Samples of Informative Essays

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Samples Of Informative Essays

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Samples of Informative Essays" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to strike a balance between providing valuable information
and maintaining reader engagement. Here are some challenges one might encounter:

1. Research Intensity: Informative essays require thorough research to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of the information presented. This process can be time-consuming, demanding
extensive reading and analysis to gather relevant data.
2. Clarity and Organization: Communicating complex information in a clear and organized
manner can be challenging. The writer must create a logical flow that enables readers to grasp
the concepts being presented without feeling overwhelmed.
3. Avoiding Bias: Maintaining objectivity is crucial in informative essays. Striking a balance
between presenting facts and avoiding personal biases can be difficult, especially when
dealing with controversial or subjective topics.
4. Engagement Factor: While the primary goal is to inform, it's essential to keep the audience
engaged. Finding the right balance between information and engagement can be tricky, as
too much detail may overwhelm readers, while too little may leave them disinterested.
5. Citation and Referencing: Ensuring proper citation of sources is vital to the credibility of
the essay. Managing various citations and references in different formats can be a meticulous

Despite these challenges, the process of writing an informative essay can be rewarding. It allows the
writer to delve deep into a subject, gain a comprehensive understanding, and effectively
communicate that knowledge to others.

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Samples Of Informative Essays Samples Of Informative Essays
Sicko and Moore Essay
Dawli 10 Elias Dawli Wrt105 Professor Bollinger December 12, 2010 SiCKo: The
ThoughtProvoker Michael Francis Moore is a controversial American filmmaker who has
directed numerous documentaries. These documentaries have taken a large spectrum of
popular American issues and reduced them to one: capitalism. His most popular
cinematic works include Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Capitalism: A Love
Story, and mostnotably, SiCKo. With a liberal stance, Moore has documented his own
vision on America s large corporations, such as the Bush administration s foreign policy,
financial crises, and the American healthcare system. Although all of his... Show more
content on ...
During Moore s adventure, the United Dawli 10 States Coast Guard stops and
questions Moore and his crewmembers about their destination. Moore cleverly
answers, We re not going to Cuba! We re going to America! It s American soil
(SiCKo). This voyage is humorous because Moore plays upon the irony that in order
for American citizens to receive free quality health care, they must be taken the prison,
which houses some of America s most dangerous criminals. Another example in the
film is when Moore discovers in a British hospital corridor a CASHIER window, which
he pretends to suppose is the hidden flaw in British free health services (Callenbach 18).
However, he soon learns that the Cashier is actually a place where the hospital pays its
patients for any costs they may have incurred throughout their stay, such as transportation
costs to and from the hospital. Moore compares the fact that people can actually get paid
to go to the hospital in England, to America where patients need to pay for their health
care, and illustrates this point using humor and sarcasm. As Chapman illustrates,
Documentary is also recognized as being a very engaged sort of cinema, which means
that there are inevitably pressures and sometimes conflicting claims (Chapman 8). In
other words, although
The Great Thing About Art, By Giotto Di Bondone And
The great thing about art, is that there are multiple portrayals of one idea but, the artist
s own personal style allows one to feel something that another may not. Early
Renaissance painters, Giotto di Bondone and Duccio di Buoninsegna established their
own unique style to depict a biblical scene known as, The Betrayal of Christ. Through
a close analysis of each artist s representation of, The Betrayal of Christ, one is able to
compare and contrast the artists own understanding of the scene through their attention
to detail, character, and space throughout the painting. When examining these two
works, one will have a stronger emotional response towards Giotto s interpretation
rather Duccio s, due to his methods of handling organization, figures, and space.
Within each artist s painting, is a major scene within the Betrayal of Christ known as,
The Pact of Judas. This biblical story, is about one of Jesus s twelve disciples, Judas,
who agrees to give up Jesus for thirty silver coins. The chief priests, agree to pay Judas
and decide that the night before his crucifixion Judas would kiss Jesus so authorities
could recognize him out of the large crowd (King James, Matthew: 26). Once Judas
realized, that Jesus was sentenced to die due to his actions, he was remorseful and tried
to return the coins to the priests and eventually hung himself, due to his guilt (King
James, Matthew: 26). Giotto and Duccio each painted their own representations, of Judas
receiving the thirty
Case Study Of TRIMERCO Merchandizing Inc.
Our group had a lot of choices when we wanted to pick a company and in the end, we
chose TRIMERCO. This company is owned by a relative of one of our groupmates,
Ralph Tan and in a way, we are interested in how they do their HR practices. With this
paper, we hope that their company will be able to use this information to further improve
the relationship of their employees and the company overall.

Company Background (history, organizational structure, industry, business model, etc.)

TRIMERCO Merchandising Incorporated started out as a small trading electrical

business which was founded by Mr. Ricardo Sy in the year 1978. Its first office was
located in Paco, Manila and was soon moved to Leon Guinto St. Manila in the late 1980
s. The company slowly gained more and more clients over ... Show more content on ...
They also get some of their resources from their factory in Laguna and importing out of
the country. As a wholesaler, TRIMERCO Inc. buys their supplies in bulk and sells
them to their target market which are mostly resellers. To reach their customers,
TRIMERCO Inc. usually sends their sales manager out to find new leads while those
who wants to buy from them contacts the companies secretary and gets it delivered. As
for their distribution channels, TRIMERCO Inc, has 3 offices, 2 located at Leon Guinto
St., Manila and 1 in Paco, Manila which both serves as an inventory and an office.
TRIMERCO Incorporated s organizational structure uses the Matrix Structure as the
employees goes to all the managers for their report. There are also supervisors who
looks through the employees works as to observe their performance on the job. After the
supervisor the next line of command are the secretaries and accountants who gathers the
orders and information for the company which is then passed on to the drivers to
transport the orders to the
Essay on Messages Revealed in Annie Dillard s, An American...
In An American Childhood by Annie Dillard, Dillard reminisces on her many adventures
throughout her childhood living in Pittsburgh. Her stories explain her school, her home
life, her family, and growing up. Dillard also talks about changes in her life, and how
they affect her, and how she felt about others around her. One s childhoodis a crucial part
of life, because it s a time of learning more than any other time of life. Childhood is a
time of curiosity and realization. What you learn in your childhood has a big impact on
how you make decisions and act as an adult. One message that I found while reading An
American Childhood is that life is sometimes not what it seems. Annie Dillardexplained
this concept when she said, The... Show more content on ...
I would not let this happen to me. (Dillard, P.26) She had realized how people s
youthful appearance deteriorate as they aged. It kind of scared her, because she didn t
want it happening to her. Another difference Dillard observed was religion. She
disliked the Catholic schoolchildren, because she was afraid of their beliefs. She
expressed thoughts on how uptight the religion was compared to her own when she
said Whatever the pope said, I thought it was no prize, it didn t work, our Protestant
lives were much sunnier, without our half trying. (Dillard, P. 33). She also talked about
changes in Pittsburgh s appearance. City workers continually paved the streets, They
poured asphalt over the streetcar tracks, streetcar tracks their fathers had wormed
between the old riverworn cobblestones, cobblestones laid smack into the notorious
nineteenth century mud. This message is important because after childhood, you start
to grow more aware of the world around you, which is a big change. Children are often
oblivious to changes, but as you get older, you notice how things change more up close
and personal. Throughout An American Childhood, Dillard expresses how significant
history of various subjects are. We children lived and breathed our history our Pittsburgh
history, so crucial to the country s story and so typical of it as well without knowing for
believing any of it.
Spanish Dish
My close high school friend and I enjoy visiting restaurants of our different cultures, as
she is Spanish and I am Korean. On our usual food adventures, we like to recommend
particular meals from our own culture to each other, as a way of trying something new.
However, this time, we decided instead of going to a Spanish restaurant, my friend
would teach me personally how to make a Spanish dish. We ultimately decided to make
a dish called paella, which incorporated rice, chorizo, chicken, and shrimp. While
shopping for the ingredients, the topic of freshness arose. Although everything was
going to be tossed into a skillet, my friend and I were very attentive to looking for fresh
bell peppers, specifically by the distinction of their colors. Similarly, For safety,
Americans... Show more content on ...
The factor of freshness plays a major role when creating a meal. When I initially
searched up images of the dish, I had thought the dish would be complicated to make
and time consuming. During the actual process though, it was very simple to make
because all the ingredients are combined into one large skillet. Other than the previous
preparation of marinating the chicken with spices, the recipe was easy to make with
simple steps of stirring, boiling, and simmering. The big open dish reminded me about
the topic of convenience, as it encompassed variables such as price, availability, and
ease of preparation, which are all related to the requirements of energy, time, labor, and
skill (Belasco 9). Along with this convenience, the dish is designed to bring people
together, as everyone can easily share their servings from the large skillet. We simply
had one big spoon in the skillet, and everyone eating would adjust their serving
What Is Radiocarbon Dating
The plaque at the museum may say the artifact is several thousand years old. What if
we could place its creation to several decades? Writings say something lived so long
ago, or their life time is just a guess. What if we were able to actually give them some
numbers to work with? History has always been the product of a lot of guess work.
Sometimes first hand accounts give the details for a clear image of the story. More
often than not, the story is not complete. Scientific tools such as radiocarbon dating can
fill in the gaps. Unfortunately, the method behind radiocarbon dating is not perfect. It
requires the precise removal of a sample piece. Precision is a key word here as some
artifacts are on the verge of decomposition anyway. Also, a sloppy removal could
permanently disfigure the artifact.
This is one possibility for a hook: Cicero, the great Roman lawyer, historian, philosopher
and statesman said, He who forgets his past is doomed to repeat it. Then I would talk
about how accurate measures of time, and environmental observations are key pars to
every story.
Here is my working ... Show more content on ...
I should also consider researching tests that have gone wrong, to determine what the
reason was, miscalculation, or factors out of control. I should, for the main point of
this paper, include several examples of the successes of radiocarbon dating. Above, I
listed several instances in which I believe radiocarbon dating was used. I should double
check, and expound further on the exact reasons why radiocarbon dating was so
important for those discoveries. I should also look for and consider the advancements or
ulterior methods used for dating historical artifacts. In conclusion, I was really looking
for a way to tie history into the technology aspect of my research, and think that
radiocarbon dating could have plenty of
Male and Seahorse
Seahorse From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article
is about the animal. For the mythological animal sea horse, see hippocamp. For other
uses, see Seahorse (disambiguation). Seahorses are a genus (Hippocampus) of fish
belonging to the family Syngnathidae, which also includes pipefish and leafy sea
dragons. There are over 32 speciesof seahorse, mainly found in shallow tropical and
temperate waters throughout the world. They prefer to live in sheltered areas such as
sea grass beds, coral reefs, or mangroves. Colonies have been found in European waters
such as the Thames Estuary.[2] From North America down to South America there are
approximately four species, ranging from very small in size (dwarf... Show more content
on ...
Furthermore, to measure the toll that incubation takes on a male, Masonjones built a
tiny respirator that records oxygen concentrations in water flowing into and out of a
chamber. Before a male took on eggs, she checked his baseline need for oxygen. Then,
she monitored the increase as the incubation progressed. The male s body had to work
hard by the end of incubation, consuming almost a third again as much oxygen as he
did before mating. To correct for oxygen used by the growing brood, Masonjones
managed to keep ¼ inch high premature seahorses alive outside the pouch so she could
measure their oxygen needs. Although they undergo weeks of incubation, males directly
contribute only half as much energy for offspring as females do. [5]Therefore, they do in
fact fit into the widespread pattern of the less invested sex being the less choosy.
{text:bookmark start} {text:bookmark end} Adaptations The question of why it is the
males who undergo pregnancy rather than the females is actually not entirely known,
though some researchers believe male pregnancy allows for shorter birthing intervals,
hence more offspring. When looking at which sex has the ability to produce more young
if they had an unlimited number of ready and willing partners, males have the potential
to produce 17 percent more in a breeding season. Also, females have time outsâ • from
the reproductive cycle that are 1.2 times

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