Into Thin Air Essay
Into Thin Air Essay
Into Thin Air Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Into Thin Air" can be quite challenging for several reasons. Firstly, the
book itself is rich in detail and complexity, delving into themes of survival, human nature, and the
consequences of extreme conditions. This means that crafting a coherent and insightful essay requires
a deep understanding of the text and its nuances.
Secondly, "Into Thin Air" is based on real events, specifically the 1996 Mount Everest disaster, which
adds an extra layer of complexity. Balancing factual accuracy with literary analysis can be tricky,
especially when exploring the motivations and actions of real people involved in the tragedy.
Additionally, the topic of mountaineering and high-altitude climbing presents its own set of
challenges. Understanding the technical aspects of climbing, as well as the physical and
psychological toll it takes on individuals, is essential for providing a comprehensive analysis.
Furthermore, approaching the essay from a unique angle or offering fresh insights can be difficult
given the extensive literature and discussions surrounding the book. Finding a unique perspective
that adds value to the existing discourse requires careful thought and research.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Into Thin Air" demands a deep understanding of the
book, its themes, and the real-life events it portrays. It also requires a nuanced approach to balancing
factual accuracy with literary analysis, as well as offering fresh insights in a field with a wealth of
existing literature and discussions.
Team 8
The five elements group: Derek Dellape : 7551
Synopsis As the largest aerospace company in the world, the Boeing Company
employees more than 153,000 people in some 67 countries. The great dominance of
Boeing is due to its 1997 merger with McDonnell Douglas Corporation, an aerospace
manufacturer, and its 1996 purchase of the defense and space units of Rockwell
International Corporation, an aerospace contractor. The corporation is the world s
number one maker of commercial jetliners and military aircraft with more than 9,000
commercial planes in service worldwide, including the 717 through 777 families of jets ...
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Unfortunately, Boeing jets were involved in four fatal air accidents from December
1988 to March 1989, and the company missed its first delivery deadline in two decades
when the 747 400 experienced production delays. These internal problems were
exacerbated by increased competition from Airbus, which was heavily subsidized by a
consortium of European companies and governments. Furthermore, worldwide orders
of all aircraft by the airliners declined from 1,662 in 1989 to 439 in 1991. Fortunately,
in 1993 NASA selected Boeing as the prime contractor for the International Space
Station, which was called the largest international science and technology endeavor ever
undertaken. Boeing was also becoming increasingly involved in commercial space
projects and in December 1995 ten commercial space satellites were produced and
launched from a floating platform at sea.
In the middle of 1990 s, Boeing began its plan of acquisitions and in 1996 it paid $3.2
billion for the aerospace and defense holdings of Rockwell International which was
responsible for the Space shuttle and International Space Station programs, as well as
activities in launch systems, rocket engines, missiles, satellites and military airplanes.
Furthermore, in 1997 Boeing completed a $14 billion acquisition of McDonnell Douglas
which was the world s number three maker of commercial aircraft. The acquisition
Teosinte Vs Corn
Corn (Zea mays) is one of the most widely produced crops in the United States and it
provides more than 40% of the world s corn (Benson and Gibson). The history of
maize dates back to around 5,000 6,000 years ago due to the Native Americans
domesticating the maize ancestor. In recent years and after countless research, scientists
are accepting the theory that corn comes from a wild plant called Teosinte. The reason
behind the skepticism is due to the traits of both plants; teosinte possess smaller cobs,
fewer rows of kernels and it has a smaller size overall. While it might seem plausible that
it is part of the maizefamily, it did not have enough similarities to proclaim it as the
ancestor of maize. However, thanks to works of multiple scientists... Show more content
on ...
The idea of changing natural processes to produce an ideal crop raises concern
amongst environmentalists. Extracting bacteria from soil and inserting it into an
entirely different species may appear unethical because of the changing of natural
processes. Genetic engineering promotes producing a type of crop that is not
susceptible to pests, but carries the risk of decreasing genetic variation (Green Peace).
Once a crop is perfected, farmers then mass produce that specific crop, and the different
variations of the crop are lost (Green Peace). Another concern regarding the use of the
Bt protein is the increased risk of allergies (Smith). The transgenic protein comes from
bacteria in the soil, and thus raises the concern of allergic reactions to the corn.
Consumers are worried that the cry protein injected into Bt corn could have allergies
unknown to them because of the cry protein s characteristic of an extended digestion
time. Consumers are also skeptical that genes of this antibiotic resistance could somehow
be introduced to other bacteria in the soil, and possibly infect consumers with this
bacteria. A major ethical concern of genetically modified crops, specifically Bt corn, is
the lack of knowledge of the long term effects these crops have on humans and other
organisms. Consumers are uninformed about the
The Tragic Flaw Of Sophocles Antigone
Learning how to improve from one s failures and being able to repent for them is a
crucial characteristic of Greek tragedies. The idea of hamartia or tragic flaw is a
predominant motif that can be seen throughout many works from the Ancient Greek time
period. Hamartia means to miss the mark (Merriam Webster) and is often what leads to
the demise of the tragic hero. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, this proves to be true
(comma or this idea proves to be true) as the tragic flaw of hubris leads to the downfall
of two central characters. Hubris is known as a sense of great pride and through Antigone,
Creon and Antigone are shown to be strong willed characters that both though in different
ways suffer from hubris. Sophocles is able to clearly illustrate how pride, though
sometimes constructive, can lead to an individual s undoing in excessive amounts.
Evidence of this is shown through the events leading up to Antigone s death and when
Creon reaches an epiphany about his wrong doings.
In comparison to her sister, Ismene, Antigone shows great pride for what she believes
to be correct. This trait is depicted in Antigone s attempt to honour her late brother and
the gods by burying her brother s body, in accordance with divine law. The following
validates that Antigone is determined and willing to stand up for what she believes in.
Antigone is aware of how heavy the hand of God is (Sophocles 126) and thinks that
adhering to divine law will result in happiness (128) even if
Coaching Personal Response
Personal Response Gary Collins provides a plethora of valuable information for
individuals in pursuit of life coaching. The presented literature provides clear and
concrete information that easy to apply to practice. I think the most influential
information that Collins describes is the process of growth and the role of the coach.
Tony Stoltzfus states, Coachingis helping people learn instead of teaching them (As
seen in Collins, 2009, p. 19). Coaches are the individuals who walk through the process
with their clients (Collins, 2009, p. 19). I find this concept very uplifting because in
my experience as a clinical intern, my clients expressed how safe they felt knowing I
would be there to help guide them. After reading the assigned text and reflecting on my
experience in practicum, I often wonder if I tend to swap roles as a counselor and a
coach during sessions. I say this because in counseling, the counselor tends to focus on
the past and things that have happened to influence their client s present behavior.
However, sometimes I find myself helping the client to create goals for their future based
on where they are in the present. Although, Collins (2009) explains how counselor are
typically the experts who treat patients, provides healing, and directs (Collins, 2009, p.
16).... Show more content on ...
I did not think that coaching could benefit couples because I believed coaching is for
one client at a time. For example, I believed clients who are married could go to life
coaching to discuss the direction of his or her personal concerns. However, Collins
(2009) stated couples tend to enjoy coaching together (Collins, 2009). Overall, I believe
Gary Collins Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality: Christian Coaching, was
extremely informative. It also helped me understand that my future work as a coach is
also work that God ordained for His people; to extend and
Compare The Six Key Differences Between The United States...
I have decided to discuss United Kingdom and United States six key difference in
compensation and benefits. The 6 key compensation and benefits between United
Kingdom and United that I will address are paid maternity leave, paid paternity
leave,general parental leave,paid holiday allowances,paid sick leaveand unemployment
benefits. The first key difference that I will discuss is maternityleave. In all the countries
in Europe, the maternity leave minimum amount is 14 weeks but the time and pay that
is offered varies. The United Kingdom s maternity leave is at 52 weeks (1 year) which
is the longest maternity leave in Europe. The first 26 weeks is known as Ordinary
Maternity Leave , the last 26 weeks as Additional Maternity Leave .For the... Show more
content on ...
United Kingdom on the other hand offers 8 paid holiday/vacation days. For sick and pay
leave United States does not have statutory mandate for paid sick leave. Just like the
paid holidays, the number of days that an employee is offered is apart of the
compensation package which is negotiated between the employee and employer. Out
of Europe, United Kingdom is one of the least generous when it comes paid sick leave
as they offer up to 28 weeks and it is paid at a flat rate of around £88 a week. Lastly, the
key difference I will discuss is unemployment benefits. In the U.S they offer between
40% and 50% of earnings for up to 26 weeks, which also depends on the individual
state. It is said that out of Europe, United Kingdom is the least generous when it comes
to benefits. They have to check to see if they are eligible and if they are they they will
receive a certain amount which is based off their age,income and savings. Payments are
usually made every 2
Biomedical Model Essay
Despite their successes, the biomedical model and its impact on U.S. healthcare and
research (Johnson, 2012) the model s limitations were increasingly apparent (Bennett
Johnson, 2012). Nevertheless, biomedical recognized the leading causes of deaths were
no longer just infectious diseases. Biomedical obtained information, which led to an
understanding that their success was declining, due to not addressing the chronic disease
challenges in the United States today (Bennett Johnson, 2012). Finally, biomedical
realizes the importance to address human diseases require a broader review in healthcare
and the role of behavior in disease etiology, prevention, and management, new
innovations are obviously needed. (Bennett Johnson, 2012). Considering... Show more
content on ...
Although this study and its results could be creditable, how the study was conducted the
obvious limitations presented biases results (Foley Levant, 2006). First, the small sample
size, which prohibited them from analyzing the data to determine different responses
based on demographic variables (Foley Levant, 2006). Therefore, enabling the pilot study
to engage its initial effectiveness from the community residents (Foley Levant, 2006).
Second, the study lacked a pretest questionnaire to illustrate each participant s relative
preworkshop knowledge (Foley Levant, 2006). Allowing the implementing of a pretest
assessment, this study could have offered sound evidence. And third, the sample was by
no means random in nature (e.g., many participants were selected from support group
centers sources only). Regardless of the research process, all the respondents agreed that
they could incorporate the information they learned into their own life and health care
Although the motives and reasons these research studies conducted and analyzed,
uniquely they have similar reasons, yet their studies produced different results. In the
biomedical model study Bennett Johnsons (2012) sought to enlighten their professionals
with knowledge and the understanding, that the
Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is the habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a
young person, especially one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is
possible. Up until recently juvenile delinquency only accounted for males. However,
girls are now the fastest growing segment of the juvenile justice system, even though
the rates of juvenile offending are declining. Due to the increase of the female
juvenile population, some female juveniles are being held in adult prisons. Because
the rates of female offending has been on the rise, there has been an increase in the
likelihood that a teen would be arrested while she is pregnant. There are approximately
24,000 pregnant teens arrested a year, which is 670 on a given day. The chances of a
girl being arrested while she is pregnant is somewhat high due to the fact that about
85% of girls that are detained are sexually active and fewer than 50% of them use
some form of protection. Because the amount of female juveniles being detained are
increasing and the juvenile justice system was geared more towards the male
population, there are several resources that are lacking especially for pregnant teens
and teen mothers. In the novel Inside This Place, Not of It by Ayelet Waldman and
Robin Levi, the narrative on Olivia Hamilton, though she may not be a teen, provides a
great example of the lack of services available to pregnant inmates and mothers. Olivia
Hamilton was arrested for embezzling money to pay her bills. At