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Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Composition of Gmelina arborea Fruits

(White Teek)

Article · January 2016

DOI: 10.53704/fujnas.v5i1.68

3 3,354

5 authors, including:

Moriam Dasola Adeoye AZEEZ Luqmon Adeyemi

Fountain University Osogbo Nigeria Osun State University


Abdulazeez Lawal Abdulkabir Oladimeji

Fountain university osogbo Nigeria Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology


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Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

A publication of College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Fountain University, Osogbo, Nigeria.
Journal homepage: www.fountainjournals.com
ISSN: 2354-337X (Online), 2350-1863 (Print)

Phytochemical, Proximate and Mineral Composition of

Gmelina arborea Fruits (White Teek).
* Lawal A.T2, Adeoye, M.D2, Abdulazeez A.T1, Azeez, L3,
Yakubu, A.S1, Mciver F.A1 and Oladimeji A.O1
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
Al-Hikmah University, P.M.B 1601, Adewole, Ilorin, Nigeria,
Department of Chemical Sciences, College of Natural and Applied Sciences
Fountain University, Osogbo
Department of Chemical Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo

The minerals and nutritional values of leaves, fruits and seeds of many plants have been
reported to vary, depending on factors like generic background, location, environmental
and cultivation methods. Thus, phytochemical, proximate and mineral compositions of
Gamelina arborea (G. aborea ) fruits from Kaduna state in North central part of Nigeria
were assessed using standard analytical procedures. Qualitative phytochemical
screening revealed that the fruit contained tarnnis, phenols, flavinods, saponins,
reducing sugar and anthraquinones. The analysed G. aborea contained 7.30 % w/w ash,
5.00% w/w moisture, 5.31% w/w fat, 4.30% w/w fibre, 2.00% w/w protein and 75.00%
w/w carbohydrate while its mineral compositions (mg/100g) were shown to contain Na
(21.70±1.00); Ca (29.70 ±2.00), K(14.50±1.50), P (10.36±0.90), N (0.18±0.00), Cu
(9.40±0.08), and Mn (21.70±1.00). Therefore, this finding accounts for the use of G.
arborea as supplement for minerals in animal feeds.

Key words: Phytochemical, mineral composition, proximate composition, Gmelina arborea

*Corresponding Author: +2348131826098

Email: [email protected]

Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

glycosides, triterpenoids, saponinns gums,

mucilages, tannins, phenolic compounds
Introduction and flavonoids and proteins (Adegbehin
Gmelina arborea, also known as and Abayomi, 1988; Nayak, Jena, Dinda
Malina, is the most widely cultivated and Ellaiah, 2012). Phytochemicals are
species of the genus Gmelina in the family bioactive compounds which works with
Lamiaceae is a well-known medicinal plant nutrients and dietary fibre to protect
in the India and Africa (Sedgley and against diseases (Sangeeta and Sujata,
Gardner, 1990; Conn and Barry, 2001; 2006). They are secondary metabolites
Hyland, Whiffin and Zich, 2010; Rogier, that contribute to flavour and colour
2012,). The fruit of the plant is used in (Craig, 2009). These compounds have been
treatment of scorpion sting, snake-bites hypothesized to be responsible for much
(Nadkarni, 2000) and diabetes (Khan and of the disease protection conferred from
Khanum, 2005; Kulkarni and Veerajanlu, diets high in fruits, vegetables, beans,
2009) and the leaves may be used as cereals, and plant-based beverages such
forage for livestock which are considered as tea and wine. They can be classified as
good for cattle and are also used as a phenolic acids, flavonoids and
feed to Eri silk worm (Kirtikar and Basu, stilbenes/lignans based on their chemical
1999). Akyala, David and Simon (2013) structures. Flavonoids are further divided
also concluded that Gmelina arborea into anthocyanin, flavones, flavanones,
fruits possess antibacterial activity. This isoflavones, and flavonols, among others
corroborates the rationale for the use of (Anjanelu and Jaganmoha, 1975; Arts and
the plant in the treatment of ailments like Hollman, 2005).
wounds, sores, burns, vaginal discharges, The relevance of phytochemical
aphrodisiac, astringent, analgesic, analysis in plants is to enable detection
antipyretic, antidiabetic, diuretic, anti- the non-nutritive chemicals found in
inflammatory in traditional medicine plants that may affect health in order to
(Lauridens and Kjer, 2002; Shirwaikar and modify their products by suitable
Padma, 2003; Giri and Divakar, 2009; biological and chemical means into patent
Nayak, Jena, Dinda and Ellaiah, 2011; drugs (Guinder and Daljik, 2009). The
Akyala, David and Simon, 2013). methods used for the determination of
The fruits, leaves and seeds these different non-nutritive chemicals in
extracts of G. arborea has been reported plants vary according to the plant
by many authors from various locations to material being analyzed and in the details
contain nutrients, mineral constituents of evaluation (Gulcinet et al., 2010).
and phytochemicals like alkaloids, Also, the minerals and nutritional
steroids, carbohydrates, anthraquinone, values of leaves, fruits and seeds of many

Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

plants have been reported to vary,

depending on factors like generic
background, location, environmental and Proximate Analysis
cultivation methods. Therefore, the aim The proximate analysis of the
of this study is to investigate the samples for moisture, total ash, crude
chemical composition, phytochemicals, fibre, fat were carried out in triplicate in
proximate and moisture content of accordance with the methods described
Gamelina arborea fruit from Kaduna, by Onwuka (2005). The nitrogen was
north-central Nigeria. determined by micro Kdjeldah method
(Onwuka, 2005), the nitrogen content was
6Materials and Methods then converted to protein by multiplying
Standards and Reagents with a factor of 6.25. Total carbohydrate
Standard BHA (butylatedhydroxyanisol), contents were estimated by ‘difference’.
Quercetin, Folin-ciocaiteus, phenol DPPH All the proximate values were reported in
(2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrzyl) were all percentage (%).
purchased from British Drug House
limited (BDH), Poole, England. All the Determination of Moisture
chemicals used were of analytical grade. Moisture was determined by oven
Deionized –distilled water was used drying method. 2 g of well-mixed samples
throughout the experiment. was accurately weighed in clean, dried
crucible (W1). The crucible was allowed in
Extraction an oven at 100-1050C for 6-12 hours until
The samples were rinsed with a constant weight was obtained. Then the
distilled water to remove sand, cut into crucible was placed in the desiccators for
pieces and lyophilized to remove the 30min to cool. After cooling it was re-
moisture contents. Resulting dried weighed (W2) and the percentage
samples were powdered using Mouling moisture was calculated by the formula:
blender. These ground samples were
extracted twice with a total volume of % Moisture =
100.0 ml of 70% aqueous methanol. The
mixture was shaken on an orbital shaker Where
for 75 min at 250 rpm and then filtered W1 = Initial weight of crucible +
through Whatman No 1 filter paper. The Sample
combined methanolic extract was the W2 = Final weight of crucible +
evaporated at 550C using water bath and Sample
dried to powder in a lyophilizer. W= Weight of sample

Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

Determination of Antioxidants and in the sample. After ashing, the crucible

Phytochemicals was cooled and re-weighed (W5).
Antioxidant activity was Percentage ash was calculated by the
determined by standard chemical test of formula:
DPPH radical scavenging and reducing Percentage Ash = W4-W5/W4-W3 x 100.
power assays. A portion of each extract Statistical analysis
was subjected to standard chemical test All results are expressed as mean ±
for detection of saponins, flavonoids, standard deviation. All results are means
phenolics, steroids, anthraqunones, and of three replicates.
cardiac glycosides using the method
described by Harbone (1973) and Odebiyi Results
and Sofowora (1978). Total phenols and Proximate composition
flavonoids content were also determined. The proximate composition as shown in
table 1 indicated that the analysed G.
Mineral Analysis Aborea contained 2.00±0.05 protein,
The powdered sample was 5.30±0.08 fat, 5.30±0.08 crude fiber,
subjected to nitric acid and perchloric 4.30±0.05 moisture, 75.90±2.50
acid digestion (Asaolu, 1995). The carbohydrate and ash content of
minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, and 7.50±0.09 mg/100g.
magnesium) contents in the sample were
determined using atomic absorption Mineral composition
spectrophotometry. The mineral composition indicates
that G. arborea contained potassium
(14.50±1.50), sodium (61.50±2.00), calcium
Determination of Ash
(29.70±2.00) and manganese (21.70±1.00)
Clean empty crucible was placed in a
mg/100g (Table 2). The results also show
muffle furnace at 5500C for an hour,
that the fruit contain an appreciable
cooled in desiccators and then weight of
amount of phosphorous, copper and
empty crucible was noted (W3). Two gram
potassium (Table 2).
of each of sample was put in the crucible
(W4), and was allowed to charr in the
Phytochemical contents
burner. The crucible was then placed in
The phytochemical screening of G.
muffle furnace at 5500C for 3 hours until
arborea fruit revealed that the fruit
the contents in it were ashed. The
contained phytochemicals like phenols,
appearance for gray white ash indicates
tannin, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids and
complete oxidation of all organic matter
Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

anthraquinones (Table 3). that it contained high amount of minerals

and a source of dietary minerals. G.
Discussion arborea will also probably be suitable as a
Proximate analysis estimates and good source of dietary fibre because of
determines the major components, i.e. its reasonable crude fiber contents.
moisture, fats, proteins, ash, crude fiber Evidences have shown that consumption of
in a given food (Rajamohamed, 2003). In reasonable amount of fiber lowers the
the Gmelina arborea fruits analysed, risk of coronary heart disease, obesity,
carbohydrate has the highest value bowel cancer and type II diabetes
(75.90%). This agrees favourably with mellitus (Houghton, 2007). Moisture
Aberoumand (2011) who similarly got high content, an indication of the amount of
carbohydrate contents in fruits of water present in a sample is low in G
Myrtus communis and Cordia myxa (Hasan arborea; this could hinder the growth of
et al., 2011). Vunchi et al. (2011) also bacteria or any microorganisms and
stressed that, most fruits have high elongate its shelf life.
carbohydrate contents depending on the The presence of potassium in G.
fruit type, maturity and environment. arborea signifies that potassium plays
Carbohydrates play several vital roles in significant roles in enhancing crop quality,
living organisms and they can be oxidized high levels of available potassium improve
to yield energy while their polymers act the physical quality, disease resistance,
as energy storage molecules. This result and shelf life of fruits and vegetables
therefore indicates that G. arborea is a used for human consumption. The absence
good source of energy. Protein, which of detectable level of lead indicates that
plays vital role in biological processes, is G. arborea is consumable since,
responsible for transportation of lead taken internally in any of its forms is
molecules, oxygen and messages from cell highly toxic. The effects are usually felt
to cell and keeps human body healthy after it has accumulated in the body over
(FAO, 1976), is relatively low in the a period of time. The symptoms of lead
analyzed G. arborea. The results oppose poisoning are anemia, weakness,
the findings of Amata (2012) and constipation, colic, palsy, and often a
Omokanye (2014) in the fruits and leaves paralysis of the wrists and ankles.
of G. arborea respectively. Ash content is Phenolics and flavonoids have been
a measure of mineral content of the shown to contribute significantly to
original food (Onwuka, 2005); this is antioxidant of fruits and vegetables. The
important in biochemical reactions, test for cardiac glycosides, tannins, and
functioning as co-enzyme. The appreciable flavonoids, and saponins, saponin
content of ash in G arborea is a reflection glycosides, reducing compound/sugar,

Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

phenols and anthraquinones were positive of diseases such as cancer and

in this analysed fruits sample (Vogel, cardiovascular diseases (Satyanarayana
2005; Halliwell, 2007; Tiwari and Yadav, and Kasai, 1985; Hosny and Gemelinoside,
2008). The presence of tannins in the G 1998).
arborea may be due to the presence of The study conducted by Nayak et
polyphenolic compounds which medically al. (2012) revealed that this fruit contains
are antidiarrheal and haemostatic cardiac glycosides and steroids which are
compounds (Sofowora, 1983; Foo and similar with the outcome of our present
Joseph, 1989; Akyala and Davies, 2013). study. The ethanol extract contains
The presence of flavonoids gives a alkaloids, carbohydrates, anthraquinone
pleasant aroma to the G. arborea fruit glycosides, gums, mucilages, tannins,
which is important in the human diet for phenolic compounds and flavonoids. The
controlling cholesterol level in the body ethyl acetate extract contains gums,
(Haruna, 2008). Saponins were found to mucilages, proteins and amino acids. The
be present in the fruit even though it n-butanol extract contains alkaloids,
makes the fruit to have stimulating anthraquinone glycosides, gums, mucilages,
effect. The presence of saponins in the G tannins, phenolic compounds,
arborea fruit indicate that the fruit can triterpenoids, saponins and flavonoids.
be used as antibacterial and antimicrobial The petroleum ether extract contains
agent (Sofowora, 1983). Phenols in the alkaloids, carbohydrates, anthraquinone
sample also indicate its usage in the glycosides, proteins, amino acids,
manufacture of resins, plastics, triterpenoids and saponinns (Nayak et al.,
insecticides, explosives, dyes, and 2012). From the research conducted by
detergents, and as raw material for the El-Mahmood (2010), phytochemical
production of medicinal drugs such as screening of the Gmelina arborea revealed
aspirin. the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloids,
Glycosides are also found to be saponins, tannins, anthraquinones and
absent in the fruit. These are bitter cardiac glycosides which shows some
tasting, and it is believed that they help similarities with our present study.
keep birds and insects from eating seeds
and fruit of this plant before they are Conclusion
fully grown, by which time the glycosides The phytochemical, proximate and
have been converted to sweet sugars. G. mineral composition of Gmelina Arborea
arborea contain phenols, which are strong were assessed. This study shows that
antioxidants that prevent oxidative Gmelina Arborea could be a good source
stress/oxidative damage to DNA, lipids of potassium, and a good diet for the
and proteins that play roles in prevention diabetics because of the high

Fountain Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences: 2016; 5(1): 16 – 25

potassium/sodium ratio, K/Na (25:1) and Pb N/D

also a source of carbohydrate and mineral Na 61.50±2.00
(75.9% of carbohydrate and 7.5% of ash). K 14.50±1.50
The phytochemical studies of the fruit P 10.36±0.90
serve as a lead in establishing the active N 0.18±0.00
ingredient in the fruit. The proximate Data are means ± standard deviation of 3
composition of the fruit show the fruit is replicates; N/D – not detected
a good source of healthy food good for Table 3: Phytochemical Composition of G.
human consumption. arborea fruit
Table 1: Proximate Composition of G. Phytochemical % Composition
arborea fruit Tannins +
Component % composition Flavonoids +
Protein 2.00± 0.05 Saponins +
Fat 5.30±0.08 Terpenes -
Ash 7.50±0.09 Glycosides -
Moisture 4.30±0.05 Volatile Oil -
Crude fibre 5.00±0.05 Alkaloids -
Carbohydrate 75.90±2.50 Saponins Glycosides +
Data are means ± standard deviation of 3 Reducing compound/ +
replicates sugar
Cardiac Glycosides +
Table 2: Mineral Composition of G. Phenols +
arborea fruit Phlobatannins -
Mineral Composition Anthracene -
(mg/100g) Anthraquinones +
Ca 29.70±2.00 Steroid -
Cu 9.40±.0.08 Carotenoids -
Mn 21.70 ±1.00 + = detected; - = not detected
Fe 1.30±0.03

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