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TOEFL Related Points

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Test of English as Foreign TOEFL scores to evaluate

Language (TOEFL) measures English proficiency.

the ability of non-native TOEFL test is conducted
speakers of English to use round the year and has
and understand North more than 50 test dates per
American English as it is year. There are around
spoken, written and heard in 4,500 TOEFL test centres
college and university in 165 countries. You can
settings. TOEFL test is retake the test as many
required for admission at times as you wish, but to
colleges and universities take a re-test you have to
There TOEFL exam is
where medium of wait for a 3 - day period
open for all and there
instruction is English. after attempting the first
are no specific eligibility
TOEFL scores are accepted by test.
criteria. The only minimum
over 8,500 colleges, The TOEFL test is developed
requirement is that a
universities and agencies in and administered by
candidate should have
more than 130 countries, Educational Testing Service
passed 10+2 level of a
including Australia, Canada, (ETS), which sets the
recognised examination
UK and the US. Apart from questions, conducts the
board. The respective
the academic purposes, test, and sends each
institutes may have a
many government agencies, examinee the score report.
different eligibility criteria
scholarship programs, and
but the TOEFL has no
certification agencies use
specific criteria of selection.

Universities/institutes across the world recognize TOEFL scores as part of their admission criteria.
For Australian and UK visa requirements, immigration departments use them to issue residential
and work visas. A lot of medical and licensing agencies the world over use TOEFL scores for
professional certification purposes. Some individuals also use them to measure their progress in
learning English. Universities including the likes of Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, and
Cambridge, all accept TOEFL scores.

Related Reads :
BE/Btech Colleges Accepting TOEFL scores

MS Colleges Accepting TOEFL Scores

MBA Colleges Accepting TOEFL scores

ETS launches TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition Test
TOEFL at Home: In response to the current pandemic COVID-19, ETS the
conducting body of the TOEFL test has decided to launch the TOEFL iBT® Special
Home Edition test for locations where TOEFL iBT is available for the convenience
of students wanting to study abroad.

ETS resumes TOEFL paper-delivered test

ETS in their efforts to make the TOEFL exam more accessible to candidates
looking to appear for the TOEFL test has resumed the TOEFL paper-delivered
test, December 11 onwards. The TOEFL paper-delivered test will be offered twice
a month and candidates can apply up to two days before test day. The price of
the TOEFL paper-delivered test is at par with the other formats of the TOEFL
exam and is priced at US$190.

The The candidates have the liberty of taking the exam anytime in the year as
per their convenience. The important thing to note is that the candidates can
reschedule their next attempt only after 31 days of taking the first attempt. A
candidate is only allowed five attempts in one year.
Online – You need to click here and create an online profile. Then you’ll be
required to pay the exam fee. Online registration on the ETS website is the fastest
and easiest method. Through the online method, you can register anytime and on
any day. Be sure to spell your name exactly as it appears on the identification you
will bring on the test day, which for Indian students is their Passport. You will be
required to pay with a credit/debit card.

In person – By mail –
You can register in person at a master Download and print the registration form.
TOEFL Resource Center. Here is the address: Then fill out the form. Spell your name
Prometric exactly as it appears on the identification
2 Floor, DLF Infinity Tower-A you will bring on the test day. Send the
Sector-25, Phase-II form with your payment to the address on
DLF City the form or to the Gurgaon centre address,
Gurgaon - 122002 mentioned above. Forms must be received
Haryana at least four weeks before your test date.

By phone –
Go through the registration form before
you call. Spell your name correctly and
The TOEFL iBT Exam is held on all days of the
exactly as it appears on your passport. Call
month except on weekends and designated
the Regional Registration Center on this
holidays. Candidates can appear multiple times
number – 91-124-4147700. Pay with credit/
for the exam, however, there should be a gap of
debit card as directed. Registration closes
three days between two tests.
seven days before your test date.
Know more about TOEFL Test Centres

The registration number you receive will act
The application fee for like a kind of admit card. Registration number is
TOEFL is $190, which on your Registration Confirmation. Go to your
would roughly translate online profile a day before the test. You will need
to INR 14,137.50 (US to print the Registration Confirmation and bring
$1= INR 74.41) it along to the test centre.

ETS Launches TOEFL Essentials Test

Due to the ongoing pandemic, ETS has launched the TOEFL Essentials test which is a high-quality
testing option in the face of the pandemic. Candidates can learn everything about the new test on our
website, TOEFL Essentials Test.

The TOEFL test provides scores in four skill areas — Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing
— along with the total score.
The total score is the sum of the scores of the four skill areas. Scores will be posted online
approximately 10 days after the test date. ETS will send up to four official score reports
directly to the institutions the student selects. Read: Exam Pattern

Reading Questions: 30–40 questions Reading 3 or 4 passages from the
Duration: 54–72 minutes academic texts and answering questions
based on them.
Listening Questions: 28-38 Listening to lectures, conversations,
Duration: 41-57 minutes classroom discussions, and, then
answering questions based on them.

Break 10 minutes

Speaking Questions: 4 tasks Candidates need to express their

Duration: 17 minutes opinion on a topic familiar to them and
speak based on reading and listening

Writing Questions: 2 tasks Candidates need to write essay responses

Duration: 50 minutes based on reading and listening tasks,
along with supporting the opinion in

TOEFL SCORING t 5IFReading section is scored by the
computer and the score range is from
For TOEFL, both human raters and
0 to 30. This section has 36–56 tasks
automated scoring methods are
based on reading passages from texts
used. This is done in order to offer a
and answering questions.
complete and accurate picture of the
t 5IFListening section is scored
candidate’s ability. While automated
by computer with a score range
scoring method has the advantage of
from 0 to 30. This section has 11
being unbiased, it does not measure
tasks based on listening to
the effectiveness of the language and
lectures, classroom discussions and
content. Human raters are required
conversations, then answering
to attend to a wider variety of
features, such as the quality of ideas
t *OUIFSpeaking section, all six tasks
and content as well as form.
are rated from 0 to 4. The sum is
converted to a scaled score of 0 to
Here is how section-wise
30. This section is scored by human
scoring is done:
scorers, and they rate responses and
Reading: 0–30
evaluate how well you develop your
Listening: 0–30
topic argument and deliver your
Speaking: 0–30
message in English.
Writing: 0–30
t 5IFWriting section is scored by
evaluating the integrated writing
task for development, grammar,
vocabulary, accuracy and completeness.
Human raters score tests anonymously.
Two tasks are rated from 0 to 5. The
sum is converted to a scaled score of 0
to 30.

Once you are done with your test, you need not wait much for the TOEFL results.
Test takers can view their unofficial Reading and Listening scores at the end of the
test. When your official scores are declared online, you will receive an email
intimation about it. Log in to your TOEFL iBT account and click on the scores option.
The official TOEFL iBT score will be made available to you in approximately
six days from the test date. Your scores are valid for two years and can be sent
to other higher education institutions during that time.

Speaking Section
Reading Comprehension
For you to earn the highest scores in the Speaking
Section, your responses must fulfil the demands
In this section, the candidate will be
required to read 3-5 passages and of the task given with only minor mistakes or
answer 12-14 questions on each lapses. The test graders are looking for a highly
intelligible and sustained conversation. There are
The section is scored based on the three main factors that comprise scoring for the
number of correct reading section.
comprehension responses.
Speaking Questions covered in TOEFL Syllabus:
Question type: 3–4 passages, 10
questions each a) 1 independent task (prep time: 15 sec; response
time: 45 sec)

Total no. of questions: About 40

b) 3 integrated tasks – Read/Listen/Speak (prep
time: 30 sec; response time: 60 sec)
Total time: 54-72 minutes Total no. of questions: 4

Listening Section Total time: 17 minutes

In this section, you will hear short Writing Section

conversations as well as long
conversations. After the short
The essay should effectively address a topic. The
conversation, you will be asked one
response should be well-organized and well-
question and multiple choices of
developed using relevant explanations and
answers will be given. You have to
detailed support. Furthermore, it should also
choose one answer. In long
display unity, progression, and coherence. If you
conversations, you will be asked
want to achieve a high writing score, make sure
multiple questions based on the
that you demonstrate the syntactic variety and
appropriate word choice with minor grammatical
Question type:
a) 3–4 lectures (3-5 minutes long,
Writing Questions Covered in TOEFL Syllabus:
about 500-800 words), 6 questions
each; About 30
questions in total a) 1 integrated task – Read/Listen/Write (20
minutes) (reading time: 3 min; listening
b) 2–3 conversations (about 3 minutes
long, about 12-25 exchanges), 5 time: 2 min; writing: 15 min)
questions each; About 12 questions in b) 1 independent task (30 minutes)

Total no. of questions: 40+ Total no. of questions: 2

Total time: 41–57 minutes Total time: 50 minutes

There are two ways students prepare for TOEFL: Self study and
coaching classes. Both these options have unique benefits and no
one method of studying may be considered better than the other.
These two methods can’t be compared as they both serve different
If money is a consideration or one is confident of preparing well
without support from a tutor or external supervision, then self-study
may be the better option. You could save money on personal tuitions
and classes, but you need to keep in mind other factors too. To be
able to study on your own effectively, you need a good resource of
books and study material, along with motivation and self-discipline.
On the other hand, if time is a constraint and one feels the need for
professional guidance to gear up for the test, then coaching classes
are the better option. You will have access to a structured resource
of study material, and will have a team of experts guiding you. Your
time will be better managed as being regular to classes will become
part of your routine. Moreover, being around other students will
increase your motivation levels.
To choose the best method of study, you first need to look at your
criteria and decide accordingly.

Preparing for the TOEFL through reliable
study material is only half the battle won.
Candidates are always advised to solve as
many TOEFL practice papers as possible.
Solving sample papers would provide
candidates an extra edge to be able to
perform well in the TOEFL examination.
Candidates are advised to use the practice
material available on the official TOEFL
website to the fullest to familiarize
themselves with the latest test format,
experience the different types of tasks and
finally self-evaluate answers and compare
them with model solutions.

You will require to take TOEFL if you are considering:

MBA MS B.E./B.Tech

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