Daily Task DDP Day 4 Foundation Batch

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Task Day 4
One Video Daily (Last Course Computer Awareness)

Task Video(Lesson- 10)- https://unacademy.com/class/practice-


Course Link- https://unacademy.com/course/abjas-practice-


click on the link and watch – I will ask doubts in next class)

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40 Questions Daily
Tomorrow class start with these question so go
through it daily basis.

For Amazing Discount Use My Referral Code- “ ER10”

A high quality CAd system uses which of the following for printing
drawing and graphs.

उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला CAd सिस्टम मु द्रण और रे खाां कन के मु द्रण के सलए

सनम्नसलखखत में िे सकिका उपयोग करता है ।
1. Dot Matrix printer
2. Digital plotter
3. Line printer
4. All of the above
5. None of these

Answer . Digital plotter

Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other
processes is called________.

अन्य प्रसियाओां के सलए स्थान की अनुमसत दे ने के सलए मे मोरी िे सडस्क तक की

प्रसिया को कॉपी करना ________ कहलाता है ।
1. Swapping
2. Deadlock
3. Demand tagging
4. Page fault
5. Cloud computing

Answer. Swapping
What is trap door.

जाल दरवाजा क्या है

1. It is trap door in war games
2. It is a hole in software left by designer
3. It is a trojan horse
4. It is a virus with trap and locks user terminal
5. None of these

Answer. It is a hole in software left by designer

To allow someone else to schedule your meetings and
appointments,______ feature of outlook is used.

सकिी और को आपकी बै ठकोां और सनयुखियोां को सनधाा ररत करने की अनुमसत

दे ने के सलए, ______ दृसिकोण की िुसवधा का उपयोग सकया जाता है ।
1. Monthly calendar
2. Event manager
3. Messenger
4. Delegate access
5. Event calendar

Answer. Delegate access

For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values,
called the_______ of that attribute.

सकिी िांबांध की प्रत्येक सवशेषता के सलए, अनुमत मानोां का एक िमू ह होता है ,

सजिे उि सवशेषता का _______ कहा जाता है ।
1. Domain
2. Relation
3. Set
4. Schema
5. None of these

Answer. Domain
The two ways to arrange multiple Windows on the desktop are:

डे स्कटॉप पर कई सवांडोज की व्यवस्था करने के दो तरीके हैं :

1. Cascade and tile
2. Drag and drop
3. Point and click
4. Minimize and maximize
5. Copy and paste

Answer. Cascade and tile

ug-ins can add which of the following functionality to Browsers?

प्लग-इन ब्राउज़रोां में सनम्न में िे सकि कायाक्षमता को जोड़ िकता है ?

1. Play games
2. Play audio file
3. View animations
4. View video files
5. All of the above

Answer. All of the above

A type of instruction that can produce several lines of machine
language code is called a____.

एक प्रकार का सनदे श जो मशीन भाषा कोड की कई पांखियोां का उत्पादन कर

िकता है , a____ कहलाता है ।
1. Mnemonic
2. Address
3. Macro
4. Assemble

Answer. Macro
Speed of line printer is specified in terms of______.

लाइन सप्रांटर की गसत ______ के िांदभा में सनसदा ि है ।

1. Line per minute
2. Character per minute
3. Dot per minute
4. All of these

Answer. Character per minute

What is the main folder on a storage device called?

स्टोरे ज सडवाइि पर मु ख्य फोल्डर क्या कहलाता है ?

1. Root directory
2. Database
3. Cell
4. Platform
5. None of the above

Answer. Root directory

A computer program that converts assembly language into machine language

एक कंप्यू टर प्रोग्राम जो असेम्बली भाषा को मशीनी भाषा में बदलता है __________ है

a) Complicate
b) Computer
c) Intersection
d) Converter
e) Assembler
Answere) Assembler
While editing an MS Word document you accidentally losts text. You should then

MS Word दस्तावेज़ को संपाददत करते समय आप गलती से टे क्स्ट खो दे ते हैं । दिर आपको
__________ का उपयोग करना चादहए
a) Copy
b) Undo
c) Insert
d) Replace
e) Add
Answerb) Undo
ALU is part of CPU in many computers. What does the acronym ALC stand for?

ALU कई कंप्यू टरों में CPU का दहस्सा होता है । संदिप्त नाम ALC का क्या अर्थ है ?
a) Algorithm Logic Unit
b) Arithmetic Logical Unit
c) Auxiliary Logic Unit
d) Algorithmic Logical Unit
e) Arithmetic Logic Unit
Answere) Arithmetic Logic Unit
BIT stands for________.

बीआईटी _________ के दलए खडा है ।

a) Built In tasks
b) Binary Digit
c) Before Instructed Task
d) Before Interpreting Task
e) Before Initial Task
Answerb) Binary Digit
Java is a__________.

जावा एक __________ है ।
a) Hardware Digit
b) High-level language
c) complier
d) low-level language
e) programming mid-level language
Answerb) High-level language
Who is known as the father of supercomputer_______

सुपर कंप्यू टर के जनक के रूप में दकसे जाना जाता है ____

1) David J. Brown
2) Gene Amdahl
3) Adam Dunkels
4) Seymour Cray
5) None of these
Answer4) Seymour Cray
Rotational delay time is also known as_______

घूणी सवलांब िमय को _______ के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

1) Seek time
2) Shift time
3) Latency
4) Access time
5) None of these
Answer3) Latency
The amount of data that a disk may contains known as the disk’s_______

दिस्क में दजतना िे टा हो सकता है उसे दिस्क का _______ कहा जाता है

1) Volume
2) Size
3) All of the above
4) Storage capacity
5) None of these
Answer4) Storage capacity
Multiprocessor is a computer system________

मल्टीप्रोसेसर एक कंप्यू टर दसस्टम है _______

1) Where many CPU under a common control
2) Consisting of more than one input devices under common control
3) Where many output devices under
4) All of the above
5) None of these
Answer1) Where many CPU under a common control
Who created the C programming Language_______

C प्रोग्रादमं ग लैं ग्वेज को दकसने बनाया _______

1) Ken Thompson
2) Dennis Ritchie
3) Robin Milner
4) Frieder Nake
5) None of these
Answer2) Dennis Ritchie
Which of the following is an example of absolute cell reference in
MS Excel?

सनम्नसलखखत में िे कौन एमएि एक्से ल में सनरपेक्ष िेल िांदभा का एक उदाहरण
है ?
1. A1$
2. $A$1
3. A%1
4. #A1
5. None of the above

Answer. $A$1
Which of the following is not one of the tools of Robotics process

सनम्नसलखखत में िे कौन रोबोसटक्स प्रसिया स्वचालन के उपकरण में िे एक नही ां

है ?
1. Blue prism
2. Ui path
3. Automation anywhere
4. Power center
5. All are tools

Answer. Power center

Which of the following devices forwards data packets to all
connected ports?

सनम्नसलखखत में िे कौन िा सडवाइि िभी कनेक्टेड पोटा के सलए डे टा पैकेट

फॉरवडा करता है ?
1. Router
2. Switch
3. Bridge
4. Hub
5. None of the above

Answer. Hub
Which was the last version of word released for the door?

दरवाजे के सलए जारी सकया गया शब्द का अांसतम िांस्करण कौन िा था?
1. Word 2.0
2. Word 5.0
3. Word 5.5
4. Word 6.0
5. None of the above

Answer. Word 6.0

Which of The following is a line printer?

सनम्नसलखखत में िे कौन एक लाइन सप्रांटर है ?

1. inkjet printer
2. Dot Matrix printer
3. Laser printer
4. Chain printer
5. None of the above

Answer. Chain printer

What is the file extension of Excel binary workbook?

एक्से ल बाइनरी वकाबु क का फाइल एक्सटें शन क्या है ?

1. .xlms
2. .xlsb
3. .xlst
4. .xlam
5. .ex

Answer. .xlsb
Answer. Page fault occurs when?

उत्तर पेज की गलती कब होती है ?

1. The page is corrupted by application software
2. The page is in main memory
3. The page is not in main memory
4. One tries to divide a number by 0
5. None of these

Answer. The page is not in main memory

Which are the security service designed for electronic mail?

इले क्टरॉसनक मे ल के सलए सडज़ाइन की गई िुरक्षा िेवा कौन िी हैं ?

2. PGP
4. Only 1 and 2

Answer. Only 1 and 2

Which of the following character set supports japanese and
Chinese font?

सनम्नसलखखत में िे कौन िा वणा िेट जापानी और चीनी फॉन्ट का िमथान करता
है ?
3. BCD
5. Unicode

Answer. Unicode
Which of the following storage device can be mounted on a Mount
point to access its file system?

सनम्न में िे कौन िा स्टोरे ज सडवाइि अपने फाइल सिस्टम तक पहां चने के सलए
माउां ट पॉइां ट पर लगाया जा िकता है ?
1. Partition of a hard disk
3. Pen drive
4. 1,2 and 3
5. None of these

Answer. 1,2 and 3

At a time how many operating system can be at work on a computer________

एक कंप्यू टर पर एक समय में दकतने ऑपरे दटं ग दसस्टम काम कर सकते हैं ______
(1) Only one
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four
(5) None of these
Answer(1) Only one
What is ―Oracle_______

ओरे कल_______ क्या है

(1) A Co-ordination System
(2) Word Software
(3) Database Software
(4) All of the above
(5) None of these
Answer(3) Database Software
A connection from one HTML document to another HTML document is called

एक HTML दस्तावेज़ से दू सरे HTML दस्तावेज़ के कने क्शन को __________ कहा जाता है
(1) Hyper Link
(2) Connecting Link
(3) Icon
(4) All of these
(5) None of these
Answer(1) Hyper Link
The screen background is known as the________

स्क्रीन बैकग्राउं ि को ________ के रूप में जाना जाता है

(1) Application
(2) Window
(3) Desktop
(4) Frames
(5) None of these
Answer(3) Desktop
What are the units used to count the speed of a printer__________

दप्रंटर की गदत को दगनने के दलए उपयोग की जाने वाली इकाइयााँ __________ हैं
(1) CPM
(2) DPI
(3) PPM
(4) BIT
(5) None of these
Answer(2) DPI
_________Command we can use to close the windows.

_________कमांि दजसका उपयोग हम दवंिो को बंद करने के दलए कर सकते हैं ।

(1) Alt+ F1
(2) Alt+ S
(3) Alt+ End
(4) Alt+F4
(5) None of these
Answer(4) Alt+F4
When more than one window is open, to switch to the next window — is the key

जब एक से अदिक दवंिो खुली हों, तो अगली दवंिो पर स्विच करने के दलए — कुंजी संयोजन
________ है
(1) CTRL+F5
(2) CTRL+F6
(3) CTRL+F7
(4) CTRL+F8
(5) None of these
Answer(2) CTRL+F6
Specialized programs that assist user in location information on the web are

वेब पर स्र्ान की जानकारी में उपयोगकताथ की सहायता करने वाले दवदशष्ट प्रोग्राम
__________ कहलाते हैं
a) Data engines
b) Information engines
c) Web browsers
d) Resource locators
e) Search engines
Answere) Search engines
Which one of the following is NOT a computer programming language?

दनम्नदलस्वखत में से कौन-सी एक कंप्यू टर प्रोग्रादमं ग भाषा नहीं है ?

b) C++
e) MS-Excel
Answere) MS-Excel
Workbook in MS-Excel is a collection of___________

MS-Excel में वकथबुक ___________ का एक संग्रह है

a) Page Setup
b) Charts
c) Buttons
d) Documents
e) Worksheets
Answere) Worksheets

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