3E004 Conveyor System

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TKS Industrial Co.


P13 (Ⅰ-1 P6 引用)

4. Conveyor system 4-1. O.H.C.: One-side open type hanger ◎ Hanger Types:
4-1. O.H.C. (Overhead conveyor) (One-side suspended hanger or L-type hanger) (A) One-side open type hanger : New type
※5: (B) Both-side suspended and closed type hanger : Old type

5 60 42 0
( ※ 5)
It is to be 450mm for faster conveyor line. (C) Both-side suspended and fixed type hanger : Old type
( ※ 4)
(D) Chain suspended type : Very old type

90 0
( ※ 3)
( ※ 6) ( ※ 7)
・Vertical radius: 3600mmR

33 8 0
2 96 0
(Center of power rail) ◎ Features of one-side open type conveyor:

1 30 0
( ※ 2)

・Horizontal turn radius: 2000mmR 1) It allows providing a conveyor with full covers above a body roof.
・Vertical angle: 30° 2) No need to provide a C-neck construction.

20 0
( ※ 1)

25 0 17 0 0 1 50
Lower end 3) It allows installation of spray risers and E-coat anodes above a body roof.
( ※ 8)
dimension 1 10 0 10 00
4) Attachments can be installed more accurately, because lower frames are fixed.
◎ Disadvantage of an one-side open type
※1: Actual level of car body lowers by 40mm against a elevation of WO line which is a 190mm high. 5) Wider space is needed, when body is transferred. (Disadvantage)
[Note: WO is a reference elevation for production line employed by carmakers.]
※9: Vertical radius is a 3,600mmR as a standard, and next standard is 4,500R
※2: Body dimensions: Roof level lowers a little from the level shown, because actual car body ※10: Radius of horizontal turn is 2,000mmR as a standard.
dimension is between 1150 and 1250mm. ※12: Vertical angle: Conventionally a 20°or 25°of angle was employed for anti-floating of body
and longer conveyor life. Recently, a steeper angle is employed as a vertical angle.
※3: This is to be designed to provide adequate dimension that allows installment of conveyor covers Ground 1: According to a PPG’s information, an entering angle into a tank is to be kept at a
above solution level in a dip tank when a hanger enters into the dip tank and exits from the dip 35°or above for anti-air pocket.
tank. Ground 2: According to an experience at Honda Suzuka Plant (1983), body floating can be
avoided, if a body-entering angle into a tank is kept at a 35°or above,
※4: It is fixed with a conveyor seal method employed in a pretreatment system.
◎ Countermeasures to prevent body floating caused by air pocket

※5: It is to be a 420mm inside equipment due to employment of tight rails. For outside equipment, Essential point is a body-entering angle, when a body roof at a rear window is fully submerged
it is to be a 450mm due to employment of faster speed line that is standard rail. into tank solution.
[Note ※5-1]: Tight rail: it aims to keep distance between conveyor power and free rail Actual body-entering angle is a 11 to 12°, even if the conveyor-entering angle is fixed at a 30°
narrower than standard rail. or 35°.
[Note ※5-2]: Standard rail: Distance between power and free rail is of standard one. ○ Body floating angle
Body angle entering into solution is closely
※6 & ※7: Note the following: related to a difference of elevation that is
With this dimension, conveyor makers tend to show only a distance up to a lower surface of 11~12 ° equals to a dimension “L”. Thus it is not
free rail that is 2900mmH here, while equipment contractor tends to show only a distance to related to a conveyor-entering angle.
an upper surface level of power rail that is 3320mmH here. height L=600~800 25~28°
L=300 17~18°

※8: Dimensions when door opens: (Conveyor angle: 30° or 35°)
When a body is processed in a pretreatment system and an E-coat system, doors are to be
kept open by 100~150mm in order to submerge the body in water for better coating. Entry angle when doors
are submerged into
※6: For undercoat hangers, the dimensions of ※3 and ※4 can be reduced to a 2400mm instead
of a 2900mm.

3E004 Conveyor System.DOC

TKS Industrial Co. Confidential

P14 ’88.7.5.
4-2. Conveyor Pitch 4-2. Conveyor chains with a pitch of 4 inches are normally employed. Thus a body pitch is to ◎ Key Points when a conveyor pitch is to be determined.
be approximately a multiple of 200mm ※1 To check interference when body enters and exits from a tank.
Thus, 5,710mm or 5,910mm or 6,110mm.
・Approximate body pitch can be estimated as BODY Length +1,400mm . ◎To check interference when
(Vertical: 30°, 3,600R) body enters and exits from
a tank.

4-3. Dolphin Conveyor 4-3.Dolphin Conveyor ◎When conveyor rail L Straight part “L” is needed.
It is employed as a countermeasure to solve air pocket problems in a degreasing and a phosphating stage. inclines upward, and then L≒4000mm is needed for a case shown in
Conveyor rail is designed to give UP-DOWN motions to body after full submersion in solution. This is effective to declines downward (UP→ the left.
expel air caught in air pocket, aiming at minimizing of unprocessed portion on body surface. Although more body Down): This is to be exercised to a place between a
inclination is desired to discharge air pocket, a tank depth restricts an increase of a body inclination. dip tank for a surface conditioning and a
phosphate stage and between an E-coat UF
dip tank and an IW dip rinse stage.

・Difference of conveyor elevation H: 150mm or 200mm

・Conveyor angle α: 12°or 13.5°(at 3600mmR) ◎ When conveyor rail L Straight part “L” is needed.
・Body angle β: 6° or 7.5° L≒2500mm is given for a case shown in the
inclines upward, and then

・Numbers of UP-DOWN needed are twice to three times. (Effective numbers are up to 2 or less.) turns horizontally: left.
This is to be exercised at a place where it
turns after a dip tank.
・UP-DOWN level:
Effective usage of less level is achieved by dividing UP and DOWN portion equally across standard
conveyor level.

Standard Level 100

100 WL

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TKS Industrial Co. Confidential

3E004 Conveyor System.DOC

TKS Industrial Co. Confidential

P15 (Ⅰ-1 P6 引用)

4-4. Anti-floating of body 4-4. Anti-floating of body
4-4-1 Faster conveyors may cause body floating in a pretreatment system ※1: If body settles on hanger after initial body floating, there would be no problem.
and an E-coat system. [Refer to ※1]
Body floating occurs at a speed of: For Honda Sayama Plant 1986:
・Normally: 5m/min or above 1) Anti-floating measures was not employed.
・Some type of body may float even at a speed of approx. 4m/min. 2) Body back-moving style was employed.
3) Conveyor angle was 30°, however, actual body-entering angle into a tank was 17 to 18°.

4-4-2 Measures to prevent body-floating Under this condition, there was no trouble for two years from commissioning.

1) Employment of body-automatic-fixing method between body and hanger:

It provides easier fixing of a body by a manual-fixing method, but very difficult by an
automatic-body-fixing method.
1a) Provision of setting pins at body bottom ※2: Body back-moving (Body rear-end is foregoing when body is processed.)
It is difficult to provide common setting holes in a case that many types of car are S2 S1
produced. If common fixing holes can be provided, they should be prepared during Back Front
design stage of cars. TKS installed it in Mazda-USA.
1b) For both-side suspended hangers, doors and windows B A

are to be automatically and firmly held by use of L2 L1

rotating pins fixed at hangers. (This is unable to apply
for one-side suspended hangers)
TKS installed it in Mazda Hofu Plant.
1c) Door-opening jigs are to be automatically held. (This may be the most possible
method.) TKS installed it in Mitsubishi USA Plant.
・In a case of body front-moving system, the largest floating force occurs just before a timing that
2) Employment of Electromagnet: “A”-portion that is a door bottom submerges into solution
It can be employed in a pretreatment system, not in
an E-coat system. ・Body back-moving system is more advantageous than body front-moving system, since L1 is
TKS installed it in Mitsubishi Mizushima plant in Magnet 5kw generally larger than L2. For the body back-moving system, water easily enters into a body Body angle should be checked
Japan and Hyundai plant in Korea. because of larger door opening, since door hinges locates at opposite side. It should be noted that on locus line.
door-opening jig should be securely fixed. The body back-moving system is changed to the body
3) Other methods to reduce body floating front-moving system after an E-Coat system.
3a) To increase body-inclination angle when entering into a tank. (Refer to Page 6) Be
sure that this should be applied for a body angle, not for a conveyor inclination ・Countermeasure for anti-air pocket:
angle. For a case that S1 is larger than S2, the back moving system provides larger body angle when
TKS installed it in a 3 way conveyor in Honda Suzuka Plant “Point D” or “Point E” come across solution level. Thus, the back moving system is useful as a
3b) Back-moving system of body (Refer to ※2)) countermeasure for anti-air pocket.
TKS installed it in Honda Sayama and Suzuka Plant.

3E004 Conveyor System.DOC

TKS Industrial Co. Confidential

P16 ’88.11.17.
4. Conveyor system 4-5. Conveyor protection and conveyor cover
4-5. Conveyor protection and Conveyor system in a pretreatment system is always exposed to severe conditions (Higher temperature and ◎ Hanger types:
conveyor cover humidity, and acid chemicals). In order to resist against such worse conditions, many conveyor rails and chains (A) One-side open type hanger (Other naming are “One-side suspended type”,
are designed to be of external type that are mounted outside enclosure. But E-coat system has no corrosion or “L-type”, or “C-type”
problems. Hence normally conveyor rail for E-coat system employs internal type that is mounted inside enclosure. If (B) Open-Close type both-side suspended hanger
an external type is employed, it is to be noted about odor leaked through seal portion. In addition, it is necessary to (C) Fixed-type both-side suspended hanger
prepare measures to prevent defects on body, the defects that might be caused by oil, dust, and water droplets that
fall down from conveyor.

◎Remarks for L-type hanger

4-5-1. Conveyor-Internal type 4-5-1. Conveyor-Internal type Without C-Neck

Declivity toward
① Both-end ② One-side right direction Acclivity toward
suspended suspended should be avoided. right direction :BEST
For spray zone: hanger hanger (Interfered with (Patented by Daifuku)
conveyer cover )
opening Horizontal: Acceptable

To be adjustable
by use of buckle
← For a one-side suspended hanger, mounting method should be reviewed carefully.

For dip zone:

③ Conveyor cover for Dip zone ④

Width can't be increased

due to C-neck

Width is to be increased
as much as possible
to cover above body

50 50

3E004 Conveyor System.DOC

TKS Industrial Co. Confidential

P17 ’88.11.17.
4. Conveyor system
4-5. Conveyor protection and 4-5-2 Conveyor covers
conveyor cover As mentioned above, many types of conveyor cover are available. But their installations are tough jobs. If you can
4-5-2 Conveyor covers manage it, there would be no other tough job for installation of a pretreatment system.
1) Clearance should be checked in relations with a conveyor cover, a distance below sealing point, and the
・Up-Down zone
・Dolphin zone
・Dip tank level
・Spray risers
2) It is necessary to receive conveyor locus drawings from a conveyor supplier, the drawings that show projected
portions of a hanger and seal portion. Projections are, for example, a guide for anti-deflection and actuator for
limit switch etc.
3) Adjusting mechanisms such as long holes are to be provided in conveyor cover, the holes that enable adjustment
even after installation.
4) Welded joint should be avoided for easier replacement of conveyor rail.
5) Projections should be avoided at underside of conveyor cover in order to prevent falling of water droplet.
6) Conveyor cover is to be fabricated with stainless steel in order to prevent defects caused by falling of water
droplet containing iron rust.

4-6. Preventive methods of defect, 4-6. Measures to prevent defects that are caused by water droplet from hangers
caused by water droplet from (Contamination defects)
hangers Hangers should not become contamination sources. They should be designed to avoid buildup of contaminated
water, and to allow easier cleaning as maintenance.
With one-side suspended hanger, the contamination defects have been greatly reduced due to employment of wider
conveyor covers that covers sufficiently above body and no hanger contamination caused by spray process. Hence,
the preventive methods mentioned here are mainly applicable to only both-side suspended hangers.

1) Construction of hanger: ← The reason why hangers are to be epoxy-coated:

(Epoxy paint should be applied on hangers to avoid adhesion of E-coat paint.) If hangers are not coated with epoxy paint, electro-coated film on hanger in E-coat system enters into a
Member is constructed to pretreatment system without baking. Then pretreatment chemical agents adhere on unbaked painted film.
decline toward ends from Water droplet
center . receiver It stains E-coat solution, that is, various ions are brought into E-coat system. In order to avoid E-coating on
hangers, they are to be epoxy-painted. But life of epoxy paint film on hanger isn’t durable for longer period.
Cylindrical Hangers are required to be repainted by epoxy paint at an interval of two years. In order to solve this
problem, a transfer system should be provided between a pretreatment system and an E-coat system.
Hangers are to be provided separately for exclusive use of respective system.

Hanger areas where blowing Both side open type causes much
is required are shown in droplet falling.
sloped line marks. Thus fixed type hanger is better
one, since it has no shaft.

3E004 Conveyor System.DOC

TKS Industrial Co. Confidential

3E004 Conveyor System.DOC

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