Antenna 2
Antenna 2
Antenna 2
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Abstract. Design, fabrication, and characterization prototype of reconfigurable dipole microstrip antenna using photodiode as
optical switching have been conducted in the Laboratory for Optical and Microwave Physics Department Faculty of ITS. This
paper presents a new reconfigurable antenna design using photodiode as optical switching. In order to be optical switching,
photodiode must be illuminated by optical source. The optical source used is Infrared with power 8 mW. Antenna is fabricated in
FR-4 substrate which has 1.6 mm thick and 4.8 relative permittivity value. The dimension of the substrate is 131 mm × 21.5 mm ×
1.6 mm. The structure of antenna is Coplanar Stripline (CPS) dipole. Measurement is conducted in two state. First state is
photodiodes unilluminated Infrared and the second state is illuminated. The measurement result indicate that if condition is not
illuminated by Infrared (OFF-state) antenna has resonance frequency of 2010 MHz and 2120 MHz. At frequency 2010 MHz, S11
value -35.7 dB and bandwidth 57 MHz, meanwhile at frequency 2120 MHz, S11 value -17.3 dB and bandwidth 42 MHz. Then if
photodiode was illuminated by infrared (ON-state), antenna work at frequency 2007 MHz with S11 value –41.8 dB and bandwidth
61 MHz and 2113 MHz with S11 value -19.4 and bandwidth 47 MHz. There was frequency shifting from 2010 MHz to 2007
MHz and 2120 MHz to 2113 MHz of 5 MHz. At ON state, S11 value also was shifting. There was 6.1 dB and 2.1 dB. Bandwidth
at ON-state is wider than OFF state. Microstrip antenna with a reconfigurable optical switching photodiode has several advantages.
The advantages are more easily fabricated and the cost is relatively cheaper than the other techniques of optical switching.
Keywords: reconfigurable antenna microstrip, photodiode, optical switching, infrared, coplanar stripline
slots, reconfigurable slots, and a ground strip slot.The Where
other switching method is by introducing an adjustable g is the wavelength in antenna
air gap between the substrate and the ground plane was
taken by Fortaki et al [9]. In this paper we approach, a 0 is the wavelength in free space
new geometry and technique optical switches of eff is the effective dielectric constant
reconfigurable antennas by using the bias
configurations of the photodiode. f is the operating frequency of antenna
A photodiode is a type of photodetector capable of
converting light into either current or voltage. It is a p- Coplanar Stripline is microstrip antenna structure
consists of two striplines patch that is separated by gap.
n junction whose reverse current increases when it
Gap is fully contained of substrate. The design of
absorbs photons [10]. When photons strike the
Coplanar Stripline can be seen at Figure 2.
photodiode, it are absorbed, an electron-hole pair is
generated. But only where an electric field is present
can the charge carriers be transported in a particular
direction. Since a p-n junction can support an electric
field only in the depletion layer, this is the region in
which it is desirable to generate photo carriers as
Figure 1. Thus holes move toward the anode, and
electrons toward the cathode, and a photocurrent is
FIGURE 2. Coplanar Stripline Design
K ' k
2 1 k'
eff 1 k
(2) K k 1 2 1 k
for 0,707 k 1 (8)
K ' k 1 k
Where TABLE 1. Dimension of Purpose Antenna
h is the substrate thickness Parameter Size (mm)
L1 45.14
r is the effective dielectric constant L2 45.14
a or s is the gap width L3 17.47
b is the width of two stripline and gap L4 15
w is the stripline width L5 15
W1 2.2
W2 3.94
S1 1.35
S3 3
Antenna design is a balanced dipole in CPS
(Coplanar Stripline) fabricated on fiber substrate has
permittivity of 4.8 and 1.6 mm thick. The dimension MEASUREMENT SETUP
of the substrate is 131 mm × 21.5 mm × 1.6 mm.
Antenna was equipped with four photodiode as Measurement of antenna characteristic is
photoconductive switching. Photodiodes are low cost conducted using Network analyzer N9923A. The
and have a simple fabrication process. The antenna get photodiodes as optical switching are illuminated
the input matching impedance of Z0 is 50ohm as Infrared with power 8 mW. Measurement is conducted
according to impedance from connector. in two states. First state is photodiodes unilluminated
Antenna was designed in the form of planar Infrared (OFF-state) and second state (ON-state) is
structures and using CST Microwave Studio which is illuminated.
based on finite integration method. The geometry of
the reconfigurable antenna is shown in Figure 3 and its
parameters size in Table 1.
FIGURE 4. Graph Frequency vs S11 of Antenna
FIGURE 3. Reconfigurable Antenna Design ( a) Passive The Figure .4 shows that if condition was not
antenna configuration and ( b) Antenna configuration with illuminated by infrared (OFF state), antenna has
photodiode and connector resonance frequency of 2010 MHz and 2120 MHz. At
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