoga Therapy, Electroconvulsive
Gangal, S V Allergy, Immunology and Biochemistry
Gangal, Sudha G Cancer & Basic Immunology, Cell Biology and Genetic
Ganguly, N K Microbiology, Immunology, Biotechnology and Public Health
Garg, Pramod K Pancreatology, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine
Ghosh, Amit Molecular Biology of V.cholerae and Recombinant DNA
Goel, Atul Diagnostics, Bio-organic & Medicinal Science, Biomedical
Science, Drug Discovery, Molecular Medicine & Imaging
Gopinath, Gomathy Developmental Neurobiology, Environment & Neural
Plasticity and Neural Transplantation
Goswami, Ravinder Autoimmune Endocrine Disorders, Sporadic Idiopathic
Hypoparathyroidism and Metabolic Bone Disorders including
Vitamin D Deficiency
Gupta, Satish K Immunology, Reproductive Immunology and Reproductive
Biology, Vaccines, Anti-Body Engineering
Indrayan, Abhaya Medical Biostatistics, Medical Research Methodology,
Medical Informatics
Jacob John, T Infectious Diseases and Virology
Jagannathan, N R Biophysics, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), In-vivo MR
Spectroscopy, Biomolecules, Cancer Research, Functional
MR Studies, Metabolomics
Jameel, Shahid Molecular Biology and Molecular Virology
Kalyanaraman, S Neurosurgery
Kang, Gagandeep Nutrition, Public Health, Enteric Virology, Vaccines
Kartha, C C Human Pathology, Mechanisms of Diseases & Drug Targets
Katoch, V M Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics of
Mycobacteria, Taxonomy, Epidemiology of Mycobacterial

244 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Khanna, Navin C Dengue Subunit Vaccine, Dengue Botanical Drug,
Recombinant Proteins of Medical Use
Kochupillai, N Internal Medicine, Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism,
Diabetes and Biotechnology
Krishnaswamy, Kamala Internal Medicine, Nutritional Sciences and Clinical
Kumar, Arun Human Molecular Genetics, Cancer Biology, Molecular
Kumar, Lalit Stem Cell Transplantation, Multiple Myeloma, Haemato-
Oncology, Gynaecologic Oncology
Kurpad, A V Physiology, Nutrition, Public Health
Malhotra, Pawan Malaria Parasite Biology, Molecular Biology, Drug & Vaccine
Mandal, Chitra Glycobiology, Immunobiology and Glycoimmunology
Mathews, Vikram Haematology, Acute Leukaemia, Allogeneic Stem Cell
Mathur, Asha Virology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology
Mishra, A C Human Viral Infection & Zoonotic Diseases, Public Health
Misra, U K Clinical Neurology, Neurophysiology and Tropical Neurology
Mittra, Indraneel Cancer Surgery, Cancer Biology and Cancer Prevention
Mohan, V Diabetes, Epidemiology, Genomics, Precision Diabetes
Mukerji, Mitali Functional Genomics, Population Genomics, Ayurgenomics
Mukhopadhyay, Sangita Immunology, Cell Signalling, Communicable Diseases
Nageswara Rao, G Cornea, Community Eye Health and Eye Care Policy & Planning
Nair, G Balakrish Clinical Microbiology, Molecular Epidemiology, Diarrhoeal
Nayak, N C Pathology, Oncology and Liver Diseases
Nityanand, Soniya Immunology and Haematology
Pal, G P Human Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy and Biomechanics of
Panda, S K Liver Pathology, Viral Hepatitis and Molecular
Paul, V K Public Health, Paediatrics, Newborn Health
Pillai, M R Disease Biology, Tumour Biology, Virology
Pitchappan, R Human Immunogenetics, Immunology of Infectious Diseases
and Human Genomics
Rajshekhar, V Neurosurgery, Cysticercosis, Cervical Spine Surgery
Raju, T R ALS, Glial & Neuronal Plasticity
Ramakrishna, B S Gastroenterology, Nutrition, Inflammatory Bowel Disease,
Gastrointestinal Microbiome Stem Cells
Rangarajan, P N Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Infectious Diseases
Ravi, V Neurovirology, Viral Diagnostics, Molecular Epidemiology of
Viral Infections
Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi Neuroscience, Toxicology and Pharmacology
Sarin, S K Hepatology
Sarkar, Chitra Neuropathology
Saxena, R K Hematopoiesis, Immunology, Nanotoxicology, Nanoparticles
Sharma, Surendra K Environmental Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Internal
Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Sharma, Y D Molecular Biology, Molecular Malariology and Protein

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 245

Sinha, Subrata Molecular Oncology and Immunology, Neurobiology of
Somasundaram, K Cancer Biology, Genetics and Virology
Sundar, Shyam Medicine, Infectious Diseases and Visceral Leishmaniasis
Surolia, Namita Molecular Parasitology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Swaminathan, Soumya Paediatrics, Tuberculosis, HIV Co-infection, TB Pathogenesis
Tandon, Nikhil Endocrinology, Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Tandon, P N Neurosciences and Neurosurgery
Tyagi, Jaya S Molecular Biology, Mycobacteriology and Gene Regulation
Valiathan, M S Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular Materials and Ayurveda
Vrati, Sudhanshu Molecular Virology, Vaccinology and Biotechnology
Wadhwa, Shashi Human Anatomy, Neuroanatomy and Developmental

Total Fellows: 212
Name Specialisation
Agarwal, G S Nano & Biophotonics, Quantum Optics, Plasmonics,
Stochastic Processes
Agrawal, P C X-ray Astronomy and Experimental High Energy
Amritkar, R E Nonlinear Phenomena, Chaos and Statistical Physics
Ananthakrishna, G Theoretical Materials Science, Condensed Matter and
Dynamical Systems & Chaos
Ananthakrishnan, S Radio Sciences, Extragalactic Radio Astronomy, Sun &
Solar Wind, Antennas, Interferometry Techniques and
Analog RF Electronics
Antia, H M Solar Physics, Helioseismology and Numerical Techniques
Anupama, G C Time Domain Astronomy, Cataclysmic Variables,
Supernovae, Gamma-Ray Burst Sources, Active Galactic
Balakrishnan, V Statistical Physics, Stochastic Processes, Classical &
Quantum Dynamics
Banerjee, Dipankar Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Plasma Physics
Banerjee, Sunanda Experimental High Energy Physics
Barma, Mustansir Statistical Physics
Barman, Anjan Magnonics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics,
Magnetism & Spintronics, Ultrafast & High Frequency
Spectroscopy & Dynamics
Barua, A K Solid State Materials, Thin Film Technology and Thin Film
Solar Cells
Baskaran, G Theoretical Physics, Strongly Correlated Electronic
Systems and Quantum Processes in Biology
Basu, Jaydeep K Soft Matter Physics, Biological Physics, Quantum
Bharadwaj, Somnath Astrophysics, Cosmology
Bhat, S V Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State NMR,
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Magnetism and
Physics of Glass Transitions
Bhattacharjee, J K Critical Phenomena, Turbulence and Nonlinear Dynamics

246 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Bhattacharjee, S M Biological Physics, Statistical Physics and Condensed
Matter Physics
Bhattacharya, Dipankar High Energy Astrophysics, Neutron Stars and Cosmic
Bhattacharya, Satyaki Machine Learning in High Energy Physics, High
Performance Computing in High Energy Physics
Bhattacharyya, Gautam Particle Physics Phenomenology
Bhawalkar, D D Lasers and laser Instrumentation
Bose, Indrani Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics,
Biological Physics and Systems Biology
Bose, Sukanta Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Relativistic Astrophysics,
Classical & Quantum Gravity
Budhani, R C Renewable Energy, Nanoscale Systems, Experimental
Condensed Matter Physics, Superconductivity and
Chaddah, Praveen Superconductivity, Low Temperature Physics and Phase
Chakrabarti, B K Statistical Physics of Fracture, Quantum Spin Glasses,
Quantum annealing Applications to Social Sciences,
Econophysics, Sociophysics
Chandra, Poonam Astrophysics
Chaturvedi, S Mathematical Physics, Quantum Optics, Quantum
Information and Computation
Chengalur, J N Radio Astronomy, Galaxies
Chidambaram, R High Pressure Physics, Neutron Crystallography, Materials
Science and Nuclear Technology
Choudhury, Debajyoti Cosmology, High Energy Physics
Chowdhury, Debashish Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and
Biological Physics
Cowsik, R Astrophysics, Elementary Particles Cosmology, Gravitation
Dabholkar, A S Quantum Gravity, Superstring Theory and Black Holes
Damle, K S Condensed Matter Theory
Das, Amita Strongly Coupled & Dusty Plasma Systems, Laser Plasma
Interactions, Plasma Physics, Turbulence, Electron
Das, Shankar P Statistical Physics, Dynamics, Nonequilibrium Systems
Das, S R String Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Aspects of
Black Holes & Holography, Nonequilibrium Statistical
Dasannacharya, B A Neutron & X-ray Spectrometry and Condensed Matter Physics
Dasgupta, C Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical
Dattagupta, Sushanta Condensed Matter Physics and Non-Equilibrium Statistical
David, Justin R String Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Holography,
De, Aditi S Quantum Information & Computation, Condensed Matter
Physics, Quantum Optics
Deshmukh, M M Topological Condensed Matter, 2-D Materials, Mesoscopic
Electron Transport, Nanomechanics
Dev, B N Quntum Structures, Quantum Science & Technology, Thin
films, Surface & Nanoscale Physics, X-ray Physics and
Ion-Solid Interactions

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 247

Dhar, Abhishek Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter
Dhar, Deepak Statistical Physics and Stochastic Processes
Dhurandhar, S V Gravitational Waves, General Relativity and Theoretical
Dighe, Amol High Energy Physics, Phenomenology, Astroparticle
Dutta, Amit Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Nonequilibrium
Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Information &
Ganguli, S N High Energy Particle Physics
Gavai, R V High Energy Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Lattice Field
Theories, Quark-Gluon Plasma, and Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collisions and Early Universe
Ghosh, Arindam Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconductor
Physics, Nanodevice Technology
Ghosh, Aswini Structure Relaxation Dynamics of Charge Carriers,
Condensed Matter & Materials Physics, Glasses, Polymers
& Nanomaterials, Dielectric Spectroscopy
Ghosh, Nirmalya Optical Physics, Photonics, Spin Optics, Plasmonics,
Ghosh, Swarna K Infrared Astronomy, Interstellar Medium and Astronomical
Godbole, Rohini M Elementary Particle Physics, Field Theory and
Godwal, B K Planetary Sciences, High Pressure Physics, Electron States
and Dense Plasma Physics
Gopakumar, R Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory and String
Gopal Krishna Astronomy, Active Galaxies and Observational Cosmology
Goswami, Srubabati High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Neutrino
Grover, Arun K Magnetism & Superconductivity, Vortex State Studies in
Superconductors, Strongly Correlated Systems
Gupta, L C Superconductivity & Magnetism in Quaternary Borocarbide
and other Rare Earth based Materials, Nuclear/Magnetic
Quadrupole Resonance Studies, Phenomena of Mixed
Valance & Heavy Fermions
Gupta, Pradeep K Lasers, Biomedical Applications of Lasers, Nonlinear
Optics, Laser Materials
Gupta, Sourendu Particle Physics, Lattice Field Theory
Gupta, Yashwant Astronomy & Astrophysics, Radio Astronomy
Instrumentation and Signal Processing
Gurtu, Atul Experimental High Energy Physics
Jain, Sanjay Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems, Origin of
Life Problem, Theoretical Systems Biology, Evolution of
Jayaraman, Aiyasami High Pressure Physics
Jha, S S Solid State Theory, Quantum Computing and Photonics
Jog, Chanda J Galactic Dynamics, Interacting & Star Burst Galaxies and
Interstellar Molecular Clouds
John, P I Plasma Physics, Intense Particle Beams and Industrial
Applications of Plasma

248 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Joshipura, A S Theoretical High Energy Physics
Kailas, S Nuclear Optical Model, Heavy-Ion induced Fission/Fusion
and Accelerator-based Multidisciplinary Science
Kanekar, Nissim Galaxy Formation & Evolution, Fundamental Constant
Evolution, Interstellar Medium of Galaxies
Kanhere, D G Science Education, Condensed Matter Theory,
Computational Physics, Strongly Correlated Systems and
Density Functional Theory
Kapoor, S S Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Radiation Detectors, Accelerator-
based Research and Development & Applications in
Nuclear Energy
Kaul, R K Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum
Kaul, S N Condensed Matter Physics, Phase Transitions & Critical
Phenomena, Disordered Systems Percolation and
Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, Physics at Nanometer
Length Scale
Kembhavi, A K Deep Learning, Big Data, High Energy Astrophysics, Active
Galactic Nuclei, External Galaxies, Virtual Observatory
Khare, Avinash Plasma Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Critical Phenomena,
Plasma Astrophysics
Khare, A V High Energy & Elementary Particle Physics, Super-
symmetric Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics
Krishna, P Crystallography, Imperfection in Solids, Education and
Science & Society
Krishna Swamy, K S Astrophysics
Krishnakumar, E Ultra-Cold Collisions, Electron Ionisation, Photoionisation,
Atomic Collision Processes, Molecular dynamics and
Electron Control Chemistry
Krishnamurthy, H R Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics and
Quantum Many-Body Theory
Krishnamurthy, M Intense Laser Plasma Physics, Atomic & Molecular Physics,
Optical Sciences
Kulkarni, P V Atmospheric Optics, Aeronomy and Infrared Astronomy
Kulkarni, Sulabha K Surface Physics, Materials Science and Nanoscience
Kumar, G Ravindra Interaction of Intense Light Pulses with Matter, High Energy
Density Science, Nonlinear Optics
Lakshmanan, M Nonlinear Dynamics, Theoretical Physics and Mathematical
Madhusudana, N V Liquid Crystals
Mahadevan, Priya Electronic Structure of Materials, Magnetism,
Nanostructure Materials
Mahajan, K K Atmospheric & Space Science, Ionosphere, Atmospheres
of Earth & Planets
Maharana, J String Theory, Field Theory and Quantum Gravity
Maiti, Kalobaran Quantum Materials, Topologically Ordered Systems,
Correlated Electron Systems, Magnetism &
Superconductivity, Electron Spectroscopy
Maiti, P K Molecular Simulation, Soft Matter, DNA Nanotechnology,
Confined Fluids
Majumder, Gobinda Experimental Particle Physics
Malik, S K Rare Earth Magnetism, Superconductivity and Strongly
Correlated Electron Systems

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 249

Mandal, Gautam Quantum Field Theory, Gravity, String Theory
Mandal, Prabhat Topological Insulator and Dirac/Wey1 Semimetals, Strongly
Corrleated & Superconductivity, Multifunctional Oxides
Mani, H S Elementary Particle Physics
Mantravadi, M V Optics and Optical Engineering
Mathews, P M Geoastronomy & Geodynamics, Quantum Theory of
Particles & Fields, Statistical Mechanics and Mathematical
Mathur, Deepak Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Intense & Ultrafast
Lasers, Molecular Dynamics and Biological Physics
Mehta, C L Quantum & Statistical Optics and Mathematical Physics
Menon, T K Astrophysics
Minwalla, Shiraz String Theory, Gravity, Quantum Field Theory
Mitra, A N Theoretical, Nuclear & Quark Physics
Mohanty, Bedangadas Dark Matter, Experimental High Energy Physics, Phase
Diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics
Mondal, N K Experimental Particle Physics, Accelerator-based Particle
Physics and Neutrino Physics
Mukhi, Sunil String Theory, Gravitation, Quantum Field Theory,
Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup Theoretical High Energy Physics
Mukunda, N Theoretical Particle Physics, Mathematical Physics,
Mechanics and Theoretical Optics
Murthy, M V N Particle Physics, Phenomenology, Quantum Statistics and
Semiclassical Methods
Nagarajan, R Superconductivity, Magnetism, Mossbauer Spectroscopy,
Instrumentation, Cryogenics and Heavy Fermion Behaviour
Narasimham, V S Cosmic Ray Physics and Particle Physics
Narasimhan, Shobhana Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Nanoscience
Narayan, K S Electrophysiology, Organic/Polymer Electronics, Device
Physics, Bioelectronics, Photovoltaics
Narayana, Chandrabhas Drug Discovery, Biodiagnostics, Structural Biology,
Nanobiotechnology, Condensed Matter Physics, Light
Scattering in Materials, High Pressure Research
Narayanamurti, V Solid State, Nanoscience, Electronic Materials, Science
Narlikar, A V Superconductivity, Low Temperature Physics and STM &
Related Techniques
Narlikar, J V Cosmology, General Relativity and Gravitation
Nayak, T K Nuclear & High Energy Physics Experiment, QCD Phase
Transition & Quark, Gluon Plasma, Phases of Nuclear Matter
Nityananda, Rajaram Optics, Statistical Physics, Astronomy, Physics Education
Ogale, S B Clean Energy, Harvesting & Storage, Nanoscience &
Nanotechnology, Metal Oxide Thin films, Spintronics
Ojha, D K Star Formation & Interstellar Medium, Infrared Astronomy,
Astronomical Instrumentation
Pal, A J Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Organic
Electronics, Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy
Panchapakesan, N Blackhole Physics, General Relativity, Cosmology and
Astroparticle Physics, Science Education
Panda, Sudhakar High Energy Physics, String Theory, Cosmology, Quantum
Field Theory

250 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Pandey, Dhananjai Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science,
Crystallography, Structural Phase Transitions and Ferroics
& Multiferroics
Pandit, Rahul Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions, Condensed
Matter Theory, Spatiotemporal Chaos, Turbulence in Fluids,
Plasmas and Mathematical Models for Cardiac Tissue
Pasupathy, J Theoretical Physics
Pathak, K N Condensed Matter Physics
Pati, Arun K Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Computing,
Foundations of Quantum Theory
Puri, Sanjay Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and
Nonlinear Dynamics
Raghunathan, V A Soft Matter Physics and Scattering Techniques
Rai Choudhuri, Arnab History of Science, Theoretical Astrophysics,
Magnetohydrodynamics and Solar Physics
Rai Choudhury, Sudhendu Particle Physics
Rajaraman, R Theories of Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory &
Many-Body Theory, Military & Civilian Nuclear Policy
Rajasekaran, G Quantum Field Theory and High Energy Physics
Ram Sagar, Astronomy & Astrophysics and High Energy Physics
Ramachandran, R Particle Physics, Physics Education
Ramakrishnan, Srinivasan Low Temperature Physics
Ramakrishnan, T V Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Mechanics
Ramamurthy, V S Science & Technology Policy, Nuclear Physics,
Applications of Low Energy Accelerators
Ramaswamy, Sriram R Condensed Matter Physics, Non-Equilibrium Statistical
Physics and Physics of Biological Systems
Ramdas, A K Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconductor Physics,
Optical Phenomena and Solid State Spectroscopy
Ranganath, G S Liquid Crystals and Optics
Rangwala, Sadiqali A Cold Atoms & Ion Trapping, Atomic Physics, Molecular
Physics, Quantum Optics
Ranjan, Rajeev Materials Science, Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics
Rao, A Raghurama X-ray Astronomy, X-ray Instrumentation, High Energy
Rao, A Pramesh Sun & Solar Wind, Wave Propagation in Random Media,
Aperture Synthesis and Radio Imaging
Rao, Madan Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Soft Condensed
Matter Physics, Biological Physics
Rao, Sumathi Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum field Theory
Ravindran, V Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics
Raychaudhuri, Amitava Particle Physics
Raychaudhuri, Arup K Nanosciences & Technology, Experimental Solid State &
Low Temperature Physics and Instrumentation
Raychaudhuri, Pratap Thin Films, Superconductivity, Magnetism, Low Tempe-
rature Scanning, Tunnelling Microscopy/Spectroscopy,
High Frequency Electrodynamics of Superconductors
Rindani, S D Particle Physics
Roy, A P Condensed Matter Physics
Roy, Probir Particle & Astroparticle Physics: Field Theory and

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 251

Roy, S M Quantum Information and Foundations of Quantum Theory
Roy Barman, Sudipta Electron Spectroscopy, Surface Science, Materials Studies
Saha-Dasgupta, Tanusri Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Materials
Science, Electronic Structure Calculations
Sahni, Varun B General Relativity & Gravitation, Cosmology: Dark Matter &
Dark Energy, Formation of Galaxies, Superclusters & Voids,
Cosmic Microwave Background and extra dimensions
Sami, Mohammad Cosmology, Modified Theories of Gravity, High Energy
Sampathkumaran, E V Spin-Chain Behaviour, Kondo Lattices, Strong Electron
Correlations, Multiferroics, Magnetism, Superconductivity,
Geometrical Frustration
Sanjay Kumar, Condensed Matter Theory, Biological Physics, Statistical
Sanyal, M K Condensed Matter Physics, Surface Physics, Synchrotron
X-ray Scattering, Quantum Materials
Sarkar, Utpal Particle & Astroparticle Physics
Sastry, Srikanth Statistical Mechanics, Glass Transition, Jamming,
Mechanical Behaviour of Glasses, Self-Assembly
Satya Prakash, Planetary, Atmospheric and Space Plasmas
Sen, Abhijit Plasma Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics and Free Electron Lasers
Sen, Ashoke Superstring Theory
Sen, Diptiman Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Field
Sengupta, Krishnendu Condensed Matter Theory
Sharma, Seema Experimental High Energy Physics, Particle Detectors &
Simulation, Data Analysis & Big Data Mining
Sharma, Surinder M Condensed Matter Physics under High Pressures,
Synchrotron Beamlines, Molecular Dynamics and First
Principles Calculations
Shashidhar, R Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Nanostructured Materials,
Liquid Crystals & Display Devices, Molecular & Organic
Electronics, Nanoelectronics and Nanomaterials
Shastry, B Sriram Strongly-Correlated Fermi Systems, Quantum Integrable
Shenoy, S R Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics
Shenoy, V B Condensed Matter Theory, Strongly-correlated Systems,
Cold Atom Physics
Sikka, S K High Pressure Physics, X-ray & Neutron Diffraction, Band
Theory and Nuclear Explosions
Simon, R Quantum & Classical Optics, Quantum Information Theory
and Foundations of Quantum Theory
Singh, K P X-ray Instrumentation for Astronomy, Active Galactic Nuclei
and Cataclysmic Variables, Stellar Coronae, Hot Interstellar
& Intracluster Media and Supernova Remnants
Singh, Virendra Theoretical Physics, Quantum Mechanics and History &
Philosophy of Science
Singh, Yashwant Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics and
Sinha, B C Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, Quark Gluon
Plasma, Nuclear Medicine Precursory Signals of
Earthquakes, Helium from Thermal Spring and Early
Universe Cosmology

252 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Sinha, K P Solid State Physics, Complex Systems, Non-Equilibrium
Quantum Coupling, Low-energy Nuclear Reactions &
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Sinha, Sudeshna Dynamical Networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos,
Complex Systems
Sood, A K Raman Spectroscopy, Time-resolved Ultrafast
Spectroscopy, Nanosystems such as Graphene,
Nanotubes, Physics of Soft Condensed Matter
Souradeep, Tarun Cosmology, High Energy Physics, Early Universe
Srianand, R QSO Spectroscopy, Cosmology and Structure Formation
Srinivasan, G Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and
Srinivasan, Ramaswami Lattice Dynamics, Cryogenics and Laser Cooling of Atoms
Subrahmanya, C R Real-Time Signal Processing for Radio Telescopes,
Observational Cosmology, Satellite Orbit Estimation
Subrahmanyan, Ravi Radio Astronomy, Observational Cosmology
Subramaniam, Annapurni Developmental Activities of 30-metre Telescope, Astrosat
Mission & UV Studies, Stellar Population, Nearby Galaxies,
Star Clusters, Stellar Evolution, Galactic Dynamics
Subramanian, K Cosmic Magnetic Fields, Structure Formation, Cosmology
Sundar, C S Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science,
Experimental Techniques of Positron Annihilation
Spectroscopy and Infrared Spectroscopy
Sunil Kumar, P B Soft Condensed Matter Physics, Biological Physics,
Computational Physics
Tandon, S N Cosmic Rays, Infra-Red Astronomy, Ultraviolet Astronomy
and Instrumentation for Astronomy & Space Astronomy
Trivedi, S P String Theory, Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory
Venkataraman, G Condensed Matter Physics and Parallel Computers
Verma, M K Turbulence, Nonlinear Dynamics, Nonequilibrium Statistical
Vijayaraghavan, R Solid State Physics, Magnetic Resonance, Materials
Science and Superconductive Electronics
Wadia, Spenta R Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory
and Quantum Gravity
Waghmare, Umesh V Multi-functional Oxides & Related Smart Materials,
Nanostructures & Materials for Energy & Environment,
Geometrics Phase & Electronics Topology of Materials
Yusuf, S M Magnetism, Advanced Magnetic Materials, Neutron
Scattering, Condensed Matter Physics

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 253

Total Fellows: 55
Name Specialisation
Agrawal, H O Virology, Microbiology, Environmental Sciences and
Arunachalam, V Quantitative & Population Genetics, Plant Breeding,
Biodiversity (Participatory Plant Breeding)
Babu, C R Biosystematics, Ecology and Population Genetics
Banerjee, Anjan K Plant Developmental Biology, Long Distance Micromolecular
Signalling, Plant Molecular Biology
Bhatia, C R Plant Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Chakraborty, Subhra Nutritional Genomics, Plant Immunity, Plant Proteomics,
Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Chattopadhyay, Debasis Abiotic Stress of Plants, Plant Genomics
Chattopadhyay, Sudip Developmental Biology and Signal Transduction
DasGupta, Maitrayee Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, Plant Receptor Kinases
Dasgupta, Indranil Molecular Plant-Virus Interactions, Transgenic Viral
Resistance in Plants, Virus-induced Gene Silencing in
Datta, Swapan K Plant Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Crop
Ganeshaiah, K N Plant Evolutionary Biology, Plant Genetics & Breeding,
Foraging Ecology of Ants and Biodiversity & Conservation
Grover, Anil Plant Abiotic Stress Biology
Gupta, Pushpendra K Cytogenetics, Genetics & Plant Breeding and Crop
Khurana, Paramjit Plant Biotechnology, Plant Genomics, Plant Developmental
Khush, G S Plant Genetics & Breeding and Biotechnology
Kohli, R K Experimental Ecology, Ecophysiology, Weed Science,
Kumar, H D Algology, Microbial Biotechnology, Genetics, Ecology and
Lahiri Majumder, A Plant Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
Laxmi, Ashverya Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant
Majee, Manoj Plant Molecular Biology, Seed Biology, Stress Biology
Meher-Homji, V M Plant Ecology, Plant Geography and Bio-Climatology
Mukherjee, S K Molecular Biology, Extra Chromosomal DNA Replication and
Viral Pathogenesis & RNAi
Nath, Utpal Organ Morphogenesis, Developmental Biology, Plant Biology
Pental, Deepak Transgenic Crops and Breeding of Oilseed Mustard
Podile, Appa Rao Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, Microbial
Raghavendra, A S Plant Molecular Physiology/Plant Biochemistry, Plant
Ramakrishnan, P S Socio-ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development
Rangaswamy, N S Reproductive Physiology of Seed Plants, Plant Tissue Culture
and Biotechnology
Rao, R R Plant Taxonomy, Ethnobotany, Phytogeography and
Biodiversity & Conservation
Reddy, A R Genetics, Plant Molecular Genetics and Plant Genomics

254 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Sabu, M Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Reproductive Biology, Anatomy
Sane, P V Plant Biochemistry, Photosynthesis and Plant Molecular
Sanjappa, M Plant Taxonomy and Conservation
Sankara Rao, K Plant Developmental Biology, Biotechnology, Biodiversity
Informatics & Plant Systematics
Sankaran, Mahesh Climate Change, Ecosystem Ecology, Savanna Ecology
Sethunathan, N Environmental Microbiology
Sharma, T R Plant Genomics, Plant Disease Resistance
Shetty, H S Seed Biology, Seed Pathology & Technology, Molecular
Plant Pathology, Biotechnological Approaches for Stress
Mangement in Plants
Shivanna, K R Pollen Biology, Reproductive Ecology and Conservation
Siddiqi, Imran Genetics, Plant Development, Genetic Recombination
Singh, J S Plant Ecology, Ecosystems Analysis and Eco-Physiology
Singh, Randhir Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Sinha, Alok K Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Physiology
Sonti, Ramesh V Plant-Microbe Interactions, Plant Genetics and Bacterial
Sopory, S K Molecular Plant Physiology and Plant Tissue Culture &
Swaminathan, M S Genetics, Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
Tripathi, Anil K Bacterial Genetics & Genomics, Plant Microbe Interaction,
Bacterial Diversity
Tuli, Rakesh Plant Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Molecular
Biology, Secondary Metabolism
Tuteja, Narendra Molecular Biology, DNA Replication, Plant Abiotic Stress
Tolerance, Tissue Culture & Plant Transformation, Calcium-
powered Forisomes
Tyagi, Akhilesh K Genomics, Regulation Biology and Biotechnology
Uma Shaanker, R Biodiversity, Endophytes, Plant Evolutionary Biology,
Conservation Genetics, Bio-prospecting
Varshney, R K Applied Genomics, Molecular Breeding, Crop
Biotechnology, Capacity Building
Veluthambi, K Plant Genetic Engineering, Plant Biotechnology and Plant
Molecular Biology
Vijayraghavan, Usha Plant Developmental Genetics, Microbial Genetics and Gene

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 255



1. Mohan, Anand (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Amritkar, R E (Physics)
2. Bhandari, Narendra (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
3. Bhardwaj, Anil (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
4. Goswami, J N (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
5. Goswami, Srubabati (Physics)
6. Haider, S A (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
7. Joseph, George (Engineering & Technology)
8. Joshipura, A S (Physics)
9. Lal, Shyam (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
10. Murty, S V S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
11. Pandey, P C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
12. Rindani, S D (Physics)
13. Sarin, Manmohan (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
14. Singhvi, A K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Sridharan, Rajagopal (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Tahseen, Qudsia (Animal Sciences)


1. De, Aditi S (Physics)

2. Pati, Arun K (Physics)
3. Rao, Sumathi (Physics)
4. Sen, Ashoke (Physics)


1. Kartha, C C (Medicine)


1. Harjit Singh, (Chemistry)

2. Manoj Kumar, (Chemistry)


1. Romshoo, Shakil A (Earth & Planetary Sciences)

256 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1. Dileep Kumar, M (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Adimurthi, Adi (Mathematical Sciences)

2. Anand, Anuranjan (Medicine)
3. Anand, G V (Engineering & Technology)
4. Ananthakrishna, G (Physics)
5. Anil Kumar, (Chemistry)
6. Anupama, G C (Physics)
7. Appaji Rao, N (General Biology)
8. Arakeri, J H (Engineering & Technology)
9. Arakeri, V H (Engineering & Technology)
10. Arunachalam, V S (Engineering & Technology)
11. Arunan, E (Chemistry)
12. Athreya, Siva R (Mathematical Sciences)
13. Babu, P (General Biology)
14. Bagchi, Bhaskar (Mathematical Sciences)
15. Bagchi, Biman (Chemistry)
16. Balaji, K N (General Biology)
17. Balakrishnan, N (Engineering & Technology)
18. Balaram, Hemalatha (General Biology)
19. Balaram, P (General Biology)
20. Balasubramanian, S (Chemistry)
21. Banerjee, Dipankar (Engineering & Technology)
22. Bansal, Manju (General Biology)
23. Basu, Bikramjit (Engineering & Technology)
24. Basu, Jaydeep K (Physics)
25. Bhalla, Upinder S (General Biology)
26. Bhat, B V Rajaram (Mathematical Sciences)
27. Bhat, G S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
28. Bhat, S V (Physics)
29. Bhatnagar, Shalabh (Engineering & Technology)
30. Bhattacharya, Santanu (Chemistry)
31. Bhattacharyya, Aninda J (Chemistry)
32. Bhattacharyya, Chiranjib (Engineering & Technology)
33. Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar (Mathematical Sciences)
34. Bhosle, Ushadevi N (Mathematical Sciences)
35. Biju, A T (Chemistry)
36. Biswas, Kanishka (Chemistry)
37. Borges, Renee M (Animal Sciences)
38. Chakraborty, Tushar K (Chemistry)
39. Chakravarty, A R (Chemistry)
40. Chakravortty, Dipshiakha S (Medicine)
41. Chandra, H Sharat (General Biology)
42. Chandra, Nagasuma (General Biology)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 257
43. Chandrasekaran, S (Chemistry)
44. Chandrashekar, T K (Chemistry)
45. Chandru, Vijay (Engineering & Technology)
46. Chattarji, Sumantra (General Biology)
47. Chatterji, Dipankar (General Biology)
48. Chattopadhyay, Kamanio (Engineering & Technology)
49. Chockalingam, A (Engineering & Technology)
50. Chokshi, Atul H (Engineering & Technology)
51. Das, Puspendu K (Chemistry)
52. Dasgupta, C (Physics)
53. Datta, Basudeb (Mathematical Sciences)
54. David, Justin R (Physics)
55. Daya Sagar, B S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
56. Deshpande, S M (Engineering & Technology)
57. Desiraju, G R (Chemistry)
58. Dhar, Abhishek (Physics)
59. Dighe, R R (Animal Sciences)
60. Dutta, Pradip (Engineering & Technology)
61. Easwaran, K R K (General Biology)
62. Gadagkar, R (Animal Sciences)
63. Gandhi, K S (Engineering & Technology)
64. Ganeshaiah, K N (Plant Sciences)
65. Gangadhar, B N (Medicine)
66. Gaur, V K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
67. George, Subi J (Chemistry)
68. Ghosh, Arindam (Physics)
69. Ghosh, M K (Mathematical Sciences)
70. Godbole, Rohini M (Physics)
71. Goel, P S (Engineering & Technology)
72. Gopakumar, R (Physics)
73. Gopal, B (General Biology)
74. Gopalakrishnan, J (Chemistry)
75. Gopalakrishnan, S (Engineering & Technology)
76. Gopinath, Gomathy (Medicine)
77. Gopinathan, K P (General Biology)
78. Govindarajan, Rama (Engineering & Technology)
79. Gupta, C M (General Biology)
80. Guru Row, T N (Chemistry)
81. Hariharan, Ramesh (Engineering & Technology)
82. Haritsa, J R (Engineering & Technology)
83. Hasan, Gaiti (Animal Sciences)
84. Hegde, M S (Chemistry)
85. Ila, H (Chemistry)
86. Inamdar, Maneesha S (Animal Sciences)
87. Iyengar, R N (Engineering & Technology)
88. Jacob, K J (Engineering & Technology)
89. Jagadeesh, G (Engineering & Technology)
90. Jagirdar, B R (Chemistry)
258 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
91. Jayaram, Vikram (Engineering & Technology)
92. Jayaraman, Achuthan (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
93. Jayaraman, N (Chemistry)
94. Jemmis, E D (Chemistry)
95. Jog, Chanda J (Physics)
96. Joseph, K T (Mathematical Sciences)
97. Joshi, Amitabh (Animal Sciences)
98. Kannan, K K (General Biology)
99. Karanth, K Ullas (Animal Sciences)
100. Kasturirangan, K (Engineering & Technology)
101. Khare, Apoorva (Mathematical Sciences)
102. Kochupillai, N (Medicine)
103. Krishna Murty, A V (Engineering & Technology)
104. Krishnakumar, E (Physics)
105. Krishnamoorthy, K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
106. Krishnamurthy, H R (Physics)
107. Krishnamurthy, S S (Chemistry)
108. Krishnan, S (Engineering & Technology)
109. Krishnan, V (Chemistry)
110. Krupanidhi, S B (Engineering & Technology)
111. Kulkarni, Giridhar U (Chemistry)
112. Kumar, Anurag (Engineering & Technology)
113. Kumar, Arun (Medicine)
114. Kumaran, V (Engineering & Technology)
115. Kunnath, Sandeep (Mathematical Sciences)
116. Kurpad, A V (Medicine)
117. Madhusudana, N V (Physics)
118. Madras, Giridhar (Engineering & Technology)
119. Madyastha, K M (Chemistry)
120. Mahadevan, S (General Biology)
121. Maiti, P K (Physics)
122. Maitra, Uday (Chemistry)
123. Maji, Tapas K (Chemistry)
124. Mathews, C K (Chemistry)
125. Mayor, Satyajit (General Biology)
126. Misra, Gadadhar (Mathematical Sciences)
127. Mugesh, G (Chemistry)
128. Mujumdar, P P (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
129. Mukherjee, Partha S (Chemistry)
130. Mukunda, H S (Engineering & Technology)
131. Mukunda, N (Physics)
132. Muniyappa, K (General Biology)
133. Munjal, M L (Engineering & Technology)
134. Murthy, M R N (General Biology)
135. Murty, T G K (Engineering & Technology)
136. Nagaraja, V (General Biology)
137. Nagesh Kumar, D (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
138. Nanjundiah, Ravi S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 259
139. Nanjundiah, V (Animal Sciences)
140. Narahari, Y (Engineering & Technology)
141. Narasimhan, R (Engineering & Technology)
142. Narasimhan, Shobhana (Physics)
143. Narayan, K S (Physics)
144. Narayanan, Rishikesh (General Biology)
145. Natarajan, K A (Engineering & Technology)
146. Natarajan, S (Chemistry)
147. Nath, Utpal (Plant Sciences)
148. Navalgund, R R (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
149. Nayak, Shailesh (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
150. Nityananda, Rajaram (Physics)
151. Padmanaban, G (General Biology)
152. Pandit, Rahul (Physics)
153. Pasupathy, J (Physics)
154. Pati, Swapan K (Chemistry)
155. Patil, Satish A (Chemistry)
156. Patnaik, L M (Engineering & Technology)
157. Paul, Aloke (Engineering & Technology)
158. Periasamy, N (Chemistry)
159. Prasad, B L V (Chemistry)
160. Prasad, K R (Chemistry)
161. Prasad, Phoolan (Mathematical Sciences)
162. Prasad, Y V R K (Engineering & Technology)
163. Raghavan, S C (General Biology)
164. Raghunathan, V A (Physics)
165. Rai Choudhuri, Arnab (Physics)
166. Rajagopalan, S R (Chemistry)
167. Rajamani, V (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
168. Rajaraman, V (Engineering & Technology)
169. Raju, T R (Medicine)
170. Ram Sagar, (Physics)
171. Ramakrishnan, Subramaniam (Chemistry)
172. Ramakrishnan, T V (Physics)
173. Ramakrishnan, Uma (Animal Sciences)
174. Ramamurthy, V S (Physics)
175. Ramasesha, S (Chemistry)
176. Ramasubramanian, S (Mathematical Sciences)
177. Ramaswamy, Mythily (Mathematical Sciences)
178. Ramaswamy, Sriram R (Physics)
179. Ranganath, G S (Physics)
180. Ranganath, H A (Animal Sciences)
181. Ranganathan, S (Engineering & Technology)
182. Rangarajan, Govindan (Mathematical Sciences)
183. Rangarajan, P N (Medicine)
184. Rangaswamy, N S (Plant Sciences)
185. Rangwala, Sadiqali A (Physics)
186. Ranjan, Rajeev (Physics)
260 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
187. Rao, A J (General Biology)
188. Rao, C N R (Chemistry)
189. Rao, D N (General Biology)
190. Rao, K J (Chemistry)
191. Rao, K K (Engineering & Technology)
192. Rao, M R S (General Biology)
193. Rao, Madan (Physics)
194. Rao, R R (Plant Sciences)
195. Rao, T S S R K (Mathematical Sciences)
196. Ravi, V (Medicine)
197. Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi (Medicine)
198. Ravishankar, N (Engineering & Technology)
199. Roy, A P (Physics)
200. Sampath, S (Chemistry)
201. Sane, S P (Animal Sciences)
202. Sanjappa, M (Plant Sciences)
203. Sankara Rao, K (Plant Sciences)
204. Sankaran, Mahesh (Plant Sciences)
205. Sanyal, Kaustuv (General Biology)
206. Sarin, Apurva (General Biology)
207. Sarma, D D (Chemistry)
208. Sastry, Srikanth (Physics)
209. Satheesh, S K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
210. Sathyamurthy, N (Chemistry)
211. Savithri, H S (General Biology)
212. Sebastian, K L (Chemistry)
213. Sen, Diptiman (Physics)
214. Shaila, M S (General Biology)
215. Shenoy, V B (Physics)
216. Shorey, T N (Mathematical Sciences)
217. Shukla, A K (Chemistry)
218. Sikdar, S K (General Biology)
219. Sinha, K B (Mathematical Sciences)
220. Sinha, K P (Physics)
221. Sitaram, A (Mathematical Sciences)
222. Somasundaram, K (Medicine)
223. Sood, A K (Physics)
224. Souradeep, Tarun (Physics)
225. Sowdhamini, R (General Biology)
226. Sreenivasan, Binod (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
227. Sridharan, A (Engineering & Technology)
228. Srinivasan, G (Physics)
229. Srinivasan, J (Engineering & Technology)
230. Srinivasan, Ramaswamiah (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
231. Subba Rao, G S R (Chemistry)
232. Subrahmanya, C R (Physics)
233. Subramaniam, Annapurni (Physics)
234. Sukumar, R (Animal Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 261
235. Sundar Rajan, B (Engineering & Technology)
236. Sundaresan, A (Chemistry)
237. Sunder, R (Engineering & Technology)
238. Surolia, A (General Biology)
239. Surolia, Namita (Medicine)
240. Tatu, Utpal S (General Biology)
241. Thangavelu, S (Mathematical Sciences)
242. Vanninathan, M (Mathematical Sciences)
243. Varadarajan, Raghavan (General Biology)
244. Varma, Manik (Engineering & Technology)
245. Varshney, Umesh (General Biology)
246. Vasudevan, S (Chemistry)
247. Veerappa Gowda, G D (Mathematical Sciences)
248. Venkatesh, Y V (Engineering & Technology)
249. Verma, Kaushal (Mathematical Sciences)
250. Vijay Kumar, P (Engineering & Technology)
251. Vijayan, M (General Biology)
252. Vijayraghavan, Usha (Plant Sciences)
253. Vinayachandran, P N (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
254. Vishveshwara, Saraswathi (General Biology)
255. Viswanadham, N (Engineering & Technology)
256. Visweswariah, Sandhya S (General Biology)
257. Wadia, Spenta R (Physics)
258. Waghmare, Umesh V (Physics)
259. Yajnik, K S (Engineering & Technology)
260. Yashonath, S (Chemistry)
261. Yathindra, N (General Biology)


1. Sharma, Yogendra (General Biology)


1. Sukh Dev, (Chemistry)


1. Bhattacharyya, Kankan (Chemistry)

2. Chaturvedi, S (Physics)
3. Gavai, R V (Physics)
4. Rai Choudhury, Sudhendu (Physics)
5. Umapathy, Siva (Chemistry)

1. Dash, A C (Chemistry)
2. Jena, P K (Engineering & Technology)
3. Kundu, G C (General Biology)
4. Maharana, J (Physics)
262 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1. Bhattacharya, Samir (Animal Sciences)


1. Sabu, M (Plant Sciences)


1. Bambah, R P (Mathematical Sciences)

2. Grover, Arun K (Physics)
3. Hans-Gill, R J (Mathematical Sciences)
4. Kessar, S V (Chemistry)
5. Khosla, Sanjeev (General Biology)
6. Pathak, K N (Physics)
7. Patnaik, Rajeev (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
8. Sahni, Girish (General Biology)
9. Tuli, Rakesh (Plant Sciences)


1. Balasubramanian, K K (Chemistry)


1. Arunachalam, V (Plant Sciences)

2. Balaji, V (Mathematical Sciences)
3. Balakrishnan, V (Physics)
4. Balasubramanian, R (Mathematical Sciences)
5. Baskaran, G (Physics)
6. Baskaran, S (Chemistry)
7. Chandrakumar, N (Chemistry)
8. Ghosh, Sundargopal (Chemistry)
9. Gun, Sanoli (Mathematical Sciences)
10. Iyer, Jaya N (Mathematical Sciences)
11. Jagannathan, N R (Medicine)
12. Jhunjhunwala, Ashok (Engineering & Technology)
13. Kalyanaraman, S (Medicine)
14. Karandikar, R L (Mathematical Sciences)
15. Kesavan, S (Mathematical Sciences)
16. Kodiyalam, Vijay (Mathematical Sciences)
17. Krishnamoorthy, G (General Biology)
18. Krishnaswamy, Kamala (Medicine)
19. Mahajan, Meena B (Mathematical Sciences)
20. Mani, H S (Physics)
21. Mathews, P M (Physics)
22. Mohan, V (Medicine)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 263
23. Mukund, Madhavan (Mathematical Sciences)
24. Murthy, M V N (Physics)
25. Padmanabhan, K A (Engineering & Technology)
26. Pancholi, D M (Mathematical Sciences)
27. Parthasarathy, T (Mathematical Sciences)
28. Pradeep, T (Chemistry)
29. Prasad, Amritanshu (Mathematical Sciences)
30. Raghavan, K N (Mathematical Sciences)
31. Rajasekaran, G (Physics)
32. Ramachandran, S (Engineering & Technology)
33. Ramadas, T R (Mathematical Sciences)
34. Ramakrishna, B S (Medicine)
35. Ramanan, S (Mathematical Sciences)
36. Ramasami, T (Chemistry)
37. Ravindran, V (Physics)
38. Sane, S S (Mathematical Sciences)
39. Sankaran, P (Mathematical Sciences)
40. Sankararaman, S (Chemistry)
41. Saurabh, Saket (Mathematical Sciences)
42. Simon, R (Physics)
43. Sridharan, Ramaiyengar (Mathematical Sciences)
44. Subramaniam, K (Animal Sciences)
45. Subramanian, S (Chemistry)
46. Subramanian, V (Chemistry)
47. Sujith, R I (Engineering & Technology)
48. Sundar, C S (Physics)
49. Sundaram, S (Chemistry)
50. Sundararajan, G (Engineering & Technology)
51. Sunder, V S (Mathematical Sciences)
52. Swaminathan, M S (Plant Sciences)


1. Parthasarathy, R (Mathematical Sciences)

2. Ramakrishnan, M (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Mohanty-Hejmadi, Priyambada (Animal Sciences)


1. Arora, B R (Earth & Planetary Sciences)

2. Chandola-Saklani, Asha (Animal Sciences)
3. Sain, Kalachand (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
4. Thakur, V C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
5. Yadav, R R (Earth & Planetary Sciences)

264 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1. Acharya, S K (Medicine)
2. Agrawal, Anurag (Medicine)
3. Ahluwalia, J C (Chemistry)
4. Ashraf, Mohammad Z (General Biology)
5. Babu, C R (Plant Sciences)
6. Bag, A K (Mathematical Sciences)
7. Bal, Chandrasekhar (Medicine)
8. Bapat, R B (Mathematical Sciences)
9. Basak, Soumen (General Biology)
10. Batra, J K (General Biology)
11. Bhandari, Nita (Medicine)
12. Bhargava, Balram (Medicine)
13. Brahmachari, S K (General Biology)
14. Chakraborti, Pradip K (General Biology)
15. Chakraborty, Subhra (Plant Sciences)
16. Chandrasekhar, Srivari (Chemistry)
17. Chattopadhyay, Debasis (Plant Sciences)
18. Chauhan, V S (General Biology)
19. Choudhury, Debajyoti (Physics)
20. Chowdhary, Anuradha (Medicine)
21. Chowdhury, Shantanu (General Biology)
22. Das, Amita (Physics)
23. Das, Gobardhan (General Biology)
24. Das, Shankar P (Physics)
25. Dasgupta, Indranil (Plant Sciences)
26. Datta, Asis (General Biology)
27. Datta, Kasturi (General Biology)
28. Dhar, S K (General Biology)
29. Dutta Roy, S C (Engineering & Technology)
30. Ganguli, A K (Chemistry)
31. Garg, Naveen (Engineering & Technology)
32. Garg, Pramod K (Medicine)
33. Ghosh, Balaram (General Biology)
34. Gokhale, R S (General Biology)
35. Goswami, Ravinder (Medicine)
36. Grover, Anil (Plant Sciences)
37. Gupta, L C (Physics)
38. Hasnain, S E (General Biology)
39. Jain, Sanjay (Physics)
40. Jairajpuri, M S (Animal Sciences)
41. Kant, Rama (Chemistry)
42. Kapur, P C (Engineering & Technology)
43. Kapuria, Santosh (Engineering & Technology)
44. Khanna, Navin C (Medicine)
45. Khurana, Paramjit (Plant Sciences)
46. Kumar, Amit (Mathematical Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 265
47. Kumar, Lalit (Medicine)
48. Laxmi, Ashverya (Plant Sciences)
49. Madhubala, Rentala (Animal Sciences)
50. Mahajan, K K (Physics)
51. Maiti, Souvik (General Biology)
52. Majee, Manoj (Plant Sciences)
53. Malhotra, Pawan (Medicine)
54. Mallik, R K (Engineering & Technology)
55. Mande, Shekhar C (General Biology)
56. Mehta, C L (Physics)
57. Mitra, A N (Physics)
58. Mohanty, Debasisa (General Biology)
59. Mukherjee, S K (Plant Sciences)
60. Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha (General Biology)
61. Nayak, N C (Medicine)
62. Pal, Arup K (Mathematical Sciences)
63. Panchapakesan, N (Physics)
64. Panda, S K (Medicine)
65. Parthasarathy, K R (Mathematical Sciences)
66. Paul, V K (Medicine)
67. Pental, Deepak (Plant Sciences)
68. Prasad, G V R (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
69. Prasad, Surendra (Engineering & Technology)
70. Puri, Sanjay (Physics)
71. Raghava, G P S (General Biology)
72. Rajaraman, R (Physics)
73. Rajeevan, M (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
74. Ramakrishnan, P S (Plant Sciences)
75. Ramaswamy, R (Chemistry)
76. Rao, V Ramgopal (Engineering & Technology)
77. Roy, Rahul (Mathematical Sciences)
78. Salunke, D M (General Biology)
79. Sarin, S K (Medicine)
80. Sarkar, Chitra (Medicine)
81. Sarkar, D P (General Biology)
82. Saxena, R K (Medicine)
83. Sen, Sandeep (Engineering & Technology)
84. Sengupta, Sagar (General Biology)
85. Sharma, Amit P (General Biology)
86. Sharma, Anurag (Engineering & Technology)
87. Sharma, Surendra K (Medicine)
88. Sharma, T R (Plant Sciences)
89. Sharma, Y D (Medicine)
90. Singh, Bhim (Engineering & Technology)
91. Singh, Sarva Jit (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
92. Singh, T P (General Biology)
93. Singh, Yogendra (General Biology)
94. Sinha, Alok K (Plant Sciences)
266 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
95. Sinha, Subrata (Medicine)
96. Susheela, A K (Animal Sciences)
97. Talwar, G P (General Biology)
98. Tandon, Nikhil (Medicine)
99. Tandon, P N (Medicine)
100. Thelma, B K (Animal Sciences)
101. Tuteja, Narendra (Plant Sciences)
102. Tyagi, Akhilesh K (Plant Sciences)
103. Tyagi, Anil K (General Biology)
104. Tyagi, Jaya S (Medicine)
105. Varadarajan, S (Chemistry)
106. VijayRaghavan, K (General Biology)


1. Nagarajan, K (Chemistry)


1. Mukherjee, R N (Chemistry)
2. Singh, Pradeep K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Saidapur, S K (Animal Sciences)

2. Shanbhag, Bhagyashri A (Animal Sciences)


1. Anil, A C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)

2. Shankar, D (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
3. Singh, Sunil K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Chattopadhyay, Sudip (Plant Sciences)


1. Ganguly, N K (Medicine)
2. Roy, Rajendra P (General Biology)
3. Sikka, S K (Physics)
4. Sopory, S K (Plant Sciences)
5. Vrati, Sudhanshu (Medicine)


1. Sen, Abhijit (Physics)

2. Singh, R N (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 267

1. Khare, Avinash (Physics)


1. Kannan, V (Mathematical Sciences)


1. Chaddah, Praveen (Physics)

2. Gupta, Satish K (Medicine)
3. Prasad, Rajendra (General Biology)
4. Sami, Mohammad (Physics)
5. Sinha, Pratima (General Biology)
6. Tandon, S K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Chattopadhyay, Arun (Chemistry)

2. Chaudhuri, M K (Chemistry)
3. Goswami, B N (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
4. Mukherjee, Ashis K (Animal Sciences)
5. Patel, B K (Chemistry)
6. Punniyamurthy, T (Chemistry)


1. Ghosh, Amitabha (Engineering & Technology)

2. Ghosh, Subir K (Engineering & Technology)
3. Sarkar, Sabyasachi (Chemistry)


1. Balasubramanian, D (General Biology)

2. Barma, Mustansir (Physics)
3. Basavaiah, D (Chemistry)
4. Bhanu Sankara Rao, K (Engineering & Technology)
5. Bhargava, Purnima (General Biology)
6. Chandak, G R (Medicine)
7. Chandrasekar, R (Chemistry)
8. Chandrasekhar, V (Chemistry)
9. Chattopadhyay, Amitabha (General Biology)
10. Choudary, B M (Chemistry)
11. Das, Samar K (Chemistry)
12. Durga Prasad, M (Chemistry)
13. Gahalaut, Vineet K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
14. Ganguly, C (Engineering & Technology)
268 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
15. Iqbal, Javed (Chemistry)
16. Jayananda, M (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
17. Kasbekar, D P (General Biology)
18. Kaul, S N (Physics)
19. Kaur, Rupinder (General Biology)
20. Khan, F A (Chemistry)
21. Krishna, K S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
22. Krishnamurthy, M (Physics)
23. Kumara Swamy, K C (Chemistry)
24. Maddika, S R (General Biology)
25. Mahapatra, Susanta (Chemistry)
26. Majumdar, Subeer S (Animal Sciences)
27. Mehta, G (Chemistry)
28. Mishra, Rakesh K (Animal Sciences)
29. Mohan Rao, Ch (General Biology)
30. Mukhopadhyay, Sangita (Medicine)
31. Muralidhar, K (Animal Sciences)
32. Murty, B S (Engineering & Technology)
33. Nagaraj, R (General Biology)
34. Nageswara Rao, G (Medicine)
35. Nandicoori, Vinay K (General Biology)
36. Nangia, Ashwini (Chemistry)
37. Parnaik, Veena K (Animal Sciences)
38. Periasamy, M (Chemistry)
39. Podile, Appa Rao (Plant Sciences)
40. Prakasa Rao, B L S (Mathematical Sciences)
41. Prasada Rao, T S R (Engineering & Technology)
42. Radhakrishnan, T P (Chemistry)
43. Raghavendra, A S (Plant Sciences)
44. Rama Rao, A V (Chemistry)
45. Ramachary, D B (Chemistry)
46. Ramaiah, D (Chemistry)
47. Rao, B J (General Biology)
48. Rao, C R (Mathematical Sciences)
49. Rao, P B (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
50. Rao, P Rama (Engineering & Technology)
51. Reddy, A R (Plant Sciences)
52. Reddy, Manjula (General Biology)
53. Reddy, V U (Engineering & Technology)
54. Sahoo, Akhila K (Chemistry)
55. Samanta, Anunay (Chemistry)
56. Sankaranarayanan, R (General Biology)
57. Sen, K D (Chemistry)
58. Sen, Ranjan (General Biology)
59. Senthilkumaran, B (Animal Sciences)
60. Shenoi, S S C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
61. Shenoy, S R (Physics)
62. Shivaji, S (Animal Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 269
63. Siddavattam, D (General Biology)
64. Siddiqi, Imran (Plant Sciences)
65. Subbarao, K V (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
66. Swamy, M J (General Biology)
67. Swarup, Ghanshyam (General Biology)
68. Taqui Khan, M M (Chemistry)
69. Thangaraj, K (General Biology)
70. Tiwari, V M (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
71. Vidyasagar, M (Engineering & Technology)
72. Yegnanarayana, B (Engineering & Technology)


1. Bhawalkar, D D (Physics)
2. Gupta, Pradeep K (Physics)
3. Narlikar, A V (Physics)
4. Pal, A J (Physics)
5. Pal, G P (Medicine)
6. Roy Barman, Sudipta (Physics)


1. Bhatnagar, Rakesh (Animal Sciences)

2. Katoch, V M (Medicine)
3. Misra, K B (Engineering & Technology)
4. Sharma, R S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Kaul, R K (Physics)
2. Reddy, D Srinivasa (Chemistry)
3. Uma Shaanker, R (Plant Sciences)


1. Irani, J J (Engineering & Technology)


1. Mukerji, Mitali (Medicine)


1. Sastry, G N (Chemistry)


1. Das, Saumitra (General Biology)

2. Majumder, Partha P (Animal Sciences)
270 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1. Agrawal, Manindra (Engineering & Technology)

2. Ateeq, Bushra (Medicine)
3. Bera, J K (Chemistry)
4. Bharadwaj, P K (Chemistry)
5. Biswas, Gautam (Engineering & Technology)
6. Budhani, R C (Physics)
7. Chandra, Amalendu (Chemistry)
8. Chowdhury, Debashish (Physics)
9. Dutta, Amit (Physics)
10. Ganesh, S (Medicine)
11. Ghorai, M K (Chemistry)
12. Gupta, Santosh K (Engineering & Technology)
13. Mittal, Sanjay (Engineering & Technology)
14. Naqvi, S W A (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Ramachandran, R (Physics)
16. Rath, S P (Chemistry)
17. Saxena, Nitin (Mathematical Sciences)
18. Sharma, Ashutosh (Engineering & Technology)
19. Shukla, Arun K (General Biology)
20. Singh, Vinod K (Chemistry)
21. Sinha, Rajiv (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
22. Verma, M K (Physics)
23. Verma, Sandeep (Chemistry)


1. Singh, Randhir (Plant Sciences)


1. Vairamani, M (Chemistry)


1. Basak, Amit (Chemistry)

2. Bharadwaj, Somnath (Physics)
3. Bhowmik, S K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
4. Chakrabarti, Partha P (Engineering & Technology)
5. Chakraborty, Suman (Engineering & Technology)
6. Chattaraj, P K (Chemistry)
7. Dasgupta, Pallab (Engineering & Technology)
8. Dasgupta, Swagata (Chemistry)
9. Dey, Subhasish (Engineering & Technology)
10. Gupta, Anil K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
11. Mandal, Mahitosh (Animal Sciences)
12. Pathak, Tanmaya (Chemistry)
13. Sarkar, Anindya (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 271

1. Mohanty, Bedangadas (Physics)

2. Mohanty, U C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
3. Nayak, T K (Physics)
4. Panda, Sudhakar (Physics)
5. Roy, Sujit (Chemistry)


1. Adhya, Samit (General Biology)

2. Ali, Nahid (Animal Sciences)
3. Bandyopadhyay, Uday (General Biology)
4. Banerjee, Arindam (Chemistry)
5. Banerjee, R K (General Biology)
6. Banerjee, Sunanda (Physics)
7. Barman, Anjan (Physics)
8. Barua, A K (Physics)
9. Basu, Joyoti (General Biology)
10. Basu, M K (General Biology)
11. Basu, S K (General Biology)
12. Bhattacharjee, J K (Physics)
13. Bhattacharya, Samaresh (Chemistry)
14. Bhattacharya, Satyaki (Physics)
15. Bhattacharya, Sourendra K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
16. Bhattacharyya, Gautam (Physics)
17. Bhattacharyya, S P (Chemistry)
18. Bhattacharyya, Suvendra N (General Biology)
19. Bose, Arup (Mathematical Sciences)
20. Bose, Indrani (Physics)
21. Bose, Sujit K (Mathematical Sciences)
22. Chakrabarti, B K (Physics)
23. Chakrabarti, Pinakpani (General Biology)
24. Chakraborti, Asit K (Chemistry)
25. Chakraborty, Partha S (Mathematical Sciences)
26. Chakraborty, Tapas (Chemistry)
27. Chakravorty, Animesh (Chemistry)
28. Chakravorty, Dipankar (Engineering & Technology)
29. Chandy, Mammen (Medicine)
30. Chatterjee, Mitali (Medicine)
31. Chattopadhyay, Dhrubajyoti (General Biology)
32. Chattopadhyay, Joydev (Animal Sciences)
33. Chattopadhyay, Nitin (Chemistry)
34. Chaudhuri, Probal (Mathematical Sciences)
35. Das Gupta, C K (General Biology)
36. Das, Pijush K (General Biology)
37. Das, Prasanta K (Chemistry)
38. DasGupta, Maitrayee (Plant Sciences)
272 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
39. Dasgupta, Somnath (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
40. Dash, Jyotirmayee (Chemistry)
41. Dastidar, P (Chemistry)
42. Datta, A K (General Biology)
43. Datta, Swapan K (Plant Sciences)
44. Dattagupta, Sushanta (Physics)
45. Deb, B M (Chemistry)
46. Dev, B N (Physics)
47. Ghosh, Amit (Medicine)
48. Ghosh, Ashutosh (Chemistry)
49. Ghosh, Aswini (Physics)
50. Ghosh, Pradyut (Chemistry)
51. Ghosh, Subrata (Chemistry)
52. Ghosh, Suhrit (Chemistry)
53. Goswami, Debashish (Mathematical Sciences)
54. Goswami, Sreebrata (Chemistry)
55. Guha, Debatosh (Engineering & Technology)
56. Gupta, Alok K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
57. Gupta, Neena (Mathematical Sciences)
58. Kundu, Manikuntala (General Biology)
59. Lahiri Majumder, A (Plant Sciences)
60. Lohia, Anuradha (General Biology)
61. Mahadevan, Priya (Physics)
62. Majumder, H K (Animal Sciences)
63. Mallik, A K (Engineering & Technology)
64. Mandal, A B (Chemistry)
65. Mandal, Chitra (Medicine)
66. Mandal, N C (General Biology)
67. Mandal, Nibir (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
68. Mandal, Prabhat (Physics)
69. Mitra, Samaresh (Chemistry)
70. Mondal, N K (Physics)
71. Mukerjee, Rahul (Mathematical Sciences)
72. Mukherjee, Debashis (Chemistry)
73. Mukhopadhyay, Dhrubajyoti (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
74. Munshi, Ritabrata (Mathematical Sciences)
75. Nag, K (Chemistry)
76. Nandi, Arun K (Chemistry)
77. Pal, S K (Engineering & Technology)
78. Pradhan, N (Chemistry)
79. Ranu, B C (Chemistry)
80. Ray, D S (Chemistry)
81. Raychaudhuri, Amitava (Physics)
82. Raychaudhuri, Arup K (Physics)
83. Roy, A B (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
84. Roy, Probir (Physics)
85. Roy, Siddhartha (General Biology)
86. Roy, Syamal (General Biology)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 273
87. Roychoudhury, Susanta (Animal Sciences)
88. Saha-Dasgupta, Tanusri (Physics)
89. Sanyal, M K (Physics)
90. Sarkar, P K (General Biology)
91. Sengupta, Krishnendu (Physics)
92. Sengupta, Pulak (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
93. Shaha, Chandrima (General Biology)
94. Sinha, B C (Physics)

1. John, P I (Physics)


1. Aggarwal, Amita (Medicine)

2. Agrawal, H O (Plant Sciences)
3. Anand, Nitya (Chemistry)
4. Awasthi, Shally (Medicine)
5. Chaturvedi, U C (Medicine)
6. Dikshit, Madhu (Medicine)
7. Dube, Anuradha (Animal Sciences)
8. Goel, Atul (Medicine)
9. Habib, Saman (General Biology)
10. Kundu, Tapas K (General Biology)
11. Mathur, Asha (Medicine)
12. Misra, U K (Medicine)
13. Nityanand, Soniya (Medicine)
14. Prasad, Vandana (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Sahni, Ashok (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
16. Sane, P V (Plant Sciences)
17. Yadav, V K (Chemistry)
1. Dharmalingam, K (General Biology)
2. Marimuthu, G (Animal Sciences)
3. Muthukkaruppan, V (Animal Sciences)
4. Pandian, T J (Animal Sciences)
5. Pitchappan, R (Medicine)
6. Ramaraj, R (Chemistry)
7. Veluthambi, K (Plant Sciences)


1. Basu, Anirban (Medicine)


1. Mathur, Deepak (Physics)

2. Valiathan, M S (Medicine)
274 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1. Gupta, Pushpendra K (Plant Sciences)


1. Yadav, J S (Chemistry)


1. Kohli, R K (Plant Sciences)


1. Banerjee, Rahul (Chemistry)

2. Banerjee, Soumitro (Engineering & Technology)
3. Chaudhuri, Arabinda (Chemistry)
4. Das Sarma, Jayasri (Animal Sciences)
5. Das, Amitava (Chemistry)
6. Ghosh, Nirmalya (Physics)
7. Mandal, Swadin K (Chemistry)
8. Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup (Physics)
9. Pal, Sourav (Chemistry)
10. Sarkar, Utpal (Physics)
11. Sinha, Somdatta (Animal Sciences)


1. Agarwal, Vivek (Engineering & Technology)

2. Agrawal, Amit (Engineering & Technology)
3. Agrawal, P C (Physics)
4. Anand, Ruchi (General Biology)
5. Antia, H M (Physics)
6. Apte, S K (General Biology)
7. Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan (Engineering & Technology)
8. Bhaduri, Sumit (Chemistry)
9. Bhatia, C R (Plant Sciences)
10. Bhattacharyya, Archana (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
11. Bhisey, Rajani A (Medicine)
12. Biswas, Indranil (Mathematical Sciences)
13. Borkar, V S (Engineering & Technology)
14. Chakrabarti, Soumen (Engineering & Technology)
15. Chaudhuri, Subhasis (Engineering & Technology)
16. Chidambaram, R (Physics)
17. Damle, K S (Physics)
18. Dani, S G (Mathematical Sciences)
19. Dasannacharya, B A (Physics)
20. Dastidar, P R (Engineering & Technology)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 275
21. Deshmukh, M M (Physics)
22. Dighe, Amol (Physics)
23. Gharda, K H (Chemistry)
24. Ghate, Eknath (Mathematical Sciences)
25. Ghosh, Anish (Mathematical Sciences)
26. Ghosh, P K (Chemistry)
27. Ghosh, Swapan K (Chemistry)
28. Ghosh, Swarna K (Physics)
29. Godwal, B K (Physics)
30. Gupta, Sourendu (Physics)
31. Gurtu, Atul (Physics)
32. Hosur, R V (Chemistry)
33. Jha, S S (Physics)
34. Johri, M M (General Biology)
35. Joshi, J B (Engineering & Technology)
36. Kailas, S (Physics)
37. Kakodkar, Anil (Engineering & Technology)
38. Kaliappan, K P (Chemistry)
39. Kant, Tarun (Engineering & Technology)
40. Kapoor, S S (Physics)
41. Kartha, V B (Chemistry)
42. Khakhar, D V (Engineering & Technology)
43. Kolthur-Seetharam, Ullas (General Biology)
44. Kotha, Sambasiva R (Chemistry)
45. Krishna Swamy, K S (Physics)
46. Krishna, Amalendu (Mathematical Sciences)
47. Kulkarni, P V (Physics)
48. Kumar, G Ravindra (Physics)
49. Lahiri, G K (Chemistry)
50. Mahan, M J (Mathematical Sciences)
51. Mahapatra, Souvik (Engineering & Technology)
52. Maiti, Kalobaran (Physics)
53. Maiti, Sudipta (Chemistry)
54. Maji, Samir K (General Biology)
55. Majumder, Gobinda (Physics)
56. Mallik, Roop (General Biology)
57. Mandal, Gautam (Physics)
58. Mathur, Pradeep (Chemistry)
59. Meher-Homji, V M (Plant Sciences)
60. Minwalla, Shiraz (Physics)
61. Mishra, M K (Chemistry)
62. Mistry, K B (General Biology)
63. Mittal, J P (Chemistry)
64. Mittra, Indraneel (Medicine)
65. Murugavel, R (Chemistry)
66. Nadkarni, M G (Mathematical Sciences)
67. Nagarajan, R (Physics)
68. Namboothiri, I N N (Chemistry)
276 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
69. Narasimham, V S (Physics)
70. Nataraj, Neela (Mathematical Sciences)
71. Nitsure, Nitin (Mathematical Sciences)
72. Ojha, D K (Physics)
73. Palit, D K (Chemistry)
74. Pandit, A B (Engineering & Technology)
75. Pani, A K (Mathematical Sciences)
76. Parameswaran, A J (Mathematical Sciences)
77. Pillai, V N R (Chemistry)
78. Pitke, M V (Engineering & Technology)
79. Prasad, Dipendra (Mathematical Sciences)
80. Radhakrishnan, J (Mathematical Sciences)
81. Raghunathan, M S (Mathematical Sciences)
82. Rajan, C S (Mathematical Sciences)
83. Rama, (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
84. Ramakrishnan, Srinivasan (Physics)
85. Ramamritham, K (Engineering & Technology)
86. Rao, A Raghurama (Physics)
87. Rao, P V S (Engineering & Technology)
88. Rao, Ravi A (Mathematical Sciences)
89. Ravikanth, M (Chemistry)
90. Raychaudhuri, Pratap (Physics)
91. Roy, S M (Physics)
92. Sampathkumaran, E V (Physics)
93. Sarawagi, Sunita (Engineering & Technology)
94. Sharma, M M (Engineering & Technology)
95. Sharma, Shobhona (General Biology)
96. Sharma, Surinder M (Physics)
97. Shyamasundar, R K (Engineering & Technology)
98. Singh, Anil K (Chemistry)
99. Singh, B B (General Biology)
100. Singh, Balwant (Mathematical Sciences)
101. Singh, Harkesh B (Chemistry)
102. Singh, Virendra (Physics)
103. Singhi, N K M (Mathematical Sciences)
104. Srinivas, V (Mathematical Sciences)
105. Sudarshan, S (Engineering & Technology)
106. Sukhatme, S P (Engineering & Technology)
107. Sunoj, R B (Chemistry)
108. Tole, Shubha (General Biology)
109. Trivedi, S P (Physics)
110. Trivedi, Vijayalakshmi (Mathematical Sciences)
111. Tyagi, Avesh K (Chemistry)
112. Vaidya, Vidita A (Animal Sciences)
113. Vankar, Y D (Chemistry)
114. Venkataraman, Chandra (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
115. Venkataramana, T N (Mathematical Sciences)
116. Venkatesh, K V (Engineering & Technology)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 277
117. Vijayaraghavan, R (Physics)
118. Yadav, G D (Engineering & Technology)
119. Yusuf, S M (Physics)


1. Prakash, V (General Biology)

2. Raghavarao, K S M S (Engineering & Technology)
3. Rajasekharan, Ram (General Biology)
4. Ramachandra, N B (Animal Sciences)
5. Shetty, H S (Plant Sciences)
6. Singh, Mewa (Animal Sciences)
7. Srinivasan, Ramaswami (Physics)


1. Radhakrishna, T (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Banerjee, Dipankar (Physics)


1. Ali, Sher (Animal Sciences)

2. Das, B C (Medicine)
3. Indrayan, Abhaya (Medicine)
4. Malhotra, K C (Animal Sciences)
5. Mallick, B N (Animal Sciences)
6. Sharma, R P (General Biology)
7. Wadhwa, Shashi (Medicine)


1. Sunil Kumar, P B (Physics)


1. Shetye, S R (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Chander, Ramesh (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Varshney, R K (Plant Sciences)

278 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


1. Singh, K P (Physics)


1. Aggarwal, Rakesh (Medicine)

2. Ganguli, S N (Physics)
3. Sivasanker, S (Engineering & Technology)


1. Venkataraman, G (Physics)


1. Ananthakrishnan, S (Physics)
2. Anil Kumar, (Chemistry)
3. Arankalle, Vidya A (Medicine)
4. Banerjee, Anjan K (Plant Sciences)
5. Bapat, Sharmila A (Medicine)
6. Beig, Gufran-Ullah (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
7. Bhattacharya, Dipankar (Physics)
8. Bhatwadekar, S M (Mathematical Sciences)
9. Bose, Sukanta (Physics)
10. Chandra, Poonam (Physics)
11. Chengalur, J N (Physics)
12. Choudhary, V R (Engineering & Technology)
13. Deo, M G (Medicine)
14. Dhar, Deepak (Physics)
15. Dhavale, D D (Chemistry)
16. Dhurandhar, S V (Physics)
17. Gadgil, Madhav D (Animal Sciences)
18. Gadgil, Sulochana (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
19. Gadre, S R (Chemistry)
20. Galande, Sanjeev (General Biology)
21. Gangal, Sudha G (Medicine)
22. Gopal Krishna, (Physics)
23. Gopinath, C S (Chemistry)
24. Gore, A P (Animal Sciences)
25. Gupta, Yashwant (Physics)
26. Gurjar, M K (Chemistry)
27. Kamra, A K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
28. Kanekar, Nissim (Physics)
29. Kanhere, D G (Physics)
30. Kembhavi, A K (Physics)
31. Khare, A V (Physics)
32. Krishnan, Raghavan (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 279
33. Kulkarni, M G (Engineering & Technology)
34. Kulkarni, Sulabha K (Physics)
35. Lele, A K (Engineering & Technology)
36. Lele, Shrikant (Engineering & Technology)
37. Mashelkar, R A (Engineering & Technology)
38. Mishra, A C (Medicine)
39. Mishra, G C (General Biology)
40. Mishra, S K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
41. Mitra, Debashis (General Biology)
42. Mukhi, Sunil (Physics)
43. Nadkarni, V M (Engineering & Technology)
44. Narlikar, J V (Physics)
45. Ogale, S B (Physics)
46. Paranjpe, P A (Engineering & Technology)
47. Patwardhan, V S (Engineering & Technology)
48. Pucadyil, Thomas J (General Biology)
49. Rai, S S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
50. Rajappa, S (Chemistry)
51. Ramana, C V (Chemistry)
52. Rao, A Pramesh (Physics)
53. Ratnasamy, Paul (Engineering & Technology)
54. Saha, Bhaskar (General Biology)
55. Sahni, Varun B (Physics)
56. Sahu, A K (General Biology)
57. Sastry, Murali (Chemistry)
58. Sharma, Seema (Physics)
59. Shashidhara, L S (Animal Sciences)
60. Sitaramam, V (General Biology)
61. Sivaram, S (Engineering & Technology)
62. Srianand, R (Physics)
63. Subbarao, E C (Engineering & Technology)
64. Subramanian, K (Physics)
65. Tandon, S N (Physics)
66. Udgaonkar, J B (General Biology)


1. Manna, Indranil (Engineering & Technology)


1. Bajpai, Sunil (Earth & Planetary Sciences)

2. Srivastava, D C (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Agrewala, Javed N (Medicine)

2. Chhabra, R P (Engineering & Technology)
280 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

1. Chattopadhyay, Samit (General Biology)


1. Bachhawat, Anand K (General Biology)

2. Bharatam, Prasad V (Chemistry)
3. Ghosh, H N (Chemistry)
4. Gowrishankar, J (General Biology)
5. Khanduja, Sudesh K (Mathematical Sciences)
6. Panda, Dulal (General Biology)
7. Paranjape, K H (Mathematical Sciences)
8. Patra, Amitava (Chemistry)
9. Prasad, N G (Animal Sciences)
10. Sinha, Sudeshna (Physics)


1. Deekshatulu, B L (Engineering & Technology)

2. Sethunathan, N (Plant Sciences)
3. Venkateswara Rao, G (Engineering & Technology)


1. Bhatia, R (Mathematical Sciences)

2. Bhattacharjee, S M (Physics)
3. Bhattacharya, Alok (General Biology)
4. Bhattacharya, Sudha (General Biology)
5. Jameel, Shahid (Medicine)


1. Ahmad, Talat (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Nath, G (Mathematical Sciences)


1. Dey, G K (Engineering & Technology)

2. Gangal, S V (Medicine)


1. Lakshmanan, M (Physics)
2. Palaniandavar, M (Chemistry)

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 281


1. Ajayaghosh, A (Chemistry)
2. Das, Suresh (Chemistry)
3. George Thomas, K (Chemistry)
4. Gopidas, K R (Chemistry)
5. Gopinathan, M S (Chemistry)
6. Hariharan, Mahesh (Chemistry)
7. Jayakrishnan, A (Engineering & Technology)
8. Moorthy, J Narasimha (Chemistry)
9. Nair, G Balakrish (Medicine)
10. Nair, G V (Chemistry)
11. Narayana, Chandrabhas (Physics)
12. Pillai, M R (Medicine)
13. Prathap, Gangan (Engineering & Technology)
14. Suresh Babu, S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Suresh, C H (Chemistry)
16. Sureshan, K M (Chemistry)


1. Ganesh, K N (General Biology)

2. Nagaraj, D S (Mathematical Sciences)
3. Patra, Amit K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
4. Rao, C Pulla (Chemistry)
5. Rao, T Narayana (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
6. Sonti, Ramesh V (Plant Sciences)
7. Vijayamohanan, K (Chemistry)


1. Shivanna, K R (Plant Sciences)


1. Purnachandra Rao, V (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Bhatt, S J (Mathematical Sciences)


1. Dash, Debabrata (Medicine)

2. Krishna, P (Physics)
3. Kumar, H D (Plant Sciences)
4. Lakhotia, S C (Animal Sciences)
282 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship
5. Pandey, D S (Chemistry)
6. Pandey, Dhananjai (Physics)
7. Pandey, G P (Chemistry)
8. Raman, Rajiva (Animal Sciences)
9. Rao, N V Chalapathi (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
10. Sanjay Kumar, (Physics)
11. Singh, J S (Plant Sciences)
12. Singh, M S (Chemistry)
13. Singh, Yashwant (Physics)
14. Srivastava, R K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
15. Sundar, Shyam (Medicine)
16. Tripathi, Anil K (Plant Sciences)


1. Balasubramanian, A S (Medicine)
2. Balasubramanian, K A (Medicine)
3. Jacob John, T (Medicine)
4. Kang, Gagandeep (Medicine)
5. Mathews, Vikram (Medicine)
6. Rajshekhar, V (Medicine)


1. Sarma, V V S S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Bhatia, S K (Engineering & Technology)

2. Subrahmanyan, Ravi (Physics)


1. Malik, S K (Physics)


1. Menon, T K (Physics)
2. Ramdorai, Sujatha (Mathematical Sciences)


1. Chitnis, Chetan E (Medicine)


1. Ranade, V V (Engineering & Technology)

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 283


1. Dabholkar, A S (Physics)


1. Krishna, R (Engineering & Technology)


1. Krishna Kumar, K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Ramamurty, U (Engineering & Technology)


1. Shivashankar, G V (General Biology)

2. Swaminathan, Soumya (Medicine)


1. Hazra, R S (Mathematical Sciences)


1. Merh, S S (Earth & Planetary Sciences)


1. Agarwal, G S (Physics)
2. Athreya, K B (Mathematical Sciences)
3. Chandrasekhar, J (Chemistry)
4. Chaudhari, R V (Engineering & Technology)
5. Cowsik, R (Physics)
6. Das, S R (Physics)
7. Deb, Kalyanmoy (Engineering & Technology)
8. Gopalan, K (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
9. Jayaraman, Aiyasami (Physics)
10. Kasturi, T R (Chemistry)
11. Khush, G S (Plant Sciences)
12. Mantravadi, M V (Physics)
13. Mohan Kumar, N (Mathematical Sciences)
14. Narain, Prem (Animal Sciences)
15. Narayanamurti, V (Physics)
16. Nori, M V (Mathematical Sciences)
17. Pai, M A (Engineering & Technology)

284 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

18. Parimala, R (Mathematical Sciences)
19. Prasad, Gopal (Mathematical Sciences)
20. Raghuram, A (Mathematical Sciences)
21. Ramamurthy, V (Chemistry)
22. Ramdas, A K (Physics)
23. Rao, M N (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
24. Sasisekharan, V (General Biology)
25. Satya Prakash, (Physics)
26. Shah, Nimish A (Mathematical Sciences)
27. Shashidhar, R (Physics)
28. Shastry, B Sriram (Physics)
29. Sinha, A P B (Chemistry)
30. Suresh, V (Mathematical Sciences)
31. Thiagarajan, P S (Mathematical Sciences)

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 285



1. Amarjit Singh
2. Banerjee, Kalyan
3. Banerjee, Rinti
4. Banerjee, Srikumar
5. Bhakuni, Dewan Singh
6. Bhattacharyya, Bhabatarak
7. Chopra, Kasturi Lal
8. Dua-Sharma, Sushil (deceased on 01 Feb., 2020)
9. Gaitonde,Bhikaji Balwant
10. Govil, Girjesh
11. Indira Nath
12. Jayannavar, Arun Mallojirao
13. Junjappa, Hiriyakkanavar
14. Kamal, Aditya Kumar (deceased on 19 Feb., 2018)
15. Khurana, Jitendra Paul
16. Krishnan, Rangachari
17. Kumar, Makarla Udaya
18. Kumar, Rajinder (deceased on 7 Feb., 2022)
19. Mande, Chintamani
20. Narasimhan, Mudumbai Seshachalu
21. Niazi, Iqbal Ahmad (deceased on 24 Feb., 2022)
22. Padmanabhan, Thanu
23. Parulkar, Gurukumar Bhalchandra
24. Passi, Inder Bir Singh
25. Pradhan, Trilochan
26. Sengupta, Surajit
27. Srinivasan, M Subrahmanya
28. Srinivasan, Narayanaswamy
29. Subramanian, Dubagunta
30. Sushil Kumar
31. Warke, Chindu Sona (deceased on 23 July, 2020)

Honorary Fellow

1. Fisher, Michael Ellis

286 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship


Born Elected Deceased

1. Abhyankar, K.D. June 21, 1928 1974 Nov. 8, 2007
2. Abhyankar, S.S. June 22, 1930 1988 Nov. 2, 2012
3. Abraham, A. May 25, 1914 1957 May 20, 1994
4. Abraham, K.P. Aug. 28, 1920 1975 Dec. 23, 2011
5. Abrol, Yash Pal Dec. 23, 1935 1986 July 28, 2020
6. Acharya, C.N. 1936
7. Adiga, P.R. May 5, 1935 1982 Sep. 13, 2006
8. Adyalkar, P.G. Dec. 3, 1927 1974 Nov. 13, 2007
9. Agnihothrudu, V. May 15, 1930 1967 Apr. 5, 1999
10. Agarwal, S.S. July 5, 1941 1985 Dec. 2, 2013
11. Ahmad, F. Jan. 4, 1916 1974 Mar. 23, 1996

12. Ahmed, Nazir May 1, 1898 1934 Aug. 12, 1973
13. Aiyar, R. Gopala Jan. 20, 1887 1934* Jan. 18, 1971
14. Ali, Salim Nov. 12, 1896 1975 June 20, 1987
15. Alikunhi, K.H. May 27, 1918 1969 Sep. 26, 2010
16. Amarjit Singh Nov. 19, 1924 1974 Aug. 17, 2021
17. Ambasankaran, C. Aug. 22, 1923 1973 Aug. 20, 1990
18. Anand, B.K. Sep. 19, 1917 1975 Apr. 2, 2007
19. Anand Kumar, T.C. June 18, 1936 1981 Jan. 26, 2010
20. Ananthakrishnan, R. Apr. 11, 1911 1938 July 21, 1998
21. Ananthakrishnan, S.V. Oct. 4, 1908 1939 Jan. 17, 1989
22. Ananthakrishnan, T.N. Dec. 15, 1925 1975 Aug. 7, 2015
23. Ananthanarayanan, L.K. Dec. 17, 1916 1967 1978
24. Anantharamaiah, K.R. Sep. 2, 1952 1994 Oct. 29, 2001
25. Anantharaman, T.R. Nov. 25, 1927 1964 June 19, 2009
26. Anguli, V.C. Oct. 25, 1919 1962 July 22, 2000
27. Anil Kumar Apr. 10, 1951 1995 Nov. 2, 2002
28. Anil Kumar Sep. 18, 1955 2008 Apr. 16, 2018
29. Appajee, Y. Mar. 25, 1904 1939 Aug. 5, 1984
30. Asana, J.J. July 30, 1890 1934* Dec. 16, 1954
31. Asthana, R.P. Feb. 20, 1906 1945 1965
32. Asundi, M.K. May 1, 1930 1975 Dec. 1, 2003

33. Asundi, R.K. Aug. 14, 1895 1935 Feb. 2, 1982
34. Aswathanarayana, U. July 1, 1928 1976 Mar. 7, 2016
35. Authikesavalu, M. Aug. 16, 1906 1948 Sep. 22, 1973
36. Awasthi, D.D. Aug. 1, 1922 1978 Aug. 21, 2011

37. Awati, P.R. Dec. 18, 1887 1935 Feb. 16, 1966
38. Ayer, A. Ananthanarayana 1951 Dec. 9, 1971

*Was one of the first 65 Fellows who founded the Academy.

A “Foundation Fellow” (so designated according to the Statutes of the Academy in
1934) i.e., those who joined as Fellows till July 1935.

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 287

Born Elected Deceased

39. Ayyangar, G.N. Rangaswami May 19, 1887 1934 Nov. 17, 1968

40. Ayyangar, N.N. 1935 Nov. 22, 1940
41. Ayyar, H. Subramonia 1892 1942 Feb. 28, 1961
42. Ayyar, P. Ramaswami Dec. 21, 1889 1936 Mar. 9, 1966

43. Ayyar, T.V. Ramakrishna 1880 1934 Feb. 13, 1952

44. Ayyar, V. Ramanatha Oct. 17, 1892 1935 June 13, 1984
45. Baba, C.V.K. Oct. 2, 1937 1977 Dec. 5, 2006
46. Bachhawat, B.K. Aug. 16, 1925 1974 Sep. 23, 1996
47. Badami, J.S. Dec. 25,1908 1934* Jan. 13, 2000

48. Bagchee, K. Jan. 19, 1898 1935 Jan. 6, 1973
49. Bahadur, R.R. Apr. 30, 1924 1975 June 7, 1997
50. Bal, D.V. Aug. 25, 1905 1934,1943 Apr. 1, 1999
51. Baldev Raj Apr. 9, 1947 2000 Jan. 6, 2018
52. Baliah, V. Aug. 15, 1917 1974 Sep. 26, 2000
53. Banerjee, D.K. Jan. 16, 1912 1957 June 10, 1993
54. Banerjee, I. May 27, 1898 1949 Jan. 31, 1971
55. Banerjee, K. Sep. 15, 1900 1941 Apr. 30, 1975
56. Banerjee, Kalyan May 20, 1937 1991 Apr. 14, 2021
57. Banerjee, M.K. 1931 1977 Feb. 18, 2006
58. Banerjee, Rinti Apr. 19, 1972 2020 July 8, 2021
59. Banerjee, Srikumar Apr. 25, 1946 1990 May 23, 2021
60. Banerji, S.K. Apr. 27, 1893 1934* Aug. 10, 1966
61. Bappu, M.K.V. Aug. 10, 1927 1960 Aug. 19, 1982
62. Bardhan, P.N. 1965 Aug. 12, 1966
63. Barnabas, J. Oct. 12, 1929 1976 July 30, 1994
64. Barnard, T.W. 1934*
65. Basu, S. Jan. 2, 1922 1974 Oct. 5, 1992
66. Bhabha, H.J. Oct. 30, 1909 1941 Jan. 24, 1966
67. Bhaduri, A.N. Nov. 12, 1935 1989 June 5, 2003
68. Bhagavantam, S. Oct. 14, 1909 1934* Feb. 6, 1989
69. Bhagwat, W.V. Oct. 10, 1906 1945 Jan. 28, 2000
70. Bhakuni, Dewan Singh Dec. 30, 1930 1983 Apr. 22, 2021
71. Bhakuni, Vinod May 24, 1962 2004 July 15, 2011
72. Bhalerao, G.D. Dec. 10, 1897 1937 Dec. 6, 1948
73. Bhan, M.K. Nov. 9, 1947 1991 Jan. 26, 2020

74. Bharadwaja, Y. Aug. 13, 1895 1935 Mar. 25, 1963
75. Bhargava, B.N. Dec. 25, 1919 1974 Aug. 3, 2009
76. Bhargava, P.M. Feb. 22, 1928 1976 Aug. 1, 2017
77. Bharucha, F.R. May 4, 1904 1938 Mar. 30, 1981
78. Bhat, J.V. Mar. 3, 1913 1957 Dec. 21, 1985
79. Bhatt, M.V. Feb. 1, 1924 1981 Apr. 19, 2016

80. Bhatia, B.L. Aug. 14, 1884 1935 July 15, 1941
81. Bhatia, S.L. Aug. 5, 1891 1934* July 16, 1981
82. Bhatnagar, P.L. Aug. 8, 1912 1956 Oct. 5, 1976

83. Bhatnagar, S.S. Feb. 21, 1894 1934 Jan. 1, 1955
84. Bhattacharya, D.R. Jan. 18, 1888 1940 Aug. 26, 1956

288 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
85. Bhattacharyya, B. Dec. 2, 1944 1993 June 5, 2021
86. Bhattacharyya, J.C. Sep. 1, 1930 1979 June 4, 2012
87. Bhattacharyya, P.K. Oct. 22, 1921 1976 Apr. 16, 1996
88. Bhattacharyya, S.C. Aug. 31, 1918 1975 May 19, 2013
89. Bhattacherjee, S.K. Oct. 2, 1926 1973 Apr. 28, 2013
90. Bhatti, H.K. Feb. 7, 1895 1940 Dec. 14, 1980
91. Bhide, V.G. Aug. 8, 1925 1974 June 25, 2006
92. Bhimachar, B.S. July 7, 1906 1951 Jan. 11, 1979
93. Bhonsle, Rajaram Vishnu Nov. 12, 1928 1982 June 14, 2020
94. Biswas, A.B. Jan. 12, 1917 1974 Oct. 23, 1979
95. Biswas, B.B. Mar. 1, 1928 1977 June 9, 2018
96. Biswas, S.N. May 1, 1926 1974 Jan. 3, 2005
97. Biswas, Sukumar Jul. 1, 1924 1976 Nov. 16, 2009
98. Bor, N.L. May 2, 1893 1942 Dec. 22, 1972
99. Bose, D.N. June 15, 1938 1989 Aug. 9, 2020
100. Bose, M.K. Sep. 1, 1933 1981 Oct. 1, 2009
101. Bose, M.N. Mar. 23, 1925 1982 Apr. 27, 2011
102. Brahm, Prakash Aug. 21, 1912 1972 Jan. 3, 1984
103. Brahmayya Sastry, P. May 24, 1913 1978 May 28, 1993
104. Burley, G.W. 1935
105. Burma, D.P. Feb. 1, 1925 1976 Feb, 4, 2005

106. Chakko, K.C. 1934
107. Chakravarthy, S.N. 1903 1934* Aug. 28, 1945
108. Chakravarti, S.P. Nov. 3, 1904 1943 July 15, 1981
109. Chakravarty, Charusita May 5, 1964 2006 Mar. 29, 2016
110. Chandraratna, M.F. 1951 1959
111. Chandrasekaran, C. Oct. 30, 1911 1945 Jan. 4, 2000
112. Chandrasekhar, Aug. 6, 1930 1962 Mar. 8, 2004
113. Chandrasekhar, S. Oct. 19, 1910 1934* Aug. 21, 1995
114. Chandrasekharan, K. Nov. 21, 1920 1959 Apr. 13, 2017
115. Chandrasekharan, V. Nov. 12, 1925 1973 Sep. 5, 2003
116. Chandrashekaran, M.K. Jan. 4, 1937 1983 July, 2, 2009
117. Chandy, Jacob Jan. 23, 1910 1961 June 23, 2007
118. Chariar, V.R. May 1903 1949 July 31, 1996
119. Chatterjee, Asima Sep. 23, 1917 1975 Nov. 22, 2006
120. Chattoo, B.B. May 25, 1949 2010 Nov. 15, 2016

121. Chaudhuri, H. July 28, 1895 1934 Aug. 19, 1945
122. Chauhan, B.S. May 2, 1915 1952 Feb. 4, 2007
123. Cheema, G.S. 1934* Jan. 2, 1972
124. Cherian, M.C. 1937
125. Chhuttani, P.N. Feb. 26, 1915 1973 July 19, 1996
126. Chitre, S.M. May 7, 1936 1986 Jan. 11, 2021
127. Chopra, I.C. Jan. 8, 1911 1962 Oct. 18, 1996
128. Chopra, K.L. July 31, 1933 1980 May 19, 2021
129. Chopra, N.N. 1945

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 289

Born Elected Deceased
130. Chopra, V.L. Aug. 9, 1936 1982 Apr. 18, 2020
131. Chowdhury, Mihir July 15, 1937 1977 Mar. 28, 2017
132. Chowla, Sarvadaman Aug. 22, 1907 1934* Dec. 10, 1995

133. Cipriani, L. 1892 1935 Oct. 1962

134. Correia, A.C.G. Aug. 22, 1888 1935

135. Damodaran, M. Oct. 18, 1903 1934 ,1942 Dec. 1957
136. Daniel, R.R. Aug. 11, 1923 1966 Mar. 27, 2005
137. Daruwalla, E.H. Oct. 24, 1923 1974 Mar. 17, 2012
138. Das, J. Sep. 13, 1939 1988 July 26, 1998
139. Das, M.R. July 2, 1937 1985 Apr. 1, 2003
140. Das, Prosad K. May 20, 1926 1975 Jan. 14, 2011
141. Das Gupta, M.K. Sep. 1, 1923 1990 Nov. 28, 2005

142. Das-Gupta, S.N. Nov. 4, 1902 1935 Sep. 11, 1990

143. Dastur, J.F. Sep. 10, 1886 1934 May 11, 1971
144. Datta, Asoke Gopal Jan. 20, 1928 1979 Dec. 9, 2005
145. Datta, Bhaskar July 1, 1949 1995 Dec. 3, 1999
146. David, Joy C. May 3, 1927 1982 Apr. 20, 2004
147. Davis, T.A. Feb. 9, 1923 1979 Nov. 10, 1989
148. de Mello, I.F. May 17, 1887 1934* Jan. 9, 1955
149. Deepak Kumar Apr. 3, 1946 1987 Jan. 25, 2016
150. Deodikar, G.B. Nov. 15, 1915 1974 Mar. 13, 1986

151. Desai, B.N. July 3, 1901 1934 June 23, 1978
152. Desai, R.D. May 4, 1897 1939 Nov. 16, 1991

153. Desai, S.V. Jan 28, 1900 1935 1984
154. Deshpande, D.L. Sep. 2, 1909 1945 Apr. 5, 1961
155. Desikachary, T.V. Sep. 18, 1919 1957 Nov. 4, 2005
156. Devadatta, S.C. 1936
157. Devaprabhakara, D. Nov. 13, 1932 1976 Jan. 12, 1978
158. Dhar, M.L. Oct. 29, 1914 1975 Jan. 20, 2002

159. Dhar, S.C. 1935 Oct. 30, 1947
160. Dharmatti, S.S. May 8, 1911 1960 May 2, 1965
161. Dhawan, S. Sep. 25, 1920 1970 Jan. 3, 2002
162. Divatia, A.S. Feb. 17, 1927 1975 Jan. 7, 1993
163. Dixit, K.R. Oct. 6, 1909 1939 Dec. 1977
164. Doraiswamy, L.K. May 13, 1927 1974 June 2, 2012
165. Dorasami, L.S. 1947

166. Doss, K.S.G. Aug. 10, 1906 1935 Oct. 18, 1989
167. Dua-Sharma, Sushil Apr. 4, 1926 1974 Feb. 1, 2020
168. Dube, G.P. May 1, 1914 1950 Jan. 17, 1973

169. Dutt, N.L. 1900 1935 Feb. 6, 1960
170. Dutt, S. Dec. 13, 1898 1939 Dec. 17, 1992
171. Dutta, P.C. Mar. 11, 1912 1975 June 13, 1983
172. Dutta Gupta, Aparna May 11, 1953 2010 June 29, 2020
173. Ekambaram, T. 1934*
174. Forbes, S.G. 1937

175. Foster, R.B. 1934 Oct. 15, 2004

290 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
176. Gaitonde, B.B. Dec. 29, 1926 1974 Mar. 27, 2021
177. Ganapathi, K. Aug. 18, 1911 1951
178. Ganapati, P.N. July 15, 1910 1955 Jan. 5, 1984
179. Ganatra, R.D. Oct. 14, 1928 1975 Apr. 2, 1999
180. Ganesan, A.S. May 27, 1900 1934* Jan. 2, 1986
181. Ganguly, A.K. Nov. 1, 1918 1977 Jan. 17, 1988
182. Ganguly, P. Jan. 20, 1942 1994 May 7, 2014
183. George, M.V. Oct. 3, 1928 1973 Dec. 9, 2019
184. Ghatage, V.M. Oct. 24, 1908 1945 Dec. 6, 1991
185. Ghatak, U.R. Feb. 26, 1931 1976 June 18, 2005
186. Ghose, R.L.M. July 1903 1952 1995
187. Ghose, S.L. Dec. 13, 1893 1936 Mar. 24, 1945
188. Ghosh, A. Jan. 20, 1927 1982 Sep. 29, 2003
189. Ghosh, J.K. May 22, 1937 1990 Sep. 30, 2017
190. Ghosh, P.N. Feb. 11, 1884 1934* Dec. 23, 1946
191. Ghosh, Subir Kumar Mar. 1, 1932 1989 Oct. 30, 2008
192. Giri, K.V. Feb. 10, 1907 1941 July 17, 1958
193. Gnanamuthu, C.P. Apr. 29, 1901 1952 Mar. 18, 1969
194. Goel, Parmatma S. July 6, 1930 1977 Aug. 9, 2004
195. Gogate, D.V. Jan. 23, 1903 1942 Jan. 11, 1984
196. Gopal-Ayengar, A.R. Jan. 1, 1909 1952,1965 Sep. 8, 1992
197. Gopala Rao, R.V. Dec. 3, 1927 1977 Sep. 3, 2010
198. Gopalakrishna, A. Oct. 20, 1922 1974 Sep. 20, 2008
199. Gopalan, C. Nov. 29, 1918 1964 Oct. 3, 2019
200. Govil, Girjesh Sep. 25, 1940 1978 Oct. 13, 2021
201. Govinda Rao, N.S. Feb. 6, 1907 1952 Dec. 22, 1995
202. Govindachari, T.R. July 30, 1915 1951 Dec. 28, 2001
203. Govindaswamy, M.V. Nov. 21, 1904 1947 Apr. 7, 1961
204. Gowariker, V.R. Mar. 25, 1933 1985 Jan. 2, 2015
205. Grewal, Ripdaman Singh Dec. 3, 1922 1975 Apr. 13, 2009
206. Guha, P.C. Feb. 15, 1894 1936 Nov. 6, 1962
207. Guha-Mukherjee, S. July 13, 1938 1988 Sep. 15, 2007

208. Gunjikar, K.R. Mar. 8, 1894 1935 Feb. 11, 1990
209. Guptasarma, D. July 16, 1932 1987 July 7, 2018
210. Hamied, K.A. Oct. 31, 1898 1945 June 23, 1972
211. Hariharan, P. Dec. 26, 1926 1972 July 26, 2015
212. Harish-Chandra Oct. 11, 1923 1975 Oct. 16, 1983

213. Hasan, K.H. 1934
214. Hattiangdi, G.S. Dec. 15, 1921 1963 May 16, 2003
215. Hill, A.R. Berkeley Dec. 22, 1879 1934* Aug. 16, 1944

216. Howard, H.C. Oct. 5, 1883 1934
217. Huzurbazar, V.S. Sep. 15, 1919 1961 Nov. 15, 1991
218. Indira Nath Jan. 14, 1938 1988 Oct. 26, 2021
219. Ishaq, M. Apr. 1, 1901 1941 Mar. 22, 1960

220. Iyengar, B.N. 1935

221. Iyengar, K.R.K. 1934 July 20, 1947

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 291

Born Elected Deceased

222. Iyengar, K.S. Kuppuswamy Aug. 29, 1899 1934 June 23, 1944
223. Iyengar, M.O. Parthasarathy Dec. 15, 1886 1934* Dec. 10, 1963
224. Iyengar, N.K. July 29, 1910 1955 Nov. 29, 1970
225. Iyengar, P.K. June 29, 1931 1969 Dec. 21, 2011

226. Iyer, K.S. Padmanabha 1934
227. Iyer, L.K. Ananthakrishna 1861 1934* Feb. 26, 1937

228. Iyer, M.P. Venkatarama 1902 1935 Apr. 27, 1936
229. Jacob, T.M. June 6, 1927 1976 June 6, 2014
230. Jadhav, G.V. Apr. 12, 1900 1953 Mar. 10, 1980
231. Jagannathan, V. June 15, 1921 1974 Dec. 2, 2015
232. Jain, H.K. May 28, 1930 1975 Apr. 8, 2019
233. Jain, D.V.S. June 16, 1933 1979 Oct. 6, 2019

234. Janaki Ammal, E.K. Nov. 4, 1897 1935 ,1953 Feb. 7, 1984
235. Jayannavar, A.M. July 22, 1956 1996 Nov. 21, 2021
236. Jayaraman, N. Feb. 12, 1911 1955 Mar. 13, 1971
237. Jayaraman, R. Oct. 10, 1937 1989 Apr. 14, 2019
238. Jhala, H.I. Jan. 13, 1919 1968 Aug. 29, 1984

239. John, C.C. 1934
240. Jones, S. Aug. 27, 1910 1957 Feb. 26, 1999
241. Joshi, A.B. Nov. 17, 1916 1975 July 3, 2010
242. Joshi, A.C. Sep. 18, 1908 1936 Feb. 14, 1971
243. Joshi, B.S. Dec. 28, 1924 1975 Nov. 2, 2017
244. Joshi, S.K. June 6, 1935 1974 May 15, 2020
245. Joshi, S.S. Oct. 16, 1898 1934* July 25, 1984
246. Junjappa, H. June 23, 1936 1989 Nov. 16, 2021
247. Jussawalla, D.J. Apr. 13, 1915 1975 Jan. 29, 1999
248. Kadam, B.S. Oct. 25, 1903 1945 July 24, 1985
249. Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul Oct. 15, 1931 1984 July 27, 2015
250. Kalamkar, R.J. Aug. 28, 1903 1936 May 24, 1974
251. Kalbag, S.S. Oct. 23, 1928 1974 July 30, 2003
252. Kalyanasundaram, R. Feb. 20, 1930 1969 Apr. 11, 1980
253. Kamal, A.K. July 5, 1927 1974 Apr. 19, 2018
254. Kamesam, S. 1934*,1938 1953
255. Kane, G.P. Mar. 2, 1911 1943 June 25, 1991

256. Kanga, D.D. Nov. 25, 1879 1934 Jan. 1955
257. Kanungo, M.S. Apr. 1, 1927 1975 July 26, 2011
258. Kapahi, V.K. Jan. 21, 1944 1987 Mar. 16, 1999
259. Kapoor, Lachman Das Sep. 27, 1916 1963 Apr. 16, 2002

260. Kappanna, A.N. Aug. 3, 1900 1934
261. Kapur, J.N. Sep. 7, 1923 1965 Sep. 4, 2002
262. Kapur, R.L. July 7, 1938 1977 Nov. 24, 2006

263. Kapur, S.N. Aug. 20, 1895 1934 Jan. 10, 1972
264. Karandikar, K.R. Mar. 17, 1902 1948
265. Kartha, G. Jan. 26, 1927 1974 June 18, 1984
266. Karve, D.D. July 13, 1899 1943 July 5, 1980
267. Kashyap, S.R. Nov. 6, 1882 1934 Nov. 26, 1934

292 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
268. Kaw, P.K. Jan. 15, 1948 1974 June 18, 2017
269. Kedharnath, S. Oct. 10, 1921 1984 Dec. 6, 2004
270. Kelkar, P.K. June 1, 1909 1974 Oct. 23, 1990
271. Kempanna, C. May 16, 1928 1978 Dec. 11, 2016
272. Kenkare, U.W. Mar. 3, 1927 1986 Oct. 12, 2019
273. Khanna, K.L. 1936 Aug. 1, 1976
274. Khanolkar, V.R. Apr. 13, 1895 1934* Oct. 29, 1978
275. Khoshoo, T.N. Apr. 7, 1927 1961 June 11, 2002
276. Khurana, J.P. Oct. 30, 1954 2006 Oct. 27, 2021
277. Kilpady, Sripadrao Nov. 13, 1906 1953 Dec. 19, 2008

278. King, C.A. 1934 May 19, 1936
279. Kini, M.G. Aug. 5, 1893 1941 Aug. 22, 1952
280. Kishore, K. Dec. 31, 1942 1991 Mar. 2, 1999
281. Kondal Rao, N. July 15, 1924 1975 Oct. 22, 2008

282. Kosambi, D.D. July 31, 1907 1935 June 29, 1966
283. Koteswaram, P. Mar. 25, 1915 1974 Jan. 11, 1997
284. Kothari, D.S. July 6, 1906 1975 Feb. 4, 1993
285. Krishna, M.G. July 18, 1922 1974 June 5, 1978

286. Krishna, Sri July 6, 1896 1934 Oct. 3, 1984
287. Krishnan, Rangachari Dec. 26, 1935 1982 Apr. 16, 2021
288. Krishna Rao, G.S. Oct. 26, 1926 1987 Dec. 16, 2008
289. Krishna Rao, P.R. July 25, 1906 1940 Nov. 7, 1985
290. Krishnamachari, S.L.N.G. Sep. 20, 1928 1975 Feb. 6, 2012
291. Krishnamurthy, E.V. June 18, 1934 1972 Oct. 26, 2012
292. Krishnamurti, D. Mar. 30, 1929 1958 May 14, 2003

293. Krishnamurti, K. Nov. 2, 1902 1934 Dec. 8, 1988
294. Krishnamurti, P. Jan. 22, 1903 1934* Mar. 14, 1966
295. Krishnamurthy, L.S. 1937
296. Krishna Murti, C.R. Mar. 3, 1923 1974 June 30, 1990
297. Krishna Murty, K. Nov. 13, 1926 1981 May 10, 2001
298. Krishnan, K.S. Dec. 4, 1898 1934* June 14, 1961

299. Krishnan, K.V. July 4, 1896 1934 Mar. 30, 1978
300. Krishnan, M.S. Aug. 24, 1898 1934* Apr. 24, 1970
301. Krishnan, R.S. Sep. 23, 1911 1944 Oct. 2, 1999
302. Krishnaswami, K.R. Aug. 14, 1898 1934* June 28, 1964
303. Krishnaswami, S. May 21, 1945 1986 July 20, 2015
304. Krishnaswamy, S. Feb. 15, 1926 1961 Nov. 20, 1988
305. Kulkarni, B.D. May 5, 1949 1988 Jan. 14, 2019
306. Kumar, L.S.S. June 4, 1903 1940 Nov. 20, 1985
307. Kumar, M. Udaya Sep. 15, 1946 2004 June 26, 2021
308. Kumar, N. Feb. 1, 1940 1983 Aug. 28, 2017
309. Kumar, Rajinder Sep. 9, 1934 1979 Feb. 7, 2022
310. Kumaraswamy, P. Oct. 4, 1930 1972 Mar. 9, 1988
311. Kundu, Anjan Jan. 24, 1953 2015 Dec. 31, 2016
312. Kundu, D.N. Jan. 4, 1916 1975 Dec. 11, 1999
313. Kuriyan, K.I. Oct. 4, 1903 1943 Aug. 16, 1972

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 293

Born Elected Deceased
314. Kutumbiah, P. Nov. 22, 1892 1941 1976
315. Laddha, G.S. Aug. 26, 1922 1974 Sep. 30, 2010
316. Lakhanpal, R.N. Aug. 5, 1923 1976 Jan. 19, 2012
317. Lal, B.B. Aug. 4, 1913 1948 June 2, 2000
318. Lal, Devendra Feb. 14, 1929 1965 Dec. 1, 2012
319. Lal, M.B. Jan. 31, 1907 1942 Dec. 5, 2002
320. Lal, R.K. Oct. 14, 1936 1986 Oct. 19, 2014
321. Lal, Shankar June 25, 1923 1974 Sep. 25, 1991
322. Lala, Anil Kumar Jan. 13, 1950 1993 July 18, 2004
323. Lele, S.H. 1936
324. Likhite, V.N. 1896 1936 Apr. 1, 1990
325. Luthar, I.S. Mar. 31, 1932 1977 Dec. 7, 2006

326. Madhava, K.B. Mar. 13, 1895 1934 Apr. 26, 1984
327. Madhavarao, B.S. May 29, 1900 1936 June 10, 1987
328. Mahabale, T.S. Oct. 19, 1909 1951 July 3, 1983
329. Mahadevan, C. May 6, 1901 1934* Apr. 8, 1962
330. Mahadevan, P.R. May 20, 1928 1973 Apr. 27, 2003

331. Mahajani, G.S. Nov. 27, 1898 1935 July 26, 1984

332. Mahalanobis, P.C. June 29, 1893 1935 June 28, 1972
333. Mahendra, B.C. 1903 1938 1995

334. Maheshwari, P. Nov. 9, 1904 1934 May 18, 1966
335. Maheshwari, S.C. Oct. 4, 1933 1975 June 12, 2019
336. Maitra, P.K. Nov. 1, 1932 1975 Sep. 4, 2007
337. Maiya, B.G. June 20, 1956 2001 Mar. 22, 2004
338. Majumdar, C.K. Aug. 11, 1938 1976 June 20, 2000
339. Majumdar, G.P. Feb. 18, 1894 1944 Nov. 21, 1959
340. Malhotra, D.R. Oct. 4, 1899 1952 Nov. 1, 1983
341. Malhotra, P.K. Apr. 20, 1935 1985 Mar. 7, 1992
342. Malhotra, S.L. Dec. 5, 1919 1966 Sep. 10, 2004

343. Malurkar, S.L. Aug. 15, 1903 1934 Apr. 26, 1984
344. Mande, Chintamani Oct. 28, 1925 1975 Apr. 28, 2021
345. Mani, Anna Aug. 23, 1918 1960 Aug. 16, 2001
346. Mani, K.S. Oct. 18, 1928 1974 Mar. 28, 2001
347. Manna, G.K. Oct. 10, 1926 1978 Dec. 25, 2006
348. Manoharan, P.T. June 12, 1935 1981 Mar. 6, 2019

349. Mata Prasad Feb. 15, 1898 1934 Jan. 28, 1979

350. Mathai, G. Nov. 13, 1887 1934 June 25, 1947
351. Mathur, H.B. May 27, 1928 1975 Jan. 12, 1980

352. Mathur, K.K. July 30, 1893 1934 July 18, 1936
353. Mehrotra, R.C. Feb. 16, 1922 1974 July 11, 2004

354. Mehta, K.C. June 20, 1892 1935 Apr. 8, 1950
355. Mehta, M.K. July 24, 1927 1975 June 28, 2010
356. Mehta, S.M. May 4, 1902 1952 Mar. 29, 1970
357. Mehta, V.B. Aug. 15, 1946 1993 June 4, 2014
358. Menon, K.K.G. Sep. 19, 1927 1975 Apr. 6, 2002
359. Menon, K.N. 1940 1969

294 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
360. Menon, M.G.K. Aug. 28, 1928 1964 Nov. 22, 2016
361. Menon, P.K. Sep. 4, 1917 1975 Oct. 22, 1979
362. Menon, T. Bhaskara 1941
363. Menon, T. Radhakrishnan Apr. 14, 1925 1963 May 29, 2001
364. Menon, V.K. Narayana 1941
365. Merchant, J.R. June 14, 1922 1964 Feb. 8, 2004
366. Metcalfe, E.P. 1881 1934* 1950

367. Mirza, N.B. 1935
368. Mishra, R.S. Aug. 10, 1918 1966 Aug. 23, 1999
369. Mitra, Ashesh Prosad Feb. 21, 1927 1974 Sep. 3, 2007
370. Mitra, Sujit Kumar Jan. 23, 1932 1990 Mar. 18, 2004

371. Moghe, M.A. Apr. 21, 1896 1934 May 12, 1966
372. Mohan Ram, H.Y. Sep. 24, 1930 1974 June 18, 2018
373. Mookherjee, A. May 23, 1931 1990 Feb. 16, 2006
374. Moudgal, N.R. Mar. 4, 1931 1975 May 8, 2011

375. Moudgill, K.L. 1934
376. Mukherjee, A.S. Oct. 1, 1935 1988 Nov. 15, 2004
377. Murthy, G.V.L.N. Mar. 10, 1912 1944 1943
378. Murti, P.B.R. Nov. 11, 1911 1945 Dec. 1990
379. Murty, B.R. Apr. 4, 1928 1975 May 16, 2003
380. Murty, Y.S. May 15, 1925 1979 Feb. 21, 1988
381. Muthuswami, T.N. June 20, 1898 1943 Dec. 10, 1980
382. Nabar, G.M. July 2, 1904 1949 July 20, 1986
383. Nag, Biswajit Aug. 20, 1933 1974 Feb. 6, 2000
384. Nag, Biswaranjan Oct. 1, 1932 1984 Apr. 6, 2004
385. Nag, Subhashis Aug. 14, 1955 1995 Dec. 22, 1998
386. Nag, B.D. Chaudhuri Sep. 6, 1917 1974 June 25, 2006
387. Nagappa, Y. Oct. 2, 1907 1951 Oct. 30, 1960
388. Nagaraju, J. Nov. 6, 1954 2003 Dec. 31, 2012

389. Nagendra Nath, N.S. May 10, 1912 1935 Sep. 2, 1979
390. Naha, K. Jan. 2, 1932 1983 May 24, 1996
391. Nair, Kappiareth Gopal July 2, 1931 1981 Mar. 12, 2010
392. Nair, Narayana Balakrishnan July 6, 1927 1977 Apr. 21, 2010
393. Nair, U. Sivaraman Jan. 22, 1904 1944 Aug. 8, 1982
394. Nakra, B.C. Mar. 31, 1939 1995 Apr. 12, 2016
395. Nanda, K.K. Jan. 1, 1918 1975 Dec. 13, 1983
396. Narasimha, R. July 20, 1933 1973 Dec. 14, 2020
397. Narasimham, N.A. Aug. 15, 1922 1966 Apr. 8, 2002

398. Narasimhan, M.J. July 1, 1891 1935 Sep. 24, 1970
399. Narasimhan, N.S. Nov. 11, 1928 1983 Aug. 20, 2018
400. Narasimhan, M.S. June 7, 1932 1970 May 16, 2021
401. Narasimhan, P.T. July 28, 1928 1971 May 3, 2013
402. Narasimhan, Rangaswamy Apr. 17, 1926 1966 Sep. 2, 2007
403. Narayan, A.L. 1887 1934* Mar. 7, 1973

404. Narayana, N. June 27, 1902 1935 Mar. 16, 1976
405. Narayanamurti, D. Sep. 11, 1904 1939 Mar. 9, 1975

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 295

Born Elected Deceased
406. Narayanan, C.R. Dec. 17, 1916 1977 Jan. 15, 1993
407. Narayanan, E.S. Feb. 15, 1904 1953 Feb. 23, 1991
408. Narayanan, P.S. Jan. 1, 1926 1974 Oct. 23, 1994
409. Narayanaswamy, S. Sep. 2, 1916 1974 May 13, 1997
410. Narendran, T.C. Feb. 24, 1944 2000 Dec. 31, 2013

411. Narlikar, V.V. Sep. 26, 1908 1935 Apr. 1, 1991
412. Nasipuri, Dhanonjoy Apr. 1, 1925 1976 Dec. 28, 2009
413. Natarajan, C.V. Apr. 26, 1899 1934* Nov. 11, 1964
414. Natarajan, P. Sep. 17, 1940 1987 Mar. 18, 2016
415. Natarajan, R. July 9, 1930 1981 Dec. 2, 2003
416. Nayar, B.K. Sep. 19, 1927 1975 May 12, 2012
417. Nayar, K.K. June 12, 1920 1975 June 26, 1975
418. Nayudamma, Y. Sep. 10, 1922 1963 June 23, 1985
419. Neelakantam, K. Dec. 18, 1911 1940 Aug. 28, 1985

420. Newcomb, C. 1882 1935
421. Niazi, Iqbal A. Aug. 22, 1928 1989 Feb. 24, 2022
422. Nigam, Swami Dayal May 7, 1924 1975 May 3, 2009
423. Nilakantan, P. Apr. 19, 1910 1953 Apr. 18, 1964
424. Notani, N.K. Jan. 21, 1930 1974 Apr. 18, 1994
425. Owen, M. 1934*
426. Padayatty, J.D. July 10, 1928 1986 Aug. 26, 2014
427. Padmanabhan, S.Y. Sep. 11, 1916 1970 Jan. 29, 1985
428. Padmanabhan, Thanu Mar. 10, 1957 1992 Sep. 17, 2021
429. Paintal, A.S. Sep. 24, 1925 1986 Dec. 21, 2004
430. Pal, B.P. May 26, 1906 1941,1975 Sep. 14, 1989
431. Pal, Manoj K. Oct. 26, 1932 1974 Mar. 3, 2016
432. Pal, Yash Nov. 26, 1926 1967 July 24, 2017

433. Palacios, G. Nov. 20, 1894 1934 Apr. 3, 1967
434. Palit, S.R. Mar. 24, 1912 1974 Sep. 13, 1981
435. Pancharatnam, S. Feb. 9, 1934 1959 May 28, 1969
436. Pandalai, K.A.V. Feb. 16, 1928 1974 May 20, 1999
437. Pandit, L.K. June 28, 1932 1976 May 23, 2006

438. Pandit, S.R. 1893 1934 Dec. 23, 1977
439. Pandita, P.N. Jan. 1, 1949 2005 June 12, 2019

440. Pandya, K.C. Aug. 24, 1886 1934 Oct. 14, 1958
441. Pandya, S.P. Sep. 11, 1928 1974 June 30, 2019
442. Panikkar, N.K. May 17, 1913 1945 June 24, 1977
443. Panse, V.G. Jan. 11, 1906 1947 July 22, 1969
444. Pant, Devi Datt Aug. 14, 1919 1970 June 11, 2008
445. Pant, Divya Darshan Oct. 18, 1919 1968 May 9, 2001
446. Paramasivan, S. 1903 1939 May 15, 1987
447. Parameswaran, H. Feb. 15, 1897 1934* Mar. 25, 1953

448. Paranjpe, G.R. Jan. 30, 1891 1934 Mar. 7, 1981

449. Parija, P. Apr. 1, 1891 1935 June 2, 1978
450. Parulkar, G.B. Dec. 1, 1931 1984 May 4, 2021
451. Passi, I.B.S. Aug. 20, 1939 1986 Oct. 2, 2021

296 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
452. Patel, A.R. May 12, 1917 1975 Dec. 3, 2000
453. Patel, C.C. Mar. 17, 1920 1975 Dec. 15, 1987
454. Patel, J.C. Aug. 2, 1908 1956 May 11, 2003

455. Patel, J.S. Dec. 11, 1905 1934 Apr. 20, 1992
456. Patel, M.K. Nov. 6, 1899 1948
457. Patodi, V.K. Mar. 12, 1945 1975 Dec. 21, 1976
458. Paul, R.C. Oct. 20, 1919 1974 Feb. 16, 2002

459. Peacock, D.H. Dec. 1889 1934
460. Peters, B. Dec. 22, 1910 1954 Feb. 2, 1993
461. Pichamuthu, C.S. Mar. 10, 1900 1941 Aug. 18, 1990
462. Pisharoty, P.R. Feb. 10, 1909 1957 Sep. 24, 2002
463. Porsezian, K. June 5, 1963 2012 Aug. 11, 2018
464. Pradhan, S.K. Sep. 6, 1929 1986 May 23, 2002
465. Pradhan, T. Jan. 3, 1929 1974 Dec. 4, 2021
466. Prasad, M.R.N. May 1, 1923 1975 Oct. 7, 1987
467. Prasad, R. Raghu Dec. 17, 1920 1958 July 20, 1994
468. Puntambekar, S.V. July 17, 1898 1948 May 6, 1969
469. Puri, G.S. Aug. 18, 1915 1960 Apr. 18, 1995
470. Puri, V. Dec. 10, 1909 1945 Oct. 9, 2002
471. Qasim, S.Z. Dec. 31, 1926 1976 Oct. 20, 2015
472. Racine, C.J. July 22, 1897 1975 July 8, 1976
473. Radhakrishna, B.P. Apr. 30, 1918 1956 Jan. 26, 2012
474. Radhakrishnan, A.N. May 17, 1927 1974 June 17, 1990
475. Radhakrishnan, V. May 18, 1929 1968 Mar. 3, 2011
476. Raghavan, S. Apr. 11, 1934 1975 Oct. 7, 2014
477. Raghavan, T.S. Sep. 29, 1905 1939 Jan. 30, 1986
478. Raj, Mahindra Feb. 15, 1925 1974 Feb. 16, 1995
479. Raja Gopal, E.S. May 12, 1936 1974 Nov. 15, 2018
480. Rajagopal, C.T. Sep. 8, 1903 1975 Apr. 25, 1978
481. Rajasekarasetty, M.R. Oct. 16, 1919 1975 July 3, 1982
482. Ram, Behari Apr. 25, 1897 1940 Dec. 14, 1981
483. Rama Das, V.S. Feb. 5, 1933 1975 Dec. 9, 2010
484. Rama Rao, L. Mar. 23, 1896 1934* Nov. 11, 1974

485. Rama Swamy, S. Sep. 23, 1907 1935 Mar. 30, 1984
486. Ramachandra, K. Aug. 18, 1933 1975 Jan. 17, 2011
487. Ramachandra Rao, B. Nov. 21, 1922 1974 Sep. 24, 2005
488. Ramachandra Row, L. Dec. 14, 1916 1974 Sep. 22, 1991
489. Ramachandran, Arcot Apr. 6, 1923 1974 May 17, 2018
490. Ramachandran, G.N. Oct. 8, 1922 1950 Apr. 7, 2001
491. Ramachandran, J. June 12, 1935 1988 Sep. 23, 2020
492. Ramachandran, L.K. Mar. 28, 1928 1974 Aug. 11, 1988
493. Ramakrishna, B.S. Oct. 17, 1921 1975 Feb. 12, 2011
494. Ramakrishnan, Alladi Aug. 9, 1923 1955 June 8, 2008
495. Ramakrishnan, C. Jan. 30, 1939 1990 Mar. 13, 2019
496. Ramakrishnan, K. Nov. 22, 1920 1970 Mar. 26, 1978
497. Ramakrishnan, T. Mar. 14, 1922 1974 Feb. 15, 2008

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 297

Born Elected Deceased
498. Ramakrishnan, T.S. Aug. 25, 1899 1949 Dec. 2, 1971
499. Ramalingaswami, V. Aug. 8, 1921 1974 May 28, 2001
500. Ramamurthi, B. Jan. 30, 1922 1972 Dec. 13, 2003
501. Ramamurti, V. Sep. 18, 1938 2010 Nov. 19, 2016
502. Raman, C.V. Nov. 7, 1888 1934* Nov. 21, 1970
503. Ramanathan, A. Aug. 29, 1946 1991 Mar. 12, 1993
504. Ramanathan, Kalpathy G. Mar. 1, 1923 1956 Aug. 20, 2003
505. Ramanathan, Kalpathy R. Feb. 28, 1893 1934* Dec. 31, 1984
506. Ramanathan, Kollagunta G. Nov. 13, 1920 1974 May 10, 1992
507. Ramanathan, Kumbakonam V. July 17, 1926 1975 Mar. 8, 2007
508. Ramanna, Raja Jan. 28, 1925 1966 Sep. 24, 2004
509. Ramanujam, C.P. Jan. 9, 1938 1974 Oct. 27, 1974
510. Ramanujam, S. Oct. 2, 1903 1941 June 9, 1979
511. Ramanujan, S.G.M. Aug. 26, 1893 1934* May 1982
512. Ramaseshan, S. Oct. 10, 1923 1955 Dec. 29, 2003
513. Ramaswamy, C. Aug. 20, 1907 1939 Aug. 17, 1991
514. Ramaswamy, E.K. Feb. 12, 1894 1939 Apr. 22, 1979
515. Ramaswamy, G.S. Oct. 3, 1923 1974 Mar. 9, 2002
516. Ramaswamy, K.L. 1944
517. Ramaswamy, M.K. Jan. 4, 1931 1963 Jan. 1, 2020
518. Ramaswamy, M.N. Nov. 26, 1905 1936 Jan. 27, 1966
519. Ramaswamy, V. 1944
520. Ramdas, L.A. June 3, 1900 1934* Jan. 1, 1979
521. Ramesh, R. June 2, 1956 2001 Apr. 2, 2018
522. Ramiah, K. Apr. 15, 1882 1934* Aug. 2, 1988

523. Ramiah, P.V. 1935
524. Rana, K.N.J.B. 1943
525. Randhawa, M.S. Feb. 2, 1909 1937 Mar. 3, 1986
526. Ranganathan, Darshan June 4, 1941 1991 June 4, 2001
527. Ranganathan, Subramania Feb. 2, 1934 1975 Jan. 8, 2016

528. Ranganathan, Sundarappa 1935
529. Rangarajan, S.K. Sep. 9, 1932 1974 Apr. 29, 2008
530. Rangaswami, G. May 10, 1925 1960 Sep. 7, 2005
531. Rangaswami, S. June 15, 1912 1943 Nov. 24, 2000

532. Rao, A. Nagaraja Nov. 15, 1906 1935

533. Rao, A. Narasinga Dec. 12, 1893 1934 July 2, 1967
534. Rao, A. Sambasiva Sep. 20, 1914 1974 Oct. 31, 2003

535. Rao, B. Rama Nov. 20, 1891 1935 Feb. 15, 1970
536. Rao, B.K. Narayana 1934*
537. Rao, B.N. Balakrishna Jan. 21, 1910 1945 Mar. 7, 1995
538. Rao, Basrur Sanjiva Feb. 23, 1895 1934* Mar. 3, 1975
539. Rao, Bijoor Sanjiva Feb. 23, 1896 1936
540. Rao, C.R. Narayana Aug. 15, 1882 1934* Jan. 2, 1960

541. Rao, C.V. Hanumantha Oct. 29, 1892 1934 Sep. 2, 1947
542. Rao, D.M. July 4, 1932 1974 Dec. 29, 2010

543. Rao, H. Srinivasa July 16, 1894 1934 July 14, 1971

298 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased

544. Rao, K. Ananda Sep. 21, 1893 1934 Jan. 22, 1966
545. Rao, K. Nagabhushana Sep. 13, 1913 1961 Jan. 1, 1991
546. Rao, K. Pampapathi Mar. 9, 1930 1971 June 23, 1973

547. Rao, K. Rangadhama 1898 1935 ,1957 1970
548. Rao, K. Raghavendra May 7, 1936 1986 Dec. 2, 2008
549. Rao, K.A. Narain 1936
550. Rao, L. Narayana 1944 1973
551. Rao, M.A. Narayana 1939
552. Rao, M.B. Ramachandra Aug. 5, 1906 1957 Sep. 4, 1992
553. Rao, M.R. Aswathanarayana Nov. 7, 1910 1956 May 24. 1992
554. Rao, M.R. Raghavendra May 25, 1924 1978 June 9, 1992
555. Rao, M.V. Radhakrishna Nov. 1, 1903 1950 Oct. 26, 1971
556. Rao, N.V. Subba Nov. 8, 1916 1958 1976
557. Rao, P. Krishna June 15, 1899 1939 May 20, 1978
558. Rao, P. Ramachandra Mar. 20, 1942 1985 Jan. 10, 2010
559. Rao, P. Suryaprakasa Sep. 1, 1914 1943 Jan. 9, 2002
560. Rao, S. Raghavender 1952 1954
561. Rao, S. Ramachandra May 15, 1899 1934* Feb. 28, 1983
562. Rao, S. Subba June 18, 1883 1934* Jan. 2, 1955
563. Rao, S.N. Gundu Nov. 26, 1909 1955 Sep. 7, 1985
564. Rao, S.S. Moorthy 1899 1940 1983
565. Rao, U.R. Mar. 10, 1932 1969 July 24, 2017
566. Rao, V. Prabhaker Aug. 22, 1910 1959 Dec. 19, 1983
567. Rao, V.S.R. Feb. 1, 1931 1974 Sep. 26, 2013

568. Rao, Y. Ramachandra Sep. 11, 1885 1935 June 1, 1972
569. Rastogi, R.G. Dec. 26, 1929 1974 July 10, 2018
570. Rastogi, R.P. June 4, 1926 1975 Apr. 8, 2018
571. Rau, A. Subba Feb. 1890 1936
572. Rau, M.A. Govinda Aug. 26, 1901 1934* Nov. 19, 1954
573. Raychaudhuri, Amal Kumar Nov. 1, 1923 1982 June 18, 2005
574. Raymont, J.E.G. Apr. 6, 1915 1967 Aug. 30, 1979
575. Reddy, A.K.N. Oct. 21, 1930 1974 May 7, 2006
576. Reddy, C.R.R.M. Jan. 16, 1929 1980 Dec. 12, 2012
577. Rindani, T.H. Apr. 17, 1917 1960 Oct. 24, 2012
578. Rode, K.P. Nov. 8, 1903 1944 Dec. 2, 1985
579. Rodrigues, Veronica F Mar. 31, 1953 1995 Nov. 10, 2010
580. Rodriguez, Placid Oct. 5, 1940 1993 Aug. 31, 2008
581. Row, R. Nov. 16, 1871 1934* Nov. 14, 1953
582. Roy, D.P. July 29, 1941 1987 Mar. 17, 2017
583. Roy, P.R. July 21, 1936 1983 Apr. 21, 1991
584. Roy, S.C. Mar. 1, 1899 1936 Dec. 9, 1970

585. Roy, S.K. Jan. 1, 1895 1934 July 16, 1959
586. Roy, T.K. Aug. 1, 1923 1974 Aug. 4, 2019
587. Roy, Supriya June 1, 1931 1986 Aug. 22, 2013
588. Roy Chaudhury, S.N. Mar. 2, 1923 1974 May 18, 2016

589. Royds, T. Apr. 11, 1884 1934 May 1, 1955

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 299

Born Elected Deceased
590. Rudra, J.J. 1934*
591. Rudraiah, N. Aug. 10, 1932 1976 Sep. 19, 2019

592. Sabnis, T.S. 1935 1958
593. Sachdev, P.L. Jan. 6, 1937 1984 Feb. 14, 2009
594. Sadasivan, T.S. May 22, 1913 1945 Aug. 18, 2001
595. Sadhale, P.P. June 16, 1960 2009 Jan. 20, 2012
596. Saha, A.K. May 25, 1925 1975 Apr. 27, 1997

597. Sahasrabuddhe, D.L. Sep. 1, 1880 1934 1953
598. Sahni, J.C. 1938 1954

599. Sahni, Birbal Nov. 14, 1891 1934 Apr. 10, 1949

600. Sahni, M.R. Mar. 1, 1899 1934 Jan. 13, 1983

601. Sahni, R.R. Apr. 5, 1863 1934 1948
602. Salaskar, V.H. Apr. 6, 1912 1974 Sep. 8, 1997
603. Saldanha, C.J. Dec. 27, 1926 1980 Apr. 7, 2002
604. Sampathkumaran, M.A. July 15, 1882 1934* Dec. 15, 1944
605. Samuel, G. May 26, 1898 1942 1975
606. Samuel, R. 1934*
607. Sankaran, C. 1940
608. Santappa, Mushi Oct. 2, 1923 1961 Feb. 26, 2017
609. Santhanam, V. July 31, 1925 1974 June 5, 2019
610. Sanyal, Suhas C. Jan. 1, 1942 1992 Aug. 5, 2015
611. Sarabhai, Anand Apr. 3, 1938 1981 Feb. 2, 2013
612. Sarabhai, Vikram A. Aug. 12, 1919 1945 Dec. 31, 1971
613. Sarkar, S.N. Apr. 22, 1920 1978 Sep. 10, 2004
614. Sarma, I.G. Sep. 21, 1936 1974 Sep. 10, 1996
615. Sarma, N.V.G. Sep. 16, 1932 1989 Dec. 5, 2008
616. Sarma, P.S. Oct. 29, 1917 1952 Sep. 8, 1970
617. Sarma, V.V.S. May 7, 1944 1989 Jan. 13, 2018
618. Sastri, B.N. 1934*
619. Sastry, S.G. Nov. 1899 1934* Sep. 22, 1955
620. Satya Murthy, N.S. Feb. 5, 1936 1975 Oct. 8, 1984
621. Satya Nand, D. Nov. 1, 1906 1964 Jan. 28, 1978
622. Satya Prakash Aug. 24, 1905 1939 Jan. 18, 1995
623. Savoor, Sadashiva R. May 8, 1901 1954 1981
624. Savur, Srinivasa R. Mar. 26, 1894 1934* May 4, 1974

625. Sawhney, K. June 4, 1896 1935 1958
626. Sen, P.K. Dec. 7, 1915 1958 July 22, 1982
627. Sengupta, Surajit Dec. 17, 1962 2006 Mar. 18, 2021
628. Sen-Sarma, P.K. Apr. 1, 1929 1984 July 29, 2002
629. Seshachar, B.R. Jan. 9, 1908 1953 Jan. 25, 1994
630. Seshadri, C.S. Feb. 29, 1932 1971 July 17, 2020
631. Seshadri, S.N. Mar. 15, 1937 1978 Feb. 2, 1986
632. Seshadri, T.N. June 15, 1905 1954 Nov. 1, 1975
633. Seshadri, T.R. Feb. 3, 1900 1934* Sep. 27, 1975
634. Seshagiri, N. May 10, 1940 1974 May 26, 2013
635. Seshaiya, R.V. Feb. 8, 1898 1948 Feb. 28, 1973

300 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
636. Seth, B.R. Aug. 27, 1907 1936 Dec. 12, 1979

637. Seth, J.B. 1893 1935 Feb. 1964

638. Sethi, N.K. July 8, 1893 1935 Nov. 8, 1969
639. Sethi, Pramod Karan Nov. 28, 1927 1989 Jan. 6, 2008
640. Sethna, H.N. Aug. 24, 1923 1968 Sep. 5, 2010
641. Shabde, N.G. Apr. 12, 1906 1942 1961

642. Shah, M.S. 1934

643. Shah, N.M. 1934

644. Shah, R.C. Oct. 7, 1899 1934 Sep. 3, 1969
645. Shah, S.M. Dec. 30, 1905 1951 Apr. 21, 1996
646. Shankar, Jagdish Oct. 3, 1912 1975 Jan. 31, 1992
647. Shankar, P.N. Aug. 13, 1944 1992 Apr. 15, 2019
648. Shanmugam, G. Dec. 18, 1938 1991 Apr. 15, 2015
649. Sharma, Archana Feb. 16, 1932 1977 Jan. 14, 2008
650. Sharma, Arun K. Dec. 31, 1924 1975 July 6, 2017
651. Sharma, K.N. Nov. 17, 1929 1972 June 21, 2015
652. Sharma, N.L. Nov. 12, 1901 1937 Jan. 14, 1988
653. Sharma, Ram Prakash Jan. 5, 1939 1987 Jan. 30, 2019
654. Sharma, Vijay K. Sep. 29, 1967 2012 Oct. 24, 2016
655. Sharma, Vinod P. Apr. 6, 1938 1998 Oct. 9, 2015
656. Shastri, N.A. June 1, 1904 1942 Jan. 2, 1995
657. Shastry, T.P. Bhaskara Apr. 12, 1889 1934* June 26, 1950
658. Shastry, S.V.S. Nov. 4, 1928 1975 Feb. 5, 2019
659. Sheth, A.R. Aug. 5, 1933 1988 Mar. 13, 1994
660. Sheth, S.C. Oct. 29, 1912 1965 Jan. 25, 1990

661. Shri Ranjan Aug. 16, 1899 1935 July 8, 1969
662. Shrikhande, S.S. Oct. 19, 1917 1974 Apr. 22, 2020

663. Sibaiya, L. 1935
664. Siddiqi, M.R. Jan. 2, 1908 1934* Jan. 2, 1998
665. Siddiqi, O. Jan. 7, 1932 1968 July 26, 2013

666. Siddiqi, S. Oct. 19, 1897 1935 Apr. 14, 1994
667. Sikka, D.R. Mar. 1, 1932 1984 Mar. 18, 2017
668. Singh, B.K. Apr. 17, 1886 1934* June 15, 1960

669. Singh, B.N. Sep. 22, 1898 1934 June 7, 1984
670. Singh, Digijai Dec. 11, 1934 1981 July 20, 2018
671. Singh, Inderjit Aug. 20, 1909 1944 June 5, 1972
672. Singh, Lalji July 5, 1947 1989 Dec. 10, 2017
673. Singh, Udai Narain Jan. 1, 1931 1975 Dec. 31, 2006
674. Sinha, S.K. July 18, 1934 1983 Mar. 17, 2002
675. Sirsat, S.M. Oct. 7, 1925 1975 July 10, 2010

676. Sivan, M.R.R. 1934
677. SivaRaman, C. Dec. 2, 1923 1977 June 25, 2014

678. Sokhey, S.S. Dec. 15, 1887 1934 Oct. 23, 1971
679. Somayajulu, B.L.K. Mar. 5, 1937 1980 Dec. 19, 2016
680. Sreekantan, B.V. June 30, 1925 1965 Oct. 27, 2019
681. Sreenivasaiah, B.N. July 24, 1904 1939 Feb. 16, 1987

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 301

Born Elected Deceased
682. Sreenivasan, A. July 13, 1909 1950 July 20, 1996
683. Sreenivasan, K. July 10, 1899 1944 Aug. 17, 1992
684. Sreenivasaya, M. Dec. 5, 1895 1934* Jan. 16, 1969
685. Sri Niwas July 4, 1946 1995 Nov. 15, 2012
686. Srikantiah, C. 1936
687. Srikrishna, A. Jan. 1, 1955 1994 Jan. 20, 2013
688. Srinath, L.S. Mar. 15, 1927 1974 Sep. 13, 2012
689. Srinivasaiengar, C.N. Feb. 21, 1901 1939 Sep. 21, 1972
690. Srinivasan, M.S. Oct. 9, 1938 1985 Apr. 29, 2021
691. Srinivasan, N. Apr. 1, 1962 2007 Sep. 3, 2021
692. Srinivasan, Ramachandran July 5, 1933 1968 Sep. 19, 2004
693. Srinivasan, Ramanujam Apr. 21, 1938 1979 Sep. 10, 1984
694. Srinivasan, S.K. Dec. 16, 1930 1977 Oct. 25, 2006

695. Srinivasan, V. 1934 July 29, 1976
696. Sriramachari, S S June 25, 1925 1967 Dec. 25, 2009
697. Subba Rao, B.C. Dec. 8, 1923 1975 Aug. 9, 2017
698. Subba Rao, B.R. Aug. 25, 1925 1958 Nov. 29, 2020
699. Subba Rao, G.V. Dec. 12, 1940 1988 Dec. 24, 2017
700. Subbaramiah, K. 1939 1944

701. Subbaraya, T.S. Oct. 10, 1905 1935 Apr. 10, 1975
702. Subrahmanyam, N.C. Oct. 5, 1943 1995 Feb. 14, 2019
703. Subramaniam, A.P. Mar. 7, 1921 1961 Apr. 22, 1973
704. Subramaniam, M.K. Apr. 20, 1909 1951 1974
705. Subramanian, C.V. Aug. 11, 1924 1955 Feb. 5, 2016
706. Subramanian, D. Apr., 4, 1931 1972 May 3, 2021
707. Subramanian, T.S. Sep. 24, 1911 1948 Sep. 19, 1987
708. Subramanyam, K. Nov. 1, 1915 1959 Apr. 17, 1980
709. Subramanyam, S.V. Sep. 3, 1943 1991 Aug. 1, 2015
710. Subrahmanyan, R. 1919 1956 Mar. 5, 2006
711. Subrahmanyan, V. Sep. 16, 1902 1934* Jan. 30, 1979
712. Sudarshan, E.C.G. Sep. 16, 1931 1963 May 14, 2018
713. Sukhatme, P.V. July 27, 1911 1939 Jan. 28, 1997
714. Sundara Raj, B. 1888 1956 Jan. 22, 1974
715. Sundaram, A.K. May 10, 1925 1965 Jan. 27, 1994
716. Sundaram, C.V. Nov. 7, 1929 1974 Aug. 15, 2008
717. Sundaram, K. Nov. 12, 1926 1974 May 20, 2008
718. Surange, K.R. Feb. 7, 1920 1975 Jan. 6, 2010
719. Surjit Singh June 12, 1940 1986 Sep. 6, 1997
720. Suryanarayanan, S. Jan. 23, 1927 1971 Jan. 27, 1994
721. Sushil Kumar Dec., 14, 1940 1981 May 02, 2021
722. Swaminathan, S. Apr. 20, 1923 1969 Feb. 24, 2020
723. Swarup, G. Mar. 23, 1929 1967 Sept. 7, 2020
724. Tamhankar, R.V. July 28, 1917 1975 June 16, 1993
725. Tandon, R.N. Nov. 27, 1903 1958 Dec. 18, 1999

726. Tawde, N.R. Jan. 15, 1898 1934 Dec. 25, 1984

727. Taylor, E.M. 1889 1934

302 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Born Elected Deceased
728. Taylor, H.J. May 18, 1906 1937 May 27, 1996
729. Telang, A.V. 1934* 1965
730. Thacker, M.S. Dec. 3, 1904 1949 July 6, 1979
731. Thakur, R.S. 1939

732. Thapar, G.S. Nov. 15, 1893 1934 Nov. 1984
733. Thathachar, M.A.L. May 20, 1939 1987 Jan. 7, 2017
734. Thind, K.S. Oct. 30, 1917 1960 Dec. 3, 1991
735. Thomas, Joseph Mar. 20, 1935 1975 Jan. 30, 2008
736. Thosar, B.V. Apr. 3, 1913 1959 July 4, 1998
737. Tilak, B.D. Sep. 28, 1918 1952 May 25, 1999
738. Tirumurti, T.S. Nov. 18, 1885 1934* Aug. 26, 1953
739. Trehan, S.K. Apr. 4, 1931 1978 Sep. 9, 2004
740. Udgaonkar, B.M. Sep. 14, 1927 1969 Dec. 21, 2014
741. Uppal, B.N. June 28, 1900 1940 Nov. 22, 1989
742. Vaidhianathan, V.I. Aug. 28, 1897 1934* 1965
743. Vaidya, P.C. Mar. 23, 1918 1975 Mar. 12, 2010
744. Vaidyanathan, C.S. Nov. 14, 1931 1978 Sep. 1, 1999

745. Vaidyanathan, M. 1935
746. Vaidyanathaswamy, R. Oct. 9, 1894 1934* Mar. 17, 1960

747. Vakil, Kapilram May 28, 1884 1934 Jan. 28, 1946
748. Vakil, R.J. July 17, 1911 1943 Nov. 20, 1974
749. Valdiya, K.S. March 20, 1937 1980 Sept. 29, 2020
750. Valluri, S.R. June 25, 1924 1971 Jan. 23, 2019
751. Vardya, M.S. Feb 22, 1933 1972 Jan. 20, 2013
752. Varghese, T.G. Aug. 19, 1928 1974 Nov. 14, 1977
753. Varma, R.K. Mar. 31, 1935 1977 May 14, 2014
754. Varma, R.M. Sep. 7, 1922 1970 Mar. 10, 2015
755. Varma, R.S. Feb. 1, 1905 1947 Mar. 31, 1970
756. Vazifdar, S.S. 1934*
757. Varadachari, V.V.R. July 1, 1925 1974 Aug. 4, 2007
758. Varadarajan, M.G. Nov. 9, 1917 1974 Oct. 5, 2004
759. Venkataraman, B. Dec. 17, 1929 1975 Oct. 28, 2010
760. Venkataraman, G.S. Feb. 1, 1930 1974 Oct. 3, 1998

761. Venkataraman, K. June 7, 1901 1934 May 12, 1981
762. Venkataraman, M. Dec. 31, 1923 1975 Nov. 18, 1990

763. Venkataraman, T.S. June 15, 1884 1934 Jan. 18, 1963
764. Venkataraman, T.V. 1910 1957 Nov. 30, 1981
765. Venkatarayudu, T. Oct. 10, 1910 1940 Nov. 29, 1979
766. Venkatasubramanian, V.S. June 20, 1930 1978 July 22, 1984
767. Venkatesachar, B. June 18, 1879 1934* May 27, 1972
768. Venkatesan, K. Apr. 29, 1932 1981 Dec. 31, 2019
769. Venkateswaran, C.S. 1904 1944 1978

770. Venkateswaran, R. 1935

771. Venkateswaran, S. 1934 Mar. 12, 1971
772. Venkateswarlu, J. Mar. 21, 1912 1953 May 20, 1978
773. Venkateswarlu, K. June 3, 1916 1958 July 2, 2005

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 303

Born Elected Deceased
774. Venkateswarlu, P. Oct. 25, 1921 1957 Aug. 8, 1997
775. Venkiteshwaran, S.P. Feb. 15, 1905 1939 Sep. 26, 1985
776. Venkoba Rao, A. Aug. 20, 1927 1984 Oct. 25, 2005
777. Verma, Ajit Ram Sep. 20, 1921 1974 Mar. 4, 2009
778. Vijayaraghavacharya, T. Aug. 1875 1934*,1943 1953
779. Vijayaraghavan, T. Nov. 30, 1902 1934* Apr. 20, 1955
780. Vishveshwara, C.V. Mar. 6, 1938 1977 Jan. 16, 2017
781. Visvesvaraya, M. Sep. 15, 1861 1934* Apr. 14, 1962
782. Viswa Nath, B. Jan. 1, 1889 1934* Feb. 1, 1964
783. Viswamitra, M.A. Nov. 14, 1932 1979 Apr. 10, 2001
784. Viswanathan, D.K. Mar. 1, 1901 1951 Mar. 27, 1960
785. Viswanathan, K.S. June 9, 1929 1956 July 5, 2009

786. Wadia, D.N. Oct. 23, 1883 1935 June 15, 1969
787. Wadia, N.H. Jan. 20, 1925 1983 Apr. 10, 2016
788. Warke, C.S. Nov. 23, 1931 1981 July 23, 2020
789. Wheeler, T.S. Apr. 30, 1899 1934* Dec. 13, 1962

790. Wolf, Ludwig 1934
791. Yadava, S.L. July 5, 1953 1999 June 7, 2007

304 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

(Year of election in brackets)

1. Alfven, H.O.G. (1972) 44. Dale, Henry (1937)

2. Anderson, B.W. (1964) 45. Daly, R.A. (1952)
3. Anderson, J.S. (1978) 46. Dam, Henrik (1965)
4. Anderson, P.W. (1997) 47. Day, Peter (1995)
5. Askey, R.A. (1988) 48. Debye, Peter (1938)
6. Bawden, F.C. (1972) 49. Dirac, P.A.M. (1935)
7. Belfanti, S. (1935) 50. Dodson, G.G. (2003)
8. Benzer, S. (1988) 51. Domagk, Gerhard (1965)
9. Bjerknes, Jacob (1959) 52. Donnan, F.G. (1938)
10. Bjerknes, V. (1947) 53. Eccles, John (1968)
11. Blackett, P.M.S. (1949) 54. Einstein, Albert (1936)
12. Bloembergen, Nicolaas (1978) 55. Engstrom, Arne (1970)
13. Blumberg, B.S. (1987) 56. Euler-Chelpin, H. von (1952)
14. Bohr, Niels (1935) 57. Fermi, Enrico (1935)
15. Bolton, J.G. (1973) 58. Fisher, Hans (1935)
16. Bondi, Hermann (1997) 59. Fisher, Michael Ellis (2001)
17. Bonino, G.B. (1958) 60. Forssmann, Werner (1967)
18. Bonner, J.T. (1992) 61. Frank, Charles (1984)
19. Born, Max (1937) 62. Frey-Wyssling, A. (1960)
20. Bose, S.N. (1973) 63. Garrett, S.D. (1973)
21. Bovet, Daniel (1967) 64. Ginzburg, V. Lasazevich (1977)
22. Bowen, Ira S. (1956) 65. Granit, R.A. (1964)
23. Bowen, N.L. (1935) 66. Hadamard, Jacaques (1939)
24. Bragg, William H. (1935) 67. Haddon, A.C. (1936)
25. Brenner, Sydney (1989) 68. Hagenmuller, Paul (1987)
26. Bridgman, P.W. (1952) 69. Hahn, Otto (1958)
27. Brillouin, Leon (1939) 70. Halle, T.G. (1947)
28. Broglie, L. de (1951) 71. Hardy, G.H. (1935)
29. Brown, R. Hanbury (1975) 72. Haworth, W.N. (1948)
30. Brumpt, Emile (1936) 73. Heisenberg, Werner (1935)
31. Bünning, E. (1986) 74. Herzberg, Gerhard (1955)
32. Cabannes, Jean (1949) 75. Hess, W.R. (1966)
33. Caspersson, T.O. (1963) 76. Hevesy, G. (1951)
34. Chakraborty, Ranajit (2006) 77. Heymaans, C. (1966)
35. Chapman, S. (1947) 78. Heyrovsky, Jaroslav (1959)
36. Charney, J.G. (1980) 79. Hill, A.V. (1935)
37. Cockcroft, John (1962) 80. Hodgkin, Alan (1975)
38. Compton, A.H. (1935) 81. Hodgkin, Dorothy (1972)
39. Cotton, A. (1935) 82. Hopkins, F. Gowland (1935)
40. Cotton, Frank A. (1985) 83. Houssay, Bernardo A. (1963)
41. Cousteau, J.Y. (1978) 84. Imry, Yoseph (2007)
42. Crick, Francis (1985) 85. Joffe, A.F. (1959)
43. Cushing, Harvey (1935) 86. Joliot-Curie, Irene (1935)

Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship 305

87. Kahn, Olivier (1999) 131. Richardson, Owen (1935)
88. Kapitza, Peter (1948) 132. Robinson, Robert (1935)
89. Karman, Theodore von (1961) 133. Roshko, Anatol (1994)
90. Karrer, P. (1947) 134. Rouxel, J. (1994)
91. Kastler, Alfred (1970) 135. Roy, Rustum (1990)
92. Khorana, Har Gobind (1976) 136. Rudberg, Erik (1971)
93. Kock, Winston, E. (1970) 137. Russell, John (1935)
94. Kohlrausch, K.W.F. (1939) 138. Rutherford, Lord (1935)
95. Krebs, H.A. (1969) 139. Ruzicka, Leopold (1957)
96. Krogh, A. (1947) 140. Salam, Abdus (1988)
97. Langmuir, Irving (1937) 141. Segre, Emilio (1971)
98. Laue, Max von (1954) 142. Semenov, N.N. (1960)
99. Lawrence, E.O. (1954) 143. Series, George (1984)
100. Leiper, R.T. (1938) 144. Seward, A.C. (1935)
101. Levi-Civita, Tullio (1938) 145. Sewell, R.B. Seymour (1949)
102. Lewis, G.N. (1935) 146. Siegbahn, K.M.G. (1935)
103. Liepmann, H. Wolfgang (1985) 147. Sommerfeld, Arnold (1935)
104. Lorenz, E.N. (1981) 148. Spemann, Hans (1936)
105. Lundsgaard, Einar (1966) 149. Staab, Heinz A. (1989)
106. Lwoff, Andre (1969) 150. Staudinger, Hermann (1967)
107. Lynen, F. (1968) 151. Stoicheff, B.P. (1971)
108. Mark, H.F. (1949) 152. Svedberg, Theodor (1935)
109. Markl, Hubert S. (1991) 153. Szent Gyorgyi, A. (1948)
110. Mecke, Reinhard (1957) 154. Szigeti, Gyorgy (1962)
111. Medawar, P. (1968) 155. Taylor, Geoffrey (1953)
112. Meyer, Kurt, H. (1952) 156. Theorell, Hugo (1961)
113. Millikan, R.A. (1935) 157. Thomas, Sir John Meurig (1981)
114. Mizushima, S. (1961) 158. Tiselius, Arne (1960)
115. Morgan, T.H. (1939) 159. Todd, Lord (1981)
116. Muller, Paul H. (1965) 160. Urey, Harold, C. (1956)
117. Mulliken, R.S. (1969) 161. Van Slyke, D.D. (1935)
118. Nagakura, Saburo (1994) 162. Vavilov, N.I. (1938)
119. Neuweiler, G. (1992) 163. Vavilov, Sergei (1948)
120. Niggli, P. (1937) 164. Vinogradov, A.P. (1975)
121. Oda, Minoru (1995) 165. Warburg, Otto (1963)
122. Paschen, Friedrich (1935) 166. Watson, D.M.S. (1939)
123. Pauli, Wolfgang (1948) 167. Weiland, H. (1935)
124. Pauling, Linus (1949) 168. Willstatter, R. (1936)
125. Pavlov, I.P. (1935) 169. Wood, R.W. (1937)
126. Pitzer, K.S. (1986) 170. Woodward, R.B. (1964)
127. Plyler, Earle K. (1962) 171. Wyckoff, R.W.G. (1955)
128. Pontecorvo, G. (1984) 172. Yukawa, Hideki (1958)
129. Porter, Lord (1989) 173. Zeeman, P. (1935)
130. Reichstein, T. (1953) 174. Zewail, Ahmed H. (2002)

306 Section C: Fellowship and Honorary Fellowship

Section D


Introduction: This programme was introduced in 1983 to identify and

encourage promising young scientists. The programme was assessed
for its impact by a committee constituted by the Council in 2018.
Based on the accepted recommendations of this committee, the
programme was restructured to provide opportunity to young scientists
from diverse institutions and backgrounds to pursue scientific
excellence. As per the revised guidelines:

(i) The upper age limit is 35 years. Certain conditions are applicable
for an extended age of 38 years.
(ii) The Associateship is tenable for a minimum period of 3 years or a
maximum period of 6 years.
(iii) The extended tenure of Associateship is applicable for
candidates selected from 2019 onwards.
(iv) Associates are expected to contribute to the Academy’s activities,
a. Associates will be encouraged to attend meetings of the
b. Organize Lecture Workshops, Refresher Courses and mentor
students/teachers selected under the Summer Research
Fellowship Programme.
c. Help in publications of the Academy as authors and
participate in editorial activities of the Academy journals.

Who can nominate/propose:

(a) Fellows of the Academy can nominate. Current members of the
Sectional Committees and Council Members are not entitled to
serve as proposers.
(b) With a view of expanding the scope of the Associateship
programme starting from 2017, nominations are being solicited
from the Heads of institutions of national importance such as IITs,
NITs, IISERs, CSIR laboratories, Central University departments
(limited to pure and applied sciences including engineering).

For the year 2022 the last date of receipt of nominations is 30 April.
Duly filled in nomination forms are to be uploaded in the link circulated
to the Fellowship.
Eligibility for Nomination and Age Limit: Nomination is open to a
researcher holding a PhD, working in an institution in India. However, it
is strongly recommended that candidates below 35 years only are
nominated (i.e. candidates born after 31/12/1987 for Associateship
starting in 2022). For the year 2022 candidates born after 31.12.1984
(i.e. up to 38 years of age) are considered. Candidates between 35
and 38 years of age should be nominated only in unusual
308 Section D: Associateship
circumstances (e.g. representing weaker sections, those working
against odds or in less endowed research institutions or in fields such
as medicine where researchers take longer to establish the career),
but have the potential to be outstanding scientists. Nominators may
justify this in the space provided in the nomination form. An age limit of
35 will generally apply to candidates from well endowed institutions. It
may be noted that a researcher who normally works in an institution in
India, but is on a short-term academic visit to an institution abroad may
be nominated. However, if such a nominee is selected as an Associate,
the Associateship shall become operational after she/he returns to
India, the date of which should be within six months of declaration of
the selection results normally during July. If a selected Associate does
not return to India within six months of declaration of the selection
results, the Associateship will automatically be cancelled. The total
period of Associateship will, however, be counted from the date of
declaration of the selection results. The total number of Associates is
limited to 100 (present strength is 67).

The nomination should include:

(1) Nomination form with original signature.

(2) Summary of the scientific contributions.
(3) Nominee’s biodata and a complete list of publications.
(4) Reprints of the five most important papers published by the
nominee in his/her independent career.

The validity of a nomination is one year.

How is an Associate selected: Quality of work is the sole criteria for

selection with emphasis on the proven record of independent research
work (this may include work conducted prior to securing a formal
independent position and high quality work done abroad). In this
connection, the selection committee may, if deemed necessary, seek
letters from senior authors of the nominee’s publications to judge the
extent of independent contributions by the candidate. It would be ideal
to consider PhD plus 10 years as the duration to establish independent
research, which includes the period spent on post-doctoral research
and that as an independent researcher at an institution.

For the purpose of selection, candidates with INSPIRE Faculty

Fellowships, Ramanujan Fellowships and other similar Fellowships will
be considered to have started their independent research from the
beginning of their tenure in the corresponding Fellowship. Candidates
representing weaker sections will be evaluated based on their
perceived potential and motivation to be independent researchers.
Attempts should be made to be inclusive and achieve representation
from diverse backgrounds, gender and areas of work.
Section D: Associateship 309
The evaluation process: Nominations are solicited in 6 subject

Mathematics, (b) Physics, (c) Chemistry, (d) Earth & Planetary

Sciences, (e) Engineering & Technology, and (f) Life Sciences. All valid
nominations are evaluated by a joint committee of (i) the Convener of
the Sectional Committee in that subject category and (ii) a member of
the Council representing the subject. They will jointly make
recommendations to the President of Academy. The candidates
recommended by the joint committee will be considered by the
President of the Academy and ratified in the Council.

While all Associates will have a guaranteed tenure of 3 years, each

Associate will be evaluated at the end of two and half years for
assessment of their contributions to the activities of Academy and their
own scientific excellence. Based on the recommendations of the
evaluation committee, an offer of renewal of Associateship may be
made for another term of up to 3 years. Each year, about 33 Associates
are selected (including those with a renewed 3-year term) to constitute
the recommended total number of 100 Associates at any given time.

310 Section D: Associateship


2020–2023 Adlakha, Yogita Kapil, Ph.D. (Pune), SERB Research

Scientist, Translational Health Science & Technology
Institute, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad-Gurgaon
Road Expressway, Faridabad 121 001, Tel. Off. (0129)
287 6354, Mobile: 79880 45129, Fax (0129) 287 6402, email:
[email protected], URL: https://thsti.res.in/profile.php?url=
Yogita-adlakha, sp. molecular biology; neuroscience; stem
cells; developmental biology.

2021–2024 Agarwal, Amar, b. 1988, Ph.D. (IIT, Roorkee), Department of

Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–Kanpur,
Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 679 2145, Mobile: 94513
88513, email: [email protected], URL: https://www.iitk.ac.in/es/
profile-amar-agarwal, sp. structural geology; cratering
geology; rock magnetism.

2020–2023 Agasti, Sarit S, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Massachusetts), New Chemistry

Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2628,
Mobile: 70222 56285, Fax (080) 2208 2766, email: sagasti@
jncasr.ac.in, URL: http://www.jncasr.ac.in/sagasti/, sp. mole-
cular imaging; super resolution microscopy; stimuli-responsive
materials with biological importance; clinical diagnosis.

2019–2022 Aloke Kumar, b. 1981, Ph.D. (Purdue), Department of

Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. off. (080) 2293 2958, email:
[email protected], sp. complex fluids, microfluids;

2018–2023 Bandopadhyay, Aditya, b. 1989, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur),

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222)
28 2978, Mobile: 99329 90007, email: [email protected].
ernet.in, URL: https://sites.google.com/view/aditya-iitkgp/home,
sp. fluid mechanics; electrohydrodynamics; transport
through porous media.

2018–2023 Banerjee, Agnid, b. 1988, Ph.D. (Purdue) Reader F, TIFR

Centre for Applicable Mathematics, P.B. No. 6503, Sharada
Nagar, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru 560 065, email: agnid@
tifrbng.res.in, sp. partial differential equations; harmonic
analysis; geometric measure theory.
Section D: Associateship 311
2019–2022 Barman, Siddharth, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Wisconsin, Madison),
Computer Science & Automation Department, Indian Institute
of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3562,
Mobile: 95571 33678, Fax (080) 2360 2911, email: barman@
iisc.ac.in, sp. theoretical computer science; approximation
algorithms; game theory.

2018–2023 Basu, Riddhipratim, b. 1988, Ph.D. (Univ. Calif., Berkeley),

Reader F, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences,
Hesaraghatta Post, Bengaluru 560 089, Tel. Off. (080)
4653 6380, Fax (080) 4653 6002, email: [email protected],
URL: http://home.icts.res.in/~rbasu, sp. probability theory;
stochastic process; rigorous statistical mechanics.

2020–2023 Bhattacharjee, Arnab, b. 1982, Ph.D. (Delhi), Associate

Professor, School of Computational & Integrative Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, Tel. Off.
(011) 2670 4787, Mobile: 99105 43606, email: arnab@
jnu.ac.in, URL: http://ccbb.jnu.ac.in/arnab/, sp. biophysics;
computational biology; biomolecular simulations; structural
biology; multiscale modelling.

2019–2022 Bhattacharyya, Sayantani, b. 1981, Ph.D. (TIFR), School of

Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education &
Research, Jatni P.O., Khurda 752 050, Mobile: 81728 25521,
email: [email protected], sp. high energy physics; gravity;
10 quantum field theory.

2017–2022 Bhowmik, Debanjan, b. 1988, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley),

Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1043,
Res. (011) 2659 1976, Mobile: 80174 53320, email: debanjan@
ee.iitd.ac.in, sp. magnetism & spintronics; neuromorphic

2020–2023 Chakraborty, Debashree, b. 1982, Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur),

Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology,
Suratkal 575 025, Tel. Off. (0824) 247 3212, Mobile:
70225 04322, email: [email protected], sp. theoretical
chemistry; biophysics; computational chemistry.

312 Section D: Associateship

2020–2023 Chakraborty, Kunal, b. 1982, Ph.D. (IIEST), Scientist E,
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services,
Pragathinagar P.O., Hyderabad 500 090, Tel. Off. (040)
2388 6080, Res. (040) 4851 8046, Mobile: 98661 32085, Fax
(040) 2389 5001, email: [email protected], URL:
https://incois.gov.in/hrd/employeeprofile.jsp?uid=061, sp.
numerical ocean modelling; marine biogeochemistry and
ecosystem dynamics; mathematical biology.

2019–2022 Charu Lata, b. 1981, Ph.D. (JNU), Senior Scientist & Head of
the Division, Traditional Knowledge Studies Division,
National Institute of Science Communication & Policy
Research, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi 110 067,
Tel. Off. (011) 2696 4473, Res. (0120) 354 2368, Mobile:
99584 24684, email: [email protected]; charulata14@
gmail.com, URL: https://niscpr.res.in/employees/profile/Dr-
Charu-Lata, sp. traditional knowledge; science communication;
agriculture; abiotic stress; plant-microbe interaction; plant
molecular biology & genetic engineering.

2019–2022 Das, Bata Krishna, b. 1982, Ph.D. (Lancaster), Department of

Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 9460, Res.
(022) 2576 5460, Mobile: 97697 61460, email: dasb@
math.iitb.ac.in, URL: http://www.math.iitb.ac.in/~dasb/, sp.
operator theory; operator algebra; quantum stochastics.

2019–2022 Das, Dibyendu, b. 1981, Ph.D. (IACS), Department of

Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033)
6136 0000/1317, Mobile: 73308 23958, email: dasd@
iiserkol.ac.in, URL: www.ddaslab.com, sp. supramolecular
chemistry; systems chemistry; organic materials.

2019–2022 Das, Kiranmoy, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Penn. State Univ.), Indian

Statistical Institute, 203, BT Road, Kolkata 700 108, Tel. Off.
80173 54328, email: [email protected], sp. biostatic-
stics, applied Bayesian methods; wireless communication.

2019–2022 Dasgupta, Basudeb, b. 1982, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of

Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022)
2278 2210, email: [email protected], sp. astro-
particle physics; cosmology; high energy physics.

Section D: Associateship 313

2020–2023 Dey, Ramendra Sundar, b. 1983, Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur),
Scientist D, Institute of Nano Science & Technology,
Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar 140 306, Tel. Off.
(0172) 221 0075, Mobile: 97755 49822, Fax (0172) 221 1074,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: https://
www.inst.ac.in/scientist/31, sp. inorganic & materials
chemistry; electrochemistry; sustainable energy.

2020–2023 Dhar, Purbarun, b. 1990, Ph.D. (IIT, Madras), Department of

Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 2938,
Mobile: 91765 24190, email: [email protected], sp.
microfluidics; fluid dynamics; thermal sciences; rheology;
20 complex fluids; electromagnetism.

2019–2022 Dinesh Kumar, b. 1982, Ph.D. (TIFR), Associate Professor,

Centre of Biomedical Research, SGPGIMS Campus,
Raibareli Road, Lucknow 226 014, Tel. Off. 89532 61506,
Mobile: 80054 09932, email: [email protected]; dinesh@
cbmr.res.in, sp. biomolecular NMR; mechanistic structural
biology of proteins; clinical & preclinical metabolomics.

2020–2023 Dutta, Arnab, b. 1984, Ph.D. (Arizona State), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 7162, Mobile:
95379 95998, Fax (022) 2576 7152, email: arnabdutta@
chem.iitb.ac.in; [email protected], URL: https://www.
arnabdutta-bioinorganic-lab.com, sp. bioinorganic chemistry;
catalysis; renewable energy; green hydrogen; CO2

2020–2023 Gandhi, Sonu, b. 1982, Ph.D. (Panjab), Scientist D, National

Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
500 032, Tel. Off. (040) 2312 0127, Mobile: 97176 93116, email:
[email protected], sp. diagnosis; biosensor; nano-
technology; theranostics.

2021–2024 Ghorai, Uttam Kumar, b. 1986, Ph.D. (Jadavpur), Department of

Industrial and Applied Chemistry, Ramakrishna Mission
Vidyamandira, Belur Math, Howrah 711 202, Tel. Off. (033)
2654 9181, Mobile: 97327 17457, email: uttam.indchem@
vidyamandira.ac.in; [email protected], sp.
materials science & engineering; nanoscience & nano-
technology; applied catalysis.
314 Section D: Associateship
2020–2023 Ghosh, Kirtiman, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Calcutta), Institute of Physics,
Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar 751 005, Tel. Off. (0674)
230 6423, Mobile: 94741 54676, Fax (0674) 230 0142, email:
[email protected], URL: http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/~kgr/, sp. beyond
the standard model scenarios; neutrino masses & mixings;
phenomenology of Quark-Gluon plasma.

2019–2022 Guin, Joyram, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Westfalische Wilhelms Univ.),

School of Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, Tel. Off.
(033) 2473 4971/1426, Mobile: 94773 25784, Fax (033)
2473 2805, email: [email protected], sp. organic synthesis;
asymmetric catalysis; radical chemistry.

2020–2023 Gupta, Purvi, b. 1987, Ph.D. (Michigan), Department of

Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2571, Mobile: 91319 45880, email:
[email protected], URL: http://math.iisc.ac.in/~purvigupta/,
sp. several complex variables.

2021–2024 Gupta, Ritu, b. 1986, Ph.D. (JNCASR), Department of

Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Jodhpur, Jodhpur
342 037, Tel. Off. (0291) 280 1308, Mobile: 70735 85144,
email: [email protected], sp. nanomaterials; nanodevices; electro-
chemical energy materials; chemiresistive sensors.

2020–2023 Gupta, Subhojoy, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Yale), Department of

Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012,
Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3330, Mobile: 82774 25734, email: subhojoy@
iisc.ac.in, URL: https://sites.google.com/view/subhojoy/home,
sp. low dimensional geometry; Teichmueller theory;
hyperbolic manifolds.

2020–2023 Jaiswal, Amit, b. 1986, Ph.D. (IIT, Guwahati), School of Basic

Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology–Mandi, Kamand,
Mandi 175 075, Tel. Off. (01905) 26 7154, Mobile: 86298 96027,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.theajlab.com, sp.
30 nanobiotechnology; materials science; biotechnology.

2019–2022 Jasuja, Kabeer, b. 1984, Ph.D. (Kansas State), Department of

Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–
Gandhinagar, Palaj, Gandhinagar 382 355, Tel. Off. (079)
2395 2445, Res. (079) 2395 1445, Mobile: 78749 46373, email:
[email protected], sp. boron-rich nanosheets; nanohybrid
Section D: Associateship 315
2021–2024 Jolly, Mohit Kumar, b. 1990, Ph.D. (Rice), Centre for
BioSystems Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2751, Mobile:
99350 75860, email: [email protected], sp. computational
systems biology; mathematical biology; gene regulatory
networks; cancer metastasis and therapy resistance.

2020–2023 Kale, Ruta Prabhakar, b. 1983, Ph.D. (JNU), National Centre

for Radio Astrophysics, University Campus, Ganeshkhind,
Pune 411 007, Tel. Off. (020) 2571 9234, Mobile: 83088 16847,
Fax (020) 2569 2149, email: [email protected], URL: http://
www.ncra.tifr.res.in/~ruta/, sp. nonthermal phenomena in
galaxy clusters; radio galaxy evolution; radio astronomy

2021–2024 Karmakar, Shreya, b. 1986, Ph.D. (Tech. Univ. Berlin), Res.

449, Ashoka Road, Kolkata 700 084, Mobile: 80176 28189,
email: [email protected], URL: http://www.researchgate.
net/profile/shreya-karmakar, sp. metamorphic petrology;
geochronology; phase equilibria modelling.

2020–2023 Kumar, Prashant, b. 1982, Ph.D. (MNNIT, Allahabad),

Atmospheric Sciences Division, Space Applications Centre,
Ahmedabad 380 015, Tel. Off. (079) 2691 6050, Mobile:
93757 85190; 79355 88861, Fax (079) 2691 6075, email:
[email protected], sp. Satellite Data Assimilation,
Numerical Weather Forecasting, Indian Monsoon.

2021–2024 Kumar, Priyadarshi Chinmoy, b. 1988, Ph.D. (NGRI), Scientist

B, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33, GMS Road,
Dehra Dun 248 001, Tel. Off. (0135) 252 5454, Mobile:
93370 44834, email: [email protected], sp. machine learning;
seismic geomorphology; exploration geophysics; seismic

2021–2024 Maji, Biplab, b. 1987, Ph.D. (Ludwig-Maximilians), Department

of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Education &
Research–Kolkata, Mohanpur 741 246, Tel. Off. (033) 6136 0000/
1264, Res. (033) 6136 0000/1864, Mobile: 74793 02326, email:
[email protected], sp. organic synthesis; catalysis; asymmetric

316 Section D: Associateship

2019–2022 Mishra, Sanjay Kumar, b. 1982, Ph.D. (Lucknow), Physical
Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 009,
Tel. Off. (079) 2631 4944, Mobile: 63551 13631, Fax (079)
2630 0374, email: [email protected]; [email protected],
URL: https://www.prl.res.in/~sanjaym/, sp. dusty complex
plasmas; plasma physics; planetary plasma atmosphere.

2021–2024 Misra, Neeldhara, b. 1987, Ph.D. (IMSc), Department of

Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar 382 355, Tel. Off.
(079) 2395 2490, Res. (079) 2395 1490, Mobile: 97129 90170,
email: [email protected], sp. graph algorithms; compu-
tational social choice; parametrised complexity.

2021–2024 Nasim, MD, b. 1987, Ph.D. (HBNI), Department of Physics,

Indian Institute of Science, Education & Research–Berhampur,
Transit Campus, Berhampur 760 010, Tel. Off. 68022 27761,
Mobile: 84360 75772, email: [email protected], sp.
experiment high energy nuclear physics; heavy-ion QGP;
40 strange & heavy quark dynamics in QGP.

2019–2022 Nayak, Ajaya Kumar, b. 1983, Ph.D. (IIT, Bombay), School of

Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science Education &
Research, Jatni P.O., Khurda 752 050, Tel. Off. (0674)
249 4328, Mobile: 76539 54313, Fax (0674) 249 4262, email:
[email protected], URL: https://ajaya79.wixsite.com/nmslab/
people, sp. condensed matter experiment; magnetism;

2019–2022 Netrapalli, Praneeth Kumar, b. 1986, Ph.D. (Texas, Austin),

Microsoft Research India, 9, Lavelle Road, Bengaluru 560 001,
Tel. Off. (080) 6658 6165. Mobile: 88672 06779, email:
[email protected], URL: http://praneethnetrapalli.org/,
sp. machine learning; optimization; signal processing.

2019–2022 Pal, Sourav, b. 1982, Ph.D. (IISc), Department of

Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology–Bombay, Powai,
Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off. (022) 2576 9459, Res. (022)
2576 5459, Mobile: 97697 75459, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: https://sites.google.com/
view/pal-sourav/home, sp. functional analysis; operator
theory; several complex variables.
Section D: Associateship 317
2020–2023 Pathak, Binita, b. 1982, Ph.D. (Dibrugarh), Assistant
Professor, Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University,
Dibrugarh 786 004, Tel. Off. (0373) 237 0039, Mobile:
95087 22688, email: [email protected]; pathak.binita8@
gmail.com, sp. earth atmosphere & climate change;
atmospheric aerosols; trace gases; climate modelling.

2019–2022 Pooja Devi, b. 1988, Ph.D. (AcSIR, New Delhi), Agrionics

Division, Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Sector
30 C, Chandigarh 160 030, Tel. Off. (0172) 267 2320, Mobile:
78379 07516, Fax (0172) 265 7267, email: [email protected];
[email protected], sp. materials engineering; water
quality monitoring; photo electrochemical hydrogen electrodes
and devices; air purification devices.

2021–2024 Pingali, Vamsi Pratham, b. 1987, Ph.D. (SUNY, Stony Brook),

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 2754, Mobile: 94816
92943, Fax (080) 2360 0146, email: [email protected],
URL: http://www.math.iisc.ac.in/~vamsipingali/, sp. differential
geometry; mathematical physics; several complex variables.

2020–2023 Ranu, Sayan, b. 1984, Ph.D. ((Univ. Calif., Santa Barbara),

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology–Delhi, New Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off.
(011) 2659 6383, Mobile: 98404 86642, email: sayanranu@
iitd.ac.in, URL: http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~sayan/, sp. machine
learning for graphs; spatiotemporal data analysis;

2020–2023 Roy, Prosenjit, b. 1985, Ph.D. ((Zurich), Department of

Mathematics & Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology–
Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off. (0512) 259 2008, Mobile:
78924 05847, email: [email protected], URL: https://www.
iitk.ac.in/new/prosenjit-roy, sp. partial differential equations;
functional inequalities; variational methods.

2020–2023 Saha, Bivas, b. 1985, Ph.D. (Purdue), ICMS, Jawaharlal

Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur,
Bengaluru 560 064, Tel. Off. (080) 2208 2619, Res. (080)
2943 0847, Mobile: 63601 26595, Fax (080) 2208 2766, email:
[email protected], URL: http://www.jncasr.ac.in/bsaha, sp.
heterostructure & thin film materials science; thermoelectric
energy conversion; plasmonic materials & metamaterials.
318 Section D: Associateship
2019–2022 Samanta, Rajarshi, b. 1981, Ph.D. (IICT), Department of
Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology–Kharagpur,
Kharagpur 721 302, Tel. Off. (03222) 28 3310, Res. (03222)
28 3311, Mobile: 96350 72357, email: rsamanta@chem.
iitkgp.ac.in, URL: https://www.rsamanta.com, sp. synthetic
organic chemistry; transition metal catalysis; asymmetric
50 synthesis.

2017–2022 Saptharishi, Ramprasad, b. 1987, Ph.D. (CMI, Chennai),

School of TCS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai 400 005, Tel. Off. (022)
2278 2998, email: [email protected], URL: http://www.
tcs.tifr.res.in/~ramprasad/, sp. Algebraic circuit complexity;
computational complexity; coding theory.

2019–2022 Sasidhar, Balappa Somappa, b. 1984, Ph.D. (Gulbarga),

Chemical Science & Technology Division, National Institute
for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology, Industrial Estate
P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 019, Tel. Off. (0471) 251 5416,
Mobile: 94972 60897, email: [email protected];
[email protected], URL: http://www.niist.res.in/english/
scientists/sasidhar-b-s-/publications.html, sp. organic synthesis;
medicinal chemistry; phytochemistry.

2021–2024 Senanayak, Satyaprasad P, b. 1987, Ph.D. (JNCASR), School

of Physical Sciences, National Institute of Science, Education
& Research, Jatni Post, Khurda 752 050, Tel. Off. (0674)
229 4294, Mobile: 81445 51517, Fax (0674) 249 4262, email:
[email protected], sp. physics of charge transport;
device physics; materials engineering.

2020–2023 Sharma, Veerendra Kumar, b. 1985, Ph.D. (HBNI), Solid

State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, Tel. Off. (022) 2559 4604, Res.
(022) 2085 4155, Mobile: 99694 74155, Fax (022) 2550 5151,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL: http://
mayank.desc.iisc.ac.in/, sp. soft matter physics; membrane
biophysics; energy materials; confined fluids; neutron
scattering techniques.

2019–2022 Shukla, Arun Kumar, b. 1981, Ph.D. (Max Planck Inst.),

Department of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology, Indian
Institute of Technology–Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016, Tel. Off.
(0512) 259 4251, Res. (0512) 259 8589, Mobile: 80049 83769,
Fax (0512) 259 4010, email: [email protected], sp. structural
biology; cellular signaling; chemical & synthetic biology.

Section D: Associateship 319

2018–2022 Singh, Riddhi, b. 1987, Ph.D. (Penn. State Univ.),
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology–Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Tel. Off.
(022) 2576 9307, Res. (022) 2576 5307, Mobile: 97057 33278,
Fax (022) 2576 7302, email: [email protected]; singh.riddhi26@
gmail.com, URL: https://riddhisingh.weebly.com/, sp. rainfall
runoff modelling; decision analysis for water resources;
climate change.

2019–2022 Singh, Vibhor, b. 1984, Ph.D. (TIFR), Department of Physics,

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off.
(080) 2293 2720, email: [email protected], URL: www.
physics.iisc.ac.in/~v.singh/, sp. superconducting quantum
devices; transport in mesoscopic devices.

2019–2022 Sreenivas, Pentakota, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Andhra), Indian

Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Dr Homi Bhabha Road,
Pashan, Pune 411 008, Tel. Off. (020) 2590 4303, Res. (020)
2980 8793, Mobile: 96238 88793, Fax (020) 2586 5142, email:
[email protected]; [email protected], URL:
scientist_detail, sp. data assimilation; climate modelling;
monsoon prediction.

2017–2022 Srivastava, Piyush, b. 1988, Ph.D. (UC, Berkeley), School of

Technology and Computer Science, Tata Institute of
Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai
400 005, Tel. Off. (022) 2278 2985, email: piyush.srivastava@
tifr.res.in, URL: https://www.tifr.res.in/~piyush.srivastava, sp.

2019–2022 Subrahmanyam, Kandula V, b. 1983, Ph.D. (CUSAT), Earth

and Climate Science Area, National Atmospheric Remote
Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation,
Balanagar, Hyderabad 500 019, Mobile: 98955 78588, email:
[email protected], sp. remote sensing of clouds; clouds &
60 climate change.

2019–2022 Subudhi, Umakanta, b. 1982, Ph.D. (Utkal), DNA

Nanotechnology & Application Laboratory, CSIR–Institute of
Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar 751 013,
Tel. Off. (0674) 237 9299; (0674) 237 9249, Res. 98615 76636,
Mobile: 99386 72226; 89173 78887, Fax (0674) 256 7637,
email: [email protected]; [email protected], URL:
AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate, sp. DNA
nanotechnology; molecular biophysics; chemical biology;
anti-oxidant therapeutics.
320 Section D: Associateship
2020–2023 Suri, Manan, b. 1987, Ph.D. (INPG, France), Department of
Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology–Delhi, New
Delhi 110 016, Tel. Off. (011) 2659 1146, email: manansuri@
ee.iitd.ac.in, URL: https://web.iitd.ac.in/~manansuri/, sp.
nonvolatile memory technology; neuromorphic & AI hardware;
semiconductor hardware; hardware security.

2019–2022 Tiwari, Vishvanath, b. 1983, Ph.D. (AIIMS), Department of

Biochemistry, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri,
Ajmer 305 817, Mobile: 85030 02573, email: vishvanath@
curaj.ac.in; [email protected], URL: http://
faculty/vishvanath-tiwari, sp. host-pathogen interactions;
bacterial pathogenesis & antibiotics resistance; vaccine
design; drug discovery; protein engineering.

2020–2023 Vasan, Vishal, b. 1983, Ph.D. (Washington), International

Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Shivakote, Hesaraghatta Post,
Bengaluru 560 089, Tel. Off. (080) 4653 6350, Fax (080)
4653 6002, email: [email protected], sp. partial differential
equations; fluid mechanics; inverse problems.

2018–2022 Venkatesh, Rajendran, b. 1987, Ph.D. (HBNI, Delhi),

Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru 560 012, Tel. Off. (080) 2293 3616, Mobile:
98671 45104, email: [email protected], URL: http://math.
iisc.ac.in/~rvenkat/, sp. representation theory; combinatorics.

2018–2023 Vyasanakere, Jayanth P, b. 1988, Ph.D. (IISc), School of

Arts and Sciences, Azim Premji University, Survey No. 66,
Burugunte Village, Bikkanahalli Main Road, Sarjapura,
Bengaluru 562 125, Tel. Off. (080) 6614 4900-02, Res. (080)
2660 2802, Mobile: 97393 61318, Fax (080) 6614 5145,
email: [email protected]; [email protected],
sp. condensed matter physics; quantum mechanics;
physics education.

2019–2022 Yaragorla, Srinivasarao, b. 1981, Ph.D. (IICT), School of

Chemistry, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046,
Tel. Off. (040) 2313 4833, Mobile: 98662 86259, Fax (040)
2301 2460, email: [email protected], URL:
http://chemistry.uohyd.ac.in/ysr.htm, sp. organic chemistry;
67 synthetic methods-allenes; cycloadditions; annulations.

Section D: Associateship 321

1. Agarwal, Amar
2. Ghorai, Uttam K
3. Gupta, Ritu
4. Jolly, Mohit K
5. Karmakar, Shreya
6. Kumar, Priyadarshi C
7. Maji, Biplab
8. Misra, Neeldhara
9. Nasim, MD
10. Pingali, Vamsi P
11. Senanayak, Satyaprasad P


1. Adarsh, Kumaran Nair Valsala Devi ((2014–2017) (Physics)

2. Agarwal, Shivani (2012–2015) (Engineering & Technology)
3. Agarwal, Uday S. (1993–1997) (Engineering & Technology)
4. Agarwalla, Sanjib Kumar (2013–2016) (Physics)
5. Agashe, Deepa (2017–2020) (Animal Sciences)
6. Agrawal, Manindra (1998–2001) (Engineering & Technology)
7. Ajith, Parameswaran (2014–2017) (Physics)
8. Anand, Baskaran (2015–2018) (General Biology)
9. Anand, Sandeep (2017–2020) (Engineering & Technology)
10. Anand, Venkataramanarao Govindan (2008–2011) (Chemistry)
11. Anandavardhanan, U.K. (2007–2011) (Chemistry)
12. Ananth, Sudarshan (2009–2013) (Physics)
13. Ananthanarayanan, Vaishnavi (2018–2021) (General Biology)
14. Anantharamaiah, Kuduvalli Ramaswamaiah (1983–87) (Physics)
15. Anbarasan, Pazhamalai (2015–2018) (Chemistry)
16. Ansumali, Santosh (2010–2013) (Engineering)
17. Antia, Hormazad Maneck (1986–90) (Physics)
18. Antony, Runa (2017–2020) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
19. Arora, Dilip Kumar (1985–88) (Plant Sciences)
20. Arun, Sripati Panditaradhyulu (2010–2013) Medicine
21. Aswal, Vinod Kumar (2000–05) (Physics)
22. Athithan, Gopalasamy (1989–93) (Engineering & Technology)
23. Athreya, Siva (2002–06) (Mathematical Sciences)

322 Section D: Associateship

24. Ayyer, Arvind (2014–2017) (Mathematical Sciences)
25. Azmi, R.J. (1983–86) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
26. Badhulika, Sushmee (2017–2020) (Engineering & Technology)
27. Bagchi, Biman (1985–89) (Chemistry)
28. Baidya, Md. Mahiuddin (2017–2020) (Chemistry)
29. Balasubramanian, Ramachandran (1983–86)
(Mathematical Sciences)
30. Banerjee, Abhishek (2015–2019) (Mathematical Sciences)
31. Banerjee, Dipankar (1985–88) (Engineering & Technology)
32. Banerjee, Rahul (1996–2000) (Physics)
33. Banerjee, Rahul (2009–2012) (Chemistry)
34. Banerjee, Sunanda (1985–88) (Physics)
35. Barma, Mustansir (1983–86) (Physics)
36. Basu, Amit J. (1993–97) (Engineering & Technology)
37. Basu, Biswajit (1989–94) (Engineering & Technology)
38. Beegum, Naseema (2012–2016) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
39. Begum, Ayesha (2006–2011) (Physics)
40. Bera, Melinda Kumar (2013–2016) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
41. Bhalerao, Varun Balachandra (2017–2020) (Physics)
42. Bharali, Gautam (2006–09) (Mathematical Sciences)
43. Bhat, B.V. Rajarama (1996–2001) (Mathematical Sciences)
44. Bhat, T. Balakrishna (1983–86) (Engineering & Technology)
45. Bhatt, Abhay Gopal (1996–2001) (Mathematical Sciences)
46. Bhattacharjee, Subhro (2016–2019) (Physics)
47. Bhattacharya, Atanu (2016–2019) (Chemistry)
48. Bhattacharya, Dipankar (1988–93) (Physics)
49. Bhattacharya, Siddhartha (2003–06) (Mathematical Sciences)
50. Bhattacharyya, Suvendra Nath (2010–2013) (General Biology)
51. Bhavesh, Neel Sarovar (2009–2012) (General Biology)
52. Bhowmick, Jyotishman (2014–2017) (Mathematical Sciences)
53. Biswas, Debabrata (1994–99) (Physics)
54. Biswas, Kanishka (2014–2017) (Chemistry)
55. Biswas, Kingshook (2009–2014) (Mathematical Sciences)
56. Borah, Debasish (2018–2021) (Physics)
57. Chakma, Sankar (2017–2020) (Engineering & Technology)
58. Chakrabarti, Sandip K. (1989–93) (Physics)

Section D: Associateship 323

59. Chakrabarti, Subhabrata (2004–07) (Medicine)
60. Chakrabortty, Joydeep (2017–2020) (Physics)
61. Chakraborty, Anirvan (2018–2021) (Mathematical Sciences)
62. Chakraborty, Partha Sarathi (2005–08) (Mathematical Sciences)
63. Chakraborty, Sagar (2016–2019) (Physics)
64. Chakraborty, Jeevanjyoti (2017–2020) (Engineering & Technology)
65. Chakravarty, Charusita (1995–99) (Chemistry)
66. Chand, Hum (2009–2012) (Physics)
67. Chandra, Amalendu (1994–98) (Chemistry)
68. Chandran, L. Sunil (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)
69. Chandrasekar, V.K. (2011–2014) (Engineering & Technology)
70. Chandrasekhar, Jayaraman (1986–89) (Chemistry)
71. Chaplot, Samrath Lal (1985–90) (Physics)
72. Chattaraj, Pratim Kumar (1990–93) (Chemistry)
73. Chatterjee, Ambar (1986–89) (Physics)
74. Chaudhuri, Probal (1994–98) (Mathematical Sciences)
75. Chaudhuri, Swetaprovo (2016–2019) (Engineering & Technology)
76. Chauhan, Santosh (2009–2013) (Medicine)
77. Cherayil, Binny J. (1990–93) (Chemistry)
78. Choudhury, Debajyoti (1993–98) (Physics)
79. Chowdhury, Rukhsana (1989–93) (General Biology)
80. Dabeer, Onkar Jayant (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)
81. Das, Partha Pratim (1993–96) (Engineering & Technology)
82. Dasgupta, Pallab (1998–2002) (Engineering & Technology)
83. Datta, Ayan (2010–2015) (Chemistry)
84. Datta, Ranjan (2010–2013) (Engineering & Technology)
85. Deshpande, Avinash A. (1989–93) (Physics)
86. Desiraju, Gautam Radhakrishna (1985–88) (Chemistry)
87. Dethe, Dattatraya H. (2011–2014) (Chemistry)
88. Dewangan, Pawan (2009–2012) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
89. Dey, Abhishek (2010–2013) (Chemistry)
90. Dhandapani, Yogeshwaran (2016–2019) (Mathematical Sciences)
91. Dhanya, Chandrika Thulaseedharan (2016–2019)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
92. Dhar, Abhishek (2001–05) (Physics)
93. Dhar, Deepak (1983–86) (Physics)

324 Section D: Associateship

94. Dixit, Narendra M. (2008–2011) (Engineering & Technology)
95. Gadagkar, Raghavendra (1983–88) (Animal Sciences)
96. Gadgil, Siddhartha (2003–07) (Mathematical Sciences)
97. Gadre, Shridhar Ramchandra (1983–86) (Chemistry)
98. Gaikar, Vilas G. (1992–95) (Engineering & Technology)
99. Ganapathy, Radhika (2016–2019) (Mathematical Sciences)
100. Ganapathy, Rajesh (2010–2013) (Physics)
101. Ganesh, Krishnarajanagar Nagappa (1984–88) (Chemistry)
102. Ganguly, Gautam (1989–94) (Physics)
103. Garg, Rohini (2016–2019) (Plant Sciences)
104. Geetha, L. (1996–99) (Animal Sciences)
105. Geetharani, K (2018–2021) (Chemistry)
106. George, Subi Jacob (2011–2014) (Chemistry)
107. Ghosh, Anil Kumar (2007–2010) (Mathematical Sciences)
108. Ghosh, Ashish (1997–2001) (Engineering & Technology)
109. Ghosh, Pushpito Kumar (1987–89) (Chemistry)
110. Ghosh, Saurabh (2003–06) (General Biology)
111. Ghosh, Shankar (2005–09) (Physics)
112. Ghosh, Suhrit (2009–2012) (Chemistry)
113. Ghosh, Sujit Kumar (2012–2015) (Chemistry)
114. Ghosh, Tuhin (2018–2021) (Physics)
115. Ghosh, Zhumur (2011–2014) (General Biology)
116. Ghoshal, Shyam Sundar (2017–2020) (Mathematical Sciences)
117. Giri, Rajanish (2017–2020) (General Biology)
118. Godbole, Rohini Madhusudan (1985–88) (Physics)
119. Gogate, Parag Ratnakar (2009–2012)
(Engineering & Technology)
120. Goswami, Debashish (2003–07) (Mathematical Sciences)
121. Goswami, Jitendra Nath (1984–87) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
122. Govindaraju, T. (2011–2014) (Chemistry)
123. Gowrishankar, Jayaraman (1987–91) (General Biology)
124. Grover, Abhinav (2018–2021) (General Biology)
125. Gudi, Thirupathi (2011–2014) (Mathematical Sciences)
126. Gun, Sanoli (2010–2013) (Mathematical Sciences)
127. Gupta, Anjan Kumar (2004–07) (Physics)
128. Gupta, Neena (2013–2018) (Mathematical Sciences)

Section D: Associateship 325

129. Gupta, Purushottam Das (1986–89) (Physics)
130. Gupta, P.K. (1987–88) (Plant Sciences)
131. Gupta, Sanjeev Kumar (1997–2001) (Engineering & Technology)
132. Gupta, Satish Kumar (1986–89) (General Biology)
133. Guptasarma, Purnananda (1997–2001) (General Biology)
134. Guttal, Vishwesha (2013–2016) (Animal Sciences)
135. Habib, Saman (1997–02) (General Biology)
136. Hariharan, Ramesh (2000–04) (Engineering & Technology)
137. Harsha, Prahladh (2011–2014) (Engineering & Technology)
138. Hazarika, Nabajit (2017–2021) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
139. Hazra, Aritra (2018–2021) (Engineering & Technology)
140. Holla, Yogish I. (2002–06) (Mathematical Sciences)
141. Home, Dipankar (1987–90) (Physics)
142. Hosur, Ramakrishna Vijayacharya (1985–88) (Chemistry)
143. Inamdar, Maneesha S. (1999–2002) (General Biology)
144. Inderjit (1995–98) (Plant Sciences)
145. Iyer, B.R. (1984–87) (Physics)
146. Jain, Mukesh (2007–2012) (Plant Sciences)
147. Jain, Tanvi (2010–2015) (Mathematical Sciences)
148. Jain, Vimal Kumar (1988–91) (Chemistry)
149. Jana, Subhra (2015–2018) (Chemistry)
150. Jana, Tushar (2005–09) (Chemistry)
151. Jayanth Kumar, Palanichamy (2016–2019) (Medicine)
152. Jeganmohan, Masilamani (2012–2015) (Chemistry)
153. Jemmis, Eluvathingal Devassy (1984–87) (Chemistry)
154. Jha, Rajan (2013–2016) (Physics)
155. Jha, Somnath (2017–2020) (Mathematical Sciences)
156. Joshi, Amitabh (1997–2000) (Animal Sciences)
157. Joshi, Jyeshtharaj Bhalchandra (1983–86)
(Engineering & Technology)
158. Joshi, Yogesh Moreshwar (2006–09) (Engineering & Technology)
159. Karagadde, Shyamprasad (2018–2021) (Engineering & Technology)
160. Karthikeyan, Thangaraj (2008–2011) (Engineering & Technology)
161. Kaul, Romesh Kumar (1984–87) (Physics)
162. Kavitha, Telikepalli (2007–2010) (Engineering & Technology)
163. Kayastha, Arvind Mohan (1991–95) (General Biology)

326 Section D: Associateship

164. Kembhavi, Ajit Keshav (1983–86) (Physics)
165. Khan, Faiz Ahmed (1997–2000) (Chemistry)
166. Khan, Sameena (2016–2019) (General Biology)
167. Khare, Chandrashekhar B. (1998–2002) (Mathematical Sciences)
168. Kinger, Asha Kiran (1993–97) (General Biology)
169. Kodandaramaiah, Ullasa (2014–2017) (Animal Sciences)
170. Kolaskar, Ashok Sadanand (1984–87) (General Biology)
171. Koshti, Sucheta (1995–98) (Physics)
172. Krishnamurthy, Hulikal Ramaiyengar (1983–86) (Physics)
173. Krishnamurthy, M. (1999–2004), (Physics)
174. Krishnan, Nadathur (1990–95) (Physics)
175. Krishnan, Yamuna (2005–09) (General Biology)
176. Krishnapur, Manjunath (2009–2014) (Mathematical Sciences)
177. Kshirsagar, Abhijit Khanderao (1992–95) (Physics)
178. Kulkarni, Amol (2011–2014) (Engineering & Technology)
179. Kulkarni, Ankur Achyut (2015–2018) (Engineering & Technology)
180. Kulkarni, Manas (2017–2020) (Physics)
181. Kulkarni, Mohan Gopalkrishna (1984–88) (Engineering & Technology)
182. Kulkarni, R.N. (1984–88) (Plant Sciences)
183. Kumar, Aditya (2017–2020) (General Biology)
184. Kumar, Alok (1993–96) (Physics)
185. Kumar, Brijesh (2006–2011) (Physics)
186. Kumar, Neithalath Mohan (1984–87) (Mathematical Sciences)
187. Kumar, Praveen (2016–2019) (Engineering & Technology)
188. Kumaran, Viswanathan (1995–2000) (Engineering & Technology)
189. Kundu, Anupam (2018–2021) (Physics)
190. Lala, Anil Kumar (1983–86) (Chemistry)
191. Lele, Ashish K. (1996–2001) (Engineering & Technology)
192. Mabalirajan, Ulaganathan (2013–2016) (Medicine)
193. Mahajan, Namit (2008–2011) (Physics)
194. Mahajan, Smriti (2018–2021) (Physics)
195. Mahalakshmi, Radhakrishnan (2014–2017) (General Biology)
196. Mahapatra, Santanu (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)
197. Maiti, Debabrata (2013–2016) (Chemistry)
198. Maitra, Uday (1989–92) (Chemistry)
199. Maji, Pradipta (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)

Section D: Associateship 327

200. Malik, Sudip (2009–2012) (Chemistry)
201. Mandal, Gautam (1992–97) (Physics)
202. Mandal, Nibir (1992–97) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
203. Mandal, Sumantra (2009–2014) (Engineering & Technology)
204. Manglik, Ajay (1996–2001) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
205. Manjunath, Madhusudan (2018–2021) (Mathematical Sciences)
206. Manna, Uttam (2018–2021) (Chemistry)
207. Marimuthu, Ganapathy (1987–89) (Animal Sciences)
208. Maulik, Krishanu (2008–2011) (Mathematical Sciences)
209. Mazumdar, Shyamalava (1991–96) (Chemistry)
210. Mehra, Anurag (1989–94) (Engineering & Technology)
211. Mehra, Narinder Kumar (1983–86) (Medicine)
212. Mehrotra, Ravi (1986–89) (Physics)
213. Menon, Gautam I. (1996–2001) (Physics)
214. Mishra, Rajiv Sharan (1993–96) (Engineering & Technology)
215. Mishra, Sabyashachi (2016–2019) (Chemistry)
216. Misra, Abha (2013–2016) (Engineering & Technology)
217. Mitra, Abhijit (2008–2011) (Engineering & Technology)
218. Mitra, Supriyo (2011–2014) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
219. Mittal, Aditya (2005–09) (Engineering & Technology)
220. Mohan, Anand (1988–92) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
221. Mohanty, Bedangadas (2003–07) (Physics)
222. Mohanty, Saradaprasad (1989–93) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
223. Mondal, Jagannath, (2016–2019) (Chemistry)
224. Mondal, Samrat (2016–2019) (Animal Sciences)
225. Mukerjee, Subroto (2010–2013) (Physics)
226. Mukherjee, Chandan (2015–2018) (Chemistry)
227. Mukherjee, Partha Sarathi (2007–2010) (Chemistry)
228. Mukherjee, Prabir Kumar (1997–2001) (Physics)
229. Mukherjee, Santanu (2012–2015) (Chemistry)
230. Mukhopadhyay, Banibrata (2007–2010) (Physics)
231. Mukhopadhyay, Debdeep (2011–2014)
(Engineering & Technology)
232. Mukhopadhyay, Pritam (2007–2010) (Chemistry)
233. Mukhopadhyay, Samrat (2009–2012) (General Biology)

328 Section D: Associateship

234. Nag, Angshuman (2014–2017) (Chemistry)
235. Nagaraj, Ramakrishnan (1985–88) (General Biology)
236. Nagendra, Harini (2003–07) (Plant Sciences)
237. Nagendran, Selvarajan (2009–2012) (Chemistry)
238. Nair, Arvind N. (2000–05) (Mathematical Sciences)
239. Nair, Nisanth Narayanan (2012–2015) (Chemistry)
240. Nair, Vijayakumar Sivadasan (2010–2015)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
241. Nanda, Samik (2010–2013) (Chemistry)
242. Nangia, Ashwini (1992–95) (Chemistry)
243. Narayan, Ramesh (1983–86) (Physics)
244. Narayanan, Eravimangalam Krishnan (2001–05)
(Mathematical Sciences)
245. Narayanan, Tharangattu Narayanan (2015–2018) (Physics)
246. Natarajan, Vijay (2010–2013) (Engineering & Technology)
247. Neelankantan, Krishnan (1983–88) (Engineering & Technology)
248. Nitsure, Nitin (1989–92) (Mathematical Sciences)
249. Nori, Madhav Vithal (1983–86) (Mathematical Sciences)
250. Padhy, Lakshmi Charan (1983–86) (General Biology)
251. Padiath, Quasar Saleem (2002–06) (Medicine)
252. Padmanabhan, Thanu (1984–89) (Physics)
253. Pal, Arupkumar (1999–2003) (Mathematical Sciences)
254. Pal, Bipul (2008–2011) (Physics)
255. Pande, Kanchan (1987–92) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
256. Pandey, Anshu (2014–2017) (Chemistry)
257. Pandit, Rahul (1987–91) (Physics)
258. Parameswaran, A. J. (1992–97) (Mathematical Sciences)
259. Paranjape, Aseem (2015–2018) (Physics)
260. Paranjape, Kapil Hari (1992–95) (Mathematical Sciences)
261. Parthasarathi, Ramakrishnan (2008–2013) (Chemistry)
262. Patel, Apoorva D. (1990–94) (Physics)
263. Patel, Vijay Vinayak (2000–04) (Engineering & Technology)
264. Pati, Arun Kumar (1998–2001) (Physics)
265. Pati, Ashok Kumar (1983–88) (Physics)
266. Patil, Nitin Tukaram (2010–2013) (Chemistry)
267. Patil, Satish Amrutrao (2009–2012) (Chemistry)

Section D: Associateship 329

268. Patra, Amit (1992–97) (Engineering & Technology)
269. Patra, Arpita (2015–2018) (Engineering & Technology)
270. Patwardhan, Ashwin Wasudeo (2004–2007)
(Engineering & Technology)
271. Pavan Chaitanya, Peddapati (2018–2021)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
272. Pavan Kumar, G.V. (2011–2015) (Physics)
273. Perlekar, Prasad (2015–2018) (Physics)
274. Prabhu, Ramappa (2015–2018) (Physics)
275. Pradeep Singh, Narayana Dhuleep (2009–2012) (Chemistry)
276. Pradip (1988–91) (Engineering & Technology)
277. Prajapati, Vijay Kumar (2016–2019) (Medicine)
278. Prasad, Amritanshu (2005–09) (Mathematical Sciences)
279. Prasad, Sudarsan D. (1984–87) (Engineering & Technology)
280. Prathap, Gangan (1985–88) (Engineering & Technology)
281. Praveen Kumar, Balanpillai (2017–2020)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
282. Priyakumar, U. Deva (2011–2014) (General Biology)
283. Pucadyil, Thomas J. (2011–2014) (General Biology)
284. Radhakrishnan, Jaikumar (1994–99) (Engineering & Technology)
285. Radhakrishnan, T.P. (1990–95) (Chemistry)
286. Raghubanshi, Akhilesh Singh (1993–98) (Plant Sciences)
287. Raj, Rishi, (2018–2021) Engineering & Technology)
288. Rajadhyaksha, Rajeev Anand (1984–87)
(Engineering & Technology)
289. Rajaraman, Gopalan (2013–2016) (Chemistry)
290. Ramakrishna, Subramaniam Anantha (2004–2007) (Physics)
291. Ramakrishnan, S. (1991–95) (Chemistry)
292. Ramaswami, Mani (1991–96) (General Biology)
293. Ramaswamy, Ramakrishna (1985–88) (Chemistry)
294. Ramaswamy, Sriram (1988–92) (Physics)
295. Ramesh, D.S. (1991–96) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
296. Ramkumar, Peramachanahalli Sachidananda (1998–2001) (Physics)
297. Ranade, Vivek Vinayak (1994–98) (Engineering & Technology)
298. Ranganathan, Anand (2002–2006) (General Biology)
299. Rangarajan, Pundi Narasimhan (1994–98) (General Biology)

330 Section D: Associateship

300. Rangarajan, Raghavan (1998–2001) (Physics)
301. Rao, I.V. Ramanuja (1983–88) (Plant Sciences)
302. Ray, Debashis (1990–95) (Chemistry)
303. Ray, Jyotiranjan (1999–2004) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
304. Ray, Partho Sarothi (2010–2013) (General Biology)
305. Ray, Supratim (2012–2015) (Medicine)
306. Raychaudhuri, Arup Kumar (1986–89) (Physics)
307. Rodrigues, Veronica Filomena (1983–88) (General Biology)
308. Row, Tayur N. Guru (1983–86) (Chemistry)
309. Roy, Debdas (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)
310. Roy, Parthanil (2012–2015) (Mathematical Sciences)
311. Roy Chowdhury, Dipanwita (1994–1998) (Engineering & Technology)
312. Saha, Binoy Krishna (2009–2013) (Chemistry)
313. Saha, Dipankar (2011–2014) (Engineering & Technology)
314. Sahu, Kirti Chandra (2012–2015) (Engineering & Technology)
315. Saikia, Dhruba Jyoti (1986–91) (Physics)
316. Saluja, Daman (1990–94) (Plant Sciences)
317. Sampathkumaran, Echur Varadadesikan (1987–89) (Physics)
318. Samuel, Joseph (1985–90) (Physics)
319. Sandeep, Kunnath (2008–2011) (Mathematical Sciences)
320. Sankar, G. (1988–93) (Chemistry)
321. Sarkar, Chitra (1987–90) (Medicine)
322. Sarkar, Ram Rup (2006–09) (Animal Sciences)
323. Sarma, Dipankar Das (1987–90) (Chemistry)
324. Satheesh, Sreedharan Krishnakumari (2001–05)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
325. Sathyamurthy, Narayanasami (1983–86) (Chemistry)
326. Saxena, Manoj (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)
327. Sekhar, Jainagesh Akkaraju (1986–91) (Engineering & Technology)
328. Sen, Ashoke (1988–91) (Physics)
329. Sen, Sakya Singha (2017–2020) (Chemistry)
330. Senthil Kumar, Perumal (2007–2010) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
331. Sengupta, Surajit (1994–97) (Physics)
332. Seshadri, Ram (1999–2002) (Chemistry)
333. Seshasayee, Aswin Sai Narain (2013–2018) (General Biology)
334. Shah, Nimish A. (1993–98) (Mathematical Sciences)

Section D: Associateship 331

335. Shalivahan (2002–2006) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
336. Shankar, Viswanathan (2004–2007) (Chemistry)
337. Shankaranarayanan, Subramaniam (2010–2013) (Physics)
338. Sharma, Mahak (2015–2018) (Animal Sciences)
339. Sharma, Vijay Kumar (1998–2002) (Animal Sciences)
340. Shenoy, Aroon Vasudev (1985–88) (Engineering & Technology)
341. Shenoy, Vijay Balakrishna (2001–2005)
(Engineering & Technology)
342. Sheth, Hetu C. (2003–2007) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
343. Shetye, Satish Ramanath (1984–87) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
344. Shrivastava, Mayank (2018–2021) Engineering & Technology)
345. Siddharthan, Rahul (2005–2008) (Physics)
346. Singh, Arvind (2017–2020) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
347. Singh, Prabhat Kumar (2017–2020) (Chemistry)
348. Singh, Ritesh K. (2011–2014) (Physics)
349. Singh, Sanjay (2009–2013) (Chemistry)
350. Sinha, Devanjan (2017–2020) (Animal Sciences)
351. Sivarajan, Kumar (1997–2000) (Engineering & Technology)
352. Srianand, R. (1996–2001) (Physics)
353. Sridhar, Perali Ramu (2011–2014) (Chemistry)
354. Sridharan, Raja (1999–2002) (Mathematical Sciences)
355. Srikanth, Srinivasan (1992–95) (Engineering & Technology)
356. Srinivas, Vasudevan (1988–93) (Mathematical Sciences)
357. Srinivasa Raghavan, N.R. (2004–2007) (Engineering & Technology)
358. Sriram, Vishwanath (2006–2011) (General Biology)
359. Srivastava, Chandan (2014–2017) (Engineering & Technology)
360. Subba Reddy, Maddika (2012–2015) (Animal Sciences)
361. Subrahmanyan, Ravi (1990–95) (Physics)
362. Subramanian, Ganesh (2007–2010) (Engineering & Technology)
363. Supradeepa, Venkatasubbaiah, R (2018–2021)
(Engineering & Technology)
364. Sujatha, R. (1993–97) (Mathematical Sciences)
365. Sundararajan, G. (1987–88) (Engineering & Technology)
366. Sunoj, Raghavan B. (2006–09) (Chemistry)
367. Suresh Babu, S N (2007–2011) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
368. Suresh, Venapally (1998–2001) (Mathematical Sciences)
369. Swathi, Rotti Srinivasamurthy (2014–2017) (Chemistry)

332 Section D: Associateship

370. Tandon, Nikhil (1995–98) (Medicine)
371. Taraphder, Srabani (1999–2004) (Chemistry)
372. Thampi, Smitha V. (2011–2014) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
373. Thapa, Ranjit (2016–2019) (Physics)
374. Thanikaivelan, P (2007–2011) (Engineering & Technology)
375. Thattai, Mukund (2005–09) (General Biology)
376. Thilagar, Pakkirisamy (2009–2012) (Chemistry)
377. Tirumkudulu, Mahesh S. (2005–2008) (Engineering & Technology)
378. Tole, Shubha (1999–2002) (General Biology)
379. Tripathi, Swati (2017–2021) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)
380. Tripathi, Vikram (2007–2010) (Physics)
381. Tripathy, Gyana Ranjan (2015–2018)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
382. Tuli, Rakesh (1986–89) (Plant Sciences)
383. Uday Kumar Reddy, Bondhugula (2016–2019)
(Engineering & Technology)
384. Udgaonkar, Jayant Bhalchandra (1991–95) (General Biology)
385. Uma, Kizhathur Narasimhan (2015–2018)
(Earth & Planetary Sciences)
386. Vaidya, Vidita Ashok (2000–2005) (Medicine)
387. Vasudevan, Sukumaran (1987–88) (Chemistry)
388. Venkatakrishnan, P. (1984–88) (Physics)
389. Venugopal, Santhanam (2009–2012) (Engineering & Technology)
390. VijayRaghavan, Usha (1990–95) (General Biology)
391. Vineeth, C. (2011–2015) (Physics)
392. Vinu, Ravikrishnan (2017–2020) (Engineering & Technology)
393. Vishal, Vikram (2018–2021) Earth & Planetary Sciences)
394. Viswanath, Sankaran (2009–2012) (Mathematical Sciences)
395. Viswanatha, Ranjani (2013–2016) (Chemistry)
396. Viswanathan, Narayanan (1988–93) (Animal Sciences)
397. Viswanathan, R. Raju (1993–98) (Engineering & Technology)
398. Visweswariah, Sandhya S. (1988–92) (General Biology)
399. Waghmare, Umesh Vasudeo (2000–2003) (Physics)
400. Yadav, Gitanjali (2010–2013) (Plant Sciences)
401. Yadav, Jhillu Singh (1984–87) (Chemistry)
402. Yashonath, Subramanian (1988–91) (Chemistry)
403. Yhoshu, Kedovikho (2017–2020) (Earth & Planetary Sciences)

Section D: Associateship 333

Section E

Sectional Committees are appointed by the Council. Their responsibilities
(a) screening of the list of candidates for election to the Fellowship
and reporting thereon to the Council;
(b) organising lectures and discussion meetings;
(c) preparation of articles and position papers for publication, and
(d) generally carrying out the programme of the Academy in their
areas of specialization.
Members of the Sectional Committees have the responsibility of
consulting other Fellows in carrying out their work.

Sectional Committees — 2022

I. Mathematical Sciences
Name Tel. Office Email
1. Tirthankar Bhattacharyya (080) 2293 2710 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
2. Probal Chaudhuri (033) 2575 3414, [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata (033)2575 3400
3. Eknath Ghate (022) 2278 2663 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
4. Sanoli Gun (044) 2254 3202 [email protected]
IMSc, Chennai
5. Amit Kumar IIT, (011) 2659 1286 [email protected]
New Delhi
6. Neela Nataraj (022) 2576 7468 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
7. Rahul Roy (011) 4149 3905 [email protected]
ISI, New Delhi
8. P Sankaran (044) 7196 1022 [email protected]
CMI, Chennai

II. Physics
Name Tel. Office Email
1. Amol Dighe (022) 2278 2423 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
2. Dipankar Banerjee (05942) 23 5136 [email protected]
ARIES, Nainital

336 Section E: Committees

3. Anjan Barman (033) 2335 5706-8 [email protected];
SNB-NCBS, Kolkata [email protected]
4. Debajyoti Choudhury (011) 2766 7061 debajyoti.choudhury@
Delhi University, Delhi gmail.com
5. Amita Das 98795 65174 [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi
6. Bedangadas Mohanty (0674) 249 4266 [email protected]
NISER, Bhubaneswar
7. Krishnendu Sengupta (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 2192
8. Sudeshna Sinha 99156 62755 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
9. P B Sunil Kumar (04923) 22 6501 [email protected];
IIT, Palakkad [email protected]

III. Chemistry
Name Tel. Office Email
1. A K Ganguli (011) 2659 1511, [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi (Convener) (011) 2659 6452
2. A Ajayaghosh (0471) 249 3599, [email protected]
NIIST, 249 0324
3. Rahul Banerjee (033) 6136 0000/ [email protected]
IISER, Kolkata 1327
4. J K Bera (0512) 679 7336 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
5. Jyotirmayee Dash (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1405
6. T Punniyamurthy (0361) 258 2309 [email protected]
IIT, Guwahati
7. Subramaniam (080) 2293 2744 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
8. S Sampath (080) 2293 3315 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
9. R B Sunoj (022) 2576 7173 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai

Section E: Committees 337

IV. Engineering & Technology
Name Tel. Office Email
1. A B Pandit (022) 3361 1111-2 [email protected];
ICT, Mumbai (Convener) [email protected]
2. Debatosh Guha (033) 2350 9115- [email protected]
Calcutta Univesity, 16, 2350 9413/54
3. Ramesh Hariharan (080) 4078 7263 [email protected]
Strand Life Sciences,
4. Santosh Kapuria (011) 2659 1218 [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi
5. Indranil Manna (0651) 227 5402 [email protected],
BIT, Ranchi [email protected]
6. Sanjay Mittal (0512) 679 7906 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
7. Sunita Sarawagi (022) 2576 7904 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
8. Bhim Singh (011) 2659 1045 [email protected];
IIT, New Delhi [email protected]

V. Medicine
Name Tel. Office Email
1. Anurag Agrawal (011) 2766 7298, [email protected];
IGIB, Delhi (Convener) 2766 7578 [email protected]
2. Amita Aggarwal (0522) 249 4284 [email protected]
SGPGI, Lucknow
3. Anirban Basu (0124) 284 5225 [email protected]
NBRC, Manesar
4. Madhu Dikshit 94151 11766 [email protected]
CDRI, Lucknow
5. Vikram Mathews (0416) 228 2891 [email protected];
CMC, Vellore [email protected]
6. Mitali Mukerji 98112 88052 [email protected]
IIT, Jodhpur
7. G Nageswara Rao (040) 3061 2609 [email protected]
LVPEI, Hyderabad
8. V Ravi (080) 2699 5126 [email protected]
NIMHANS, Bengaluru

338 Section E: Committees

VI. Earth & Planetary Sciences
Name Tel. Office Email
1. M Rajeevan 85059 02700 [email protected];
MoES, New Delhi madhavanrajeevn@
(Convener) gmail.com
2. Gufran-Ullah Beig (020) 2590 4261 [email protected]
IITM, Pune
3. Anil Bhardwaj (079) 2631 4855, [email protected];
PRL, Ahmedabad 2631 4854 [email protected]
4. Archana Bhattacharyya 96195 43004 archana.bhattacharyya@
Navi Mumbai gmail.com
5. Vineet K Gahalaut (040) 2701 2517 [email protected]
NGRI, Hyderabad
6. M Jayananda (040) 2313 5309 [email protected]
Univ. of Hyderabad,
7. P P Mujumdar (080) 2293 2323 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
8. Kalachand Sain (0135) 252 5101 [email protected],
WIHG, Dehradun [email protected]
9. Chandra Venkataraman (022) 2576 7224 [email protected];
IIT, Mumbai [email protected]

VII. Animal Science

Name Tel. Office Email
1. Somdatta Sinha 89687 44849 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
2. Jayasri Das Sarma (033) 6136 0000/ [email protected]
IISER, Kolkata 1202
3. Maneesha S Inamdar (080) 2208 2818 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
4. N G Prasad (0172) 224 0266 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
5. Qudsia Tahseen (0571) 270 0921- [email protected]
AMU, Aligarh 23/3440

VIII. Plant Science

Name Tel. Office Email
1. Anil K Tripathi (0542) 236 9670 [email protected];
BHU, Varanasi [email protected]
2. Maitrayee DasGupta (033) 2461 4714 [email protected]
Calcutta Univ., Kolkata

Section E: Committees 339

3. Utpal Nath (080) 2293 2414, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru 2293 3606
4. Appa Rao Podile (040) 2313 4503 [email protected]
Univ. of Hyderabad,
5. Ramesh V Sonti (0877) 250 0431 [email protected];
IISER, Tirupati [email protected]

IX. General Biology

Name Tel. Office Email
1. Hemalatha Balaram (080) 2208 2812 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
2. Sumantra Chattarji (080) 2366 6525 [email protected]
NCBS, Bengaluru
3. Samit Chattopadhyay (0832) 258 0856 [email protected],
BITS, Goa [email protected]
4. B Gopal (080) 2293 3219 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. Rupinder Kaur (040) 2721 6137 [email protected]
CDFD, Hydearbad
6. Roop Mallik (022) 2576 7769, [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai 2576 4789
7. Apurva Sarin (080) 6194 8200 [email protected]
INSTEM, Bengaluru
8. D Siddavattam (040) 2313 4578 [email protected],
Univ. of Hyderabad, [email protected]

340 Section E: Committees

Name Tel. Office Email
1. Umesh V Waghmare (080) 2208 2842 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
2. D Balasubramanian (040) 2354 3652, [email protected]
LVPEI, Hyderabad 6810 2501
3. Dipankar Chatterji (080) 2360 0137, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2293 2836
4. Partha P Majumder (033) 2589 2150- [email protected]
NIBMG,Kalyani 51
5. V Ramgopal Rao (011) 2659 1701, [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi (011) 2658 2020
6. T V Ramakrishnan (080) 2293 2581 [email protected];
IISc, Bengaluru [email protected]
7. Mythily Ramaswamy 98453 35387 [email protected]
ICTS, Bengaluru
8. R Ramaswamy (011) 2659 7969 [email protected];
IIT, New Delhi [email protected]
9. C N R Rao (080) 2365 3075, [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru (080) 2208 2761
10. A K Sood (080) 2360 2238, [email protected];
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2293 2964 [email protected]


Name Tel. Office Email

1. V A Raghunathan 94808 36154 [email protected]
RRI, Bengaluru
2. Sharmila A Bapat (020) 2570 8089 [email protected]
NCCS, Pune
3. Gautam Biswas (0512) 259 7656 [email protected];
IIT, Kanpur [email protected]
4. Swagata Dasgupta (03222) 28 3306 [email protected];
IIT, Kharagpur [email protected]
5. Jaya N Iyer (044) 2254 3306 [email protected];
IMSc, Chennai [email protected]
6. V Nagaraja (080) 2293 2598 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
7. Imran Siddiqi (040) 2719 2570 [email protected];
CCMB, Hyderabad [email protected]
8. D C Srivastava (01332) 28 5558 [email protected];
IIT, Roorkee deepak.srivastava@

Section E: Committees 341


1. Ram Sagar (IIA, Bengaluru)

Editor of Publications (Chair)
Tel. Off. (080) 2254 1221, Mobile: 98864 43436
email: [email protected]; [email protected]

2. Gaiti Hasan (NCBS, Bengaluru)

Associate Editor of Publications
Tel. Off. (080) 2366 6140
email: [email protected]

Chief Editors
3. C S Rajan (Ashoka University, Sonepat)
Proceedings (Mathematical Sciences)
4. Giridhar U Kulkarni (JNCASR, Bengaluru)
Bulletin of Materials Science
5. S Natarajan (IISc, Bengaluru)
Journal of Chemical Sciences
6. Annapurni Subramaniam (IIA, Bengaluru)
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
7. D P Kasbekar (CDFD, Hyderabad)
Journal of Genetics
8. Renee M Borges (IISc, Bengaluru)
Journal of Biosciences
9. N V Chalapathi Rao (BHU, Varanasi)
Journal of Earth System Science
10. B Sury (ISI, Bengaluru)
Resonance – Journal of Science Education
11. Mewa Singh (Mysore University, Mysore)
Dialogue: Science, Scientists, and Society
12. J H Arakeri (IISc, Bengaluru)
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engg. Sciences (Mechanical Sciences)
13. K V S Hari (IISc, Bengaluru)
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engg. Sciences (Electrical Sciences)
14. R K Shyamasundar (IIT, Mumbai)
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engg. Sciences (Computer & Data Sci.)
15. Aswini Ghosh (IACS, Kolkata)
Pramana (Journal of Physics)

342 Section E: Committees


Indian Academy of Sciences


Name Tel. Off. Email

1. Puspendu K Das (080) 2293 2662 [email protected];
IISc, Bengaluru [email protected]
2. Annapurni Subramaniam (080) 2254 1354 [email protected]
IIA, Bengaluru
3. Hemalatha Balaram (080) 2208 2812 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
4. Jaydeep K Basu (080) 2293 3281 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. Joyoti Basu 98300 44776 [email protected]
Bose Institute, Kolkata
6. Sudip Chattopadhyay 94347 88029 [email protected];
NIT, Durgapur sudip.chattopadhyay@
7. Ashutosh Ghosh (033) 2241 3288 [email protected]
Calcutta Univ, Kolkata
8. Srubabati Goswami (079) 2631 4471 [email protected];
PRL, Ahmedabad sruba.goswami@
9. Rama Kant (011) 2766 6646/ [email protected]
Delhi Univ., Delhi 188
10. Mj Mahan (022) 2278 2648 [email protected];
TIFR, Mumbai [email protected]
11. Indranil Manna (0651) 227 5402 [email protected],
BIT, Ranchi [email protected]
12. Chandrabhas Narayana (0471) 234 7973, [email protected];
RGCB, 252 9400 [email protected]
13. Tanmaya Pathak (03222) 28 3342 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
14. Rajeev Patnaik (0172) 253 4250 [email protected]
Panjab Univ, Chandigarh
15. Vandana Prasad (0522) 274 2901 [email protected]
BSIP, Lucknow
16. K N Raghavan (044) 2254 3264 [email protected];
IMSc, Chennai [email protected]
17. Nitin Saxena (0512) 679 7588 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur

Section E: Committees 343

Indian National Science Academy
New Delhi

Name Tel. Off. Email

1. Arup Bose (033) 2575 3409 [email protected]

ISI, Kolkata
2. E V Sampathkumaran 98921 00402 [email protected]
HBCSE, Mumbai
3. Neelam Sangwan 94157 66696 [email protected],
CUH, Mahendergarh sangwan.neelam@
4. Chitra Sarkar (011) 2659 3371 [email protected]
AIIMS, New Delhi

The National Academy of Sciences, India


Name Tel. Off. Email

1. Suchitra Banerjee – suchitrabanerjee07@

CIMAP, Lucknow yahoo.com
2. Swapan K Ghosh 92229 89108 [email protected]
Univ. of Mumbai, Mumbai
3. Girija Jayaraman (011) 2659 1310 [email protected],
IIT, Delhi girija.jayaraman@
4. Anirban Pathak – [email protected]
JIIT, Noida


Name Tel. Off. Email

1. Sandhya S Visweswariah (080) 2293 2542 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
2. Subhasis Chaudhuri (022) 2576 7001 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
3. S Mahadevan 98452 08358 [email protected]
4. Sudipta Maiti (022) 2278 2539 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
5. Sunil Mukhi (020) 2590 8116 [email protected]
6. Shobhana Narasimhan (080) 2208 2833 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
(Ex-officio Member,
Chair, Women in Science)

344 Section E: Committees

7. T P Radhakrishnan (040) 2313 4827 [email protected]
Univ. of Hyderabad,
8. Ram Sagar (080) 2254 1221 [email protected];
IIA, Bengaluru [email protected]
(Ex-officio Member, Chair,
Publications Committee)


Name Tel. Off. Email
1. Shobhana Narasimhan (080) 2208 2833 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
2. Ruchi Anand (022) 2576 7165 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
3. Rohini M Godbole (080) 2293 2845, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2360 7798
4. Neena Gupta (033) 2575 3421 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
5. Uma Ramakrishnan (080) 2366 6030 [email protected]
NCBS, Bengaluru
6. R Ramaswamy (011) 2659 7969 [email protected];
IIT, New Delhi [email protected]
7. H A Ranganath 99023 00909 [email protected]
CHG, Bengaluru

Name Tel. Off. Email
1. V A Raghunathan 94808 36154 [email protected]
RRI, Bengaluru
2. Renee M Borges (080) 2360 2972, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2293 3103
3. Financial Adviser & – [email protected];
Secretary, DST [email protected]
4. Rohini M Godbole (080) 2293 2845, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2360 7798
5. Anand Kamavisdar – [email protected]
DST, New Delhi
6. K Vijayamohanan Pillai (0877) 250 0236 k.vijayamohanan@
IISER, Tirupati gmail.com;
[email protected]
7. N Maheshchandra (080) 2266 1203 [email protected]
Executive Secretary
IASc, Bengaluru

Section E: Committees 345

Name Tel. Off. Email
1. S K Tandon 98104 37365 [email protected]
IISER, Bhopal
2. Renee M Borges (080) 2360 2972, [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2293 3103
3. V Nagaraja (080) 2293 2598 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
4. Mythily Ramaswamy 98453 35387 [email protected]
ICTS, Bengaluru
5. K Vijayamohanan (0877) 250 0236 k.vijayamohanan@
IISER, Tirupati gmail.com;
[email protected]

346 Section E: Committees

Section F


Vol. No. in
Journal E-mail (journal_id)*
1. Bulletin of Materials Science 45 matersci
2. Dialogue: Science, Scientists, 5 dialogue
and Society (online journal)
3. Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy 43 jaa
4. Journal of Biosciences 47 jbiosci
5. Journal of Chemical Sciences 134 chemsci
(formerly Proceedings:
Chemical Sciences)
6. Journal of Earth System Science 131 jess
(formerly Proceedings: Earth &
Planetary Sciences)
7. Journal of Genetics 101 jgenet
8. Pramana (Journal of Physics) 96 pramana
9. Proceedings (Mathematical Sciences) 132 mathsci
10. Resonance – Journal of Science 27 resonanc
Education (12 issues)
11. Sadhana – Academy Proceedings 47 sadhana
in Engineering Sciences
12. Current Science (published by the 122, 123 currsci
Current Science Association in (24 issues)
collaboration with the Academy)
The scope of each journal, information to contributors and subscription
details are indicated in the journals. From January 2020, the journals
have moved to continuous article publishing (CAP) mode and hence,
no print issues will be available except for Resonance and Current
Science. The journal will be accessed online only. More information is
available on the respective journal home pages (see Academy website
http://www.ias.ac.in/Journals/Overview/) which also include full text of
published articles available for free access.

1. Patrika – The Academy Newsletter
2. Year Book

*[email protected]; (e.g. [email protected])

348 Section F: Publications

Ram Sagar, IIA, Bengaluru


Gaiti Hasan, NCBS, Bengaluru


Bulletin of Materials Science

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. Giridhar U Kulkarni (080) 2208 2936 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru [email protected]
Associate Editors
2. Ayan Datta 98742 95938 [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata
3. M Eswaramoorthy 94488 29121 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru [email protected]
4. A K Ganguli 98104 64112 [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi [email protected]
5. M Ghanashyam Krishna 92488 44335 [email protected]
UoH, Hyderabad
6. S Krishna Prasad 94494 47002 [email protected]
CeNS, Bengaluru
7. Rabibrata Mukherjee 98310 96816 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur 94758 84339
8. Amitava Patra 94334 79982 amitavapatra.patra@
INST, Mohali gmail.com
9. Ashok M. Raichur 94490 63238 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
10. M V Sangaranarayanan (044) 2257 4209 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
11. Avesh K Tyagi (022) 2559 5330 [email protected]
BARC, Mumbai 98694 43020
12. Praveen K Vemula 96860 11982 [email protected]
INSTEM, Bengaluru

Section F: Publications 349

Advisory Board Members
1. P M Ajayan (+1-713) 348 5904 [email protected]
Rice University,
Texas, USA
2. D Banerjee (080) 2293 2558 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
3. D Chakravorty (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1580
4. J Gopalakrishnan (080) 2293 2537 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. K T Jacob (080) 2293 2494 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
6. Dhananjai Pandey (0542) 236 8106 [email protected]
IIT-BHU, Varanasi (0542) 670 2078
7. C N R Rao (080) 2365 3075 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
8. K J Rao (080) 2293 2583 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
9. P Rama Rao (040) 2444 3167 [email protected]
ARCI, Hyderabad
10. G Sundararajan (044) 2257 4759 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
11. George W Whitesides (+1-617) 495 9430 gmwoffice@gmwgroup.
Harvard Univ., USA harvard.edu

Dialogue: Science, Scientists, and Society

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. Mewa Singh (0821) 241 9372 [email protected]
Univ. of Mysore,
Associate Editors
2. R N K Bamezai (011) 2512 0318 [email protected]
New Delhi (Res)
3. Malavika Dadlani (011) 2512 0318 malavikadadlani.md@
New Delhi (Res) gmail.com
4. Dhruv Raina (011) 2670 4418 [email protected]
JNU, New Delhi
5. Rohini Godbole (080) 2293 2845 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru

Editor Outreach
6. Srikanth Sastry (080) 2208 2838 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru

350 Section F: Publications

Editor, Web Outreach
7. Suman Chakrabarty (033) 2335 5705- [email protected]
SN Bose Natl. Centre 08/236
for Basic Sciences,
8. Ramray Bhat (080) 2293 2764 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Editorial Board
9. Arvind (0172) 224 0210 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
10. Gita Chadha – [email protected]
Univ., of Mumbai,
11. G Kumaraswamy (020) 2590 2182 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
12. K P Madhu (020) 2588 1860 [email protected]
Pune (Res)
13. Shobhana Narasimhan (080) 2208 2833 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
14. T V Padma – padma.science10@
Author, Science gmail.com
15. Pervez Hoodbhoy – [email protected]
Forman Christian
College, Pakistan
16. R Ramanujam – [email protected]
IMSc, Chennai
17. Gauhar Raza – [email protected]
NISCAIR, New Delhi
18. M S Santhanam (020) 2590 8088 [email protected]
19. Shubashree Desikan – [email protected]
The Hindu, Chennai
20. Shiju Sam Varughese 99256 52520 [email protected]
CSSTIP, Gandhinagar

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. Annapurni (080) 2254 1318 [email protected]
IIA, Bengaluru
Associate Editor
2. T P Prabhu (080) 4219 0836 [email protected]
IIA, Bengaluru

Section F: Publications 351

Editorial Members
3. P Ajith (080) 4653 6210 [email protected]
ICTS, Bengaluru
4. Arunima Banerjee – [email protected]
IISER, Tirupati
5. Tirthankar Roy (020) 2571 9270 [email protected]
TIFR, Pune
6 Andrew Cole (+61-3) 6226 [email protected]
Univ. of Tasmania, 2438
7. Rajeev Kumar Jain (080) 2293 3618 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
8 Y Divakara Mayya (+52-2) 22266 [email protected]
INAOE, Puebla 3100
9. Kuntal Misra (0594) 227 0742 [email protected]
ARIES, Nainital
10. K Sankarasubramanian – [email protected]
UR Rao Satellite
Centre, Bengaluru
11. Nandita Srivastava (0294) 245 7211 [email protected]
Udaipur Solar
Observatory, Udaipur
12. Anandmayee Tej (0471) 256 8524 [email protected]
IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Journal of Biosciences

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. Renee M Borges (080) 2360 2972 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Editorial Members
2. Arun Bandyopadhyay (033) 2473 5368 [email protected]
IICB, Kolkata
3. Srinivas Chavali (0877) 250 0905 schavali@iisertirupati.
IISER, Tirupati ac.in
4. Saumitra Das 94484 79632 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. Sanjeev Galande (0120) 717 0148 sanjeev.galande@
Shiv Nadar Univ., Delhi snu.edu.in
6. Aurnab Ghose (020) 2590 8058 [email protected]

352 Section F: Publications

7. Rupinder Kaur (040) 2474 9408 [email protected]
CDFD, Hyderabad 97044 39996
8. Ravi Manjithaya (080) 2208 2924 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru m
9. Ashis K Nandi (011) 2670 4152 [email protected].
JNU, New Delhi ac.in
10. Dipankar Nandi (080) 2293 3051 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
11. Manoj Prasad (011) 2673 5160 [email protected]
NIPGR, New Delhi
12. N G Prasad (0172) 224 0266 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali 98724 36249
13. Thomas Pucadyil (020) 2590 8204 [email protected]
14. M V Rajam (011) 2411 1970/ [email protected].
Univ. of Delhi, Delhi 7172 ac.in
15. Uma Ramakrishnan (080) 2366 6030 [email protected]
NCBS, Bengaluru
16. Shamik Sen 96197 87743 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
17. Kundan Sengupta (020) 2590 8071 [email protected]
18. Sagar Sengupta (011) 2670 3786 [email protected]
NII, New Delhi (011) 2671 5025
19. Nikhil Tandon 98182 11663 nikhil_tandon@hotmail.
AIIMS, New Delhi com
20. Vaishnavi (+61-2) 9065 4811 [email protected]
UNSW, Sydney
21. Rajesh Vishwanathan (0877) 250 0921 [email protected]
IISER, Tirupati

Journal of Chemical Sciences

(formerly Proceedings: Chemical Sciences)

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. S Natarajan (080) 2293 2551 [email protected],
IISc, Bengaluru 94489 37430 [email protected]
Associate Editor
2. Tapas Chakraborty (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1470
3. Swagata Dasgupta (03222) 28 3306 [email protected].
IIT, Kharagpur 94340 20640 ac.in

Section F: Publications 353

4. Balaji R. Jagirdar 96325 22161 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. N Jayaraman (080) 2293 2578 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru 94484 63637
6. Narayanan D Kurur (011) 2659 1378 [email protected].
IIT, Delhi ac.in
7. G K Lahiri, (022) 2576 7159 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
8. J N Moorthy (0471) 277 8090 [email protected];
IISER, 94503 43016 [email protected]
9. Irishi N N Namboothiri (022) 2576 7196/ [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai 4162 [email protected]
10. Bhagavatula L V Prasad (080) 2963 0201 [email protected]
CeNS, Bengaluru
11. T P Radhakrishnan (040) 2313 4827 [email protected]
Univ. of Hyderabad, 94414 25794
12. N G Ramesh (011) 2659 6584 [email protected].
IIT, New Delhi 99716 14074 ac.in
13. C Retna Raj 94340 61583 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
14. Darbha Srinivas 99224 46157 [email protected]
NCL, Pune
15. V Subramanian 98402 64151 [email protected]
CLRI, Chennai [email protected]
Editorial Members
16. Ranjit Biswas (033) 2335 5705/ [email protected]
SNB-NCBS, Kolkata 276
17. Samar K Das (040) 2313 4853 [email protected]
Univ. of Hyderabad, 99594 25259
18. Ayan Datta (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 2105
98742 95938
19. Debashree Ghosh (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1103
20. Rajeev Gupta (011) 2766 6646/ [email protected].
Univ. of Delhi, Delhi 172 ac.in
98100 01819
21. Tapas K Maji (080) 2208 2826 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
22. Swadhin Mandal 99036 76563 swadhin.mandal@iiserkol.
IISER, Kolkata (033) 6136 1227 ac.in
23. B K Patel (0361) 258 2307 [email protected]
IIT, Guwahati 99540 90963

354 Section F: Publications

24. Archita Patnaik (044) 2257 4217 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
25. M V Sangaranarayanan (044) 2257 4209 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai 98412 48097
26. Sitharaman Uma 98181 23170 [email protected];
UoD, Delhi [email protected]

27. Sobhan Sen (011) 2673 8803 [email protected];

JNU, New Delhi 99991 91840 [email protected]

Journal of Earth System Science

(formerly Proceedings: Earth and Planetary Sciences)

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. N V Chalapathi Rao 99356 47365 [email protected]
BHU, Varanasi 87656 15808
Associate Editors
2. S Banerjee 99209 14159 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai (022) 2576 8282
3. A Biswas – [email protected]
BHU, Varanasi
4. Ramananda Chakrabarti 99452 26921 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. Somnath Dasgupta 81715 24655 [email protected]
IISER, Kolkata
6. C T Dhanya 98311 67145 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi (033) 2334 4114
7. M Dileep Kumar 94044 34053 [email protected]
Bambolin, Goa
8. P A Francis 94418 09878 [email protected];
INCOIS, Hyderabad [email protected]
9. C Gnanaseelan (0891) 251 4018 gnanaseelanjess@
IITM, Pune gmail.com
10. A Joshi (020) 2590 4271 [email protected]
IIT, Roorkee
11. D P Kanungo 94120 73009 [email protected]
CBRI, Uttarakhand
12. George Mathew 98202 87275 [email protected]
IIT, Bombay
13. A Mukherjee – [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
14. J Mukhopadhyay – [email protected]
Presidency University,

Section F: Publications 355

15. P Mukhopadhyay 94235 77870 parthasarathi64@gmail.
IITM, Pune (020) 2590 4221 com
16. Vijayakumar S Nair 94956 56326 [email protected]
VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram
17. Rajeev Patnaik 98151 04094 [email protected];
Panjab University, [email protected]
18. T Narayana Rao 87725 00560 [email protected]
NARL, Tirupati
19. M Radhakrishna 98692 72316 mradhakrishna.jess@
IIT, Mumbai (022) 2576 8261 gmail.com
20. D Saha 99585 07964 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
21. Dilip Saha (033) 2575 3159 [email protected],
ISI, Kolkata (033) 2575 3150 [email protected]
22. A Shukla – [email protected]
MoES, New Delhi
23. R Singh 97057 33278 singh.riddhi26@gmail.
IIT, Mumbai com
Journal of Genetics

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. D P Kasbekar (040) 2721 6165 [email protected]
CDFD, Hyderabad
Associate Editors
2. Murali Dharan Bashyam (040) 2721 6112 [email protected]
CDFD, Hyderabad
3. Punyasloke Bhadury (033) 6136 0054 [email protected]
IISER, Kolkata
4. Steven M Carr – [email protected]
Memorial University of
St. Johns, Canada
5. Ashwin Dalal (040) 2721 6147 [email protected]
CDFD, Hyderabad
6. S Ganesh (0512) 259 4010 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
7. Inderjeet Kaur (040) 3061 2508 [email protected]
LVPEI, Hyderabad
8. Quingpo Liu (+86-571) [email protected]
ZAFU, China 6374 3089
9. Volker Loeschcke (+45) 2899 2368 [email protected]
Aarhus University,

356 Section F: Publications

10. Indrajit Nanda (+49-931) ijn@biozentrum.
Univ. Würzburg, 318 1443 uni-wuerzburg.de
11. Upendra Nongthomba (080) 2293 3258 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
12. Manoj Prasad (011) 2411 8201 manoj_prasad@nipgr.
NIPGR, New Delhi ac.in
13. B K Thelma (011) 24118201 [email protected]
Univ. of Delhi, New Delhi
14. Shrish Tiwari (040) 27192777 [email protected]
CCMB, Hyderabad
15. T N C Vidya (080) 2208 2968 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru

16. Rajeev K Varshney (040) 3071 3901 [email protected];

ICRISAT, Hyderabad rajeev.varshney@
Editorial Members
17. Stephanie Bedhomme (+33-467) 61 3211 Stephanie.bedhomme@
CEFE/CNRS, France cefe.cnrs.fr
18. Anshu Bhardwaj (0172) 288 0460 [email protected];
IMTECH, Chandigarh (0172) 288 0462 [email protected]
19. Sorab N Dalal (022) 2740 5007 [email protected]
ACTREC, Navi Mumbai
20. Kartiki Desai (033) 2589 2151/ [email protected]
NIBMG, Kalyani 264
21. R Geeta (044) 2491 5246 [email protected]
22. Rohit Joshi (040) 2721 6156 [email protected]
CDFD, Hyderabad
23. Madhulika Kabra (011) 2659 4585 madhulikakabra@
AIIMS, New Delhi hotmail.com
24. Imroze Khan (0130) 230 0823 [email protected]
Ashoka University,
25. Aravind Madhyastha (080) 2363 5555/ [email protected]
ATREE, Bengaluru 123, 94481 24570
26. K T Nishant (0471) 277 8173 [email protected]
27. Bhaswati Pandit (033) 2589 2151/ [email protected]
NIBMG, Kalyani 254
28. Nita Parekh (040) 6653 1183 [email protected]
IIIT, Hyderabad
29. Kalika Prasad (0471) 259 9404 [email protected]
IISER, Thiruvananthapuram

Section F: Publications 357

30. Prathibha Ranganathan (080) 2852 1833 ranganathan.prathibha@
CHG, Bengaluru gmail.com
31. Abhijit Sardesai (040) 2721 6124 [email protected]
CDFD, Hyderabad
32. Divya Tej Sowpati (040) 2716 2960 [email protected]
CCMB, Hyderabad
33. Tavpritesh Sethi (011) 2690 7533 [email protected]
IIIT, Delhi
34. R K Singh (+971) 4336 1100/ [email protected]
ICBA, Dubai, UAE 219
35. Henrique Teotonio (+33-144) 32 3537 [email protected]
IBENS, Paris, France

Pramana (Journal of Physics)

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. Aswini Ghosh (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1314
Associate Editors
2. Debajyoti Choudhury (011) 2766 7061; debajyoti.choudhury@
Univ. of Delhi, Delhi 92132 11830 gmail.com
3. Awadhesh Prasad (011) 2766 2725 [email protected];
Univ. of Delhi, Delhi 098687 01506 awadhesh.prasad@gmail.
Editorial Members
4. Tanmoy Banerjee 86370 94582 [email protected].
Univ. of Burdwan, ac.in
5. Anjan Barman (033) 2335 [email protected],
SNB-NCBS, Kolkata 5706-08 [email protected]
6. Aditi Sen De (0532) 227 4410 [email protected]
HRI, Allahabad (0532) 227 4177
7. Surajit Dhara (040) 2313 4331 [email protected]
Univ. of Hyderabad, 97012 40875
8. Dibakar Ghosh (033) 2575 3024 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
9. Srubabati Goswami (079) 2631 4471 [email protected]
PRL, Ahmedabad
10. Ashok Jain – [email protected]
Amity University,
11. Avinash Khare (03592) 25 1067/ khareavinash82@gmail.
Sikkim Central 25 1073 com, [email protected]
University, Gangtok

358 Section F: Publications

12. M Krishnamurthy 90046 80294; [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai 85000 27747
13. Sanjay Kumar 82997 79004 [email protected]
BHU, Varanasi
14. Y N Mohapatra (0512) 259 7033/ [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur 6675
15. Prabhat Mandal (033) 2335 1313/ prabhat.mandal@saha.
SINP, Kolkata 0312 ac.in
70446 82899
16. Krushna R Mavani (0731) 660 3318 [email protected]
IIT, Indore
17. Prasanta K Panigrahi 97489 18201 [email protected]
IISER, Kolkata
18. M Sami (011) 2698 1717 [email protected];
JMI, Delhi (011) 2698 2783 [email protected]
19. Krishnendu Sengupta (033) 2473 2192 [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata
20. Sudip Sengupta (079) 2396 2170 [email protected]
IPR, Gandhinagar
21. M Senthilvelan (0431) 240 7057; [email protected];
Bharathidasan 94882 94920 [email protected]
University, [email protected]
22. Sudeshna Sinha (0172) 229 3126 sudeshna@iisermohali.
IISER, Mohali ac.in
23. L Sriramkumar (044) 2257 4854; [email protected]
IIT, Chennai 99627 57381
24. Shikha Varma 93371 03334 [email protected]
Institute of Physics,
25. Umesh V Waghmare (080) 2208 2842; [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru 94482 87711

Proceedings — Mathematical Sciences

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. C S Rajan (022) 2278 2665 [email protected]
Ashoka University,
Associate Editor
2. B Sury (080) 2698 5445 [email protected],
ISI, Bengaluru [email protected]
Advisory Board Members
3. B V Rajaram Bhat (080) 2698 [email protected]
ISI, Bengaluru 5470

Section F: Publications 359

4. Arup Bose (033) 2575 3409 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
5. Chandrashekar Khare (+1-310) [email protected]
Univ. of California, USA 825 2082
6. Kapil H Paranjape (0172) 259 3110 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
7. Dipendra Prasad 99309 88824 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
8. V Srinivas (022) 2278 2217 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
Editorial Members
9. U K Anandavardhanan (022) 2576 7433 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
10. Arvind Ayyer (080) 2293 3215 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
11. Niranjan Balachandran (022) 2576 9466 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
12. Gautam Bharali (080) 2293 3328 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
13. Sameer Chavan (0512) 259 7158 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
14. Mahuya Datta (033) 2575 3402 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata 98315 85855
15. Anish Ghosh (022) 2278 2282 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
16. Sanoli Gun (044) 2254 3202 [email protected]
IMS, Chennai
17. Srikanth Iyer (080) 2293 3327 [email protected]
IISc, Benagaluru
18. Manoj Keshari (022) 2576 7469 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
19. Utpal Manna (0471) 277 8136 [email protected];
IISER, Thiruvananthapuram [email protected]
20. D S Nagaraj (0877) 250 0400 [email protected]
IISER, Tirupati
21. A K Nandakumaran (080) 2293 2835 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru (080) 2293 2265
22. A J Parameswaran (022) 2278 2222 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
23. Swagato Roy (033) 2575 3411 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
24. K Sandeep (080) 6695 3744 [email protected]
TIFR‐CAM, Bengaluru
25. Parameswaran Sankaran (044) 7196 1022 [email protected]
CMI, Chennai

360 Section F: Publications

26. Jaydeb Sarkar (080) 2698 5479 [email protected]
ISI, Bengaluru
27. Saket Saurabh (044) 2254 3213 [email protected]
IMS, Chennai
28. Riddhi Shah (011) 2673 8801 [email protected], riddhi.kau
JNU, Delhi [email protected]
29. Mahender Singh 97794 89751 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
30. Vijaylaxmi Trivedi (022) 2278 2392 [email protected]
TIFR, Mumbai
31. S Viswanath (044) 2254 3214 [email protected]
IMSc, Chennai
32. Manoj Kumar Yadav (0532) 227 4318 [email protected]
HRI, Allahabad

Resonance — Journal of Science Education

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. B Sury (080) 2331 3917 [email protected]
ISI, Bengaluru
Associate Editors
2. Jasjeet Singh Bagla (0172) 229 3129 [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
3. Amber Habib (0120) 717 0100/ [email protected]
Shiv Nadar Univ., 836
4. K Indulekha (0481) 273 1043 [email protected]
Mahatma Gandhi
University, Kottayam
5. Susanta Mahapatra (040) 2313 4826 susanta.mahapatra@
UoH, Hyderabad uohyd.ac.in
6. R N Mukherjee (0512) 259 6612 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
7. Madhavan Mukund (044) 7196 1023 [email protected]
CMI, Chennai
8. Shobhana Narasimhan (080) 2208 2833 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
9. Pranav Pandit (080) 4653 6160 [email protected]
ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru
10. Kusala Rajendran – [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru

Section F: Publications 361

11. Nandini Chatterjee – [email protected]
Singh [email protected]
MGIEPSD, New Delhi
12. Varsha Singh (080) 2293 3464 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
13. T N C Vidya (080) 2208 2968 [email protected]
JNCASR, Bengaluru
Editorial Members
14. Vijaya Anand – [email protected]
IISER, Mohali
15. Aravind Ayyer (080) 2293 3215 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
16. V S Borkar (022) 2576 9405 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
17. Abhishek Dey (033) 2473 4971/ [email protected]
IACS, Kolkata 1366
18. Patrick Dasgupta (011) 2766 2342 patrickdasgupta1@gmail.
Univ of Delhi, Delhi com
19. Sujata Deshpande St. (022) 2262 0661-3 [email protected]
Xavier’s College,
20. Anil J Elias (011) 2659 1504 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi [email protected]
21. R Geeta (044) 2491 5246 [email protected]
22. Anand Krishnan (020) 2590 8472 [email protected]
23. Nandini Nagarajan (040) 2711 1272 [email protected]
NGRI, Hyderabad
24. Bodhisatta Nandy (0680) 222 7755 [email protected]
IISER, Berhampur
25. Sindhu Radhakrishna (080) 2218 5115 sindhu.radhakrishna@gmail.
NIAS, Bengaluru com
26. Kaneenika Sinha – [email protected]
27. Ramanujam Srinivasan
NISER, Bhubaneswar (0674) 249 4213 [email protected]

362 Section F: Publications

Sadhana — Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
1. J H Arakeri (080) 2293 3228 [email protected]
(Mechanical Sciences)
IISc, Bengaluru
2. K V S Hari (080) 2293 2745 [email protected]
(Electrical Sciences)
IISc, Bengaluru
3. R K Shyamasundar (022) 2576 7708 [email protected]
(Computer & Data
Sciences), IIT, Mumbai
Senior Associate Editors
4. C S Manohar (080) 2293 3121 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
5. Ujjwal Maulik (033) 2457 2802 [email protected],
Jadavpur University, [email protected]
6. Soumitra Paul (03222) 28 2954 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
7. Shrisha Rao (080) 4140 7777 [email protected]
IIIT, Bengaluru
8. Manoj K Tiwari (03222) 28 2039 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
9. K J Vinoy (080) 2293 2853 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Associate Editors
10. Amit Agrawal (022) 2576 7516 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
11. Monika Aggarwal (011) 2659 1113 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi
12. T N C Anand (044) 2257 4715 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
13. Ramesh N Babu (044) 2257 4675 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
14. S Bandyopadhyay (044) 2257 4733 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
15. V Sudhir Kumar Barai (03222) 28 3408 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
16. Sumit Basu (0512) 259 7506 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
17. Nagamani C (0431) 250 3254 [email protected]
NIT, Tiruchirappalli

Section F: Publications 363

18. C T Dhanya (011) 265 9732 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi
19. Uday Chakkingal (044) 2257 4775 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
20. J M Chandra Kishen (080) 2293 3117 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
21. Sumohana (040) 2301 6463 [email protected]
IIT, Hyderabad
22. Nibaran Das (033) 2457 2407 nibaran.das@
Jadavpur University, jadavpuruniversity.in
23. Amitava De (022) 25767509 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
24. Sumantra Dutta Roy (011) 2659 1084 [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi
25. Asif Ekbal (0612) 302 8090 [email protected]
IIT, Patna
26. Vinod Ganapthi (080) 2293 3204 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
27. Ashutosh S Gandhi (022) 2576 7614 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
28. G R Gangadharan (0431) 250 3737 [email protected]
NIT, Trichy
29. Utpal Garain (033) 2577 3035 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
30. Ashish Ghosh (033) 2575 3110/ [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata 2232
31. Soumya Ghosh (03222) [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur 28 2332
32. Sudarsan Ghosh (011) 2659 1089 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi
33. Susmita Ghosh – susmita.ghoshde@
Jadavpur University, jadavpuruniversity.in
34. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta (080) 2293 3110 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
35. Sayan Gupta (044) 2257 4055 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
36. N Hemachandra (022) 2576 7885 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
37. Mandar M Inamdar (022) 2576 7314 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
38. Aditya K Jagannatham (0512) 259 7494 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur

364 Section F: Publications

39. G R Jayanth (080) 2293 3197 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
40. C S Jog (080) 2293 2957 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
41. Sheetal Kalyani – [email protected]
IITM, Pune
42. S K Maiti (022) 2576 7526 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
43. Pradipta Maji (033) 2575 3125/ [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata 3113
44. Puneet Mahajan (011) 2659 1229 [email protected].
IIT, Delhi ac.in
45. Chitralekha Mahanta (0361) [email protected]
IIT, Guwahati 258 2507
46. M Maiya Prakash (044) 2257 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai 4665
47. Santanu Mahapatra (080) 2360 0810/ [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru 116
48. Joseph Mathew (080) 2293 3027 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
49. Anish Mathuria (079) 3051 0541 [email protected]
DAIICT, Gandhinagar
50. Dsouza Meenakshi (080) 4140 7777 [email protected]
IIIT, Bengaluru
51. Rahul Mitra (03222) 28 3292 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
52. Sanjay Mittal (0512) [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur 259 7906
53. Achintya Mukhopadhyay (033) 2457 achintya.mukhopadhyay@
Jadavpur Univ., 2468 jadavpuruniversity.in
54. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay (03222) 28 2352 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
55. Sudipta Mukhopadhyay (03222) 28 3568 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
56. B S Murty (040) 2301 6001 [email protected]
IIT, Hyderabad
57. N V Narendra Kumar (040) 2329 4062 [email protected];
IDRBT, Hyderabad [email protected]
58. Sudip Kumar Naskar (033) 2414 6648 sudipkumar.naskar@
Jadavpur University, jadavpuruniversity.in
59. K Rajagopal (044) 2257 4263 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
60. R Ramanujam (044) 2254 3269 [email protected]
IMSc, Chennai

Section F: Publications 365

61. Ananth Ramaswamy (080) 2293 2817 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
62. Yagnaseni Roy (080) 2293 2447 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
63. Indradev Samajdar (022) 2576 7621 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
64. Sonalisa Ray (01332) 28 5673 [email protected]
IIT, Roorkee
65. Subhra Shankar Ray (033) 2575 2208 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
66. Ravi Shankar (011) 2659 6421 [email protected]
IIT, New Delhi
67. U Saravanan (044) 2257 4314 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
68. Sawan S Sinha (011) 2659 1245 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi
69. T Sundarajan (044) 2257 4683 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
70. Aravind Krishna Swamy (011) 2659 1191 [email protected]
IIT, Delhi
71. Yogesh C Sharma (0542) 670 2865 [email protected]
IIT-BHU, Varanasi
72. Atul Sharma (022) 2576 7505 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
73. B N Singh (03222) 28 3026 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
74. S D Sudarsan (080) 4952 8276 [email protected]
ABB Corporate
Research, Bengaluru
75. Shamik Sural (03222) 28 2330 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
76. Somanath Tripathy (0612) 302 8036 somanath.tripathy@gmail.
IIT, Patna com
77. Swetha Veeraraghavan (080) 2293 2325 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru

366 Section F: Publications

Current Science

Current Science is the leading multidisciplinary science journal published

every fortnight by the Current Science Association in collaboration with
the Indian Academy of Sciences. The journal covers a wide range of
topics in pure and applied sciences, including medicine and engineering.
It is a peer-reviewed journal intended as a medium for communication
and discussion of important issues that concern science and scientific
activities. Besides full length research articles and shorter research
communications, the journal publishes review articles, scientific
correspondence, commentaries, research news, comments on recently
published research papers, opinion on scientific activity, articles on
universities, Indian laboratories and institutions, interviews with scientists,
obituaries, book reviews, etc.

Name Tel. Office Email

Chief Editor
S K Satheesh (080) 2293 3070 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Section Editors
Sandeep M Eswarappa (080) 2293 2881 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Gopalan Jagadeesh (080) 2293 3030 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
P C Kesavan – [email protected]
Ravi Korisettar (0836) 221 5376 [email protected]
Karnatak University,
G Rangarajan (080) 2360 0690 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
R Srinivasan (080) 2293 3426 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
M H Bala Subrahmanya (080) 2293 3266 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Subject Editors
Agricultural Sciences, Horticultural Sciences and Sustainability
1. M Anandraj, Bengaluru – [email protected]
2. Tusar Kanti Behera (0542) 263 5247 [email protected]
IIVR, Varanasi
3. Rajarshi Roy Burman (011) 2584 6434 [email protected]
IARI, New Delhi

Section F: Publications 367

4. N Nataraja Karaba (080) 2333 0153 nnkaraba@uasbangalore.
UAS, Bengaluru edu.in
5. P C Kesavan – [email protected]
6. V Krishnakumar (0479) 244 2160 dr.krishnavkumar@gmail.
CPCRI, Regional com
Station, Kayamkulam
7. B Ramakrishnan – [email protected]
IARI, New Delhi
8. R L Ravikumar (080) 2333 0153/ [email protected]
UAS, Bengaluru 263
9. Ravi Korisettar (0836) 221 5376 [email protected]
Karnatak University,
Atmospheric Sciences
10. K Krishnamoorthy (080) 2293 3147 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
11. Anil V Kulkarni (080) 2293 3429 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
12. A R Ravishankara (+1-970) a.r.ravishankara@colostate.
Colorado State 491 2876 edu
University, USA
13. S K Satheesh (080) 2293 3070 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
14. Kavita Babu (080) 2293 2062 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
15. M Balasubramanyam (044) 2835 9050 [email protected]
Madras Diabetes
Research Foundation,
16. Sorab Dalal (022) 2740 5007 [email protected]
ACTREC, Navi Mumbai
17. Vinita Gowda (0755) 669 2578 [email protected]
IISER, Bhopal
18. Saman Habib (0522) 277 2477/ [email protected]
CDRI, Lucknow 4447
19. Mohit Kumar Jolly (080) 2293 2751 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
20. N V Joshi (080) 2360 0985 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
21. Ullasa Kodandaramaiah (0471) 277 8068 [email protected]
IISER, Thiruvananthapuram

368 Section F: Publications

22. Vinod Kumar (011) 2766 7985/ [email protected]
University of Delhi, 212
23. Subhash Rajpurohit – subhash.rajpurohit@ahduni.
Ahmedabad University, edu.in
24. V V Ramamurthy (011) 2584 2482 [email protected]
IARI, New Delhi
25. Girish Ratnaparkhi – [email protected]
26. V V Robin (0877) 2500 443 [email protected]
IISER, Tirupati
27. Gayatri Saberwal – [email protected]
IBAB, Bengaluru
28. M Sanjappa – [email protected]
29. Yogesh Shouche (020) 2570 8052 [email protected]
NCCS, Pune
30. Hema Somanathan (0471) 259 9417 [email protected]
IISER, Thiruvananthapuram

31. E D Jemmis (080) 2293 3347 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
32. Srinivasan Natarajan (080) 2293 2551 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
33. N Sathyamurthy – [email protected]
34. Richard N Zare (+1-650) [email protected]
Stanford University, USA 723 3062

Earth System Sciences

35. Sunil Bajpai (01332) 28 5079 [email protected]
IIT, Roorkee
36. S Balakrishnan (0413) 265 4424 balakrishnan.srinivasan@
Pondicherry University, gmail.com
37. Somnath Dasgupta – [email protected]
38. Saibal Gupta (03222) 28 3370 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur
39. K S Krishna (040) 2313 2669 [email protected]
UoH, Hyderabad
40. Biswajit Mishra (03222) 28 3372 [email protected]
IIT, Kharagpur

Section F: Publications 369

41. Malay Mukul (022) 2576 7260 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
42. Rajeev Patnaik (0172) 253 4250 [email protected]
Panjab University,
43. G V R Prasad (011) 2766 7073 guntupalli.vrprasad@gmail.
Univ. of Delhi, Delhi com
44. N V Chalapathi Rao (0542) 670 1817 [email protected]
BHU, Varanasi
45. Dilip Saha (033) 2575 3159 [email protected]
ISI, Kolkata
46. Rajiv Sinha (0512) 259 7317 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
47. R Srinivasan (080) 2293 3426 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru


48. Gopalan Jagadeesh (080) 2293 3030 [email protected]

IISc, Bengaluru
49. D Manjunath (022) 2576 7427 [email protected]
IIT, Mumbai
50. G Prathap (0471) 278 5627 gangan_prathap@hotmail.
APJ Abdul Kalam com
51. K Ramamurthy (044) 2257 4265 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
52. Saragur M Srinidhi (080) 2360 7142 [email protected]
Advanced Computing
and Communications
Society, Bengaluru
53. Satyam Suwas (080) 2293 3245 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
54. Shaligram Tiwari (044) 2257 4729 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai
55. Shivam Tripathi (0512) 259 6709 [email protected]
IIT, Kanpur
56. Krishna Vasudevan (044) 2257 4428 [email protected]
IIT, Chennai

History and Philosophy of Science

57. Dhruv Raina (011) 2670 4418 [email protected]
JNU, New Delhi

370 Section F: Publications

Management Studies
58. M H Bala Subrahmanya (080) 2293 3266 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
59. G Rangarajan (080) 2360 0690 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
Medical Sciences

60. Sandeep M Eswarappa (080) 2293 2881 [email protected]

IISc, Bengaluru
61. Lakshmanan – lakshmanan.krishnamurti@
Krishnamurti, choa.org
Emory University, USA
62. Anand Krishnan (011) 2659 4253 [email protected]
AIIMS, New Delhi
63. Urvakhsh Mehta (080) 2699 5805 [email protected]
NIMHANS, Bengaluru
64. Indraneel Mittra (022) 2417 7285 [email protected]
Tata Memorial Centre,
Navi Mumbai
65. V Mohan (044) 4396 8888 [email protected]
Madras Diabetes
Research Foundation,
66. Sanjay A Pai (080) 6165 6262/ [email protected]
Manipal Hospital, 3502
67. H Paramesh – [email protected]
68. B S Shankaranarayana (080) 2699 5175 [email protected]
NIMHANS, Bengaluru
69. U S Vishal Rao – [email protected]
Health Care Global
Cancer Centre,
70. Subrata Sinha (011) 2659 4483, [email protected],
AIIMS, New Delhi 2658 9617 [email protected]
71. S V Subramanian – [email protected].
Harvard Center for edu
Population and
Development Studies,

Section F: Publications 371

72. A C Anil (0832) 245 0404 [email protected]
NIO, Goa
73. P N Vinayachandran (080) 2293 3065 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
74. Debajyoti Choudhury (011) 2766 7061 [email protected]
Univ. of Delhi, Delhi
75. Justin David (080) 2293 3146 [email protected]
IISc, Bengaluru
76. Swapan K Ghosh – [email protected]
Univ. of Mumbai,
77. Pinaki Majumdar (0532) 227 4301 [email protected]
HRI, Prayagraj
78. K P Singh – [email protected]
79. Tarun Souradeep (080) 2361 1012 [email protected]
RRI, Bengaluru
80. Paul J Wiita – [email protected]
San Carlos, USA
Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
81. Ajai (079) 2691 6248 [email protected]
Space Applications
Centre, Ahmedabad
82. S Suresh Babu (0471) 256 2404 [email protected]
83. Surendra Pal – [email protected]
U R Rao Satellite
Centre, Bengaluru

372 Section F: Publications

Section G

Calendar of Meetings in

Meetings Date Venue

Annual Meetings
33rd Mid-Year Meeting 08–09 July Faculty Hall,
IISc, Bengaluru

88th Annual Meeting 04–06 November Guru Nanak Dev

University, Amritsar

Council Meetings
First Meeting 19 February IASc, Bengaluru
(Virtual meeting)
Second Meeting 09 July IASc, Bengaluru
Third Meeting 03-04 December IASc, Bengaluru

Sectional Committee Meetings

First Meeting 02 July IASc, Bengaluru
Second Meeting 29 October IASc, Bengaluru

Publications’ Committee Meetings

First Meeting 11 March IASc, Bengaluru
Second Meeting 10 June IASc, Bengaluru
Third Meeting 14 October IASc, Bengaluru

374 Section G: Calendar of Meetings in 2022

The Academy holds an annual meeting where symposia on special subjects
and scientific and popular lectures are held, with discussions of research
papers. The venues of Annual Meetings since inception of the Academy are:
1935 Mumbai 1981 Thiruvananthapuram
1937 March – Bengaluru 1982 Nainital
Dec. – Bengaluru 1983 Pune
1938 Chennai 1985 Feb. – Bengaluru
1939 Bengaluru
Nov. – Madurai
1940 Waltair
1941 Nagpur 1986 Varanasi
1942 Bengaluru 1987 Hyderabad
1943 Hyderabad 1988 Kolkata
1944 Pune 1989 Bhopal
1945 Udaipur 1990 Bhubaneswar
1946 Allahabad 1991 Pune
1947 Cuttack 1992 Ahmedabad
1948 Bengaluru 1993 Dehra Dun
1949 Mumbai 1994 Bengaluru
1950 Hyderabad
1995 Chennai
1951 Delhi
1952 Thiruvananthapuram 1996 Jodhpur
1953 Ahmedabad 1997 Hyderabad
1954 Belgaum 1998 Kottayam
1955 Hyderabad 1999 Lucknow
1956 Waltair 2000 Goa
1957 Tirupati 2001 Tirupati
1958 Baroda 2002 Chandigarh
1959 Annamalainagar 2003 Guwahati
1960 Chennai 2004 Varanasi
1961 Mysore
2005 Tiruchirappalli
1962 Mumbai
1963 Nagpur 2006 Indore
1964 Pune 2007 Thiruvananthapuram
1965 Hyderabad 2008 New Delhi
1966 Madurai 2009 July – Hyderabad
1967 Chennai Nov. – Bengaluru
1968 Ahmedabad 2010 Goa
1969 Aurangabad 2011 Ahmedabad
1970 Bengaluru 2012 Dehra Dun
1971 Bengaluru 2013 Chandigarh
1972 Mumbai
2014 Chennai
1973 Mangalore
1974 Delhi 2015 Pune
1975 Nagpur 2016 Bhopal
1976 Baroda 2017 Shillong
1977 Kolkata 2018 Varanasi
1978 Hyderabad 2019 Hyderabad
1979 Chandigarh 2020 Virtual Meeting
1980 Lucknow 2021 Virtual Meeting
Section G: Calendar of Meetings in 2022 375

26 January .. Republic Day

01 March .. Mahashivaratri
14 April .. Mahavir Jayanti
15 April .. Good Friday
03 May .. Ramzan
16 May .. Buddha Poornima
09 August .. Muharram
15 August .. Independence Day
31 August .. Ganesha Chaturthi
04 October .. Ayudha Pooja
05 October .. Vijayadasami
24 October .. Naraka Chaturdasi
08 November .. Guru Nanak’s Birthday

376 Section G: Calendar of Meetings in 2022

Section H

General Ph. No.: +91-80-2266 1200 E-mail: <user_id>@ias.ac.in
Website: http://www.ias.ac.in
Office (Direct) Mobile E-mail user_id

Maheshchandra, N. 2266 1203 90080 32004 mahesh
Executive Secretary
Brahmanandha, N. N. 2266 1224 99640 76324 brahma
Geetha, K. 2266 1210 81230 51203 geetha
Nalini, B. R. 2266 1205 98867 81301 nalini
Rajesh, P. 2266 1215 90080 32005 rajesh

Cicilia S. 2266 1250 98802 33156 cici
Geetha Sugumaran 2266 1245 81302 02933 geethas
Gracy Rani, R. A. 2266 1270 97403 24185 gracy
Jai Benjamin 2266 1252 97436 36291 joy
Mahabaleswara, T. D. 2266 1281 94496 36215 maha
Mary J. Mathai 2266 1251 99025 31781 mary
Nagesh, K. 2266 1244 98863 24220 nagesh
Padmaja, N. 2266 1268 94490 07041 padmaja
Pushpavathi, R. 2266 1243 99450 07273 pushpa
Shylaja, K. S. 2266 1242 99016 81773 shylaja
Srimathi, M. 2266 1248 98804 49261 srimathi
Sudarshana Dhar 2266 1279 99454 35868 sdhar
Sushila Rajagopal 2266 1249 99000 94263 sushila
Usha Susan Philip 2266 1247 94490 06692 usha

378 Section H: Staff

Office (Direct) Mobile E-mail user_id

Science Academies’ Education Programme

Ravi Kumar, C. S. 2266 1207 90080 32002 ravi
Consultant Coordinator,
Science Academies’
Education Programme
Meghana B. Yadav 2266 1222 96322 02935 meghana
Roopashri, M. S. 2266 1202 87626 88980 roopa

Accounts & Finance

Shashidhar, A. 2266 1213 99000 38761 shashidhar
Accounts Officer
Chethana, H. 2266 1211 99723 81907 chethana
Tejeswini, T. M. 2266 1211 95912 37887 tejes12

Journals’ Circulation and Accounts & Finance

Jayakumar, A. 2266 1212 96327 26132 jaykumar

Computer & IT Support

Sumesh, K.S. 2266 1280 70220 11551 sumesh

Supporting Staff
Gangadharaiah, H. 2838 1934 94485 06960
Govindaswamy, J. 2266 1221 88614 37221 govinda
Manjunath, N. – 98866 06380
Rathnamma, N. 2266 1217 –
Ravindra, M. 2838 1934 94482 24276 ravindra
Vijaya Kumar, R. P. 2266 1217 94482 46083

Section H: Staff 379


General Ph. No.: +91-80-2361 2310 E-mail: <user_id>@ias.ac.in

Website: http://www.currentscience.ac.in

Office (Direct) Mobile E-mail user_id

Venugopal, M. S. 2266 1261 99000 38762 venu
Executive Editor

Anitha, M. K. 2266 1266 90002 68140 anitha
Anuradha, R. 2266 1264 99006 55618 anuradha
Arjun R Krishnan 2266 1266 94008 88898 arjun
Geetha, D. L. 2266 1265 93798 95857 dlgeetha
Priya, S 2266 1264 98455 34041 priya
Priya, V 2266 1212 89043 76070 priyav
Rajitha, V. 2266 1262 97312 11310 rajitha
Venkateswari, V. 2266 1263 90087 54808 bhuvana
Yoganarasimha, B. G. 2266 1209 96328 37127 narasimha

Supporting Staff
Ananthamurthy, H. R. 2266 1265 91643 42958 anantha

Temporary Staff
Subashini, N. 2266 1264 80954 33622 suba


General Ph. No.: +91-80-2266 1225 E-mail: <user_id>@ias.ac.in

Website: http://www.ias.ac.in/trust

Office (Direct) Mobile E-mail user_id

Subhankar Biswas 2266 1225 98862 42342 trust
Executive Secretary

380 Section H: Staff

Section I

Guest House Facility

Guest Rooms at the Academy Office

For guest room bookings, mail to [email protected]

Address: Indian Academy of Sciences (RRI Campus)

Post Box No. 8005
C.V. Raman Avenue
Sadashivanagar Post
Bengaluru 560 080

Room No. 1 +91-80-2266 1231

Room No. 2 +91-80-2266 1232
Room No. 3 +91-80-2266 1233
Room No. 4 +91-80-2266 1234
Room No. 5 +91-80-2266 1235
Room No. 6 +91-80-2266 1236
Room No. 7 +91-80-2266 1237
Room No. 8 +91-80-2266 1238


Academy Fellows’ Residency at Jalahalli, Bengaluru

Address: Academy Fellows’ Residency

(Next to ISRO Housing Colony, Near HMT School)
Jalahalli West
Bengaluru 560 031

Telephone: +91-80-2838 1934


Gangadharaiah, H. : 94485 06960

Ravindra, M. : 94482 24276

Link for the route map:


382 Section I: Guest House Facility

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