Analysis of Uninterrupted Power Supply Battery Explosions: Emerging Trend in Ocular Injuries

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Analysis of Uninterrupted Power Supply Battery

Explosions: Emerging Trend in Ocular Injuries
1: 2: 3:
Dr. Shafqat Ali Shah Dr. Muhammad Bilal Dr. Muhammad Tariq
Associate Professor, Bacha Khan Assistant Professor, Bacha Khan Professor and HOD, Bacha Khan
Medical College, Mardan. Medical College, Mardan. Medical College, Mardan.

4: 5: 6:
Dr. Khalil Khan Zahir Dr. Saad Ali Dr. Irsa Hidayat
MBBS, FCPS Assistant Professor MBBS FCPS-II Medicine/Emergency MBBS FCPS-II Clicnical Hematology
Rehman Medical College Peshawar. Medical Officer MMC/MTI BMTC CMH RWL

Dr. Ammad Ali
MBBS D-Derm, D-Aesthetic KMU

Corresponding author
Name: Muhammad Bilal MBBS, FCPS, CHPE, CHR
Designation: Assistant Professor, Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan.

Abstract:- Objective: This study looked into the types of symblepharon. The statistical importance of these
eye injuries, age distribution, and demographic profile of correlations was shown by the overall Chi-square test
patients receiving ophthalmic evaluation. The main goals results (Df 19, sig.000*, chi-square 243.546).
were to determine the frequency of ocular injuries across Conclusion: The study found that patients receiving
age groups and to identify any possible correlations ophthalmic evaluations were distributed differently by
between age and particular ocular disorders. gender and age. In addition, noteworthy correlations were
Method: A retrospective examination of patient records found between age cohorts and particular categories of
was conducted as part of the study to look at the ocular ocular trauma, emphasizing age-related differences in the
damage data and demographics of people who had incidence of particular visual disorders. These results
ophthalmic evaluations. The distribution of gender and provide important new information about the clinical and
age was recorded, and the significance of the relationships demographic features of patients who present with ocular
between age groups (10–30 years and 31–60 years) and injuries. This information can be used to develop tailored
different kinds of ocular injuries was evaluated using the preventive and treatment plans for various age groups.
Chi-square test. The following injury types were taken into
consideration: Ac cells, hyphema, iris damage, cataract, Keywords:- Ocular Injury, Trauma, Age, Disease, Risk,
retinal haemorrhage, vitreous problems, Berlin edema, Surgery, Eye Sight.
corneal haze, epithelial defect, corneal abrasion, ocular
infection, corneal ulcer, corneal opacity, corneal I. INTRODUCTION
perforation, and facial and lid injuries.
Result: According to the demographic data, there was a Many compounds are commercially available and
preponderance of men (80.4%), and the majority of people millions more being patented year, however it is unclear how
(71.1%) were in the 10–30 age range. The Chi-square tests much of these chemicals are harmful to the human eye.
on ocular injuries that followed showed noteworthy Chemical exposure can happen in many ways, such as by
relationships with age groups. Notably, the age range of 10 ingestion, transdermal application, or inhalation, but eye
to 30 years old was more likely to experience facial and lid exposure is especially risky. Certain chemicals can cause
injuries, corneal haze, epithelial defect, ocular infection, lasting impairment, visual loss, and eye damage even after
corneal ulcer, and Berlin edema. On the other hand, the brief exposure. Over a three-year period, 144,149 eye injuries
age group of 31 to 60 years old was more likely to occurred in a sample of 900 emergency rooms across the
experience subconjunctival haemorrhage, conjunctival United States, and the emergency department alone incurred
chemosis, corneal abrasion, iris damage, cataract, and $106 million in costs1-2. While a large number of injuries were

IJISRT24FEB353 488

Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
tied to the workplace, the majority involved minors or this limitation, viability above 60% following exposure to a
happened in home environments where security issues are not liquid or a viability exceeding 50% following exposure to a
frequently addressed. Historically, the ocular surface has been solid is classified as "No Category," or non-irritation10-12.
frequently utilized to examine the potential for chemical
compounds to cause injury due to the eyes' susceptibility to II. METHODOLOGY
chemical damage3. The precise modeling of the human
reaction to harmful chemicals in vivo is made possible by the The Ophthalmology Unit at Mardan Medical Complex
use of human cell cultures from the corneal epithelium in hosted the study, which looked into the age-specific
several in vitro models. A three-dimensional epithelial model distribution of ocular injuries and the demographic profile of
is created by these human corneal cells. Time-to-toxicity those receiving ophthalmic evaluation. The research project
measures (ET50) can be used to categorise an object's ran from January 2023 to December 2023 and involved a
cytotoxicity by indicating how long it will take for the thorough review of all patient records during that time frame.
viability of the cell or tissue to drop by 50% after exposure4-5. Mardan Medical Complex was selected as the study site
The only difference between the two RhCE models that have because it is a well-known medical Centre that treats a wide
been verified, SkinEthicTM and EpiOcularTM, is the type of range of patients in the area. Within the allotted period, patient
cell that is employed. SkinEthicTM uses immortalised human records were carefully reviewed in order to gather data, with
corneal epithelial cells, whereas EpiOcularTM uses primary an emphasis on demographic information such age and
epidermal keratinocytes produced from human foreskin gender. A variety of conditions were covered by the
cultivated in serum-free conditions to resemble corneal information extracted about ocular injuries, such as injuries to
epithelium.An in vitro 3D epithelial model called the the face and lids, subconjunctival haemorrhage, conjunctival
EpiOcularTM Eye Irritation Test (EIT) is offered for sale by chemosis, corneal haze, epithelial defect, corneal abrasion,
MatTek Corporation. The EIT is dependent on human cells ocular infection, corneal ulcer, corneal opacity, corneal
that are normal (non-transformed) and develop into a layered perforation, Ac cells, hyphema, iris damage, cataract, retinal
squamous epithelium6-7. Globally Harmonised System of haemorrhage, vitreous problems, Berlin edoema, and
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Category 1 symblepharon. Patient privacy and confidentiality were
(severe, irreversible irritation and substantial eye damage) and guaranteed by the data gathering procedure's adherence to
GHS Category 2 (reversible eye irritation) are not meant to be ethical standards. The research utilized statistical techniques to
distinguished from one another by the EpiOcularTM EIT. examine the gathered information, specifically applying Chi-
Nonetheless, it is capable of differentiating between irritants square tests to assess the importance of correlations between
that need to be classified and non-irritants (no category). The age cohorts (10–30 years and 31–60 years) and various
SkinEthicTM Laboratories 3D HCE model is an additional categories of eye injuries. A thorough source of patient data,
substitute for the Draize test. This system is made up of the Ophthalmology Unit at Mardan Medical Complex offered
human corneal epithelial cells that have been immortalized important background for comprehending the frequency and
and placed in a chemically defined medium that structurally distribution of ocular injuries throughout the designated
mimics the human eye's corneal mucosa8-9. Notwithstanding period.


Table: 1 variable with frequencies and percentages

variables frequencies percentages
gender Male 78 80.4%
females 19 19.6%
age 10-30 years 69 71.1%
31-60 years 28 28.9%

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Df 19, sig.000*, chi-square 243.546
Age Group
10-30 Year 31-60 Year
Count Column N % Count Column N %
Types of injury Facial and Lid injury 18 26.1% 0 0.0%
Subconjuctival hemorrhage 58 84.1% 5 17.9%
Conjuctival chemosis 57 82.6% 24 85.7%
Conjuctival ischemia 37 53.6% 8 28.6%
Corneal haze 42 60.9% 0 0.0%
Epithelial defect 49 71.0% 0 0.0%
Corneal abrasion 55 79.7% 26 92.9%
Ocular infection 31 44.9% 0 0.0%
Corneal ulcer 31 44.9% 0 0.0%
Corneal opacity 51 73.9% 24 85.7%
Corneal perforation 62 89.9% 24 85.7%
Ac cells 27 39.1% 10 35.7%
Hyphema 28 40.6% 11 39.3%
Iris damage 42 60.9% 27 96.4%
Cataract 66 95.7% 24 85.7%
Retinal hemorrhage 50 72.5% 6 21.4%
Vitreous 43 62.3% 16 57.1%
Berlin edema 28 40.6% 0 0.0%
Symblepharon 63 91.3% 12 42.9%

IV. DISCUSSION demonstrate significant differences in the injury distribution

between the two age groups. Notably, compared to the 31–60
It is commonly known that air pollution has a negative age groups, the 10–30 age groups shows greater percentages
impact on human health and has been connected to higher across numerous types of injuries. For example, the younger
rates of illness and shorter life spans. Common air pollutants age group is more likely to experience corneal haze, epithelial
such as ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide and defect, ocular infection, corneal ulcer, and Berlin edema. On
carbon dioxide (CO and CO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) the other hand, injuries including cataract, symblepharon,
have been connected to several types of disease outcomes13-14. corneal abrasion, iris damage, subconjunctival haemorrhage,
The gender and age distribution of the population under study and conjunctival chemosis have larger percentages in the age
is shown in the first table. Notably, there is a glaring gender range of 31 to 60. These age-related differences in the
difference: 19.6% of participants are female and 80.4% of distribution of ocular injuries are statistically significant, as
participants are male. When it comes to age distribution, shown by the Chi-square test results (Df 19, sig.000*, chi-
71.1% of people are between the ages of 10 and 30, and 28.9% square 243.546).The tables that are provided provide an
are between the ages of 31 and 60. This demographic extensive representation of the age-specific distribution of
breakdown lays the groundwork for additional analysis by ocular injuries as well as the demographic features of the
giving a basic grasp of the study population's makeup. Table 2 population under study. The age and gender distribution sets
examines the correlation between ocular injury kinds and age the scene for the analysis that follows, and the Chi-square tests
groups, utilizing Chi-square testing to evaluate the reveal meaningful relationships between age groups and
significance of the findings. Numerous conditions affecting different kinds of ocular injuries, illuminating potential age-
the surface of the eyes have been associated with it, such as related risk factors for particular ocular disorders.
increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
conjunctival injection, or swelling of the conjunctival vessels, V. CONCLUSION
and conjunctival chemosis, or inflammation of the eye
membrane. Because it is a highly active free radical that Important insights have been obtained from a thorough
promotes the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on examination of the demographic characteristics and ocular
the ocular surface and causes surface inflammation, ozone is injuries of patients receiving ophthalmic evaluation at the
hazardous. Overproduction of ROS can overpower antioxidant Mardan Medical Complex's Ophthalmology Unit between
defenses like glutathione, causing tissue inflammation and January 2023 and December 2023. The significant male
oxidative damage to the surface of the eyes. Numerous eye preponderance and the concentration of people in the 10–30
conditions have been linked to this accumulation of oxidative age range highlight demographic trends that are pertinent to
damage, most notably dry eye disease15-17. The findings eye health. The results of the Chi-square tests provide light on

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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