Warlock TheShapechanger v1-0
Warlock TheShapechanger v1-0
Warlock TheShapechanger v1-0
he Shapechanger
hapechanger Expanded
xpanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st faerie fire, feather fall
2nd enhance ability, moonbeam
3rd meld into stone, protection from energy
4th polymorph, stoneskin
5th mislead, modify memory
Starting at 1st level, you automatically regain a number of
hit points equal to your warlock level whenever you finish a
short rest, up to half your hit point maximum. In addition,
you have advantage on saving throws against any effect that
would alter your form against your will.
Also at 1st level, you learn to channel the magic of your pa-
tron as an action, causing your body to warp in some way as
you deliver an attack. For instance, your teeth or fingernails
can sharpen as you deliver a vicious attack, or if you have a
tail, it can grow sharp spines as you swing it. Make a melee
spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit,
the target takes 1d12 acid damage. After you make the attack,
Warlock of the Shapechanger
your body returns to normal.
The number of attacks you make, as well as the reach of the
attacks, increases when you reach certain levels in this class:
NEW CHARACTER OPTION: two attacks with a reach of 10 feet (5th level), three attacks
with a reach of 20 feet (11th level), and four attacks with a
WARLOCK reach of 30 feet (17th level). You can attack the same target or
different ones with each attack, making a separate attack roll
Not all who possess magic come by it naturally. A warlock for each one.
forges a pact with a powerful being in exchange for a portion You can always use an action to make this attack, even if
of its knowledge and strength. Some of these arrangements your body is transformed by a spell.
become cruel forms of indebted servitude, but most are Beginning at 2nd level, any Eldritch Invocation you gain
closer to that of an apprentice and its master: the warlock that affects the eldritch blast cantrip also affects the attacks
learns and grows in strength in exchange for rendering the from this feature (except for invocations that affect the
occassional service on behalf of their patron. As a warlock, spell’s range). If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature,
you may find your patron by chance or hard work, but your reach with your pact weapon increases to match the
regardless of your circumstance, your power will grow and reach of your Shapechanger’s Strike whenever you make an
shape you as you benefit from your pact and patron. attack with it as part of the Attack action. Similarly, if you are
attuned to a magic item that grants a bonus to the attack rolls
THE SHAPECHANGER of your warlock spells, that bonus also applies to your spell
attack rolls with this attack.
Your patron is a mighty shapechanger, whose commitment
to a single form is often fleeting. Your meetings with your MALLEABLE FORM
patron may occur even in plain sight, as those around you Starting at 6th level, you can cast the alter self spell at will,
may fail to see your patron for who they truly are. Succubi, without expending a spell slot.
lycanthropes, vampires, and even ancient mimics may grant When you reach 14th level in this class, you also gain the
such power to you in exchange for your service, and can offer following option when casting the spell:
you an untold number of ways to circumvent or overcome Aerial Adaptation. You adapt your body to grow a pair
the problems before you—all by simply changing the lim- of wings. You choose the appearance of the wings. For the
itations of your normal form. By releasing your body from duration of the spell, you gain a flying speed equal to your
itself, you stand to achieve great things together. walking speed.
y When you cast alter self or target only yourself with a spell
from your expanded spell list, you can choose for the
spell to not require concentration. When you do, you can
still choose to end the spell early (no action required).
y You can cast a spell from your expanded spell list that you
don’t know, expending a spell slot as normal and using
the required casting time.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you
finish a long rest.
Starting at 14th level, your patron can curse the forms of
the creatures you strike. Once on each of your turns when
you hit a target with your Shapechanger’s Strike, you can
choose to have the target also make a Constitution saving
throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save,
the creature is cursed by your patron. A cursed creature has
disadvantage on attack rolls it makes against you and on
saving throws it makes against transmutation spells you
cast. The curse remains for 1 minute. At the end of each of
the creature’s turns, it can make another Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d12 acid damage.
After three successful saves, the curse ends.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
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