Ibp - S2 - Business Description

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International Business Plan


Professor: Dr. Manuel Ruiz Hurtado

Session Content

• What’s Strategy?
• What’s Strategic Planning?
• Mission Statement
• Vision Statement
• Corporate Values
• Objectives
Learning Outcome

They are able to

write a vision Within an
At the define strategic environment of
students planning and statement, mission
end of the statement, values respect and
session understand its collaboration
importance. and strategic
Mission, Vision & Values

Identify who does it belong to? Is it vision or mission?

To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person,

one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in Mission

the world. *If you have a body, you are an athlete.

Helping customers pioneer more sustainable solutions,

delivering packages more efficiently, creating more
connections around the world and finding more ways to
take action and give back.

To contribute to the sustainable development of society

and that of the environment with which we interact.
Tesla vision and mission

Alibaba vision and mission


Time: 15 minutes

Find the mission and vision statement of your favorite company (PPT Presentation)

• Mission

• Vision

Does the vision and mission match the reality of the company?
Mission, Vision & Values

Why do you
think it is
necessary for a
company to
have a
strategic plan?
¿What is Strategy?

Intro Video

“…strategy acts as the means to achieve the objective”

Strategy Deployment Pyramid
What are KPI’s ?



To Plan Business Plan

Planning is a way to anticipate the It helps us to visualize today how the
future. By doing this, a businessman or different areas of the business or
entrepreneur anticipates the company should operate so that together
environment in which his company will they allow to achieve the desired
face and what decisions he must make objectives in the most efficient way
to achieve his objectives, reducing possible, this is, to produce the maximum
uncertainty and risk. of results with the minimum of resources.
What is Strategic Planning?

o Process to establish priorities on what you will

accomplish the future.

o Forces you to make choices on what you will do and

what you will not do.

o Pulls the entire organization together around a single

game plan for execution.

o Broad outline on where resources will get allocated.

Why do Strategic Planning?

o If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail – be proactive

about the future.

o Strategic planning improves performance.

o Counter excessive inward and short-term thinking.

o Solve major issues at a macro level.

o Communicate to everyone what is most important.

Types of Planning?

o Strategic planning.
• .
o Business planning.
• .
o Project planning.
• .

o Program planning. • .

o Municipal planning. •

o Among others.
Fundamental Questions to Ask

Where do we
Where are we
need to be?
(Assessment). (Gap / Future
End State).

How will we
How will we
monitor our
close the gap
A Good Strategy Plan Should

Create the right balance

Address critical performance between what the organization
issues. can do vs. what the
organization would like to do.

Cover a reasonable time period Visionary – convey a desired

to close the performance gap. future end state.

Guide decision making at lower

Flexible – allow and
levels – operational, tactical,
accommodate change.
Strategic Planning Model: A, B, C, D, E

Where we are Where we want to be How we will do it How are we doing

Assessment Baseline Components Downto Evaluate


• Environmental Scan • Situation– Past, • Mission & Vision • Performance • Performance

Present and Future Measurement Management

• Background • Significant Issues • Values/ Guiding • Targets / Standards of • ReviewProgress –

Information Principles Performance Balanced Scorecard

• SituationalAnalysis • Align / Fit with • Major Goals • Initiativesand • Take Corrective

Capabilities Projects Actions

• SWOT– Strengths, • Gaps • SpecificObjectives • Action Plans • Feedbackupstream–

Weaknesses, revise plans

Matt H. Evans.
Mission Statement
Captures the essence of why the organization exists - Who we are,
what we do.
Explains the basic needs that you fulfill.

Expresses the core values of the organization.

Should be brief and to the point.

Easy to understand.

If possible, try to convey the unique nature of your organization and

the role it plays that differentiates it from others.
Mission Statement

“Committed to provide every citizen of the world with the best service
of the air travel to the extensive selection of destination possible”.

“To give people the power to share and make the world more open and

“Advancing technology and science through flight”.

“To be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat and drink”.
Vision Statement

How the organization wants to be perceived in the

future – what success looks like.

An expression of the desired end state.

Challenges everyone to reach for something

significant – inspires a compelling future.

Provides a long-term focus for the entire

Vision Statement

“To be a world’s most reliable, affordable, and profitable airline”.

“People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to

discover the what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what
matters to them.”

“To fly what others only imagine”.

“To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even
better McDonald’s serving more customers delicious food each day
around the world.”
Corporate Values / Core Values

The fundamental beliefs upon which your

business and its behavior are based.
The guiding principles that your business uses
to manage its internal affairs as well as its
relationship with customers.

Ex. Nestlé

Values Employees Should Strive to Emulate

Values are purposeful. They

Values are choices. Rather than
should be specific to your
seeing your values as beliefs,
company, and they should align
treat them like choices.
with your company’s goals.

Values will cost you. Like any Values require action. Beliefs
choice, values come with an without action are just empty
inherent cost. words.

Values are timeless.

How to Define Corporate Values

You can jumpstart

What core values What principles
and guide the
will resonate with should guide our
process with
our customers? choices?
questions like:

What do we want How will our values What qualities do

our company to be distinguish us from we value in
known for? competitors? employees?

Corporate Values Examples

Customer commitment, quality, integrity, teamwork, respect for people,

good citizenship, a will to win, personal accountability.

Focus on impact, move fast, be bold, be open, build social value.

Safety, Excellence, Teamwork, Integrity.

Responsible Leadership, Progressiveness, Local Integration.

Strategic Objectives

Compels the Simple and

organization easy to
into action. understand.

Conveys Acceptable to
responsibility those who
and ownership. must execute.

Business description - Goals

Goals Action plans Actions Control

•Theorists •Defined
•Organized by • Start and end
perspectives. • Organized by date
• Heading
tracking and
•Short, medium •Necessary
and long term resources
Examples goals

Goals Action plans Actions Control

•Indentify low
Finance cost suppliers
department will
Reduce operating conduct an in- • Contact best 3
cost by 10 depht analysis of low cost Operating Cost
percent in 18 indentifying low suppliers
months. cost suppliers
• Establish
Examples goals

Goals Action plans Actions Control

• Create a Plan
department will
to increase
create and
Increase sales Sales
implement a plan
volume by 20 Sales volume
to increase sales
percent in 12 • Implement a
in regions 3 and
months Plan in regions 3
and 5
Organizational Objectives Examples
Develop a customer intelligence database system to capture and analyze patterns in purchasing
behavior across our product line.

Launch at least three value stream pilot projects to kick-off our transformation to a leaner organization.

Centralize the procurement process for improvements in enterprise-wide purchasing power.

Consolidate payable processing through a P-Card System over the next two years.

Monitor and address employee morale issues through an annual employee satisfaction survey across
all business functions.

* These objectives would be revised after finishing the business plan and establish more details.
Business description
Constitution and formalization of the business

1. Name search and reservation SUNARP

Business description
Constitution and formalization of the business

2. Prepare the Constitutive Act (Minute) Notary's office

3. Capital and asset payment Bank

4. Registration in Public Registries SUNARP

5. Registration to the RUC for Legal Person For SUNAT

Team work

From the company that was created the last class, propose:

• Vision
• Mission
• Description of the business
philosophy or corporate values
• 5 Goals (consider Actions and

* PPT presentation

These statements will help you focus on the important

aspects of your organization or business.

If done properly, they can save money and time

and increase the odds that your organization or
business venture will be successful.

Think of these statements as living documents that

may change as the needs of the organization or
business change

• https://www.extension.iastate.edu/
• Forbes
• Harvard Business Review
• https://www.gob.pe/
Thank you

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