FMVSS 119 2022-10-01

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Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 571.

[56 FR 15294, Apr. 16, 1991, as amended at 57 undergoes no permanent rim deforma-
FR 23963, June 5, 1992; 57 FR 28012, June 23, tion and allows no loss of air through
1992; 58 FR 16785, Mar. 31, 1993; 60 FR 13644, the portion that it comprises of the
Mar. 14, 1995; 69 FR 55531, 55544, Sept. 15, 2004;
tire-rim pressure chamber when a tire
71 FR 18683, Apr. 12, 2006; 71 FR 25285, Apr. 28,
2006; 73 FR 38339, July 7, 2008] is properly mounted on the assembly
and subjected to the requirements of
§ 571.119 Standard No. 119; New pneu- this standard.
matic tires for motor vehicles with S5. Tire and rim matching information.
a GVWR of more than 4,536 kilo- S5.1 Each manufacturer of tires
grams (10,000 pounds), specialty shall ensure that a listing of the rims
tires, and tires for motorcycles.
that may be used with each tire that
S1. Scope. This standard establishes he produces is provided to the public.
performance and marking require- For purposes of this section each rim
ments for tires for use on motor vehi- listing shall include dimensional speci-
cles with a GVWR of more than 4,536 fications and a diagram of the rim.
kilograms (10,000 pounds), specialty However a listing compiled in accord-
tires, and tires for motorcycles. ance with paragraph (a) of this section
S2. Purpose. The purpose of this need not include dimensional specifica-
standard is to provide safe operational tions or a diagram of a rim if the rim’s
performance levels for tires used on dimensional specifications and diagram
motor vehicles with a GVWR of more are contained in each listing published
than 10,000 pounds, trailers, and motor- in accordance with paragraph (b) of
cycles, and to place sufficient informa- this standard. The listing shall be in
tion on the tires to permit their proper one of the following forms:
selection and use. (a) Listed by manufacturer name or
S3. Application. This standard applies brand name in a document furnished to
to: dealers of the manufacturer’s tires, to
(a) New pneumatic tires for use on any person upon request, and in dupli-
motor vehicles with a GVWR of more cate to: Docket Section, National
than 4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds) Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
manufactured after 1948; tion, 400 Seventh Street SW., Wash-
(b) New pneumatic light truck tires ington, DC 20590; or
with a tread depth of 18⁄32 inch or great- (b) Contained in publications, current
er, for use on motor vehicles with a at the date of manufacture of the tire
GVWR of 4,536 kilograms (10,000 or any later date, of at least one of the
pounds) or less manufactured after following organizations:
(c) Tires for use on special-use trail- The Tire and Rim Association
ers (ST, FI and 8–12 rim or lower di- The European Tyre and Rim Technical
ameter code); and Organisation
(d) Tires for use on motorcycles man- Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers’ Asso-
ciation, Inc.
ufactured after 1948.
Deutsche Industrie Norm
S4. Definitions. All terms defined in
British Standards Institution
the Act and the rules and standards
Scandinavian Tire and Rim Organization
issued under its authority are used as The Tyre and Rim Association of Australia
defined therein.
Light truck tire means a tire des- S5.2 Information contained in a pub-
ignated by its manuafacturer as pri- lication specified in S5.1(b) which lists
marily intended for use on lightweight general categories of tires and rims by
trucks or multipurpose passenger vehi- size designation, type of construction,
cles. and/or intended use, shall be considered
Model rim assembly means a test de- to be manufacturer’s information pur-
vice that (a) includes a rim which con- suant to S5.1 for the listed tires, unless
forms to the published dimensions of a the publication itself or specific infor-
commercially available rim, (b) in- mation provided according to S5.1(a)
cludes an air valve assembly when used indicates otherwise.
for testing tubeless tires or an S6. Requirements. Each tire shall be
sfrattini on LAPJZKW1R2 with $$_JOB

innertube and flap (as required) when capable of meeting any of the applica-
used for testing tubetype tires, and (c) ble requirements set forth below, when


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§ 571.119 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–22 Edition)

mounted on a model rim assembly cor- be marked on each sidewall with the
responding to any rim designated by information specified in paragraphs (a)
the tire manufacturer for use with the through (j) of this section. The mark-
tire in accordance with S5. However, a ings shall be placed between the max-
particular tire need not meet further imum section width (exclusive of side-
requirements after having been sub- wall decorations or curb ribs) and the
jected to and met the endurance test bead on at least one sidewall, unless
(S6.1), strength test (S6.2), or high the maximum section width of the tire
speed performance test (S6.3). is located in an area which is not more
S6.1 Endurance. than one-fourth of the distance from
S6.1.1 Prior to testing in accordance the bead to the shoulder of the tire. If
with the procedures of S7.2, a tire shall the maximum section width falls with-
exhibit no visual evidence of tread, in that area, the markings shall appear
sidewall, ply, cord, innerliner, or bead between the bead and a point one-half
separation, chunking, broken cords, the distance from the bead to the
cracking, or open splices. shoulder of the tire, on at least one
S6.1.2 When tested in accordance sidewall. The markings shall be in let-
with the procedures of S7.2: ters and numerals not less than 2 mm
(a) There shall be no visual evidence (0.078 inch) high and raised above or
of tread, sidewall, ply, cord, innerliner, sunk below the tire surface not less
or bead separation, chunking, broken that 0.4 mm (0.015 inch), except that
cords, cracking, or open splices. the marking depth shall be not less
(b) The tire pressure at the end of the than 0.25mm (0.010 inch) in the case of
test shall be not less than the initial motorcycle tires. The tire identifica-
pressure specified in S7.2(a). tion and the DOT symbol labeling shall
S6.2 Strength. When tested in ac- comply with part 574 of this chapter.
cordance with the procedures of S7.3 a Markings may appear on only one side-
tire’s average breaking energy value wall and the entire sidewall area may
shall be not less than the value speci- be used in the case of motorcycle tires
fied in Table II for that tire’s size and and recreational, boat, baggage, and
load range. special trailer tires.
S6.3 High speed performance. When (a) The symbol DOT, which shall con-
tested in accordance with the proce- stitute a certification that the tire
dures of S7.4, a tire shall meet the re- conforms to applicable Federal motor
quirements set forth in S6.1.1 and vehicle safety standards. This symbol
S6.1.2(a) and (b). However, this require- may be marked on only one sidewall.
ment applies only to motorcycle tires (b) The tire identification number re-
and to non-speed-restricted tires of quired by part 574 of this chapter. This
number may be marked on only one
nominal rim diameter code 14.5 or less
marked load range A, B, C, or D.
(c) The tire size designation as listed
S6.4 Treadwear indicators. Except as
in the documents and publications des-
specified in this paragraph, each tire
ignated in S5.1.
shall have at least six treadwear indi-
(d) The maximum load rating and
cators spaced approximately equally
corresponding inflation pressure of the
around the circumference of the tire
tire, shown as follows:
that enable a person inspecting the tire
to determine visually whether the tire (Mark on tires rated for single and dual
has worn to a tread depth of 1.6 mm load): Max load single ____kg (____lb) at
(one-sixteenth of an inch). Tires with a ____kPa (____psi) cold. Max load dual ____kg
(____lb) at ____kPa (____psi) cold.
rim diameter code of 12 or smaller (Mark on tires rated only for single load):
shall have at least three such Max load ____kg (____lb) at ____kPa (____psi)
treadwear indicators. Motorcycle tires cold.
shall have at least three such indica-
tors which permit visual determination (e) The speed restriction of the tire,
that the tire has worn to a tread depth if 90 km/h (55 mph) or less, shown as
of 0.8 mm (one-thirty-second of an follows:
inch). Max speed ____km/h (____mph).
sfrattini on LAPJZKW1R2 with $$_JOB

S6.5 Tire markings. Except as speci- (f) The actual number of plies and the
fied in this paragraph, each tire shall composition of the ply cord material in


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Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT § 571.119

the sidewall and, if different, in the the type of tire tested conducting each
tread area; successive phase of the test without
(g) The words ‘‘tubeless’’ or ‘‘tube interruption.
type’’ as applicable. (e) Immediately after running the
(h) The word ‘‘regroovable’’ if the tire the required time, measure the tire
tire is designed for regrooving. inflation pressure. Remove the tire
(i) The word ‘‘radial’’ if a radial tire. from the model rim assembly, and in-
(j) The letter designating the tire spect the tire.
load range. S7.3 Strength. (a) Mount the tire on
S6.6 Maximum load rating. If the a model rim assembly and inflate it to
maximum load rating for a particular the pressure corresponding to the max-
tire size is shown in one or more of the imum load, or maximum dual load
publications described in S5.1(b), each where there is both a single and dual
tire of that size designation shall have load marked on the tire. If the tire is
a maximum load rating that is not less tubeless, a tube may be inserted to pre-
than the published maximum load rat- vent loss of air during the test in the
ing, or if there are differing published event of puncture.
ratings for the same tire size designa- (b) After conditioning the tire-rim
tion, not less than the lowest published assembly in accordance with S7.1.2, ad-
maximum load rating for the size des- just the tire pressure to that specified
ignation. in (a).
S7. Test procedures. (c) Force a cylindrical steel plunger,
S7.1 General conditions. with a hemispherical end and of the di-
S7.1.1 The tests are performed using ameter specified in Table I for the tire
an appropriate new tube, tube valve size, perpendicularly into a raised
and flap assembly (as required) that al- tread element as near as possible to the
lows no loss of air for testing of tube- centerline of the tread, at a rate of 50
type tires under S7.2, S7.3, and S7.4, mm (2 inches) per minute, until the
and tubeless tires under S7.3. tire breaks or the plunger is stopped by
S7.1.2 The tire must be capable of the rim.
meeting the requirements of S7.2 and (d) Record the force and the distance
S7.4 when conditioned to a temperature of penetration just before the tire
of 35 °C (95 °F) for 3 hours before the breaks, or if it fails to break, just be-
test is conducted, and with an ambient fore the plunger is stopped by the rim.
temperature maintained at 35 °C (95 °F) (e) Repeat the plunger application at
during all phases of testing. The tire 72° intervals around the circumference
must be capable of meeting the re- of the tire, until five measurements are
quirements of S7.3 when conditioned at made. However, in the case of tires of
a temperature of 21 °C (70 °F) for 3 12 inch rim diameter code or smaller,
hours before the test is conducted. repeat the plunger application at 120°
S7.2 Endurance. (a) Mount the tire intervals around the circumference of
on a model rim assembly and inflate it the tire, until three measurements are
to the inflation pressure corresponding made.
to the maximum load rating marked on (f) Compute the breaking energy for
the tire. Use a single maximum load each test point by one of the two fol-
value when the tire is marked with lowing formulas:
both single and dual maximum load. (1) W = [(F × P)/2] × 10¥3
(b) After conditioning the tire-rim
assembly in accordance with S7.1.2, ad- Where:
just the tire pressure to that specified W = Breaking energy in joules (J),
in (a) immediately before mounting the F = Force in newtons (N), and
tire rim assembly. P = Penetration in millimeters (mm),
(c) Mount the tire-rim assembly on or;
an axle and press it against a flat-faced
(2) W = (F × P)/2
steel test wheel that is 1708 mm (67.23
inches) in diameter and at least as wide Where:
as the tread of the tire. W = Breaking energy in inch-pounds (in-lb),
sfrattini on LAPJZKW1R2 with $$_JOB

(d) Apply the test load and rotate the F = Force in pounds (lb), and
test wheel as indicated in Table III for P = Penetration in inches (in).


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§ 571.119 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–22 Edition)

(g) Determine the average breaking the pressure to that marked on the tire
energy value for the tire by computing for single tire use.
the average of the values obtained in (d) Reapply the same load, and with-
accordance with paragraph (f). out interruption or readjustment of in-
S7.4 High speed performance. (a) Per- flation pressure, rotate the test wheel
form steps (a) through (c) of S7.2. at 375 rpm for 30 minutes, then at 400
(b) Apply a force of 88 percent of the rpm for 30 minutes, and then at 425 rpm
maximum load rating marked on the for 30 minutes.
tire (use single maximum load value
(e) Immediately after running the
when the tire is marked with both sin-
gle and dual maximum loads), and ro- tire the required time, measure the tire
tate the test wheel at 250 rpm for 2 inflation pressure. Remove the tire
hours. from the model rim assembly, and in-
(c) Remove the load, allow the tire to spect the tire.
cool to 35 °C (95 °F), and then adjust
Plunger diameter
Tire type
(mm) (inches)

Light truck .............................................................................................................................................. 19.05 34 ⁄

Motorcycle ............................................................................................................................................. 7.94 ⁄
5 16

≤12 rim diameter code (except motorcycle) ......................................................................................... 19.05 34 ⁄

≤17.5 rim diameter code ......................................................................................................... 19.05 ⁄34

>17.5 rim diameter code, load range F or less ...................................................................... 31.75 11⁄4
>17.5 rim diameter code, load range over F .......................................................................... 38.10 11⁄2
Load range F or less .............................................................................................................. 31.75 11⁄4
Load range over F .................................................................................................................. 38.10 11⁄2
sfrattini on LAPJZKW1R2 with $$_JOB


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sfrattini on LAPJZKW1R2 with $$_JOB

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[Joules (J) and Inch-Pounds (in-lb)]

17:06 Feb 17, 2023

Tire characteristic Motorcycle All 12 rim Light Truck Tires other than light truck, motorcycle, 12 rim diameter code or smaller
diameter code or greater than 12
Plunger diameter 7.94 5 16
⁄ ″ smaller except rim diameter Tube type greater than 12 rim Tubeless 17.5 Tubeless greater than 17.5 rim
(mm and inches) mm motorcycle code diameter code rim diameter diameter code
code or smaller
19.05 19.05

Jkt 256232
⁄ ″ 34
⁄ ″
mm mm 31.75 38.10 19.05 34 31.75 38.10
1 1⁄4″ 1 1⁄2″ ⁄ ″ 1 1⁄4″ 1 1⁄2″
Breaking Energy J in-lb mm mm mm mm mm
J in-lb J in-lb J in-lb J in-lb J in-lb J in-lb J in-lb

PO 00000
Load Range:
A ..................................... 16 150 67 600 225 2,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 225 2,000 ............ ............ ............ ............
B ..................................... 33 300 135 1,200 293 2,600 ............ ............ ............ ............ 293 2,600 ............ ............ ............ ............
C ..................................... 45 400 203 1,800 361 3,200 768 6,800 ............ ............ 361 3,200 576 5,100 ............ ............
D ..................................... ............ ............ 271 2,400 514 4,550 892 7,900 ............ ............ 514 4,550 734 6,500 ............ ............
E ..................................... ............ ............ 338 3,000 576 5,100 1,412 12,500 ............ ............ 576 5,100 971 8,600 ............ ............

Frm 00583
F ..................................... ............ ............ 406 3,600 644 5,700 1,785 15,800 ............ ............ 644 5,700 1,412 12,500 ............ ............
G ..................................... ............ ............ ............ ............ 711 6,300 ............ ............ 2,282 20,200 711 6,300 ............ ............ 1,694 15,000
H ..................................... ............ ............ ............ ............ 768 6,800 ............ ............ 2,598 23,000 768 6,800 ............ ............ 2,090 18,500
J ...................................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 2,824 25,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ 2,203 19,500

Fmt 8010
L ...................................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 3,050 27,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Nat’l Highway Traffic Safety Admin., DOT

M ..................................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 3,220 28,500 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
N ..................................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 3,389 30,000 ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Note: For rayon cord tires, applicable energy values are 60 percent of those in table.

Sfmt 8010
§ 571.119
§ 571.120 49 CFR Ch. V (10–1–22 Edition)


Test wheel speed Test load: Percent of maximum load
rating Total test
Description Load range revolution
km/h r/m Step I Step II Step III (thousands)
(7 hours) (16 hours) (24 hours)

90 km/h (55 All ...................... 40 125 66 84 101 352.5
80 km/h (50 C, D ................... 48 150 75 97 114 423.0
mph). E, F, G, H, J, L, 32 100 66 84 101 282.0
M, N.
56 km/h (35 All ...................... 24 75 66 84 101 211.5
Motorcycle ......... All ...................... 80 250 a100 b108 117 510.0
All other ............. A, B, C, D .......... 80 250 a75 b97 114 510.0
E ........................ 64 200 70 88 106 564.0
F ........................ 64 200 66 84 101 564.0
G ....................... 56 175 66 84 101 493.5
H, J, L, M, N ..... 48 150 66 84 101 423.0
a 4 hours for tire sizes subject to high speed requirements S6.3.
b 6 hours for tire sizes subject to high speed requirements S6.3.

(Secs. 113, 201, 80 Stat. 718 (15 U.S.C. 1402, 1421); secs. 103, 112, 119, 201, 203, Pub. L. 89–563, 80
Stat. 718 (15 U.S.C. 1392, 1401, 1421, 1423); delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50)
[38 FR 31301, Nov. 13, 1973]
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 571.119, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at

§ 571.120 Tire selection and rims and issued under its authority are used as
motor home/recreation vehicle defined therein.
trailer load carrying capacity infor- Rim base means the portion of a rim
mation for motor vehicles with a remaining after removal of all split or
GVWR of more than 4,536 kilograms continuous rim flanges, side rings, and
(10,000 pounds). locking rings that can be detached
S1. Scope. This standard specifies tire from the rim.
and rim selection requirements, rim Rim size designation means rim diame-
marking requirements and motor ter and width.
home/recreation vehicle trailer load Rim diameter means nominal diameter
carrying capacity information. of the bead seat.
S2. Purpose. The purpose of this Rim width means nominal distance
standard is to provide safe operational between rim flanges.
performance by ensuring that vehicles Rim type designation means the indus-
to which it applies are equipped with try or manufacturer’s designation for a
tires of adequate size and load rating rim by style or code.
and with rims of appropriate size and Weather side means the surface area
type designation, and by ensuring that of the rim not covered by the inflated
consumers are informed of motor tire.
home/recreation vehicle trailer load S5. Requirements.
carrying capacity. S5.1 Tire and rim selection.
S3. Application. This standard applies S5.1.1 Except as specified in S5.1.3,
to motor vehicles with a gross vehicle each vehicle equipped with pneumatic
weight rating (GVWR) of more than tires for highway service shall be
4,536 kilograms (10,000 pounds and mo- equipped with tires that meet the re-
torcycles, to rims for use on those ve- quirements of § 571.109, § 571.119 or
hicles, and to non-pneumatic spare tire § 571.139, and rims that are listed by the
assemblies for use on those vehicles. manufacturer of the tires as suitable
sfrattini on LAPJZKW1R2 with $$_JOB

S4. Definitions. All terms defined in for use with those tires, in accordance
the Act and the rules and standards with S4.4 of § 571.109 or S5.1 of § 571.119,


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