Miniatures From MAR Barker's World of Tekumel
Miniatures From MAR Barker's World of Tekumel
Miniatures From MAR Barker's World of Tekumel
Bar ker' s
Copyright 1982
M.A.R. Barker
By M.A.R.Barker
The following remarks are organised according·to the origi· It Is thus totally incorrect to use the present "flesh colour·
nal priority list. E.ach figure is identified with its Group number paints available on the mar1<et.
and its number within that Group, plus its name.
Another Jmportant point Is the use of the hide of the Chien
Some basic remarks: beast for most armour and weapons, since Iron and steel are
scarce. Chlen·hlde is very fight In weight and almost as strong
Tsolyani flesh colour is generally a rich, coppery tan, fighter as iron, though softer than steel. It Is very malleable when soft.
and more golden for women, and darker and browner for men. but it can be given treatments which make it solid and yet still
$1(1n should not be totally '"flat," of course, but rather slightly sllghtly flexible. It l\u a IHI aomething like that of chitin or a
glossy to represent the natural oils. hard and slightly flexible pfa.stlc. In its nat:..rraJ state it is green·
lsh or greyish. Thicker sheets of It tend to be darlter, verging
The Ytn Korytni are a little lighter. a creamy golden tan for towards blackish greenilrey. Olien-hide is usually lacquered,
women and a da."ker, redder tan for men. however. and this thus maJ(es It rather uncommon In its native
undecorated form. Richer people do obtain some Iron and
The other human races are: the Salarvyani are a dar1(er, heavier steel, of counM1, as well a.s gold, brass, copper, sliver, bronze,
bearded people. tending to sallowness: the Mu'ugalavytni are etc.
rougnly the same as the Tsolyani but tradltionally ruddier in
hue: the Livyani are more golden and tawny; the Sil AllaQiyani Basic national colours are • common feature on T61cumel: the
ue mountaineers and nence browner and rougher looklng. Tsolyini. u&e a handsome azure blue: the Mu'ugalavyani lac·
There are NO blonds or light·skinned peoples on tnose por· quer th eir troops a bright red; the S.larvyani favour black; the
tlons of Tekume1 now includeo in the game " Empire of tne Uvyani use many bright colours: the Yan Koryani use blue-
Petal Throne." green, turquoise, etc.; the W AllaQiyani prefer a flame-orange :
the llttle nation of Plljena uses a reddish purple: the GhatOnr
Harr :olour is un:versally glossy black. verging towards dark like yellow: the various clans of the disordered nation of Milu·
brown in in01viduals. A few people oo have a tawny muddy· manaya use various standards and have no national :olour.
brown hair colour. and a tiny percentage of albinos also ex· Etc.
ists-attnough these people are greatly despised and supersti·
tlously feared. Eye colour tenos to ce black and brown, And now to the figures:
althougn a few ··sports" do have hazer or golden coloured
eyes. Blu~yea sraves are prizeo as c-.i11ousities.
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00.(2) The Tsolyani Standard·Bearer:
00.(1) The Tsolyani General: Similar to the General: white kilt and sleeves: blue helmet.
Helmet. shoulder epaulets, breastplate are all azure blue (semi· breastplate. and shoulder·epaulets: vambraces and greaves
glossy because these pans are lacquered); helmet trim is gold also blue or metal. Helmet crest roughly same colour scheme
and a darker. purplish blue. plus some white. Helmet plumes as generars. Belt ol inlaid gold or silver plaques. Sword is
are white. another shade of blue. gold, or various other choices Cht~n -hide but often lacquered in metallic co lours: metallic
oepending upon the Legion and the wearer' s choice. The vam· blue. silvery, etc. Great standard has ornate plumes ol blue.
braces are probably gold or steel. The shoulder sleeves and kilt wh ite. various metals. with a blue haft and possible red let.:.)
are white with blue and gold woven designs. The chainmail is tr im. The sphere is bright gold. Shoes are leather but have
steel, the general being wealthy. The greaves are again lac·
metal plates on top.
quered blue. The cape is a darker blue. although it may also be
a brocaded many·coloured iridescent cape of feathers. Shoes
00.(31 The Tso1yan1 Trumpeteer:
are red leather. with metal plates on top. The k/Jing (the great Armour as for the acove. 1n shades of blue: ki lt and sleeve~ ~
pole-axe. which is his ceremonial baton) is silvery with a bright white. armlets ol gold: vambraces and greaves or metal or ::11..e
blue hall and a golden cross-guard. Decorations on the armour 1acouereo Ch l~n ·hide Helmet crest can have same co 1: _ •
can be drawn on the figure with a delicate pen and acetate inks scheme as at>ove. Trumpet is brass or g1loeo. Trim can be ~
(ava1lat>le at any an supply store). Reds. greens. blacks. other colours. Velvet over·k11t is a oarker blue than armou1
yellows. wh ite. etc. etc. can be used.
00.14l The Tso1yani A1de·de·Camo:
Not yet maoe
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02.(1) Tsolyanl Light Infantry:
(See drawing.) Helmet of blue w it h darker blue or whi te trim:
c rest may be metallic·COlo ureo Ctt1en·h1de. possibly some
touches of gold or other co iours. Tunic is ligl'll brown leatner:
harness over breast is blu ~ lacouered Ct1len-h1ae placques
wi tn a dark brown leather strap harness. Vambraces are also
dark with metal studs. Groin.guard labard is blue lac·
, Quered Chien-hide with metallic or coloured inlaid plaoues.
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Javelin is wood-coloured w ill'I silvered. black, etc. point.
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........ ,....... 03.(2) Tsoly&n i R90 ional Infantry: The Slinger from Vra:
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Thia man hu black hair braided at temples and clubbed at
' ' · · · - ,"t
back, held by a brlghtly coloured ribbon. He wears a Chl8n·h1de
culraas of some slmplt colour: blue. grey, natural green"9rey,
brown, etc. with brighter shoulder straps of the same maten al.
, ,·.~ ... -J
,t ....; . u,.....; Hla kilt ia variously coloured and embroidered at the ~ges:
t•f&..t·t.- white, blue. red, gr..n, yellow, etc. etc. Sling is dark brown
·. ';::>. leather; pouch ia fighter leather colour. His mace is dark wood
with metal handguard and some hilt wrappings in other col·
ours. Hla shiald is blue wi t:"\ a white skull device on it in an
t la.bOrate and nonrtpre11ntatlona1 geometric setting, done 1n
black, red, and metallic colours. He has a silver arm Da"ld.
Boots are soft black or brown felt or fur, or else smootn
leather. Small decorative tabards at throat are otten brignt
metal. but may be white. metallic blue or green, etc. People
from Vr• are a trifle darker tt<an other Tsolyani.
02.(2) Tsoly•ni Light Infantry:
These unannoured men •·1ill carry a dark brown sti ng ano
leather poucn of metal ;.mmunitlon. Tunics w ill be browns.
russets. unbleached linen, whi te. Touches of blue trim. If the
figure is made with a bow and Quiver, this will be as aDove.
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03. (No number) Tsolyani Res1onal Infantry: Two.Handed
Swordsman, the Legion of Red Devastation:
This figure ttas ttte llame·red helmet crest of the god Vimuhla:
his helmet is blue. however, exc ept for front and side gold or
silver trim. He has a mail aventail of small steel links; highly
decora1ed inlaid met<>I or Chlen-ttide epaulettes with basic blue
colour and other colours or metals as trim; blue Chien-hide
muscled cuirass; steel·link chain ma.ii half·sleeves with golo or
b lue Chlen·hide or metal banding; metallic blue Chien-hide
vambraces; belt of Inlaid metal placQues; over-kilt of soft white
or light blue cloth; under·kllt of mail sewn on leather; slivered
or blued Chien-hide greaves; soft red leather shoes with
metallic plates sewn on tops; cape Is usually white or light blue
with red, black, or dark blue striping horizontally or vertically.
Otten the cape will have a central embroidered ornament on
back. Great two-handed sword Is of steel, gold hilt, leather
wrapped handle. Shield Is Chien-hide: grey~reen on back or
brown or even painted black. with blue and silver front, black
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Tsolyanl script emblem. Red trim.
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10.(2) Yan Koryan i Standard-bearer:
10.(1) The Yan Koryani General: This man wars the "regular" Yan Koryani helmet with vertical
This man has a turQuoise green lacQuered helmet, with gold thin metal plaques lacQuered alternately turQuolse or green
trim, plumes of various shades of green, white, and even yellow and white, with gold trim. The central crest Is gold or a brilliant
or red. Metal shoulder epaulettes are silvered, gilded, or metalllc emerald green. Earpieces are metal, and aventail is
elaborately lacQuered in shades of green. Central breast made of small metal plaques sewn on soft leather. Epaulettes
plaQue is gilded and covered with geometric inlay in various are green-racQuered metal or Chien-hide, with gilt or silver trim.
colours. Belt of metal plaques has emeralds and blue topazes some red tracing also possible. Scare of metal sewn on
set in it. Kiit and sleeves are usually white, but may be dull fabric tunic. Belt is elaborately engraved metal on leather.
unbleached linen. light grey, or elaborately parti-coloured Over-kilt is made of large horizontal strips of soft dun-colour~
brocade in darker colours. Chainmail or scale leggings are leather, underkilt is dark green or other colour cloth. Metal
steel: leg guards are Chlen·hide with polished metal plates at greaves and banded vambraces: leather shoes with meta•
front . Metal plated boots of black leather. Vambraces are plates on top. Steel or Chien-hide sword in metallic silver, gilt
metal-lhe same as his breast plaQue, usually. Under a central hilt. Standard is gilded shaft, turouoise. gold, and white larse
breastpla te, he wear s an under·cu irass of metal or of green. feathers at base. then highly coloured and gildec "dragon ·
dyed Chien-hide. Sword is steel or silvered, with gilt handle, head above. with " tai l" of long green and white plumes. Othe!
leather·wrapped hilt . Hanging from ear-pieces of helmet are colours are some times used. depend ing on the Legion: blacl<
leather flaps, sometimes eyed in a trim colour. r ed. yellow, etc. and green . red ano green. turquoise and gold, etc. Helme:
plume matches tr11s .
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10. (4) Yiin Koryani Aide·de·Camp:
Not yet maoe.
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11 ll\611L Y ollf't'...cvf~O. 11.(2) YVi Ko ryan i Heavy Infa ntry wit h Composite Bow or
"-'' ~... o"< .-.r -~ Crossbow:
~ .... ~ '"''" of ca......., {This figure is not drawn. He would be the same as 11 .(1)Aor6 ,
oc. f ...nro ..1• .- . · except fo r the weapon.)
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4'1.(No numbers)
I also drew a Priestess of Avanthe in arena-fighting garb: nude
except for a skirt of thin leather straps. She does not seen: to
be what we want for this sect. The .P".iest of Olamelish or
Hrihayal is drawn in costume suitable for an orgy, and mos:
players would prefer a fighter. I shall redraw him, if there is
room in our priorities-several of my male players have in·
dlcated that they want to be Priests of these charming Goo·
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'1 .(3) The Priest of Belkhjnu: ,1 .(No Number) The f'Mst of DurritlVT1ish:
This man wears a tall headdress of gleaming yellow plaques. (Cf. drawing. He is similar to the Priest of SMku but differs in
The crest is t>asically gold but hu white and red trim. The important details; I have thus drawn him.) This man hu a skull
plumes are golden yellow and whit&. Darker yellows can be helmet: the crest is purple on top with brown sides, and the
used on the lower plaques' centres, with blue, red, and green skull ls white. The main part of the helmet Is again brown, and
designs. The earpieces are gold with dart< yellow centres. He the visor and rim are copper. The aventail is of black, darlt
wears a coif of thin yellow cloth to hide his features. a brow:\, or deep purple Cloth. His anUqu•styled shoulder epaul·
peculiarity of thi s sect. Around his shoulders he has a golden ettes are of earth-brown with copper edging. His collar is or
scarf with white centres. set off with red, blue, etc. jewelled gold. and his double pectoral plates are purple with copper
embroidery. He wears a cape under this, which hangs only edging. In the centre of each pectoral plate he hu a bright cop·
down his back; this cape is basically yellow but can be given a per disk with Clips from which his cape hangs. He wears band·
light gold wull to indicate its iridescence. It Is made of amall td ehaimail sleeves: are antique copper with bright cop.
feathers. He llu a gilded Chl6n-hldt cuirus with red, blue, etc. per bands. His is also scale mail, antique copper or
trim. His shoulders and upper arms are bare except for gold brown, with btfght copper edging. His cape la purple and
bracelets set with gems of various types. He also wears heavy brown, done in great honzontaJ stripes, and on his back ne has
gold wrist bracelets. He wears a belt of golden plaques (the the image or a stylised bOwl with twisting coll• of smoke aris·
centres of Which are intricately be jewelled), and a soft cloth kilt ing from it; this Is wonted in gold with black trim. His vam·
of a lighter shade of yellow. His legs are bare. He wears ahoes braces are of copper wrth purple squares of mail set Into them.
of dyed soft leather; these are usually a dart<er shade of yellow, His kilt is a dant. rich brown, altnough the open front has two
light tan, or even gilded. In his hand he carries the Staff of vertical llnts of copper and purple plaques. His greaves are
Power of his sect: a gold device on the base. a deei> yellow copper or antlaue copper sewn to black leatner snoes and leg·
pole, and a gold and bright yellow emblem on the end. glngs. He carries a great mace or gleaming black Cl'll6n·nroe
Belkh4tiu's emblem, a "V" over two stylised waves. Is wor1ted with copper spikes and hand guard. The priest nere sriown is a
in brignt gold outlined in blue on this device. Its plumes are member or a special pnestly legion and not an otficia1ing
wlllte and yellow. If he is to bear arms (and most Priests of priest. The latter's costume would differ considerable 1n
Belkh,nu prefer magic to force). he carries only the pointed details. Priests of Ourrit1'1nish paint their faces grey 10 resem·
mace shown to the left of tum, or rarely a flail. ble corpses.
A Priestess of Belkh•nu can be made trom the Avaintht figure Priestesses of Slr1tu and Oumf,misn can be conven ed from
a.t>ove. bul she must have a coif mOdtlled over her lower lace to tne female wamor figure but rtQuirt some modelling 10 pre;.
ll1de Iler fea1ures. Fighting priestesaes of this sect are rare. v1de tne skull-M•met ornaments.
masked warrior·priest
of Ksarul
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VI'~ ll1 (()
•2.C•> The Nobleman:
This figure represents an Imperial burea.i<:ra! or .-istoc:rat of
h igh linMge (but not princely rank). He wers a golden Std
•1.(•) The Priest of Wuni: (dragon-like), a helmet of ~e ~I pfaoues, muel'I
Both Priest$ and Priestesses of this sect wear enveloping bejewelled, the colo~ of wtlid: vary witr. ind;.;csua: tute, anc
robes llke those of the Priest of Hry'y (below), but they go un· a helmet visor of gold. The centTaJ ~ of ~ Mlmet
masked. They wear robes ribbed and striped of purple and (underneath tne Sr6) is blue. Blue dotr. sc:anoes hang Oown
mauve, and their hOOd is of plain black velvet. from th• MtJ>leces of the hetmet, and the doth -.entail is
similarly while, blue. or pa.le green. His lrge COiiar is slmil&r1y
•1 .(5) The Priest o f Hry'y: made of tiny ,.welled plaQues in a ~ty of C060urs and
designs. From tnla, his blue caoe tt.anos Clc:IWn. thrown O¥er his
This figure wears robe$ o f purple: his overof'Obe is a deep, rich
purple, and his velvet head·scarf la of a slightly lighter shade of
rfgl'lt anoulder but gatl'ler9d on his Hi.a.,...,. and kilt
purple. His sleeves have red edging and cuff-designs. He wears are dazzllng white, -'th delicate ~ ~ Oesigns in
a two-part ta.bard which hangs just below h is tnroat. Thi$ is of various colour3. He has a gOIOen sunbut'St WOrud on the
rather stiff Chl"'-tlide. It la dull red with black Inscriptions in brNSt of his tunic: alqn of his Clan men\t)erst\tp. Hia belt is of
Ancient Taotytnl outlined In gold. At the bottom It has two amall gotd pl~ues. His t~ consists of llg!lt. h inged
wh ite Ulull l*\dant s. His shoes are soft black leather. Both tQuares of gold or Chi'n-f'lide, oone in OMO blue anc: with gold
Priests and Prlesteaset of this Change deity go masked. The edging. His c:at>e has a wntte border with Q0«:1. rec:. and b lue
type of mask dlttera from person to person, rank to rank, and designs ~ed on It Tasela from his t&t>arC and &110
place to place. with mytflological demon masks predom i· from his armlets: the:M tasaels are of blue. or '90. The
nattng. These are always of velvety-surfac ed cloth over thin armlet is of gold Mt witfl gems. His, bra. bu: fl ia ankle-
Chl"'-'1ide. They are painted according to the mytnological higfl bOO!I are of aott tanned i.tner in a nun-o.r o! possible
Particulars, and the more horribl e the better. There are tnus colours. He has a tan ...,"« pouch at n ia hip .,,d oosstbley a
b lack, dHP red, g old, blue, etc. etc. maskS, with varying trim arnall dagg91' tnere as well. He cames no other wms. leavini;
col ours. In his nand he carries the Staff of Power of the Temple tnie to hi1 entourage. He does carry a St.a1 f of Powe~ this is
Commandant of Jakjlla (Other cities have allgfltly different ailver-handled and has a blut and red s:yflMd Oragon face
wortced on it, wltfl gOld tr1m. The plumes wtueti flW!g down
standards). This ia a b lack-hatted clrcle o f gold with a central
p urple circle and a d iagonal red slash. The beast nud at tne from It are blue and wt'llte, blue rd goto. er two ah~ of blue.
top ia of gold, and tn e plumes are reddish purple and black.
Priests of Hry'y (or Hru'O) are aometimet flgntera. and if 10. a •1 .(7-9) Not made.
1oec1a1figure w1tn the proper helmet can be adlPted from the (llfustra110t11 of the Pnests of 06n. GN~u . ana Ira may ~
Priest 01 Vlmuhla figure-but the helmet conver11on may re· made latr. The fo~ two. w11: be Quilt rnt~s 11 ~r. figures.
Qu1r1 anotner l'lead or con siderat>I• modelling aklll. Pri est esses and playr.s !'lave already ChOH"! these MCIS to• t~ r player
of Hry'y ra rely figl'lt , but if one 1s neede<l . the female warrior c;tleracttrs. Tl'le Pr1H r of Ora tl'le Un::ar•,.,; •s ~l'\e leas:
f igure can be adapte-o to lit the case . nece1sary-ar10 t1:1 OXtrine •• ~t tc ca·e an•"'•·
43.(3) Wizard:
42.(3a) Wlz.ard of Change: I have drawn a youngish wizard, rather than the funny old chap
This man is the counterpart of the Stability wizard. He wears a in the pointy hat. I suggest him and also a Change wizard as
coronet of gold plaques with central jewelleo and engraved high priority In view of the battlefield use of magic, adventurer
areas. On top of the central cap is a short crest on top of which needs, etc. The wizard drawn here Is to be painted as follows:
Is a stylised representation of the Great Worm of Sarku and This man has a flllet of twisted cord to hold his shoulder-length
Durritll.mish. A wizard of the sects of Ksarul, Gruganu, etc. hair, this Is painted In the colour or colours of the deity he
would have a different emblem here, but no matter. This worm serves. (Priests and mag_lcians are closely connected: the
is lacquered a dull yellow with red eyes and black trim. Around Wizard In T•kumel is actually a sort of jack-priest, not In the
the man's neck is a collar of gold plaques from which hangs a Temple hierarchies but closely allied to his sect.) He has a col-
great central square plaque inscribed With :the mystic symbols lar of precious metals or Chl•n·hide plaques. His stole or over·
of his profession. Underneath this he wears a stole of heavy cape and his under-cape may be of any colour or combination
black (purple, dark green, brown for other sects) velvety cloth desired. He may be bar&-ehested or wear a simple cloth tunic;
set with tiny diamonds along the borders. From t he lower edge the emblem of hia deity may be worked upon this in the ap.
of this stole hang two sets of Chien-hide plaques done in proprlate colours. His kilt Is usually white, though other col·
white, brick-red, or dull green metal. These, too, are inscribed ours are also frequent. His greaves are of lacquered Ch,.n-hide
with magical symbols. His over·robe is of heavy cloth, done in a (again in any colour combination thought appropriate), and he
colour different from his stole, usually a dark colour, but this wears simple leather sandals. He has a gold or silver bracelet
depends upon personal preference. He has a dull red sash-like on one arm, set with H'teral gems. He carries a short staff in-
belt at his waist, from which hangs a leather pouch with a small dicating his wizard status: this is of gold or silver, with the
gold clasp for his paraphernalia. His robe has red trim on tl'le emblem at the end lacquered in the colours of his deity. The
sleeves. His shoes are velvet-coloured, usually black, with gold shaft may be ornately wrapped, and the metal knob on the end
or copper to&-pleces and buckles. He carries a Staff of Power may also serve as a handy mace. He will wear a simple leather
which shows that he is a wizard of one of the deities of belt, and over this a cross·belt to hold his pouch of implements
Change. This has a black or gold staff and a stylised beast and paraphemalla. His deity's emblem may also be worked on
the back of his stole.
head in black, red, and gold. His black hair is shown hanging
loose down his back. If armed. he will carry a mace or flai l A female Wizard may be adapted either from the two priestess
s1m1lar to those of the Priests of Tht.im1s. Sarku. etc. figures described above, or from the noblewoman figure to be
added below. Female wizards wear robes. a cape. and a variety
of costumes.
2 1.(1) Ahoggya:
There are several sexes (as much as one can make out). The
"males" are brownish, ranging from a light yellowish brown or
tan on upper surfaces to a dark brown on the bOdy and under
the limbs. There are also slate-grey Ahoggya and a bluish.grey
one, but the "sex" of these is not clear. There are even occa·
sional rare greenish grey ones, but these do not emerge to
fight in human wars. The Ahoggyci has a knobbly, rough light
brown carapace on top, arms o f a darker colour shading into
the dmer browns of the body. They are bristly and rough, with
smaller bristles on their bony arms and legs, longer hair on
their bOdles. They wear little clothing: usually just armlets of
steel or copper. an elaborate belt hung with weapons and
pouches, and occasionally inlaid decorations on their thick up·
per carapaces. The purpose of these is not known. The
Ahoggyci has yellowish eyes. set in brownish or greenish·
brown skin just under his carapace. His mouth has redd ish·
brown "tips" around it and yellowish teeth. On all four sides of
his body he ha.s eyes, but there is only one mouth; the other
three sides have sexual. auditory, and olfactory organs under
the eyes. These are best pictured as small amorphous.lumps,
painted a slightly tighter tone of brown or yellow-tan. The claws
and nails of an Ahoggyci are black. He carries slmple, crude
weapons of several varieties. He prefers steel but also uses
Chl• n-hide. His swords are thus steel~oloured, with leather·
wrai>ped handles, a bit of gold on the hilts, etc. His maces are
Chl•n.riide or wood with metal s1>1kes. He may also carry a
round dish-shaped shield. always lacquered black and deep
red. dark puri>le and dark green. etc. While the Sh•n may wear a
helmet crest of the colour of the human country for which they
are fighting, the Ahoggyci never do, and thus somet imes only
they can tell which side they are serving in a battle- they never
become confused. although their human employers do! The
Ahoggyci may also wear tubular body armour, wnich tits ratner
like a stovepipe just under their eyes. leaving their mouth free.
An armoured covering for their upper carapace is also seen,
although the thickness of the latter really renders this strictly
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30.(1) The Sst.i Leader:
This figure is a Ssu armoured in their most elaborate style. The
greyish skin of the Ssu peels off much like the skin of an onion.
The outer layers seem to rot, tear, and fall away, but more
"skin" grows concentrically from within Its body all the time.
This gives them a shrouded, tattered appearance. The skin
ranges from light to dark mottled grey. 11\eir bOdy odour is
rather like musty cinnamon, W?licn·onen ~N!S warning at their
presence. The Ssu leader shown here is sheathed in a masked
helmet of dark iron or copper (antique copper may be used).
This has a crest and side-flaps of the same material. Beneath
th is, he has a breastplate and backplate of the same
substance, shoulder epaulettes of black and steel. and
se<;imented arm guards also of steel. Around his " waist " he has 30.(2) Ssu Warrior:
a loincloth of dark fabric, with the same segmented armour on The figure is shown w ithout any of the elaborate armour which
his four lower limbs. When he desires. he can stand on the characterises the leader. His greyish skin is d ifficult to show.
back two limbs and use all four of his front limbs to fight. He since it must be tattered and peeling, rather looking like a
has greaves wh ich are strapped to his three-toed feet. His vam· handful of tom and soggy we t newspaper from a distance. His
braces are similar. At his waist he has a decorated black belt of eyes are a pupilless, milky wh ite, the mouth is a black hole. No
leather; he has a small dagger slung to th is in front and a pouch ears or nostrils show through the peeling. rott ing skin. He
at the side. These are black hilted and black leather. His shield wears a black leather belt w ith copper studs. with the dagger
is of a curious shape, black wood fronted with ra ised metal and pouches hanging at his " waist." His body shades to black
discs. highly embossed. The shield is black, and the d iscs are underneath, at the backs of his legs. and on the feet. The sword
copper. He wears a baldric of the same black leather. with a is again steel. with a silver, copper. etc. hilt. He may also carry
great sword of steel in a clip slung on his back. He carries a the shield described above.
black-shafted steel or copper halberd.
... --~~
31 .(1) The Hlyss:
(N.B. Instead of two Shunned One figures, the Hlyss is
· substituted for one of them. One Shunned One will thus be
supplied and one Hlyss.) Hlyss, or HIOss. come in a variety of
colou,,, depending upon sex, age, and sub-species. There are
thus the "red" Hlyss. which begin Ille as a sort of dull pink,
shade to brick red In their adulthood, and turn a rich reddish
brown in their old age. There are the " female" egg-layers,
which are white with tinges of brick red and reddish tan. A dlf·
ferent sub·species (apparently) Is almost emerald green,
shading to duller greens on the exposed areas of the carapace;
these tend to become dark green in old age. Reports of a larger
·and somewhat different sub-species of "blue" Hlyss come
also from beyond the western seas of Tsol,i; these are not
known in the areas now covered by the descriptions in the
book. The Hlyss has a carapace of much the same material as
the rotting Integument of their cousins, the Ssu, but instead of
peeling, this carapace solidifies into a hard plastic-like
substance. They conti nue to excrete this substance
throughout their active lives, using it to build their terrible
beehive-shaped ships and their land buildings and fort ifica·
tlon s. They alao use it to anach gems to their carapaces in
strange geometrical (but nonsymmetrical) pattems. A small
gouging tool ls employed to make a recess tor the gem in their
carapace, and this cement-like excretion then fastens the gem
in perman ently. The Hlyss may also wear armour- usually iron
or copper-but this Is more for oecoratlon than for protection.
Pouches and weapons are slung on the lower thorax to hang
Just In front of the powerlul secono pair of legs. (None are
shown In th e Orawing.} The Hlyss halberd is wooden-handled
and hu a metal head (always iron). They dislike and do not use
Chien.tilde. The little shield is used more as a taroe than to
hide behind; It Is of wood with a metal covering, often be·
jewelled and elat>orately chaised. It may thus be painteo
baSically golO or basically silver, with decorations in red. blue.
green, etc. The halberd ribbons are their means of
distinguishing between units. ano these should be brightly col·
oured: red, green, white, black, etc. The Hlyss' carapace should
be painted a l ighter colour ano shaded to dark underneath the
boOy. If armour is wanted. the upper carapace oust below the
"neck" ano the " !hOl!IOers" can be painted copper or iron-
co1oured. The h1gt1-crested helmet is not shown. The Hlyss
"ligt1tn1ng·sword" is of iron. with a golden handle. se t with
31.(2) The Shunned One:
This race of spectral·looklng beings is rarely seen outside their
ancient strongholds, although parties of them do adventure in·
to human territories in order to seek treasures and certain
other commodities. They are roughly humanoid in stlape,
although their very long arms and legs are jointed and covered
with slimy hairs rather like ce'1ain articulated caterpillars. 23.(1) The Hlaka:
Beneath this outer coating, their llmba are strong and fibrous, This small flying humanoid ranges from five feet to about six
almost as strong as Chlen·hide in texture and toughness. They feet in height. The Hlaka is a leathery greyish-brown, shading
almost always go cloaked and tlooded, although this serves on· to lighter greys mixed with tan on the wing membranes. and
ly to conceal their hideous appearance and does not hide the with darker brown areas along the spine, at the joints, and on
terrible stench exuded by these creatures. The Shunned One ii· the slender hands and feet. Along the top of the head and down
lustrated wears an upper hood of deep, dull green or grey the upper back there is a curly greyish ruff of what appears to
fabric. Its robe is grey or dark dust-<:oloured, and there is some be somewhat of a cross between fur and feathers; this con·
decoration shown around the feet-this is wor1ced in red or ceal~ the Hlcika's hearing organs. The muzzle is light brownish
white upon the robe. The elongated, segmented arms have grey, with black nostrils, and blackish areas around the three
bands of silver around them at intervals, which give the impres· deep-set eyes. These eyes are a curious translucent blu&ijreen
slon of joints, although this is not the case. The Shunned One in colour on most Hlaka, although individuals may have black
has a belt of metal links set with ruby studs and also a cross· or reddish pupils. The teeth are an ivory white, and the lips
belt of the same materials to support Its quiver of arrows. The shade from brown to black. Although the Hlaka are an ancient
belt may be done in copper or In silver, and the major buckles cultured race, and their abilities and intellects are as high or
are of gold. At the front of this belt hangs a small dagger with a higher than their human comrades. they tend to disdain armour
hlghly ornamented hilt of gold and gems, and a blade of steel; a and rely instead upon their speed and flylng skill. ,At most.
sword of the same materials hangs from a clip at the rear. The therefore, they wear a Dght belt of Chien-hide with a golden
quiver is of dark, dusky purple leather, omamented with silver buckle and a sheathed short dagger of Chien-hide in a brown
inlay. The small composite bow is of dark brown wood, and the leather sheath. The H"ka may carry a light javelin of wood with
arrows have deep red feathers. Although the Shunned One has a Chien-hide point, or a sheaf of smaller throwing dans (usuaJly
no fingers. it does have a hollow sucker-like extremity on each three to a bundle). Occasionally a slender stabbing sword
llmb. and in one of these it carries a vicious flail of silver chain. (almost like a rap ier) is used. The HIAka's tail is a long greyish·
dark wood. and an iron spiked ball. The other fore-limb holds a white stabbing rapier as well, bein9 composed of a bony, flex•·
curious S·shaped shield of metal braced with wood or ble cartilage. Some Hltka decorate this tail with rings or or·
Chien-hide at the back. The front of this shield Is a thin metal naments of gold and may put a delicate needle point of steel
plAte. usually silvery or coppery in colour, inlaid with the on it as well. Hlaka weapons are usually poisoned with a c1.:ll
geometric but asymmetrical designs of this nonhuman blue-green substance brewed by them from certain local
species. These inlays are of gold, semi-precious stones of plants. The Hlcika usually wears no other clotning. nor does ne
various colours. iridescent lacquer. and other metals. The carry a shield. Occasionally a stnp of coloured clotn may ~
Shunned One's " face" is invisible beneath its cowl, and this worn diagonally across th e shoulder to indicate th e human at·
can be painted a mottl~ black and grey. Its feet are similarly my for whom he is fi9h?ing.
coloured. as are its "hands." if these appear from beneath its
robe. The Shunned Ones also have a slender, prehensile tail,
but this is always tucke<l away beneath the robe.
Mihalli sorcerer
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