Essay On My Favourite Fruit
Essay On My Favourite Fruit
Essay On My Favourite Fruit
Writing an essay on the topic "Essay On My Favourite Fruit" might seem like a simple task at first
glance, especially given the seemingly narrow focus. However, as one delves into the process, the
challenges become apparent. The difficulty lies not in the topic itself but in the ability to present a
fresh perspective, engaging content, and meaningful insights.
At the outset, the challenge arises from the potential monotony associated with the subject. Fruits,
while delightful, may not seem like the most riveting subject matter for an essay. It requires a
writer's skill to transcend the commonplace and find unique angles to explore, making the essay
stand out.
Another hurdle is striking the right balance between personal connection and broader appeal. A
writer needs to convey their genuine fondness for the chosen fruit while ensuring that the essay
resonates with a wider audience. The risk here is veering into overly sentimental or clichéd territory,
diminishing the essay's overall impact.
Moreover, the essay must go beyond a mere enumeration of facts or a recitation of personal
preferences. It demands thorough research to provide interesting and relevant information about the
chosen fruit, such as its nutritional benefits, cultural significance, or historical background. Crafting a
well-researched and informative essay requires time and effort.
Additionally, maintaining coherence and flow is crucial. Connecting paragraphs seamlessly and
transitioning between different aspects of the essay can be challenging, especially when working
within the constraints of a seemingly straightforward topic.
In conclusion, while the subject of a favorite fruit may appear uncomplicated, the actual process of
writing an essay on this topic involves overcoming hurdles related to creativity, depth of content, and
maintaining reader engagement. It is a task that demands a thoughtful approach to ensure that the
essay stands out amidst potential banality.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, services like offer valuable support. Professionals on such platforms can provide guidance, tips,
or even custom essays tailored to specific requirements, making the writing process more manageable.
Essay On My Favourite Fruit Essay On My Favourite Fruit
Analysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness
Shelly Pyakurel
Ellen Stockstill
English 4 DC
27 April 2015
Research Paper
Heart of Darkness is a novel by Joseph Conrad that centers on Marlow, a man who goes
to the Congo for a job opportunity. He meets a man named Kurtz, who is well known
by many. Once he gets to the Congo, he sees colonialism first hand. He sees that the
natives of the country were practically enslaved and forced to work under very harsh
conditions. The two major characters of the novel are Marlow and Kurtz. There are many
minor characters throughout the novel as well.
The novel shows readers how black men and women are referred to in such animalistic
terms. Not even describing them as humans, but savages. They are not given any names,
to the point to that they have no identity. When Marlow speaks about England, he
describes it to be a dreary. Dreary indeed as imperialism is brought to light in this novel.
Ultimately, Marlow becomes complicit in the genocide and the madness in the Congo,
choosing to conceal what he has discovered in Africa to protect the naivete of a lady.
Joseph Conrad implies that there is really no difference between black and white; that
black people are just less advanced than whites. This idea is not really on the same
terms with equality or humanistic values, but for that time and day, Conrad had
differing views from most people. Most Anglo men and women from that period
believed black people to be savages and primitive. The first character to be analyzed in
Intercultural Communication Is Important for an Effective...
Intercultural Communication is Important For An Effective Communicator Qianya Zhuo
Principle Practice of Human Communication 02/19/2011 In order to be an effective
communicator, it is important that people should have a solid understanding of
intercultural communication. The term intercultural communication is often used to
refer to the wide range of communication issues that inevitably arise within an
organization composed of individuals from a variety of religious, social, ethnic, and
educational backgrounds. (uslegal definition) Whether in study, business or travelling, a
good understanding of intercultural communication will help you understand others
better. When people study abroad, intercultural... Show more content on
For example , in Asian countries the word no is rarely used, so that yea can mean no or
perhaps . Therefore, an American traveling to Japan might be considered impolite if he
ignores this rule. (Problems In Intercultural Communication) Ethnocentrism is another
challenge of intercultural communication. Ethnocentrism is the view that one particular
ethnic group is somehow superior to all others. (All About Philosophy) Ethnocentrism
leads to misunderstanding of others. (Kim Hubbard, 2007) People usually distort what
other people mean through their own tinted glasses. They see others ways in terms of
their life experience, not others context. For example, when I am studying in the USA,
I find the context of communication among friends here is different. The American
often talk about rumors around them, like whose girl friend is much older than the
boy and whose gay friend is funny. I do not like talking about that, as I think that is not
interesting and at some level it will hurt others feelings. However, this is the
atmosphere that American adolescence like to live with. Maybe it is the way they use
to kill time. They are not mean to hurt others. I have seen American family throwing
away their unfinished food. In China, it is an improper way to do so. The Chinese
respect farmers who work hard on producing rice and other food. Wasting food is
Isabella DEste And The Renaissance
Isabella d Este was a patron of the arts who had a very well educated and privileged
upbringing that contributed to her dexterous lifestyle. She grew up in an environment
where she could thrive as a politician or a patron of the arts because of her outstanding
education. Isabella s parents believed that all of their children should be educated equally
and should each be given the same opportunities. She was lucky because many women
during the Renaissancewere not educated Her parents are the main reason she was such
a successful woman in the Renaissance. As well as being a patron, Isabella d Este was
a political figure for some time. While her husband was in prison, she had to perform
his job. While her husband was in the military, Isabella used her resources to broaden
the stature of Ferrara. She was able to become not only an artistic figure but a political
one too while she was doing her husband s job. D Este was a noble figure for many and
influenced many different aspects of the Renaissance. Isabella d Este, a notable patron of
the artsand collector of antiquities, established the first known studiolo (study) created
for a woman. . Isabella d Este had interests in many different aspects of the rebirth of
Greco Roman cultures, such as art and antiques as well as politics, which all had some
influence on the overall spirit of the Renaissance. d Este was very passionate about what
she did and was excited that she could share that with the world. Isabella d Este
Executive Compensation And Shareholder Wealth
This literature reviewed executive compensation and shareholder wealth maximisation.
Most studies produced mixed outcomes in relations to the matter. In producing a critical
analysis on prior literature, the motive has been to converge a succinct view from
different authors standpoint in relation to an effectiveness of executive compensation as
a function of value deliberation. In addition, considered other alternatives, such as board
structure in resolving this agent problem henceforth. In summary, studies such as, Emre
(2013) examined the effectives of executive pay and shareholders value. Findings
reveals that, though seen as the solution to an agent problem, pay performance
approach actually exasperates it. Main reason being , most CEOs who have been
running the organisation long enough uses their power to make hostage the board to
mastermind pay increase at the cost of an organisation. As pay negotiation occurs
between CEOs and the board, the terms of agreements may not be submitted for
shareholder endorsement. An opposing argument to this claim came from Gong (2011)
who found a relationship between pay performance in the long run. Nevertheless, Gong
s study bared testing limitations and accuracy of which further study is needed to gain
a richer appreciation. Candy (2012) also tested for a relationship between executive pay
performance and shareholder wealth, with a control variable being GFC, to see if their
executive pay is effected in presence of such large
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Primary Education
Education is required in Ireland for children between the ages of 6 and 16. Children
usually attend primary school from the ages of 4 to 12 years old. The overall aim of
primary education is to enable children to live a full life as a child and to realise their
potential as an individual. The school environment will likewise help the child to
develop as a social being through living and co operating with others and above all to
prepare the child for future learning. There were a number of definitions available around
the term educational disadvantage. The action plan created by the Forum on Primary
Education, Primary Education 2002, raised some issues relating to the definition of
educational disadvantage which included the absence of a broadly... Show more content
on ...
The benefits of parental involvement in education have been used by many people in
educational research and there is widespread agreement that parental involvement is
important when dealing with educational difficulties faced by Irish travellers. There was
a strong demand for parental involvement in schools which was obvious in the
evaluation report where it was recommended that each school develop and enforce a
policy to encourage involvement by parents in the life of schools and this policy was
developed in discussion with the parents and be sensitive to the cultural characteristics of
the traveller community (Department of Education and Science, 2003). According to
Henderson and Berla, the most accurate predictor of a student s achievement in school is
not income or social status but the extent to which that student s family is able to create a
home environment that encourages learning and to express high expectations for their
children s achievement and future careers they will also become involved in their
children s education at school and in the community (Henderson and Berla, 1994). They
reviewed and
Claudio Reyes Life Story
Like many young men of this generation, Reyes and his siblings were raised by a single
mom. It is not the ideal American dream, but the family made things work in their oak
cliff, Texas, home. His childhood scrapbooks are filled with pictures of Christmas
mornings and vacations to Florida and Disneyland. Provide by the long shifts his mother
worked, clowns, bounce houses, and large cakes were present at all birthday parties.
After years of late shifts at the local Dallas factory Reyes mother would meet a man who
would change the familys life forever. After a wedding in 2005 Reyes mother would
marry the kind and loving David Miles. The newlyweds decided to relocate their new
family to Saginaw, Texas, a thriving middle class neighborhood offering... Show more
content on ...
With no relatives to guide his way, Reyes would be the first to travel down the college
road. Regardless, he was up for the challenge and began enrolling in advanced
placement courses from middle school until high school. He dreamt of huge ACT
scores, AP credit, and rigorous work that would ensure college readiness.
Unfortunately, Reyes was never able to focus the energy required in advanced
placement. The same classes he thought would rise him to college stardom become his
end. After performing poorly in all his AP classes, Reyes s GPA was so low, kids
taking regular education courses were better off. Things were so bad, schools such as
Texas State and Texas Tech University returned letters of rejection to the poor senior.
The people who were too dumb to get into any regular school , as put by most college
seniors, were labeled losers . It was an embarrassing time for Reyes , but still, he
decided it was time to change his ways. He d always wanted to attend the University of
Texas at Austin, so he decided if he had to attend community college, he would fix his
image by transferring to a prestige s