Zoran TowardsTheorySpace 1984
Zoran TowardsTheorySpace 1984
Zoran TowardsTheorySpace 1984
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Poetics Today
Hebrew and Comparative Literature, Haif
It is based on parts of a thesis for the doctoral degree prepared under the supervision of
Professor Benjamin Hrushovski.
1. This common use of the adjective "spatial" is inspired mainly by the theory of Frank
(1963) about the spatial form in modern literature. Frank, however, used the concept
mainly to describe a property of an historical corpus of texts, while today it is used to
describe general textual properties. See, for example, Sternberg's (1973:228-230) dis-
cussion of analogy, as well as some later articles of Frank himself (e.g., 1978:275-290).
2. A definition based on such a conception is the classic Leibnitzian definition of space
as "the order of possible coexistences" ("ordre des coexistences possibles"), but it is not
mere chance that Leibnitz conceives of space as a subjective relative system, while Newton
conceives of it as something absolute and objective, a kind of "reservoir" of reality.
that the above usage is not the usual one. For one
necessarily an absence of time; the fact that thing
in chronological order, but rather in a simultane
not make them necessarily spatial, except in a pu
sense. Again, our perception of space has to do wit
volume, extension, and three-dimensionality, a
unrelated to the concept of the spatial pattern. T
particular location, no contours, no volume. It is
organization, but it has nothing to do with the re
thing it organizes.
As to the second problem - whether one m
connection between the spatial pattern and the sp
here the situation is more complex. It is impossi
the space of the world without structuring the in
into some kind of a "spatial" pattern, so there is a
between the two. But this characteristic is not nec
reconstructed space alone, since the reconstructio
of the world necessitates a "spatial" point of v
characters, norms, and even, strange as it may se
Still, there is no doubt that the reconstruction of
dependent on a "spatial" point of view.3 In any ca
to distinguish between the "spatial" point of vie
object viewed. Moreover, although the connec
components is a permanent one, this connection
be perceived as a correlation. The spatial pattern
not stand in any kind of correlation with the space
Finally, whatever the connection between the s
the world may be, it should be emphasized again
dimension of the text has no autonomous existence. The text exists,
and is structured first and foremost in time. The so-called "spatial
pattern" is actually nothing other than a superstructure of a sub-
stance whose basic structure is in time. It is thus impossible to
"bypass" the time factor in the narrative. The narrative, with all
its components, is arranged in time, so that in a certain sense one
may speak of a temporal arrangement of space. We must therefore
identify the various principles of transformation from a world
existing in space to a medium structured in time.
3. The importance of the "spatial" point of view for the reconstruction of fiction
will be discussed in more detail in the section dealing with the field of vision. (See
especially 4.1.4.)
4. In a study she carried out on the ways English speakers from a given group describe
apartments, Linde discovered that most people organize their description as a "walk"
through the apartment and only a few do it like an aerial "map."
verbal continuum of
continuum events in time
Figure 1
5. The distinction between the three levels of structuring owes a lot to two existing
distinctions: that of Petsch (1942:162-189) and that of Kristeva (1970:191-197), but it
differs from these in some principal points.
First of all, these distinctions are binary, not ternary, and both seem to be a result of the
tendency to describe space in terms entirely symmetrical with those used to describe time,
and in describing time the binary distinctions are actually clearcut.
Petsch discriminates between Raum and Lokal. The Lokal is space given in itself, and is
thus more or less parallel to the level of topographical structure. Raum is space connected
with other levels of the text. Among others, it is connected with the time factor, being a
space revealed step by step. But this important aspect is pointed out only as an aside;
actually the Raum is connected with many aspects and properties of the text that have no
real connection with each other: it is also space experienced by the characters, it is
symbolic, it bears meanings, and so forth. Petsch's distinction is somewhat imbalanced
"in favor" of the Raum. The Raum is, in the final analysis, anything of "interest" one may
say about space, while Lokal is nothing but a neutral material, lacking any significance in
itself. In contrast, the distinction between the three levels of structure proposed here has
nothing to do with meanings: every level can be equally meaningful and function within the
text as a whole.
Kristeva's distinction is closer to my proposal. She discriminates between espace textuel
and espace geographique. The geographic space in her analysis may parallel both the topo-
graphic and chronotopic levels, and the espace textuel, of course, parallels the textual level.
But the development of the distinction and the description of the levels are quite different.
6. Some remarkable studies dealing with space are actually concerned with qu
may be regarded as belonging to the topographical level of organization. An
example is Bachelard's (1974) poetics of space, which is a discussion of the to
space in the poetical imagination. However, Bachelard's conception of the lit
very problematic and quite remote from what is presupposed here. Other stu
topographical structure to a large extent as a structure of signs, and connect it
of meaning (e.g., Wilbur's study of the house in Poe's tales [Wilbur 1967]). T
for studies based on a mythical conception of space, whether they deal e
mythic or folkloric material, or whether they reveal the mythic level in writte
See, for example, Segal's (1974) discussion about Soviet Structuralism.
7. The concept of the axis appears in Meyer's (1957) analysis of space in Goethe's Novelle,
where looking through a telescope creates an axis connecting between the two main
localities. However, Meyer's use of the word is rather local and metaphoric, and I believe
it can be made systematic and consequent. Brown (1967) tackles, though not in detail,
questions which seem to me to belong to the chronotopic level, when he tries to classify
spaces according to the directions of movements taking place within them. The conception
of space as a field of power is inspired mainly by the theory of Kurt Lewin, who tried to
apply the physical concept of field and the principles of topology to psychology and social
sciences (Lewin 1936, 1938, 1957). This method seems to me applicable for textual analysis
as well, but for the time being its poetic potentialities have not been developed to a large
extent. (For a few exceptions, see Lotman 1973, O'Toole 1980).
3.3.1. The Selectivity of Language, and its Effects. The fact that
language cannot express all aspects of space results in a certain
measure of selectivity. It may express some things in a concrete way,
others in a vague or general way, and may ignore still others al-
together. What selection actually takes place is of course up to
the specific text, but in any event there must be some selection.
Language is not able to give a complete and continuous report on
space and, moreover, the reader does not always demand such a
report. The reader is much more demanding about the filling in of
gaps on the narrative plane than he is about the filling in of gaps in
space.8 There are many gaps in the information about space, and it is
not essential to fill them all. They do not always attract attention
during the process of reading. Yet their very existence causes a
permanent distinction in space between absolute, clear, specific
elements and unclear, unspecific elements. This distinction has
nothing to do with the "real" existence of space in the reconstructed
world, but rather with its verbal existence in the text. Thus, entire
areas in space may be differentiated from one another by the type
of verbal selection carried out in them. In the Odyssey, for example,
the events taking place on earth are sketched in great detail, while
the scenes on Olympus do not materialize and lack detail. This
distinction is congruent with that between two ontological areas,
but the congruence is not an automatic one. In the Iliad, the nature
8. The concept of informational gap connected with the structure of plot has been
developed to a large extent by Perry and Sternberg (1968) and Sternberg (1973). But, as
will be shown in the following discussion, I tend to focus rather on what they call "gaps
the filling of which is automatic and unnecessary," i.e., my discussion makes more use of
Ingarden's (1965) broader and more neutral concept of spots of indeterminacy. The Effects of the Order Chosen. In the same way that
different orders existing in space can motivate the arrangement of
the text continuum along a certain line, the same orders can be
especially stressed by means of the continuum structure. When, for
instance, the text passes from high objects to low ones, the vertical
dimension of space is stressed more than its other dimensions. The
text continuum can also impose kinds of direction upon space. This
process is similar to that of the axes previously discussed, but here
the directions are not determined by powers or motions in space,
but only by means of the verbal arrangement. One should also take
note of the different effects of the spatial image if the text chooses
to move from the internal to the external or vice versa, from the high
to the low or vice versa, and so forth.
Another effect worth noting concerns the order in which informa-
tion of various scopes is rendered. The text supplies information
about concrete local items which compose space as well as about the
wider global contexts within which these items are structured. When
the global information appears at an early stage in the description,
the concrete items join in later on, and the picture takes on a unified
character. On the other hand, it is possible to delay the appearance
of this global information, in which case the individual items appear
The importance of this distinction for the history of the concept of space in
criticism is highly important.
10. Examples of analyses of visual and sensual structures of fields of vision may
in Alewin (1957) and Iskra (1967), although their discussions are in terms of d
and of course not of field of vision.
(He groped his way through the dark suburb. The houses stood in a br
line against the sky. The moon was absent and the pavement was fright
by the late step. Then he found an old plank. He kicked against it with h
foot until a lath gave a rotten sigh and broke loose. The wood smelled ro
and sweet. Through the dark suburb he groped his way back. There wer
In St. Jago, der Haupstadt des K6nigreichs Chili, stand gerade in dem Augen-
blicke der grossen Erdeschiitterung vom Jahre 1647, bei welcher viele tausend
Menschen ihren Untergang fanden, ein junger auf ein Verbrechen angeklagter
Spanier, Namens Jeronimo Rugera, an einem Pfeiler des Gefangnisses, in
welches man ihn eingespert hatte, und wolte sich erhenken. (Kleist 1923)
(In Santiago, the capital of the kingdom of Chile, at the very moment of the
great earthquake of 1647 in which many thousands of lives were lost, a young
Spaniard by the name of Jeronimo Rugera, who had been locked up on a
criminal charge, was standing against a prison pillar, about to hang himself.)
In the first example, the reader "sees" in one glance an area which
is about the size of a suburb, and which could be similarly surveyed
in reality. The scene includes a perceptible background (the houses)
and a foreground (the man kicking at the plank). The topographical
place (the suburb) is entirely overlapped by the zone of action
(defined by his walking) and by the field of vision. The second
excerpt presents a different kind of field of vision. Here, too, there is
a perceptible and rather concrete place (the cell), but its background,
in contrast to that of the Borchert excerpt, is not a series of objects
seen together with the character but an immense space which cannot
be shown as vividly as the prison. This is due not only to the interior-
exterior relation, but also to the fact that there are two different
kinds of perception here: a concrete and visual perception, and a
conceptual "sight" from a historical-geographic point of view. But
the condensed structure of the sentence forces these two domains -
although perceived in entirely different ways - to be surveyed in
one field of vision.
11. A similar effect, although much more rare, is sometimes gained when the projected
field of vision is dominant and autonomous but the text mentions insistently the primary
field of vision. For instance, take the description of Achilles's shield in the Iliad: there are,
of course, autonomous fields of vision encompassing the reality depicted on the shield,
but the text continues insistently - by means of naming materials and verbs of prod
to refer back to the primary field of vision, Hephaestus' workshop, which is in the
12. The irrelevance of the Euclidean conception of space to the literary work of art was
claimed by Ingarden (1965). Ingarden, however, concluded from it the finiteness of the
literary space, which seems to me a wrong conclusion.
information. All that can be said about it, both on the basis of
textual hints and on the basis of a general knowledge of the external
field of reference - all that does not abolish its indeterminacy. Total
space is an immense area of indeterminacy, and relative darkness,
in which the complex of space appears as an island of determinacy
and clarity.
Total space is also an essential assumption for determining the
perspectival structure of the world. To a certain extent it constitutes
the absolute there, because it is always conceived as being beyond
the horizon of the field of vision. But similarly, it is necessary when
locating the primary here - the act of narration. If the act of
narration is not actually concretized as a part of the narrated world,
its spatial existence and the coordinates connecting it with the world
are also one of the aspects of total space.
14. One should point out three conceptions relevant in some way to the concept of total
space proposed here. Timpe (1971) distinguishes between actual space and the potential
one, but the description of potential space as the dimensions the actual space can achieve
is rather vague. Hrushovski, in his study on War and Peace (1976), raises the problem of
total space while discussing the possibility of locating the fictional salon of Anna within
the historical Petersburg. But, in this discussion, the concept of external field of reference
is used for what I call total space. I believe that these are different concepts, although they
have a close connection (see section 4.3.1). And, finally, Rokem's discussion about the
off-stage world in the theater (1979) may throw some light on the problem of total space
from a very interesting angle.
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