Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney
In the modern world where commerce and industry have assured large and long roles to play , the need for entering into
contracts of agreements in relation to business and other transactions have become a common and necessary feature of daily life.
As man became busier it became more and more necessary for him to depend on others for getting his things done. The hectic
activities of the businessmen and industrialists have made the execution of power of attorney for delegating his functions.
Granting a Power of Attorney is a legal process that involves the drafting of a document which assigns to another person the
power to act as your legal representative. Principal should be careful while authorising an agent as attorney to avoid
inconvenience and expense of any legal proceedings in the future.
Link to the Statute-
‘Power Of Attorney’ is an authority given by an instrument by one person, called as the donor or principal, authorising another
person, called donee or agent to act on his behalf. There may be possibility of giving ‘Power Of Attorney’ by two or more
persons jointly to one or more persons. Here a legal authority is given by the principal to the agent which may be broad or limited
and an agent can take all necessary decisions i.e. financial, property related matters and all other matters where principal cannot
be present to sign or in the case of principal’s illness and disability. A paper signed by principal giving powers to an agent is
sometimes itself called a power of attorney. A paper giving a power of attorney should be clear and understandable.
Importance of Power of Attorney
A power of attorney document is an extremely important part of estate planning yet one of the most misunderstood. It is often
convenient or even necessary to have someone else act for you as there is advancement in the business and commerce
transactions. As many people confuse the power of attorney (POA) with a will (Probate), but these documents are two very
different things and have two very different functions. A will comes into effect on the day person die. A POA applies during a
person’s lifetime and ceases to apply when he dies. So you actually need both a POA and a will as they complement, and do not
overlap, each other. To add a twist to the subject, there are two types of POA: one for property and one for personal care. These
two types are completely separate. They deal with different areas of your life and both are required for effective estate planning.
Classification of Attorney
The Power of Attorney can be classified into two categories which includes:
General Power of Attorney: A general power of attorney is one by which an instrument is executed by the principal authorising
the agent to do certain acts in general on his behalf. The word ‘General’ here means that the power must be general regarding the
subject matter and not general with regard to powers in respect of a subject matter. If the subject matter is not general but
restricted to something either specific or specifically mentioned by the principal while drafting an instrument then it will not
constitute a general power of attorney. It is otherwise called as limited power of attorney.
Special Power of Attorney: A special power of attorney is one by which a person is appointed by the principal to do some
specified act or acts. In this type of power of attorney, an agent conferred with a power to do specific act in a single or specified
transactions in the name of the principal.
Durable Power of Attorney: A Power of Attorney which specifically says otherwise, agent’s power ends if principal become
mentally incapacitated. However, a power of attorney may say that it is to remain in effect in the event of future incapacity of the
principal. A power of attorney that says this is called a durable power of attorney.
To ascertain whether power of attorney is of general or special in nature, the subject matter in respect of which power is
conferred Is to be seen accurately. The power of attorney is the unilateral document wherein donor or the principal gives
authoritative power to the agent by signing the document and the agent’s sign is not always required.
Persons Competent To Execute
A power of attorney can be executed by any person who is competent to enter into a contract. However, the married women can
execute powers of attorney even if they are minors. A company while executing power of attorney must make conformity with
the ‘Articles of Association’ and its common seal. A person must be competent to give power to the appointed person so that it
will not affect the legality of the instrument/deed of power of attorney.
Authentication of power of Attorney
As per Indian law, a power of attorney is a legal document that has to be properly framed, using the right legal terminology and
setting out the objectives and responsibilities that you wish to authorise the appointee to carry out on your behalf. If a person
wants to authorise someone to act as a power of attorney on his behalf, it must be signed and notarised by a certified notary
advocate, who is able to declare that you are competent at the time of signing the document to issue the said power of attorney.
You will need to show your ID to the notary advocate before he/she is able to certify and issue the document. It must be executed
and authenticated by the registrar or sub-registrar of assurances as per the ‘Registration Act, 1908’.
Presumption About Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is legal written document which has more legal value and the authenticated attorney will be presumed by
the court as legal document under ‘Indian Evidence Act, 1872’. According to the Section: 85 of ‘Indian Evidence Act, 1872’,
which provides that the court shall presume that every document purporting to be a power of attorney, and has to be clearly
authenticate and executed before the notary or magistrate. If there is any issue arises concerning to the genuineness of the
attorney then proof of its execution can be called for the verification.
Language of The Power of Attorney
An instrument of power of attorney must always use the language known to the donor and if the donor is an illiterate person then
scribe and identifier should explain all the contents of the document in the language known by the donor and it has to be certified
by the donor that he has understood all the contents and then he has to put thumb mark on the document. Lastly the
administrative officer will take the oath from the donor stating that he knows all the contents of the document and he knows the
identifier. A sign and seal must be put by the administrative officer after complete verification of the document.
Original Documents To Be Verified
A power of attorney which is accurately authenticated by the notary or any magistrate, an affidavit has to be filed with all the
original documents of the power of attorney authorising an agent to do certain acts. All the documents will be verified by the
court and then court will register power of attorney by putting seal and sign. It is very much essential to make the power of
attorney valid.
Powers of Attorney by Two or More Persons
A power of attorney may be executed by two or more persons jointly in favour of one or more persons and when there are
several persons as attorneys a complete authorisation in letter to be given by one of them for acting severally. A clause should be
included while drafting the deed of power of attorney that all the attorneys should act jointly or separately.
Duration of Granted Power
A general power of attorney remains in force unless expressly revoked or determined by the death of either of the party. A
special power of attorney will be in force until the specified act is not completed. Duration of the power will depend upon the
type of the attorney or there may be a fixed period of power granted by the principal which must be included in the deed.
Revocation of Power of Attorney
A power of attorney may be revoked at any time by the principal or donor by giving a written notice to the agent, unless it is for
a particular fixed period. Revocation usually possible when principal dies or becomes insane or becomes bankrupt. The principal
himself can revoke power of attorney if the business for which the agent was appointed is over as mutually agreed upon by the
principal and agent. In case if principal has named a spouse or registered domestic partner as his agent, his or her authority to act
under the power of attorney is automatically terminated in the event of divorce, legal separation or termination of the registered
domestic partnership.
A power of attorney is not compulsorily registrable unless it creates an interest in any immovable property i.e. charge in favour
of donee. Registration of power of attorney is optional In India, where the ‘Registration Act, 1908’, is in force, the Power of
Attorney should be authenticated by a Sub-Registrar only, otherwise it must be properly notarized by the notary especially where
in case power to sell land is granted to the agent. If a power of attorney is in respect of an immovable property of value more than
Rs100 it must be registered. Registration of power of attorney authenticates the deed of power of attorney.
Stamp Duty
A power of attorney is chargeable under Section: 48 of Schedule 1 of the ‘Indian Stamp Act, 1899’. A stamp duty has to be paid
compulsorily by the principal or donor in the jurisdictional registrar’s office.
Legal Powers Which Can Be Granted To The Attorney
Broadly speaking a power of attorney provides an agent “all powers that the principal has” to manage the principal’s financial
affairs or make health care decisions may be enough for many purposes. An agent may be authorised to:
i. To execute all contracts, deeds, bonds, mortgages, notes, checks, drafts, money orders.
ii. To manage, compromise, settle, and adjust all matters pertaining to real estate.
iii. To lease, collect rents, grant, bargain, sell, or borrow and mortgage.
iv. To sell any and all shares of stocks, bonds, or other securities.
v. To file, sign all tax returns, insurance forms and any other documents.
vi. To enter into contacts, and to perform any contract, agreement, writing, or thing to make, sign, execute, and deliver,
acknowledge any contract, agreement.
vii. To make health-care decisions for the donor or his minor children.
viii. To sue on behalf of the principal.
Qualifications of An Attorney
It is the duty of the Principal to appoint a responsible person as agent who should act with utmost good faith. An attorney is a
person who has been appointed by the donor to act on his behalf. An ideal attorney is that who must be willing to act in that
capacity and he has to be impartial having integrity. An attorney should be loyal to the donor and should not disclose any
confidential matters related to the business.
Duties of The Attorney Holder
An attorney holder is a person who is authorised by donor legally. An attorney must not exceed the authority given under the
power of attorney. If the attorney does exceed their authority, he or she may be liable for any damages suffered by the donor or
others. The attorney may, however, do all those acts which are authorised, but only by a particular method, if the power of
attorney so indicates. If there is a breach of any condition by the attorney then he shall be liable to the donor except in a case
where he has acted reasonably. If there is some doubt as to the wording of the power of attorney, a solicitor should always be
consulted. The attorney holder must also act towards the donor with the utmost good faith and tell the donor the nature and extent
of any interest which may conflict with his or her duty. An attorney may pass on his or her powers and duties to another person
but only if authorised to do so by the power of attorney
General Power of Attorney Format
I, ………………….. son of ………………………… resident of ………………. at present residing at ……………. SEND GREETINGS:
WHEREAS I own various movable and immovable properties in various parts of India described in the Schedule I hereto and I have interest in various
firms, companies, association of persons, trusts, societies as partner, proprietor, shareholder, member, trustee, beneficiary, etc. and/or otherwise,
described in the Schedule II hereto.
AND WHEREAS I am presently residing out of India as mentioned hereinabove for the time being, I am personally unable to attend to my day to day
affairs and for reasons of convenience it is necessary that I should appoint an attorney and confer upon him the powers hereinafter stated.
NOW KNOW YE BY THESE PRESENTS that I the said …………….. do hereby nominate and constitute and appoint Shri …………………….. son of late
………………….. at present residing at …………………. as my true and lawful Attorney for me in the name and on behalf of myself and/or my said Attorney
and in any of my said capacities and in the name and on behalf of any partnership firm, association of persons, trustee, beneficiary or businesses in
which 1 am now or may in future in any manner become interested to do exercise, execute and perform all or any of the following acts, deeds and
things, namely:-
1. Commercial;
1.1 To transact business:-To commence, transact, manage, carry on, close down any of my business and to do all things requisite or necessary or
connected therewith including correspondence with any person or authority.
1.2 To buy and sell:-To buy, receive, store and hold and to sell, pledge, hypothecate, give on hire or otherwise deal with any goods, articles, things or
movable property.
1.3 To open branches:-To open, establish, conduct, shift and/or close any branch of any business at any place or places.
1.4 To contract:-To enter into, sign, execute, vary, alter, terminate, suspend, and repudiate any contracts.
1.5 Partnership business:-To act as a partner in the firm or firms in which I am a partner at present or become a partner in future and commence, carry
on, close, dissolve or retire from any business of any partnership with any person and for the said purpose to do all acts as partner or partners therein
including banking operations, execution of partnership, retirement, dissolution or other deeds and documents.
2. Property
2.1. To acquire and to transfer:-To purchase, take on lease, to take charge or mortgage on and to acquire in any manner and to sell, mortgage, settle,
charge, lease, grant tenancy or otherwise transfer and/or in any manner and/or on any terms deal with any immovable or real property or properties or
any interest therein.
2.2. To manage and maintain:-To hold, defend possession, manage and maintain movable, or immovable properties described in Schedule 1 herein and
other immovable properties acquired by me hereafter.
2.3. To receive rents, etc.:-To demand, recover and receive rents, mesne profits, licence fees, maintenance charges, electricity charges, corporation taxes
and all other sums of moneys receivable in respect of my properties and to make all just and reasonable allowance therein in respect of rates, taxes,
repairs and other outgoings and to take all necessary steps whether by action, distress or otherwise to recover any property or sums of money in arrear.
2.4. To pay outgoings:-To pay all taxes, rates, assessments, charges, expenses and other outgoings whatsoever payable for or on account of my
properties or any part thereof and to insure any buildings thereon against loss or damage by fire and other risks as be deemed necessary and/or
desirable and to pay all premia for such insurances.
2.5. To serve notice on tenants:-To sign and give any notice to any occupier of any property belonging to me to quit or to repair or to abate any nuisance
or to remedy any breach of covenant or for any other purpose whatsoever.
2.6. To construct, repair and/or reconstruct:-To take down, demolish, rebuild and/or repair any of my house, building or other structure of whatever
2.7. To get utilities:-To apply for and obtain electricity, gas, water, sewerage and/or connections of any utilities and/or to make alterations and/or close
down and/or have disconnected the same in my properties.
2.8. To view the condition of any property:-To enter upon any of my property or any part of it as often as be desired to view the state of repair thereof
and to require any occupier as a result of such view to remedy any want of repair or abate any nuisance.
2.9. To enforce covenants:-To enforce any covenant in any lease, licence or tenancy agreement or any other document affecting any of my property and
if any right to re-enter arises in any manner under such covenants or under notice to quit, then to exercise such rights amongst others.
2.10. To deal with trespassers:-To warn off and prohibit and if necessary proceed against in due form of law against all trespassers on any of my
property and to take appropriate steps whether by action or otherwise and to abate all nuisances.
2.11. To prepare and have sanctioned the plans:-To get prepared plans for construction of any building or structure and/or otherwise on any of my
property and to have the same sanctioned, modified and/or altered by any Corporation, Municipality or other authority and in connection therewith or
to make necessary applications, give undertakings, pay fees, obtain sanctions and such other orders and permissions as may be expedient.
2.12. To apply for obtaining building materials:-To apply for and obtain such permission as may be necessary for obtaining steel, cement, bricks and
other construction materials and construction equipments and to appoint architects and contractors for the construction of building or buildings to be
constructed on the plots belonging to me.
2.13. To act in proceedings under rent control legislation:-To appear and represent in any proceedings for fixation of fair rent and/or for any other
purpose or purposes before any court, Rent Controller or other authority in connection with any matter relating to and/or arising out of any of my
2.14. To obtain any certificate:-To apply for and obtain such certificate and other permissions and clearances including certificates and/or permission
under any law relating to ceiling on urban land, or other law relating to land and/or buildings both urban and rural or under the Income-tax Act or any
other law as may be required for execution and/or registration of any conveyance or other document and/or for transferring any rights in any land,
building or other property belonging to me or acquired by me hereafter.
2.15. To file declarations:-To prepare, sign, declare and file declarations, statements, applications and/or returns and otherwise in connection with
holding, possessing, acquiring, transferring, partitioning or otherwise dealing with any of my property before any appropriate or other authority as may
be required under any law or laws now prevailing or as may in future become applicable and to do, exercise, execute and perform any or all the
necessary acts, deeds and things required thereunder.
3. Companies
3.1. To promote company:-To promote or form or cause to be promoted or formed or join with any other person in promoting or forming and to do all
things necessary or proper to be done or causing to be formed and incorporated a company with limited or unlimited liability for any object and to
settle and sign the memorandum and articles of association, prospectus, application forms, statement in lieu of prospectus and all other papers
required for or in connection with incorporation, commencement of business of such company and other acts, relating thereto.
3.2. To spend money in promoting a company:-To expend or agree to expend moneys for promoting and forming any such company as aforesaid and in
taking up and paying for any shares in my name in any such company as aforesaid.
3.3. To contract to take shares:-To sign and file with the Registrar of Companies or any other appropriate authorities contract in writing to take from
and/or pay for any share or shares in any such company as aforesaid in my name.
3.4. To apply for, accept and deal with shares:-To make application or applications for and take allotment or allotments or purchase or otherwise
acquire or hold any share or shares in any company in my name and to sell, transfer, pledge, hypothecate and/or deal with any share or shares held by
me or acquired by me hereafter and to execute and/or deliver all deeds and documents including transfer deeds in connection therewith and/or for
registration of any transfer and/or transmission.
3.5. To consent to act as a director:-To sign and file with the Registrar of Companies or any other appropriate authority in my name, consent in writing
to act as a director of any company as aforesaid.
3.6. To exercise shareholder’s privileges:-To attend, vote at and otherwise act in the meetings of any company or companies or to appoint or act as
proxy or representative in respect of any shares, stock or debentures now held by me or which may hereafter be acquired by me and generally to
exercise all rights and privileges and perform all duties in respect of any shares, stocks or debentures as the holder, owner and/or registered owner
thereof or as otherwise being interested in any company including carrying on correspondence and making or consent in the making of any applications
in connection therewith before the Centra4 Government, court or other authority under the Companies Act or any other law for the time being in force.
3.7. To transfer securities:-To transfer any share, stock, debenture or other securities held by me or to be acquired by me hereafter in any company and
to execute transfer deeds, receipts and ail other papers in connection therewith and also to transmit and/or apply for and/or to consent to the
transmission of any share, stock, debenture and/or other securities and/or have the same registered and/or to have such registration altered and/or
cancelled in any manner.
3.8. General:-To do such acts and deeds and to execute such papers and documents as may be necessary in any capacity as shareholder, debtor, creditor
or otherwise in relation to any company which may be required to be done by me.
3.9. To receive bonus shares and other benefits:-To receive and to hold and to deal with bonus shares and all other benefits that may accrue as a
shareholder or otherwise in relation to any company.
4. Investments
4.1. To sell investments:-To acquire or sell, transfer, assign or join in acquiring or selling, transferring or assigning ail or any stocks, shares, annuities,
debentures, stocks, bonds, obligations, government securities, units and other securities or investments of any nature whatever which do now or shall
hereafter stand in my name or to which I am now or may at any time hereafter be entitled to and for that purpose to employ and pay brokers and other
agents in that behalf and to receive and give receipts for the purchase money payable in respect of such sales and to transfer any investments so sold to
the purchaser or purchasers thereof or as he or they direct and for these purposes to sign and execute all such contracts, transfer deeds and other
writings and do all such other acts as may be necessary for effectually transferring or assigning the same.
4.2. Allotment of shares in companies:-To apply for and accept allotments of shares in my name in any company, corporation or body corporate or any
statutory body.
4.3. To receive dividends and repaid capital sums:-To demand, sue for and receive from any company, corporation, government or other body politic or
person all deposits, dividends, interest, bonuses or any other sums that may become due in respect of any investment and likewise any capital sum
represented by or comprised in any investment held by me as and when the same shall be payable or repayable and for any such purpose to sign,
indorse and execute all receipts, dividends and interest warrants, cheques, releases, discharges, reconveyances or other deeds, documents, instruments
and other writings whatsoever that may be required or necessary for the purpose.
4.4. Investment in and dealing with provident funds:- To operate, open, withdraw and deal with funds in the Public Provident Fund Account or any
other provident fund accounts whatsoever in my name.
4.5. Investments in company deposits, shares, etc.:- To invest my monies in company deposits, shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, units or other
corporate securities or securities of local authorities, any other statutory bodies or corporations, whether incorporated in India or in any other country,
in such manner and upon such securities as my attorney shall in his absolute discretion think fit and from time to time withdraw any such moneys and
apply the same to any purpose as he may think fit.
4.6. To initiate proceedings:-To give all notices, commence any legal proceedings or use any other lawful means that may appear to my attorney
desirable or necessary in order to safeguard or enforce my rights in or in connection with any of the investments with full power to prosecute or
discontinue any such proceeding and to compromise or submit to arbitration any matter in dispute or doubt.
4.7. To pay all calls:-To pay all calls that may be lawfully made or other expenses that may be incurred in relation to any of my investments and to give
security for the payment of the same.
4.8. To assent to arrangements:-To assent (if it seems to my attorney necessary or desirable) to any arrangement modifying any rights, privileges or
duties in relation to any of my investments and to agree to any scheme or arrangement for the increase or reduction of the value or amount of the same
or of the capital of any company or corporation and for any such purpose to deposit, surrender or exchange any of the investments or the documents of
title relating thereto and to pay any contribution or incur any other necessary expense in connection with any such scheme or arrangement.
4.9. To apply for and contract for investments:-To tender, contract for, purchase, accept and sign the transfer into my name any government securities,
securities of local authorities or any statutory body, shares, stocks or debentures in any such company, corporation or body as aforesaid or other stocks,
funds, debentures and securities of any and every description whatsoever or any other properties.
5. Banker/Banking
5.1. Banking operation:-To open, operate, continue or close any account including any overdraft or other loan account and/or saving account, current,
fixed or other accounts and also safe deposit lockers and all accounts whatsoever in my name and on my behalf with any bank or banks that may be
existing or may in future be opened in my name or in the name of my firm or firms or business or businesses or in my capacity as trustee or beneficiary
of any trust with any bank or banks including Postal Savings Bank.
5.2. Drawing and negotiations of cheques:-To draw, sign, negotiate and/or endorse cheques, payment orders, drafts, dividend warrants and/or any
other instruments and to execute, enter into, acknowledge, do and present all such deeds, instruments, contracts, agreements, acts, deeds and things as
shall be requisite or deemed fit and proper for or in relation to all or any of the purposes, matters or things herein contained or others with any bank or
5.3. To deal with bills of exchange:- For all or any of the banking purposes to draw, accept, endorse, discount or otherwise deal with any bills of
exchange, bills of lading, mates’ receipts, delivery orders, promissory notes or other mercantile instruments relating to moneys, goods, properties or
5.4. To operate bank locker or safe deposit vault locker:- To operate any bank locker or safe deposit vault locker and to deposit therein and withdraw
therefrom any articles belonging to me.
6. Moneys
6.1. To realise loans or borrow money:- To realise loans and/or borrow money or moneys from time to time from any bank, institution, or any person or
persons, organisation whatsoever against the security or properties both movable and immovable belonging to me or any of my firm or firms of
business or businesses in which I am now or may hereafter become interested and to execute, sign and register mortgage, charges, transfer and/or give
other security or securities by any other deed or deeds on such terms and conditions as my said attorney or his substitute or substitutes may think fit
and proper.
6.2. Loans and advances:- To make and/or to receive any loan or advance from any bank, financial institution or other person to such extent and on
such terms as the said attorney may deem expedient and also to secure the same by pledging, hypothecating, mortgaging, charging or any other manner
encumbering any of my movable or immovable property.
6.3 Miscellaneous
6.3.1. To agree to charge or pay any interest or other considerations for any loan and/or advance and to vary such rates of interests or consideration
from lime to time.
6.3.2. To remit, reduce or settle any claim of any moneys, losses and/or damages.
6.3.3. To draw, execute, negotiate, cancel, present for payment and/or make or receive payment of any promissory note, bill of exchange, bond or
undertaking regarding any money receipt and/or advance.
7. Representations
7.1. To represent before bank or banks, insurance companies, etc:-To represent me or any of my firm or firms or business in any of the bank or banks,
insurance companies, courts, registration offices, municipal offices, office of competent authority, urban land ceiling, post offices, sales tax offices,
income-tax offices, customs offices, revenue offices or any co-operative society, Central or any other State Government or other authority, society, body
corporate or other person for any purpose or purposes whatsoever and do all acts as may be expedient before the same or in connection therewith.
7.2. To prepare, sign and file tax returns:-To prepare, sign, execute and/or file any of my and/or any of my firm or firms or business or businesses in my
personal capacity or as trustee or beneficiary of any trust, sales tax returns, income-tax returns, wealth- tax returns, gift tax returns or any other returns
under the Income-tax Act, 1961, Wealth-tax Act, 1957, Gift-tax Act, 1958 and/or any other law for the time being in force or other returns, statements,
papers, documents in connection with the aforesaid Acts, to sign and/or submit returns, statements of accounts, balance sheets, declaration forms, to
receive refund orders or vouchers from any of the aforesaid authorities, to apply for and to sign and submit to necessary authorities and to represent me
or any of the firm or firms or business or businesses, trusts, proprietary concerns in which 1 am now or may hereafter be interested as proprietor,
partner, trustee or beneficiary with such authority or authorities concerned therewith.
7.3. Appear before Assessing Officer, etc.:-To appear before any Assessing Officer, Deputy Commissioner and/or Assistant Commissioner and/or
Commissioner and/or Central Board of Direct Taxes and/or tribunal and/or any other authority or authorities in connection with any matter or matters
and to represent me or my proprietary concerns, firm or firms, business or businesses, trusts in which 1 am trustee or beneficiary and to produce,
explain accounts, documents and papers as may be necessary and to pay taxes and other amounts to such authorities and to any other authority by
virtue of these presents and to sign, execute and deliver all other papers, documents and deeds in connection therewith.
7.4. To appear before registrar, notary public, magistrate, etc.:-To appear before any Notary Public, Registrar of Assurances, District Registrar, Sub-
Registrar of Assurances, Metropolitan Magistrate and other officer or officers or authority having jurisdiction and to acknowledge and register or have
registered and perfected all deeds, instruments and writings, executed, signed or made by me personally or as partner of any firm or firms or business
or businesses or by my said attorneys or any of them by virtue of the powers herein conferred.
8. Trusts
8.1. To execute trusts:-To do all acts, deeds relating to any matter in which I am a trustee and/or beneficiary and to exercise all powers and authorities
elsewhere hereunder or otherwise as expedient.
8.2. To exercise powers:-To execute and exercise in relation to any land or investment or property for the time being subject to any trust and all powers
and description for the lime being vested in me as such trustee or as beneficiary as aforesaid or under any deed of trust, settlement or other documents
to the extent lawfully possible.
9.1. To execute documents (stocks, shares, annuities):-To execute all deeds and other instruments necessary or proper for transferring any stock,
shares, annuities, debentures, obligations and other securities held by me or to be acquired by me hereafter to the purchaser or purchasers thereof.
9.2. To execute and register deeds:-To sign, execute, enter into, modify, cancel, alter, draw, approve, present for registration and admit registration of
all papers, documents, contracts, agreements, conveyances, mortgage deeds, leases, grants, assurances, applications, declarations, trust deeds and
other documents as may in any way be required to be so done for or in connection with any movable or immovable property belonging to me or to be
acquired by me hereafter or of any part thereof or any interest therein including those held by me as owner, lessor, lessee, partner, mortgagor, tenant,
trustee or otherwise be interested for the time being including those connected with the management and development of any business and also in
connection with the sale, purchase, lease, transfer and disposition or construction or sanction of plan or obtaining of clearances or permits from the
Government or for any other purpose whatsoever.
10.1. To compound the debts and to submit claims to arbitration:-To compound with or make allowances to any person for or in respect of any debt or
demand whatsoever which now is or shall or may at any time hereafter become due or payable to me and to take or receive any composition or dividend
thereof or thereupon and give receipts, releases or other discharges for the whole of the same debts, sums or demands or to settle, compromise or
submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other claim, right, matter and thing due to or concerning me and for that purpose in my
name to enter into, make, sign, execute such agreements as are necessary in like cases, execute such agreements for arbitration or other deeds or
instruments as are necessary in like cases and to allow time for the payment of any such debt or demand (with or without security) upon such terms as
the attorney may think fit.
10.2. To conduct and defend legal proceedings:-To commence, prosecute, enforce, defend, answer or oppose all notices, suits, and other legal
proceedings and demands touching any of the matters aforesaid or any other matters in which 1 am now or may hereafter be interested or concerned
and also if thought fit with such consent as aforesaid to compromise, refer to arbitration, abandon, submit to judgment or become non-suited in any
such action or proceeding as aforesaid before any court, civil, or criminal, or revenue including the Rent Controller, City Civil and Small Causes Courts.
10.3. To appoint advocates, etc.:-To appoint any solicitor, advocate, pleader or counsel as may be necessary for prosecuting and defending any suit or
proceedings, in the matters relating to my properties, business, firm, trusts, companies or organisations, in which 1 am interested or become interested
hereafter in my name or in the name of my said attorney as he may think fit and proper and to sign vakalatnamas, warrant of attorney in favour of any
solicitor, advocate, pleader or counsel engaged by him.
10.4. To sign plaints and other papers:-To sign, declare and/or affirm any plaints, written statements, petitions, consent petition, affidavits,
memorandum of appeal or any other document or paper in my name in any proceeding or in any way connected therewith.
10.5. To deposit and receive documents from court:- To deposit and receive documents and moneys in and from any court or courts and/or any other
person or authority in my name and give valid receipts and discharges therefor.
11.1. Receiving monies and goods:-To demand, collect, sue for, recover and receive of and from all and every person or persons, body or bodies, politic
or corporate, court or authority including government and/or local bodies whomsoever concerned or chargeable therewith all or every sum or sums of
money including rent, documents, securities, goods, effects, dues, duties, interests, rents, profits, income, purchase consideration, dividends,
compensation and/or any other money or moneys which shall belong or be or become payable to me or to any of my firm or firms, business or
businesses or companies in which I am interested.
11.2. To collect debts:-To demand, collect, sue for, recover and receive in my name, from all and every person, body, politic or municipal or corporate or
firm or company wheresoever and whatsoever all sums of money, debts, dues, goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, effects and things of any nature or
description whatsoever which now are or which at any time or times hereafter shall or may become due or owing or payable to or recoverable including
those from or by the bank by virtue of any hypothecations, bonds, mortgages, pledges, agreements or other securities whatsoever or upon or by virtue of
any bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, bills of lading or other mercantile or negotiable instruments whatever or otherwise.
11.3. To give receipts:-To receive and give effectual receipts and discharges in my name for all monies, securities for monies, debts, goods, chattels and
personal estate which are or may become due, owing, payable or transferable in or by any right, title, ways or means howsoever from any person or
persons or corporation or other body or authority.
11.4. To receive debts, gifts, legacies, etc.:-To receive and give good and valid receipts and discharges in my name for share of assets of any business or
for the purchase money of any share therein or of any part of such share and all such other monies as may be payable to me in any manner whatsoever.
12. Agents
12.1. Agency:-To act as agents for any person or to appoint any person as agent for any purpose in connection with any business or matter herein
contained or otherwise and on such terms and with such powers and authorities as may be deemed by my said attorney to be expedient and to vary,
modify and/or terminate such appointment and/or appointments and make other or others.
12.2. To employ persons in any capacity:-To employ any person in any capacity for my business firm, trusts, companies in which I am interested and
require to employ such person or become interested in future and require to employ such person and to suspend, dismiss or discharge any employee so
employed as my said attorney may deem fit.
12.3. To employ professionals:- For the better and more effectually executing the powers or authorities aforesaid or any of them to retain and employ
solicitors, advocates, chartered accountants, managers, consultants or any other professional persons and/or debt collecting or other agents.
13. Miscellaneous
13.1. To enter into bond and indemnities:- For all or any purpose to give and execute all such bonds, guarantees, indemnities, covenants and obligations
in my name.
14. To substitute and appoint in his place (on such terms and conditions as my said attorney shall think fit and proper) one or more attorneys to
exercise for me as my attorney or attorneys any or all of the powers and authorities hereby conferred and to revoke any such appointment from time to
time and to substitute or appoint any other person or persons in the place of such attorney or attorneys as the said attorney shall from time to time
think fit and proper.
15. AND in case of the death of the said attorney or inability or unwillingness to act through illness or any other reason to act as my said attorney in
relation to all or any of the matters aforesaid, I hereby appoint Smt. ………………………….. wife of …………………. resident of ………………………………. to act
as my attorney in place of the said attorney after his death or during such inability or unwillingness and in the latter case during the subsistence of any
such inability or unwillingness as the name of Smt…………………. had been inserted in this deed instead of the name of the said attorney.
16. And generally my said attorney shall have the power to do all such acts, deeds and things on my behalf and I could have lawfully done, if personally
AND I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators of acts done and legal representatives ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and by
attorney confirm all and whatsoever my said attorney or his substitute or substitutes shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ………………………… have hereunto set my hand this ………………….. day of ……………….. 2000.
Identified by me
( ) Before me
KNOW YE ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that I ………………… son of Shri ……………………… residing at
…………………………………. send GREETINGS:
WHEREAS I am a resident of ________ now AND WHEREAS I intend to sell plot No ……………….. admeasuring
………………….. sq. mtrs., situate in ………………. comprised in S. No. …………….. (Part) and ………………..(Part)
purchased by me vide document No. ……………. registered in the office of the Sub-Registrar, _________ more particularly
described in Schedule hereunder
AND WHEREAS it is not possible for me to go over personally to ________ for execution, admission and presentation for
registration of the document.
I, the said ………………… do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Shri …………………………. son of
…………………….. resident of ………………………………. to be my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name and on
my behalf to do or cause to be done all or any of the following acts, deeds, matters and things that is to say:
1. To negotiate, sell and to execute sale deed and necessary forms and papers relating to the execution of the sale of the property
more fully described in the Schedule.
2. To declare the value of the property before the Sub-Registrar for purposes of registration of the said sale deed.
3. To present and lodge the sale deed for registration before the Office of the Sub-registrar of Assurances at ________ and to
admit execution of the sale deed to receive consideration and give receipt and discharge and to do ail acts and things necessary
for effectively registering the said sale deed.
4. To appear before any court or authority for the purposes of any matter relating to the registration, declaration of value or any
other proceedings connected with the same.
5. To engage pleader or authorised representatives to act on his behalf in the said proceedings to do all other acts that may be
necessary for the proper completion of the work assigned by me to my attorney under these presents.
6. To give possession of the said property to the purchaser by handing over vacant possession and execute possession certificate
in favour of Purchaser.
7. To deposit the sale proceeds of the house in my Bank Account No. …………. with Bank of India ………………
8. To apply for and obtain Income-tax Certificate under section 230A, Income-tax Act, 1961 for registration of the said sale deed.
I do hereby ratify and confirm that all acts, deeds and things done by my said attorney shall be deemed to have been acts, deeds
and things done by me personally and I undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever that my said attorney shall do or
purport to do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this power …………….. on this ………….. day of ……………………, 2000.
The schedule above referred to
Signed and delivered by the within named
Identified by me
( ) Before me
Advocate Notary Public
Special Power of Attorney for a Court Case
BY THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY I, …………….. son of ……………….. residing at ………………………………… plaintiff in civil suit No. ……………… of
…………………………. hereinafter referred to as the said suit, pending in the court of the ………. hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Shri ………………
son of Shri ……………… resident of ………………. as my attorney for me, in my name and on my behalf to do or execute all or any of the following acts or
things in connection with the said suit:
1. To represent me before the said court or in any other, where the said suit is transferred in connection with the said suit.
2. To engage or appoint any solicitor, counsel, advocate, pleader or lawyer to conduct the said suit.
3. To prosecute the said suit and proceedings, to sign and verify all plaints, pleadings, applications, petitions or documents before the court and to
deposit, withdraw and receive document and any money or moneys from the court or from the defendant either in execution of the decree or otherwise
and sign and deliver proper receipts for me and discharges for the same.
4. To apply for inspection and inspect documents and records, to obtain copies of documents and papers.
5. To compromise the suit in such manner as the said attorney shall think fit.
6. To do generally all other acts and things for the conduct of the said suit as I could have done the same if I were personally present.
And I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and confirm whatsoever
our said attorney shall do or purport to do by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the said ………….. has hereunto set and subscribed my hand this ……………. day of ………………. 2000.
Identified by me
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that, I, RP s/o late GR, r/o …………………………., do hereby appoint Mr. SK, Advocate, s/o Late BN r/o
………………………….. as many attorney and authorise them to do all or any of the thing jointly or severally on my behalf.
1. That the said attorney shall demand, collect and receive in my name and on my behalf all debt, loans advantages and other claims do to me . The are
further empowered to take all lawful proceedings and means to recover and receive the said loans advances and debts etc. They are empowered to
prosecute and defend to lawful action suits and claims and refer the matter to arbitrators, file the suit, compromise the suit and execute such
instruments as they think proper and necessary.
2. The said attorneys are empowered to borrow from time to time such loans and advances as they think proper in my interest and furnish security of
movable and immovable property on such terms and conditions as the think proper.
3. The said attorneys are empowered to sell, exchange, surrender, lease or depose of any houses and buildings lands, etc, which belong to me in such
manner as they thing proper and expedient.
4. The said attorneys are empowered to invest my monies as my attorneys as any of the think proper and expedient .
5. The said attorneys are empowered jointly and severally to deposit the monies they collect on my behalf in my bank account.
6. The said attorneys are authorised to draw, accept, endorse, negotiate, retire, and pay any bills of exchange, promissory note cheques, and other
negotiable instruments, as they think proper and expedient in my interest.
7. The said attorneys are authorised to operate to my bank account, close the bank account open bank account in some other bank as they think proper
and expedient in my interest.
8. The said attorneys are authorised to let out or to give on lease my properties to the persons they think proper, recover rent, already due, and recover
the rent as may due in future from time to time. They are further authorised to sue the persons for recovery to rent, to compromise the sue and do all
other works concerning with it .
9. The said attorneys are authorised to take the property on lease and execute lease deed for and on my behalf as my attorneys.
10. They are authorised to call upon shares belonging to me and attend the meetings of any company of which I am the shareholders.
11. The said attorneys are authorised to appoint, or remove the agents to look after my estate and fix the salaries etc. of the agent of my behalf as my
12. The said attorneys are authorised to do generally of all such things and acts as may attorneys or attorney, which shall be binding on me.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed this deed of power of attorney in the presence of the following witnesses :
Witnesses :
1…… Signature.
TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME I Mr. … residing at ………… send Greetings -
WHEREAS I have agreed to sell my property situate at … and which is more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written, by an agreement
for sale dated … entered into with Mr. .…………..
AND WHEREAS the sale Is expected to be completed within a short time but as I am leaving India soon and will be out of India for a long time I will be
unable to attend at the completion of the sale and to execute the said Deed of Conveyance and other required documents.
AND WHEREAS I, therefore propose to appoint my wife Mrs. … as my true and lawful attorney with full power to do and execute the following acts,
deeds and things which she has agreed to do.
NOW KNOW YOU ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESSES That I, Mr. … hereby appoint and constitute Mrs. … to be my true and lawful attorney or
agent with full authority or power to do and execute the following acts deeds and things In my name on my behalf and for me viz..
1) On or at the time of completion of the sale of the said property, to execute the Deed of Conveyance In terms of the draft approved by my advocate In
favour of the said Purchaser or his nominee.
2) To receive the sale price payable by the Purchaser under the said agreement and to pass a valid receipt for. the same.
3) To sign the necessary transfer forms for transferring the said property to the name of the Purchaser in the records of the Municipal Corporation and
In the Revenue records of the Govt.
4) To execute any other documents Incidental to the Deed of conveyance if required and as advised by my advocate.
5) To lodge the Deed of Conveyance and other documents if any executed and requiring registration in the office of the Registrar or Sub Registrar of
Assurances concerned and or to admit execution made before him.
6) To give formal possession of the said property to the Purchaser by handing over vacant possession of such part of the said property as is in my
personal occupation and by attorning to the Purchasers, the tenants who are occupying the said property.
7) To make an account of the rents and outstanding of the said property by way of taxes, and other charges, deductions etc. as on the date of completion
and if after making account and adjustments thereof any amount is found payable by me to the Purchaser, to pay the same or if any amount is found
payable by the Purchaser to me. to receive the same and give valid receipt for the same.
8) To pay stamp duty and registration charges in respect of the said document or any part thereof, if I am liable to pay the same under the said
agreement or in law.
9) To settle and pay my advocate’s fees in respect of the sale out of the sale proceeds.
10) To credit the net sale proceeds when received to my Bank Account with Bank of .……………
11) To apply for and obtain Income Tax Certificate under section 230A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for registration of the said Deed.
12) And to do all other acts and things as may be required to be done for completing the sale, of the said property and executing the Deed of
Conveyance, as I would do if personally present.
AND I, hereby agree to ratify all lawful acts and things done by the said attorney in pursuance of the powers herein contained.
the withinnamed Mr . ……
in the presence of ……
WHEREAS I am desirous of appointing some fit and proper person to look after all my immovable properties, business and other affairs and requested
Mr. …… of …….. (hereinafter called ‘the Attorney’) to act for me and manage and look after my affairs which the Attorney has consented to do
NOW KNOW YOU ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that I, the said … do hereby appoint the said ….. as my true and lawful Attorney with full
power and authority to do and execute all acts, deeds, and things as hereinafter mentioned.
1. To ask, receive and recover from all receivers, farmers, tenants and all other occupiers whatsoever whether holding under a written lease or
agreement or otherwise. of my lands and buildings, all rents, arrears of rent, services. issues, profits, emoluments and sums of money now due owing
and payable or at any time hereafter to become due, owing and payable in respect of the same in any manner whatsoever and also on non- payment
thereof to take summary proceedings to distrain or distress according to law And to give notices to quit, and vacate and file suits and proceedings in
ejectment and to recover rents and compensation for use and occupation And to make like and appropriate demands and take like and appropriate
actions and proceedings against trespassers.
2. To appoint any fit person to be steward, bailiff, receiver or servant for the management of my lands and premises and to recover rents thereof and the
same or any of such stewards, bailiffs, receivers or servants at pleasure to remove and displace as the attorney shall think fit.
3. To contract with any person for leasing for such period at such rent subject to such conditions as the attorney shall see fit, all or any of the said
premises and any such person, to let into possession thereof and to accept surrenders of leases and for that purpose to make and execute any lease or
grant or other lawful deed or instrument whatsoever which shall be necessary or proper in that behalf.
4. To pay or allow all taxes, rates, assessments, charges. deductions, expenses and all other payments and outgoings whatsoever due and payable or to
become due and payable for or on account of my said lands, estates and premises.
5. To enter into and upon my lands and buildings and structures whatsoever and to view the state and defects for the reparation thereof and forthwith
to give proper notices and directions for repairing the same and to let manage and Improve the same to the best advantage and to make or repair drains
and roads thereon.
6. To sell (either by public auction or private treaty) or exchange and convey transfer and assign any of my lands and buildings and other property for
such consideration and subject to such covenants as the Attorney may think fit and to give receipts for all or any part of the purchase or other
consideration money And the same or any of them with like power, to mortgage charge or encumber and also to deal with my immovable personal
property or any part thereof as the Attorney may think fit for the purpose of paying off reducing consolidating, or making substitution for any existing
or future mortgage. charge, encumbrance. hypothecation or pledge of the same or any part thereof as the Attorney shall think fit and in general to
sanction any scheme for dealing with mortgages, charges hypothecations or pledges of any property or any part thereof as fully and effectually as I
myself could have done.
7. To purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire such lands, houses, tenements and immovable property generally as the Attorney may think fit or
8. To prepare a layout by sub-dividing any land into plots and obtain necessary approval of any local authority for the same if required.
9. To develop any land or plot of land vacant or with any building or structure thereon by constructing new building or buildings thereon and on Flat
ownership basis, to sell the flats and other premises therein on such terms as the Attorney may think fit and to transfer the land with such building to
any co-operative housing society or company or on Apartment ownership basis and to execute necessary documents in that behalf.
10. To enter into any development agreement with any developer or builder authorising him to develop any of my properties as mentioned above and to
do and execute all acts and deeds as may be required to be done or executed.
11. To sell or to concur in selling in private sale or In any other manner any of my stock, merchandise, goods, chattels and other effects, articles and
things for such consideration and subject to such conditions as the Attorney may think fit and to receive the proceeds thereof and to give receipt for all,
or any part of the sale proceeds or other consideration money.
12. To pledge, hypothecate or charge or concur in pledging hypothecating or charging with, to or id favour of a Bank or Banks or any other financier
body or Individual any personal or moveable properties, goods, chattels, merchandise, commodities, effects and things for such considerations and
subject to such conditions as the Attorney may think fit and for that purpose to sign, execute and deliver all necessary instruments and deeds of
mortgage. charge. hypothecation, pawn. pledge, lien and trust receipts and to receive the consideration money or otherwise for such pledge. pawn.
hypothecation. charge. mortgage. lien and the like.
13. Also to draw, make, sign, accept or endorse pledge, hypothecate or otherwise negotiate all or any foreign or Inland bills of exchange, hundi, cheques,
orders for payment of money and promissory notes and to sign, seal, execute, deliver, endorse, accept, assign or transfer all mortgage deeds, bills of
lading, delivery orders or other symbols or Andicia of or documents of title relating to goods or merchandise, policies of assurances, charter parties,
ships certificates. bills of sale, securities of any Government, municipality or local authority wheresoever situate or other stocks, shares, debentures,
mortgages, obligations, or other securities of any company or corporation whether commercial, municipal or otherwise and all and every other public or
other securities, stocks or shares, foreign or otherwise and to deal with the same and to receive the proceeds thereof respectively.
14. To purchase, take on hire, borrow or otherwise acquire machinery, tools, spare parts, raw materials, merchandise commodities, goods, wares,
articles, effects and things and to deal in and with the same and to dispose of the same in such manner and for such consideration as the Attorney may
think fit.
15. To borrow any sum of money on such terms and with or without security as the Attorney may think fit for any of the purposes of these presents.
16. To deposit any money which may come to his hands as such attorney with any banker. broker. or other person and any of such money or any other
money to which 1 am entitled which now or hereafter is or shall be deposited with any banker, broker or other person to withdraw and either employ as
the Attorney shall think fit in the payment of any debts or the keeping down of interest payable by me or the creation of sinking fund for the liquidation
of any charges or encumbrances affecting any moveable and immovable property or any part thereof or in or about any of the purpose mentioned in
these presents or otherwise for my use and benefit or to invest in any such stocks, funds, shares or securities as the Attorney may think proper and to
receive and give receipts for any Income or dividends arising from such investments and the same investments to vary or dispose of as the Attorney
may think fit.
17. To continue and or to open new, current and or overdraft accounts in my name with any Banks or Bankers and also to draw cheques and otherwise
to operate upon any such accounts.
18. To engage, employ and dismiss any agents, clerks, servants or other persons in and about the performance of the purposes of these presents as the
Attorney shall think fit.
19. To sell any of my present or future investments and for that purpose to employ and pay brokers and other agents in that behalf and to receive and
give receipts for the purchase money payable in respect of such sales and to transfer any of my investments so sold to the purchaser or purchasers
thereof or as he or they may direct and for these purposes to sign and execute all such contracts transfer deeds and other writings and do all such other
acts as may be necessary for effectually transferring the same.
20. To accept the transfer of any share, stocks, debentures stocks, annuities, bonds. obligations or other securities of whatever nature that may at any
time be transferred to me.
21. To attend, vote at and otherwise take part in all meetings held in connection with any company or corporation with which I am concerned as a
member, shareholder or otherwise or In relation to any of my investments and to sign proxies for the purpose of voting thereat or for any other purpose
connected therewith as freely as I myself could do.
22. Out of any of my moneys in his hands or under his control to pay all calls that may be lawfully made upon me or other expenses that may be
Incurred in relation to any of my Investments and to give security for payment of the same.
23. To exercise all other rights and privileges and perform all other duties which now or hereafter may appertain to me as a holder of debentures or
shares or stock in any company or corporation.
24. To ask, demand, sue for. recover and receive from every person every body politic or corporate whom it shall or may concern all sums of money,
rents, issues, profits, debts, dues, goods, wares. merchandise, chattels, effects and things of any nature or description whatsoever which now are or
which at any time or times during the subsistence of these presents shall or may be or become due owing payable or belonging to me in or by any right,
title, ways or means howsoever and upon receipt thereof or of any part thereof to make sign execute and deliver such receipts releases or other
discharges for the same respectively as the Attorney shall think fit.
25. To settle any account or reckoning whatsoever wherein 1 now am or at any time hereafter shall be in anywise interested or concerned with any
person whomsoever and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case may require.
26. To receive every sum of money whatsoever which now is or at any time hereafter may be due arising or belonging to me upon or by virtue of any
mortgage, charge, pledge hypothecation or other security whatsoever and on receipt thereof to make, sign. execute and give good and sufficient release
or other discharges for the same and also to sign, execute, make and deliver all proper and sufficient reconveyances, releases and other assurances of
the lands and premises which shall have been mortgaged or charged as security therefor and also to consent to any such alteration or modification of
the nature or conditions of the said securities as the Attorney shall think fit.
27. To compound with or make allowances to any person for or in respect of the aforesaid debts or any other debt or demand whatsoever which now is
or shall or may at any time hereafter become due or payable to me and to make or receive any composition, dividend thereof or thereupon and to give
receipts, releases or other discharges for the whole of the same debts, sums or demands or to settle compromise or submit to arbitration every such
debt or demand and every other claim. right, matter or thing due to or concerning me as the Attorney shall think most advisable for my benefit and for
that purpose enter into. make, sign, execute and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other deeds or instruments as are usual in like cases.
28. To commence any suit, action or other proceedings In any Court of justice and before any public officer or Tribunal for the recovery or enforcement
of any debt, sum of money, right, title, Interest, property matter or thing whatsoever now due or payable or to become due or payable or in anywise
belonging to me by any means or on any account whatsoever and the same action, suit or proceedings to prosecute or discontinue or become non-suit
therein If the Attorney shall see cause And also to take such other lawful ways and means including proceedings in execution. distress, distraint and the
like for recovering or getting in any such sum of money or other thing whatsoever which shall by the attorney be conceived to be due owing, belonging
or payable to me by any person whosoever and also to appoint any advocates, solicitors and legal advisers to prosecute or defend In the premises
aforesaid or any of them as occasion may require And from time to time, them or any of them to remove and other or others to appoint In their place
and to pay them such fees and remuneration as the Attorney shall think fit or be advised And for all or any of the purposes aforesaid to sign, execute,
deliver. file all necessary vakalatnamas, war- rants to act, plaints, petitions, applications, defences, statements, ac- counts, declarations, affidavits, and
other documents, papers and writings.
29. To defend any suit or legal proceedings taken against me in any court of law and to do all acts and things as are mentioned above.
30. To accept service of any writ of summons or other legal processes or notice in any suit or legal proceedings and any person to represent in such
court civil or criminal, or revenue court or tribunal or before any officer or other Tribunal whatsoever.
31. To make any declaration or affidavit in proof of any debt or debts due or claimed to be due to me in any proceedings taken or hereafter to be taken
by or against any person firm or company under any Act or Ordinance for the time being in force for the relief or otherwise of insolvent debtors or the
winding up of companies and to attend all meetings of creditors under any such proceedings and to propose, second or vote for or against any
resolution at any such meeting and generally to act for me in all proceedings whether by way of bankruptcy or liquidation by arrangement or by
composition which may be taken against or for the relief of any debtor as the Attorney shall think fit.
32. To exercise any power and any duty vested in me whether solely or jointly with another or others as executor, administrator, trustee or in any other
fiduciary capacity (including powers and trusts to sell or lease land or to receive and give good receipts for money) so far as such power or duty Is
capable of being validity delegated.
33. And also to appear before the Registrar or Sub – Registrar of any District or Sub-District appointed or to be appointed under any Act or law for the
time being in force or otherwise for the registration of deeds, assurances, contracts or other Instruments and then and there or at any time thereafter to
present and register or cause to be registered any deeds, assurances. contracts or other instruments In which 1 am or may be by the Attorney deemed to
be Interested and to pay such fees as shall be necessary for the registration.
34. To enter into, make, sign, seal, execute, deliver, acknowledge, perform all engagements, contracts, agreements, deeds, declarations, bonds,
assurances and other documents, papers, writings and things that may be necessary or proper to be entered into, made signed, executed, delivered,
acknowledged and performed for any of the purposes of these presents or to or in which I am or may be party or in any way Interested.
35. To appear on my behalf and to represent my interest before the Income tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax and/or other Taxing Authorities in respect of
my Income tax. Wealth-tax, Gift-tax, as also before any Tribunal, or Court.
36. To sign on my behalf Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax returns and to submit the same on my behalf to the respective Taxing Authorities,
37. To sign, declare and affirm on my behalf all the applications, documents. declarations and affidavits as may be necessary for the purposes of the
Income-tax, Wealth- tax and Gift -tax affairs and to submit and file the same with the respective Taxing Authorities, to file appeals and references as the
Attorney may be advised and as he may deem fit and proper against the orders and decisions of the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax Authorities in
respect of my assessment proceedings. to appoint on my behalf such Auditors, Accountants and Advocates as the said Attorney shall deem fit and
proper for representing me before the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax and/or Taxing Authorities or any other Tribunal or Court in respect of the
Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax Assessments and to discharge them and appoint new Auditors, Accounts and Advocates as the case may be An
their place, to compound, compromise and settle with the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax Authorities the orders and assessments made by them,
to apply for time for payment and to apply for instalments for the payment of the amount assessed and to be paid by me to the Income-tax, Wealth-tax
and Gift-tax or other Taxing Authorities, and to do all acts and- things regarding the said matters.
38. And also for the better and more effectually doing, effecting and performing the several matters and things aforesaid to appoint from time to time or
generally such person or persons as the Attorney may think fit as his substitute or substitutes to do, execute and perform all or any such matters and
things as aforesaid and any such substitute or substitutes at pleasure to remove and to appoint another or other in his or their place.
39. In general to do all other acts, deeds. Matters and things whatsoever in or about my estate, property and affairs or concur with persons jointly
Interested with myself therein in doing all acts, deeds, matters and things herein either particularly or generally described as amply and effectually to
all Intents and purpose as I could do in my own proper person if these presents had not been made.
AND I, the abovenamed ……….. do hereby undertake to ratify whatever the Attorney or any substitute or agent appointed by him under the power In
that behalf hereinbefore contained may lawfully do or cause to be done in and by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the abovenamed ……….. have hereunto set my hand this ……….. day of. ………. in the ………
To execute a mortgage in the form know as English Mortgage of the whole of the assets of the company/firm sole proprietor including and building
machinery a electric fittings both present and future in favour of the corporation on terms and condition contained in the agreement and deed of
To sign the said deed of mortgage for and behalf of the Company/Firm concern and to have it registered with proper registering authority by admitting
its execution and passing of consideration on behalf of the company/firm/concern and for the company/firm/concern.
And also execute and to do all such other acts and things as our said attorney shall deem fit for the purpose of securing the said repayment of the loan
by the company /firm concern aforesaid.
To perform and obtain the Income-tax clearance certificate under Section 230-A (I) of Income-tax Act, for and on behalf of the borrower.
To apply and obtain the necessary permission/exemption under Urban Land Ceiling and Regulation Act, 1976 for and on behalf of the borrower, if
To perform the above functions either through himself for through lawfully constituted authority.
And the company/firm/concern hereby do agree to ratify and confirm whatever its said attorney shall do here under.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I/WE…………………………have hereunto set my/our hand(s) this………….day of…………..in the year …………
THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY was this………..day of……… produced and executed before me and the within named………….who is ./are known to me
has/have acknowledged it to be their/his act and execution.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS we (1) ……………………. (2) ………………………. (3) ………………………. (4) ………………….. resident of
…………………….. SEND GREETINGS:
WHEREAS we are absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to a piece of land situated at
……………………………………….. and, more particularly described in the Schedule I hereunder written.
AND WHEREAS by an agreement for sale dated ……………………….. executed by us as ourselves of the ONE PART and Shri ………………………… and Shri
…………………….. as purchasers of the OTHER PART, we have agreed to sell a portion of the said land admeasuring ………………. sq. meters, hereinafter
referred to as the said property, more particularly described in the Schedule I hereunder written.
AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the said Agreement for sale, we have handed over the possession of the said property to the purchasers on
…………………….. which they have accepted and now the purchasers are in lawful possession of the said property.
AND WHEREAS the purchasers have requested us to grant Power of Attorney in their favour to enable them to set the plans sanctioned by the Bombay
Municipal Corporation and other appropriate authority and to start construction on the said land and to do all other acts and things, which we have
agreed to do.
NOW KNOW YOU ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS THAT we (1) …………….. (2) ………………….. (3) ……………….. (4) ………….: do and each of us
doth hereby nominate, constitute and appoint (1) Shri …………… and (2) ……………………. hereinafter referred to as our Attorney, to be our true and
lawful attorneys in our name and on our behalf to do jointly or severally all and/or execute all or any of the following acts, deeds, matters and things for
us and on our behalf and in our names viz.
1. To develop and sell the buildings consisting of flats for residential purpose in the said property.
2. To apply, for permission/exemption from the Competent Authority, the State of _________ and/or any other authority/ authorities under the
provisions of Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 (for brevity ULC&R Act) and for the permission and/or sanction for development of the
said property under the provisions of ULC&R Act, and for that purpose to make any declarations, sign forms in our name and on our behalf as our
Attorney(s) shall deem fit and proper also to appear before appellate authorities under the said ULC&R Act and/or State Government in connection
with the permission for transfer of the said property as also development of the said property as aforesaid and generally to do various acts, deeds,
matters and things connected with the matters relating to ULC&R Act in the manner our said Attorney(s) may deem fit and proper and conducive in
connection with all matters pertaining to Urban Land Ceiling clearance.
3. To make and prepare and/or cause to be made and prepared at their entire cost all such layout, sub-division, plans, specifications and designs and/or
any alterations in the existing plans and/or specifications as may be necessary, required and advisable at the discretion of our said Attorney(s) for the
purpose of constructing the buildings on the said property to Municipal Corporation of _________ and/or any other Concerned Authority and/or
Government of _________ and/or Local Bodies and to engage the services of any Architect, Engineer, Consultant, or any person as may be necessary
or advisable at the discretion of our said attorney and to pay necessary fees and premium required for getting the plans sanctioned and do all other acts
and things as may be necessary for getting the plans of the proposed buildings sanctioned by the Municipal and other authorities.
4. To pay and discharge all ground rent, taxes, rates, assessments, charges, deductions, expenses and all other payments and outgoings whatsoever due
and payable or which may hereafter become due and payable for or on account of the said property from the date of the said agreement onwards.
5. To commence, carry out and complete and/or cause to be commenced and completed, construction work at their entire cost on the said property in
accordance with the sanctioned plans and specifications and so far as any construction work is concerned, to see that all applicable rules and
regulations, which are made by the Government of _____________ and/or Municipal Corporation of _____________ and/or Town Planning
Authorities and/or Collector and/or any other Competent Authority or authorities for the time being are strictly observed.
6. To invite tenders and offer for the purpose of construction of one or more buildings or structures on the said property, to accept such tenders or
offers and such consideration and on such terms and conditions as the said attorneys may in his/their absolute discretion deem fit, to give the
construction contract to such person(s) as our said attorneys may deem fit and proper and to get all such buildings or structures duly completed by the
said contractors and to enter into such arrangements with such and other person or persons or body or bodies whether corporate or otherwise for the
purpose of development of the said property wholly, partly or in stages and for constructions of buildings or structures thereon and/or furnishing the
premises therein as the said attorneys may in his/their absolute discretion deem fit and to pay the cost of construction and development of the said
buildings or structures and furnishing of the premises to such contractors and other persons or bodies and to obtain valid receipts and discharges
therefor to enter into contracts for supply of materials, labour and for all other services as may be required for development and construction of the
buildings or structures on the said property on such terms and conditions as my/our said attorneys may in his/their absolute discretion deem fit and
7. To carry on correspondence with all concerned authorities and bodies including the Government of ___________ and all its departments, the
Municipal Corporation of ___________ and/or City Survey Officer and/or Police Authorities for the time being in connection with the sanction of
plans, obtaining of floor space index for the construction proposed to be carried out on the said property and any other matters pertaining to the said
8. To deal and correspond with Municipal Corporation of ____________ including all its Departments or officers or any other officers or Authorities
in connection with or relating to or to the said property hereunder and in particular to do the following acts, deeds, matters and things viz.:
(a) To apply for and obtain, sanction, revalidation with further alterations or additions or modifications, as our said Attorney(s) may require;
(b) To apply for and obtain the occupation and/or completion certificates in respect of the buildings to be constructed and completed on the said
(c) To deal with the Assessment Department of the Municipal Corporation of ___________ and to get the assessment from the Municipal
Corporation of __________ of the said property.
9. To appear and represent us before any and all concerned authorities and parties as may be necessarily required and/or advisable in the sole
discretion of our said Attorney(s) for or in connection with the development of the said property and to make such agreements arrived at such
arrangement as may be conducive to the development work and completing the same.
10. To enter upon property at any time, affix board, put the barbed wire fencing or construct a compound wall on the said property or any portion
thereof as per demarcation thereof and to make all payments for getting the work done.
11. To represent before the public, local and/or private authorities in respect of the development of the property and to make such of the actions and
things as may be necessary for effectually commencing the said development work and completing the same.
12. To deal with the correspondence with the ________ Electric Supply and Transport Undertaking Ltd. for obtaining electric connection including
execution of lease deed in respect of any portion of the said property for the purpose of enabling the _________ Electric Supply and Transport
Undertaking Ltd. to put up and erect an electric sub-station for the supply of electricity to the buildings that may be constructed on the said property
and for that purpose to sign, all letters, applications, undertakings, terms and conditions as may from time to time be thought necessary or as may be
required by the concerned authorities.
13. To empower on our behalf and in our name and to represent our interest before the City Survey Authorities, Land Record Authorities, Collector of
land Revenue and Assessors of Municipal Rates and Taxes, Town Planning Authorities, Commissioner of Police and Municipal Commissioner and other
officers for the grant of the licences or permits or for any other purpose or renewal thereof as may be necessary under any local Act, Rules, Regulations
or Bye-laws and also to appear before any public or Government officer or other Authorities whosoever.
14. To make applications for connections, electric supply and other incidental requirements which may be required for the purpose of development of
the aforesaid property.
15. To ask, demand, sue for, enforce payment or/and recover and receive and give effectual receipt and discharge from any person or persons, rents
and/or compensation and/or mesne, profits in respect of the said property which now are or which at any time or times hereafter may become due and
payable to us.
16. To apply for refund of deposits made or to be made with the Municipal Corporation of ___________, ________ State Electricity Board and
other concerned Authorities and receive the said refunds.
17. To nominate, appoint, engage and authorise solicitors, advocates, Income-tax and sales tax practitioners, Chartered Accountants, Architects,
Surveyors, Engineers, Contractors, Sub- Contractors and other professional agents and to sign and give warrants or vakalatnamas or other necessary
authorities in their favour from time to time and to revoke their appointments and pay their remuneration including special fees and charges.
18. To make, sign and submit applications, petitions, letters and writing appeals, etc. to appropriate Government Departments, Local authorities
and/or other Competent Authorities under the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976 or any other law or any other authorities for all and any
licences, permissions, exemptions, sanctions and consents required by any law or otherwise in connection with the management, improvements and
development of the said property.
19. In connection with or relating to the said property to take action against person or tenants, occupiers, etc. if any, in any court, to represent us in any
Court of law and to sign all applications, plaints, written statements, applications, affidavits, review, appeal, petitions, on our behalf from time to time
be found necessary, proper and/or enter into any agreement relating to said development of property or to refer the same to arbitration or to otherwise
deal with the same as effectively to all intents and purposes aforesaid to appoint Advocates(s), Solicitors and Counsel and to sign vakalatnama and/or
authorisations on our behalf, but at their entire risk as to costs.
20. In case the said property or any part thereof is notified for acquisition or requisition or reservation or road widening, to appear before the relevant
authorities and to file applications, objections, claims for compensation or otherwise and to do all other acts, deeds, matters and things as may be
necessary in that behalf and to file appeals, references, petitions against any order or orders made by such acquisition or requisitioning authorities and
to accept service of any writ, summons or other legal proceedings or motion and to appear and represent us in any court and before all magistrates,
judges, judicial officers and other authorities and tribunals whatsoever as by the said attorney’s shall be thought advisable and to commence and
continue any suit, petitions, actions or any other proceedings in any court of law and before any public officers or tribunals for receiving compensation
for acquisition, requisition, reservation and/or relief for de-acquisition or de-requisitioning or de-reservation or otherwise whatsoever.
21. To make application to the authorities of the Municipal Corporation ___________ and such other private and public authorities for making
availability of water, electricity, etc. on the said property that may be required for commencing the development work and to complete the same and for
that to execute necessary writings including undertakings.
22. To make applications to the government or semi-government authorities for sanction of cement and steel and/or such other building materials as
may be required for the said development work and for that purpose to execute necessary writings including undertakings and bonds and to furnish
necessary deposits for the same.
23. To manage the said property written hereunder and to take such of the steps as may be necessary to manage the said property till the time of
completion of the said development.
24. To evict or take possession of the said property in occupation of the tenants, occupants or trespassers, if any in the said property or any part thereof
and to take all steps in that behalf such as negotiation, settlement, compromise or make agreements to get their rights surrendered and extinguished
and also to create tenants of such duration as our attorney(s) shall deem fit either in our name or in the name of our attorneys and to collect and receive
25. To mortgage the said property or any part thereof in favour of any bank(s) or other financial institutions in such a manner as the attorneys think fit
and proper for obtaining a loan by the attorneys and also to execute necessary deeds, affidavits, indemnity bonds or other relevant documents for
creation of mortgage or charge on the said property, as the attorneys think fit.
26. To sign and execute all papers, correspondence and all other deeds and assurances and documents of any kind whatsoever which we ourselves could
have done for the completion of the said development work.
27. To attend and to represent us before any Collector, Authorities or officers of Government of India or any other State or States, before all Revenue,
Municipal, Public or other officers including those of Income-tax as occasion shall arise for any purpose connected with the said development work.
28. To do any act, deed or thing, as our said Attorney(s) may deem fit and proper and necessary in the best interest of ourselves and in the best interest
of the said property.
29. To do all other acts and things which may be necessary to be done for rendering these presents valid and effectual to all intents and purposes in the
best interest of the said property.
30. For any of the purposes mentioned hereinabove to sign all applications, papers, undertakings, terms and conditions as may be required from time
to time, at their own cost.
31. To advertise in the newspapers for the sale of residential flats in the development and to enter into agreements for the sale of such residential flats
with the prospective purchasers on and for such price or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as our said Attorney(s) shall deem fit and
proper and for the same and also to execute all such writings as may be necessary, effectually entering into the said Agreements for sale of residential
flats and to do all such necessary acts and things as may be necessary or proper in that behalf.
32. Subject to fulfillment of obligations under the said agreement of development, to sign and execute for us and on our behalf the conveyance(s) in
favour of our said Attorney(s) and/or their nominee or nominees including co-operative society(s) and to present any such conveyance(s) for
registration to admit execution and receipt of consideration before the Sub-Registrar having authority for and to have the said conveyance(s) registered
and to do all acts, things and deeds, which our said Attorney(s) shall consider necessary for conveying the said property to the purchaser or their
nominee or nominees as fully and effectively in all respects as we could do the same ourselves.
33. To apply for no-objection certificate or necessary permissions from the Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay (Fire Brigade Department) for
occupying the building and to do all acts, deeds or things for the said purpose.
34. To sign declarations as may be required under section 269UC Of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and application under section 230A(I) of Income-tax Act,
1961 and to appear before any tax authority on our behalf to do all the acts, deeds, matters and things necessary for obtaining certificates under the
Income-tax Act, 1961.
35. To present for registration with the registering authority the document or documents of whatsoever nature executed by us and to admit the
execution thereof before the registering authority.
36. To sign, transfer forms, documents and writing for transferring the property in the records of Government or municipal authorities and other public
authorities and to do all other acts in connection therewith.
37. For all or any of the purposes of and power, authorities and discretion conferred by these presents to use and sign in our names or in which we may
be in any way interested or to use and sign his/their name as our attorney(s) shall think fit without any reference or recourse to us.
38. And also for more effectually doing, executing and performing the several matters and things aforesaid to appoint from time to time or generally
such person or persons as our attorney(s) may think fit as their substitute or substitutes, to do, execute and perform all or any of such matters and
things as aforesaid and any such substitute or other in his or their place and we hereby agree at all times to ratify and confirm whatever our attorneys or
any such substitutes or substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done in or about the said properties and even in case of demise of any of us our heirs
and successors-in-title or administrators and assigns shall remain bound to reconstitute our said attorney or their nominees with such powers as per
their directions.
39. And to do every thing whatever which may be at the sole discretion of our said Attorney(s) deemed fit, or expedient for sale and/or enjoyment
and/or development of the said property and which we ourselves could do if personally present and as if this power had not been executed.
40. And generally to do and cause to be done all acts, deeds, matters and things as our said Attorney(s) shall think fit and proper for the purpose of sale
of flats and enjoyment and the development of the said property, as amply and effectual as we could have personally done.
41. All charges and expenses of and incidental to any act, deed, matter or thing done or caused to be done by our said Attorney(s) in exercise of any
power or powers herein contained shall be borne and paid and provided for by our said attorney(s) alone and we shall not be responsible for the same
and the said Attorney(s) shall indemnify and keep indemnified our estate and effects from and against the payment of the aforesaid costs, charges, that
may have to be paid by us by reason of our Attorney(s) doing or causing to be done any act, deed, matter or thing by virtue of these presents.
42. This power of attorney shall not be revoked by us for the reasons or on the grounds whatsoever and it shall remain irrevocable till the said
constituted attorneys complete the development work and put the third party or parties in possession of the said flats duly constructed by them and
until the conveyance(s) of the said property is executed in favour of our said attorney(s), their nominee/nominees, assignee including co-operative
society or societies.
43. Upon the death or incapacity of any of the Executants hereof, this power of attorney shall not become inoperative in respect of other Executants. In
such an eventuality, it shall be the responsibility of such other Executants to obtain additional power of attorney from the legal heirs of such deceased
44. AND WE THE ABOVENAMED HEREBY AGREE AND UNDERTAKE to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever the said attorneys under the power
in that behalf and shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises either jointly and/or severally aforesaid by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set and subscribed our hands at ………. as aforesaid this …………. day of ………….. 2000.