Recent Developments in Piping Vibration Screening Limits
Recent Developments in Piping Vibration Screening Limits
Recent Developments in Piping Vibration Screening Limits
S UM M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 8 » VO LU M E 6
Piping vibration limits are typically justified by experience and While design guidance is provided in standards such as
lack a well-documented technical basis. This article summarizes ASME OM-3 [2] for the nuclear industry and API 618 [3] for
the work performed by E²G and fellow industry collaborators reciprocating gas compressors, API/ASME standards do not exist
working as members of the API 579 Part 16 Task Group on the for the vibration fatigue assessments of in-service piping.
development of a new Fitness-for-Service method to evaluate
vibrations in process piping. The complete article can be found The proposed methodology addresses the following common
in the ASME PVP Proceedings PVP2018-84847. questions that arise when using existing methods:
Members of the API 579 Task Group developed the updated 1. In the case of multiple dominant spectrum peaks, which
vibration screening criteria by performing Finite Element frequency spectrum (FFT) peak should be assessed in
Analysis (FEA) on 20,000 randomly generated candidate piping the vibration frequency spectrum? How is a dominant
models, and evaluating the results using high-cycle welded spectral peak defined in situations with multi-modal
joint fatigue models for both constant amplitude and variable vibration?
amplitude loading.
2. What is the amount of safety margin embedded in the
The screening limits presented are applicable to situations of existing industry criteria?
mechanically-induced, two-phase flow-induced, turbulent-induced
vibration of single-phase process fluid, or wind-induced, 3. What is the difference between ‘correction’ and
vibration. Instead of using a single blanket limit, to reduce ‘danger,’ or ‘concern’ and ‘problem’ levels, when
conservatism, separate limits are now established for butt-welded multiple limits are defined in a single method?
and non-butt construction. Prior screening limits are mostly
overly-conservative and, when used, often leading to
unnecessary piping support alterations/additions, or costly
piping configuration changes and unit downtime.
Most vibration screening criteria are either velocity-based The origins of the most commonly used displacement-based
or displacement-based. The Energy Institute (EI) Guidelines criteria are less known. These criteria are shown in Figure 2.
for Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue Failure in Process Literature [5] credits Nimitz [6] in 1974 for the initial development
Pipework [1] presents the most commonly used velocity of the ‘haystack curves’; however, Reference [6] is not readily
limit criteria based on measurement of the root-mean-square available. E2G has identified the earliest publication of these
(RMS) velocity. limits in a 1979 Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) Report 160 [7].
The EI limits [1] are shown in Figure 1 and plotted against the The Nimitz/SWRI displacement criteria require measurement
most conservative ASME OM-3 [2] limit of 0.5 ips 0-pk or 0.352 of a peak-to-peak displacement and provide 5 choices of
ips RMS. This conversion of 0-pk amplitude units to RMS units limits. Reference [7] indicates these criteria are for average
assumes a crest factor (CF) of 1.414. piping systems constructed in accordance with good engineering
practices and that additional allowance for critical applications
The EI limits are based on an allowable dynamic stress or unreinforced branch connections should be made.
amplitude of 2.5 ksi, which corresponds to a BS7608 [4] Class These statements, along with the multiple choices for
F2 Welded Joint Fatigue curve, and a Safety Factor (SF) of 2.0. acceptability limits and lack of available technical basis, place an
The ‘concern’ limit forms the lower bound of a variety of FEA excessive amount of onus on the user.
models corresponding to the vibration velocity and frequency
that result in 2.5 ksi constant amplitude fatigue limit. The 2.5 ksi Figure 3 compares all of the displacement and velocity limits
fatigue limit is analogous to an endurance limit for flaw on a single plot by converting the displacement-based limits
initiation, and relates to a threshold stress intensity that does to RMS velocity per the fundamental relationship,
not result in crack growth.
101 101
Allowable Displacement (pk-to-pk in)
10-2 10-1
10-3 10-3
100 101 102 100 101 102
Ef f e c tiv e F re q u e n c y (H z) Ef f ect i v e F r equ en cy ( Hz )
Nimitz/SWRI Correction
Nimitz/SWRI Danger
Figure 2. Commonly Used Displacement-Based Screening Criteria Figure 3. Compilation of All Commonly Used Screening Criteria
Cast into RMS Velocity Units
In the case of random vibration, an accurate signal RMS can with the RMS of the signal. In each of the 100 test cases,
be measured with substantially fewer data points than a true less than 10,000 samples are required for 10% accuracy of the
peak-to-peak signal for the same vibration time waveform. In signal RMS, as compared to over 175,000 samples for the same
addition, the signal RMS is tolerant to the occasional outliers in accuracy when searching for the true peak value (which was
data that can be sources of implementation error in identifying known ahead of time for these calculations since these were
a signal’s true peak-to-peak value. pre-generated datasets).
To illustrate these advantages of the signal RMS over the Using probability theory, it can be shown that a peak with
signal peak-to-peak, Figure 4 shows the results of 100 a CF greater than 5 (5x RMS) is only found with a 40%
pre-generated Gaussian narrow-band random signals probability if 2 million peaks are measured. Based on the
representative of vibration from two-phase flow-induced author’s experience, most Gaussian random piping vibration
turbulence. The signal was evaluated to determine the relative data have a CF of 4 to 4.5 for typically measured datasets.
error between the highest measured peak value and the actual This result alludes to the difficulty in obtaining a true peak value
pre-determined true peak in the dataset. The same was done for a random piping vibration.
with the RMS of the signal. In each of the 100 test cases,
Percent Error in Measured Pk Velocity
0 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K
Percent Error in Measured RMS Velocity
0 50K 100K 150K 200K 250K
Number of Samples
Figure 4. 100 Examples of the Relative Error in Finding the True Peak Value Versus the True Signal RMS in Pre-Generated Data as More Data Points are Sampled
Some practitioners interpret the screening limits as spectral In cases of narrow-band random vibration (i.e., approximately
comparisons by plotting the entire FFT spectrum against the one peak per zero-crossing), the frequency of occurrence of
screening criteria. While this works for vibration responses major peaks in the time waveform will almost exactly produce
with a dominant frequency, treatment of multi-modal the same result as shown in equation (2) and can usually be
piping vibration signals is often a source of confusion when performed through observation of the time waveform directly
viewing the amplitudes of an FFT. It is important to note that in the field.
FFT amplitudes do not describe how the phases of the signal
combine to form the overall stress-producing time waveform. Figure 5 shows the velocity FFT spectrum of a random vibration
Therefore, the better measure of fatigue damage is the time signal plotted against the EI screening limits. The entire
waveform itself, of which the overall energy is quantifiable spectrum is below the lower EI ‘concern’ limit, so many users
using the signal RMS. would consider the measured vibration to be acceptable.
However, the FFT amplitudes do not describe how the phases
In the case of constant amplitude vibration with a single of the signal combine to form the overall stress-producing time
dominant frequency or sinusoidal response, plotting of the signal. This is evident by plotting the overall RMS velocity at the
frequency for screening purposes is straightforward. However, effective frequency (red dot). The overall RMS value is more
if the vibration is broad-banded random, a single dominant representative of the total energy of the vibration. This example
frequency does not exist; instead, the energy is smeared over is representative of cases of random vibration from two-phase
a frequency range. In this circumstance, the highest amplitude flow-induced turbulence, where conventional screening methods
of one frequency bin does not represent the overall energy of can be unconservative.
the vibration. Assuming so will produce unconservative
results. Similar confusion can exist with multi-modal responses
typically found in reciprocating compressor systems. In either
case, prior screening methods do not provide clarification
into broad-band random, multi-modal and multi-peak
vibration analysis.
N 10-5
2 2
ƒe = ƒi v RMS,i 2
V RMS 10-6
100 101 102
where V��� is the overall signal RMS velocity and νrms,i is Ef f ect i v e F r equ en cy ( Hz )
the ith amplitude of the RMS-scaled velocity spectrum at a
frequency ƒi for the N bins in the spectrum. In cases of pure EI Screening
sinusoidal vibration, equation (2) collapses to the frequency EI Screening
of the sinewave. Spectrum
Overall RMS and Effective Frequency
While the API 579 Part 14 welded fatigue curve is a modern design fatigue curves were later modified for cycles
and successful method for evaluating fatigue in weldments greater than 1x10⁶ in post-1995 versions of ASME Section
below 10⁷ cycles, the methodology is not designed for use VIII-2 [13]. If that was the source for the non-welded endurance
in vibration service, where stress cycles can typically be limit, it was likely selected based on choosing the stress
above 10⁷ cycles. When developing the API 579 Part 14 corresponding to the right-most point on the elastic fatigue
welded SN curve, only 19 known weldments were tested to curve at 1x10⁶ cycles.
failure above 10⁷ cycles. This does not necessarily justify a
single sloped fatigue model (when viewed on a log-log plot). Historically, the most technically appropriate choice of
The Part 14 welded SN Curve simply does not have the allowable stress for screening becomes moot once
experimental backing to be used for cycles greater than 10⁷. conservative safety factors (SF) and stress concentration
Experimental data of near-threshold crack growth factors (SCFs) are selected. If a standard v-groove weld cap
behavior in weldments clearly show a non-propagating has an SCF of 2.0, and an SF of 2.0, the resulting non-welded
stress limit and have been documented by OHTA [9]. In the endurance limit would be (26,000 psi range)/[(2.0)(2.0)],
authors’ experience, use of a m ~ 3.0 SN curve past 10⁷ or 6,500 psi range. The result is close to the BS7608 design Soc
cycles commonly results in mean-life predictions that do not of 7,687 psi [4]. Fortunately, no additional SF should be
agree with the service life of most vibrating piping systems. required for the welded joint Soc since it is based on a mean-2σ
design level. Ultimately, use of the base metal allowable versus
Adjusted high-cycle fatigue models are currently under the welded fatigue allowable becomes a technicality when
development by E²G and are intended to be balloted in the considering both have been validated through experience.
upcoming edition of API 579 Part 14. For now, this article However, E²G’s goal is to reduce conservatism through the
uses the high-cycle fatigue models per European Standards refinement of such assumptions.
BS7608 [4] and PD5500 [10] due to their closer agreement with
near-threshold crack growth behavior. Random Vibration Allowable Stress
ze -z² / 2
4 DG = ƒe Tdur dz
Wachel [11] [12] used an allowable stress range of 26,000 N (2zSRMS )
psi for carbon steel. This allowable range is consistent with
non-welded fatigue models originally found in pre-1995
editions of the ASME Section III and ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code Section VIII-2 [13]. However, the ASME non-welded
signal kurtosis is explicitly calculated to verify the vibration is
Gaussian Random. 700
100 101 102 103
Ef f ect i v e F r equ en cy ( Hz )
Kurtosis = 3 (Gaussian)
Kurtosis = 4
Kurtosis = 5
Kurtosis = 6
Kurtosis = 7
Kurtosis = 8
Kurtosis = 9
The allowable RMS vibration velocity, vallow,���, is determined Point mass and distributed weight correction factors K1 and
with choice of an allowable RMS stress, σallow,���; a stress K3 described by Wachel [11] [12] are included in the analysis
concentration factor, SCF; and the stress-to-velocity ratio, since the FEA models use an effective metal density to
Kv, that defines the dynamic stiffness of the piping system and capture the randomly selected product-specific gravities and
is frequency-dependent. insulation thickness. Choice of insulation thickness is based
on a randomly selected pipe OD and temperature using
the Equity Engineering Practices insulation table for use of
σ allow,RMS 15 lbf/ft³ insulation on process piping as a function of diameter
vallow,RMS = 6
Kv · SCF and temperature.
factors derived from the FEA. SCFs are factors on the nominal
far-field stress used to obtain the correct local
membrane-plus-bending stress at geometric discontinuities.
The product of the SCF and the nominal stress account for C
all geometric stress rising effect at a connection, except for B
the weld detail itself. SCFs are not explicitly modeled in the
Monte Carlo FEA simulations for items such as reducers, flanged A C A
elbows, tees/branch connections, stiffening rings, etc., that may
exist anywhere in the pipe spans. These sources of SCF are later
incorporated when defining a lower bound to the Monte Carlo
point cloud results. 3D in-Plane U-Bend 3D Bend
Pipe Wall Thickness Schedule 40, STD, 80, 160, XXS Random Choice
Gate Valve and Flange Weights Based on Valve Classes for Sizes NPS 2 to 24 --
Insulation Thickness (15 lb/ft3 density) Per Insulation thickness Table in Equity EP 11-1-1 Random Choice
The presence of an unsupported mass (valve) appreciably curve is fit to the lowest allowable velocities found in 30 equally
increases the system Kv factors, regardless of mode shape. log-spaced frequency bins between 1 Hz and 150 Hz.
Additionally, on average, the first mode shape has substantially These values are plotted using red circles in Figure 9. The lower
less dynamic stress compared to higher order mode shapes. bound curves are subsequently shifted by an SCFs to account
These results are consistent with what was found by Wachel, for unmodeled structural discontinuities. Note that, since a
et al. [12]. welded fatigue model is used to define the allowable stresses,
the effect of the weld cap is already included in the result
Figure 9 shows the allowable periodic RMS velocity point cloud (i.e., a circumferential butt weld in a seamless pipe has an SCF = 1).
results, determined using equation 7, for the most limiting
geometry of a Z-Bend and a periodic allowable stress of 2718 In practice, SCFs can be computed using a variety of options,
psi RMS based on BS7608 (0.5Soc/1.414). Each point represents including ASME Section III Stress Indices, ASME B31.1 or B31.3
an FEA-calculated Kv factor (approximately 2,500 FEA cases Appendix D SIFs, ASME B31J (STP-PT-073 [15]), or FEA to
without valves and 2,500 FEA cases with a valve randomly placed determine the ratio of local membrane-plus-bending stress to
in leg A, B, or C). Points that lie above the existing EI guidance the far-field nominal stress for a geometric discontinuity.
suggest an unused margin. Points that lie below the screening
limit would suggest the EI screening limit is unconservative. There is a clear effect of the allowable velocity on frequency.
The periodic results suggest that mainline piping and piping Higher SCFs can be tolerated for frequencies below 10 Hz.
components with SCFs lower than 2 can be screened using the Substantial margin exists on the lower EI ‘concern’ limit, which
existing upper EI ‘problem’ line. would lead to overly conservative conclusions for SCFs > 8.0.
Final RMS velocity screening values are determined using Wachel, et al. [12] uses a non-welded endurance limit of 13,000
a lower bound to the point cloud results. The lower bound psi amplitude, a Kv factor of 318 psi/ips, and an SF of 2.0, and
Figure 10A and Figure 10B present the results for allowable
RMS velocities for cases of Gaussian random vibration
(ku = 3.0). Substantial margin is identified between the point
cloud and the lower EI ‘concern’ line for SCFs ≤ 3.0. The results
indicate that, for SCFs > 3.0, the lower EI ‘concern’ line is
capable of producing unconservative results for cases of
random vibration.
10³ 10³
Allowable RMS Velocity (ips)
10² 10²
10¹ 10¹
10⁰ 10⁰
10-1 10-1
10-2 10-2
10-2 10-1 10⁰ 10¹ 10² 10³ 10-2 10-1 10⁰ 10¹ 10² 10³
Effective Frequency (Hz)
Figure 9. Z-Bend FEA Results for Periodic Vibration Compared to Existing EI Screening Guidance Cases without Valves (A) and Cases with
Unsupported Valves (B)
10³ 10³
Allowable RMS Velocity (ips)
10² 10²
10¹ 10¹
10⁰ 10⁰
10-1 10-1
10-2 10-2
10-2 10-1 10⁰ 10¹ 10² 10³ 10-2 10-1 10⁰ 10¹ 10² 10³
Effective Frequency (Hz)
Mode 5 Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 1.0) Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 7.0)
Mode 4 Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 2.0) Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 8.0)
Mode 3 Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 3.0) Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 9.0)
Mode 2 Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 4.0) EI Concern
Mode 1 Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 5.0) EI Problem
Lower Bound Points Best Fit to Lower Bound (SCF = 6.0)
Figure 10. Z-Bend FEA Results for Gaussian Random Vibration Compared to Existing EI Screening Guidance Cases without Valves (A) and Cases with
Unsupported Valves (B)
Group A Random
Group A Random w/Valves
Group B Random
Group B Random w/Valves
Group A Periodic without Unsupported Valves: Group B Periodic without Unsupported Valves:
0.352 in/s RMS, fe < 35Hz
a a
VRMS = 10.1 in/s RMS VRMS = RMS log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017
0.0394 10 2.127612 in/s RMS, fe ≥ 35Hz
Group A Periodic with Unsupported Valves: Group B Periodic with Unsupported Valves:
0.707 in/s RMS, fe < 150Hz 0.25 in/s RMS, fe < 16.5Hz
a a
VRMS = log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017 VRMS = log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017
Group A Random without Unsupported Valves: Group B Random without Unsupported Valves:
0.352 in/s RMS, fe < 35Hz 0.14 in/s RMS, fe < 4.8Hz
a a
VRMS = log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017
VRMS = log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017
0.0394 10 2.127612 in/s RMS, fe ≥ 35Hz 0.0394 10 2.127612 in/s RMS, fe ≥ 4.8Hz
Group A Random with Unsupported Valves: Group B Random with Unsupported Valves:
0.22 in/s RMS, fe < 13Hz 0.1 in/s RMS, fe < 2.4Hz
a a
VRMS = log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017 VRMS = log₁₀ ( ƒₑ) + 0.48017
0.0394 10 2.127612 in/s RMS, fe ≥ 13Hz 0.0394 10 2.127612 in/s RMS, fe ≥ 2.4Hz
Staff Engineer I