4.1 Jakes+Fading+Model+Revisited

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itance, which is the sum of depletion capacitances and the JAKES FADING MODEL REVISITED

oxide capacitance is between 1 and 2 x 105 pF/cm 2 . From the

results obtained the total capacitance of an optimised device P. Dent, G. E. Bottomley and T. Croft
structure (lg = 1 pm, wg = 30 pm) is calculated to be ~ 30 fF
which is small enough for applications up to lOGbit/s.
Indexing terms: Fading, Mobile radio systems
To test the devices a microwave setup (rise time 25 ps) was
used. The devices were characterised in the triggered travelling With the popular Jakes fading model, it is difficult to create
domain mode. Single domains were triggered by gate pulses of multiple uncorrelated fading waveforms. In the Letter, modi-
0-5 V and of 200 ps duration (full width at half maximum fications to the model are proposed which solve this
(FWHM)). The triggered current drops were 35 mA, equivalent problem.
to 55%. For the tested device the FWHM of the current drops
was 260 ps which corresponds closely to the length of 30 fim
between gate and anode. For shorter devices switching times Introduction: The Jakes fading model is a deterministic
of less than 100 ps could be achieved. The measured rise and method for simulating time-correlated Rayleigh fading wave-
fall times were 50 ps including the rise time of the experimen- forms [1] and is still widely used today [2-4]. The model
tal setup. The transconductance of the devices below the assumes that N equal-strength rays arrive at a moving recei-
Gunn threshold was ~ 10 raS/mm which results from the large ver with uniformly distributed arrival angles <xn, such that ray
gate length (~10jzm) and from the low electron concentration n experiences a Doppler shift con = wM cos (aj, where coM =
of the InGaAs layer. However, optimising these parameters 2nfv/c is the maximum Doppler shift, v is the vehicle speed,/is
should lead to higher transconductances by an order of mag- the carrier frequency, and c is the speed of light.
nitude for 1 fim long gates and an improved trigger sensitivity Using <xn = 2nn/N [1] (see Fig. 1), there is quadrantal sym-
of the devices. metry in the magnitude of the Doppler shift, except for angles

Conclusion: In summary, we demonstrate for the first time the

triggering of single domains in InGaAs-transferred-electron
devices having a MESFET-like structure. Current drops of
35 mA with an FWHM of 260ps were triggered by 0-5 V
pulses. We tested several enhancement layers to increase the
Schottky barrier height on InGaAs which is essential for the
realisation of the gate electrode. Barrier heights between 0-53
and 0-67 eV were obtained. The quasi-Schottky-diodes
employed as gates had reverse current densities of 10" 3 A/cm2
at — 1 V. Further improvements in the devices can be expected Jakes model, New model,
by reducing the gate length and increasing the doping concen- N=10 N = 12
tration of the InGaAs layer. From the results which were Fig. 1 Ray arrival angles in Jakes {N = 10) and new models {N = 12)
measured with actual devices (and not with large area diodes
as is usually done) it can be expected that the devices can be 0 and 7t. As a result, the fading waveform can be modelled
used advantageously for high-speed applications in InP-based with No + 1 complex oscillators, where No — (N/2 — l)/2.
integrated circuits or as simple millimetre wave oscillators. This gives

Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank H. Newi T(t) = (a)] cos {coM t + 60)
and D. Riimmler for their contributions to the experimental
work and L. Malacky for stimulating discussions. This work
was financially supported by the DBP Telekom.
+ Z [cos (Pn) + I sin (A)] cos (a>nt + 0n)\ (1)

© IEE 1993 • 4th May 1993 where / denotes >/(—1) (j is used in Reference 1 for waveform
D. Hahn, G. Zwinge and A. Schlachetzki (Institut fur Halbleitertech-
index), K is a normalisation constant, a (not the same as <xn)
nik, Technical University Braunschweig, D-W-3300 Braunschweig and /?„ are phases, and 6n are initial phases usually set to zero.
Germany) Setting a = 0 and /?„ = nn/(N0 + 1) gives zero crosscorrelation
between the real and imaginary parts of T(t).
To generate multiple uncorrelated waveforms, Jakes [1]
References suggests using phases 6n 7- = /?„ + 2n(J — 1)/(NO -I- 1), where
j = 1 to NQ is the waveform index. However, this gives almost
1 KOWALSKY, w., and SCHLACHETZKI, A.: 'Analysis of the transferred- uncorrelated waveforms j and k only when 8n} — 6n k = in
electron effect in the InGaAsP system', Solid-State Electron., 1987, + n/2, for some integer i. Otherwise, the correlation between
30, pp.161-172
certain waveform pairs can be significant [5].
2 HAHN, D., HANSEN, K., and SCHLACHETZKI, A.: 'Experimental study
of InGaAs transferred electron device as fast laser driver', Electron. In this Letter, a remedy for this problem is proposed in
Lett., 1991, 27, pp. 2070-2072 which orthogonal functions (Walsh-Hadamard codewords)
3 LUGLI, P., GRIMM, M., PABST, M., and LUTH, H.: 'Travelling Gunn weight the oscillator values before summing. To eliminate
domains in submicron GaAs MESFETs', Electron. Lett., 1991, 27, correlation, the oscillators must have equal power. This is
pp. 398-400 achieved by reformulating the Jakes model in terms of slightly
4 DISKUS, C. G., LUBKE, K., SPRINGER, A. L., LETTENMAYR, H. W., a n d different arrival angles.
THiM, H. w.:'Gunn effect in MESFET like structures', Electron.
Lett., 1992, 28, pp. 980-981
Model reformulation: To provide quadrantal symmetry for all
5 KORD6S, P., MARSO, M., MEYER, R., and LUTH, H.: 'Schottky barrier
enhancement on n-In o . S3 Ga o . 4 . 7 As', J. Appl. Phys., 1992, 72, pp. Doppler shifts, which leads to equal power oscillators, the
2347-2355 following arrival angles are used (see Fig. 1): an = 2n(n
6 SUGETA, T., TANIMOTO, M., IKOMA, T., and YANAI, H. : 'Characteristics — 0-5)/N. Following the procedure in Reference 1, this leads
and applications of a Schottky-barrier-gate Gunn-effect digital to the model
device', IEEE Trans., 1974, ED-21, pp. 504-515
7 SZE, s. M. : 'Physics of semiconductor devices' (John Wiley & Sons
Inc., New York, 1981) COS

8 HO, M. c , HE, Y., CHIN, T. P., LIANG, B. w., and TU, c. w.: 'Enhance-
ment of effective Schottky barrier height on n-type InP\ Electron.
Lett., 1992,28, pp. 68-71
where No = N/4 and the normalisation factor y/{2/N0) gives
9 B O T T C H E R , E. H., KUHL, D., H1ERONYMI, F., DROGE, E., WOLF, T., a n d E{T(t)T*(t)} = 1. Moment and correlation expressions are
BIMBERG, D.: 'Ultrafast semiinsulating I n P : Fe-InGaAs : F e - similar to those in Reference 1, with the absence of the terms
I n P : Fe MSM photodetectors: Modelling and performance', depending on a.
IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 1992, QE-28, pp. 2343-2357 By using /?„ = nn/N0, the real and imaginary parts of T(t)

1162 ELECTRONICS LETTERS 24th June 1993 Vol. 29 No. 13

have equal power and are uncorrelated. Randomising 6n pro- oscillators result, which can then be weighted by orthogonal
vides different waveform realisations. weighting functions, such as Walsh-Hadamard sequences, to
Multiple uncorrelated waveforms: Many application simula- Table 2 MEASURED CORRELATION
tions require multiple uncorrelated waveforms. Waveform COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN
crosscorrelation is determined by the sum of the product of WAVEFORMS
the oscillator coefficients, which can be viewed as a vector
inner product. Orthogonal vectors, such as Walsh-Hadamard Wave Wave Crosscorrelation
(WH) codewords [6], give zero inner product values with one 0) (*) (p{T(t,j),,T*(U)}})
another. Thus, with No a power of two, the jth waveform can 0 1 -4-7 x 10"'+ i(21 x 10"')
be generated using 0 2 -40 x 10" 6+ i(2-8 x 10"')
0 3 -3-2 x 10"'- i(7-0 x 10 ~6)

2 2 3-4 x 10-'- i(4-0 x 10 ~6)
1 3 -1-5 x 10"'-j(2-3 x 10"')
x {[cos (Pn) + I sin (£„)] cos (con t + 9n)} (3)
2 3 21 x 10"'— i(10 x 10"')

where Afn) is the jth WH code sequence in n (+1 values). give up to No uncorrelated fading waveforms. Simulation tests
This gives No uncorrelated waveforms, which can be effi- confirm that the new model produces uncorrelated fading
ciently generated by passing the original No complex oscil- waveforms whose behaviour matches theoretical expectations.
lator values through a fast Walsh transform (FWT).
Correlation properties are insensitive to the random number Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank S. Chen-
seed used to initialise the oscillator phases 9n. nakeshu, B. Gudmundson, and J. C. Chen for their helpful
To obtain fewer waveforms, Nw a power of two and less comments and suggestions.
than No, groups of N0/Nw complex oscillators can be pre-
IEE 1993 23rd March 1993
summed before being passed through an Nw-point FWT. It is
recommended that the pre-sums draw evenly from the P. Dent, G. E. Bottomley and T. Croft {Ericsson GE Mobile Communi-
Doppler spectrum, e.g. 1 + 5 + 9 + 13, 2 + 6 + 1 0 + 1 4 , etc. cations, Inc., 1 Triangle Drive, PO Box 13969, RTP, NC, USA)
for No = 16, Nw = 4. This corresponds to the first stages of a
decimate-in-frequency form FWT. Thus, if such an FWT is References
used after pre-summing, the same fading waveforms will be 1 JAKES, w. c , JUN. (Ed.): 'Microwave mobile communications'
reproduced should less pre-summing be used in another simu- (Wiley, New York, 1974)
lation run. 2 KOILPILLAI, R. D., CHENNAKESHU, s., and TOY, R. T. : 'Low complexity
equalizers for U.S. digital cellular system'. Proc. VTC '92, Denver,
Numerical results: A simulation was run to generate four CO, 10th-13th May 1992
uncorrelated complex baseband fading waveforms using 3 LO, N. w. K., FALCONER, D. D., and SHEIKH, A. u. H.: 'Adaptive
No = 16 oscillators. With a Doppler frequency coM = 2n(S3), equalization and diversity combining for mobile radio using inter-
1000 000 samples of each fading waveform were generated polated channel estimates', IEEE Trans., 1991, VT-40, (3), pp.
using a sampling period of 383-5 ^s. For each waveform, both 636-645
autocorrelation (see Fig. 2) and probability density functions 4 STOBER, G. L., and YIIN, L.-B.: 'Downlink outage predictions for
cellular radio systems', IEEE Trans., 1991, VT-40, (3), pp. 521-531
agreed well with theory. 5 VON ECKARDSTEiN, s., and ISAKSSON, K.: 'Kanalmodeller for radio-
Various moments and correlation coefficient values (p as transmission (Channel models for radio transmission)'. Master's
defined in Reference 7) are compared to theoretical values in Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden,
Table 1. Complex correlation coefficients between pairs of December 1991 (in Swedish)
waveforms are given in Table 2. These results indicate good 6 AHMED, N., and RAO, K. R.: 'Orthogonal transforms for digital
model performance. signal processing' (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975)
7 PAPOULIS, A.: 'Probability, random variables, and stochastic pro-
Conclusion: The Jakes fading model provides multiple time cesses' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965)
correlated fading waveforms, but the waveforms are not truly
uncorrelated with one another. By reformulating the model
with slightly different ray arrival angles, 7V0 equal-strength
10 •••1 • - -
f 05 \ C. V. Cryan, K. P. Oakley and C. D. Hussey
I \
A Indexing terms: Optical couplers, Optical fibres
1 o Wavelength-insensitive fused polished couplers are fabricated
both from different fibres and from identical fibres where in
the latter case one of the fibres is polished to such an extent
that a small portion of its core is removed.
-0 5

Fig. 2 Autocorrelation function: simulated and theoretical results Introduction: The production of a wavelength-insensitive
theory: J0(X) response in fused tapered couplers by inducing an asymmetry
O simulated


Moment Ideal WaveO Wavel Wave 2 Wave 3
Re {E{T(t,j)}} 00 -1-297 x 10"' -1-446 x 10"' 2064 x 10"' 2-489 x 10"'
Im {E{T(t,j)}) 00 -1030 x 10"' - 2 0 x 10" 7 -8-39 x 10" 6 -5-36 x 10" 6
£{Re {Titjff} 0-5 0-499827 0-499710 0-499772 0-499813
E{Im{T(t,j)} } 0-5 0-499825 0-499722 0-499755 0-499770
p{Re{nt,j)},Im{T(t,j)}} 00 5-793 x 10"' -9-206 x 10"' -8-38 x 10~6 -1056 x 10"'
Re {E{T(tJ), T*(tJ)}} 10 0-999985 0-999807 0-999880 0-999907

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 24th June 1993 Vol. 29 No. 13 1163

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