MRP Project Telecom Sector Employee Retention
MRP Project Telecom Sector Employee Retention
MRP Project Telecom Sector Employee Retention
Submitted to
For the fulfillment of degree of
M.B.A (Full Time)
(Session 2020-2022)
I sincerely and religiously devote this folio to all the gem of persons
who have openly or silently left an ineradicable mark on this
research so that they may be brought into consideration and given
their share of credit, which they genuinely and outstandingly
This is to certify that Anjali Patidar of MBA (Full Time) III semester
in Malwa Institute of Technology, Indore (M.P.) has carried out a Major
Research Project titled "Key factor of Retention And Retention Strategy
In Telecom Sector With Special Reference To Indore City" The work
done by her is genuine and authentic.
This is to certify that Anjali Patidar of MBA (Full Time) III semester
in Malwa Institute of Technology, Indore (M.P.) has carried out a
Major Research Project titled "Key factor of Retention And Retention
Strategy In Telecom Sector
With Special Reference To Indore City" The work done by her is genuine
and authentic.
Table of content
2 Review of Literature
The Tools
For Data Collection
For Data Analysis
1. Introduction:
Employee retention refers to the various policies and practices which let the
employees stick to an organization for a longer period of time. Every organization
investstimate and money to groom a new joiner, make him a corporate ready
material and bring him at par with the existing employees. The organization is
completely at loss when the employees leave their job once they are fully trained.
Employee retention takes in to account the various measures taken so that an
individual stays in an organization for the maximum period of time.
“The best employers inspire and maintain a passion for outstanding achievement. They not
only pose sharp focus and clarity but also share its imply and effectively with the
employees. "It’s not only the cost incurred by accompany that emphasizes the need for
retaining employees but also the need to retain talented employees from getting poached.
The process of retention will benefit an organization in the following ways; reduction in the
cost of turnover, reduction in loss of company knowledge, less interruption of customer
service, maintained good will of the company and regaining efficiency. Retaining best
employees in the organization is effected through such parameters as customer
satisfaction, more than satisfactory product sales, satisfied coworkers and reporting staff,
effective succession planning and deeply
Embedded organizational knowledge and learning employees. Organizational
issues, such as training, time and investment to regain lost knowledge for insecure
workers and costly candidate search outside is in variably costly.
Various estimates suggest that losing a middle- level manager costs an organization
upto 100percent of his salary whereas the loss of as enior executive is presumably
even more costly. "The macro effect is balanced by one company losing its critical
staff to another randam company getting critical resources in return, but aligning them
to the organization, still remains a challenge".
IT and ITES sectors saw the highest attrition rate of 23% in the first quarter of
2010- 11. In contrast, the banking and financial services sector witnessed an
attrition rate of 18%, followed by health care12%, FMCG 11% and automobiles
and manufacturing 11%. Employee retention has become one of the major
concerns for the health of any organization. Many a time, exit interviews with
departing employees provide valuable information, which can fairly be used to
retain remaining staff. A continuous shortage of Trained personnel has forced
many industries, to name one that is the Indian mutual fund industry, to use
employee stock option programs to attract and retain good employees.
The Indian telecom industry was poised to reachasize of Rs 344,921 corer by 2013
at a growth rate of over 26 percent and generate employment opportunities for about
10 million people during the same period.
To be specific about the growth of the industry, the industry was projected to create direct
employment for 2.8 million people and for 7 million indirectly, according to are port.
In the past couple of years, there have been vast changes in the operational
technologies in telecom industry by way of modernization and computerization of
exchanges, resulting in paradigm shift from labor-intensive landline business to
capital –intensive new technologies.
In some cases, attrition of poor performers may also not be treated as attrition. Attrition
rates can be calculated using a simple formula:
Attrition = (No.of employees who left in the year/ average employees in the year) x100
Thus, if the company had 1,000 employees in April 2004, 2,000 in March 2005, and 300
quit in the year, then the average employee strength is 1,500 and attrition is
100* (300/1500) = 20percent.
Besides this, there are various ot her types of attrition:
▪ Fresher attrition that tells the number offresher's who left the organization
with in one year. It tell show many are using the company as aspring board
or a launch pad.
▪ Infant mortality that is the percentage of people who left the organization with
in one year. This indicates the ease with which people adapt to the
▪ Critical resource attrition, which tells the attrition interms of key personnel
like senior executives leaving the organization.
▪ Low performance attrition: It tells the attrition of those who left due to poor
One of the best methods for calculating the costs of turnover takes into account
expenses involved to replace an employee leaving an organization. These
expenses are:
A. Recruitment cost The cost to the business when hiring new employees includes
the following six factors plus 10 percent for incidentals such as background
screening, times penton sourcing replacement, times penton recruitment and
selec tion, travel expenses, re-location costs, if any in Training/ramp- up time
and background/reference screening.
B. Training and development cost To estimate the cost of training must be taken
into consideration. This will me an direct and indirect costs, and can be largely
classified as training materials, technology, employee benefits and trainers'
The process of employee retention will benefit an organization in the following ways:
The cost of turnover: The cost of employee turnover adds hundreds of thousands of
money to acompany’s expenses. While it is difficult to fully calculate the cost of turnover
(including hiring costs, training costs and productivity loss), industry experts often quote
25% of the average employee salary as a conservative estimate.
Loss of company’s knowledge:
When an employee leaves, he takes with him valuable Knowledge about the company,
customers,current projects and past this story(sometimes to competitors). Often much time
and money has been spent on the employee in expectation of future return. When the
employee leaves, the investment is not realized.
Good will of the company: The good will of accompany is maintained when the
attrition rates are low. Higher retention rates motivate potential employees to join
the organization.
Regaining efficiency: If an employee resigns, the good amount of time is lostin hiring
employee and then training an employee and this goes to the loss of the company directly
which many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this companies cannot assure us of
the same efficiency from then employee.
Is defined as “special notice or attention” and “the act of perceiving clearly”. Many
problems with retention and morale occur because management is not pay in gat
tention to people’s needs and reactions.
Are the extra perks you offer beyond the basics of respect and
recognition that make it worth people’s while to workhard, to care, to go
beyond the call of duty. While rewards represent the smallest portion of
the retention equation, they are still an importantone.
When you implement the “three Rs” approach, you will reduce turnover and enjoy the
➢ Increased productivity
➢ Reduced absenteeism
➢ Improved profit
KEi's Employee Retention Wheel™ Are truly what give employees a consistent
reason for saying "no thank you" when tempted with a "sweeter offer. "After years of
study and experience, Kei has determined, and presented in the Retention W heel,
what factors do have the greatest impact on keeping employees. Kei has used this
information to give employers the tools to meet the core needs that keep employees
successful at their jobs, thus reducing the high costs associated with unwanted
KEi•s Employee Retention Wheel'IM
(1) It is difficult for employers to retain good employees if they don't have a process to hire
the right people in the first place.
(2) Retention processes must directly support the reasons that successful, satisfied
employees stay. Kei's concentration on the center of the Employee Retention Wheel
provides employers with Internet based tool that give employee systematic, ongoing
support to be successful in their work and satisfied with their employment.
➢ Pay, ➢Location,
➢ Benefits,
➢ Advancement Possibilities,
➢ Job Security,
➢ Nature Of Work,
➢ Personal /Family Time.
o Positive reinforcement when a job is well done, and constructive feedback when
o Creative social or financial incentives to recognize their work: these could be
individual app recitation events (raise, bonus,top- up to E. I. while in
school, pay roll deduction for tools) or social (recognition in company
News letter etc.) Find out what your employees would best respond to.
o Team building and recognition events.
o Information about the big picture, how their work contributes to the whole
projector business, and what the core values of the work place are.
Liking Co-Workers
Liking their Co workers is one of the most important factors increating a positive
work environment, and seems to be more important than concern for remuneration.
Liking Co-workers definitely affects whether or not an apprentice stays with an
employer. If an employer hires the right people cooperation and cohesiveness
improves in the work place, and productivity is increased. Be sure to:
Make the investment to hire the right people, to create a culture that nurtures
positive attitudes, prideand cooperation.
Be a role model yourself: interact with employees in a positive way.
Create a working environment that employees will enjoy coming to everyday.
Establish work units or teams to further develop cooperation and collaboration.
▪ Be loyal and supportive of apprentices, it's the best way to encourage them to
beloyal to you!
▪Deliver on your commitments : if you make them,
keep them it's the bestway to build the relationship.
▪ Seek out and use feedback from your apprentices.
▪ Appreciate and recognize apprentices.
Apprentices want to be given feedback, but not just when there are problems. A minute's
explanation could save hours of rework, and remember, they are not mind readers.
Communication of clear directions and expectations increase apprentice productivity and
enhance the workplace environment. Verbal abuse by an employer was one of the most
significant complaints by apprentices.
Apprentices are proud of the work that they do and are attracted to employers that stress
quality work. Quality work in turn encourages repeat business, reduces re- work and
wasted time and materials. Clearly this is good for business and enhances over all job
satisfaction. Take steps to:
Apprentices stay with employers who give them a level of responsibility equal to
their ability. They feel frustrated when they are under utilized and anxiety at having
to deal with situations beyond their abilities. Matching their skills to the jobs that
need to be completed leads to faster turn around times, increases apprentices'
abilities and self- worth and commitment.
Apprentices want to work for an employer who recognizes and allows employees to
have a lifeoutside of the work place.
Employees with a healthy work/ life balance are also more productive and have
lower absenteeism rates. Some strategies to consider:
The nature of competition which is going global . The rate of change is accelerating
out of control. Margins are being eroded.
Customers are becoming more demanding and gettingless loyal
3.5 Sample: Sample Size: The total sample size is 100 employees from
Sampling Type: The sampling used for this study was a' simple random
sampling’ Methods.
3.6.2 For data analysis: Used percentage method and graphical method for
analyzing data.
This question is asked to know if they are consulted while setting their targets or
are they just given the target, which they have to achieve. 10% employees strongly
agree and15% employees are agree and 8% are neutral and 47% employees
disagree with this aspect (Figure2) and 20% are strongly disagree. They should be
concerned while setting the targets they should be asked if they will be able to
achieve the given target because at the end of the day they have to meet those
1-Strongly agree
5-Strongly disagree
The purpose of asking this question is to know that the executives are satisfied with the
compensation they are being given. So that we can come know that if there is any need to
make any changes in their compensation pattern. As being shown in the figure only 8%
executives are strongly satisfied with the compensation being given to them and 15% are only
satisfied. 10% executives neither agree nor disagree with their compensation and 27% of the
executives are dissatisfied and 40% are strongly dissatisfied with the compensation given to
them (Figure3). They quite less in accordance to work do the compensation being given to
these executives. Their pay must be increased so that they also feel worth enough and be
come motivated to perform good job.
1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Neutral
4- Disagree
5- Strongly disagree
C) Working Conditions The motive of asking this question is to know about the
atmosphere of the companies they are working in. If it is friendly and motivating and good to
work. 35% of the executives strongly agree that the atmosphere of their companies is
friendly and motivating, 25% are agree and 30% neither agree nor disagree and 6% are
those who are dissatisfied and 4% are strongly dissatisfied with the atmosphere of their
companies (Figure5). They do not find the atmosphere of their companies friendly and
motivating. That the atmosphere of their companies should be friendly and motivating
because they face so much of competition in the field so the friendly and motivating
atmosphere of the companies can help them to perform well in their field.
1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Neutral
4- Disagree
5- Strongly disagree
D) Job Capability The reason or asking this question is to know if the job
specification is done properly or not. Total of 55% executives strongly agree that
yes their job is according to their knowledge and qualification and 30% are agree.
0% is neutral and 7% executives disagreed and only 8% executives are strongly
disagree to the statement (Figure6). This clearly indicates that the responsibility of
doing the job entirely matches the capability of the job holder.
1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Neutral
4- Disagree
5- Strongly disagree
J) Participation in Management
80% executives strongly agreed and 11% are agreed that their suggestions were
considered and a regiven chance in decision – making and 2% is neutral .and 5% are
disagreed and 2% are strongly disagreed to the above statement (Figure10).
This shows that the companies treat employee's participation in management as
an important task and an effective measure to increase the productivity and thus
1- Strongly agree
2- Agree
3- Neutral
4- Disagree
5- Strongly disagree
FINDINGS: Considering the above done analysis it was found that executives
were not fully satisfied with all the aspects in their organizations. There have
been retention strategies taken by all the companies. Companies are following
the following strategies:
4 Employee Communication Forum (ECP): A meeting is organized in
which the employee directly communicates to employers. They
discuss their problems and also give their suggestions in this forum.
5 Incentives: Incentives are given to the executives according to the
performance of the executives.
6 Goodies Program: Those executives who perform well are given reward on
the spot. This motivates the executives to perform better.
7 Appreciation Card Program: Those executives who perform well are given an
appreciation card on their desk.
8 Birthday's days & marriage Anniversary Program: On the birthdays and the
anniversary of the employee the company sends a cake and flowers to the employee's
9 Monthly birthday bash: At the end of every month a party is organized in
which all those executives who have their birthdays in that month are
12 Training- by IIMs & IITs: Training sessions should be organized by IIMs and
IITs in which the executives should be taught about the new theories of
management and shouldal so be given knowledge about the new inventions.
13 Half yearly Primes: Those executives who perform well are given the
increment in the middle of the year.
14 F and u Friday: In this the executives are given a half day on Friday and after
that they are given some time to party together. In which they eat and dance
together. It is a type of relaxation for the executives after a hectic week.
15 Gini: A personals hopper and an assistant specialized in giving you the gift of time.
16 Mitr: in this support advice and information are given free and confidential on a
17 Trainings: Time to time trainings are given the executives to update their knowledge.
18 Incentives: Incentives are given to the executives according to their performance. It boosts
the executives to perform better.
19 Appreciation on the spot: Those who perform well are given appreciation on the spot
in the form of a reward. It increases the moral of the employee
On the basis of the research done it was found that the company A has planned
retention policies and interventions but they is not properly executed in few
aspects. The company can use the various other techniques such as management
development programmes, more rewards and recognition, mid term appraisals,
informal get together, tour programmes and weekend offs, appreciating and
recognizing a well done job, personalized well done and thank- you cards from
supervisors, congratulations e – cards or cards sent to spouses /families, voice
mails or messages from top management, periodic days off or good performance
so as to The employees are not completely aware of these policies of the company
and so feel offended and think that the company is not taking care of them and that
leads to the higher level of attrition. There is a communication gap between
Employer retain their employ and the Employee, which should
Be removed.
There are 3 categories of employees:
A: Who will leave their current employer in 3 years of their employment.
B: Who have a probability of leaving their current employer in next 3 years and
C: Who will stay with their current employer in the next 3 years.
Category A: These are the employees who lack good communication with their employers.
CategoryC: These are the employees who have proper, well- structured communication
with their employers. Therefore, the company should provide them sample of scope and
should be able to increase the satisfaction level of the employees to retain them.
Have a survey among employees to find the reasons for attrition. If possible, have
exit interviews to know the reasons for resignations. If a key employee resigns, it
should be taken upon a priority basis and the senior management should meet the
employee to discuss his reasons for leaving and evaluate whether his issues bear
merit and whether they can be resolved. Steps can be taken to avoid similar reasons
from occurring in the case of others, in similar positions.
1. Have doctors to advice them about health problem and the ways and
means to deal with them. Provide dietary advice:-Dos and don’ts. Help
them to maintain their health.
2. Organize programmers where people from other professions, who have nightshifts
talk to BPO employees about their experiences. Other organizations like Army,
Railways, Hospitals and various government services etc. also have nightshifts.
3. Organize training, counseling and development programmers for employees. Tell
them that their work is important. Encourage the best performers to share their
experiences with others and guide others. The emphasisis to create the desire
to learn, enjoy and be passionate about the work they do.
4. If needed, provide special lights in the office /workplace to ensure that their
bodies get sufficient vitamin Done distinct disadvantage of nightshifts is the
sense of disorientation with friends and family members. Concentrate on this
problem and develop innovative solutions and ways to deal with it Additional
holidays for work on National holidays and festivals, holidays for family functions
etc. can go along way.
10 ways to retain your employee:-
1. Treat your employees like you treat your most valuable clients It is
cheaper to keep your good employees than it is to hire and train new
ones. Your top 20- 25% should be courted as you would court and then
service your top customers.
2. Get your employees to ”fall in love” with your organization Communicate your
vision in a compelling way. Show every one the role they have to contribute to
this vision. Create opportunities for people to connect with each other for
support and to improve communication in work teams.
3. Capture the hearts of your work force with compelling vision/ Balance/ celebration- Open
Communication: Internal listening is apriority, multiple lines of communication (various
channels.) This is essential for managing change In a positive way with less about age,
anger, resistance, and fear. Create partnerships: Squash status barriers/ Open the
books/ pay for performance (nottitles). Share the “bad” times the ”good” time.
Drive Learning: “Guarantee Employability” ,Encourage Life Learning (Train Out
side of job description). Loyalty comes from trusting your employees to develop
their skills for the good of the company and for their needs for personal growth
and satisfaction.
4. Emancipate Action: Free dom to Fail, reduce bure aucracy, and challenge the
“Statusquo. ”Breathe life into your organization. Do not let your employees
5. Strong retention strategies become strong recruiting advantages.
6. Retention is much more effective when you put the right person in to the Right
job. Know the job Know the employee and their Motivations. Half of the fortune
500 companies are now using assessments to more fully understand each job
and the soft skills that are required for top production with in Their specific
company culture. These bench marked skills are then compared against
qualified applicants to help determine who will be successful in the position and
fit well with in their company’s culture. These assessment are also used as a
powerful professional development tool to enhance the training of continuous
life- long learning (which is another powerful retention strategy) advanced Fibre
communication is beginning to use this assessment process in hiring
7. Money is important but it is not the only reason people stay with an organization
If your compensation plan is in the top 20 - 30% of your industry, then money will often not be the
reason why people leave.
6. Employee committees to help develop retention strategies are a very effective strategy.
Get their in put! Ask, what do people like about working here? What would
you like changed to make your company a better place to work?
Some companies, such as Advance Fiber Communication (AFC), have
recognized that the special engineers and technical experts that are the corner
stones of their business require special attention. Victoria Perrault, VP of
Administrative Services for AFC, says that her company has identified the top 25%
of their staff and caters to these special people by meeting their financial
requirements and looking for the best package of benefits that these people will find
most positives incentives to stay.They even have employee committees that work
as "focus groups " to determine why people stay at AFC and what they might want
to see changed to make AF Can even better place to work.
7. Leadership must be deeply invested in retention. Management must be
skill ful communicating company policies in away that creates “buy- in “from
their staff and be open to Employee input. Help create “ownership” in your
employees the companies with the best retention percentage are the same
companies that are actively committed to retention.They know that is costs less to
keep good people than to continuously have to replace unsatisfied employees
and managers.
Ivancevich, JohnM.(2003) Human Resource Management, pp. 392-412.
Centre” Asian Case Research Journal, Jun 2008, Vol. 12 Issue
1,pp.73- 103, 2 Diagrams, 2 Charts, 2 Graphs.
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