Waste Heat Conf Paper UTM Locartic

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BB. Nyakuma1, N.I. Mahyon1,2, M.S. Chiong1,2, S. Rajoo1,2, R.F. Martinez-Botas3 and Y. Laoonual4
UTM Centre for Low Carbon Transport (LoCARtic), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BX, UK
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok 10140, Thailand

SUMMARY: Petroleum processing generates large quantities of waste heat (WH) and flue gases (FG) that could
be potentially recovered and utilised for electricity production, cost savings, and emission reductions. Current
WH/FG recovery systems utilise singular or binary systems comprising organic Rankine cycle (ORC), electric
turbo-compounding (ETC), or thermoelectric generation (TEG) technologies. However, these systems are prone
to various challenges ranging from low efficiency, power output, and other losses. Therefore, this paper proposes
and examines an innovative integrated WH/FG recovery system based on the combined ORC/ETC/TEG
configuration. The system analysis and optimisation results showed that the system could potentially recover
~7.2% of the input fuel energy along with a 7.2% reduction in CO2 emissions. Overall, the findings indicate that
the proposed ETC- ORC-TEG system could be potentially employed for WH-FG recovery and future utilisation.

Keywords: Waste Heat, Flue Gases, Energy Recovery, Rankine Cycle, Electric Turbo-Compounding, Thermo-
Electric Generation

INTRODUCTION maximum exergy efficiency of 36.3% for an ORC-

ETC system in a power plant. Boyaghchi and
Petroleum facilities generate large quantities of Heidarnejad [8] reported energy and exergy
waste heat (WH) and flue gases (FG), which efficiencies of 3.66 - 48.45% and 9.51 - 13.76%,
potentially result in process/system inefficiency, high respectively. The ORC-TEG systems have also been
production costs, low productivity, and profitability examined for WH-FG recovery and utilisation. Liu et
[1]. The unabated emission of WH/FG also poses al. [9] and Liu et al. [10] designed, developed, and
severe risks to human health, occupational safety, and examined an ORC-TEG cascade system for WH-FG
environmental sustainability [2]. The problems of recovery and utilisation on ships. The cascade ORC-
WH/FG emissions can be effectively addressed by TEG system addressed the limitations of the
deploying innovative technologies and systems for individual technologies and improved multistage WH
recovery and utilisation [3]. Previous studies have utilisation. The maximum system output power and
examined various techniques, including the thermal efficiencies were 2.5–2.9 kW and 23.33–
steam/organic Rankine cycle (S/ORC), electric 24.68%, respectively. In contrast, Kumar et al. [11]
turbo-compounding (ETC), and thermoelectric reported 7.5 kW power output and 9.75% efficiency
generation (TEG) for WH-FG recovery and for their combined TEG-ORC system power by solar
utilisation [4, 5]. However, the disadvantages of each energy. Arsie et al. [12] investigated the WH recovery
could be potentially addressed by combining two or potential of ETC-TEG for CO2 reduction in an
more of the technologies to create an automotive spark-ignition engine. The study
integrated/hybrid system for WH/FG recovery and observed the use of the ETC-TEG system
utilisation. significantly reduced CO2 emissions whilst
improving the fuel economy. However, the authors
Numerous researchers have proposed various reported that the observed reductions could only be
configurations of ORC-ETC, ORC-TEG, and ETC- accomplished through the appropriate configuration
TEG for WH-FG recovery and utilisation, albeit with and management of such WHR systems.
mixed results. Muhammad et al. [6] reported that
despite the simplicity of the ETC, the multiple Overall, the review of the literature reveals that
components of the ORC resulted in higher exergy hybrid WH/FG recovery and utilisation systems
losses in their ORC-ETC system, which recorded ensure higher output, fuel economy, and lower
34.7% efficiency. Likewise, He et al. [7] reported a emissions, along with improved safety and stability
compared to singular technologies. However, the
persistent question of how to increase efficiency and
reduce costs and operational losses in such systems
remains unanswered. Additionally, the large-scale
application of such technologies, particularly in
isolated places or specialised sectors such as
petroleum facilities, has been scarcely investigated in
the literature.

Therefore, this paper presents an innovative

three-stage ORC/ETC/TEG hybrid system for WH-
FG recovery and utilisation. To the authors'
knowledge, this is the first study that demonstrates a
system designed and configured for integrated
WH/FG recovery from/for petroleum processes. The
proposed ORC-ETC-TEG system's WH/FG recovery
potential will be analysed and optimised using
ERPAT© (Energy Recovery Potential Analysis Tool).
ERPAT is an in-house designed tool designed and Figure 1. Layout of the WH-FG recovery system.
developed by the UTM Centre for Low Carbon
Transport (LoCARtic) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
It is a tailor-made evaluation tool for integrated WH-
FG recovery, energy consumption, and emissions


Figure 1 presents the layout of the hybrid

WH/FG recovery system based on the integration of
electric turbo-compounding (ETC), organic Rankine
cycle (ORC), and thermoelectric generation (TEG)
technologies. Previous systems have included only
one or more systems configurations, whereas this
study proposes three technologies. The process flow
schematic of the proposed integrated ETC-ORC-
TEG system is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2. Graphical user interface of the Energy
Recovery Potential Analysis Tool (ERPAT)
Figure 2 shows the graphical user interface of
the Energy Recovery Potential Analysis Tool
(ERPAT) used for the system analysis and process
optimisation in this study. The theoretical models for
each of the technologies used for combination were
first developed and calculated. Then, the analytical
model development was conducted by combining
ORC, ETC and TEG in series arrangement. Lastly,
Figure 3 shows the detailed mass, heat and energy
flows, the T-S diagram, and the ancillary/parts of the
WH/FG recovery system.

Figure 3. Detailed schematic of integrated WH-FG

recovery system configuration.


During the operation, high-grade WH-FG (T >

470 °C, 1.2 bar, 0.3kg/s) from diesel engine
combustion is directly channelled into the ETC, as
shown in Figure 4. The waste heat is supplied to the
in-house designed low-pressure turbine. The output
power of the turbine then drives a 24V DC generator
through a reduction gearbox. The reduction gearbox
reduces the rotational speed of the turbine rotor from
50,000 RPM to 7,250 RPM. With 65% of turbine
efficiency, the ETC system could recover 4.44kW
from the supply heat, resulting in the temperature
drop to 445 °C at the outlet. Next, the expanded Figure 5. The design of Thermoelectric Generator.
exhaust gas from the waste heat ETC outlet enters the
ORC circuit, where it heats the organic fluid designed CONCLUSIONS
to recover heat energy effectively. Typically, the ORC
can recover 20 kW of waste heat from the exhaust The system design and configuration of an innovative
flue gas stream in the WH-FG recovery system, integrated WH-FG recovery system were proposed
which results in an additional 230 °C temperature and examined. The analysis and optimisation results
drop. showed that the system could potentially recover
~7.2% of the input energy along with a 7.2% CO 2
Lastly, the exhaust gas is transported to the TEG reduction. Hence, the proposed ORC-ETC-TEG
for the final stage of the WH-FG recovery at 193 °C, system could be utilised for WH/FG recovery from
which is converted into electricity for utilisation. The petroleum processes.
in-house designed TEG is as shown in Figure 5.
Based on the ERPAT simulation results, the total ACKNOWLEDGMENT
recoverable waste heat from the exhaust is 27.8%.
However, the WH-FG technologies potentially
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Malaysia-
recovered 1.3% (ETC), 6.2% (ORC), and 0.2%
Thailand Joint Authority (MTJA) for funding the
(TEG), whereas 18% of the total recoverable heat
project at UTM with vot number 4B325.
was rejected to the ambient. Overall, the findings
reveal that ~7.2% of the input energy can be
recovered along with a 7.2% CO2 reduction from the References
total fuel in the engine.
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