2005 - 68.mechanism of Multisoliton Formation and Soliton Energy Quantization in Passively Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers
2005 - 68.mechanism of Multisoliton Formation and Soliton Energy Quantization in Passively Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers
2005 - 68.mechanism of Multisoliton Formation and Soliton Energy Quantization in Passively Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers
We report results of numerical simulations on multiple-soliton generation and soliton energy quantization in
a soliton fiber ring laser passively mode locked by using the nonlinear polarization rotation technique. We
found numerically that the formation of multiple solitons in the laser is caused by a peak-power-limiting effect
of the laser cavity. It is also the same effect that suppresses the soliton pulse collapse, an intrinsic feature of
solitons propagating in gain media, and makes the solitons stable in the laser. Furthermore, we show that the
soliton energy quantization observed in the lasers is a natural consequence of the gain competition between the
multiple solitons. Enlightened by the numerical result we speculate that multisoliton formation and soliton
energy quantization observed in other types of soliton fiber lasers could have a similar mechanism.
FIG. 1. A schematic of the soliton fiber laser. PI, Polarization- FIG. 2. A typical experimentally measured oscilloscope trace of
dependent isolator. PC, polarization controller. DSF, dispersion- the multiple-soliton operation of the laser.
shifted fiber. EDF, erbium-doped fiber. WDM, wavelength-division
used to enforce the unidirectional operation of the laser and
also determine the polarization of the light at the position. A
10% output coupler was used to let out the light. The soliton
their model in order to obtain multiple-pulse operation, they pulse width of the laser was measured with a commercial
have to add phenomenologically a frequency-selective loss autocorrelator, and the average soliton output power was
term. Physically, adding the term is like adding a bandpass measured with a power meter. The soliton pulse evolution
filter in the laser cavity. inside the laser cavity was monitored with a high-speed de-
In this paper we present results of numerical simulations tector and a sampling oscilloscope.
on soliton formation and soliton energy quatization in a fiber The soliton operation of the laser was extensively inves-
ring laser passively mode locked by using the NPR tech- tigated previously 关19–21兴; various features such as the
nique. First we show that soliton formation is actually a natu- pump power hysteresis, multiple-soliton generation, various
ral consequence of a mode-locked pulse under strong pump- modes of multiple-soliton operation, and bound states of
ing if a laser is operating in the anomalous total cavity solitons were observed. Worthy of mention here again is the
dispersion regime. In particular we show how the parameters pump hysteresis effect of the soliton operation. It was found
of a laser soliton, such as the peak power and pulse width, experimentally that the laser always started mode locking at
vary with the laser operation conditions. Based on our nu- a high pump power level, and immediately after the mode
merical simulations we further show that the multiple soliton locking multiple solitons were formed in the cavity. After
formation in the laser is caused by a peak-power-limiting soliton operation was obtained, the laser pump power could
effect of the laser cavity. It is also the effect of the cavity that then be reduced to a very low level while the laser still main-
suppresses the soliton collapse and makes the solitons stable tained the soliton operation. This phenomenon of the laser
in the laser even when the laser gain is very strong. Further- soliton operation is known as pump power hysteresis 关22兴. It
more, we demonstrate numerically that the soliton energy later turned out that the pump power hysteresis effect is re-
quantization of the laser is a natural consequence of the gain lated to the multiple-soliton operation of the laser. Once mul-
competition between the solitons in the cavity. tiple solitons are generated in the cavity, on decreasing the
pump power the number of solitons is reduced. However, as
II. EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS long as one soliton remains in the cavity, the soliton opera-
tion state 共and therefore the mode locking of the laser兲 is
For the purpose of comparison and a better understanding maintained. Not only the soliton operation of the laser, but
of our numerical simulations, we present here again some of also the generation and annihilation of each individual soli-
the typical experimental results on multiple-soliton operation ton in the laser exhibited pump power hysteresis 关19兴. Ex-
and soliton energy quantization of soliton fiber lasers. We perimentally it was observed that if there were already soli-
note that although the results presented here were obtained tons in the cavity, on carefully increasing the pump power,
from a particular soliton fiber ring laser as described below, new solitons could be generated one by one in the cavity. As
similar features were also observed in other lasers 关3–5,8兴, in this case the laser is already mode locked, the generation
and are in fact independent of the concrete laser systems. A of a new soliton only requires a small increase of the pump
schematic of the fiber soliton laser we used in our experi- power.
ments is shown in Fig. 1. It contains a 1-m-long dispersion- An important characteristic of the multiple-soliton opera-
shifted fiber with group velocity dispersion 共GVD兲 of about tion of the laser is that, as long as the solitons are far apart in
−2 ps/ nm km, a 4-m-long erbium-doped fiber 共EDF兲 with the cavity, they all have exactly the same soliton parameters:
GVD of about −10 ps/ nm km, and a 1-m-long standard the same pulse width, pulse energy, and peak power. To dem-
single-mode fiber with GVD of about −18 ps/ nm km. Two onstrate the property we have shown in Fig. 2 the oscillo-
polarization controllers, one consisting of two quarter-wave scope trace of a typical experimentally measured multiple-
plates and the other one of two quarter-wave plates and one soliton operation state of our laser. The cavity round-trip
half-wave plate, were used to control the polarization of the time of the laser is about 26 ns. There are six solitons coex-
light in the cavity. A polarization-dependent isolator was isting in the cavity. It can be clearly seen that each soliton
has exactly the same pulse height in the oscilloscope trace. described above. To describe the light propagation in the
Although with the electronic detection system the detailed weakly birefringent fibers, we used coupled complex nonlin-
pulse profile of the solitons cannot be resolved, nevertheless, ear Schrödinger equations of the form
冉 冊
the measured pulse height in the oscilloscope trace is directly
related to the energy of each individual soliton. Based on the u u ik⬙ 2u ik 3u 2 2
= − iu + ␦ − 2 + 3 + i␥ 兩u兩 + 兩v兩 u
measured autocorrelation traces and optical spectra it was z t 2 t 6 t 3
further identified that all the solitons indeed have exactly the
i␥ 2 * g g 2u
same soliton parameters. + v u + u+ ,
3 2 2⍀g t2
TANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 043816 共2005兲
TANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 043816 共2005兲
T = sin2共兲sin2共兲 + cos2共兲cos2共兲
FIG. 8. Multiple-soliton operation of the laser calculated with + sin共2兲sin共2兲cos共⌬⌽l + ⌬⌽nl兲. 共3兲
linear cavity phase delay bias set at ␦⌽l = 1.55, G = 465. 2
the unstable dispersive waves or the cw components, and the Chen et al. 关34兴 and Davey et al. 关35兴 have already shown
other one is the well-known mechanism of pulse splitting. It how to select the orientations of the polarizer and the ana-
is seen that in the laser the process of soliton splitting occurs
lyzer so that the cavity would generate efficiently saturable
only in the regime where the additional solitons formed are
absorption effect. In a previous paper 关25兴 we have also
practically unstable. We have already reported previously the
phenomenon of soliton generation through unstable back- shown that the linear cavity transmission of the laser is a
ground in the lasers 关33兴. Here we further explain its physical sinusoidal function of the linear cavity phase delay ⌬⌽l with
origin. a period of 2. It is to point out that within one period of the
Our soliton fiber laser is mode locked by using the NPR linear cavity phase delay change, the laser cavity can provide
technique. The operation mechanism of the technique has positive 共the saturable absorber type兲 cavity feedback only in
already been analyzed by several authors 关24,34,35兴. It has half of the period, in the other half of the period it actually
been shown that through inserting a polarizer in the cavity has negative feedback.
and appropriately setting the linear cavity phase delay, the As shown in Eq. 共3兲, the actual cavity transmission for an
NPR could generate an artificial saturable absorption effect optical pulse is also nonlinear phase delay ⌬⌽nl dependent.
in the laser. It is the artificial saturable absorber effect that To illustrate the functions of this part we use our simulations
causes the self-started mode locking of the laser. After a as an example. In our simulations the orientation of the po-
soliton is formed in the laser cavity, it further stabilizes the larizer has an angle of = 0.125 to the fast axis of the fiber,
soliton. Although previous studies have correctly identified so light propagation in the fiber will generate a negative
the effects of NPR and the saturable absorber in the laser, nonlinear phase delay. The linear cavity beat length is 41 of
there is no further analysis on how and to what extent these the cavity length, therefore, the maximum linear cavity trans-
effects affect the soliton parameters and soliton dynamics. mission is at the positions of 共2n + 1兲 linear cavity phase
Here we follow the description of Chen et al. 关34兴 to com- delays, where n = 0, 1,2,… . Furthermore, when the linear
plete it. Our approach is to first determine the linear and cavity phase delay is biased within the range between 共2n
nonlinear cavity transmission of the laser, and then based on + 1兲 and 2共n + 1兲, the cavity will generate a positive feed-
the results to further find out how they affect the solitons back, as under the effect of the nonlinear polarization rota-
formed in the laser. Physically, the laser cavity shown in Fig. tion the actual cavity transmission increases. While if the
1 can be simplified to a setup as shown in Fig. 9 for the linear cavity phase delay is located in the range from 2n to
purpose of determining its transmission property. Starting 共2n + 1兲, the cavity will generate a negative feedback. The
from the intracavity polarizer, which sets the initial polariza- maximum linear cavity transmission point also marks the
tion of light in relation to the birefringent axes of the fiber, switching position of the two feedbacks. For the soliton op-
the polarization of light after passing through the fiber is eration the laser is always initially biased in the positive
determined by both the linear and nonlinear birefringence of cavity feedback regime. It is clear to see that depending on
the fiber. The light finally passes through the analyzer, which the selection of the linear cavity phase delay and the strength
in the experimental system is the same intracavity polarizer. of the nonlinear phase delay, the cavity feedback is possible
If we assume that the polarizer has an orientation of angle to be dynamically switched from the positive feedback to the
with respect to the fast axis of the fiber, the analyzer has an negative feedback regime. For the soliton operation of a laser
angle of , the phase delay between the two orthogonal po- this cavity feedback switching has the consequence that the
larization components caused by the linear fiber birefrin- peak of a soliton formed in the cavity is limited. We found
gence is ⌬⌽l, and that caused by the nonlinear birefringence that it is this soliton peak limiting effect that results in the
is ⌬⌽nl, it can be shown that the transmission coefficient of multiple soliton generation in the soliton fiber laser and the
the setup or the laser cavity is 关34兴 soliton energy quantization.
TANG et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 043816 共2005兲
To explain these, we assume that the peak power of a Finally we note that the multiple-soliton operation and
soliton is so strong that it switches the cavity from the posi- soliton energy quantization effect have also been observed in
tive to the negative feedback regime. In this case although other passively mode-locked soliton fiber lasers, such as in
increasing the pump strength will still cause the peak power figure-of-eight lasers and lasers passively mode locked with
of the soliton to increase, the higher the soliton peak power semiconductor saturable absorbers 关8,9兴. Even in actively
increases, the smaller the actual cavity transmission be- mode-locked fiber lasers 关2兴 these phenomena have also been
comes. To a certain fixed value of the soliton peak power, observed. Despite the fact that those soliton lasers are not
which depends on the linear cavity phase delay setting, fur- mode locked with the NPR technique and therefore their
ther increase of the soliton peak power would result in that detailed cavity transmission could not have the same feature
the actual cavity transmission that the soliton experiences as described by Eq. 共3兲, enlightened by the result obtained in
becomes smaller than the linear cavity transmission. At this
our laser, we conjecture that there must also be a certain
point the soliton peak will be clamped. Further increasing the
pulse peak-power-limiting mechanism in those lasers, which
laser gain will not amplify the soliton but the background
noise such as the dispersive waves. If the background noise causes their multiple-pulse formation. Indeed, we found that
of a certain frequency satisfies the lasing condition, it could for the figure-of-eight lasers, if the fiber birefringence of the
also start to lase and form a cw component in the soliton nonlinear loop is further considered, it will also generate a
spectrum. We note that coexistence of solitons with cw is a similar pulse-peak-clamping effect in the laser. However, bi-
generic effect of the soliton fiber lasers, and the phenomenon refringence of fibers in the lasers is normally ignored. It was
was reported by several authors 关36,37兴. Linear waves are also reported that due to the two-photon absorption effect the
intrinsically unstable in the cavity due to the modulation in- SESAM used for the passive mode locking of fiber lasers has
stability. When they are strong enough, they become modu- a pulse peak-power-limiting effect 关39兴. It is therefore not
lated. Under the effect of saturable absorption, the strongest surprising that a soliton laser mode locked with the material
background pulse will be amplified and shaped into an addi- could also exhibit multiple solitons. For the actively mode-
tional soliton. This was exactly what we have observed in the locked laser, in most cases the multiple-soliton generation is
experiments on how an additional soliton was generated. The due to harmonic mode locking. In this case as too many
two solitons in the cavity share the same laser gain. As the solitons share the limited cavity gain, the energy of each
cavity generates a positive feedback for the weak soliton and pulse is weak. Therefore, even when the net cavity disper-
a negative one for the strong soliton, under gain competition sion is negative, solitons are normally difficult to form. We
the two solitons have to adjust their strength so that the point out that for an actively mode-locked fiber laser if the
stronger one becomes weaker, and the weaker one becomes cavity is not carefully designed, the cavity birefringence
stronger; eventually they will stabilize at a state where both combined with the modulator, which is a polarizing device,
solitons have exactly the same peak power. The soliton in- could form a birefringence filter and further limit the peak
ternal energy balance further determines their other param- power of the pulses formed in the lasers.
eters. Unless there are interactions between the solitons, they
will always have identical parameters in the stable state.
It turns out that the multiple-soliton formation in the laser VI. CONCLUSIONS
is in fact caused by the peak-power-clamping effect of the
cavity. In addition, the soliton energy quantization observed In conclusion, we have numerically studied the mecha-
is also a natural consequence of the gain competition be- nism of multiple-soliton generation and soliton energy quan-
tween the solitons in the laser. Obviously the maximum tization in a soliton fiber ring laser passively mode locked by
achievable soliton peak power in the laser is linear cavity using the nonlinear polarization rotation technique. We iden-
phase delay dependent. When the linear cavity phase delay is tified that the multiple-soliton generation in the laser is
set close to the cavity feedback switching point, solitons with caused by the peak-power-clamping effect of the cavity. De-
relatively lower peak power could already dynamically pending on the linear cavity phase delay setting, the nonlin-
switch the cavity feedback. Therefore, solitons obtained at ear phase delay generated by a soliton propagating in the
this linear cavity phase delay setting have lower peak power fiber cavity could be so large that it switches the cavity feed-
and broader pulse width as shown in Fig. 6共a兲; while if the back from the initially selected positive regime into the nega-
linear cavity phase delay is set far away from the switching tive regime. And as a result of the cavity feedback change the
point, the soliton peak power is clamped at a higher value, maximum achievable soliton peak power is then limited. In
and solitons with higher peak and narrower pulse width are this case increasing the laser pump power will not increase
obtained as shown in Fig. 8. In particular, if the linear cavity the peak power of the solitons, but generate an additional
phase delay is set too close to the switching point, as the soliton. Therefore, multiple solitons are formed in the laser.
peak power of the pulse is clamped to too small a value, As the solitons share the same laser gain, gain competition
except for mode-locked pulses, no soliton can be formed in between them combined with the cavity feedback feature fur-
the laser. When the linear cavity phase delay is set too far ther results in the fact that in the steady state they have
away from the switching point as demonstrated numerically exactly the same soliton parameters. The parameters of soli-
in Fig. 7, before the soliton peak reaches the switching point, tons formed in the laser are not fixed by the laser configura-
it has already become so high and so narrow that it splits, tion but vary with the laser operation conditions, which are
and no stable soliton propagation can be obtained in the la- determined by the soliton internal energy balance between
ser. Instead only the state of so-called noiselike pulse emis- the shared laser gain and the dynamical losses of each
sion will be observed 关38兴. soliton.
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