Mental Retardation Lesson Plan
Mental Retardation Lesson Plan
Mental Retardation Lesson Plan
INTRODUCTION Student The audience PowerPo What is the
1 To introduce teacher student are int introduction of
1. min about Mental retardation is a developmental disability introduce listening Presentat mental retardation ?
that is marked by lower- than-normal intelligence about Mental ion
Mental retardation Verbal
retardation and limited daily living skills (such as explain
communication skills, social skills and taking
care of self). It is normally present at birth or
develops early in life.
2 1 To define Student teacher Student looking at By using What is the
Mental “Mental Retardation refers to significantly sub- define the ppt lecture definition of Mental
min Retardation average general intellectual functioning resulting Mental method Retardation ?
in or associated with concurrent impairments in Retardation
adaptive behavior and manifested during the
developmental period” (American Association on
Mental Deficiency, 1983).
Prenatal Factors:
Endocrine disorders
Physical damage and
Placental dysfunction
Perinatal Factors :
Birth asphyxia
Prolonged or difficult birth
Prematurity (due to
Instrumental delivery
Postnatal Factors:
Lead Poisoning
What are the SIGN AND SYMPTOMS Student teacher Student looking at By using What are the Sign
6 2 min Sign and explain the Sign flipchart flip chart and symptoms of
symptoms of Milestones are markedly delayed. They require and symptoms of Mental
Mental constant nursing care and supervision. Mental Retardation ?
Retardation Associated physical disorders are common. Retardation
Failure to achieve developmental
Deficiencies in cognitive functioning
such as inability to follow commands or
Reduced ability to learn or to meet
academic demands.
Expressive or receptive language problems.
Psychomotor skill deficits
Difficulty performing self-care activities
Neurologic impairments
Medical problems, such as seizures
Low self-esteem, depression and labile
Irritability when frustrated or upset
Acting-out behavior
Lack of curiosity.
7 1 min Diagnosis Student teacher Student looking at By using How to diagnosis
History: Family History, and explain the PPT lecture of Mental
abnormalities in pregnancy and delivery, diagnosis of method Retardation ?
Developmental milestone and associated Mental
behavioral disorders. Retardation
Physical Examination: Height, weight, head
circumference physical sign of specific
Detailed Neurological
Examination: Especially vision, hearing of
specific sign.
Mental Status Examination
Investigation: Blood, Urine, CT Brain,
and chromosomal studies.
Intelligent Test and EEG.
Provide a safe and comfortable position.
Difficult child behavior management.
Limit excessive activity.
Ambulate with assistance; give special
Help children identify personal strengths.
Give knowledge to people nearby, about
mental retardation.
Encourage children to participate in
activities with friends and other families.
Encourage the children to maintain contact
with friends.
Give positive reinforcement on the results
achieved by children.
Assess understanding family about the
child's illness and treatment plan.
Emphasize and explain other health team,
about the child's condition, procedures and
therapies are recommended.
Use every opportunity to improve
understanding of the disease and its
treatment family.
Repeat as often as possible information.
Identification of the need for personal
hygiene and provide assistance as needed.
Identification of difficulties in self-care,
such as lack of physical movement,
cognitive decline.
Encourage children to do their own
Education for parents:
For each stage of child development ages.
Support the involvement of parents in child
Anticipatory guidance and management face
a difficult child behavior.
Inform the existing educational facilities and
groups, etc.
1 min Conclusion Mental Retardation What is
What is the
In this chapter, we have usually
studied refers to the
about mental Student
Student teacher Student looking
Student looking at
at By using
By using
Summary significantly sub-average general intellectual
retardation and discussed about the teacher
explain the PPT
PPT lecture
lecture summary ofof
11 1 min functioning resulting of impairments. concluded Mental Retardation
method Mental Retardation
following topics:- Summarythe method
In this chapter,
Introduction the discussion was all about mental
mentally retarded patients and what preventions
Definition retardation
and prognosis that can be done to prevent
patient’s condition back to general one
Behavioral Manifestations
Sign and Symptoms
Treatment Modalities
Nursing Management