Groups With No Normal Subgroups of Order 9
Groups With No Normal Subgroups of Order 9
Groups With No Normal Subgroups of Order 9
The order of φ(G) divides both |Sym(G/P)| = 24 and |G| = 36, and is di-
visible by |G/P| = 4 since G acts transitively on G/P. This leaves us with
only two possibilities: |φ(G)| = 4, or 12. In the former case, Ker φ would
be a normal subgroup of order 9, hence contradicting the hypothesis. Thus,
|φ(G)| = 12, and Ker φ is a normal subgroup of order 3.
The alternating group A4 does not admit a nontrivial homomorphism
into a group of order 2. Since |Sym(G/P)/φ(G)| = 2, the composite homo-
Alt(G/P) ,→ Sym(G/P) 9 Sym(G/)/φ(G) (2)
is trivial showing that φ(G) coincides with Alt(G/P) ' A4 .
We have thus established that G fits into an extension
C3 v w G w w A4 . (3)
In particular, V is normal and the abelian group C3 V ' C3 ×V is a normal
subgroup of G of order 12.
Case 1: G has at least three elements of order 3. In this case,
at least one of them, u, does not belong to center C3 . The subgroup H ˜
Vhui⊂G, which has exactly 12 elements, is generated by the set X ˜ V ∪ {u},
and its image π(X) generates group A4 that has the same number of elements
as H. It follows, that π restricted to H is an isomorphism of H with A4 . Since
|G| = |C3 H|, and C3 is central, we conclude that
G = C3 H ' C3 × A4 . (5)
and ρ2 (t) = ρ1 (t−1 ), there exists only one nonabelian semidirect product (6)
up to isomorphism. This is thus a unique nontrivial central extension of A4
by C3 .
In particular, we have proved that there are only two groups of order 36,
up to isomorphism, with no normal subgroup of order 9.
Note that in Case 1, there are exactly 3 elements of order 2 in G, 3 · 8 +
2 = 26 elements of order 3, 2 · 3 = 6 elements of order 6, and no elements of
order 9.
In Case 2, there are exactly 2 elements of order 3 in G and 4 · 6 = 24
elements of order 9. The number of elements of order 2 and 6 is the same
as in the other case.
The set of subgroups of order 9 is freely operated by the Klein group V.
1 Otherwise G would have a normal subgroup of order 9.
Groups with a normal subgroup of order 9
There are four cases:
Case 1: G ' C9 o C4 . There is only one nontrivial homomorphism
of dihedral group D9 by C2 .
Case 2: G ' C9 o C22 . There is only one, up to an automorphism of C22 ,
nontrivial homomorphism